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Internal Examiner External Examiner


1. 02.03.21 Use of Reference Words 3

09.03.21 Use of discourse markers- 5

Jumbled Sentences

16.03.21 Vocabulary in context (a 8

short reading passage with

words highlighted)

23.03.21 Creating a graphic organizer 12

for a given paragraph

30.03.21 18

Reading Comprehension

06.04.21 22
6. Paragraph Writing

20.04.21 25
7. Essay Writing

27.04.21 Job Application: 29

Cover Letter and Resume

9. 04.05.21 Report Writing 34

10. 08.05.21 Passages for Reading 37


Exercise: 1

The scientific study of memory began in the early 1870s when a German
Philosopher, Hermann Ebbinghaus, came up with the revolutionary idea that
memory could be studied experimentally. In doing so, __he_____ broke away
from a 2000-year old tradition that firmly assigned the study of memory to the
philosopher rather than to the scientist. __he___ argued that the philosophers had
come up with a wide range of possible interpretations of memory but had produced
no way of deciding which amongst these theories offered the best explanation of
memory. ____he_ aimed to collect objective experimental evidence of the way in
which memory worked in the hope that this would allow _him____ to choose
between the various theories.

Exercise: 2
Student life is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only are students expected to
perform and compete within the class, but also to devote time and energy to extra-
curricular activities as well as struggle with an increasing load of homework. The
push to get into the top universities has caused many overachieving students to
take on heavier workloads and more challenging classes.
__this__ push, however, doesn’t end once students reach university. In fact,
when ___they___reach the top places they have worked so hard to get into, many
students are forced to work even harder than they did in high school. Once in the
top universities, the pressure is on to secure a place in the top graduate school.
But __it__doesn’t end _there______. Once students have graduated with the best
results, they find that they must continue to overextend themselves in order to
secure the top jobs in their particular field. Such is the emphasis on academic
There are many who claim that ___this____entire system is wrong because it puts
too much emphasis on measuring achievement and not enough on true learning.
This in turn has inevitable effects on the students themselves. In such a high-
pressure learning environment, _those_______ that find the pressure
overwhelming have nowhere to turn. In an academic world measured only by
academic success, many students begin to feel a low sense of worth, yet they fear
to turn to anyone for help as this would be perceived as a signal of failure, an
inability to cope with that which other students appear to have no
problem. _this______can be particularly hard for foreign students as they find
themselves isolated without familiar cultural or family ties in their new
environment and thus they concentrate solely on their work.
Perhaps the main thing to remember is that although __it is important to study
hard, school life should also be fun.

Exercise: 3
New Zealand is becoming an increasingly popular destination for overseas
visitors. __it__attracts tourists and people on business, but the vast majority come
as students. Mostly from Asian countries, ___they____ stay for anything from a
few weeks to a few years or more, studying at language schools, colleges and
universities. New Zealand can offer good homestay accommodation, a clean and
beautiful environment and a reasonable cost of tuition. ____these_ factors attract
an ever-increasing number of overseas students, accounting for millions of dollars
in revenue for New Zealand.

Exercise: 4
International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8th and is an occasion
marked by women’s groups around the world. _this_____ data is also
commemorated by the United Nations. In many countries, __it_____ is also a
national holiday. When women from all continents come together to celebrate
__they________ day, __their_______ can look back on a tradition that represents
generations of struggle for equality, justice, peace and freedom.

Exercise: 5
Poverty is generally defined as deprivation of material needs. However, the term
‘poverty’ can also apply to deprivation in _other_________ circumstances, such as
emotional deprivation in young children. While it has been long recognized that
children living without family support are more at risk, increasingly research is
indicating the impact of emotional deprivation. _this______ is particularly in
regard to the development of a child’s self-esteem, in their ability to form
relationships and in their learning capabilities. Anecdotal evidence has for some
period of time recognized the lack of self worth among orphans who have spent
their early years in institutional environments. But comparative, longitudinal case
studies of __these_____ children reaching adulthood have confirmed that
___their______ ability to form lasting emotional relationships is less successful
than children from a nuclear family. ___these_________ studies also took into
account comparative learning difficulties encountered by both groups. It was found
that ___those_____ without family support and consistent emotional input had the
greater difficulties.

2. Use of discourse markers

Arrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct sequence.

Exercise: 1
a. In turn, the interviewee tends to communicate with the interviewer in
more individualistic ways. Typically, informal interviews are not as rigidly
structured as formal interviews.
b. Informal interviews are more relaxed, personal, and flexible.
c. The interviewer attempts to engage the interviewee as an individual, not
just a person in a general role.
d. Informal interview often include nonverbal cues such as smiling, relaxed
postures, casual surroundings, and informal dress.
e. The interviewer may have a list of standard topics (either memorized or
written down), but those provide only guidelines, not a straightjacket for
Answer : a - 5, b - 1, c - 3, d - 2, e - 4

Exercise: 2
a. For example, it has been found that teachers are more responsive to the
disruptive behaviour of boys than girls and more likely to reprimand boys.
b. Students consistently show that boys have more interventions with
teachers than do girls.
c. Research has shown that teacher-student interaction differs according to
the gender of the student (the gender of the teacher does not seem to matter),
although most teachers are unaware of any inequities.
d. When children request attention, teachers generally respond to boys with
instructions and to girls with nurturance.
e. In addition, girls receive more attention when they are physically close to
the teacher, whereas boys are given attention at a distance.
Answer : a - 3 , b - 5 , c - 1 , d - 2 , e - 4
Exercise: 3
a. Their minds work in the same way as other men’s minds.
b. Great scientists are not supermen.
c. They also proceed step by step and arrive at a general conception through
careful analysis.
d. They are somewhat more intelligent and critical than the average men.
e. To illustrate this, let us take an example from the history of medicine.
f. Only very gradually did people come to believe in the theory that most
diseases are caused by living germs.
g. It had long been known that some diseases were contagious.
h. But it was Louis Pasteur who showed that contagion was something alive.
Answer : a - 3 , b - 1 , c - 4 , d - 2 , e - 5 , f - 8 , g - 6 , h - 7

Exercise: 4
a. What are the techniques used for observing and taking pictures of animals
at night?
b. They therefore, use a torch with a red mask.
c. Any bright light will scare away the animals.
d. Today, with very sophisticated cameras and lighting devices, it is possible
to photograph and make recordings of the cries of animals in their dark and
inaccessible forest haunts,
e. Animal watchers have observed the various activities of animals at night
like playing, gambling, chasing their prey, courting etc.
f. Here scientists take advantage of the fact that most animals are blind to red
g. But how does one watch animals in darkness?
h. Infrared telescopes have also been used to observe animals at night.
Answer : a - 3 , b - 6 , c - 4 , d - 8 , e - 1 , f - 5 , g - 2 , h - 7

Exercise: 5
a. The aims is to find how much of waste could be handled if the plant for
recycling waste were built outside the city.
b. The garbage would be segregated into bio-degradable and bon-
biodegradable waste.
c. A new type of recycling waste is taking shape in the form of a project.
d. The bio-degradable waste in the form of vegetable waste could be mixed
with soil and made into compost.
e. This plant would recycle not only metals but also waste from the houses.
f. The non bio-degradable waste would be segregated into metal, plastic and
g. Once developed, the cities could enjoy a clean environment.
h. Though all these ideas were there already, the idea of combining them on
a large scale in a single plant designed to recycle most types of waste is a
novel venture.
Answer : a - 2 , b - 4 , c - 1 , d - 5 , e - 3 , f - 6 , g - 8 , h -7
3. Vocabulary in context (a short reading passage with words

Exercise: 1
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the
end of it:
Imagine that it is a few years in the future. You are studying in a small
college in a Midwestern state. The newspaper rarely has news about your country.
In fact, it has very little foreign new, but this does not bother you at all. You sit
comfortably in your apartment, turn on your computer, and ask for foreign news.
The screen is immediately filled with news from all over the world.

The computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important invention

since the type of engine used in cars. Today it has the greatest effect on science,
industry, and business, but it is being used more and more in education and
medicine. By the end of this century it will touch the lives of everyone, even
people in distant villages. It is a revolutionary invention.

The oldest kind of computer is the abacus, used in China since the sixteenth
century. In the seventeenth century, an adding machine was invented, but the first
large, modern computer was built in 1937. A few years later a computer could do
5000 additions per second. Now the computations are so fast that they are
measured in nano-seconds.

Today most computers are stored-program computers, that is, they have a
memory. They are getting smaller and smaller, and computing faster and faster.
Even in a large computer, the part does the actual computing is about the size of
the end of a finger.

Computers can do all kinds of work. When someone buys something in a

department store, information about the sale goes into a computer. During the night
the computer works on the information from all the sales that day. In the morning,
the manager has a report on everything that was sold and also on everything that
must be reordered.

i) Choose the appropriate definition for the given words or phrases as they
are used in the text:
1. Rarely
a. Seldom b. Always c. Frequently d. usually
Answer : seldom
2. Wonderful
a. Beautiful b. surprising c. fabulous d. extraordinary
Answer : extraordinary
3. Effect
a. Affect b. influence c. Part d. Role
Answer : influence
4. Revolutionary
a. Rebellious b. revolting c. far-reaching d. evolutionary
Answer : far-reaching
5. Stored
a. supplied b. saved c. upset d. restored
Answer : saved
6. Report
a. complaint b. document c. rumour d. account
Answer : account

Exercise: 2
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the
end of it:
Ozone, a molecule made up of three atoms of oxygen, comprises a layer of
the atmosphere that absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Chlorine
atoms, mainly from man-made chlorofluorocarbons of CFCs, break apart ozone
Chlorine compounds used in human activities such as electronics,
manufacturing and refrigeration are a primary cause of the ozone hole. A large area
of intense ozone depletion occurs annually over Antarctica during late August
through yearly October. The hole typically breaks up as ozone levels increase in
late November.
The atmospheric Ozone layer over Antarctica declined to record low levels
this year due to the combination of an unusually cold winter and the continued
presence of man- made chlorine chemicals reported by US scientists. The surface
area covered by the so called, ‘ozone hole’ in 1993 over 23 million square kilo
metres or about twice the size of the Antarctica land mass, was nearly as large as
the recorded 1992 ozone hole.
INSTRUMENT, a Russian satellite orbiting the earth, measured the
concentration of ozone over a region near the South Pole at less than 100 dobson
units. This measurement made at the centre of the ozone hole was confirmed by
balloon and ground based instruments.
A Dobson unit is a measure for the physical thickness of the ozone layer.
The balloon born measurements also indicated that the Antarctica ozone layer was
totally destroyed between the altitudes of 13.5 and 19 kilo metres, creating an
ozone void of 5.5 kilo meter thickness.
Deep ozone holes will continue to form annually into the next century.
Herman, air American Scientist, said, ‘this situation will persist until the
stratospheric chlorine levels decrease.’
The ozone layer is expected to heal itself and become thicker as a result of
CFC cutbacks, mandated by an international treaty called the Montreal Protocol.
Choose the meaning which best fits the following words as they are used in the
1. Radiation
a. Gathering b. spreading out c. accumulating d. penetrating
Answer : spreading out
2. Depletion
a. Production b. removal c. moisturisation d. reduction
Answer : reduction
3. Decline
a. Becoming weaker b. becoming thicker c. becoming stronger d.
becoming rough
Answer : Becoming weaker
4. Altitude
a. Length b. breadth c. height d. circumference
Answer : height

Exercise: 3

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the
end of it:

Three great challenges dominate the scene as one contemplates the global
environmental campaigning in the first few decades of the 21st century. First, there
is huge legacy of industrial pollution which is not being responded to, second,
societies can live and work cleanly and sensitively but the means to do so are
neglected. And third, governments are failing to organize politics and policies to
protect public goods.
The first, of these is a failure to respond to and deal with the pollution legacy
of the 20th century, and in particular global warming which is leading to climate
change. Disruption of the World’s climate is already having catastrophic
consequences for human and ecological well-being. While the international climate
convention was signed at the Rio Earth summit in 1992 and although some
progress has been made, effective action has not yet been agreed on, either in terms
of targets or timetables.
The appropriate response to climate change is not mitigation or adaptation
measures such as planting trees in the hope (not very well-founded) that they will
mop up carbon dioxide or even constructing flood shelters for low-lying villages
(though that is necessary). The appropriate response is to shift our energy
economics rapidly out of fossil fuels and into renewable energy. It will be
necessary to make extensive use of energy efficiency to make this task feasible in
the necessary timescale.
The appropriate timescale is the time available to us before climate warming
goes too far-before it reaches the upper limit of a rise of around 0.2 degree Celsius
per decade beyond which United Nations advisors anticipate that unpredictable and
drastic ecological damage will ensue. (By Greenpeace calculations this is a matter
of a few decades, although evidence from coral reefs and the Arctic and from the
increasing extreme weather conditions now suggest that dramatic change is indeed
underway.) All nations need to make this switch and obviously industrial nations
have a proportionately greater responsibility to act first. It is the World’s number
one environmental concern.
Choose the word that comes closest to mean the words or phrases as they are
used in the text:
1. Catastrophic
a. Disastrous b. important c. far-reaching d. sudden
Answer : disastrous
2. Mitigation
a. Lessening b. increasing c. shift d. investigation
Answer : lessening
a.inheritance b. problem c. responsibility d. ignorance
Answer : inheritance

4. Extensive
a. Widespread b. appropriate c. careful d. necessary
Answer : widespread
4. Creating a graphic organizer for a given paragraph
Exercise: 1

Draw a Pie Chart for the following information and give a suitable title.

Mr. Raj considers himself a good manager of his money affairs. He prepares a
definite budget for his salary of Rs.20,000/- and sticks to its as far as possible.
This is how he spends his salary for food, provisions and mild he allocates
Rs.8,000/- for rent he allocates Rs.3,000/-. Transport charges take up Rs.1,000/-
of his salary. For entertainment, electricity and newspaper, his budget provision
is Rs,2,000/. For being ready for guests and visitors and for their hospitality, he
has earmarked Rs.2,000/-. He saves Rs.3,000/- through his PF and keeps the rest
in reserve.
Exercise: 2

Draw a flow chart for the following process of “extraction of gold from its
ores” and give a suitable title.

Gold is extracted from its ores. Gold ore is found present as veins in gravel or rock.
This rock is broken using explosives and the ore is obtained. From there, it is
transported to mills and the ore is crushed. Then the ore is washed using a stream
of water. Then, gold is recovered from this ore. The ore obtained is impure in
nature. There are three processes by which pure ore is got. The first method is
called flotation. The second method is amalgamation and the third process is
carried out using cyanide. Thus, pure gold is obtained.
Exercise: 3
Draw a bar chart for the following information which gives a detailed account
of the entertainment expenses in rupees of a company from 2008 to 2013 and
give a suitable title.
It is about the expenditure on entertainment by a company from 2008 to 2013. The
expenditure entertainment varies from year to year. The expenditure in 2008 is
found to be the lowest. The company had spend Rs.30,000/- on entertainment,
whereas in the next year, i.e, in 2009, there had been a jump in the expenditure
showing Rs.50,000/-. Again in 2010, there had been a drop to Rs.40,000/-. From
then on, the chart depicts a gradual increase i.e., in 2011, the expenditure was
Rs.45,000/-. In 2012, the expenditure had almost doubled. It is shown at
Rs.80,000/-. In 2013 fiscal year, the entertainment expense has shown a further
increase to Rs. 95,000/-
5. Reading Comprehension
Exercise: 1

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end of it:

We are regularly advised to cut our consumption of sweets, but there’s something special
about honey. Honey is the unique product of swarms of bees. Honey is sweeter than sugar, with
65 calories per tablespoon, as opposed to white sugar’s 48. Calories apart, it has some surprising
health benefits. Honey contains trace amounts of B vitamins, amino acids and minerals, and it’s
more nutritious than sugar. But its thick syrupy texture makes it a natural cure for easing sore
throat pain, especially with hot lemon tea or a soothing tea like chamomile. Honey kills bacteria
and helps cuts and wounds heal faster. It is a natural laxative. It appears to reduce the pain of
stomach ulcers. Its quick-acting energy sources can reinvigorate tired muscles-scientists have
found that athletes perform better when they eat a little honey.
Infection was the greatest health threat in the days before antibiotics. Even small cuts
could turn deadly, so doctors often carried a little honey in their bags. It contains hydrogen
peroxide and propolis, a compound in nectar that kills bacteria. Indeed, it works so well that
honey-impregnated dressings are used for treating hard-to-heal wounds.
The high sugar content of honey pulls moisture from wounds and denies bacteria the
moisture they need to survive. It also locks out normal external contaminants. In the 1970s,
surgeons reported that women who had gynecological surgery had shorter hospital stays and
showed no signs of infection when incisions were coated with honey.
Studies in India show that burns dressed with honey heal more quickly and with less pain
than burns coated with silver sulphadiazine, a conventional burn treatment. Honey has even been
used to treat superficial eye problems, including conjunctivitis patients with eye disorders that
did not respond to conventional treatments, doctors tested a honey ointment. 85 percent of cases
reported an improvement.
Traditional healers used honey to treat a variety of gastrointestinal complaints. It soothes
stomach ulcers by speeding up healing. It seems to reduce inflammation, stimulate blood flow
and enhance the growth of epithelial cells along the interior of the stomach or intestine. Studies
have also shown that honey kills H. Pylori, the bacterium responsible for most ulcers. It
promotes regularity. Honey’s high concentration of fructose makes it just the thing for occasional
constipation. Undigested fructose provides nourishment for normal intestinal bacteria. The
resulting fermentation brings water into the large intestine and has a laxative effect.
Never give honey to children under the age of one, as it may contain a small number of
spores called clostridium botulism, the organism that causes botulism. The spores do not thrive
in the intestines of adults and older children. But they are able to multiply in babies, possibly
causing a serious form of food poisoning known as infant botulism.
i) Choose the right alternative:
1. The passage reveals the
1. Unknown facts about honey
2. Medicinal values of honey
3. Use of honey in ancient times.
4. Physician’s dependence on honey.
Answer : medicinal values of honey

2. Severe wounds can be healed by applying

a. Silver sulphadiazine
b. Hydrogen peroxide
c. Healing liquids
d. Honey
Answer : honey
3. In those days, doctors carried honey with them because it
a. Locked out normal external contaminants
b. Contained hydrogen peroxide and propolis
c. Killed bacteria
d. Was useful for gynecological surgery.
Answer : killed bacteria
4. Traditional healers used honey to
a. Cure gastrointestinal complaints
b. Eye disorders
c. Treat botulism
d. Heal wounds
Answer : cure gastrointestinal complaints
5. Honey is suitable to
a. All age groups
b. Adults and older children
c. Women alone
d. Athletes only
Answer : Adults and older children
ii) State whether the following statements are True or False:
a. Honey has more calories. - true
b. Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals. - true
c. A test conducted to study the effect of honey ointment on people with eye
disorders showed that more than 85% people got improvement. - true
d. Honey has high concentration of fructose. - true
e. Intestinal bacteria get nourishment through undigested fructose. - true
f. Honey can be give to even children under the age of one. - true
Exercise 2
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it.
The word ‘noise’ is derived from the Latin word nausea, meaning ‘seasickness’. Noise is
among the most pervasive pollutants today. Noise pollution can broadly be defined as unwanted
or offensive sounds that unreasonably intrude into our daily activities. Noises from traffic, jet
engines, barking dogs, garbage trucks, construction equipment, factories, lawn mowers, leaf
blowers, televisions, boom boxes and car radios, to name a few, are among the audible litter that
is routinely broadcast into the air.
One measure of pollution is the danger it poses to health. Noise negatively affects human
health and well-being. Problems related to noise include hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure,
sleeplessness, fright, distraction, and loss of productivity. Noise pollution also contributes to a
general reduction in the quality of life and eliminates opportunities for tranquility.
A number of factors contribute to problems of growing noise levels. One is the increasing
population, particularly when it leads to increasing urbanization and urban consolidation, as
activities associated with urban living generally lead to increased noise levels. Another is the
increasing volume of road, rail, and air traffic. Some people would add to this list, a diminishing
sense of civility and a growing disrespect for the rights of others.
We experience noise in a number of ways. On some occasions, we can be both the cause
and the victim of noise, such as when we are operating noisy appliances or equipment. There are
also instances when we experience noise generated by others, just as people experiencing passive
smoking. In both instances, noise is equally damaging. However, second hand noise is generally
more troubling, because it is put into the environment by others, without our consent.
The air into which second hand noise is emitted and on which it travels is a ‘commons’. It
belongs not to an individual person or a group, but to everyone. People, businesses, and
organizations, therefore, do not have unlimited rights to broadcast noise as they please, as if the
effects of noise were limited only to their private property. Those that disregard the obligation
not to interfere with others’ use and enjoyment of the commons are acting like a bully in school
yard. Although they may do so unknowingly, they disregard the rights of others and claim for
themselves rights that are not theirs.
Noise pollution differs from other forms of pollution in a number of ways. Noise is
transient; once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case with air
pollution. For example, we can measure the amount of chemicals and other pollutants introduced
into the air. Scientists can estimate how much material can be introduced into the air before harm
is done. The same is true of water pollution and soil pollution. Though we can measure
individual sounds that may actually damage human hearing, it is difficult to monitor our
cumulative exposure to noise or to determine just how much noise is too much. The definition of
noise pollution itself is highly subjective. To some people the roar of an engine may be a
pleasure or a torment, depending on the listener and the circumstances.

a) Choose the correct answer:

i) Noise pollution
1. poses danger to health.
2. contributes to the general reduction in the quality of life.
3. eliminate opportunities for peaceful life.
4. does all the above changes.
Answer : does all the above changes
ii) What is not a source of noise pollution?
1. Exploding population
2. Agricultural activities
3. Urbanization
4. Second hand noise
Answer : agricultural activities
iii) Which of the following statements is false?
1. One is not responsible for second hand noise.
2. Noise do not pollute the environment permanently.
3. Desirability of a noise depends on the attitude of the listener.
4. Loudness is the only negative side of sound.
Answer : noise do not pollute the environment permanently
iv) Noise is transient because
1. Its effect is short lived.
2. Its effect is permanent.
3. It is very dangerous to the ear.
4. It is thrilling.
Answer : it's effect is short lived

b) Say whether the following statements are True / False according to the passage:
1. Air traffic contributes to noise pollution. - true
2. The root meaning of the word ‘noise’ itself is suggestive of its negative side. - true
3. Noise polluting leaves its impact on the environment permanently. - false
4. A similar noise can be either pleasant or annoying to different persons. - true

6. Paragraph Writing

Has the introduction of the TV and Internet reduced the reading habit of the children?
Give your ideas in two paragraphs.




Write an essay on the types of cyber crimes and the ways to curb them in 500 words.

The first recorded cyber crime took place in 1820, when jacguard produced a loom to weave
special fabrics . His employees, who were using traditional methods fearing for their livelihood,
sabotaged the device to discourage the use of the new technology.

Cyber crimes involves the unlawful, criminal activities like theft, fraud, forgery,
defamation etc. Which are subject to the india penal code. Cyber crimes involves a computer and
a network netcrimes refers to criminal exploitation of the internet. Issues surrounding this type of
crime usually surround hacking, copyright infringement , child pornography, problem of privacy
when confidential information is lost or intercepted. As computer is used as an excellent device
for record keeping, computer savvy criminal, hack these and decrypt and encrypted datam the
computer, working on operating system is not fathomable by everyone. A small lapse at some
stages enabled the cybers criminal to penetrate into the system easily. Sometimes negligence
while using data oftens crimes criminal gain access and control over the system. Abuse like this
are addressed by the information technology act 2000.

The cyber criminal can be categorised into various groups. The first group comprise
children ad adolescents between the age group 6 - 18 years. They involve in this mostly due to
their inquisitively and desire to explore things and show that they are superior in that group. The
second group are those who wants to create problems is political circles or governmental
organization. They work with an objective. The professional hackers hack the site of rival groups
for the sake of money. Last among the hackers are the discontented employees who have been
saked by their employer . Thus , the crime is perpetuated against an individual or an organisation
or the society at large.

Crimes against individual are carried out by sending harrasment or defamation mails or acquiring
unauthorised control / access over the system , email spoofing , cyber bullying, cyber stalking ,
stealing internet time etc. Crime against government or organisation are called cyber terrorism is
by sending propoganda in the internet causing fear among people. The society is targeted by
delivering virus or Trojans , attracting the public to online gambling , sales of illegal activities

People should be aware that spam or the unsolicited sends of bulk email for commercial
purposes is unlawful to varying degrees. A cyber is global phenomenon enacting world wide
uniform law is the need of the hour. The creation of the cyber crime investigation cell(CCIC) of
the central bureau of investigation (CBI) is a welcome direction taken by government to combat
cyber crime.

As prevention is better than cure , people should certain precaution while operating the net.
1. Avoid disclosing any information of oneself online.
2. Avoid photograph online to strangers and chat friends.
3. Always use update antivirus software to guard against virus attacks. Use firewalls.
4. Always keep backup volume of data information.
5. Never send credit card number to site that is not secured.
8. Job Application

Draft a job application letter with resume responding to the following advertisement:
Wanted : Technical Support Executives
Qualification : Any degree in Engineering with proficiency in English and good
interpersonal skills
Mail to : The Personnel Manager
Tamsung Solutions International
38, O.M. Road, Chennai – 600 096
XYZ 05.04.19

No.45, Rajeswari Apartments

Sixth Lane, Rajeswari Nagar

Chennai -73

The Personnel Manager

Tamsung Solutions International

38, O.M. Road, Chennai – 600 096


Sub: Application for the post of Technical Support Executives - Reg.

With reference to the advertisement in “The Hindu” dated 03.04.19, I wish to apply for the post

of Technical Support Executives in your esteemed automobile industry.

I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate from ABC Engineering College. I have been working in

a small concern as Technical Engineering in the R & D Department for the past three years.

Totally, I have 7 years of experience. I have good managerial skills. I also possess excellent

communication and inter-personal skills. I am enclosing my resume for your perusal.

Expecting your intimation letter for interview.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,



XYZ D.O.B 24.04.89

No.45, Rajeswari Apartments

Sixth Lane, Rajeswari Nagar Mobile no.9500754464

Chennai -73


To pursue a challenging role as Managerial Engineer towards the growth of the organization

which require Technical Support Executives


May 2008 - B.E. Mechanical Enginnering

ABC Engineering College

Chennai – 25

CGPA – 9.5

April 2004 - Higher Secondary Education

Pushpalata Higher Secondary School

Chennai - 11

Percentage obtained – 95%

April 2002 - The Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Vedic Higher Secondary School

Chennai - 11

Percentage obtained – 92%



Communication Skill - Presented a paper on “The Modern Developments

in the Transport Sector” at the V ISME Conference,

January 2004

- Taken many seminars in college as a student

- Can interact in three languages

English, Tamil and Hindi.

Organizational ability - Arranged many industrial visits as a part of


-Organized a tour programmed on behalf of my


-Organized an NSS Camp under the aegis of our

college National Service Scheme

Leadership - Was class representative and interacted with all

types of personalities

-Captained our College football team for 2 years and

won many trophies

-Motivated my team-mates to excel in all spheres.


May 2013 – till date - Technical support Executives

Moraza Mechanicals Limited

Chennai – 6

May 2012 – April 2013 - Junior Engineer,

K.H. Service Station



Academics - University Gold Medalist in UG

-Won the Best Project Award at UG level

Creative - Developed a robotic car with automatic controls

-Initiated a Cultural Activity Club

Communicative - Best Communicatior of the Year Award (2015)

-Best Team Worker in the Company (2018)


Manager, Design Department

Moraza Mechanicals Limited

Chennai – 6

2) Mr. Yuvan


K.H. Service Station

9. Report Writing
Write a report on a fire accident due to leakage of electric current in a ladies hostel where
two electrical engineering graduates got injured. Also give a set of recommendations for
preventing such accidents in future.
The Principal
ABC Engineering College
Tamil Nadu
Date: 27th February 2015
Respected Sir,
Sub: Report on the fire accident
With reference to the accident that look took place a couple a days ago in our college
ladies hostel, the following report is submitted after a thorough analysis of the facts. On
the 25th February 2015, a fire broke out around 02:00 pm in the ladies hostel. It
experienced a tragic fire accident caused by leakage of electricity. It spread so quickly
that it is engulfed a vast area consuming a large number of clothes and other materials
which is kept in the Hostel. The laundry nearby started to burn due to that leakage and the fire
spread to the floors on top. Students who were in the top floors were studying for
exams and so everyone was inside the room. Some of the rooms were suffocated due to
lot of smoke and everyone in that building were alerted and escaped safely. Moreover,
the two girl students in the top floor sustained burn injuries were unable to come out of
the room.
The firemen were summoned immediately and saved the two girls from further injuries.
The fire extinguished after one hour. The two girl students were taken to the nearby
hospital with severe burn injuries. The doctors diagnosed them and declared that they
were already dead. Further, the doctor told that they were already afflicted with asthma
and they were killed by smoke and severe fire injuries.
Under investigations, it is found that the fire broke out because of a short circuit in the
switch box. As all the fittings in the rooms were in operation, the fire chanced to spread
very fast. This devastating fire accident has resulted in a loss of two girl students and a
lakh of rupees.
Recommendations to prevent such mishaps
In order to avert or overcome such mishaps in future, the following precautions are
1. The worn out wiring should be immediately replaced and checked at regular
intervals for leakages
2. It is extremely necessary to install more fire extinguishers at vantage points
3. Proper fuses must be installed to avoid the excess flow of current
4. Students should be trained to handle the electric components safely along with fire
5. Fire alarms should be installed in Ladies Hostel, since a lot of students are
available in the hostel
If the above measures are implemented forthwith, such accidents can be prevented in
future and thereby great loss to property and human can be averted.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
Questions 1 through 7 refer to the following passage:
In the 16th century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led
the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of
Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king’s
favor. After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future
Emperor Charles V of Spain.
A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude
to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East
Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with
five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South
America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four
ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage
they sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints,
but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan.
One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged
to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian
now known as the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after 98 days on the Pacific
Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan’s men died of starvation and disease.
Later, Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal
battle. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano
survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the
world is round, with no precipice at the edge.

1. The 16th century was an age of great __land____ exploration.

1. cosmic
2. land
3. mental
4. common man
5. None of the above

2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a
political __entanglement______.
1. entanglement
2. discussion
3. negotiation
4. problem
5. None of the above

3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to
their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees
west of Greenwich that extends in a __north and south_______ direction.
1. north and south
2. crosswise
3. easterly
4. south east
5. north and west
4. One of Magellan’s ships explored the ___physical features______ of South
America for a passage across the continent.
1. coastline
2. mountain range
3. physical features
4. islands
5. None of the above

5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern _body of land with water
on three sides_____.
1. coast
2. inland
3. body of land with water on three sides
4. border
5. Answer not available

6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of __the equator______.

1. Greenwich
2. The equator
3. Spain
4. Portugal
5. Madrid

7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the __imaginary circle passing through
the poles _____ now called the International Date Line.
1. imaginary circle passing through the poles
2. imaginary line parallel to the equator
3. area
4. land mass
5. Answer not available

The following passage refers to questions 8 through 14.

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband,
Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium
and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later helped to
unlock the secrets of the atom.
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an
early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for
learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled,
however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to
receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a
French university, where she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her
day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many
productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered
radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible
misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she recalled their close
relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two
young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband
as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at
the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating
radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to
radium, she never became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she
had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

8. The Curies’ __friendly_______ collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the

1. friendly
2. competitive
3. courteous
4. industrious
5. chemistry

9. Marie had a bright mind and a _lighthearted_____ personality.

1. strong
2. lighthearted
3. humorous
4. strange
5. envious

10. When she learned that she could not attend the university in Warsaw, she felt
1. hopeless
2. annoyed
3. depressed
4. worried
5. None of the above

11. Marie _challenged authority________ by leaving Poland and traveling to

France to enter the Sorbonne.
1. challenged authority
2. showed intelligence
3. behaved
4. was distressed
5. Answer not available

12. _dejectedly________ she remembered their joy together.

1. Dejectedly
2. Worried
3. Tearfully
4. Happily
5. Irefully
13. Her __wretchedness_______ began to fade when she returned to the
Sorbonne to succeed her husband.
1. misfortune
2. anger
3. wretchedness
4. disappointment
5. ambition
14. Even though she became fatally ill from working with radium, Marie Curie was
never __disappointed_______.
1. troubled
2. worried
3. disappointed
4. sorrowful
5. disturbed

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