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Ritsuko Nakata Karen Frazier Barbara Hoskins with songs and chants by Carolyn Graham OXFORD $x er UNIVERSITY PRESS Table of Contents Unit | Toys page 2 Unit 2 Colors page 10 Units 1-2 Listen and Review page 18 School Supplies page 19 Unit 3 Shapes ; page 20 Unit 4 Numbers page 28 Units 3-4 Listen and Review page 36 Classroom Commands page 37 Unit 5 Animals page 38 Unit 6 Food page 46 Units 5-6 Listen and Review page 54 The Weather page 55 Unit 7 My Body page 56 Unit 8 Abilities page 64 Units 7-8 Listen and Review page 72 Days of the Week page 73 Syllabus page 74 Teacher and Student Card List page 77 Word List page 78 Let's Start Let's Learn Let’s Learn More The Alphabet Let's Build Units Review Let’s Learn About @® @ © @ B. Say and act. (03) |. (that’s your name?) 2, (_____?) 3, (what's your name? ) a .! WS (Cie 2° Unit | / Toys C. Let’s sing. oes f = a \\ Hi, What's Your Name? Hi, what's your name? —_Hi, what’s your name? I'm Kate. I'm Scott. Hi, what's your name? —_ Hi, what's your name? I'm Jenny. I'm Andy. Kate, Jenny, Scott, Andy- Kate, Jenny, Scott, Andy— Jenny, Andy, Jenny, Andy— Kate, Jenny, Scott! |. Stand up. 2. Sit down. E. Listen and do. Unit | / Toys 3 Its c ball. ) oa ADP |. a ball 2. a jump rope 3. a yo-yo 4. a bicycle B. Listen and point. 4 Unit | / Toys C. Sentences. 03) Unit | / Toys 5 J (ars a train. ) a A. Words. (i) |. train 2. a car 3. a doll 4. a teddy bear B. Listen and point. © 6 Unit | / Toys C. Question and answer. \13/ D. Listen, point, and sing. (14 bay i B. Letters. (7) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI MmNn Oo Pp Qg Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz & Let’s Build A. Ask. (17) Hi, what's your name? m I'm Matt cor B. Answer. 18) What is it? It's a ball. Unit | / Toys 9 Meg olors ae : He Hi, boys and girls. a = = = i! Pa > @ ma =e (Hello, Miss Jones. }j mn | | ie B. Say and act. (20) 4 a \ Ne We \ Hi, boys and girls. ) 2. “( Good-bye. 10 Unit 2 / Colors ————— Good-bye, Kate. See you later. Bye-bye, see you later. Bye-bye, see you later. Bye, Andy, Good-bye, Jenny |. Come here. 2. Turn around. E. Listen and do. (8) 9 Sy Unit 2 / Colors 11 , “9S, ) Lei’s Learn A. Words. |. red L 3. yellow 2. blue a 5. brown B. Listen and point. \ } 12 Unit 2 / Colors C. Sentences. 20) Unit 2 / Colors 13 —— | ( What color is it? ) & < A. Words. (28) i 2. orange «tty | mee 3. black / . oe 7 ‘VG 10 A O aqui, o 7 4, white d. : a) 5. pink 0» \ =) Fy B. Listen and point. \29) \(Q\GF > << 14 Unit 2 / Colors C. Question and answer. are N What color is it? ) Tt’s purple. Oi\\ Unit2 / Colors 15 ihe-Alprrenbbet (i Ries arctan tt A. Sing and say. (32) hay ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | abedefghijkIimnopqrstuvwxyz| B. Letters and words. (53) oAKs apple bird cat C. Find the letters. 16 Unit 2 / Colors &@ tet’s Build A. Sentences. (34) 3. a brown teddy bear 4. a green yo-yo 8. Question and answer. (55) Unit 2 / Colors 17 ~ Units 1-2 Listen and Review A. Listen and circle. (36 } Hit a 18 Units |-2 Listen and Review A. Say these. @) | 4. paint 5. tape School Supplies 19 B. Say and act. (39) 20 Unit 3 / Shapes C. Let’s sing. ‘%) ayy How are you today? Tm fine, thank you, How are you? T'm fine, thank you. How are you today? I'm fine, thank you. How are you? I'm fine. |. Walk. 2. Run E. Listen and do. (43) SY Unit 3 / Shapes 21 —<—<—— Draw a circle. ) | (@p Let’s Learn A. Words. (33) |. acircle 2. a square 3. a triangle 4. a heart B. Listen and point. q ) 22 Unit 3 / Shapes C. Sentences. (&) R Draw a square. ely ee D. Listen, point, and chant. (a) bel A r = ¢ \ my it D 4 \ XN 7 2 v Uni 3 / Shapes 23 Ces, it a) 2 | (site =) rn. \ 7) Let’s Learn More 5 A. Words. (47 x |. a-star 2. a rectangle 3. a diamond 4. an oval B. Listen and point. 24° Unit 3 / Shapes C. Question and answer. \49) (is it a sta = | ~ D. Listen, point, and sing. 5°) OS @oloe4y Unit 3 / Shopes 25 S G2 TheAlphabet _ A. Sing and say. ¢i) 6a ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abedefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz B. Letters and words. (52) 26 Unit 3 / Shapes 3. an orange triangle 4. a yellow circle Unit 3 / Shapes 27 28 = Unit 4 / Numbers C. Let’s sing. é May I come in? Sure! Please come in! Please come in! May I come in? May I come in? Sure! Please come in! Unit'4 / Numbers 29 Ce >» pits Let’s count. 1, 2,3. ) ( Let’s Learn A. Numbers. B. Listen and point. g 30° Unit 4 / Numbers C. Sentences. (&) Let’s count. 1, 2, 3, 4.... ee a 2 (A SS. D. Listen, point, and sing. (¢3) bens 1 4 rey Unit 4 / Numbers 31 How many? \*\ Let's Learn More A. Numbers. eS AA a OO Se ok VO9 ooo GOI eal i by . WV A qv cy) A y ¥ * y : D. Listen, point, and sing C. Question and answer. Unit 4 / Numbers ———ae — reba The Alphabet A. Sing and say. bay B. Letters and words. LT 2 gi callie igloo jump rope kangaroo lion C. Find the letters. 34 Unit 4 / Numbers Unit4 / Numbers 35 & Units 3-4 Listen and Review A. Listen and circle. i) BR xe AF oes A400 EX ed ° o ? , o | mT f 1 4 eft of o* | The Alphabet: 2s So ae A. Sing and say. (32) bay (aecoerenraxuawopanstuvwxy7| Labedefghijkimnopgqrstuvwxyz, B. Letters and words. (33) ' Qq lat SS eit queen C. Find the letters. 52> Unit 6 / Food Unit 6 / Food 53 54 Units 5-6 Listen and Review The Weather A. Say these. (3é) il The Weether 55 _ e& Let’s Start A. Let's talk. (37) 56 Unit 7 / My Body Oops! I’m Sorry Oops! I’m sorry. That's OK. Oops! I’m sorry, Oops! |’m sorry. " Oops! |’m sorry. Vo That's OK. — Oops! I’m sorry. That’s OK. o |, Stamp your feet. 2. Clap your hands. E. Listen and do. @) © Unit 7 / My Body 57 Ican touch my head. ee } (=p Let’s Learn A. Words. @) |. head 2. shoulders 3. knees 4. toes | B. Listen and point. ee Sy 58 Unit 7 / My Body C. Sentences. \44/ Unit 7 / My Body 59 <\\2m : N \° Let’s Learn More WW | a a | | (What can you do? Ra ( I can touch ) 3 ee 5) \_my nose ; B iS — ’ . 4 A. Words. (46) 3. mouth B. Listen and point. &) ® Vay 60 Unit 7 / My Body C. Question and answer. - oa \ (49 @s5 e ai | Unit 7 / My Body 61 | D. Listen, sing, and do. Ce The Alphabet _ A. Sing and say. (50) Oe | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Labcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz umbrella violin watch C. Find the letters. 62 Unit7 / My Body @ Let’s Build (or A. Sentences. (32) | Unit7 / My Body 63. | Unit 8 Abilities © € Let’s Start 22) 54) A. Let's talk. B. Say and act. (55) 64 Unit 8 / Abilities C. Let’s sing. 56) bay | , Let's Play / les play. OK! let’s play. OK, OK! Let’s play, le’s play. OK, let's play! 2 g fi Ea" |) | ; — a a i -— |. Point to the board. 2. Go to the board. E. Listen and do. 3) \ 4 SY Unit 8 / Abilities 65 I can ride a bicycle =) Let’s Learn A. Words. (38 3. fly a kite 4. bounce a ball B. Listen and point. (&) © 66 Unit 8 / Abilities _ C. Sentences. (6i Tcan fly a kite. Unit 8 / Abilities 67 “Dy Let’s Learn Mare \ A. Words. No, I can't. aitse 68 Unit 8 / Abilities C. Question and answer. (65) Can you dance? i a) Unit 8 / Abilities 69 | Ce The Alphabet A. Sing and say. (si) bay |ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ _abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz B. Letters and words. (68) lL XX 2 Vy 3. Zz &» a BE 22 fox yarn zebra C. Find the letters. 70 = Unit 8 / Abilities i @ Let’s Build A. Play a game. 69) Unit 8 / Abilities 71 “) Units 7-8 Listen and Review A. Listen and circle. (70) 72 Units 7-8 Listen and Review & Days of the Week A. Say these. . Days of the Week 73 Let's Begin Syllabus | Unit1 Toys Let's Start | Let’s Learn | Let's Learn More | The Alphabet Let's Build Hil What's ball train Alphabet song Aa-2z_| What's your your nome? Leaming the Alphabet | name? Pm Kate It's a bal. ‘What is it? Im Pete. Asking Identifying It's a train, Learning new someone's objects ‘Asking about objects names name (singular) Stand up. ‘Commands Unit2 Colors | Let's Start | Let’s Lear | Let's Learn More | The Alphabet | Lets Build Hi, boysené | ted purple Alphabet song Aa-Zz_| I's a red train. sits. ] Hello, Miss | T's red. What colors it? Alphabet A-D What is it? Tones Identiving Its purple apple T's a red tin Good-bye. colors Asking about and bird Soo you later. icentifying colors cat Using colors Soying hello dog ‘os adjectives | and good-bye Practicing the Alphabet Units 1-2 listen and Review ‘School Supplies Thave paver. Unit3 Shapes Let's Start | Let’s Learn | Let's Leam More | The Alphabet | Let's Build How are you | circle stor ‘Alphabet song Ao-Zz | I's a blue square todoy? Tm fine, thank | Orawacirce. | Is ita star? Alphabet E-H Is ita green you. Introducing Yes, it is. egg square? Grestings shapes dentitying more shapes | fish Yes, itis. and having orilla No, it isn't. I's Walk, students heart a pink heart. Commands draw them Practicing the Asking and Alphabet censwering about colored shapes 74 Let's Begin/Sylicbus Unit4 Numbers Let’s Start | Lef’s Learn | Let's Learn More | The Alphabet Let’s Build May I come in? | Let's count How many? Alphabet song Aa-22 | Is i197 Sure! Please | |, 2.3. 6 Yes, itis come in! Identifying Identifying numbers and | Alphabet LL No, it isnt Asking numbers counting objects (6-10) | igloo Itsa6 permission to. | and counting jump rope Identifying entera place | objects (1-5) kangaroo numbers lion Go. Practicing the Commands Alphabet Units 3-4 Listen and Review ‘Classroom Commands Please take out your perc. UnitS Animals Let’s Start | Let's Learn | Let's Learn More | The Alphabet Let’s Build Hore you are. | cat, cots duck, ducks Alphobet song Aa-Zz | Let's count. Thank you. | train, 2 trains, Giving ond Let's count the | How many ducks? Alphobet M-P 3 trains. receiving cats. 3 ducks, moon Icot,2cats. | Counting, identitying | nest How many cars? Jump. Counting, singular and plurot octopus 8 cars. Commands identifying items peach Counting singular and Procticing the identifying plural items Alphobet singular and plurcl items Unit6 Food Let’s Start | Let’s Learn | Let's Learn More | The Alphabet Let's Build How old cre | ice cream milk Alphabet song Ac-Zz | Do you like you? birds? Im 6. like ice cream. | Do you like milk? Alphabet Q-T Yes, I do. No, ‘Asking and Expressing Yes, Ido.No,{dont. | queen T con't. teling likes obout Expressing likes and | rabbit Asking about someone's age | food dislikes about food sun likes and tiger dislikes Moke a line Practicing the Commands Alphabet Let's Begin/Syllabus 75 Let's Begin Syllabus Units 5-6 Listen and Review The Weather It's sunny. Unit7 My Body Let's Start | Let’s Learn | Let’s Learn More | The Alphabet Let's Build Cops! I'm sorry! | head nose Alphobet song Aa-Zz_| I can touch the That's OK red circle, Apolagizing Lean touch What can you do? Alphabet U-W my head. can touch my nose. umbrella What can you Stamp your Expressing ‘Asking abou! ability violin do? feet. ability watch Tean touch Commands Practicing the the red circle Alphabet Asking and answering about obility Unit8 Abilities Let's Start | Let’s Learn | Let’s Learn More | The Alphabet Let’s Build Let's play. Tide a bicycle | swim Alphabet song Aa-Zz | Can you jump? OK. Let's play Yes, I can. bal Ican/cant ride | Can you swim? Alphobet X-Z Asking and Inviting friends | a bicycle Yes, Ican.No,Ican't. | fox answering to play Expressing Expressing obilityand | yam about ability ability inobility zebra Point to the ‘and inability Practicing the board Alphabet Commands Units 7-8 Listen and Review Days of the Week I's Monday. Learning the days of the week 76 Let's Begin/Syllobus

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