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The Karak Highway that connects Kuala Lumpur to Genting Highlands is one of the creepiest

highways in Malaysia. Its dark, long, windy and accident-prone roads have attracted a host of
ghost stories that send shivers down the spine of motorists who drive by

The family car that broke down by the highway

It was the festive season and just like any other Malaysian, a young couple and their
baby were travelling on the Karak Highway at night headed home. Everything was
fine until they reached a lonely stretch on the highway and their car broke down. The
husband was surprised; he made sure to service the car before their 'balik kampung'
trip. He stopped the car by the side of the road to check the engine while his wife
and baby waited inside. He tried fixing the car, but nothing worked. And so he
waited, hoping a kind samaritan would stop and offer them help. It is balik kampung
season after all, there should be cars passing by.

However, 20 minutes passed and there was not a soul to be seen. As it was getting
late, he only choice he had left was to go to the nearest phone booth to call for help.
He was worried, but he had no choice but to leave his family waiting alone in the car.
"Lock the doors and take care," he told his wife before leaving. She watched as he
walked away, trying to ignore her worries.

Minutes passed and soon hours, but her husband was still gone. She waited and
waited. Suddenly, a police patrol car approached her. Two policemen got out of the
car and walked towards her vehicle. They told her to quietly step out of the vehicle
and stressed that she should not look around while she did so. The wife carried her
baby and walked with the policemen. When she was at a safe distance, she looked
back at her car and blood drained from her face. Her husband's bodiless head was
lying on top of the car. Other versions say her husband was headless on the car,
with a banshee-like creature feasting on him. It had banged on the car roof. She did
not hear a thing.

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