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oS Dino Readin Contents; & ni G9@" @606 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Under the Christmas Tree 9 Social Studies Animal Numbers ~~ Math Lots of Legs Science The Animals All Sit ~~ Social Studies Time to Dance ~~ Social Studies A White, Snow Town ~~ Social Studies Rooms i a Sand House ~~~ 30 Social Studies Animals Sleep --- Social Studies Unit? Drawing a Cute Animal Arts Unit10 We Enjoy Sports ~ Physical Education Unit! Cooking for Our Friend ~~ Social Studies Unit 12 Sam the Robot : Arts Unit13 Maps of My Town------ Social Studies Unit 14 Three Fun Jobs Social Studies Unit 15 Listen 'to the Songs ~~~ Music Unit1é Opening Many Things ------ Social Studies » 38 46 62 a I | { Tee Soca Sues @weietmeas eee ' This story is about Christmas gifts for a family. gift ) Look under the Christmas tree. There are lots of gifts. There is a hat for my aunt. There is a watch for my uncle. There is a shirt for my cousin. There is a bone for their dog. Merry Christmas! ! ‘Wy ml wy | wy) ale, Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Thereis a Check the correct answers. ‘1. There is a bone for their C) cat () dog 2. There are under the Christmas tree. (_. lots of gifts a lots of toys Word Zone Match the pictures with the words, ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers, | There is a cap for my brother. | |) There is a shirt for my cousin. “| Look under the Christmas tree. |_| Look under the table. for my aunt. | ae! Unscramble and write. for their dog. This story is about animals and numbers. Circle all the numbers in the picture. These animals make numbers. The mouse’s body makes a “6,” The elephant’s nose makes a “7.” The snake’s body makes an “8.” The monkey’s tail makes a “9.” The bug’s body makes a “0.” What funny numbers! uvitoz 1 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Theelephant’s © | makes a7.” 's body makes a "0." Check the correct answers. 1. The mouse’s body makes a “ 6 Oe 2. These animals make funny ___ colors _| numbers Word Zone Circle the correct words. wf o» \ 2.6 nail tail funny sad elephant snake ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. The lion's leg makes a “1.” | | |. The snake’s body makes an “8.” __] The monkey's tail makes a "9." (_| The rabbit's body makes a “2.” The mouse’s body Write and complete. The elephant’s ‘ | || The bug's body ar ond This story is about : at | oS sa @) New Words 5 | leg \er CCQ Circle all the onimals’ legs. TeUy 2) Many animals have legs. A bird has two legs. } A horse has four legs. ; A bee has six legs. \¢ he A spider has eight legs. | A crab has ten legs. But do you know what? A fish has no-legs! - unikoa 15 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1 A (horse _ (bird) has two legs. Check the correct answers. PUEROA caters _ has eight legs. _} spider | | bee 2. Many animals have : i | legs {| arms Word Zone Write and complete words. ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers, € i a | Abee has six legs, | | | A dog has four legs. } 2a ae pe _| A fish has no legs. | | Alion has four legs. Unscramble and write. eight legs. Circle al the onimats on the elephant. ©) The animals make a tower, The deer sits on the eleciient The rabbit sits on the deer. The bird sits on the rabbit. The butterfly sits on the bird. Then the elephant moves. All the animals fall down! mos 19 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. Check the correct answers. 1. The rabbit sits the deer, (J under 2. Allthe animals i ©) stand up © fall down ‘Word Zone Match the pictures with the words. 1 pieeeerig as . ° . tower deer sit ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. (_| The deer sits on the elephant. (3 The turtle sits on the tiger. |__| The animals see a tower. (_) The animals make a tower. | This story is about dancing animals. &) New Words =) dance § 3 penguin f = é | a 2 squirrel &) It is dance time! The bird dances in the sky. The fish dances in the sea. The ff69 dances in the mud. The penguin dances in the snow. The squirrel dances in the tree. They dance everywhere! Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. | inthe sea. 1. Thefish (swims dances Check the correct answers. 1. The frog dances in the pas mud _ sea 2. The dances in the sky. | bird ©] squirrel ‘Word Zone Circle the correct words. N25 “deer frog “mud water | penguin fish ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. __| The cat dances in the garden. __| The squirrel dances in the tree. __ They sleep everywhere! \_. They dance everywhere! This story is about () New Words snow ®) It is a snowy day. Look at the SNOW on the Street. Look at the snow on the fence. Look at the snow on the yard. Look at the snow on the window. Oh, no! The window is open! Look at the snow on my bed! unitos 2 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Look at the snow on my [ ee 2. Lookatthe {— Check the correct answers. 1. Look at the snow on the (> wall __ fence 2. Oh, no! The ___ is open! ) window ~~ door ‘Word Zone Write and complete words. 1 / — Wes fl _lce str_| tt yL_1la = ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. “_} Look at the snow on the yard. Look at the rain on the ground. © |Itisa rainy day. | ohee | ¥ | | It is a snowy day. ‘> sentence By, leslie Write and complete, Social Studies New Words make @ ey eas bathroom < 5 | kitchen ‘=m = living room @) We make a sand house. Jim makes a bedroom. Mike makes a bathroom. Min makes a kitchen. Din makes a living room. Pam makes a garden. Then a wave comes in. The wave washes away the sand house! | Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Mikemakesa { bedroom }{ bathroom | 2. Minmakesa {garden |{ kitchen). | Check the correct answers. 1. Pammakesa __ _) garden |) tower 2. The wave _ the sand house! j |_| washes away (© makes up ‘Word Zone | Match the pictures with the words. . wave make living room ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. Tom makes a fence. __. Din makes a living room. - We make a big school. __| We make a sand house. eit Unscramble and write. oO Oto) Social Studios Cire This story is about Animals S\ eep 6) New Words ae sn : a Pare | = : am Vi | chick - | j i twelve COQ Circle ail the sleeping CY nime's, *) The goat sleeps at seven o'clock. The cow sleeps at nine o'clock. The chick sleeps at ten o'clock. The dog sleeps at eleven o'clock. The pig sleeps at twelve o'clock. The rooster wakes at four o’clock, = Oh! He wakes everyone up! = Unitos 35 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. ~) sleeps at seven o'clock. | at four o'clock. | Check the correct answers. | 1. The dog sleeps at ___ o'clock. __ twelve (_) eleven 2. The wakes everyone up! ( rooster [) chick | ‘Word Zone | Circle the correct words. i 1. Bt 2s x (- men <3 - ee3i a i | | i R ‘hall IL 2 \ | _ wake sleep ‘two twelve rooster chick ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. | The chick sleeps at ten o'clock. |_| The pig sleeps at twelve o'clock. | The cow sleeps at nine o'clock. \__. The horse sleeps at one o'clock. une Drawing a Cute A &) Sam draws brown eyes. Jun draws a black nose. Ming draws a large mouth. Me Dan draws yellow teeth. Ron draws round ears. Jane draws big paWs. Lisa draws long Claws. Tim draws brown fur. They draw a big bear together! unites Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Jun drawsa Check the correct answers. 1. Ming draws a ___ mouth. | little () large 2. They draw a big _ together! aa bear |_| elephant ‘Word Zone Write and complete words. ‘Review Zone ia Tim draws brown fur. __ Jane draws small paws. | Lisa draws long claws. a Dan draws yellow teeth. browneyes. | eas coanget Unscramble and write. | long claws. dl | fe round ears. ; pi O This story is about ) New Words soccer a &) Tom plays soccer on Mondays. Jill plays baseball on Tuesdays. Kim plays badminton on Wednesdays. Jack plays basketball on Thursdays. Ann plays tennis on Fridays. Ken plays field hockey on Saturdays. I play sports with my friends every days. —unitag 43 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. (baseball = th 2. Kenplays (field hockey |( tennis | on Saturdays. | Check the correct answers. 1. Tom plays soccer _ “| on Mondays. 1. Kim plays badmintonon ___ (| Wednesdays {| Thursdays 2. Iplay sports with my friends __ © | on Fridays every days ‘Word Zone Match the pictures with the words. * ° basketball Monday ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers, é _| Jill plays baseball on Tuesdays. I | Jack plays basketball on Thursdays. Tina plays hockey on Saturdays. (| Ann plays tennis on Fridays. 2 Tom Write and complete. Social Studies Cooking c= Friend This story is about il Jnit 2 i i i &) New Words birthday &) Today is our friend, June’s birthday. We cook food for him. Lisa cooks the hamburgers for him. Jim cooks the meat for him. Pam cooks the soup for him. I cook the cake for him. Happy birthday, June! Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. ; 1. Icook the (ee amy 0s for June. 2. Lisa {cooks | Check the correct answers. 4. Jimcooksthe _—S———SS «foo June. =| pancake C meat 2. Today is June's _ Biotit: ( (birthday _| play day ‘Word Zone Circle the correct words. vin Wb aa Sunday birthday meat soup cook wash ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. We | > |__| We cook food for June. [) We buy gifts for June. (i ] Pam cooks the soup for June. fi ees) Pam cooks the meat for her mom. Sentence By Fa hamburgers © anburgers the O- Unscramble and write. This story is about @) New Words light bulb rt \b/ @ tincan «a a ( cu Om Q 3 &) Sam has a liGHEIBUID for a head. Sam has a tifa for a body. Sam has old forks for arms. Sam has SHOE pipes for legs. Sam has only one 66if for an eye. Ha! The robot WifKs at me! Unit12 54 Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Samhasa { tincan |/ 1 fora body. | Check the correct answers. 1. Sam hasa light bulb fora i “| hand (_) head | 2. Sam has only one for an eye, (J) coin (_] button ‘Word Zone Write and complete words. a | 7. ae | ——— | | | | ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. “_) The robot winks at me! |__| The robot sits on me! [| Sam has old forks for arms. ma Sam has old spoons for hands. Fees (C4 UT ge BS) Social Studies i, SS little OOD Circle all the maps. I read a little map. I see houses. Tread a long map. I see parks. Tread a tall map. I see streets. These are all maps of my town! Comprehension Zone Check the correct answers. : 1. Ireada _ map. [ see houses. (little (_] wide 2. These are all maps of my ! |] town ‘Word Zone Match the pictures with the words. ° ° little map building ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. |__| Tread a wide map. I see buildings. ( J Iread alittle map. I see houses. (| Tread a short map. Isee schools. { ] Tread a long map. I see parks. Social Studies This story is about jobs. restaurant People wark places. ~ Circle all the places. Restaurant Se My dad works at a bank. ~ He is a banker. &) My family works. My mom works at a school. She is a teacher. My uncle works at a restaurant. He is a cook. They all have great jobs! Comprehension Zone Circle the correct answers. 1. Myuncleisa ( {— teacher — 2. Mymomworksata {park Check the correct answers. 1. My dad works ata _ ee) bank ___ restaurant 2. Myfamilyhasgreat_ =! (_) friends |] jobs ‘Word Zone Circle the correct words. hospital restaurant work walk bank school ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. Lg ) ~ ® { __| My grandpa works at a hospital. “| My uncle works at a restaurant. 2 aia — \ __| My mom is a teacher. | i ) My aunt is a singer. ems Write and comipete. : ; | ( ma My mom This story is about £3) New Words | morning listen . i Comprehension Zone Cirele the correct answers. 1. ~ Pigs {Cows _| sing, “Moo, moo, moo." 2. Kate “listens. "sings __to their cute song. Check the correct answers. goes a sing, “Tweet, tweet, tweet.” (> Birds “_. Goats 2. Pigs sing in voices. es) cute O loud ; ‘Word Zone | Write and complete words. Le ¢ | rie ) \ | te cue a ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. Ann listens to the pigs’ loud song. (_) Jemny listens to the cows’ long song. Z | () Ben sleeps with the sheep's quiet song! aot {_) Ben wakes up with the pigs’ loud song! sentence Buildup & ; = Tisee : s “Tweet, tweet, tweet.” ee I their cute song. aes "Oink, oink, oink!” ee o Unscramble and write. we & “Moo, moe, moo.” ©) Here is a HOUSE. Open the door. Here is a room. Open the door. Here is a Closet. Open the door. Here is a big box. Open the box. Here is a Small box. Open the box. Now look inside! Comprehension Zone Check the correct answers. 1. Hereisa box. Open the box. (_) long (| big 2. Open the box.Now ___ inside! C) go (] look | ‘Word Zone Match the pictures with the words. ° ° house closet small ‘Review Zone Check the correct answers. (| Here is a room. Open the door. |) Here is a book. Open the book. © Here is a big window. Open the window. | G | Here is a small box. Open the box. Ge RS ese Up Here Open Write and comlpete. ness Word Index A chick | door : Unit 8 | Unitts aunt : Unit claw : draw unit 1 Unit9 B closet bank Unit 16 a E —) Unit 14, | elephant ae main & | Unit2 | banker Unit 12 i Unit’14 z WE cook oo " basketball Unit 11,14 = | fence | Unit 10 | Unité roree or cousin. ae : r bathroom Unit (Sih Se. unit7 es Sunn Cte) bee Unit3 f frog ea Unit 3 : } Units | = } cute ; i ee birthday Unit 15 E ' funny . Unit 11 : : Unit 2 building D ‘one dance we 1:G i Units [ ah gift Cc . Unit 1 I =e deer | cake es Unita | = | | Unit 1 H house Unit 16 K kitchen Unit7 L leg Unit 3 and light bulb / g Unit 12 listen Unit 15 little | e Unit 13 S living room Fe. 3 Unit 7 ens long | —zv Unit 9 loud | Unit 15 i ~ morning Unit 15 : move i Unit. : mud © Units number unit2 Oo open Unit 16 | penguin 1 Unit 5 | rabbit | 1 Unit 4 _ restaurant ; rooster : round Unit 9 | Saturday | Unit 10 © short P paw Unit 9 Unit 14 Ga Unit 8 Unit 12 | sit | Unit4

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