Project Requirement Group-13

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RequiRement specification
foR the pRoject

inteRactive vocabulaRy buildeR -

GRoup - 13

The goal of this document is to give description of Vocabulary Builder. This project is used to
provide facilities to the registered users such as to attempt exam of particular category such as GRE,
IELTS, GMAT etc through which user can develop their vocabulary. It is useful for students aspiring
for these exams, it is also useful for professionals, employees and anyone with desire to develop
their vocabulary.

Traditional practices for vocabulary building includes reading big fat dictionaries, books etc.
This approaches are not very efficient and interactive to user. For a student appearing for certain
exam may not be able to read whole dictionary as it consist of all the words in the language and not
organized to that specific exam. User have to refer different materials for different exams. These
traditional approach may not provide a way for user to test their knowledge of what they’ve learnt.

Our project introduced an interactive way for user to learn and build their vocabulary on the
go. User don’t need to carry heavy books they just need a browser and internet connection to access
this application. Our application has organized structure for different exams. Each section of exam
consists of words that are related to that exam. Accessing only this single application user can
prepare for all the exam and won’t have to look for anywhere else as it is the one stop solution. User
can test their vocabulary knowledge and challenge themselves while learning and building their
vocabulary at the same time.

Other than just directly learning and testing their vocabulary our project also provide user to
maintain a personal dictionary of words that user failed to answer correctly in exam or user is weak
at. User can refer to this dictionary and strengthen their weak areas.
Functional Requirements
The Functional Requirement (also called Functional Specifications or Functional Requirement
Specifications), defines the capabilities and functions that a System must be able to perform

The functional specification describes what the system must do; how the system does it is described in
the Design Specification.

It should include functions performed by specific screens, outlines of work-flows performed by the
system and other business or compliance requirements the system must meet.

General Application Requirements:

1. The application should provide exams on several categories.
2. The application should develop a dictionary of words for user.

User Roles:

1. Admin (admin)
2. User (client)

Requirements Details:
1. Software should be used by authentic users.
2. Admin(admin)

i. Admin have their own login page.

ii. Admin should be able to add new categories and exams.
iii. Admin should be able to update or delete users, in case of any changes in personal
iv. Admin should be able to see usersdetails.
v. Admin can manage all the modules which includes user data, main homepage,
Dictionary etc.
vi. Admin can view all the user, their scorecard and their dictionary.

3. Clients:
i. User should be able to register and login.
ii. User should be able take test on specific exam.
iii. User can track their progress in the form of scorecard.
iv. User can track their incorrect answers in exam in the form of dictionary.
User Interface Requirements:

Each of the above mentioned requirements are discussed below:

1. Software should be used by authentic users.

1. Login Page

1.1 This is login page. It contains two buttons Login and Register.

1.2 If it is a new user then he/she will need to first register form by clicking Register button.

1.3 User will have to user their unique email and password.

1.4 User will get their username in registration module.

1.5 In case user entered incorrect information, then a short warning message would be
displayed right there after their input field in red color.

1.6 This will be done using client side validation that will check user pattern in user inputs . Such
as wheather user has entered any valid email address or not.

1.7 Forget password can be used to retrieve user password when they forget it. User then have
to enter their email address and their password will be sent to their email.

1.8 If user is existing then user will click login button.

2. Registration Page

2.1 This is the page in which user will be registered.

2.2 Name will be set by the user according to their choice and same will be shown in user profile.

2.2 Email id should be valid and here also client side validation will check for valid email address

2.3 Password should contain atleast 8 characters, 1 numeric and 1 special character. In case, user
doesn’t follow this pattern then they will be prompted with a warning message in red color
beside password input field. This validation will also be done using client side validation.

2.4 Confirm password is the field that required user to re-enter their password so that in case user in
entering wrong password they will know about that.

2.5 After clicking on Register Button, all the details of user will be stored in user table in database
and user will be registered in the database and user will be redirected to login page.
3. Main Page

3.1 This is the dashboard of our web application which displays various categories of words. This
categories comprises of words according to exams such as GRE, IELTS, GMAT etc and regural
spoken english words.

3.2 Visiting any of these categories introduces user with various set of question on vocabulary of
that category.

3.3 Each categories consists of several number of set of questions that further will open up exam
question page which consist of several number of questions.

3.4 Navigation bar here consists Home, Dictionary, Scorecard, About us, Sign out links.

3.5 Home link redirect user to current page, Dictionary redirect user to dictionary page, Scorecard
display page where score of user in the exam will be displayed, About us as the name says what
our application is all about and by clicking on sign out user can logged out of their current session.

3.4 User can view all the module in the project from this navigation bar.
4. Exam Sets page

4.1 The set view provides the user with the view of the all the sets of the exam for a particular

4.2 The sets are anchors in order to start the individual test.

4.3 The user can click on them and start attempting the respective test.

4.4 Each set further consists of several number of questions that user will answer.

4.5 Each set consists of unique questions.

5. Examination Page

5.1 The exam page displays the questions along with the options. Each page will consist of several
number of questions.

5.2 The option identifiers (A,B,C,D) are in fact buttons that can be clicked by the user. If the option
clicked by the user is correct the page will highlight the same else it will highlight the selected option
with red background and the correct option with green background.

5.3 The page also has a next page at the bottom right corner. This button will refresh the contents of
the page to display new questions.

6.1 This is the one of the core functionality in the application called as dictionary management.

6.2 By this feature user will able to maintain their personal dictionary which contain the list of
question along with the answer according to their respective category of the test in the
collapsible manner.
6.3 With the help of this dictionary user can track their performance and improve it.

6.4 This dictionary will contains question and answer that user answered incorrectly in exam.

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