Ielts Speaking Part 2-3 Questions

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1 - 4/2022

1. Describe a place in a village that you visited

You should say:
Where it is
When you visited this place
What you did there
And how you feel about this place
Actually, I am living in a city because my father and I are working right now. But, my father is
from a village and belongs to a farmer family. The village is only 50 km away from the city where
we are presently living. So, at least once a month we try to visit the village and my grandparents.
So, I think almost two years back, and I have visited one wonderful place that is my uncle’s orange
farms, where I enjoyed and learned some procedures of growing vegetables and fruits. The place
was almost very far away from my grandparent’s house, so it took one hour to reach the orange
After going there, I felt very pleasant and refreshed because there are more trees and different
types of plants also. Beside farms there is a large place where 100 cows and buffaloes shed is there
and immediately I ran to see the things which are quite astonished me because my uncle is using
latest technology and techniques of feeding the cows with grass and taking the milk and packing
them in a packet.
He explained to me each and every equipment usage of the farm. I observed all the things and even
noted down some procedures because one of my cousins is going to pursue agricultural
engineering, so I want to explain it to him, which can be beneficial to him in future. After that, I
plucked some oranges from the farms and ate them too. The best part of the farm is he is growing
those oranges organically and limiting the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
So I felt the difference in the taste of oranges when compared to the oranges available in the city,
which are grown chemically. The farm oranges tasted very sweeter. Even now, I try to visit his
farms because I will forget all my sorrows and feel much happier because I am a nature lover.
Part 3
1.1. Do young people enjoy living in the countryside?
As per my observation, I feel that everyone wants a luxurious and robotic life where more facilities
are available. So, youngsters always prefer to live in a city rather than the countryside. For
example, one of my cousins is from the village; even though it is his hometown, he never expresses
his gratitude and always talks about the cons of the village. In fact, recently, he moved out of the
village and pursued his education in the village. Thus, almost 80 % prefer to stay away from the


1.2. What can be done to improve life in rural areas?

Life in a rural area is a bit hard. It requires a lot of hard work. Life can be improved by giving them
facilities which are available in cities. For example, more small factories can be opened in that
area so that young people can get a job there. Basic facilities such as Electricity and water shall be
made available. All basic necessity items shall be available in local shops so that people need not
travel to distant places to purchase those items. More importantly, is connectivity. Road
infrastructure shall be improved along with telecommunication networks.
1.3. Why do many people move from small towns to big cities?
More people nowadays are moving from rural areas to cities. The main reason behind this is
unemployment. Rural areas are not able to provide employment to all people, and these areas do
not have any industrial sector. In addition, City life is way more comfortable than rural areas,
which people want. Farming is a major profession in rural areas, which requires a lot of hard work.
Also, income from farming is not enough to meet all expenses of the family. Hence most of the
young people nowadays moving to cities in search of a job and comfortable life.
1.4. How has life changed in the countryside in your country?
Answer 1: Recently, I have seen significant changes in the countryside like improvements in
education facilities and constructing multiplexes and fewer power cuts. Basically, my father is
from a village background, so when compared to last ten years recently I have seen some
improvements wherein summers only 1 or 2 hours power cut is there, and water supply is
increased, and at least high schools are seen at least 2 or 3 in a village where students can happily
stay there with parents and get an education without migrating to the city.
Answer 2: Life has not changed much in the countryside of my country. The major change that
happened is about telecommunication technology, which has reached every household in the
countryside. Earlier, this was mainly limited to cities. Other technological advancement includes
the utilization of solar power and tractors. However, people lifestyles and infrastructure are still
the same. Connecting roads are not in good condition, and the medical facility is also in a poor
state as earlier.

2. Describe a skill you learned from older people
You should say:
What the skill is
Who you learned it from
How you learned it
And how you feel about it

Learning is a continuous and never-ending process. So today, I would take this opportunity to talk
about a skill that I learned from a special member of my family. The skill that I’ve learned is Time
Management. I learned it from my mother. She is a master of organising things according to time.
A few years ago, I posed the same topic to motivational speakers and read blogs and articles to
learn more about time management. Some advised creating a timetable, while others advised
learning the skill of good time management, and so on. But then my mother told me to read Robin
Sharma’s book, “The 5 AM Club.” It changed the course of my life.

I paid close attention to every detail in the book (such as task scheduling and prioritisation,
reducing distractions, and so on), and as a result, I was quickly named “The Best Employee of the

Moreover, I observed my mother for the whole week to understand how she is so good at managing
everything. I found she makes a To-do list every morning to complete all daily chores on time. I
feel ecstatic about the fact that I have now mastered Time Management. Observing my mother and
understanding her thought process helped me become organised about scheduling different
activities. I also think that if we learn to manage time, half of our problems will be solved. Initially,
it might be difficult to get hold of it but once learned its applications are endless.
In the end, I would say that I am so lucky to have a mother who is my idol. Whatever I am in the
current stage of my life; I owe it to my mom.

Part 3
2.1. What can children learn from their parents?
Young children learn by watching their parents; they are their role models, especially in the early
years. Guardians can demonstrate crucial life examples to children simply by acting appropriately.
Regarding others, working hard, having an inspirational perspective, following healthy eating
habits, saving money, and assisting the poor are just a few life lessons that children can learn from
their parents.
2.2. What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
Grandparents have a wealth of knowledge that they like passing on to their grandchildren. From
now on, children can learn about the set of experiences and experiences that make up childhood in
completely unexpected ways. Individual grandmother stories are far more interesting than books
when it comes to learning about history. Children can also learn practical skills such as sewing,
weaving, gardening, and baking, which most parents are either unaware of or unwilling to teach.

2.3. How difficult or easy to learn from older people?
It really depends on various factors such as which skill learning, method of learning, people
involved in the learning. Some skills are easy to capture and some are challenging. Another factor
is pedagogy used because this makes the learning process easier or difficult. It is also important
who is teaching and learning due to individual capability varies from person to person. So it is
hard to say whether learning from older people is easy or difficult to learn.
2.4. What skills can young people learn from older people?
Individuals with more experience have been involved for longer periods of time and have
witnessed both success and failure. They can provide vital life examples for children. For instance,
figure out how to appreciate the worth in good situations while also daring to tackle the bad ones.
They may find that family is most important and that devoting a few minutes to friends and family
is essential. Seniors may teach them the importance of saving money for emergencies and

3. Describe a long walk you ever had
You should say:
When this happened
Where you walked
Who you were with
And explain how you felt about this long walk
Answer 1:
I would like to talk about a long walk that I have taken recently. So this was a walk around Hoan
Kiem Lake. I do this walk quite regularly actually, usually in the late evening, and usually
whenever I am feeling under pressure at work or school.
That night, the fresh air and tranquil atmosphere around the lake made me feel relaxed but quite
energetic at the same time, and it helped me to refresh my mind to get ready for a new day to come.
There’s also a lot of police presence around the area which makes you feel quite safe, so you don’t
have to be concerned about being pick-pocketed or something like that, you can really just
concentrate your mind on other more important things.
Surrounding the lake is a long spacious pavement, where people usually go jogging and walking,
and after taking a long walk I just sat there on a bench, taking in the peaceful atmosphere. Most of
the time I was just gazing at the stars, trying my best to let my mind unwind and meditate.
The reason I took this walk was because I had just had a huge fight with my best friend and he had
started questioning some things about my life, and it made me feel really awful. So following that,
we had an argument and all of a sudden I started questioning our relationship. Things just started
feeling very bizarre, so I went looking for something that would calm my mind.
Answer 2:
I’d like to talk about the one particular walk I had with my best friend a year ago. It had been a
very tough day for me, working on weekends and to top it, the work was a bit bizarre. I was about
to crash when Pant called me up for a walk. I remember running from my work desk and out to
the office gate as if I had found my freedom. We initially thought of going for a 15-minute walk,
but I came back after around one hour.

We were ambling talking about the unnecessary things, discussing each other and having a
beautiful time. It was late in the evening and the winds were blowing beautifully. We had burger
first then tea followed by corn and then ice cream. There was not much distance that we covered,
we were around 500 meters from the office area, but we took many rounds of the same place, and
it was amazing.

We chatted about his dreams and mine and then about the things going right and wrong in our
lives. Then, we discussed our families and our old crushes, broken hearts and almost everything.
It was a lovely walk, after a terrible day at work, when you are stuck to a computer screen for more
than 10 hours, nothing can be better than having a walk with your best friend.

Part 3
3.1. What outdoor activities do people like?
People have a plethora of activities to do. First and foremost is a picnic. Individuals from all age
groups have a liking for this activity. The best advantage it serves is that people experience fun
and enjoyment at a low cost. Secondly, people love to play adventure sports. Many adventure
enthusiasts have this uncanny knack for doing things beyond the conventional domain. They do
activities like rock climbing, bungee jumping and paragliding to unwind themselves. Apart from
this, many people of altruistic nature do something worthwhile for society through outdoor
activities. They organize medical camps, roadshows and awareness programs for the general
public’s welfare.
3.2. What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?
Answer 1: In the past, the outdoor activities of children used to be simple. As the infrastructure
development was not much, many children would play games like hiding and seek, running in the
park etc. On the other hand, children have a plethora of options for outdoor activities. They do
pursuits like drone flying and play sports such as hockey and cricket.
Answer 2: To be honest, we can see a lot of differences in the behavior of playing outdoor
activities in the past and now. In the past, children used to play simple games like hide and Seek
and running in the park. However, I believe kids nowadays engage in popular outdoor activities
like cricket, football, and badminton because many consider it as a career opportunity.
3.3. Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
Answer 1: Of course, free time is extremely important in everybody’s life because in this way
people enjoy their life to the fullest. Nowadays, everyone is leading an ultra busy lifestyle. Due to
this, they always remain under pressure or stress to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Therefore, free time gives an opportunity to people to rejuvenate and refresh themselves by doing
recreational activities.
Answer 2: It is vital for everyone to spend some time on amusement, and one should surely take
a break during the day because the brain deserves some rest in today’s frenetic world. People
should take time to rejuvenate in order to be able to concentrate or focus better on their activities
3.4. Do women have more leisure time than men?
Answer 1: In the past, women used to take care of household chores, so they used to have more
leisure than men. However, in the contemporary epoch, women work in tandem with men in all
the tasks. Due to this, the availability of leisure time is the same for both genders. However, the
leisure enjoyed by people does not depend on gender. It differs from person to person.
Answer 2: I don’t think Leisure has got anything to do with the sexual orientation of an individual.
It simply relies on person’s character, certain individuals like to try sincerely though others like to
invest more energy in engaging themselves. Truth be told, at my home my mom and father, who
are both working, spend an equivalent measure of time on relaxation exercises.

4. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
You should say:
What the clothing was
Who gave it to you
When you got it
And explain why this person gave you the clothing
Answer 1:
I am an avid shopper. I like to buy clothing items for me and my family every other day. So today,
I’d love to describe a piece of clothing that was given to me on my 21st birthday.
It was a T-shirt gifted by my closest friend, Nhi. I was ecstatic about the gift as well as my friend’s
thoughtful gesture. I thanked her profusely after obtaining the professionally printed T-shirt.
I got the item on my birthday. I normally receive gifts, the majority of which come from my family.
So, when Nhi, who rarely offers gifts to others, came to our home just a few days before my
birthday, I was delighted to see her. The excitement was amplified when she presented me with a
stunning t-shirt that she had chosen for me from a reputable store.
The thought of giving a T-shirt occurred to her because she was aware of my love for personalised
clothing. Although the T-shirt she gave me was just a piece of apparel yet it was significant as a
gesture of my friend’s gratitude and affection. Nhi is a kind and considerate individual, and
I rejoice in our friendship.
In the end, I would just tell you that the item of clothing turned out to be one of the finest gifts I’ve
ever received.

Answer 2:

I’m going to talk about a T-shirt, which is one of the most important pieces of clothing in my
closet. As far back as I can remember, it was a present from my mum when I turned 16, and I have
used it since then.

I would say that I am not really fashion-conscious, and I don’t feel like keeping up with the latest
trend. But I did realize that it was a Boo T-shirt, which is a very prominent high-end brand in
Vietnam. The T-shirt is plain white, with a tiny hand embroidered cow in the upper left corner.
Besides, it’s made from cotton, hence very durable and perfect for the humid summer. I must say
that it is really minimal and exactly to my liking.

To be honest, it is my most favorite item and it does go well with everything. I can match it with
any kind of skirt or pants like jeans, trousers, and overalls. In fact, it also makes a perfect outer
layer for a winter outfit. However, despite its practicality and versatility, I still don’t wear it too
often. As it is white, the T-shirt is really difficult to keep clean. Therefore, I only choose to wear
it on special occasions such as a date, a family meeting, or an interview, like a way to boost my

All in all, it’s a very meaningful gift from someone I really adore, so I will treasure and continue
wearing it in the future. In fact, I don’t think that it will ever be out of fashion, so it’s an easy call.

Part 3
4.1. What is the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?
In my opinion, the younger generation is mostly influenced by the latest fashion, whereas old age
people are not the slave of fashion. Usually, youth prefer to follow the modern fashion trends, and
their inclination is more towards western outfits, such as skirts, jeans, T-shirts, and the fusion of
Vietnamese and western attire. Whereas, older adults wear traditional clothes as they feel more
comfortable in them.
4.2. Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?
Yes, I think students need to wear school uniforms, as they act as a social leveler/equalizer.
Uniforms give an identity to the students and also inculcate a sense of discipline among students.
Uniforms are also good for the school’s security, as if any miscreants enter the school, they can be
easily spotted.
4.3. Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?
Indeed, dressing sense reveals our personality to a greater extent. Type of clothes we wear affect
our behavior, attitudes, personality and reflect our mood. Our clothes are an extension of our
personality. They tell people who we are, where we come from, and what we care about in life.

4.4. What kind of clothes should people wear at work?

Honestly speaking, people should wear formal clothes at work, and many companies have their
dress code policy, which employees are expected to adhere to. In some workplaces, uniforms are
needed, which gives them an identity and develops a sense of discipline. Thus, people should wear
proper and formal clothes in the workplace.
4.5. Who must wear trendy clothes, youth or older people? Why?
I don’t think trendy cloth is required for any, as it is only a method for expense and thus increase
the profit gained by the businessman. Cloth can be considered just for covering private parts. If a
normal cloth can fulfil the requirement, then there is no need for the following trend.

5. Describe a person who you follow on social media
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she posts on social media
And explain why you follow him/her on social media
I follow a lot of influential people on social media sites. But there’s one person in my twitter list
who I admire for his sense of humour.
He is none other than Mr Elon Musk. He is the CEO of Tesla, founder and CEO of rocket
company SpaceX. Mr Musk also heads the brain-chip start-up Neuralink.
I am an avid follower of his social media posts. But actually, I first learned about him from the
film ‘Iron Man.’ In fact, the movie’s main character, Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., is
based on Elon Musk’s life. Then, to learn more about him, I also read his biography. His
entrepreneurial spirit and desire to make a difference in the world made his entire life so
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has often shocked and surprised his followers on social media with his
quirky tweets. Since Twitter was founded he has written the equivalent of 10 books of tweets or
12,500+ Tweets. His social media posts varies from universal basic income and Coronavirus to
memes and video games. He is also a vocal proponent of Cryptocurrency usage.
I follow Elon Musk not because he is one of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs in
history, but he’s also most public about his life. Whereas most top executives has a PR team to
handle social media accounts, Musk do it all by himself. I just love him for his banter and his
In the end, I would just tell you that the billionaire’s antics may be over-the-top, but there are still
nuggets of leadership wisdom to be learned.
Part 3
5.1. What can people do on social media?
Answer 1: There are a lot of resources on social media. Some people will search for useful
information. It is very convenient for them to get what they want. Working adults or students often
watch movies or listen to music on social media after they finish their work or tasks, which can
reduce their stress. Also, many people like posting pictures of their daily life and sharing them
with their friends. What’s more, social media offer platforms for companies to promote their
products. So different people do different things.
Answer 2: Individuals can utilize web-based media to stay in contact with loved ones. Individuals
can likewise follow VIPs and see what’s happening in their lives. Individuals can even search for
vocation potential open doors on online media. Entrepreneurs can publicize their items and
increment their deals through friendly media. Individuals can post recordings about their abilities
like moving, singing, and so on via web-based media. Individuals can track down new companions

and interface with similar individuals via web-based media. Individuals can learn new abilities like
cooking, planting, craftsmanship via online media.
5.2. Why do people like to use social media?
According to my point of view, people like to use social media for diverse purposes. The first
reason is to relax because the internet has various applications which are quite helpful
to mitigate stress. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for individuals as they get knowledge not
only nationally but also get information worldwide. Moreover, some people use it for advertising
and promoting their company’s or business value. Last but not the least, with the help of social
media, people easily contact each other and it helps to build strong bonds between them.
5.3. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media
No, more youthful individuals lean toward the more up to date Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat
stages. These are new applications, also their short popular recordings are extremely famous
among youth. More youthful individuals quickly adjust to these new applications, use them for a
couple of years, and afterward may move to a novel, new thing next though more established
individuals are still predominantly utilizing Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp, and the list goes
5.4. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?
Answer 1: It is actually the case that the notoriety of non-web-based media like TV and paper has
declined a little yet they are still exceptionally helpful. Many individuals on the planet don’t have
web access and depend on TV and papers for news. The more established age likewise favours
this type of media. Additionally, TV and paper are significantly more dependable than web-based
media where anybody can post anything. There is a great deal of phony news via web-based media
that weak individuals will generally accept.
Answer 2: Many people still rely on television and newspapers because of their trustworthiness.
While social media is a better platform for the distribution of news – it is cheaper, faster, and has
a wider reach, television and newspapers are stronger for the creation of news content; it is where
the majority of news stories are originated, well-researched, and published.
6. Describe a city you think is very interesting
You should say:
Where it is
What it is famous for
How you knew this city
And explain why you think it is very interesting
When it comes to an interesting part in my country, most people will probably go for cities like
Danang or Dalat. But for me, Ho Chi Minh City, where I am living, is the most interesting place
in Vietnam

Located in the southern tip of Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh City is home to 10 million people. Actually,
the majority of the population are migrants from neighboring provinces who come here to make a
living. The city, which is affectionally known as Saigon, is divided into plenty of districts, with
District 1 housing most of the main attractions. While Hanoi – the capital – is the center of politics,
Saigon is widely known as Vietnam’s economic and financial center, accounting for one-third of
Vietnam‘s GDP. That’s the reason why there’s always a lot going on in this dynamic city.

There are a couple of reasons why I am interested in Ho Chi Minh city. First of
all, despite embracing modern living, it features a stunning blend of the futuristic and traditional
world with ancient buildings built in French colonial era blending with cutting-edge skyscrapers.
One of the must-visit places is Landmark 81, which overtook Bitexco Financial Tower to be the
highest builiding of Saigon. Another thing you should not miss when visiting Saigon is
experiencing the energy of the city’s nightlife. At night, the city has loads of hot spots where you
can let loose and have fun. Out of them, Bui Vien is one of the most popular areas for drinking
and nightlife, offering a diverse mix of clubs, from the exclusive to the cheap and cheerful. On top
of that, Saigonese’s hospitality is also part of its charm. While Hanoians are pretty reserved and
serious, Saigonese are incredibly welcoming and are willing to give you a hand when you are in

Part 3
6.1. Why do some people like to visit historical places?
Visiting historical sites teaches people about their country’s history and about the people who lived
in the past. In terms of culture, historic structures help us in understanding events that occurred
before we were born, as well as promoting respect for individuals who lived at the time and had
distinct traditions.
6.2. Why do some young people like to live in cities?
Modern cities provide better facilities than the countryside like education hospitality job facilities,
so most of the people come to have better facilities and full fill their desire and look for their
6.3. Do you think having too many tourists is positive for historical attractions?
Answer 1: I think it is a positive thing. When more people visit historical sites, the tourist industry
gets a boom in the local area. People open restaurants and other shopping centers where people
buy a souvenir. Another important factor is funds collected by selling tickets to tourists help
management to maintain the site.
Answer 2: There are advantages and disadvantages to tourist attractions in a historic place. Firstly
tourism builds strong economic to the country by paying taxes and also gives a chance to earn
money for the unemployment by providing part times jobs like a tourist guide and many more. If
we talk about the disadvantage, then it also gives a high chance of crime where theft and supplies
of the drug are most.
6.4. What do you think are the impacts of tourism in your country?

I believe tourism has a huge impact in contributing towards the GDP of our country. When foreign
tourists visit India, they bring foreign currency with them that adds value in the economy. Also,
local residents of the tourist place get employment opportunities such as working as tourist guides
to them or become sellers to them.
6.5. Do you think there are also negative impacts of tourism?
Yes, of course. There are various negative consequences of tourism that can negatively affect the
local people staying in that place. If the foreign tourists do not take care of the historical places
well, it would cause damage to these historical buildings and thereby, the loss of culture and
heritage. Secondly, huge crowd of tourists can also affect the city, causing inconvenience to a
number of local residents.

7. Describe a rule that you don’t like
You should say:
What it is
Why you don’t like it
How others feel about the rule
And explain whether you’ve followed the rule
School plays an important role in our life as this makes our platform is the first step of our journey
of education. However, there are certain rules in schools which I don’t prefer, and today I am going
to talk about one of these rules.

This rule was regarding Internet lab. I was studying in Superking school in my hometown, and it
was an era when computers were just introduced in schools. We were certainly amazed by these
machines at that time and wanted to practice as much as possible. However, there was an annoying
rule by our school administration, which was not allowing us to access these computers. As per
that rule, we were not allowed to enter the computer lab, and only the 10th and 12th class was
allowed to practice on these computers. I was studying in 8th class at that time and wanted to have
my hands on that computer. All other students were also angry due to this rule and approached the
principal several times, but all was in vain.
However, I got access to the computer room once secretly. Actually, once I missed the morning
player as I was late and I found that the IT lab door was open and all teachers were attending
morning prayers, I found this situation as an opportunity to fulfil my desires and approached that
computer. I closed the door from inside and started using a computer, but soon after that, I was
caught by our IT teacher, who later on punished me and made a complaint to my parents.

I certainly did not like that rule because knowledge shall be available to everyone irrespective of
class and grade. Because of this rule, I felt that my school administration was a bit polarized
towards higher education classes.

Part 3
7.1. Should schools have rules?
Schools are the first step of a child towards education. I would say that these are the building
blocks of our character and habits. The School shall have rules, which are for the betterment of
children. For example, Discipline is very important in life, and it can be adopted as a habit if strictly
followed by use from childhood. School can play a vital part in making these a habit.
7.2. Should students be involved in rulemaking?
I believe that students shall not be involved in rulemaking as they may amend the rules as per their
suitability, which will not serve the purpose. However, feedback of rules can be taken from
students, but the final decision on any sort of modification shall be taken by well-
talented professionals of school administration.
7.3. Do people often violate the rules?

Oh honestly speaking, yes, we violate the petty rules quite usually because some of the rules are
just nonsense and thoughtless. For example, a couple of years ago, there was a campaign of
reclaiming the pavements for pedestrians from the street vendors because the pavements are for
walking people who need to be empty. The campaign was controversial as besides clearing the
pavement, it also took away the livelihood of poor people in the working class who had no choice
but to earn their living on the street. I think if the lawmakers had had a sensitive heart to feel, they
would have offered the street vendors some alternatives to make ends meet so that they wouldn’t
occupy the pavements like that.
7.4. What’s the importance of obeying law?
Without law, we would be living in utter chaos. There would be crime everywhere and life would
be difficult for the common man. For example, if we don’t obey traffic rules, we would have many
accidents. If there were no property rules, people would make their houses anywhere and the whole
city would be unplanned.

8. Describe a story someone told you and you remember
You should say:
What the story was about
Who told you this story
Why you remember it
And how you feel about it
I was fond of stories in my childhood, and my grandmother used to tell stories to me, especially at
night. I had a habit of listening to stories before going to sleep. Today I will let you know about
one of the stories I listen to in my childhood.
The story was named thirsty crow. This is a story of a crow who was looking for water to quell his
thirst. After searching a lot, he found one pot of water. But the water in that pot was very limited,
and the level of water was very low that the crow was unable to drink it. Because of the shape of
the pot, it had a very small opening that crow was unable to insert its beak to that low level. After
thinking so much, he saw some pebbles near to that pot, and he got an idea. He started picking
those pebbles one by one and threw them in the pot.

After throwing a few pebbles, water started rising, and the crow got excited; he continued throwing
pebbles inside the pot until the water reached to level which is suitable for drinking. Once the
water reached the desired level, he drank that water and flew away. This story tells about the
cleverness of crows and how nature gives us so much strength or power to solve our problems.

I still remember this story clearly because I listened to it several times from my grandmother, and
it teaches us to fight with our problem and try to search for a solution rather than accepting our
defeat. This is a very motivational story and strengthens you to face any problem of life and resolve
Part 3
8.1. Has storytelling changed over a period of time?
Absolutely, I believe storytelling has now become obsolete as children are mostly busy on
electronic devices and not spending much time with their parents or grandparents. Moreover,
parents are also do not having enough time for these activities, and they prefer to play stories on
YouTube or other websites rather than telling by themselves as done in the older era.
8.2. Which way is better, traditional storytelling or the use of technology in storytelling?
Answer 1: I believe that traditional storytelling is much better than technology one. Because in
traditional storytelling, you get one emotional connection with the storyteller, which is very much
required. The story is about how someone expresses their feelings, and the experience of the
listener will largely depend on this.
Answer 2: The use of technology such as graphics, audio, texts, videos and animations is far more
effective than traditional or oral storytelling. In oral storytelling, a child hears the story and needs
to paint the picture mentally to understand the story. This might pose a huge cognitive challenge

to them and thus making them passive listeners. However, in digital storytelling, a child can watch
the multimedia visuals and hear the soundtrack to better understand the story in a vivid way.
8.3. Do you think that generally most of the people are good at storytelling?
Answer 1: Storytelling is one of the purest forms of expression. For some people, this art form
comes naturally – and for others, not so much. Generally, most people are not good
storytellers because they lack the vivid depiction which is significantly important in engaging a
listener. Stories are about collaboration and opening up to the audience which most people are
afraid to do so.
Answer 2: Yes, undoubtedly it is a fact that some people are very good at storytelling because
some people have a special way to tell the story to other people, but there are some people as well
who do not have a good way to the of storytelling, and they convert interesting story to a boring
story, so obviously there are some skills through person become a good storyteller.
8.4. Why do children like stories?
Children are full of fantasy, and they see everything with a lot of curiosity. They are eager to learn
about this world, and they find this way in stories. They love stories as they are full of surprises
and tell them about the world. The story is a journey that children enjoy a lot.
8.5. Do young children like the same stories as older children?
Answer 1: I guess not because young children do not have much experience of life and they
fantasize more compared to older children. While older children are much smart and can not be
easily fooled, they know the practicability of stories and can argue, which is not the case for
younger children.
Answer 2: No young children do not like the same stories like the older people because there is a
huge gap generation and big thinking difference between the thinking of older people and modern
children so if I talk about the modern children, then they like to listen to the thrilling stories by
they can get experience adventure, but if I talk about the older people then they like to listen to the
stories through they can get peace.

9. Describe a gift you would like to buy for someone
You should say:
What gift you would like to buy
Who you would like to give it to
Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her
And explain why you choose that gift
Well, gifting is a way to express our love and affection towards others here I would like to talk
about something special I am planning to gift. Actually, it’s my mother’s birthday the coming
month and I have planned to get her a smartphone.

The fact is that, my mother still uses an old mobile which is not smartphone. She always pretends
that she likes this simple handset but I know her nature. She always makes compromises when it
comes to her because of her caring nature towards others. But I have planned that I will surprise
her with a latest handset on her birthday. I have been saving my pocket money for a year now and
last week I went to the market to check out the latest mobile phones. I have short listed one which
I will gift her and I’m sure she will love it. This new device would be helpful to my mother in
many way.
Firstly, when all family members go out for work she feels alone and bored but on smartphone she
can remain active on social networking applications like Facebook and Instagram to spend her
time in an interesting way. In addition, my mother has profound interest in cooking and loves to
cook new food items and on her new phone, she can easily watch YouTube videos to cook
something special for family. Lastly, she is quite religious and fond of listening spiritual music
which she can listen all the time using headphones without any disturbance. Now I am eagerly
waiting for the day so that I can surprise my mother with this very special gift.
Part 3
9.1. When do people normally send gifts to others?
Well, the most common occasions are personal events & celebrations such as Birthdays,
Weddings, Home Warming Party, Teacher Day, Valentine Day, Women Day or even when
someone is hospitalized. Traditional holidays such as Lunar New Year or Mid-autumn Festival
are also perfect opportunities for people to give gifts and express their love and gratitude for their
family and friends.
9.2. What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give each other?
As I have mentioned earlier, firstly it depends on the occasions but most of the time, we only give
one another gifts of small value only. We tend to buy a T-shirt, a belt or a wallet for men or a skirt
or perfume for women. In other cases, a group of friends usually gather their money to buy a
birthday cake or treat that friend, I mean the one who is celebrating his birthday, with a meal from
some street vendors.
9.3. Do you think it good for children to get expensive gifts?

Personally, I don’t approve that parents send children expensive gifts. Children may compare the
gifts with their classmates or show off their expensive gifts, which is harmful to their mental health.
They may become peacock-ish, also, some expensive gifts like Play Stations or cell phones may
affect their study.
9.4. Compare the kinds of gifts that boys like with those that girls like.
There are quite interesting comparisons which can be made regarding the taste for gifts of both
sexes. Firstly, while women tend to prefer fashionable items of clothing, their male counterparts
would show a bigger fancy for high-tech gadgets. So a trendy pair of sandals will please the girls
while a pair of headphones can give men a great delight. Secondly, women like something
sentimental or surprising while men are more practical and would love to receive something that
they can use right away.
9.5. Why do people give presents?
To the best of my knowledge, there are a couple of reasons why people give gifts to one another.
Firstly, a present is the symbol of a longstanding relationship or a signal that we are going to
strengthen the bonds more in the not-so-distant future. By giving something, despite its value, we
can show the recipients that we really care about them and truly appreciate having a friend like
them. Secondly, it’s an unspoken rule existing in society, which means a custom, I would have to
9.6. What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends? = Do you think useful
gifts are always more suitable than those useless ones?
As mentioned above, firstly, it depends on the occasions but most of the time, we only give one
another gifts of small value only. We tend to buy a T-shirt, a belt or a wallet for men or a skirt or
perfume for women. In other cases, a group of friends usually gather their money to buy a birthday
cake or treat that friend with a meal from some street vendors. Besides, people can take into
account their friends’ taste before making up their minds what to buy, which I think can only be
understood among friends themselves.

10. Describe a time when you got up early
You should say:
When it was
What you did
Why you got up early
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:
I am a health conscious person. So I always wake up at around 7 o’clock everyday. But today, I
would like to talk about an event when I had to get up in the wee hours of the morning.
Last Month, I had my final high school exams…more specifically, it was the day of Biology exam.
Frankly speaking, Biology is not my forte! so I was tensed days before the exam, and the
examination stress drove me to wake up at the crack of dawn.

Like I said, it was my biology paper and I haven’t studied much in the whole year. I got up early
to revise important topics. After finishing my morning chores, I took my notes and quickly glanced
through them. Then at 6 AM I went for a walk in the morning sun and finally took a warm bath to
feel rejuvenated. After that, I wore my school attire and had a restful breakfast with my family.
Thereafter, my father dropped me off at the school.

Getting up early was unusual but nice experience. I felt like I had full control of my life. Though
I experienced dizziness in the later hours of the day, but the exams were over and I was as happy
as Larry.

In the end, I’d just like to tell you that..My exam went really well and I scored an “A”grade, and
this establishes the fact that early mornings can be a lot useful if you are determined!

Answer 2:
Speaking of a time that I got up early, the first one that comes to mind is the time when I had an
early morning bike ride.
I have a great liking for recreational cycling. About a month ago, several friends of mine who have
the same interest decided to cycle at a park together. There’s actually a park that was recently built
near my home. It has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. And
there’s a long bike path that has been built alongside the lake. So, in order to try out the new bike
lane, we agreed to meet up at the park at six in the morning when the park wasn’t packed with
people yet.
I’m not a morning person. Getting ready to go out before 6 was way earlier than I was used to But
I didn’t want to make my friends wait so I dragged myself out of bed. And a very pleasant
experience that day. We breathed in fresh air and enjoyed water while riding, which was fantastic.
Plus, since we went there early, the lanes were empty so we could speed up as much as we like.
When we got tired, we sat on the lawn nearby and enjoyed the morning sunlight, which is super
So, that early start to the day really left a mark on me. But honestly, having one experience like
that is enough for me. I prefer sleeping in on most days.

Part 3
10.1. Do you think morning is the best time of day?
Personally I think that evening is the best time of day, because it is the end of the work or school
day and you have time to kick back and relax. I do like mornings, but I wouldn’t say that they are
the best time of the day because mornings can be quite stressful. If you are getting ready for work
or school and you’re running late, then your morning isn’t very enjoyable.
10.2. Why do people get up early?
I think the main reason for people to get up early is simply because it gives additional time to
perform everyday tasks apart from their normal schedule. Moreover, for office goers, getting up
and out of the house early can help them beat the usual traffic, which is pretty much a universal
10.3. What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?
Answer 1: I think people should definitely be punctual in formal commitments like client-
meetings, office interviews and hospital appointments. Furthermore, on religious congregations
Answer 2: Most people try to arrive early for formal ceremonies such as a wedding or a funeral.
This is because these events require a large amount of organization and planning, so it is very
important that no one arrives late in order to avoid interruptions. People may also arrive early to
an airport or train station when they are travelling. Most international flights recommend that you
arrive three hours early in order to get through airport security, so arriving early is a good idea for
10.4. Why do some people like to stay up late?
Answer 1: I think some people like staying up late because they’re more energetic at night. Night
owls are really good at being productive late into the night. For whatever reason, they just work
better at that time. Personally, I like staying up late because it’s quieter in my house since everyone
has gone to sleep. Other people like staying up late because there are exciting activities that happen
at night, like parties and concerts
Answer 2: According to me, people like to stay up late because there is peacefulness at night.
Most people are asleep, and they can remained focused on their train of thoughts…like reading a
book, watching a movie etc. Whereas during the day, they have to face continuous drumbeat of

11. Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
You should say:
Who the person is
How you knew him/her
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you think he/she is interesting
Answer 1:

I’m going to talk about Komuro Mako, who was a princess in Japan until recently. She had to give
up her royal title to marry her long-time boyfriend, who is a commoner. I didn’t really know about
Japan’s marital practices. However, from what I’ve read, when a Japanese woman marries, she
must change her last name to that of her husband. Since her husband is just a regular citizen, she
also becomes one. The wedding has attracted so much drama and the couple must have been under
much pressure.

A little bit more on Mako, I just got to know her from what the press has written about as well as
the videos I’ve seen on social media. To me, she looks like what I expect from a princess. She’s
always well-dressed in an elegant way and not too showy. Her demeanour is calm and when she
answers the press, her gesture is polite and composed. She seems to be highly educated, in fact,
her husband is her college sweetheart, whom she referred to as “irreplaceable” in an interview.

The reason why I’m interested in her is that her story seems like a modern-day fairy tale. She and
her husband have endured so much just to be together. It’s very brave of her to follow her heart.
That’s something that the rest of us can learn from. I wish her all the best with her new life.

Answer 2:
Our world is full of interesting people in every arena – be it Politics, Business, Science or
Literature. After all, they are the driving force running this universe.
So today, I’d take this opportunity to talk about a man who has been my idol and
has profound impact on my personality. Well…He is none other than Elon Musk. The man who is
working tirelessly to revolutionise transportation both on Earth and in space. He is the founder
of SpaceX and a co-founder of PayPal and Tesla Motors.
Actually, the first time I heard about him it was through a movie called ‘Iron Man’. The lead
character ‘Tony Stark’ in the movie played by Robert Downey Jr. is in fact inspired from the life
of Elon Musk. Then, I read his biography to know more about him.
Indeed, his entrepreneurial spirit and the urge to change the world made his whole life so
Elon Musk is a fascinating individual who attracts fanatical devotion due to his
genuinely groundbreaking work in electric cars and space travel. Plus, He may be a little
intimidating but by no means rude. In fact, he’s got in an incredible sense of humour. I mean, if
you look at his tweets. They are hilarious and mind-bending.

There are plenty of things that makes him interesting! According to Forbes, his net worth is in
billions, but he still enjoys an ordinary lifestyle. In recent months, Elon Musk’s influence has
expanded from Space Exploration and clean energy, but into the stock market.
If you’ve been following Crypto Currency, you’ll know there is quite a bit of controversy over
Elon Musk’s beliefs regarding DogeCoin. Another intriguing fact about him is that, he has actually
sent a Tesla into space – a car orbiting the earth just like satellites.
In the end I would just tell you that…He is an inspiration and a prime example for young business
leaders worldwide.
Part 3
11.1. Do you have any foreign friends and do you think having foreign friends is a good way
to know other countries?
Oh, I’ve got many friends from all sorts of countries since I used to frequent cultural exchange
clubs in my city. Ever since the Covid Pandemic became dangerous, I’ve moved on to meeting
people online using language exchange platforms. I’ve got the opportunity to teach people about
my language and culture and receive others’ in return.
11.2. Do you think it is important to know the culture and language before going to another
Answer 1: Personally, I think it is quintessential to know about the culture and language of foreign
country before visiting it. Learning the basic dialect is often helpful in exploring the city and make
new social connections. Many times, I engaged with people on a completely different level as I
was not only perceived as the annoying tourist but as someone who at least tried to learn their
language and culture, if anything out of respect.
Answer 2: Yes, it’s absolutely crucial to at least have essential knowledge about the customs as
well as the taboos of a culture if you’re planning on travelling there. You will represent your
country and culture there as well, so it is a must that you follow what they consider polite and good
and avoid making a fool of yourself. As for the language, I think it’s a plus and a good way to
show respect but it can be quite difficult to master a language. Besides, you can hire a
local interpreter and create a job in the process.
11.3. What do you think of people who work in international companies?
Answer 1: Working for an international brand would definitely give good exposure to people
working there. It can be a great way to see something of the world whilst you’re learning.
Multinational companies have presence in various countries, and landing a job with one, means
you could soon be living overseas in some of the most exciting and diverse landscapes on the
Answer 2: In my country, they are seen as having lucrative professions and are regarded as highly
skilled labourers because they can work and communicate with foreigners. In order to work in an
international environment, they ought to have great language skill and also excellent cultural
11.4. What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?

Answer 1: Global companies always look for multi-talented individuals. As such, good
communication skills, interpersonal skills, awareness about culture and language, leadership
capability, and a cooperative attitude are some of the abilities that people need to have when
working for an MNC (Multi-national company).
Answer 2: People working in an international company need to have good language learning
skills. Since international companies normally have branches and stakeholders in more than one
country, their employees need to be able to communicate with other co-workers, suppliers and
clients from different countries in an effective manner. So employees who are bilingual or
trilingual are definitely assets to an international company. Besides, people skills are also essential
since communication makes up a big part of their job.
11.5. How do people know foreign friends?
People usually get to know foreign friends through travel. A lot of people like to travel abroad, so
they might meet new friends along the way. Sometimes it’s easier to start a friendship while on a
journey than in everyday life, despite the difference of citizenship. After all, being in a foreign
land means you are exotic, which adds your charisma somewhat. Besides, some people may meet
new friends from other countries online. When you play an online game that is open to the world,
it’s quite easy to team up with gamers from other countries and have opportunities to know them.
11.6. What are the advantages of knowing foreigners?
Well, there are a lot of advantages to knowing foreigners. Firstly, knowing someone from another
country will open up your perspective since you will get to learn about a culture that is different
than your own. Secondly, you might be introduced to new food, music, languages, or traditions
that you would not have known otherwise. Finally, knowing someone from another country gives
you a good excuse to travel and visit that country someday.
11.7. What are the pros and cons of living abroad?
One big pro is that you get to experience a new culture. You might even be able to learn a new
language. I think that’s a great way to expand your horizons and learn more about the world, or
even yourself in the process. You can also try new food and meet new people, which is always
exciting. A con is that you might find it hard to learn a new language and fit into a new
environment. It can also be very expensive to live abroad.
11.8. How can we promote international cultural exchanges?
I think that a great way to promote international cultural exchanges is through study abroad
programs. When students go to another country to learn, they encounter a totally new culture and
way of life. It helps familiarize them with another country and gives them lots of knowledge that
they can bring back to their own country. When they have formative experiences abroad, they can
also have more empathy and understanding for people from different places.

12. Describe a famous athlete you know
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she has achieved
And explain why he/she is famous
Being a big fan of basketball, I have long idolized the legend of this sport – Michael Jordan, also
known as MJ. I first got curious about his life when I saw a logo portraying him on a product of
the brand, Nike, and his life turned out to be intriguing to me.

He played in the position of shooting guard in one of the most renowned teams, the Chicago Bulls,
and was famous for his exceptional leaping ability, illustrated by performing slam dunks from the
free throw line. Early in his NBA career, while playing for the University of North Carolina, he
appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the heading “A star is born” just over a month into
his professional career. It was not only his talent but also his dedication that made him a strong
clutch performer. He spent hours studying films of his opponents to improve his defense. Even
when his right knee was injured, Jordan did not miss any games in the season from 1986 to 2001.
Throughout his career, he led the Chicago Bulls to six championships, was awarded the NBA Most
Valuable Player five times and was the first player to be honored with both the NBA’s Defensive
Player of the year award and Most Valuable Player awards. All the compliments that journalists
gave him were not an overstatement.

Although Michael Jordan retired in 2003, his skills and his legacy are still a great inspiration for
any basketball player or person considering pursuing a basketball career. He is also active in
charity activities. His clothing line, Jordan brand, has made donations to different organizations
across America. It’s difficult to describe how amazing Michael Jordan is in words, just watch a
few of his videos playing in NBA games or his interviews, you’ll figure it out yourself.

Part 3
12.1. What kinds of exercises do Vietnamese people like?
Most Vietnamese people are not very physically active. That is why there has been a drastic rise
in diseases like obesity and diabetes in Vietnam. However, at the same time, many people in
Vietnam go for a morning walk and do yoga.
12.2. What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
I think the two most important qualities for an athlete are discipline and self-confidence. One
cannot achieve success overnight; it requires regular hard work and that means discipline and
discipline is not just restricted to exercise but also to diet. Moreover, in all sports and gymnastics,
mental toughness is as important as physical fitness, if not more.
12.3. Why are there so few top athletes?

Because the journey to become a top athlete is full of struggles and obstacles. Although many
people have the physical strength and fitness to reach the level, they don’t have the mental
toughness required to keep going. In fact, many talented people let go in the middle because they
are unable to keep up with the daily struggles and challenges.
12.4. What’s the best way to become a top athlete?
Answer 1: I think the first requirement to become a top athlete is to start early. Nearly all the
athletes today are those who started when they were children. For example, Roger Federer started
playing tennis at the age of three. Then, it’s all about will power and dedication.
Answer 2: A great athlete is a well-rounded one and there’s a lot that goes into it… Discipline,
lifestyle habits, self-awareness & personal development – all of that combined to create an athlete
that is strong, fast, and most importantly, injury free.

13. Describe a creative person whose work you admire
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What creative things he/she has done
And explain why you think he/she is creative
Answer 1:
I have always believed that creativity is at the core of being human. Creativity makes the world a
better, more beautiful, more friendly place. When you think creatively, you’re opening your heart
and mind and you’re relating to people as humans.
So today, I’d take this opportunity to talk about Mr. Walter Elias Disney also known as Walt
Disney; who I admire for his mind-bending creativity. He was an American entrepreneur, creator,
writer, voice actor, and film producer. In fact, Mr Walter Disney was a pioneer of the American
animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons.
I watched his creative cartoon series during childhood. That’s how I came to know about him. As
a child, I remember being shocked to learn that Walt Disney was a person. To me, Disney was a
mysterious entity, symbolised by the magical castle that appeared at the start of every film. A cross
between fairyland and a faceless corporation. A bit like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory!
His creativity is world renowned! Walt Disney was the most creative and innovative person in the
entertainment business in the 20th century. His movies and animations had a huge impact on family
life and the movie and animation industry.
He also created shows for television and opened Disney Land which were both huge successes.
Moreover, how could we forget Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck? Both were his stunning
I think he is creative because he was very successful at turning fantasies into reality. His success
is undisputed, as is the reason for it: Walt Disney was not merely a creative daydreamer who just
had a few good ideas. Disney was a realist and the harshest critic of his own ideas. That made his
creations into global successes.
In the end I’d just tell you that… Walt Disney was a wonderful creative artist because he had a
vision that he focused on. He set out to develop an amusement attraction that both you and me
could enjoy.
Answer 2:
Well, not everyone is blessed with creativity, but I know few people who have extremely creative
and innovative minds.
Here I am going to talk about my science teacher Mr. Simon whom I believe to be the most creative
person I have ever come across.

I feel lucky to be his student during my school days. Science is one of the most difficult subjects,
and a vast majority faces difficulty understanding the subject, but our science teacher is truly a
genius who always had novel ideas to teach the students.

He used to emphasize/accentuate more on practical learning than theoretical, and for this, he
frequently took us to science laboratories for practical learning.

In addition, there are some topics related to physics that are highly impractical to comprehend by
reading books only and to clear such concepts he used to teach us with the help of technology.

For example, by playing videos and showing 3D images. In fact, it was also a fun way to learn for
students, and we never felt bored in his classroom.

Last but not least, he also used to request school management to organize some excursions to keep
the fun element in education. He was such a genius and brainy person that he always had innovative
ideas to bring improvements to the school.

I had a wonderful experience of learning at school, especially the science subject, and the credit
goes to the science teacher Mr. Simon.

Part 3
13.1. Do you think you are a creative person?
Answer 1: Well, I guess I am. I always like having my creativity come to the forefront whenever
there is an opportunity, like while writing something or singing a combination of songs together,
and so on. Though I won’t rate myself too high on creativity, yes, I have a penchant for it. I like
writing and music and never miss a chance to experiment with it.
Answer 2: Yes, I would say that overall I’m a creative person. I’m always coming up with new
ideas and new ways to do things, because I think that is a good way to keep work interesting. I
also really like making art. It’s not my profession by any means, but it’s a really fun hobby and it
helps me bring out my creative side more. Plus, I try to be creative with interior design, by adding
new decor and furniture to my apartment to make it reflect my personality and creativity.
13.2. Is it good for children to learn arts? / Do drawing and music lessons in school help
children develop creativity?
Answer 1: Yes, it’s great for children to study the arts. Children can definitely develop their
creativity through activities like drawing and music lessons. Both of these activities teach children
to express themselves in creative ways. With drawing, they can use their imagination to create
pieces of art. When they take music lessons, they can use different parts of their brain to understand
music and express themselves by playing a song. Through these activities, children can learn to
see and interact with the world in new ways.
Answer 2: Yes absolutely. I believe it is immensely useful for the children to learn arts as it gives
them the feathers to fly and explore their creative selves. I think humans are innately creative and

making children learn art would provide them ample opportunities to dig deeper into their creative
selves. At times, people never realize that they were excellent at a particular task as they never got
exposed to it. Hence, I believe teaching art for kids should rather be a priority, thereby making
them cognizant of a colourful world of creativity.
13.3. What kinds of jobs require people to be creative?
Answer 1: I believe almost all the jobs command creativity and novelty as otherwise even the best
of the jobs with the widest scope of creativity could be rendered drab and lustreless. However,
some of the jobs that obligatorily need people to be creative are painters, designers, writers, public
speakers, Event planners, and Marketers. That being said, I still feel there is no job that could work
efficiently without creativity and creative approaches.
Answer 2: I think all jobs require people to be creative. If people are not creative, then their job
may become dull and boring after just a few days. If any job has to be done over and over again,
then some element of creativity has to be added to it. For example, an engineer needs to think of
new ways to do things; the plumber needs to learn new things every day to make his work better
and simpler, a carpenter needs to learn new ways of doing things that can add grace to his work, a
teacher has to bring up innovative methods to teach so that children don’t get bored.
13.4. Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?
Answer 1: Most certainly! Leaders have to be mandatorily creative and innovative in all aspects
without fail. People look up to someone who has got new and unprecedented things to offer.
Nobody would follow or willingly listen to an individual who serves similar hackneyed and
mundane stuff to the people who follow him/her. People like freshness and newness. A common
and usual person is too normal to be a leader.
Answer 2: Yes, I would say that leaders need to be creative. This is because leaders need to take
into account every single member of their team, and come up with ideas and solutions that work
for them. This often requires the leader to think outside the box in order to come up with ideas that
work for everyone. The more creative a leader can be, the more engaged’ and happy their team
will be.
13.5. Do you think music education at school is suitable for all children?
Yes, I suppose that all children could benefit from at least a little music education. They don’t have
to take music classes all throughout school, but they should at least have one class. I think that
learning about music or learning to play an instrument is really beneficial for children’s
development. It gets them to use their brain in a different way. Studying music has also been shown
to improve children’s math skills.
13.6. What age should children start music lessons at school?
I think children should start music lessons when they’re six or seven. If they’re any younger, they
might not be able to grasp the basic skills you need to play an instrument. But when they’re around
that age, they can understand simple instructions and begin to read music notes on a page. Plus, if
they keep at it, they’ll be able to become a strong player in a few years. That can help build their

14. Describe a good service you received
You should say:
What the service was
When you received it
Who you were with
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:

I am going to talk about how satisfied I was when receiving good service from a music shop a
couple of months ago.

One day, after watching a really motivational concert, I decided to start learning how to play the
guitar. As I was walking along one of the main shopping streets in the city centre to look for a
music shop, a large window displaying all sorts of musical instruments caught my eye. I decided
to go in and have a look around.

A young good-looking shop assistant appeared and greeted me with a glowing smile. After
exchanging pleasantries, I explained to the assistant that I had never played the guitar before in my
life and that I wondered what the differences were between the various acoustic guitars on show.
He talked to me about the different makes and models, whether they were factory or handmade,
the woods and varnishes used, the variation in sound quality and, of course, the price range.
Though I was a bit overwhelmed by what he said as a non-musician, I highly appreciated his

To tell the truth, it is difficult to find very smart and efficient customer service nowadays. I was
quite satisfied with the service the young man provided, he was obviously well-trained, and he was
patient enough to fully understand what my problem was and used his professional skills to deal
with it. Besides, he was very proficient in acoustic guitar playing, and seemed reliable to me.

Answer 2:
When I think of service experience, there are number of companies that are coming to my mind.
Because for all these years I’ve consumed a lot of services.
But today, I’d take this opportunity to talk about my recent dining experience where I was amazed
with the professional work ethics at the place. The service that I availed was their recently
introduced table service – where customers can place orders using the self-service kiosks/mobile
phones, customize their own burger before finalizing the order and skip the front counters. The
food is served directly at the table.
Actually, last week, it was my manager’s birthday. So we planned to host the evening at the
Mcdonalds. This made us all super excited! I was accompanied by some friends and work

colleagues. From the moment we walked in, the waiters were polite, approachable and attentive;
nothing was too much to ask. In fact, they made us feel at home.

Then one waiter came to our table and asked us if we are using any digital payment service, to that
I said “Yes”. Then, he briefed us about quick, contactless and fully customisable table service. He
guided me throughout the process and as a result I successfully placed the order without
even moving an inch from my seat. Burgers, French Fries and Soft-drinks arrived at our table in
no time, and we ate like pigs till our soul satisfied.
I knew Mcdonalds always take due cognizance of customer needs. So I was pleased to see my
favourite restaurant adapting to the new norms of social distancing. I felt extremely happy and
rated the service 5 out of 5. This would definitely be an unforgettable memory because we took so
many pictures inside the restaurant and it was the best service experience I’ve ever received.
In the end I’d just tell you that…Going to Mcdonalds is one of my keenest pleasures. Meeting
someplace with old and new friends, ordering fries, eating burgers, surrounded by strangers, I think
is the core of what it means to live a civilised life.
Part 3
14.1. What do you think of the relationship between companies and customers?
Answer 1: According to me, Consumers have human-like relationships with the brands. When
a brand has built up trust in its customers, brand loyalty begins. If customers find a product they
can believe in, then they will be loyal to brands. Thus, it is not surprising that the leading
companies in the world like Apple, Amazon also have the most loyal customers.
Answer 2: I think both companies and customers depend upon each other. Without sales, a
company cannot succeed and grow, and without good companies, people cannot get good quality
products and services. Thus, it is not surprising that the leading companies like Apple and Amazon
also have the best customer service.
14.2. As a customer, what kinds of services would you expect to receive from a company?
Answer 1: I think companies should fulfil their promises most of all. For example, if companies
make promises like one-day installation, the promised work should be done within one day. In
addition, if the product provided doesn’t keep up to the standards promised, the company should
apologise and reimburse the customers.
Answer 2: I feel that a company must remain trustworthy and deliver what they commit. For
example, if companies make promises like one-day delivery, then the delivery must be done in the
stipulated time. In addition, if the product provided doesn’t keep up to the standards promised, the
company should apologise and reimburse the customers.
14.3. What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public?
Answer 1: Broadly, most sales and marketing jobs involve the most public centric approach. Apart
from them, Services such as automobile workshop, product installations, healthcare, and teaching
also involve day-to-day public interactions. Although internet swallowed a huge share of face-to-
face services, still large number of jobs entail coping with the public.

Answer 2: I think most service and sales jobs involve coping with the public. Services can be
anything like car repair, product installations, healthcare services, teaching, etc. Similarly,
although online shopping has reduced interaction, sales to a large extent still entail dealing with
the public.
14.4. Why should companies react quickly when customers have difficulties?
Answer 1: I think it is important to proactively deal with customer’s complaints and difficulties
because it can harm the brand reputation of the company, and in today’s competitive era, brand
image is paramount to success. In fact, it is also one of the major reasons why companies today
are taking on social responsibilities.
Answer 2: I think it is important to proactively deal with consumer complaints and difficulties
because it can easily erode the brand loyalty. According to conventional wisdom, customers are
more loyal to firms that go above and beyond. Reducing response times and responding to your
customers with helpful and relevant information is the key to customer service success today.

15. Describe a difficult thing you did
You should say:
What it was
How you did/completed it
Why it was difficult
And how you felt about doing it
Answer 1:
As a final year university student, I have done a lot of projects. But the biggest, and most difficult,
project of my college life so far is the mid-term quality management project which required us to
use the Eight Disciplines (8D) to resolve a certain problem in the hospitality industry. I worked
with 10 other students, the majority of whom I had already worked with before. Thus, I thought
we would complete the project with ease. However, things didn't go as expected as the issue which
needed resolving turned out very challenging for such inexperienced students like us. As the case
was assigned to us 2 weeks prior to the Lunar New Year, we planned to get it done before the
festival so that we could enjoy the festival without being concerned about any deadlines. However,
the issue turned out way more difficult than we had expected. What we found most difficult was
identifying the root cause of the problem. We could not reach a consensus on what the root cause
was, which provoked some arguments among the members. But in the end, we managed to finish
the project 2 weeks after the Lunar New Year. As difficult as the project was, I learnt a great deal
from the project. First, I learnt the way to solve the problem by identifying its root cause. Second,
as a leader, I managed to resolve the arguments between the team members, which was something
I had never dreamed of before.
Answer 2:

I’d like to kick off with my experience being in my team named The Felicity. As a high school
student, I have taken an interest in joining various extracurricular activities. However, the most
demanding task so far is taking part in the management project, which required us to find out and
resolve a certain issue in our social daily life.

Out of the blue, I had to team up with three other members whom I had not met before. Owing to
my past teamwork experience, I believed we could cooperate and complete our project without a
hitch. Unfortunately, things did not come up to my expectations as we had a hard time
understanding each other before we could officially join hands. What is more, the task turned out
more challenging than I thought.

The topic was assigned to us merely two weeks prior to our final exam. After much consideration,
we decided to resolve the case in just one week. Thus, we could prepare our best for the test without
being concerned about other deadlines. Unexpectedly, our given case turned out too demanding
for inexperienced students like us. We could neither reach the root cause nor overcome our
arguments when working together. Several days later, I could finally see eye to eye with my

teammates. At last, giving our fullest efforts, my team managed to resolve the issue before the due
date ended. In addition, we also passed our exams with flying colors.

After that demanding project, I accumulated a great deal of hands-off experience. Furthermore, I
learnt to come out of my shell to join hands with others, which later contributed a lot to my current
leadership. The task was seriously tough at first, but it also offered noticeable advantages that I
had never thought of before.

Answer 3:
Well, I have done many things in my life which I found rather difficult at first but once I got into
them, they were as easy as pie.
So today, I would love to describe one such real life story when I conquered my fear. The thing
that I would like to talk about is swimming!
For all my life I was apprehensive of diving into the water, but recently I realized that swimming
is an important life-skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me
become physically stronger.
My initial training experiences were indeed scary, however, I did complete the course. Thanks to
my wonderful mentor. On the first day, after I put up my bathing suit in the locker room, I
stood timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up.
Sooner than I imagined, however, things began to feel “right” and the trembling was gone. The
teacher had me put on brightly coloured water wings to help me stay afloat…and that’s how I
learned swimming.
Things were not quite that easy for me! Every time when I had close contact with water,
my aquaphobia kicked in.
Actually, I heard a lot of traumatic stories in my childhood like – My uncle nearly drowned as a
child in a badly supervised swimming lesson; my mother told me she had been dangled over a
bridge once. These experiences made Swimming even more difficult for me.
And after learning it…I was as happy as Larry. The most soothing part was that now nobody would
dare to call me a nervous adult. I was confident and felt like floating on the water is more
comforting than ever.
In the end, I just have to say that learning to swim was not easy for me in fact it was a Herculean
task, but in the end my persistence paid off. Not only did I learn how to swim, but I also learned
to never say never. Now, whenever I am faced with a difficult thing I stand like a rock.

Part 3
15.1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?
Answer 1: From a personal standpoint, almost every job requires a certain degree of conviction.
For instance, people who are into public speaking such as Politicians, Media spokespersons etc.
they ought to be confident in their conduct. Furthermore, Confidence is the bread and butter of
sales people; after all a confident sales pitch could make or break their careers.
Answer 2: Nearly all kinds of job roles require the incumbent to have some degree of confidence.
If individuals do not believe in themselves, no matter how competent they are, they will fail.
Sometimes, even if a person does not possess the required skill set to perform a task, they can get

the job done if they have confidence. In my opinion, jobs that fall in the category of sales and
public relations require the job holders to be extremely confident. Since people who work in such
job roles mainly perform the task of handling customers and the general public, having a confident
personality is a must for such positions.
Answer 3: I believe that it is important to be confident in all kinds of jobs. Most people say only
those working in the field of media or celebrities need to be self-assured, which I disagree with.
White-collar employees also need to believe in themselves so that they can overcome obstacles
and gain recognition. Without self-confidence, even white-collar employees like back-office
accountants and IT engineers can’t complete their tasks successfully.
15.2. On what occasions should children be encouraged?
Answer 1: Children should always be supported in their endeavours. One of the finest ways of
facilitating the growth of a child is to encourage them to pursue their interests. Children should be
encouraged when they are unsure of their abilities. There are numerous occasions when children
doubt themselves and often give up due to the fear of failure. Youngsters, especially young
children, should be encouraged by their parents. Encouragement can be given by providing
assistance and reassurance to children regardless of their capabilities.
Answer 2: I think children should be encouraged in those situations where they feel hesitant in
doing something that is good for them. But also, the encouragement should be done to a certain
limit, they should not feel like something is being forced upon them. For example, we can
encourage children to learn something creative such as painting if they show interest in it. And to
encourage them more, parents can take them to a museum so they can develop their interest further
15.3. What do children usually find difficult to do?
Children usually find it difficult to concentrate. They have a ton of energy. So they’d rather run
around and play with their friends than focus on their homework. They might even have trouble
listening in class when they’re surrounded by their friends. It’s tempting to just talk amongst
themselves instead of listening to the teacher. It can also be hard for children to master some social
skills, like sharing and communicating.
15.4. How do kids solve problems?
Kids often solve problems by turning to their parents for advice. If they’re stuck on a math problem
in their homework, they might ask their parents to walk them through it. Or they might even ask
the teacher for more guidance in math class. When it comes to more complex problems, like issues
in their friendships, they might work out the problem among themselves. That helps them develop
more independence. Generally speaking, it is a good idea for children to try to solve problems on
their own because that is how they can develop more resilience and confidence.

15.5. Should children face difficult problems or challenges all by themselves?

I think it is important for children to face some problems on their own so that they develop more
confidence. For example, if they get into an argument with their friend, they should try to talk it
out so they can learn to be more independent. But whenever they are faced with a very difficult or
confusing problem they should probably go to an adult for help. Serious problems like bullying or
abuse should always be dealt with by a responsible adult.

15.6. What challenges do young people face today?
Answer 1: There are several problems that young people have to deal with regularly. Adolescence,
late teenage and early adulthood are some of the most difficult times in a person’s life. Youth is a
period of time when an individual is confused, frustrated and in some cases unhappy with the state
of their life. One of the biggest challenges faced by young people is in determining their goals and
aspirations. Young people are often perplexed when it comes to choosing a definite path that
provides them with opportunities and certainty.
Answer 2: Well, I think there are two main challenges that young people face these days. The first
one is related to the mind and mental health. Nowadays everyone is aware of the rise in depression
and suicide cases among the youth. Another challenge faced by them is the ever-increasing
competition in education or their professional lives.

15.7. What are the most difficult things for youngsters to do?

There are several aspects of a youngster’s life that are difficult to deal with. Young people often
face problems that may seem insurmountable and even discouraging. Since youth is a time when
a person is about to begin their journey as a self-sufficient individual, there are various tough
decisions that need to be taken. One of the most difficult things for youngsters to do is make
prudent decisions. Since young people lack sufficient life experience, they are often faced with the
consequences of uninformed decisions and hasty choices.

15.8. Which one do you think is more important? Confidence or knowledge?

Answer 1: I think it depends on different situations. Personally speaking, both confidence and
knowledge are crucial. Foundational knowledge in a specific job is similar to the career ladder
which brings workers into higher positions. On the other hand, without self-confidence, people
cannot reach the best of their abilities, which prevents them from being promoted in the world of

Answer 2: As much as I consider confidence essential in the world of work, it is knowledge that
is more important than confidence. Foundational knowledge needed in a job is the best determinant
of people’s likelihood of success in work. Without essential knowledge, people’s job prospects are
gloomy as hardly can a person land a job, or move up the career ladder into higher positions.

15.9. Is overconfidence good?

Overconfidence is usually a bad thing. People who are overconfident might try to do things that
they are not actually qualified or prepared to do. An overconfident driver, for example, is more
likely to get into a car accident. An overconfident student might not study as hard as they should
for an exam. Overconfidence can lead to arrogance, so it is important to be confident, but not too

16. Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
Why he/she impressed you most
And how you feel about him/her
Well, when I was in primary school, art class was always my favorite. So the art teacher, Mrs. Li,
really left a mark on me.

In my eyes she was like a superhero. She could do anything! I still remember clear as day that she
taught us to draw stick figures, make paper lanterns and even make paper cuttings. I have to say
she’s pretty skilled in paper-cutting. I remember that during one class, she took just a few minutes
to cut two butterflies. It seemed like she had magic hands. But I couldn’t keep up with her at all.

My fingers were clumsy and I could never cut the papers well. But Mrs. Li didn’t look down on
me. She personally came to my side and helped me fold a piece of paper in half several times.
Then she asked me to draw an image on it and cut it along the lines. When I unfolded the paper, it
really looked like a butterfly. I remember I was over the moon and thanked her a lot.

Actually I learned many art skills from Mrs. Li. She was patient and kind to every student and was
always smiling, so I was very fond of her. After so many years, my memory of primary school is
fading, but I still remember tons of moments from art class and with Mrs. Li clearly. I really miss
those days in primary school. It was the happiest and most carefree period of my life.

Part 3:
16.1. Why do people always miss their childhood?
I think people miss their childhood because it’s often much more stressful and complicated to be
an adult. When you’re older, you have way more responsibilities than you did when you were a
kid. Instead of your main priority being playtime with your friends, you have to pay bills, handle
a full-time job, and in some cases take care of your own children. So compared to all the stress of
adulthood, childhood seems like a much better time of life. It’s easy for people to be nostalgic.
16.2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?
I suppose that in some ways, kids are happier than adults. When you’re a kid, it’s not that hard to
have all your needs met. You don’t have to worry about paying bills or working at a full-time job
like adults do. Kids are content with simple things, like hanging out with their friends. As an adult,
you have way more responsibilities and way more stress. So it’s harder to find happiness.
16.3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?
I think it’s because primary school is a really formative time of people’s lives. When you’re young,
you’re learning about the world for the first time. And the people that you learn with make a huge
impression on you. It seems to me that most people can remember their childhood friends because

they went through lots of important first experiences together. It’s really sweet how those
childhood bonds can last throughout your lifetime.
16.4. What kinds of primary school teachers will impress students?
I suppose that students are most impressed by primary school teachers who are engaging
enthusiastic, and caring. Children in primary school are very young, and they have a short attention
span, so the teacher needs to be interesting enough and to plan enough engaging activities to keep
students focused. Teachers also need to be kind and caring so that students feel comfortable coining
to them if they have a problem.
16.5. What do people generally remember about elementary school?
I would say that people usually remember the friends they made in elementary school. They might
remember some cool experiences from a class, or even one interesting lesson. But as time goes by,
the thing that stands out the most is the people that they met. A lot of people might not remember
much about their time in elementary school, but they do remember the good friends they had and
keep a lifelong friendship with them.

17. Describe something that you are interested to learn or improve
You should say:
What it is
How you will learn or improve it
Why you are interested in it
And explain how you feel about learning it
Answer 1:

I am interested in swimming. I can swim well because I began to learn swimming when I was in
primary school, but I still want to improve my swimming skills. I think I am able to swim faster if
I get some professional instructions.

Maybe I will enroll in some swimming courses and find an instructor to teach me. Of course I can
also take part in the swimming competitions which are held in my university. In the competitions,
I have opportunities to learn something precious from my rivals.

There are a lot of benefits of swimming. It is a great total body workout. Swimming burns lots of
calories and helps improve sleep. It makes me healthier and stronger. Apart from that, I really
enjoy the quietness and freedom in the water. When swimming, I feel that my stress disappears. It
is a wonderful way to manage my emotional status. I will keep on practicing and improving the
swimming skills.

I am sure I will be able to swim faster and faster. After I improve it, I think I can teach my friends
who want to learn swimming. I may probably use this skill to earn money in the future. If I make
it, I will have a sense of accomplishment.

Answer 2:

They say that there is no end to learning. In fact, there are so many things in this world to learn,
but unfortunately, I neither have the time nor the money to do so. But, one thing, I really want to
learn for sure, is the "Japanese" language.
By the way, I started to dream about learning the Japanese language since the time when my father
had introduced me to a team of Japanese Agricultural experts about 10 years ago. By the way, my
father (now a retired person) used to work as a senior official at a government office of my country
as an agricultural expert that allowed him the opportunity to meet the same kind of professionals
from many other countries in order to exchange their views and opinions on different agricultural
Anyway, after introducing me to those Japanese experts, my father whispered to me that the
Japanese people have some of the most brilliant minds in the world, and we can learn a lot of
things from them. My meeting with them was very brief, and my English was very poor back then,
but still, I managed to figure out that they were very polite and civilized people in their behaviour.
In fact, it was after that meeting that I started to make some pen friends from Japan and learn about

their language and culture on and off. But, I knew that it was never going to be enough to learn a
different language or culture. So, now I am also planning to enroll at a Japanese language school
in the near future in addition to collecting some useful language videos from the Japanese cultural
centre of my country.
Anyway, learning the Japanese language would help me to understand the culture, lifestyles and
traditions of Japanese people which I have really admired since my childhood. Besides, it would
also allow me to learn about some of their innovative ideas and incorporate them into our culture
and working style. Finally, learning this great language would also allow me to have better
employment opportunities since there are many successful Japanese companies all over the world.
Part 3
17.1. Is it hard for adults to continue learning? Why?
I think it depends on different people. For some adults, it is easy for them to continue learning
because they have ambitions to become better. On the other hand, some people just get used to
their routine life and don’t want to make a breakthrough, so they don’t think it is necessary to learn
something new. Of course there are some adults who are busy with work or house chores, which
makes it difficult for them to continue learning.
17.2. Is it the government’s responsibility to assist people to learn?
No, I don’t think so. It is the government’s responsibility to offer compulsory education instead of
assisting people to learn. People keep learning throughout their life and chances only favor people
who are well prepared. So people need to learn by themselves. Although it is not the government’s
responsibility, the government can still give some support, such as issuing some policies or giving
suggestions which are helpful for people to learn.
17.3. What are the differences between education in the past and now?
In the past, education was based on books and lectures. Students focused more on academic
subjects and their scores in school. Now the stress on study is much higher. Students learn more
advanced knowledge ahead of schedule, compared with those in the past. Education today attaches
more importance to people’s creativity, imagination and innovation.
17.4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning?
I think the advantages of distance learning are convenience and flexibility. Students save a lot of
time because they just sit in front of the computer and attend the classes online. Also most of the
classes are recorded and students can watch them repeatedly. However, the disadvantages are
obvious when it is impossible for the teachers to track every student’s progress. And they usually
fail to get the immediate feedback from the students. At the same time, students must be self-
disciplined enough to follow the teachers’ teaching. Last but not least, distance learning means
more screen-time which has negative impact on students’ eyesight.

18. Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop
You should say:
Who your friend is
What habit he/she was
When you noticed this habit
And explain why you want to develop this habit
Answer 1:

Let me tell you about a habit I’ve learnt from a friend that I’d like to further develop in the future.

It is David who is one of my American friends whom I took up the habit of reading books from. I
first met him 3 years ago when he first came to Vietnam for a short trip in which I was his tour

Actually, I had got the habit of reading before I met him but thanks to him, I know how important
it is to set a target of pages to read every day instead of doing it spontaneously. As a result, I feel
more motivated to pick up a book and only put it down after I have finished the expected page

I noticed this habit of David when we were talking about personal hobbies. He told me he could
go through 2 books in a week which was incredible to me at that time. I asked him how he did it
and he explained that by setting a target of 100 pages in around 60 to 75 minutes before sleep per
day with absolute concentration, a 400-page book in 4 days is just a piece of cake.

To be honest, he inspired me so well with his determination in reading. After knowing about
his strategy, I followed and have seen a great improvement in my mind since then. I realized I
could use my time wisely thanks to books. Besides their entertaining purpose, books also support
me well in my study, especially when I need to do some research in history and culture but do not
have enough time in a day. After increasing the reading pace and time, I find myself
more clever and knowledgeable. That’s why I think I will try to increase the number of books to
read every year and to read about more professional fields in the future.

So that’s all I would like to say about my reading habit. I am so grateful to David for his inspiration
to me and I recommend reading to everyone who is still complaining about having a boring life.

Answer 2:

No doubt, we easily get impressed by the good habits of others and wish to develop the same
attributes, which is not an easy thing to do. Here I am going to describe a good habit of my friend
just who keeps the habit of reading for interest in leisure time.

He has been doing this thing for ages, and now he’s kind of addicted to this pursuit. Reading in
free time helps him in many ways. Firstly unlike others, he spent his free time in a productive

Secondly, through reading, he acquires knowledge of different domains, and this is perhaps the
reason why he is the most active student in the classroom who always has the answers to the
questions asked by the teachers.

Last but not least he is very proficient in English because he mostly read books in English, which
helps him to improve his vocabulary. Considering all these factors, I think I should also develop
an interest in reading.

I have requested just to help me by lending some books to read as he has a kind of a library at
home with hundreds of books, as many of those books being gifted to him by his friends and family
members. In fact, he also accompanied me to the local library, where we read some journals and
periodicals together.

I hope this habit will help me to sit and study for long hours, which will ultimately improve my
academic performance overall. It is the habit that my friend has, and I, too, wish to develop.
Answer 3:

I’d like to talk about my roommate who has a good habit of working out on a daily basis. He
especially likes recreational cycling.

Actually, lie developed this habit about two years ago when he planned to lose some weight and
keep in shape. He set a goal to lose five kilos in two months. And biking worked like a charm for
him, so he decided to make it a regular fitness activity for himself.

The place where he goes biking the most is a park that was recently built near our apartment. It
has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. And there’s a long bike
path that has been built alongside the lake. My roommate usually goes biking there about two or
three times a week. Each time he spends at least an hour there.

Since we live together, I know his habit very well. Sometimes I go biking with him. But it’s a pity
that I haven’t been able to go cycling very often because I’ve been swamped with school
assignments. I do hope that I can start riding daily and stick to it. For one, it would be a great way
for me to relieve my back pain. Besides, cycling at a beautiful place helps me blow off some steam.
It’s definitely an excellent way to stay mentally fit as well.

Part 3
18.1. What habits should children have?
Answer 1: I think children should wake up early and sleep on time. They should brush their teeth
twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. They should respect their elders, their parents,

and their teachers. These are basic habits I think all children must possess, but there are also plenty
of other good habits, which parents should help children develop.

Answer 2: I suppose that children should get into the habit of cleaning their rooms and picking up
after themselves. They should be aware of whatever mess they create, and they should take care
of it as much as they can. It teaches them to be responsible and proactive. They can develop these
habits by doing simple tasks, like making their bed every day. Once they have enough practice,
they’ll become more cleanly.

18.2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?

Answer 1: I think the parents should incentivise children to develop good habits. For example,
they can buy them a toy if they wake up early every day of the month. Also, children pick up a lot
of habits just by watching their parents. So, if parents do something regularly, children would
automatically pick up the habits on their own.

Answer 2: Having a good habit is like having a very important life skill. I think the parents should
start from simpler activities such as hand washing for instance. Ask children to join you, and sing
a song together. This turns the habit into a game and allows children to associate feelings of fun
and positivity with hand washing. Then parents should move on to encourage children to use good
manners, to enjoy physical activities, and to take part in skills that will develop their mental
18.3. What influences do children with bad habits have on other children?
Answer 1: I don’t think bad behaviour is contagious. But I think parents should constantly monitor
children to make sure they don’t pick up any such negative habits. In fact, parents should not
insulate children from such bad habits because they are a reality in life.
Answer 2: Children with bad habits definitely influence other children. For example, stubbornness
generally passes onto one child to another. But the solution lies with the parents. They should
properly mentor their children so as to keep them away from bullying, truancy & delinquency.
18.4. Do people change their habits as they get older?
Yes, that is for sure because the older people get, the deeper and wider their outlook will be on
life. They will learn more life lessons and undergo more eye-opening events to choose the optimum
habits for their life. Therefore, habit change is absolutely necessary.
18.5. Why do some habits change when people get older?
Answer 1: Habits change when people get older because of busy schedules and changes in
priorities. For example, as people get older, they might not be able to find time to exercise
regularly. Similarly, people might have to stay awake at night to finish work and thus, they might
not be able to get up early. In childhood, it is easier to maintain habits because there is a lot of
spare time. In my childhood, I used to read at least one novel a week, but nowadays, sometimes I
can’t even find time to read one during the whole month.

Answer 2: I think the change in habits is because of changing priorities with age. For instance, as
people get older, they tend to work more so that they could earn more, and this rat race is never
ending. This chronic busyness make it difficult to catch up health & fitness goals.
18.6. What are the common habits of adults?
Well, there are some basic habits like having a good sleep schedule, eating balanced meals every
day, and having good hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth. Most people would consider
those essential habits to develop if you really want to act like an adult. Unlike young people, adults
avoid staying out late and partying all the time. Adults also do things like exercising regularly,
budgeting, and handling other responsibilities like paying bills.

19. Describe a time when you felt proud of a family
You should say:
When it happened
Who the person is
What the person did
And explain why you felt proud of him/her
Answer 1:
A few incidents occur in a person’s life when they get a satisfactory result, and they feel proud of.
Today, I would like to talk about my uncle, who did something unique that my family and I feel
proud of.
My uncle is doing a job government job in the forest department. He loves animals, and he keeps
two dogs and a cat in his house. He understands the feelings of animals very well. He is trying
their best on his level to save the animals and forest. One month ago, he opened a care house for
those animals that were injured and homeless. He opened it without any government and private
help. He also hires a team of four members that take care of these animals. He distributed small
posters in the city and nearby areas to leave sick and injured animals in that house. This step saves
the wildlife and decreases the accident rate because nowadays, animals are the cause of road
accidents, especially at night.
I felt proud of him. I think human beings can take care of their family and themselves very well
because they can speak and express their emotions, but animals are not capable of it, so it is very
good if someone makes an effort and save them.
Answer 2:
I have a big family, and there are many moments when my family, be it my grandparents, parents,
siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, have made me proud. Here I would like to talk about a moment
that happened recently.
In July this year, my niece participated in a kid’s triathlon competition. She is just 10 years old,
and this was her first time doing a triathlon. She has participated in running competitions before,
but this time she was doing 3 activities, swimming, biking, and running one after the other. She
was very nervous about the transition phases between the 3 activities as the time taken during the
transitions can get very crucial in a triathlon. She got only a week to practice as my sister enrolled
her at the last minute. I was so proud that she was even participating in a competition like this at
such a young age. I couldn’t believe that she was skilled at all three activities. I talked to my niece
on the phone the night before to motivate her. I told her to have fun and wished her the best of
luck. My sister called the next day to tell us that not only did my niece finish the race successfully
but also stood 3rd place in her age group. She took a total of 17 minutes to finish the race. I was
so happy to hear that and felt so proud of my niece. She has always been good at academics and
gets good grades but now she was a triathlete. My sister sent pictures of the trophy ceremony and
I showed them to everyone in our family. I talked to my niece later that day to congratulate her. I
could hear the joy in my niece’s voice. She told me that next time she will aim for a faster time.
She had lost some time getting on the bike, putting on the helmet, and then getting off the bike. I

told her she did great for her first time and went beyond my expectations. No one in our family
has participated in an event like this, and this was a proud moment for us all.
In fact, my niece has motivated me to get into shape and start running. I even started taking swim
lessons as I never learnt swimming before because of my water phobia.
Part 3
19.1. When would parents feel proud of their children?
Answer 1: Parents feel proud of their children when they meet and achieve their goals. It can be
getting good grades in school, getting into the sports team, graduating from college, and getting
their first job, etc. For younger children parents are proud when they achieve tiny milestones like
saying their first word, taking their first step, tying their shoelaces by themselves, etc.
Answer 2: Parents would feel proud of their children after any kind of accomplishment, big or
small. If a child learns a new word, takes their first steps, learns to ride a bike, or learns to drive a
car, parents would be proud. Major life events such as weddings and graduations also make parents
very proud. Overall, parents are proud when their children are living a life that makes them happy
and fulfilled.
Answer 3: Parents feel proud of their children when they are consummate in something or
accomplish their objectives, be it getting good grades in school or getting into an athletic team in
college. For younger children, parents do feel when they achieve tiny milestones, such as taking
the first step, saying the first word, and more.
19.2. Should parents reward children? Why and How?
Answer 1: Yes, I think parents should reward children when they accomplish something. Parents
can reward children for academic accomplishments like receiving a good grade on a report card,
or for personal accomplishments like doing something nice for someone else, or donating to a
charity. If parents want to install good values in their children, offering rewards can be a good way
to reinforce good behavior. That being said, parents should be wary of giving too many rewards;
it is better if children do good things because they want to, not because they expect a reward.
Answer 2: Yes, parents should take into consideration rewarding their children from time to time
for every achievement. It invigorates them to consistently work hard and do good deeds in life.
However, rather than offering materialistic rewards, parents can try praising their children in front
of relatives, spend time with them outside, or take them for their favourite activity.
Answer 3: Yes, parents should reward children for their achievements and hard work. It
encourages them to continue doing it and makes them feel good about them themselves. Instead
of giving material goods as rewards, parents should reward children by praising them, letting them
do a favourite activity, or spending more time with them.
19.3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?
Answer 1: I don’t think parents should reward children too often as it can make them feel entitled.
Buying them toys, gadgets as rewards can make them materialistic. Younger kids may become
too focused on the reward and forget about the reason they are being rewarded for. They can even
start negotiating with parents for every small task they do.

Answer 2: No, I think rewarding children too often would be a major problem. Children need to
develop intrinsic motivation, but frequent rewards encourage extrinsic motivation. Children should
want to be successful in their life because it brings them a sense of pride and purpose. These
feelings should be reward enough on their own. However, sometimes children deserve a reward if
they have accomplished something major. Parents just need to be careful about how often they
give rewards.
Answer 3: From my perspective, I don’t think parents should reward their children too often as it
may integrate a sense of entitlement into their brains. Buying them gadgets or toys as rewards can
push them towards the materialistic world. By doing so, youngsters may get more inclined towards
rewards and do nothing out of passion.
19.4. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?
Answer 1: Adults come across a gamut of such occasions when they feel proud of themselves,
such as grabbing the promotion they were eying for long or buying their first home or buying their
dream car, and more.
Answer 2: Adults might be proud of themselves for a number of different reasons. They may take
pride in a new accomplishment or promotion at work that they have been working hard towards.
They also tend to be proud of themselves for personal milestones, like getting married or getting a
new apartment. Finally, many adults take pride in their children, and consider their children’s
successes as their own.

20. Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn
You should say:
When you learned it
Why you learned it
How you learned it
And explain why you found it difficult to learn
Answer 1:
There is no doubt that learning new skills help us successfully navigate this exhilarating journey
of life. So today, I would take this opportunity to talk about one such skill that was pretty hard to
learn. Actually it was none other than ‘Time Management‘.
I learned about time scheduling when I first joined my job as an Assistant Manager two years ago.
Before that, I was just goofing around with my life. I had to learn it because the company had a
typical ‘Carrot and stick’ policy where if you do good, be punctual with your work you’ll rewarded
otherwise you have to bear the consequences. Therefore, I realized it is of paramount importance
to be time efficient.

I too asked the same question to motivational speakers, read blogs and articles to learn about time
management a few years ago. Some said to frame a time table, some said to learn the art of effective
usage of time and so on. But then I read ‘The 5 AM Club‘ – authored by Robin Sharma. It
transformed my life. I followed every little secret shared in the book (such as scheduling &
prioritizing tasks, minimizing distractions etc.) with full devotion and consequently I was awarded
‘The best employee of the month’ soon after. And that’s how I championed this skill. I followed
every little secret shared in the book (such as scheduling & prioritizing tasks, minimizing
distractions etc.) with full devotion and consequently I was awarded ‘The best employee of the
month’ soon after.

In the end, I would tell you that if we learn to manage time, half of our problems will be
solved. Initially, it might be difficult to get hold of it but once learned its applications are endless.
Answer 2:
Well, some skills are quite essential to learn but can be quite difficult to acquire. Today I am going
to talk about one such skill is driving, which I learned but found very difficult.
Actually, I had a great deal of fear on my mind towards driving. So that I could gain confidence,
my father got me enrolled at a driving school. Mr. Simon was my driving instructor who was quite
confident, friendly, and soft-spoken.
On my first day, he helped me to gain control over the steering. Though we were driving on the
ground with no vehicle around, I was still scared and trembling, but my instructor motivated me
to boost my confidence.
Once I got on the highway, Frankly speaking, every time a truck was coming from the other side,
I was getting off the road in fear. This time my trainer got a little angry with me and said, you must
keep the courage if you want to learn this skill.

Slowly and steadily, I got more and more comfortable with driving on the road in different
conditions. I was feeling like that I have learnt to drive but then the most challenging part came
which was to drive in the city centre the area with heavy traffic.

I got goosebumps to drive in this busy area. The car was hardly moving because of traffic, and my
engine was going off again and again, but I kept the courage this time. Though I had a minor
accident with an auto-rickshaw.

I learned a lot from my mistakes and the experience of Mr. Simon, and today, I can confidently
drive a car, but it was not an easy skill to acquire for me.
Part 3
20.1. What skills do students need to master?
Answer 1: I think that students (young people) need to learn time management and organizational
skills. When they’re in school, they have to juggle lots of different assignments and other
responsibilities. In order to stay on top of their tasks, they need to know how to spend their time
wisely so they don’t get too overwhelmed. They should also learn communication skills. They
need to learn how to communicate well with not only their peers, but their teachers and bosses as
well. Being an effective communicator is one of the best qualities you can have, especially when
it comes to the workforce.
Answer 2: Academically speaking, I think students need to master skills like reading, math, and
speaking. Non academically, I think skills like cooking, money management, driving, and so on
are skills that every student should possess. Also, in today’s world, everyone should try to have
computer skills.
20.2. Is it hard for students to learn new skills?
Answer 1: I don’t think it’s too hard for students to learn skills. Some people might struggle with
skills they aren’t naturally inclined towards. For example, if someone is shy and reserved, they
might find it hard to build up their communication skills. But I suppose that as a student, you have
access to lots of resources and educators who can help you develop those skills. A student’s job is
to learn, and they can do that by being open-minded and willing to put in the hard works.
Answer 2: On the contrary, I feel it is easier for them to pick up new skills as they are young, and
their minds can pick up and retain things better. That is why children are encouraged to learn many
things like driving, swimming, foreign languages at a young age.
20.3. Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?
Answer 1: It really depends on various factors such as which skill learning, method of learning,
people involved in the learning. Some skills are easy to capture, and some are challenging. Another
factor is pedagogy used because this makes the learning process easier or difficult. It is also
important who is teaching and learning due to individual capability varies from person to person.
So, it is hard to say whether learning from older people is easy or difficult to learn.

Answer 2: I wouldn’t say it is hard for them either. But it is not as easy as it is for children or kids
to pick up new things. Old people might not be able to remember things, so they might need to do
things repeatedly for them to pick up on skills.
20.4. Is a good teacher very important for students learning experience? Why?
Answer 1: Yes, without a shadow of a doubt! When it comes to learning, the importance of great
teachers can’t be underestimated, not least because teachers have a significant influence on student
achievement. They impart knowledge and wisdom among children and adults. Teachers are the
cornerstones of modern-day civilization.
Answer 2: Yes, absolutely. Teachers are not only responsible for teaching but also ensuring that
children are motivated to learn things. Moreover, nowadays, children are very impatient and lose
focus easily. If the teacher is not able to grab and hold on to their attention, he would not be able
to teach anything.
20.5. Do you think parents nowadays really care about helping their children learn those
Yes, most parents are invested in helping their children gain those skills. They want their kids
to succeed, and they know that it’ll take more than luck and goodwill for them to do well in life.
So I think that parents are trying to teach their kids how to develop these strengths, or at the very
lease they’re showing them the right resources to get there. It’s very important to them that their
kids can acquire these important skills.
20.6. What can children learn from their parents?
Parents have a vital role in children learning phase. They are the first teacher of children, from
birth until they exist, always have something to teach them. Children can learn to walk, talk, and
eat from their parents. Furthermore, manners, behavior, taking precautions are essential skills that
parents teach children every now and then. Also, many parents teach their kids to play adventure
games, such as skating, climbing, and many more others. In fact, I teach my daughter to skate, I
don’t know skating though I follow some YouTube lessons to teach.

21. Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading
You should say:
When you read it
What kind of book it is
What it is about
And explain why you think it is exciting
Answer 1:
Well, the first book I can think of is definitely Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the
seventh book, also the final novel, of the Harry Potter series. I became a fan of this fantasy story
when I was still a child. So by the finals release, I’d been obsessed with the series for almost ten
years. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I could finally read the ending of this story.
Anyway, I read it as soon as it was published. Even though this was about twelve years ago, I
remember the release like it was yesterday. I waited for hours in front of a bookstore in a hundred
-meter line full of excited Harry Potter fans like me, mostly teens of course, just to get the book
on the day of its release. And once I started reading it, I literally couldn’t put it down.
The final Harry Potter book really blew my mind. I mean, it has a happy ending as I expected. Like
Harry has to die once and comes back to life so he can defeat the villain, Voldemort. I finished the
book with an overwhelmed feeling that was a mix of excitement, happiness and some loss.
Honestly, I’ve reread this novel tons of times. I’ve even written some glowing reviews of the book
on social media, which I’ve never done for other books. It’s a really exciting book that left a mark
on me.

Answer 2:

The book that I read literally in one sitting was The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Frankly
speaking, I decided to read it just because it was one of the most talked about books at that moment
which didn’t necessarily mean that the book was really worth reading. So I didn’t expect it to be
really interesting. However, contrary to my expectations, it kept me glued until the last page.

Well, the action kicks off in modern-day Paris. Professor Robert Langdon is summoned to the
Louvre to investigate a bizarre murder of the museum’s curator who (being a member of a secret
organisation) guarded a breathtaking historical secret. Fortunately, the curator finds the strength
in his last moments to arrange his body in the shape of a famous artwork and leave a series of
codes around the building such as a pentagram and Fibonacci number sequence. So, Professor
Langdon together with the victim’s granddaughter whose name is Sophie investigate mysterious
murder and try to decipher cryptic codes and puzzles with Da Vinci’s paintings. And, ‘yes’, the
most important task they have is to uncover the mystery of the Holy Grail.

Being intricately layered with research and detail, this book nearly blew my mind. Whether or not
Dan Brown intended to shake the foundations of mankind, in any case, he managed to undermine
my views of religion, at least for some time. What’s more, I enjoyed codes and riddles. Although

I was not spectacularly good at cracking them, they were so interesting that I couldn’t put down
the book until I could barely keep my eyes open. It was the most captivating novel I had ever read.

Answer 3:

The book that I read recently, and the one I’m going to read from time to time is The Richest Man
in Babylon by George Clason. Some time ago when I was in very serious debt, my friend passed
me the book and said: ‘Read it. It will change your life’. And it did.

This book takes the form of stories from Babylonian citizens each covering an aspect of personal
finance and this format of presenting the rules of managing money makes them easy to
comprehend for a layman like me.

The book offers simple yet indispensable tips on money management which were applied by
Babylonians and which still hold true today. One of the biggest things this book teaches is that no
matter how small or big, your income is, you should keep 10% of it. Another useful piece of advice
is that you should save at least 10% of your paycheck. And it’s very important to do so before you
pay your bills and expenses. Doing so, you’re telling yourself that your future is the most important
thing to you, not the cable company. Also, it says that you should control your expenses and avoid
spending more than you earn. I understand that there is nothing groundbreaking in these tips, but
usually it’s really difficult to follow even these simple rules. I think the book is absolutely fantastic
as it really changed the way I view finances. And I’m going to read it again in the near future as I
need a reminder to keep following a new routine and not to let bad habits rule my life again. Also,
last time I might have missed some really important points because there was too much information
to remember at a time. One last thing, I want to remind myself that fortune doesn’t depend on lady
luck, but wise investment of my earnings.

Part 3
21.1. Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?
Answer 1: I suppose that this depends on the person’s preferences; some girls love the romantic
comedy genre, while others love honor novels. The same is true for boys. Honestly, boys are
discouraged at a young age from liking romantic or dramatic books, and are instead encouraged to
read nonfiction or action books. This really limits the kind of things that they read, and I suppose
that both boys and girls should explore a wide variety of literary genres.
Answer 2: I am afraid, I disagree! Both boys and girls are two ends of a thread pointing towards
opposite direction. Boys most likely read sci-fi, action based literature, while on the other hand,
girls tend to read romantic books or fashion magazines.
21.2. Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version
of it?
No, I don’t think so. Even though I love reading, and personally I like reading the book before
seeing the movie, it’s fine to just watch the movie by itself. I suppose that when it comes to movies,

it’s sometimes better to watch it without knowing anything about the story. Sometimes, you can
be disappointed if you watch the movie version because it might not live up to the book.
21.3. Why are people becoming less interested in reading books these days?
Frankly speaking, people in modem society are being less into reading activity for a variety of
reasons. The first one is that with the advent of hi-tech devices, people especially teenagers are
more fascinated by the social networks like Facebook or Twitter than engaging themselves in a
monotonous book. Another reason is the fast-paced lifestyle is taking away people's time for
reading. Apart from working flat out at companies or burning the midnight oil for exams, people
have other concerns such as childcare responsibilities, exercising or travelling. This makes reading
books become more like a luxury.
21.4. Did you read more magazines or books when you were a child?
I definitely read way more magazines than books in my childhood. Honestly, I wasn’t fond of
books until I grew up. Books, especially text books, were just too complicated and tedious for me.
But reading magazines was a lot of fun when I was a student. I was a huge fan of sci-fi magazines
back then. I even subscribed to a magazine called The Sci-Fi World. I was really fascinated by it.
21.5. Do you think e-books will eventually replace paper books?
Although e-books are becoming very popular, I don’t think that they will ever completely replace
paper books. The reason for this is that people who love reading generally prefer paper books.
Reading on paper is easier on your eyes, and it’s also great for students because they can highlight,
underline, or write notes in the margins if they are using a paper copy. Paper books are also great
to wrap up and give as gifts!

22. Describe a difficult decision you once made
You should say:
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make
Answer 1:

To be honest, I am a person who is not very good at decision-making. I guess the factory in charge
of this skill in my prefrontal cortex may have had malfunctioned since I was a little, just kidding.
But anyway, for me, nothing can be easier to tell you compared to challenging situations that I
have to wrestle to decide during my whole life because I have tons of them. But I will share with
you one very memorable experience of decision-making I had.

It was when I was still an undergraduate, you know, strapped for cash but addicted to shopping.
What a tragic page of life! I still clearly remember that time, I had to choose between an out-of-
this-world dress, of course, in my mind at that moment only and my belly fueled with enough
nutrition every day. That piece of attire with motley puff sleeves and flounces cost over half of the
allowance that my parents give me to afford my meals for a month, even though now, I can’t wrap
my mind around why I was charmed by that mighty foolish thing. But I can’t change the past. I
was in love with that dress and spent weeks dreaming about wearing that and appearing in front of
my crush. I was overwhelmed with the imagination that he would be swept off the feet immediately
with that kind of outfit. But I was also fretting about the scenario of a month with Hao Hao instant
noodles, you know the kind of noodles with fake shrimp flavor but the reasonable price for broken
people after realizing the dream about the exorbitant dress.

So, I was in a relentless internal battle for a month before my wisdom eventually got bored and
left me temporarily. I eventually decided to have that dress. So, I rushed to the boutique and bought
that dress, regardless of my later miserable days. But I was bitterly taught that life is not a dream.
I put on that dress and stood in front of the library that my crush used to come to study. But the
dress didn’t help me to catch any of his attention. Ironically, I was still invisible in his eyes. That
experience left me a lesson that I should ask for advice from others before my final verdict. If I
had done that, I guess I wouldn’t have had a full month of austere life with only instant noodles.

Answer 2:

I would like to talk about one moment where I was contemplating between two subjects: which
way should I go, as I had to decide for my career. It was the time when I completed my 12th grade
and I had to go for higher education, that is, a bachelor’s degree. As I was in a dilemma whether I
should choose medical as my career or go towards engineering, I started delving into the internet
to search and find something useful but did not get any help out of it. Then, I approached my
seniors to get some useful information from them but that also didn’t work out for me, because
they had their own thought processes which were completely different from mine. So I finally

decided to ask my dad who has always been there for me whenever I got stuck in any kind of
difficult situation. He made me understand that I have a fondness of science specifically physics,
and apart from that I have a keen interest in Maths, like solving mathematical questions, and if I
choose engineering as my career I have to face the same subjects and will definitely flourish in my
career as I am having quite a strong foundation. After that, I decided to opt for the engineering
field and right now, I can see the outcome as I have achieved great accomplishments in my field.
It is an amazing feeling and most importantly, I love what I do. So I think, the decision of pursuing
engineering was an extremely tough decision for me to take at that time, but yes as my dad was by
my side, I was able to pull it off successfully.
Part 3:
22.1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
Answer 1: We are always making decisions in our life. People make decisions about small things
like what to eat, what to wear when to do something, and what to watch. Our whole life is nothing
but the millions of decisions we take every day.
Answer 2: Decision making is an everyday process. For example, which TV service do I use and
then once it’s hooked up, which channel will I watch? Do I want a regular coffee or a coffee drink?
What should I wear to work? Which route do I take to get to work? Do I “like” a friend’s post on
Facebook? Mathematically, it’s established that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely
conscious decisions each day.
22.2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group
It is definitely easier to make a decision after a group discussion because we have the advantage
of knowing different perspectives on the issue. However, I also believe that we should not get
influenced by others and listen to our gut feelings when finally making decisions.
22.3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents' advice?
Answer 1: I think many young people think that their parent’s thinking might be outdated for
today’s time. Also, in general, young people, by nature, have a problem listening to figures of
Answer 2: Well…it’s possibly due to generation gap that young people does not pay heed to their
parent’s advice. I have seen many youngsters who think that their parent’s ideology is irrelevant
today. Luckily, I does not fall into that category.
22.4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?
Answer 1: I think second guessing is most visible in middle-aged people because they have to
make largest set of decisions – about them, their children and their parents. This makes insecurity,
anxiety and lack of self-confidence in decision making quite prevalent.
Answer 2: I think second-guessing has nothing to do with age. We all tend to second guess our
decisions when it’s a difficult decision and when we are not confident about the decision. I think
the best way to avoid second-guessing or rethinking the decision is to limit the choices and discuss
it with close friends and family members.

22.5. What’s the most important factor in decision-making?
Well undoubtedly, there are a number of potential factors affecting the process of decision-making.
However, I guess the most significant would be that while making choices, people had better keep
an objective view on the problem. Like for instance, when we are in two minds about something,
taking that issue into consideration from as many aspects as possible might provide us with a well-
rounded perspective. Hence, the risk of arriving at the wrong decision is likely to be reduced.
22.6. Should parents make decisions for their children?
From my point of view, that would be more of a hindrance than a help. Children should have the
chance to make their own decisions and choose the best way to live their life. If parents take control
of their kids, they may not only be put under pressure but they also don’t have an opportunity to
learn from failure. Instead, parents had better provide support and keep an eye on their children in
order to make sure that they are still on the right track.

22.7. What can people learn from wrong decision?

Well, as a matter of fact, nobody is perfect and it is inevitable that people may encounter hardships
as a result of wrong decision-making before gaining success in life. Learning from past experience
is an effective way to minimize the risk of repeating the same mistakes. Therefore, a poor decision
not only teaches us the lesson of failure but it also gives us the courage to pick ourselves up and
keep moving forward in order to reach our long-term goals.

22.8. Do you like to make quick decisions?

To be honest, even though the ability to decide quickly is an essential life skill, I’m not so keen on
making impulsive choices. Instead, I would rather weigh up the pros and cons of the issue before
arriving at the conclusion, especially when it comes to a life decision. Making choices on the spur
of the moment stands a chance of causing serious consequences which can have long-lasting
impacts on ourselves and make us regret them for the rest our lives.

22.9. Do you think adults always make better decisions than children?
Well, there is no doubt that adults have more experience than children as they live longer but it is
not the case that they are able to make right choices all the time. Undoubtedly, grown-ups have a
tendency to complicate the matter and hence sometimes screw up the situation. On the other hand,
children tend to be more carefree and have simpler mindsets, which allow them to approach the
issue directly.

23. Describe a café you like to visit
You should say:
where it is
what kinds of food and drinks it serves
what you do there
and explain why you like to go there
Answer 1:

Well, it is pretty common these days to visit cafe’s to have a cup of tea or coffee. Here I would
like to talk about a cafe I regularly visit to sit and enjoy talks with my friends. This cafe is right in
the city centre. Actually, on Sunday we all friends are mostly free and in the evening we love to
sit at cafe coffee day.

It is a very famous brand known for its authentic taste and quality ambience. This place has very
comfortable furniture where we can sit for hours without being tired. One can enjoy a wide range
of beverages and snakes, but we mostly order a cappuccino with a sandwich. Not only the taste of
food but the way it is presented is just amazing.

The best part is that one can enjoy music which makes the experience of visiting this place
enjoyable. In fact, sometimes they invite guitarists to play live music as well. In addition, this cafe
is quite peaceful and without being bothered. We can sit and enjoy gossiping. I must say the staff
at this place is also very cordial. They talk very politely and give the best service experience.
However, this place is a little expensive as we pay to enjoy just a cup of tea or coffee with a
sandwich. Fortunately, this cafe offers a few coupons and vouchers which help us to get additional
discounts. Overall, considering all these factors, it is my favourite cafe.

Answer 2:
There’s a place I’ll keep coming back to week after week, and probably even year after year. And
this place is a cafe located just across the street from my office. It’s relatively large, with room for
about 50 people. It’s always busy although nearby there are several other cafes.
I can consider myself to be its regular visitor if we judge by a total number of visits without
referring to the amount of food consumed ’cause I sometimes drop in just to have a cup of coffee,
sometimes I have a substantial meal. Everything depends on my schedule, my mood, the people
I’m accompanied by and the amount of money I have on me. But whatever the case, I know I’ll
find what to order and do there.

I like this place for many reasons. First of all, the food is delicious, the menu is constantly enhanced
and refined. And they always provide a complimentary mini-biscuit or macaroon with your coffee
or tea. By the way, it’s not insanely expensive, which is also important to me. Another reason why
I like it so much is that the service is efficient, so I never have to wait for more than half an hour
to be served. It’s a nice quiet place where I can pull out my laptop and work while waiting for my
order. By the way, the wifi is very fast. In my opinion, it’s a perfect place for meeting friends and

celebrating special events such as birthdays. This cafe is also great for people-watching as it draws
a wide variety of people. As I’ve said before, it’s far more popular than all other cafes in the area.
What’s more, it has a convenient location and ample parking space for all those who are visiting
the cafe. It’s homey and has a good vibe. People go there for the atmosphere, food and

Part 3
23.1. What kind of people would like to go to a café?
Answer 1: Well, it depends on each country but in Vietnam, it seems to me that café fans include
people from all walks of life. Most youngsters prefer tastefully-designed cafes with cool settings
and trendy foods and beverages, like hamburgers, pastas and bubble tea. Older people, on the other
hand, are usually loyal customers of just one local cafeteria that has been around for a while. In
terms of occupation, passionate fans of major coffee chains like Highlands, Starbuck or The Coffee
House are mainly aspiring students and high-achieving professionals while those with a humble
income tend to favour lowkey stores or street stalls where they can enjoy their favourite drinks and
snacks while chilling out in fresh, open air.
Answer 2: Nowadays, cafés are far more than a tea or coffee. They’ve an expansive menu with so
many items for each and everyone of us. So I think all kinds of people also visit. Moreover, I’ve
also seen people going to a café just to use free wi-fi.
23.2. Why do young people like studying in a café instead of at home?
It seems to me that young people like studying at a café instead of at home because it’s a nice
change of scene. When you’re studying at home, you might get sick of being in the same place all
the time. Plus, you can get distracted by your roommates or family members. Cafés offer a nice,
relatively quiet atmosphere where you can focus on your own thing. It also makes studying a more
appealing activity because you can enjoy a nice tea or coffee while you work.
23.3. Do you think young people in VN visit coffee shops more often than old people?
Well, to some extent, that’s true. In major cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh city, regular customers
of large coffee chains mainly include young people. However, you must know that these stores are
just the tip of an iceberg. There are thousands of little coffee shops run by locals in back streets or
alleys which are frequented by older adults. So, I believe in Vietnam both young and old
generations love chilling out at a coffee shop.
23.4. Do people in your country like to drink coffee?
Answer 1: Of course we do. Vietnam is home to one of the best coffee beans in the world; you
know we have our coffee served with coffee filters, people have a sip of coffee, either hot or iced,
before they commute to work. It’s not an overstatement to say that if you don’t see coffee in
Vietnam, you’re definitely visiting a wrong country.
Answer 2: Absolutely. You know, Vietnam is among the largest coffee exporters in the world and
our country also has a long-established coffee culture. It’s fair to say that we are massive fans of
this aromatic drink. People of different ages and incomes consume it on a daily basis. Western
nations might take great pride in creating latte or cappuccino but we also have our own signature

recipes like egg coffee, coconut coffee or strong brewed coffee with dense milk. They’re all widely
preferred by locals.

24. Describe a businessman you admire
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person
I’m not much of a business nerd, but there is a businessman that I have a lot of respect for, which
is Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple.
I know the symbolic human of this brand should be Steve Jobs as he has always been
acknowledged as a genius by the public in general. Actually, I had never heard of Cook’s name
until 2014, when he replaced Steve Jobs to become the company’s CEO. So, I started to browse
all the information about him.
In fact, this man is called a logistics figure in business. He began his career at IBM, a multinational
technology corporation. After a few changes of jobs in different companies, his final destination
was Apple. It was an illogical decision because; firstly, Tim was working for Compaq, the most
successful technological company at the time; and secondly, Apple was a sinking ship. The brand
didn’t make much profit that year and its whole fate depended on the upcoming product a lot.
When he entered Apple, he turned the situation around. He enforced a termination of factories and
warehouses; and contract manufacturers were substituted for them, which was an economic
measure to cut the company’s budget. As a result, this strategy also reduced the inventory that
Apple had to maintain.
Tim Cook is also a visionary player, for he decided to invest in flash memory cards in 2005, which
is one of the key elements when customers buy phones these days. Products like iPad or iPhone
were produced with various memory capacities. When they were launched, they had made Apple’s
name in the market.
Tim Cook was never in the limelight like Steve Jobs, so the controversies around the question why
he was nominated as the CEO were understandable. Needless to say, the revenue that Apple has
been earning under his leadership has proved them all.
Part 3
24.1. What fields do young people like to engage in when they start a business and why?
I would say that young people like the art and technology sectors when it comes to starting a
business. A lot of young people are really creative and want to sell the things they make. I know
many people who sell pins, prints, and other art products for a living. If they have a unique style,
it’s easy for them to become successful. Technology is also a good area to start a business in,
especially as people come up with more and more new apps.
24.2. What kinds of qualities do people need to run their own business?
Answer 1: I believe that the prime quality everybody should be adept at is financial management.
Ultimately, the success of any business is based on the amount of profit it is making and how

excess money is being used. Besides, people must also have leadership skills ingrained in them as
they would have to delegate responsibilities.
Answer 2: I think people need to be intelligent, determined, resilient, and enthusiastic in order to
run their own business. People need to be smart enough to assess their target market and design a
business that is appropriate for their customers. Plus, they need to be determined and resilient
because running a business comes with many challenges and ups and downs. Finally, people need
to be enthusiastic in order to inspire their employees and come up with unique ideas.
24.3. Is it better to start a business alone or as a team?
Well, it would be beneficial to begin the business as a team. This way, you can brainstorm better
and develop plenty of ideas to double the financial capital. If you start alone, seeking advice from
others becomes a tough task. Hence, you may find it strenuous to make decisions and take risks.
Having a partner always helps divide the workload; thus, preventing burnout.
24.4. What do you think are the key factors that contribute to the success of a business?
Answer 1: I think that creativity, determination, and flexibility are the main factors that make a
business successful. In order to make it, you need to have a unique approach. Since there are so
many businesses out there, you have to be creative enough to set yourself apart. Businesses also
need to be led by people who are hard-working and determined to meet their goals, no matter what
obstacles they face. In today’s world, a business owner should also be flexible to adapt to different
situations and needs.
Answer 2: I think many factors determine whether a business would be successful or not, and the
importance of factors varies according to the type of business. For example, a successful restaurant
needs a good location, good quality service, and tasty food more than anything else. In general, I
would say if the business is providing a product that has a demand and only the particular company
can provide it, it is going to be successful.
24.5. If you had the opportunity to have your own business, what business would it be? Why?
Answer 1: Just like everybody else, I am somehow fascinated by the idea of running my own
business as well. So, if I get a chance, I would love to start a clothing store. I love fashion, and I
stay updated with everything in vogue. So, it would be more of a passion than just a mere business
for me.
Answer 2: I am not very good with money management, so I think it would fail at running a
business. However, if I had to start one, it would be a bakery. I love to bake, so it would be
following a passion rather than running a business for me. And I have heard, if we are truly
passionate about something, it is hard to fail.
Answer 3: I would love to open a small shop that sells books and also has a café so that people
can sit and enjoy a coffee and a snack. I love to read so I think that I would be able to understand
my target market very well and predict their needs and wants, which is an important part of owning
a business. I also think that there is always a need for more cafes, so I would have a lot of

25. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way
You should say:
who this person is
what the problem was
how he/she solved it
and explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way
Answer 1:

When it comes to someone who solves problems in a clever way, the first one that comes to mind
is an 80-year-old lady I saw on social media.

I watched a video of a reporter interviewing the lady. She said she has had a great liking for paper-
cutting since she was a kid. And she still goes to a senior college for a paper-cutting course. But
as she gets older, she finds that there are less and less young people who take an interest in this art
form, and we are losing the culture of paper-cutting.
In order to change the situation, she came up with the idea of promoting the folk art on social
media. She cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories and creates videos of them.
You can see how she has presented many storylines through paper cuttings. She even bound them
into a book form and got them published. Most importantly, she really made it work! Her story
and artwork have already been covered by foreign media and now she is an authentic internet
celebrity in China. Since her videos went viral, tons of young people have become interested in
the art of paper-cutting.
It’s definitely a brilliant idea. She successfully took advantage of the media trend. I was amazed
by how creative she is for her age. Actually, although she’s in her 80s, she’s still learning new
things and improving her skills every day. She is such a great to young people like me and role
model definitely earns my admiration.
Answer 2:
I have few yet great friends. They are all smart people with a great sense of humor, and we love
going on trips together, discovering different parts of our country. We usually do this about once
a year, since we’re kind of occupied with school during the semesters.
So it was about a year ago, when we finished all the planning and preparation for the journey to
the West of Vietnam, the pandemic struck again. As you can probably guess, we had to call off
our initial plan. But we’d been longing for a meet-up for a long time now, so giving up was not
our option.
One of my friends, who is quite knowledgeable about geography, suggested that we could go
hiking in the woods near our city. Since this area is pretty much untouched, and the fact that we
could get there on our own bike made this the suitable destination for our trip during the pandemic.
I was kinda hesitant at first because it was scary to go off the beaten track like this. But my friend
had been there a few times with his father, so we followed his instructions and it turned out
extremely well. We had probably the most exciting trip to date.

Part 3
25.1. Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?
Answer 1: I believe no child is a born genius, we were all blank slates when we arrived here on
Earth. Sure, we inherited a few things from our parents, but ultimately our future depends upon
our work ethic. So to answer your question, I think children learn how to work with what they’ve
got and become smart as a result.
Answer 2: I think that there is a very interesting debate about nature vs. nurture. The central
question of this debate is whether children are born with their personality and skills, or if they
develop into these traits. Personally, I suppose that it is a combination of both. Some people are
born naturally gifted with a high level of intelligence, whereas others have learning disabilities
that may affect their intelligence. Nonetheless, any child can become more intelligent with the
proper supports and education.
25.2. How do children become smarter at school?
Answer 1: Schools play a pivotal role in shaping the children. This is because, children
are exposed not only to new ideas but also to same aged compatriots. This instills sociable practices
such as empathy, friendship, participation, assistance which make them smart and well-rounded
Answer 2: It seems to me that children usually become smart at school by applying themselves
and being open to learning new things. They have to work hard at a subject in order to master it.
That requires doing all the homework and persevering even when it gets hard. But they also have
to adapt to new material and ways of learning. For example, their teacher might teach them
something using a hands-on method. So they have to learn how to work with that method in order
to get smarter.
25.3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
Answer 1: Some people have inquisitive attitude and hence they are always open to learning; so
they become versatile in life. However, others try to stay in their comfort zone and hone one skill
and master that.
Answer 2: Being well-rounded or being good at one thing depends on your personality, as well as
the amount of effort you put into different aspects of your life. Some people find one thing that
they are good at and throw all of their effort into that one thing, becoming experts. Others do not
have one passion, but rather prefer to develop many different talents. Either way, most people tend
to focus on things they are good at rather than things they struggle with.
25.4. Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?
Answer 1: Modern world is continuously under transformation. Different jobs need different
skillset. For example, no single person can build sky-scrappers; it’s a collaborative effort. This, in
turn, makes the case for multi-talented individuals or individuals with different talents.
Answer 2: Well, modern society needs talents of all kinds because that is the best way to have
a healthy workforce and consequently a healthy society. If everyone was good at science and
became doctors, then no one would become an author or a teacher or a business person. It is much

better to have a multi-talented society so that everyone can contribute something different. We
need just as many artists as we need accountants.
25.5. Do you think clever people are bad at some things? What things can clever people be
bad at?
I think that everybody has weaknesses, no matter how smart or clever they are. But when it comes
to what clever people in particular might struggle with, it really depends on what they’re clever at.
For instance, someone who’s really quick with numbers might have a hard time writing a good
essay, and vice versa. Or someone who’s very smart and has a quick with might be bad at being
empathetic. There are different ways to measure intelligence.

26. Describe an item on which you spent more than expected
You should say:
what it is
how much you spent on it
why you bought it
and explain why you think you spent more than expected
Answer 1:

I would like to tell you about something I have been buying in bunches which costs me more than
my usual monthly shopping expense.

You know I have a deep interest in books about psychology, sociology, politics, marketing, and
travel so I have been buying them quite often for the past three months. If I had to collect the bills
for this book in the past 3 months, it would be around more than 10 million dongs already, which
accounts for more than half of my salary.

For the reasons why I bought them, I would say these topics are my cup of tea. Besides, I also love
the feeling of holding new books in my hands and smell the scent of fresh paper combined with
their special printing ink. Last but not least, I am pretty afraid that the books will be out of stock
if I don’t buy them right when I see them.

Nowadays, I have no more space on the bookshelf for the newly bought books and my bank
account balance is always quite low in the middle of the month. However, I am really satisfied and
never regret buying books because it is a good investment for my future career.

That is all I would like to share with you about my love of books and how much I have spent on
them. I would like to recommend reading to anyone who still finds their life boring and has too
much free time for other nonsense activities.
Answer 2:
Today, I’m going to tell you about a time I spent a lot of money on buying a mobile phone.
Last month, while travelling back home from work, I was caught in a torrential downpour and got
drenched. Unfortunately, my phone, which I put in my trousers’ pocket, got water damage too. I
took it to the phone repair shop but all efforts were in vain. So, I decided to buy a new one.
At that time, Samsung had just launched their latest model, which was the Sam- sung Galaxy Note
10+. And needless to say, I was immediately hooked on its new design. It was gorgeous to look at
and the image quality was incredible with nice vivid colors. The thing which I was particularly
impressed by was the hole cut in the top for the selfie camera because it was totally smaller than
any other model. Everything about this phone was perfectly amazing, except for one thing, the

price. It was sold for an exorbitant price of $950. To be honest, I had never spent such a huge sum
of money like that on anything before.
After a few days weighing up the cost, I finally made up my mind to buy this expensive phone.
Normally, I would go to the mobile store to properly examine the phone before making a decision
to buy it. But this time, I decided to purchase it online because the price on the website was $50
lower than in store. And the phone was delivered right the next day with no breakage or problems
at all.
I was completely satisfied with this brand-new phone and it was completely worth the money.
Part 3
26.1. Do you often buy more than expected?
Answer 1: Yes, I often buy more than I expected, but it is normally in case of small household
items or grocery items. For example, I would buy 2 pairs of jeans if they are on an offer, even if I
need just one. The iPhone was the first time I spent so much more than I should have spent.
Answer 2: Not frequently, but sometimes I am fascinated by some outstanding things like jewelry
and dresses that time I spend a huge amount of money. Apart from this, normally I spend a
reasonable amount of money on needed things.
Answer 3: No, I usually buy things as per my expectations because, being a minimalist, I do not
become happier by buying more products or services. I believe in the concept that one should
invest in products and services as per the requirement. Due to this set of beliefs, I never indulge
in impulsive purchasing and buy as per my needs.

26.2. What do you think young people spend most of their money on?
Answer 1: In this contemporary epoch, technology has made inroads in the lives of youngsters.
Due to this, a bulk of spending is on buying expensive smartphones, smartwatches and laptops etc.
Apart from this, they have this habit of eating junk food a lot, which costs higher as compared to
home-cooked food. Lastly, most of the youngsters these days are fashion enthusiasts, so they have
this uncanny knack for buying trendy clothes.
Answer 2: Usually many different things, but I suppose the most popular would be clothes, music,
electronic gadgets and I guess girls spend more on makeup and stuff like that. Depending on how
old they are, they might spend a lot of money socializing or going out, or maybe they have a
specific hobby, a favorite sport, or something similar which they spend their money on.
26.3. Do you think it is important to save money? Why?
Answer 1: Saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and having a secure
financial future. Saving money gives you a way out of the uncertainties of life and provides you
with an opportunity to enjoy a quality life.
Answer 2: Yes, I think it is crucial as we can never be certain about the future. The recent Corona
epidemic has made it even more clear that how uncertain life is. Many people died because they
couldn’t afford the costly healthcare. Also, if people didn’t have savings, it would have been
impossible to tide over these difficult times.

Answer 3: I think it’s basically because no one can predict the future and people’s savings can
help them be more financially secure in case of an emergency. Bad things can happen to anyone
and it’s always better for people to be well-prepared. For example, you can suddenly lose your job
and become unemployed for a period of time. In this case, without a stable income as usual, you
can use this money as a backup for necessary expenses.
26.4. Do people buy things they don’t need?
Answer 1: Yes, all the time. I think we buy things because buying things makes us happy. Even
though we know we won’t be using the thing, we buy it for momentary happiness. A common
example is an electric drill, which people barely use for 10 mins after buying and then collects dust
sitting unused for years.
Answer 2: In this modern era, multinational companies spend a lot of funds on researching
consumer behaviour. And they design their products as per the findings of these researches. These
organisations know well that most people love to flaunt their wealth, and they crave instant
gratification. And to take care of these two needs of the consumers, the companies leave no stone
unturned to provide a range of products and services to their prospective customers. And due to
this strengthening, the bottom line approach of the reputed brands, people often indulge
in impulsive purchasing and end up buying the products and services they do not need.

Answer 3: Yes, I think so. These days, people tend to buy stuff they may use only once or even
never remember buying it because they can buy things easily with a tap on their phone’s screen
through online shopping platforms. That’s why they do not see the importance of the products and
just buy anything they see as cool and eye-catching. In my opinion, this is such a waste of money
and time.
26.5. What kind of expensive things do people like to buy?

Most people buy those branded things which have a brand value attached to them. For example,
in smartphones they prefer iPhone, and in cars, they prefer brands like Audi and BMW.

26.6. Is being rich always advantageous?

No, it is not always beneficial because you lose freedom when you become rich. Apart from this
to maintain your status you have to keep working hard for the rest of your life. So richness is a
mixed bag.

26.7. Are review sites useful for buyers?

In this contemporary epoch, hectic competition has become an integral part of people’s lives and
rising inflation has added to the woes. During such a challenging time, review sites
provide unabated support to prospective buyers. These sites provide unbiased reviews of various
products and services. With the support of such websites, the buyers not only get the required
information but also grab the best deal.

26.8. Do you think rich people are happier than those who are not rich?
It’s hard to answer this. First of all, I do believe that the rich will be more satisfied with their lives
compared to the poor, because they are financially comfortable and all their most important needs
are easily met. It’s clear that they will feel a greater sense of security and less stressed about their
futures. But from my perspective, satisfaction is different from happiness. Being happy is
something related to the emotional state and innermost feelings, which cannot be bought by
26.9. Do you think children should learn money management?
Sure. In modern society, teaching children to manage their money is absolutely necessary. You
know, children seem to become targets of the advertising industry, so they should be taught how
to use their money wisely and avoid spending money impulsively. When it comes to teaching kids
about money, the most important point is to show them the difference between things they want
and things they need. By forming a good saving habit at an early age, children will find it easier to
manage their life in the future.
26.10. Why do many people apply for credit cards nowadays?
I have to say that credit cards are not that popular in Vietnam. But I’ve heard about these types of
cards before and I can see that they come with a lot of merits. Credit cards can be valuable tools
especially for handling emergencies and unplanned expenses. Credit cards give users a chance to
access money they don’t actually own and then pay it back later, pretty much just like a loan.
People will have more chance to go shopping without worrying much about their financial state at
the time. That’s why more and more people tend to use credit cards these days.

27. Describe a place you visited on vacation and would like to recommend to others
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you would like to recommend it to others
Answer 1:
Of all the places I have been to in my backpacking trips, I would like to share with you the one
that impressed me the most.
It is Bali island in Indonesia, which is renowned as the paradise on Earth. To get there from Ho
Chi Minh city we need to take two flights: from Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or
Singapore for transit then another flight to Denpasar, Bali. Overall, it often takes nearly a day to
reach Bali from Ho Chi Minh city.
I went there on a backpacking trip in summer 2017 alone, which some people may assume I was
a lone wolf but in fact, I really had a whale of a time during the trip all by myself without needing
anyone else as I knew for sure how to deal with having no companions.
When I was there, I went to see all the ancient temples and other historical places on the motorbike
that I rented. Besides, I had a chance to taste the local delicacies, which are really mouthwatering
like the roasted pork, ducks, and the skewered BBQ meat.
It was really a one-of-a-kind trip for some reasons: First, I could see so many nice natural scenes
which come from sandy beaches to an active volcano called Agung. The island also struck me with
its unique religious identity, which is Hinduism. Finally, the local food is so flavourful that I have
to claim they are the best kind of cuisine I ever had in my backpacking life.
In conclusion, those are the reasons why I choose to talk about Bali in this section. I truly believe
that Bali deserves my second visit in the near future.
Answer 2:

One of the most interesting places I have ever come to was Hoi An ancient town. Located in Quang
Nam, a central region of Vietnam. This place attracts hordes of tourists every year to come and
enjoy the wonderful time in Hoi An.

I went to Hoi An about 5 years ago when I graduated from university. At that time, I never thought
I could have a wonderful experience in here. Hoi An is really a holiday destination for everyone
who love the breathtaking view and the atmosphere. Every house in Hoi An left me with some
memories about the past and also reminded everyone how prosperous the town had.

I visited Hoi An ancient town because I was craving for sampling the local food in here. The
cuisine of central region was so different from other regions. Although I and my buddies had
initially planned on which places to visit, I always ended up going off the beaten track there were

too many interesting places to explore. The weather was also a factor which made me love this
place much. I believed the cool weather of Hoi An would dispel the heat of summer in southern

I really enjoyed my time in Hoi An ancient town. It was a one-of-a-kind experience, and if I have
enough money, I will gladly have another trip back to this town.

Part 3
27.1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?
There are tons of beautiful places to visit in Vietnam from ancient cities to hill towns to national
parks and scenic lakes. Many popular places are located along Vietnam’s long coast line like Ha
Long Bay in the north, this area has huge limestone pillars jutting out of the ocean and people go
out on overnight boat trips in the bay, there’s also the ancient town of Hoi An in the middle of the
country which is an incredibly well – preserved old trading town with gorgeous temples and a
mixture of Vietnamese, Chinese and French architectural styles. It’s now most famous for its world
– class tailors and people go there to get unique handmade clothes.
27.2. Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?
Answer 1: Yes, I think old people tend to pick more relaxing places, while young people want to
have adventures in an exciting setting. Old people would probably be content to sit on a beach and
relax all day. Or they might choose places with a lot of history and just do walking tours. But
young people are more inclined towards places where they can explore a lot and do exciting
activities like diving or parasailing. So they might choose exotic locations to check out.
Answer 2: Both yes and no. There are places that both young and old people like to go to, but then
there are also places which are preferred by the young or the old. For example, old people prefer
going to religious places. Young people love to go to beaches and places with adventure sports,
but old people are less keen on going to such places because it requires a lot of physical exertion,
which their bodies might not be able to handle.
27.3. What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?
Answer 1: I think old people usually consider their personal comfort. They want to know that they
won’t be too exhausted at the end of each day. So they might choose very low-key tips’ and not
put a lot of activities on their itinerary. But young people are less concerned with comfort and
more interested in having adventures. So they’ll want to pick somewhere that’ll be exciting and
they’ll probably plan to do a lot of strenuous or challenging activities.
Answer 2: Old people, according to me, mostly care about cost and comfort. They are pennywise,
so they try to get most travel comfort in least possible cost. While youngsters only focus on
activities. They want thrill & adventure, rest everything is secondary.
27.4. How do people find out about a new place?
Answer 1: I think the internet is a vast hub of knowledge about places. There is information about
each and every place on the internet. Then, people can also come to know about new places from
their friends and family. I have also learnt about new places from movies and TV series.

Answer 2: I think the internet is a goldmine of information. Anytime you feel the need of knowing
about any new place, you just have to say ” OK GOOGLE” and the magic is done! Moreover,
there are niche sites like and; they carry plethora of information
about almost any place on this earth. Hollywood movies and TV series are another great source of
knowing geography.
Answer 3: Most people discover a new place to travel by talking to other travelers or reading
reviews online. There are a lot of smaller cities and towns that only locals know about. These
places are usually less busy and less expensive than the popular tourist cities, so they can be a great
option to explore. Sometimes a good strategy is to start your trip in a major city, then speak to
some of the locals there and ask them if they know of any good spots nearby.
27.5. Why do people travel?
Different people travel for all different kinds of reasons. For many, travelling is a chance to escape
from the stress and pressure of their working lives and be able to escape from reality for a while.
Others travel to open their minds to new people and experiences and learn about different cultures
and languages and ways of living. Others maybe just want to experience all the natural beauty the
world has to offer.
27.6. How do you think travel will be different in the future?
I think there will be an increase in the frequency that people travel. Cheap airlines will be even
cheaper and more affordable for most people in the world. Apart from that, I also suppose that
people will travel more to the untouched places of Earth, such as the South Pole. But before doing
so people have to make the tourism industry more environmentally friendly to ensure that the local
habitats and the flora and fauna in these distant places will not be damaged.
27.7. Do you think parents should make a point of taking their children to see a variety of
different places? Why or why not?
Definitely! Children are very curious and they always want to learn about and explore new things.
Travelling will definitely enrich their knowledge and their soul and expose them to all different
kinds of people and culture and food and art. Travelling can help to equip children with the living
skills they need for the future.

28. Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen
You should say:
what you waited for
where you waited
why it was special
and explain how you felt while you were waiting
Answer 1:

Well, I am a highly impatient person, and I really hate it when I have to wait for something for a
long time. But today I would like to talk about one special occasion when I could have waited

It was during the last summer when my sister was blessed with a baby girl, and it was one of the
best moments of my life. My sister was expecting her baby at the end of June, but I guess
the god had different plans and she was born in the first week of July. I was really excited about it
because I was going to become an uncle for the first time in my life. As per the doctor’s advice,
we got my sister admitted to the local hospital on the 6th of July, and my niece was born on the
morning of 7th July. I waited the entire night outside the hospital, and I was very excited and
anxious at the same time. In fact, everybody in the family was curious whether it would be a boy
or a girl, but I just wanted the baby and mother to be healthy as it was during the COVID period.
My sister was in the labor room for almost 5-6 hours, which to me felt like an eternity. Finally,
when we received the good news from the doctor, I thanked God and congratulated and hugged
everyone around me. My dad and brother-in-law brought sweets for everyone, and we could see
smiling faces everywhere. It was a special day because holding my niece for the first time and
looking at how small she was brought tears of joy into my eyes. Also, my sister decided to name
her Trisha, which means God’s gift. Trisha is one year old now and she has just started to walk. I
love her a lot and the day she was born was one of the happiest days of my life. In the end I’d just
tell you that… waiting for things and developing patience is the best thing occurred to me.

Answer 2:

I hate waiting in all its manifestations as I always feel like I’d be waiting forever, and this is what
usually makes me feel restless. Several years ago there was one occasion that I remember like it
was yesterday as waiting was particularly stressful. I was waiting to get my visa to go to Canada.
And as it was my first trip abroad I was more than nervous.

I should say I was excited while collecting all the documents and planning my trip. Even after l
submitted a visa application, everything was more or less ok. I knew l’d have to wait for some
time, and, at first, this didn’t make me scared. If it hadn’t been for my friends who kept telling me
that Canada was one of the hardest places to get a visa to, I would have been relaxed and calm.
But because of them, I started feeling panicky. While my visa application was being processed, I
felt like I was waiting for something that wasn’t going to happen. Sometimes it felt as though time
had stopped.

Of course, I tried to distract myself with work, friends, meetings, but it was difficult not to think
about it. The worst thing was that I was being kept in suspense as I could ask nobody about what
was going on. And I didn’t know when exactly I could expect to receive the results. But I was
looking forward to getting it as this would make my dream to visit Canada come true.

Part 3
28.1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
Answer 1: People usually need to wait on a number of different occasions, including when they
are lining up for something or waiting for an appointment. Sometimes people have to wait in very
long lines at stores, especially if it is a busy time to go shopping. Sometimes people need to wait
in traffic. Waiting for a medical or dental appointment can also take a long time. Most people need
to wait for things very often throughout their lives.
Answer 2: I think that waiting is a big part of our everyday life, and we have to wait for many of
the situations in our life. It could be when we are meeting someone, when we order food at a
restaurant or when we need to travel by public transport or when we shop online. In general, if the
situation or the task requires two or more people to complete it, then the waiting factor kicks in
28.2. Who behave better when waiting, children or adults?
Answer 1: I think adults have more patience when it comes to waiting because they are more
mature and from their past experience they know that some things are worth the wait. On the other
hand, children want everything with the click of a button and lack patience.
Answer 2: Usually, adults behave better when waiting than children. Children often do not
understand why they have to wait for something, whereas adults know why they are waiting.
Children get restless very easily, and they usually have more energy than adults, so they don’t like
when they have to wait for a long time in one spot, not moving. Adults can wait more patiently
than children because they have more experience and they have better self-control.
28.3. Compared to the past, are people less patient now, why?
Answer 1: I suppose that people are less patient now because it is easier nowadays to do things
without having to wait at all. People have become accustomed to instant gratification. You can
order packages online that arrive the next day, and you can order food from a restaurant delivered
to your home. It is very easy to avoid waiting, so when people do have to wait for something, they
are less patient.
Answer 2: Yes, people are less patient nowadays because technology has made things a lot faster
and convenient for people. People can now order food online and it is delivered to their homes in
less than 30 minutes, so people expect that everything can be done faster. However, this is also
making them impatient because if they have to wait for something which they feel can be done in
less amount of time, then they start feeling uncomfortable.
28.4. What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?
Answer 1: From a positive point of view, I think that it helps to develop patience in people and
society becomes more tolerant. When people are willing to wait for others, it shows that they care

for them. From a negative perspective, I think waiting can have disastrous effects sometimes. For
example, if we have to wait long for an ambulance, the consequences can be fatal. Secondly,
waiting for longer periods in offices or other places can hamper productivity.
Answer 2: Well, a positive effect is that, in some cases, it can teach people patience. When they
have to wait in a line for a long time, they have to learn how to manage their impatience and still
be polite. But a negative effect is that it can make people very aggressive. Not everyone can keep
their temper in check. When people have to wait in a long line on the highway, you can often get
drivers with road rage who act recklessly just to get ahead.

28.5. Is it a good thing to be patient all the time? /should people be patient all the time?
Yes, I think that for the most part, it’s good to be patient all the time. There are a few instances
where you should act instead of waiting around, like if there’s an emergency. But in general,
patience is a good trait to have. Being impatient can make you feel anxious and irritable. Plus, you
can’t control the things that happen around you. You might get stuck in a long line of cars on the
highway, or you might have to wait a long time for your meal. But if the situation is out of your
control, it’s good to be patient instead of losing your cool.

29. Describe a time when moved to a new home/school
You should say:
When you moved
Where you moved
Why you moved
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:
There is no denying that change is the only thing that is permanent in this world. Being humans,
we have this uncanny knack for trying to resist change. However hard we try, it makes inroads in
our lives.
I had such a situation in my 6th standard, where I had to change my school. From the countryside,
we had moved to the heart of the city. Due to that, I changed school. The reason for this change
was the transfer of my father. He used to work with a bank, due to his immense contribution
towards the bank’s growth, he got promoted to the rank of bank manager. And he was given the
charge of a new branch opening up in the city. When my father had told me about this, I went into
a state of depression. The main reason for the sadness was my friend circle, I had too many friends
in the school, and I used to share good camaraderie with them.

However, I didn’t have any option but to leave the school. When I had joined my new school, I
remained upset for one week. However, after some days, I had started liking my new school, and
I made new friends.

I had started enjoying my stint because I managed to expand my social circle. On the one hand, I
was in touch with my old school friends through social media and on the other hand, I made new
friends in my new school.

Moreover, the infrastructure and the facilities in the new school were better than the old school.

Answer 2:

Actually, I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. This summer holiday, I found a part-
time job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of the student residence because the
building was closed during summer holidays.

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually I decided to rent
a newly renovated apartment, which has a really good location because it’s next to a
beautiful lake in our city. The drawback is its distance from my workplace. I have to
take a bus for 40 minutes to commute there. But to enjoy a better lifestyle, I signed the lease for
the apartment.

Anyway, after deciding the ragout date, I asked three good friends to give me a hand packing up
my stuff. I even called a moving company for a van. We spent a whole day moving everything
into my new apartment. We were all worn-out after the fact. I treated all my friends to a nice meal
at a restaurant nearby.

And then I got to decorate the home in the way I wanted and I also began to ride to work. It’s
really new and different for me. Although I have to get up really early every morning for work, I
have fun biking along the lakeshore every night, which helps me blow off some steam So basically,
I’m really satisfied with my new life.

Part 3
29.1. Why do people move to a new home?
Answer 1:People move to a new home for many different reasons. The most common reason is
that they need more space because they have a new addition to the family, whether it be a pet or a
child. It can be hard to have multiple kids and pets in a small house. People may also move to a
new home if they have to move to a new city for work. Some people who live in a city might
choose to move to the country because they want more outdoor space.
Answer 2:There are some reasons for people to move into a new home. First, it is the reason for
their new working place. Sometimes when they have a new job, the location is not so near their
current house. That’s why they have to move to somewhere near the new office and live. By doing
so, they can save their time commuting to work. Second, it is the reason for marriage. I have seen
plenty of newly wedded couples move in to live together somewhere larger after their
wedding because their current place is not spacious enough. So those are the reasons I can think
Answer 3:There are numerous reasons why people shift to a new abode. However, the most
prominent reason is to get a plum job or obtain a quality education, because in most cases. Another
prominent cause is the expansion of the family due to the wedding or the arrival of a new family
member. This is due to the reason that they would like to have freedom coupled with privacy
because their current accommodation may be small in size to accommodate the expanding family.
29.2. What problems will people face after moving to a new place? How do people solve these
Answer 1: When moving to a new place, the first problem people may have to face is
their neighbors. In Vietnam, having a good bond with the neighbors is crucial because we live next
to each other. When we need help, the neighbors are always there to support us before we think of
calling our relatives over. The second issue to address is that we may overspend our budget on
some new furniture and decorations. The solution for this is to carefully plan out what we really
need and what we just like to have. Then, go window shopping and check the prices before we
decide to pay and bring anything home.
Answer 2: People can face many problems after moving to a new place; they might need to do
repairs, or they might realize that there is a problem with the new neighbours. It is important for
people to do a lot of research and complete a house inspection before moving to avoid as many
problems as possible. People might also realize that things might be more expensive in a new city,

especially rent and utilities. People might have to readjust their budget or spend their money
differently. If people are struggling to adjust to the new neighborhood, it’s helpful to befriend the
people who live close by. In general, it’s always beneficial to be on good terms with your
neighbors. If you’re new to the area, your neighbors are often the people who can give you good
advice when it comes to finding the best restaurants and essential places like hospitals and grocery
stores. Dealing with new expenses can be handled by rearranging your budget or saving up
29.3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the same place?
Answer 1: To begin with the advantages, the first and foremost is the awareness we have of the
area. While living at the same place, we acquire a boatload of information about the climate,
cuisine and nature of people. This information helps us to lead our life comfortably. Apart from
this, we have a wider social circle. On the other hand, the prime disadvantage is boredom and
monotony. There is no denying this conviction that when we shift to a new place, we gain new
experiences in terms of culture, people, climate and cuisine etc. So we miss dynamism in our lives
by staying at the same place.

Answer 2: Well, from my point of view, residing in the same place for a long time has certain
advantages. First, we can make some good friends who are our neighbors and it will be them who
shall come to support us in certain cases. Second, we can make a firm foundation for our children
to grow up without facing any changes at an early age because those changes can affect them
mentally, which may lead to cultural shocks and depression. However, there are also a number of
disadvantages to consider. The first thing that comes to my mind is the boredom that sets in after
a couple of years. It is undeniable that every day when we wake up, it’s such a tedious feeling to
see the same landscape outside our bedroom window. Plus, living in one place for a long time
limits our opportunity to meet new people and to experience new life’s twists and turns.
29.4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?
Answer 1:I don’t think that it is a good idea to move to a new place often because it is very
stressful, time consuming, and expensive. Moving requires a lot of research and preparation, so it
can be very time consuming especially if you are also working full time. Moving is also very
expensive; if you are renting, you need to pay at least two months of rent up front, and if you are
buying you need to provide a down payment. It is better to move less often.
Answer 2:As per my opinion, shifting to a new place frequently is an imprudent approach. First
of all, it costs a lot financially, because when we migrate we have to incur a lot of expenditure.
Secondly, it is a turbulent task to widen the friend circle when you keep on changing your residence
Answer 3:Yes, I am sure everyone will say the same if this question is posed on a social media
platform. As a modern global citizen, I strongly believe that moving in and traveling regularly
helps us to live a flexible life, which is utmostly needed nowadays as modern jobs require more
travel. Besides, moving to a new place is a good chance for us to make new friends and seek
new work-related opportunities.

30. Describe a thing you did to learn another language
You should say:
What it is
What language you learned
How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:
Language learning is a fun and insightful experience. Several things can be done to effectively
learn another language. So today, I’ll be talking about my personal experience of learning a foreign
If there is a language that draws unanimous global consent about its beauty, class, and elegance; it
is French. The mellifluous language caught my attention last year and I started learning it. The
first thing I did was to read some stories of people who successfully learnt the language. Then, I
made a timetable to devote at least half an hour every day to learning French. My elder sibling is
a proficient French speaker, so he suggested installing the Memrise app on my smartphone. I also
went through the list of the 100 most used phrases in that language and practised them with my
brother. Moreover, I subscribed to Netflix just for the sake of learning french through movies. The
things I did help me a lot to gain some level of proficiency in the French language. For instance,
with the timetable, I was able to stay organized throughout the process. Similarly, Memrise is a
brilliant mobile application that has plenty of short courses. These courses helped me move from
beginner to advanced in a span of 8 months period. Last but not least, French drama shows like Les
Chalet blended entertainment with learning. Learning a language can be overwhelming at first.
But I feel that if we stick to our plan things can be pretty easy. The whole journey was exciting
and full of challenges. I felt a growing pleasure with every step because I could use a string of
words or sounds that was previously completely unknown.
In the end, I would say that the French accent is to die for. It’s that beautiful language. If I had to
choose between English or a French accent, it will be French every time.
Answer 2:

A few years ago I realized that if I wanted to make further progress in English and sound more
like a native English speaker, I would somehow have to gain more exposure to the language native
English speakers would use every day. But I couldn’t pack up and go to a country where English
is spoken natively, so I knew I had to find a way to always get exposed to it at home.

All my friends said I had to subscribe to Netflix and start watching series and TV shows in English.
And this is what I did. I remember I started with a TV series which I had already seen in my own
language. It was Friends. Who hasn’t watched Friends? After that I always found what to watch.
First, I watched films and series in English with the subtitles in my own language, so I could check
the meaning of any vocabulary I didn’t know easily. Later, I had the subtitles in English, and
paused if the characters spoke too quickly. When I started feeling more confident, I watched each
episode without subtitles. I used the 10 second ‘back’ button to try again and again to catch all the

new words and conversational phrases. Then I played each scene again, and watched the scene
with English subtitles on. Then I looked them up and watched the scene AGAIN to see how these
new words were used in the context. I watched each episode as many times as I needed to get used
to the speed, pronunciation, and common expressions used. After that, I always practiced
SHADOWING, which I’m sure really helped improve my fluency. I tried to repeat what they were
saying at the same time. Again, I used my favorite ten second ‘back’ button to practice saying and
repeating some short phrases a few times.

I believe watching Netflix series and TV shows helped me a lot as I learned the most current
version of a language, stuff that may not even exist in textbooks. I learned to speak naturally and
easily. And it helped me develop my listening skills. What’s important is that it was never boring.

Part 3
30.1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
Answer 1:One of the challenges is the phonological difference. There are some sounds that exist
in one language but not in the other language. Another difficulty is learning the grammar and the
sentence structure of the new language.
Answer 2:Different languages have different grammar rules and sentence structures. Anyone
learning a new language needs to learn all the grammatical rules that are difficult to remember
because we are less familiar. Also, the way you speak depends on the language.

30.2. Do you think language learning is important?

Answer 1: Yes, I think language learning is important as it develops skills such as communication
and cultural awareness. Learning a foreign language also opens all sorts of career opportunities.
Learning new languages leads to cognitive development. Bilingual and multilingual children do
better in other subjects too.
Answer 2: Learning a new language improves memory. It encourages your mind to learn new
grammatical and language rules. It allows you to hone your memory by teaching it to memorise
new vocabulary, draw connections between different words, and apply them in context. Therefore,
language learning is very essential for human development.
30.3. What is the best age to start learning a foreign language?
Answer 1:Well, children should start learning a foreign language in their initial stage because they
have more grasping power as well as they can retain the basic information for a long time.
Moreover, they become habitual to speaking that language instead of learning it in later periods of
their life.
Answer 2:Generally, the pupils start learning a foreign language at the age of childhood.
Whenever children are gone to school at the age of 5-6 years old, they start to learn a foreign
language. In my perspective, childhood is the best age for learning an international language.
30.4. Which is better to study alone or to study in a group? Why?

Answer 1: The benefit of studying alone is that it minimizes distractions, allows you to go at your
own pace, and can improve your concentration. When you are alone, distractions are minimized
since you have no interaction other than schoolwork. You can take breaks whenever you feel tired,
or even read at a pace that suits you.
Answer 2: It is better to study in a group. Students derive energy from being around other students
and are motivated to study. Concepts that are hard to grasp by yourself are easier to understand
from another person’s perspective. People usually procrastinate when studying alone but, in a
group, one is accountable and must be present.
30.5. Which skill is more important speaking or writing?
Obviously, both skills are essential. Apart from it, with the help of speaking skills, people can
easily communicate with another person. They can grab new knowledge about anything. As well
as due to writing, individuals can share their views by writing. So that’s both plays the part and
parcel role in everyone’s life.
30.6. What’s the best way to learn a language?
Answer 1: There are many ways to learn a language. There is no one best way. One must do a
combination of things to get fluent in a language like practicing daily on language learning apps
like Duolingo, watching movies in the foreign language, reading books and newspapers, having a
tutor or a native speaker online to practice with, and traveling to those countries.
Answer 2: People attend language classes( online/ offline) to learn a new language but I think a
person cannot learn a new language till he/she does practice themselves such as using the words
of new language in their daily conversation, setting a target to memories 20 words a day and ready
the new language book to understand it.
Answer 3: While there are many alternative ways to learn any language, like downloading any
app which helps the students and any other person to learn about languages, they can also enroll
themselves in any institute which provides them satisfactory services regarding learning any
language. I think the best way to learn any language is by communicating that language in their
routine, and they will become proficient in that language.
30.7. Does a person still need to learn another language if he is good at English?
Answer 1: Yes, of course, a person must speak any other language if he is a good speaker of
English. Because learning any other language than English is an advantage to a person because it
will add a new feather to their cap.

Answer 2: Well, I think it depends upon a person the person is good at the English language. After
that learning another foreign language they can get a good job and learn about the culture customs
and things. In my perspective, I reckon that is also buildup their performance.

31. Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friends
You should say:
What the discussion was about
What opinions you and your friend had
What you think the discussion was interesting
And explain how you felt about it
Answer 1:
I don’t normally like to discuss my private matters with anybody unless, of course, I have a very
valid reason to do so. But, the other day, I was casually doing exactly that with one of my friend,
who made the discussion rather interesting.
Of course, I didn’t exactly want to get drawn into this sort of discussion, but when my friend asked
me about my future plan or how I was spending and managing my money, I thought that there was
no harm in discussing the subject. In fact, I decided to have that discussion, mainly because I
wasn’t really doing that well financially even though I was earning a reasonably good amount of
money from my job. And, I told that to my friend, he told me that earning enough money wasn’t
just enough to have a secured financial future unless we were using the money in creating tangible
In fact, he gave me an account of how he successfully turned around his failing business about a
few years ago by wisely investing his little savings. So, again, according to him, earning enough
money wasn’t just enough as one would also need to find a way to invest it properly with a long
term plan by factoring out the future inflation. Anyway, the discussion was not only getting more
and more interesting but also getting more and complicated. Finally, the discussion ended with a
piece of advice from my cousin that we should have never spent more money than we would earn.
Anyway, the discussion was really fascinating for me because it taught me a few effective tricks
not only to save money but also to invest them wisely at the right time. Besides, the conversation
also taught me how to create and maintain a link with financially successful people who could
always teach us a thing or two on how to become a successful entrepreneur even when one doesn’t
have any money at all. Finally, the discussion was also interesting because it taught me how to
diversify my skills and money earning abilities.
Answer 2:
I remember this one very clearly. This was one of the priceless conversation that I ever had with
someone. It was about setting goals in life and working hard to achieve them.
I had this conversation with my childhood friend. His name is Raj and we have grown up together
and we have been to the same school as well. Both of us were having snacks in a café and were
discussing life when our conversations suddenly turned serious and meaningful.
Actually, we were laughing whilst looking back at our carefree school days and suddenly my friend
expressed his concern about our future. We felt that we should be focused and have a goal in life.
We started writing down our dreams and goals and talked about how specific, realistic, achievable
and meaningful they were. We also had a discussion about the time deadline of things that we want

to achieve in life. We jotted a plan of the resources that we have and the efforts that we will make
to reach where we want to.
It was a conversation that was not only interesting but also enriching. It gave us a new direction
and new hopes for life. This was the very first time we saw life on a serious note. We also told
each other our Wit strengths and weakness. The entire conversation was positive, inspiring and
full of new visions and promises and that is what made it fascinating.

On that day, I felt a strange emotion. I felt that there is a purpose in my life and that I am capable
of achieving that purpose and reaching a new height. I felt very satisfied from within that my friend
felt exactly the same how I did and that both of us were together charged to reach our life goals.

So, although it was a conversation about life goals, it was a turning point in our lives as we are on
our toes from that day and will not stop until we achieve our target.
Part 3:
31.1. Why is it good to discuss problems with other people?
Well, I believe that the main reason for confiding our personal issues to other people is to find the
best solution. Indeed, we ourselves are capable of dealing with our own problems but sometimes
we alone may impulsively make some unwise decisions. Consequently, such decisions may lead
to worse scenarios and sometimes even run a person’s life. For example, when we need to make a
choice of a life partner, we tend to let our hearts pick that person instead of our mind. However,
this emotion-based option looks gorgeous until that life partner reveals themselves as
a violent, belittling one. By speaking to some trusted friends and relatives, we are likely to choose
a much better person. So, it’s sometimes advisable to consult someone before making an important
31.2. Do you think that it’s better to talk to friends and not family about problems?
Well, I think we can talk about our problems to whoever we truly trust, either friends or family
because problems come from different sources and causes. Sometimes when the problem comes
from social circles of friends or love, it’s best to talk to a good friend as he or she may understand
the issue easier than family members like parents, who are in the older generation. On the contrary,
if the problem is related to health or career choice, family members are those we can count on as
they have the financial power and experience to support us. Therefore, we need to define clearly
the origins of our problems before we decide who to speak to.

31.3. Is it always a good idea to tell lots of people about a problem?

No, absolutely not. To me, lots of people means loads of problems and nobody would like to have
problems all lined up at their door. Despite the fact that speaking out about our problems shall help
us feel less of a burden in heart and mind, this silly action will provoke detrimental consequences.
Not everyone who knows about the problem are our good friends. For example, if a
company reveals its internal matters to the public among which there are competitors, they will
take advantage of that problem to win the market sooner or later.

31.4. Which communication skills are most important when taking part in meetings with

Personally, I believe it should be a calm mind and positive conversational language. When we are
in a meeting at work, as a member of a group, we want to contribute our opinions into the
discussion and expect that the boss will accept them. However, we often feel upset as there are so
many other ideas given at the same time by our colleagues. If nobody stays calm to listen and pose
constructive questions, the meetings will become a nonsense fight that never brings any value but a
negative atmosphere. Therefore, the skill of speaking kindly and calmly will be the most important
thing to consider when joining a company meeting with our co-workers.

31.5. What are the possible effects of poor written communication skills at work?

In my opinion, there are possible effects of poor written communication skills at work. First, it
will bring about wrong communication which will lead to misunderstanding messages and
worse work productivity. Second, when colleagues receive a poorly conducted
email, their impression of the sender will also turn negative. Third, such an email will also be a
waste of time as it has no value in the work progress and the writer will have to rewrite it according
to the boss’s order.

32. Describe a special cake you received from others
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who you got the cake from
And explain why it was a special cake
Answer 1:
Being a big-time food fanatic, I love tasting mouth-watering delicacies. As far as desserts are
concerned, I have a liking for cake. Although I have tasted cake numerous times, the one I had
savored during my last birthday was special, and I enjoyed that the most.
During my last birthday, the world was going through the second wave of the Corona pandemic.
Due to that, my city was in a state of lockdown. There is no denying this conviction that a birthday
party is incomplete without cake. So on my birthday, my friends baked a cake for me at our home.
As going out was not an option for us. So, my sister made the cake by using
the ingredients available at home.
First, she baked the bread, and for that, she used whole wheat flour. For the icing on the cake, she
made whipped cream from milk. And she further garnished the cake with Choco chips and fruits.
I liked the cake because my friends baked it out of love and affection for me. Despite being newbies
at cooking, they did tremendous hard work, and after watching umpteen videos on YouTube, they
baked a mouth-watering cake for me.
As it was her first attempt, I was apprehensive regarding the taste of the cake. However, to my
surprise, it was far beyond my expectation. And the smile my friends had on their faces after
getting accolades from me would always remain etched in my memories. In totality, that is the
best cake I have ever tasted in my life.

Answer 2:
I would like to talk about a special occasion when a simple cake literally changed my miserable
life. That was the time when I had just entered high school, which was 80km away from my
hometown so I had to rent a flat and live alone near my school. Like many others, I was
overwhelmed by the new environment and unable to adapt quickly. As a result, I was living in
solitude for the first few months and had no close friendship with anyone.
But then an incident happened. I got sick, like, horribly sick. I couldn’t even walk for 50 metres,
much less go to school. During that time, I was stubborn and stupid enough to believe that my
condition would improve simply by waiting for my body to recover itself. As I was too weak to
attend school, I asked my teacher to give me some days off. After 3 days lying in bed, my condition
only seemed to be worse, since most of the time I was sleeping and didn’t eat anything.
But then, at around 3pm that day I received a call from one of my friends. She asked me about my
condition and wanted to come over to check me out. When she came, I tried my best to walk
downstairs to meet her, and I was surprised when I saw her holding a cake in her hand. It turned
out that she knew I was in trouble so she made the cake herself and brought it to me in the hope of
cheering me up. That simple act almost made me cry, and I ate the whole cake with heartfelt
gratitude for my friend.

After that day my body healed up quickly, maybe it’s because I had finally put something into my
stomach again. And of course, we became best friends after that moment. Now, even though we
have taken different paths, we still keep in touch with each other and regularly share our stories
and experiences. All in all, I am deeply thankful for having such friendship in my life, all starting
with a cake.
Part 3:
32.1. What is the difference between special food in Vietnam and other countries?
I think food is a big part of Vietnamese culture and we love to prepare big feasts on special
occasions. I think the difference between special food in Vietnam and other countries is that it’s
mostly vegetarian. Secondly, there is high use of spices in Vietnamese food, even some desserts
have spices.
32.2. How is food eaten on special occasions different from food eaten on ordinary days?
Well, it seems to me that food served on special events such as birthday parties, family gatherings
or New Year Eve, is more elaborate and delicious. People always put their heart and soul into
preparing festive food. They choose expensive, top quality ingredients and spend several hours
cooking and garnishing. Also, special occasion meals tend to offer greater variety of dishes than a
day-to-day menu.
32.3. Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?
I think it’s because a lot of family members and relatives are together during these days and having
special meals makes such events more memorable. I think festivals, in general, make us happier
and because of the good mood, we don’t mind spending a bit extra on the holidays.
32.4. Do you think it is good to communicate when eating with your family?
Answer 1:It is, in my opinion, the best and most ideal time to chat with family. To begin with, we
are in a better frame of mind when we eat, therefore we are less likely to get into arguments.
Individuals are also free during this period, allowing for virtually uninterrupted correspondence.
Answer 2:Definitely. Cooking and eating together plays a vital role in maintaining a close-knit
family. By reflecting on the day, sharing some stories or telling some jokes during a meal, people
can better understand each other and truly feel loved and cared for. Those who spend quality dinner
time with their beloved family are said to lead a more successful, healthier and happier life.
Therefore, I believe eating together is an essential part of building a strong family.
32.5. Do you think people cook too much for celebrations? How to reduce food wastage?
Yeah, I agree. As living standard is rising, people are spending a great deal of money on festive
food, not only for traditional festivals but also for other occasions such as birthday parties or
wedding parties. These are opportunities for well-off families to show off by pouring money into
an extensive menu with sumptuous delicacies. Most of the food is wasted as people are so busy
with ceremonies and talking. The only way to reduce such waste is to raise people’s awareness
through mass media I think.
32.6. Which is a better place to treat someone you know? Restaurant or home?
Well, it depends on the guests and the situation. For me, a gourmet restaurants with a cosy setting
would be more appropriate for a business lunch or a romantic date while sharing a meal at home

is probably the best way to treat my close friends, relatives and colleagues. Fancy food cooked by
a professional chef seems more appealing but home creates an intimate feeling that can be found
nowhere else.

33. Describe an interesting song
You should say:
What the song is
What story the song tells
Whether the song is popular
And explain why you think it is interesting
Answer 1:

I have always been a massive fan of music. I love listening to music because good music helps me
recharge my battery as well as uplift my spirit after a long day overloaded with work and study. I
listen to many different kinds of music, from Rock to Jazz, depending on where I am, who I’m
with, and how I feel at the time. Today I’m going to tell you about one of my favourite songs,
titled ‘Hello’.

The genre is pop, as characterized by its upbeat music and simple, down-to-earth lyrics. It’s
actually a single that just went platinum this week. The song is viral at the moment, I mean, it’s
the talk of the town. It’s been topping the charts for weeks and has got millions of streams on
music sites.

The person who performs the song is Adele, an internationally acclaimed artist, hailing from the
UK. She’s made a killing with her albums, but she’s maintained a somewhat low-profile lifestyle.
I am a huge fan of her. I have an impressive collection of her records that I really treasure. Maybe
I would have the fortune to attend one of her concerts.

I first listened to the song last week. It was when I was in the middle of finals. I was up to the ears
in revision and it was incredibly nerve-racking time, so I needed something to let my hair down.
That’s when I went to YouTube to watch some music videos. The minute I heard Adele’s voice, I
was hooked and totally blown away. I’ve put the song on repeat ever since.

I am keen on the song for a number of reasons. First, it was her voice that struck me, which is
incredibly soothing, and has a nice warm quality to it. The lyrics is also dope. It talks about
emotions after two people part ways in a relationship and I can definitely relate to that.

Answer 2:
One of my favorite songs is “Bonjour Vietnam”, a song composed and sung by Pham Quynh Anh
– A French woman with Vietnamese origins. Though this song was released years ago, I still keep
it in my “favorite” playlist on my phone.
I first came across this song when it was discussed all over the media during my secondary school
years. You see, it’s really rare for such a beautiful song to be written about Vietnam, or the
Vietnamese identity for that matter. It’s about a Vietnamese expat desperately wanting to learn
more about her Vietnamese roots. She also wanted to go to Vietnam someday to know for herself
whether it was like what her parents and the media portrayed or not.

To be honest, the first time I heard this song, I didn’t understand a word but I was hooked by the
gentle melody and the silky voice of the singer. I was later motivated to learn French to know the
exact meaning of the lyrics. When I understood, it was all the more beautiful. I realized there was
still so much more to discover and love about my country. You could say my love for the beauty
of Vietnam was rekindled.
I really wish more quality songs like this can be produced in the future instead of the meaningless
ones that young generations are so obsessed with.

Part 3:
33.1. Why are music competitions popular in Vietnam?
I suppose there are several reasons. Many young people like watching music competitions. They
can listen to a lot of new songs and know some outstanding singers. Another important reason is
that the music competitions offer a platform for people to show their singing abilities. Many people
are inspired to challenge themselves and pursue their dreams. Last but not least, some famous
singers or artists are invited to be the judges in the music competitions. They give professional
comments on the contestants, which attracts a large number of music lovers.
33.2. What kinds of music do young people in Vietnam like?
Young people are full of energy and they are eager to follow the fashion, so it seems to me that
most of them like to listen to popular music or music with fast tempos, such as R&B, rock and roll
or Hip Hop. In addition, this kind of music is easy to enjoy and it helps young people to relax, so
it is popular among them.
33.3. What kinds of people like traditional music?
As far as I know, people who are interested in the traditional culture like traditional music.
Traditional music is regarded as a part of traditional culture. Maybe old people prefer traditional
music because they think it is valuable. When old people listen to traditional music, they will recall
their meaningful moments in the past.
33.4. What are the differences between live concert and online concert?
There are several differences. First of all, if people go to a live concert, they have to travel to a
designated place. If they watch it online, they can just stay at home. Secondly, people must pay
money for their tickets when going to a live concert. However, many online concerts are cheaper
than live concerts. Some of them are even free. People don’t need to spend much money on it.
What’s more, it is more exciting to be in a live concert since people can get closer to their favorite
singers and interact with other fans. It is quite different from watching it on the screen.
33.5. What kind of music do people like at different ages?
I think the taste in music is generational. That means, regardless of their current age, people mainly
prefer the music they listened to when they were a teen. So a person who was born in the 70s
would be into disco, whereas a person who was born in the 80s would be keen on pop or hip hop.
What’s more? I think, as we get older, we tend to be less receptive to new styles or genres of music
but we become more open minded about oldies and timeless classics. I found that my friends and

I had started talking about classical composers and their works such Beethoven and his “Moonlight
sonata” or Tchaikovski’s “Swan Lake”.

33.6. What kind of music is popular in your country now and what kind will be in the future?

I’m not versed in the various genres of music so I’ll try my best to speculate. As far as I remember,
pop-ballad has always been something that people enjoy listening to. Slow-paced songs about love
and romance attract listeners of all ages and I don’t see them going anywhere soon. Interestingly,
there has been an emergence of Rap music in Vietnam. After years of being nurtured by the
underground community, Rap became mainstream last year with the two rap contests, namely
“Rap Viet” and “King of Rap”.

33.7. Do parents in your country require their children to learn and to play musical

I wouldn’t use the word “require”, but I would say more and more parents have become aware that
playing musical instruments isn’t just a hobby. They are putting their children into weekend classes
or hiring private tutors to teach their children to play piano, violin or guitar. Although most
people, myself included, have yet to grasp the influence of playing instruments on a child’s mind,
I still think it is beneficial to young children in some way, intellectually. On a practical note, some
universities have begun to take into account the artistic achievements of their prospective students
beside their academic records. So learning how to play an instrument is helpful one way or another.

34. Describe a person who contributes to the society?
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What type of work he/she does
And explain why you think she/he contributes to the society?
Answer 1:

I’m gonna go with my mom, I think my mom contributes a lot to society.

How do I know her she’s my mom: I’ve known her my entire life, she’s one of the most she is the
most important person in my life. What she does for society is a lot, I mean she was a teacher for
40 years.

She recently retired and she’s been doing a lot of volunteering because in Canada it’s quite normal
after you retire. You don’t want to feel useless, you don’t want to feel like you’re stuck at home
and you’re just you know you have nothing to do, you can’t contribute to society. So my mom still
travels to some remote areas of our province and helps children with improving their reading
ability, which is a really noble thing to do and a really compassionate thing to do I think.

She’s also writing a book right now which will help other teachers with what’s called Reading
recovery, which means taking kids and helping them to improve their reading. So my mom
hopefully my mom’s book will contribute a lot to the second generation of teachers right now that
are teaching in Reading recovery.

I think my mom contributes to society because she really feels like even though she has a lot of
energy left and she doesn’t just want to sit around and watch tv. I think she wants to take part in
society, she wants to be somebody who makes a difference, she wants to be remembered as
somebody who did actually really affect in a positive way many younger people. So I think my
mom does a very good job of keeping active and giving back to the society that gave her a lot.

Answer 2:

In my life, there are several persons in my family members who made unmatched contributions to
help me go ahead and among them my father’s contribution is unforgettable. He is the person
whom I love most in this world and I consider him to be a perfect human being with his
uncompromised honesty, bravery and responsibility.

I know my father from the very beginning of my life as he is the person who brought me in this
world. From my childhood, he has raised me with his love, affection and mentorship. He taught
me about the world, people and values. He helped me on my education and has devoted his life to
properly raise me.

My father is an exemplary person who has led an honest life. As a high-ranking government
officer, he had many chances to pile up the riches but he had always known what the right things
to do. The basic of humanity and the importance of education were something he delivered to me.
He is now a retired person and leads his serene and peaceful like with contentment and happiness.
He was a brave person who never feared the rough power of the society.

As a father, I would say he has done everything humanly possible to raise me and my 3 other
siblings. He spent his entire earning for our happiness and necessity while he went through
hardship. I learned the true meaning of life and started achieving some of the qualities he has. The
person who I am now is mostly because of my father’s devotion and dedication. To me, he is an
ideal person whom I often mimic and consider as my idol in my life.

Part 3:
34.1. Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?
Yes, people nowadays help others more than in the past. And the reason for this is increased
connectivity due to the help of technology. In the contemporary era, we have a system that
empowers us to provide unabated support to individuals staying in any corner of the world. Corona
pandemic is the prime example, during this pandemic, numerous people staying in underdeveloped
nations received aid from people staying in different corners of the world.
34.2. Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in
the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
The range of good deeds has increased in the society comparing the past. Earlier, people had not
the necessity to mix with people as they are socializing now with the demand of time. So, as they
are socializing more, they are experiencing the necessity of others and accordingly providing
support to the distressed. But, a few decades back, people lived in a constricted loop and their life
was limited to specific people or community consisted of very few members. So, they did not have
the chance to help others in the community as they have today.
34.3. In what kind of professions do people help others more?

I believe in most professions people get an opportunity to help others in various forms. Sometimes
the help is direct, and on some occasions it is indirect. However, those who work in fields like
social/community services such as NGOs get more chances to facilitate child education,
eradication of poverty, and other such social menaces.

34.4. Why are some people willing to help others?

Answer 1: People who are empathetic, sensitive, and compassionate are more willing to help
others. These values are what they have seen and learned from their parents, teachers and other
people around them while they are growing up.
Answer 2: People who are kind and soft-hearted usually love to help others. They find a sort of
good feelings inside their mind when they could help someone in danger or misery. They are on
the view that they are performing some good deeds and in return, they will get that back. There
are theories that everything is round. If you do well of others it will come to you unexpectedly,

and if you do bad things that will hurt you too, unexpectedly. But most of the people who do well
to others are not the theory-believers. They do it selflessly and enjoy the satisfaction of sacrifice.
34.5. What are some of the ways people can help others in the community? Which is most
There are many other ways to help people living in a community or society. The notable helping
ways are showing kindness to others, assist in doing something regardless of the task shape or size,
behaving in a courteous manner, provide support in mental distress, be with them during their
sorrowful events, sharing the joys, offering voluntary services to the social organizations or during
social events, arranging employment for the unemployed (if possible), lending money in soft-terms
during distress or supporting with foods, help to get justice etc. But the most important thing, I
believe, is to arrange for an employment. There is a proverb – Give a man a fish and you feed him
for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
34.6. What types of services, such as libraries or health centers, are available to the people
who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?
In my area, we do have health centers but we need libraries more. We have a single library and the
books are insufficient for the increasing readers. At times it appears that the number of patients is
on the rise and people are forgetting to meet their thirst for knowledge in the fast-paced age.
Thereby, the health centers are on the rise while the libraries are on a decline. Mostly the young
people, in the evening, pass their time on the library by reading books. So, the number of libraries
needed to be increased and the existing one should be enriched with books and other reading
34.7. Which groups of people generally need the most support in a community? Why?
Women, children and the old people are the most vulnerable section of a society or community.
They need more support in a community than other for their vulnerable nature. For instance, if
there is an earthquake, the aforesaid section should be prioritized regarding escape or taking shelter
to a safer place as they cannot move like men. Besides, disease resistance power is lower among
them comparing the male members of a society. So, they should be allowed to get advantages in
hospitals or other health-related services. The feeble nature has made them dependent on others
and the issue should always be kept in mind regarding behave with them.

35. Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in the near future
You should say:
What it is like
Where it would be
Why you would like to live in this house/apartment
And how you feel about this house/apartment
Answer 1:
Today, there are so many different types of houses or apartments that it is really difficult to decide
what type of apartments I would like to live in. However, one thing is for sure that I would want
my apartment to be equipped with all kinds of modern amenities and features.
First of all, I want my apartment to be located at a beautiful suburb, having wide streets, a big and
clear lake and lots of trees, which wouldn’t be too far away from the city. My apartment should be
about 2000 square feet that have 4/5 rooms with one master bedroom. All the rooms should have
a spacious balcony attached to them. The apartment should be located on the 4th or 5th floor of a
tall building, that has a 24-hour lift or elevator facility and enough empty space around so that I
can have a perfect view of my beautiful surroundings from my apartment.
Since I want my apartment to be fully loaded with all kinds of modern amenities, I want a modern
gym or fitness room that includes a yoga studio in addition to a large hot tub that is full of water,
used for hydrotherapy, relaxation or pleasure. It should also have a digital media and game centre
with a home theatre that has high-end screens and enough reclining chairs to accommodate up to
a dozen guests, and a billiard table in order to help me enjoy my time during my leisure hours.
Needless to say, I also want a large kitchen with a very modern-looking cabinet, dishwasher and
washing machine in it, and kitchen to be attached to a large dining-cum-sitting area. Finally, in
addition to having Wi-Fi internet system and satellite TV, my apartment should also have
automatic security lock system in order to ensure maximum security.
Anyway, I would like to live in this apartment because it would make me feel comfortable enough
to spend my time there without ever getting bored. Besides, I would like to live in it because it
would also allow me to live close to a natural and clean environment, full of trees and a lake.
Answer 2:

I do not dream of living in houses which are large. Rather I need a place where I can live with
peace of my mind. In fact, I need a small house to live in. Thank you for your nice question and I
am happy to let you all know about it.

I do not have any problem with the house space but the interior needs to be beautiful. To be frank,
I do not need a swimming pool inside my bedroom but I need enough space to place my bookshelf.
I do not need a house that will look striking from a mile away, rather I need my place should be
well decorated with necessary furniture and other stuff. Moreover, I need a personal space to read
books or listening music or enjoying movies.

I do not love hustle bustle of city life but I have no alternatives left. I will try utmost to get the
house at a corner of the city so that I am not disturbed. I do not need any scenic location for my
house. Rather I need a calm and quiet place for living. On the other side, the location needs to be
filled with foliage. I love trees and will create some space for them too. So, the location needs to
be near nature. Finding such a place is really difficult in Thailand. Almost all the open lands have
been filled and commercial structures have been constructed on the spaces. Hence, I am in search
of such a place to build my house.

This is a modern age and certainly, I expect some modern facilities for the house. First of all, the
house should be well ventilated. It should come with larger windows. The tiles and other necessary
fittings should be of high standard. Moreover, the house should have access to continuous civic
facilities like gas, water and electricity supply. I also need alternative backups for the facilities lest
I do not need to suffer for any of those when there will be an unexpected interruption. I need
another facility for my house- the communication system needs to be improved.

I want to live in such a house for many reasons. I work for a multinational corporation and need
to remain busy round the day. Moreover, I need to plan and execute some strategic decisions. So,
I need a comfortable place to think over the matters. It is my study which I think as the best place
for such purposes. If I get the required environment, I would be able to make the plans and visualize
their implementation process clearly. Moreover, such a house is necessary for a healthy living too.
Therefore, I want to live there.

Part 3:
35.1. What kinds of accommodation are most popular in Vietnam?
Basically, there are two types of accommodation in Vietnam: private house and apartments. The
first is more popular in the countryside or some affluent suburban areas. The latter is increasingly
common in major cities due to their affordable prices and high demand.
35.2. Do young people prefer to live in apartments or in a detached (private) house? Why?
The way I see it, most of them don’t get to choose where they live. I mean this is not a matter of
preference. Due to budget constraint, they have to stick to the most feasible option they can afford.
For most young adults in Vietnam, it is sharing a rental apartment. But of course, they would all
love to have their own house as they could enjoy more freedom and privacy. They just have no
choice, really.
35.3. Do most Vietnamese people live in an apartment or house?
I think it depends on the region they are living in. In most of the big cities, like the metropolitan
cities, people live in apartments, as there is a scarcity of land in such places and to accommodate
the ever-increasing population, there are more and more apartment buildings being built. However,
in the small cities, towns and the countryside, we can find people mostly living in houses, rather
than apartments.
35.4. Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

In my country, young people like to live with their parents, unless they have to move to another
city or country, for higher education or for better career prospects. It’s a part of the Indian culture
for children to live with their parents.
35.5. How is modern home design in your country different to that of the past?
The modern home design is very different to that of the past, in my country. The material being
used now in the construction of houses if much advanced, like weather proof paints, insulated
walls, soundproof windows, etc. The design of the modern houses is according to the space
available. There is better utilization of space in the modern home designs. The homes in the past
used to be more spacious and not equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and equipment,
like washing machine, microwave, dishwashers & so on.
35.6. Are housing designs in different parts of your country the same? Why ?
Definitely not. Vietnam’s topography and climate are varied from north to south and so are
its housing styles. In flat areas, people usually live in cottages or concrete tube houses while in
central highlands, stilt houses are more common. This has resulted in fascinating cultural diversity
I find this truly fascinating because

36. Describe something you received for free
You should say:
What it was
Who you received it from
Where you received it
And how you felt about it
These days, businesses and stores are trying to attract prospective customers by offering different
kinds of lucrative deals in order to increase their sales. One such deal is called “buy one get one
free”. Needless to say, I like this kind of deal, because it helps me save some money. Today, I
would like to talk about one such deal in which, I received a gift item for free.

The free item, I got, as a gift was a soundbox, and I got it from one of the most popular electronic
appliance stores in my city. By the way, this particular store had a good reputation of selling quality
products at an affordable and discounted price, and that’s why customers like me from all over the
city used to flock into it in order to buy their products of choices.

Of course, I didn’t have any prior knowledge about the free gift item when I went to buy a LED
TV. But as soon as, I asked the salesperson about a particular TV, I liked, he informed me that I
could actually get a nice sound box for free if I had bought that TV.

I liked what I heard from the salesperson. So, I requested him to show me the soundbox, and he
gladly agreed. To my surprise, I found the soundbox to be very nice looking with gorgeous colour
and a perfect size. On top of that, the soundbox was also manufactured by a famous company. So,
I just went ahead and bought the TV while also getting the soundbox with it.

Anyway, after receiving the free item, I felt really happy and also lucky at the same time. In fact,
I actually needed one such small soundbox to attach with my laptop because its sound system
stopped working a while ago. Besides, I also felt that the soundbox looked really nice and could
also be used as a home decorating item. All in all, it was a great useful item for the price I paid to
buy a LED TV.

Part 3:
36.1. Do you think people should pay for higher education?
I definitely think that people should pay for higher education themselves. I think people should
only go for higher education when they are really interested. Paying it for ourselves means- we do
it only when we really want to. At the same time, I also feel that government should provide
scholarships and loans to poor students so that they don’t leave education because of money.
36.2. Is it good or bad for people to have free education in the future?
I think free primary education is good because everyone should get primary education but I think
higher education should be paid for by the student themselves. Actually, I don’t think it is possible
for the government to fund higher education for everyone.

36.3. What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?
In Vietnam, I think companies give small gifts like pens, calendars and cups, etc to customers.
They are free gifts for customers but in a way, they are advertising for the company. Then, there
are also deals like buy one- get one free, which are technically gifts, but in a way – the prices factor
in the free gift such that the company is still in profit.
36.4. Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?
I think there is no better feeling than getting something for free. It is just human nature, when we
get something for free- we feel lucky. When we buy something, we are always thinking, whether
we could have gotten something better for the same price, whether we were cheated, but when we
get something for free, we feel like we couldn’t get a better deal because what’s better than free.
36.5. Why do companies give free gifts to people? Do you think that it is some kind of a trick?
I do not think free gifts are a trick. Companies give free gifts to their customers because that is a
part of their marketing campaign to promote their product as well as trigger customers’ demand.
As a customer, I am always happy to be given something for free instead of doubting the shop’s
inner motive. As a company’s representative, I feel so proud of myself to have brought joy and
satisfaction to my customers. So, giving and receiving gifts is a win-win situation.
36.6. Do you think people would value things more when they buy them?
Yes, this is true to me because the things that we buy with our money are our hours of work and
continuous effort. It is us who know exactly how hard it is to earn so we will treasure the things
we buy. If it was a free gift from someone, we will never truly understand its value nor appreciate

37. Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
You should say:
What it is
How it was broken
How you got it repaired
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:
These days, I typically purchase a more up to date model rather than getting old things fixed.
However, recently, our Dishwater got broken and as it was under guarantee, we called the company
service to get it fixed.
It was all of a sudden that the machine stopped working. When we switched it ON, it didn’t start.
Right away, we imagined that there may be an issue with the electrical attachment of the house.
But, in contrast, when we connected one more electronic gadget to the plug it worked. So then we
realized the machine was broken.
I think it was voltage fluctuation that had burnt the electrical unit inside the dishwasher. We had
bought the machine only a couple of months ago, so it was under guarantee when the incident
happened. We called Samsung care and they planned a professional visit to our home.

The technician found out that the primary circuit was scorched by heat, yet he was uncertain what
caused that. He told us that the part was imported, so it would take some days for him to arrange
the replacement. The utensils just stacked up as we paused washing. After anxiously waiting for
an entire week, the technician came back to our house and repaired the machine. However, the
time we needed to stand by to get it fixed was significantly more than we had anticipated.

The repairman advised us to install a voltage stabilising device so that any such incidents could be
prevented in the future. The next day after the mechanic came and fixed our dishwasher, a Samsung
executive called us for feedback. Overall, we were happy that the company took care of
their unblemished reputation. So we responded positively.
That day, I truly felt that times are changing. Companies are becoming more and more consumer-

Answer 2:

We live in a modern and fashionable era. In our life we used many things which look very stylish
and breakable such as glass material, showpieces etc. Here I would like to talk about “Microwave
oven”. Last month on my mother’s birthday, we arranged a get-together at home for our near and
dear ones. I planned to bake a special cake for my mother So that I worked on it. Firstly, I helped
my mother with cleaning and dusting. While doing cleaning accidentally “Microwave oven” fell
down and the main plate of the oven which is made of glass broken.

I felt very sad at that moment because without glass plate it is not possible to do baking in the
oven. On that time, my all planning which I made for my mother’s happiness also suffered. My
heart was beating fast, and I do not understand what to do now. Then I tried another oven’s glass

plate, but it makes my day bad to worse. While using another glass plate, oven electrical wire got
short-circuited. Everything was going wrong then with strong heart I told all things to my mother.
She said to me be relaxed and calmed.

After that, we ordered a cake and celebrate my mother’s birthday. Next day, I went to an electrician
shop to repair my oven. Fortunately, it was in warranty till so store manager replace my oven with
a new one, but he charges some amount for a glass plate. On the end, I learned a lesson
electronically thing needs extra care and safety also.
Part 3:
37.1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society now?
Answer 1: Information technology careers are greatly valued by society due to their widespread
applications. People depend on Information Technology (IT) for communication, banking, social
media, investments, research & development, and so much more. Businesses cannot exist today
and expect to stay competitive without adequate IT systems.
Answer 2: Well, it’s hard to say that jobs related to information technology are more valuable than
other types of jobs for our society. However, due to increasing use of technological gadgets and
applications, these jobs play an important role in various kinds of daily works, like banking, trading
and shopping.
37.2. Is the quality of products now worse than in the past?
Answer 1: I definitely think the quality has fallen in recent years. This is based on my personal
experience. The first refrigerator my parents bought still works fine but the ones we bought after
that broke down after three-four years and this is true for nearly every electronic product. I think
the technology is becoming more and more complex but that has taken a toll on product durability.
Answer 2: Well, I partially agree with this statement. This is because these days, products are of
superior quality in terms of their material and functions, as they are more light in weight and have
better finish, which was not the case in the past. However, the durability of today’s products is not
up to the mark.
Answer 3: No, the quality of the products has rather improved considerably than before. I think
today’s products are of higher quality in terms of their utility, usability or usefulness for their
consumers. There are many reasons for that – better understanding of actual customer needs, better
design methodologies, lower cost of manufacturing are just a few examples.
37.3. What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
Answer 1: I think YouTube and Google have made it possible to repair anything and everything.
Recently my mom fixed her sewing machine by watching a YouTube video. I have fixed my
mobile phone and laptop many times by just searching on Google.
Answer 2: There are plenty of DIY things that people can repair at home such as fixing a sewing
machine, sealing a leaky pipe, fixing a mobile charger etc. I think online platforms like YouTube
and Google have made it very easy for people to fix absolutely everything by themselves. Recently,
I have fixed my MacBook overheating problem by following a digital guide shared by Apple inc.

37.4. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
Answer 1: I think the main reason is that they don’t want to void the phone’s warranty. I think
most companies mention that if the phone is opened by a non-registered technician or store, the
warranty would not be applicable. I think it is a tactic by companies to ensure that they can charge
people heavily for parts, which can be repaired cheaply.
Answer 2: Most people nowadays take their mobile phones to authorised service centres because
of the trust factor. Specialised repair stores always work as a part of the large manufacturing
processes of any commodities. Thus, the parts available with them are completely genuine and
safe. They may be slightly expensive but the quality and trust cannot be compromised.

38. Describe a toy that you often played with as a child
You should say:
What kind of toy it is
When you received it
How you played it
And how you felt about it
Answer 1:

To be honest, I am a lucky boy who was born in a family where my parents love me so
much. They never let me feel inferior to my peers, so they tried to offer me many kinds of
toys back in my childhood, among which I love the robot named John the most.

If my memory serves me right, it was on my 6th birthday, my dad and mum gave me a very
large box carefully wrapped in blue colored paper. I was stunned since that was quite a huge
size of the gift that I had ever seen. It was so rapid of me to unwrap it and I was so fascinated
when I recognized that my favorite robot model was standing straight inside. That was the
one I had been dreaming of and had mentioned several times with my dad on my way home
every day. It is made of plastic and metal with the height of 50cm and a sophisticated

I was elated to receive that gift and carried it whenever I went, and even to my bed. I have
been regarding him as my close friend. One time, I accidentally dropped him from a height
and one of his arms was broken into pieces, which really hurt my feelings. Fortunately, my
dad said it was all ok and managed to fix it the day after. From that moment on, I promised
to myself that I would be more careful and never let him get any scratch.

I still have the robot in the closet now and sometimes I still carry him to my bed in order to
reminisce about my childhood, which was the best time ever in my life.

Answer 2:
Although I have received numerous toys, the one I treasure the most was a Lego car. I can’t
remember exactly how old I was, but I was probably about eight or nine. Back in those days, before
the latest advances in technology, Lego was one of the most desirable toy brand names for children
of my age, to the extent that every kid would cast envious glances at their peers who possessed a
Lego toy. I guess that Lego has become obsolete and has been superseded by computerised
playthings today.
It was a birthday gift from my parents. Even though I lived in a dual-income family, a Lego car
was still considered an extravagant thing at that time. To hold a birthday party for me and afford
the gift, my parents sacrificed a portion of their savings, because they knew I really wanted to have
that car for my toy collection.
The special thing about this car was that I had to build it myself out of hundreds of pieces of Lego.
The pieces came in a box with a picture of the finished car on the front, and I had to put all the

pieces together in the correct way. This was not an easy task, because the car even had an engine,
movable seats and gears. It took me a day or two to make, which required a lot of concentration.
When the car was finished it looked great, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.
As a kid that time, I was on cloud nine to receive such a gift. Honestly, that Lego car was beyond
my wildest expectations, as I thought that only rich kids were supposed to get toys like that. Most
importantly, I was extremely grateful to my parents, who always gave me unconditional
and immeasurable love.
Part 3:
38.1. What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?
I think children nowadays prefer electronic games to toys. Electronic games with audio effects
engage children for long hours, and most children are not allowed outside to play without
supervision, which is the main reason they choose computers or other electronic games to fulfill
their gaming spirit. Also, computer games give scores and levels to motivate children to play more
and elevate to higher levels in the game.
38.2. What can parents do if they can’t afford a toy for their kids?
I think it is better to stand firm and don’t give in to a child’s pestering. This is because latest toys
can overstretch the family budget and many parents might feel under pressure to meet their
children’s demands. Therefore, cost is a consideration for most parents, and so is keeping
limitations on how much they treat their children.
38.3. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of having too many toys at home?
There are many advantages for children who have a lot of toys, but there are also some
disadvantages. As for the advantages, children can develop visual sense and basic math skills.
However, on the other hand, having too many toys can stop the development of their creativity,
and they may not bother to play outside or engage in much physical activity.
38.4. Why do children like to have toys in their lives?
I think toys are the instruments that allow them to discover the world they live in, which is precisely
why they interact with their surroundings through toys. Plus, toys provide plenty of enjoyment and
happiness, both of which help build their skills. For example, toys promote children ́s cognitive
development by stimulating their concentration and memory skills and giving them the ability to
solve problems creatively, which is key to their future autonomy.

39. Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully
You should say:
What the event was
How you prepared for it
Who helped you to organize it
And explain why you think it was a successful event
Answer 1:
Being a social butterfly, I tend to arrange parties regularly. Although I have thrown many parties,
a few are etched in my memories.
Last year, there was a lockdown in my country due to the corona pandemic. During that time, the
city residents remained in their homes. Finally, when the administration had lifted the lockdown
and gave permission to hold parties. I had a sigh of relief. To celebrate it, I decided to arrange a
school reunion.
After finishing school, most of my classmates shifted to other cities. Due to this reason, one of my
bosom friends and classmates: Andrew was the only option I had, to help me arrange the party.

Since we were short on budget, I decided to arrange the party in a park near my home. As my
classmates are fond of dancing, I called a DJ. Moreover, to pamper their appetite, I ordered
numerous mouth-watering delicacies like pasta, pizza, brownie and many more.

It was a successful party because of two reasons. Firstly we all friends were meeting after a long
time. Due to this reason, everybody was enthusiastic. The way everybody danced speaks about the
fund we had.

Moreover, it was special because due to lockdown our school didn’t arrange any farewell for us.
We were feeling deprived, but this event made us feel us believe that as if it was our farewell party.

The success of that party has motivated me to organise reunion every year
Answer 2:
Ok so let me tell you about an occasion when I was setting up a joyful party.
It was a year ago on my 28th birthday in March. I held that party with a group of friends who I
have been hanging out for a long time who are always supportive and helpful to me. The party was
just a small one but it was pretty fun and I would say it was one of the unforgettable memories I
ever had.
Talking about the location, one week before the party, I and one of my best friends – An drove
around the town and found a little seafood restaurant called Ran Bien. After a thorough check, we
felt that we had found the perfect place for my birthday party because of two reasons: First, it is
right in the heart of the city where everyone would be able to reach easily. Second, the owner was

a warmhearted man who promised to give us a hand in making a stage and loads of balloons as
well as a big birthday cake. To be honest, I was so excited to hear that.
In terms of helping hands, An was the one that stayed with me from the start to the last minutes,
which I deeply appreciated. Besides, during the process, other friends also came to offer little help
like buying the party materials, painting and decorating the stage. What’s more? It was the staff in
that restaurant who brought the tables and chairs and placed them in front of the stage. Without
my friends and the restaurant personnel, I wouldn’t have had such a wonderful party.
After holding that party, I felt exhausted and out of energy but my heart was full of joy and
excitement because it is my birthday and I would be the main character of the event later. In
addition, I also felt quite content that I have learned a lot about teamwork and how to collaborate
with other people whom I either know well like my friends or those employees in the restaurant.
This skill is indeed utmostly important in both real lives and in the workplace.
Part 3:
39.1. How can parents help children to be organized?
Answer 1:There are three main methods that parents can use. First of all, parents should let their
children know the importance of being organized. They can tell some interesting stories and
remind the kids to develop a good habit. Secondly, parents teach their children how to break tasks
into chunks and create a schedule for their daily routines. In this way, children won’t feel
overwhelmed by their work. Last but not least, parents must set up a good role model for the kids.
When children find that their parents are organized, they will copy their behaviors unconsciously.
Answer 2: There is no denying this conviction that children do not follow what elders say, rather
they follow what elders practice. To lead the children towards organized life the parents need to
work in tandem with them. In short, the parents must organize themselves and work with
dedication, determination and discipline. Because it is rightly said that we become the average of
five people we meet regularly. Hence, when children have planned people in their company, they
too get motivated to organise their work.
39.2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?
Answer 1: I think except for the times of enjoyment we need to be organised on all other occasions.
Firstly, during any key events such as meetings and seminars being organised helps us to carve out
a niche for ourselves. Moreover, be it starting a new business or getting a new job, being organised
is of utmost importance.

Answer 2: When people have to handle some urgent or important work, they need to be organized.
By keeping organized, they will have more time to work on important tasks. As organization can
improve the flow of communication between people and their team, they can also make their team
more productive. What’s more, if people want to keep a balance between work and life, they need
to be organized, too. In this way, they will never procrastinate so they can have extra time for
themselves. Being organized reduces their stress and helps them keep a healthy life.
39.3. Does everything need to be well-prepared?

Answer 1: I don’t think it is necessary to make everything well prepared. There are a lot of
uncertainties in our daily life. When something unexpected happens, people have to change their
plans. For some important things, people should get well prepared for them and make sure they
won’t miss anything. However, some minor routine tasks don’t need to be well prepared as people
are familiar with them.
Answer 2: It depends on the thing in question. Those things which directly affect our career, family
or relationships need to be well prepared. On the other hand, when we engage in fun or spend
leisure time it’s not imperative to be well prepared.

39.4. Do people need others’ help when organizing things?

Answer 1: It seems to me that in most circumstances, people need others’ help when organizing
things, especially some important events, like meetings, parties or weddings. As the saying goes,
many hands make light work, people can complete their tasks successfully with others’ help. Of
course, if people just organize their private things, such as a trip, or a family dinner, they may not
need others’ help.
Answer 2: Effective organising is teamwork, people need the unabated support of others to do it
effectively. For example, during our study period, we need guidance from teachers and parents.
Moreover, when we do business or jobs, the unstinted support of our teammates can lead our career
towards an impressive growth trajectory.

40. Describe a time when you gave advice to others
You should say:
When it was
To whom you gave the advice
What the advice was
And explain why you gave the advice
I’m going to talk about a piece of practical advice which I’ve just given my brother recently.
Usually, he never consults me about anything. That’s why when he came to me to seek some
advice, I was pleasantly surprised. It turned out that he wanted to ask about his higher education.
I graduated from my bachelor program just a couple years ago so maybe that’s why he felt that I
was the right person that he could come to.

He was going to study at a university this year and he was nervous about what skills he should
focus on in his study. He told me that he wanted to become a software engineer. After giving it
some thought, I suggested that he should spend more time developing his English. At that time, he
hadn’t thought that learning English could be crucial to his career. I then explained to him why
being proficient in a foreign language, especially English, was essential in this day and age. For
him, most of his learning material and all of the technical terms would be in English. Therefore,
not knowing this language would drastically incapacitate his learning ability. What’s more, many
of his future clients would be from overseas countries and English had proven to be the most
effective language of communication in international business.

After I finished giving my advice, he nodded in agreement. He said he was going to think about
what I said. I was glad that I could help him in some way. I thought my suggestion
was pragmatic and meaningful. He’s a smart kid, I think he’ll make the correct decision.

Part 3:
40.1. In general, what kind of people is most suitable for giving advice to others?
I think there’re at least two qualities that would make a person a good advisor. First of all, that
person has to understand people and must be able to sympathize with them. For most of us, this
isn’t easy. Personally, there have been many times that I’ve judged people before fully
understanding their struggle. The second quality which that person should have is experience in
what they are asked about. If he or she is asked about financial problems or relationship issues, he
or she must have sufficient knowledge in the respective areas to give meaningful advice.
40.2. In which situation is it better to follow the advice of your friends than your parents?
Off the top of my mind, I think it is better to take your friends’ advice on romantic relationships,
especially in my country. Romance in Vietnam in this day and age is vastly different from what it
used to be. Dating apps and romantic activities in the virtual world have become mainstream in
my generation. Our parents may not understand these fully enough to give applicable advice so I
think a friend can be your trusted guide or just simply a person who can sympathize with your

40.3. Which do you think is better, advice from young people or advice from older people?

In my opinion, good advice can come from anyone regardless of their age. Yes, it is true that older
people are generally considered wiser than younger people. But young people can offer
more insightful advice when it comes to totally novel trends or issues. Take “career” for example,
if a person chooses to pursue a traditional career path, it is better for that person to ask for advice
from a person who has decades of experience in that area. On the other hand, career
advice regarding social media, say, being an online influencer, I think it is better to consult the
young internet-savvy people.

40.4. Why do so many young people not accept the advice of older people?

Rejection of advice, in my point of view, is caused by pride. By and large, young people are full
of pride. We’re passionate and we want to prove our value to the world but we also want to take
all the credit. As I grow older, I realize that this mindset can result in serious mistakes. Even though
the advice from older people can seem to be outdated, it is a source of wisdom and lessons. We
can learn from the errors of the older generation in order to avoid repeating them.


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