Abandon Ship Drills: To Be Used During Toolbox Meeting As A Guide For Discussion

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To be used during Toolbox meeting as

a guide for discussion.
Abandon Ship drills
Items for discussion & analysis:
1. Abandon Ship procedures
2. Stop work conditions
3. Lowering life boat/raft into the water
4. On load release (side boat/FFB)
5. Life Boat embarkation procedures
6. Life raft embarkation procedure
7. Basic LSA use / demonstration
8. Lifeboat engine basics
9. Cold water survival technics
10. Communication plan
11. Roles and Responsibilities
12. Related hazards and performed risk Assessment outcome
13. Other (specify)

Vessel Date Time

Officer in Charge Department DECK  ENGINE 
Other Safety Issues or suggestions made by crew

Crew Attended

Name Rank Signature

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