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Thermal Insulation pe a ia be - dees ee ene eee yt, INTRODUCTION When there is difference in temperature of inside of a building and outside atmosphere, teat transfer takes place from areas of higher temperature to those of lower temperature. Ip colder regions, when the buildings are internally heated where outside atmosphere js very cool, it is necessary to check this heat loss from the building. Similarly, in vary hot regions, when the buildings are internally cooled and the outside atmosphere is mbearably warm, it is essential to check the entry of heat from outside into the building. The term thermal insulation is used to indicate the construction or provisions ty way of which transmission of heat from or in the room is retarded. The aim of thermal insulation is to minimise the transfer of heat between outside and inside of the building. e Advantages of thermal insulation The following advantages are derived from thermal insulation : 1. Comfort. Thermal insulation keeps the room cool in summer and hot in winter. This results in comfortable living. 2. Fuel saving. Since heat transfer is minimised due to thermal insulation, less fuel is required to maintain the desired temperature in the room. 3. Prevention of condensation. Use of thermal insulating materials inside a room Tesults in prevention of condensation (or moisture deposition) on interior walls and ete. 4. Use of thermal insulating materials prevents the freezing of w e winter, and heat loss in case of hot water system. 42. HEAT TRANSFER : BASIC DEFINITIONS : : ad on transfer can take place by the following ways : () conduction (i) convection, (i) radiation. ‘i 1. Conduction, Conduction is the direct transmission of heat through @ a The amount of heat transfer by conduction depends upon (i) temperatare | : thi i vageheas, surface, (iv) time for which heat ickness of solid medium, (iii) area of exposed surface, ity of the medium. ‘ates place, (o) conductivity of the medium, and (oi) denety of eee a8 8 Convection. Heat is transmitted by convection in ‘ensure tat of cireuation. Air movement causes the heat insulator, i is preferable to “cessive air change is avoided. ater taps in 71) 7 BUILDING CONSTR 3. Radiation. Heat is transferred by radiation through space in the form radiant energy. When the radiation strikes an object, some of the energy ig of and transformed into heat. One of the ways of reducing heat absorption from Abeer is to introduce a suitable reflecting surface. Tadiation 4. Thermal conductivity (k). The thermal conductivity of a material ig amount of heat that will flow through an unit area of material, of unit this in one hour, when the difference of two temperatures is maintained at 1°C, stag ed kcalcm Pressed 98h deg C erials are given in Table 24.1. 5. Thermal resistivity (1/k) This is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity and is denoted by 1/k. 6. Thermal conductance (c). It is the thermal transmtission ofa single layer, structure per unit area divided by temperature difference between the hot and aij ; kcal faces. It is expressed by ah. deg’ of different thickness are given in Table 24.3. 7. Thermal resistance (R). It is the reciprocal of thermal conductance. For a structure having plane parallel faces, thermal resistance is equal to thickness (Z) divided by thermal conductivity It is q. . Values of k for various building materials and insulating ma, .. The values of thermal conductance of air Bape 2 Rw It is expressed as mihdegC k kcal ‘The usefulness of this quantity is that when heat passes in succession through two or more components of the building unit, the resistance may be added together to get the total resistance of the structure. 8. Surface coefficient (/. It is the thermal transmission by convection, conduction or radiation from unit area of the surface, for unit temperature difference betwee kcal m*h degC a 9. Surface resistance (1/f). It is the reciprocal. of surface coefficient 2 is expressed as mace’ ao c 10. Total thermal resistance (R,). The total thermal resistance is the = of the surface resistances and the thermal resistance of the building unit itself Bro (2+) + Rit Ret Ret on ai the surface and the surrounding medium. It is expressed, as where f,=Outside surface conductance , i= inside surface conductanc? w 2 for walls and roofs may be taken as 0.0518. Values of for walt 92 taken as 0.125 and that for roof as 0.171. R,,R,,R,,..= Thermal resistance of different materials. : : * h deg C ‘The total thermal resistence is expressed as ™ Buss C sisuLATION 413 smittance (U). Overall i i _ thermal trac : rall thermal transmittance is the thermal Hi in through unit area of the given building divided by the temperature difference oe air or other fluid on either side of the building unit in ‘steady state’ conditions. on of total thermal resistance, and is expressed as —kal “Thermal ni m*h degC , y differs from ‘thermal conductance’ in so far as tem} easured ose rts of material or structure in the latter case pad iat the, surveying oo M qher fluid in the former. The conductance is a characteristic of the structure Lom the transmittance depends on conductance and surface coefficients of the structure Sie te conditions of use. The recommended values of thermal transmittance are we i Teble 24.4. The value of thermal transmittance of a structure serves as a@ foie for thermal insulation and the value of thermal transmittance can be brought £2 ip the required level by adding thermal insulating material in the structure 12 Thermal damping (D). It is expressed by the equation T.-Ti D= Tr. x 100 where Te =Outside temperature range T,=Inside temperature range. Thermal damping or decreased temperature variation is a characteristic dependent an the thermal resistance of the materials used in the structure. 18. Thermal time constant (7). It is the ratio of heat stored to thermal transmittance of the structure Q Tey where Q= Quantity of heat stored. For homogeneous wall or roof, thermal time constant may be calculated from the following expression 28 -(L4 2) Tey" ae tere f= Surface coefficient of outside surface k= Thermal conductivity of the material L=Thickness of the component p=Density of the material ¢=Specific heat of material. | : For composite wall or roof, 7 may be “pteined from the following expression nESA(beL liane eee ral er” f, Oky fa 1, Ls, to 4 2) (Lape (QV) +G+ a eae) apscs) Typical val , 1 be damping (D), weight Typical building constructions and the values of theres . Fry aod Feat area of surface for full thickness (W) therm me cones thermal ittance are given in Fig. 24.1 (walls) and Fig. 24. 481 pen ion 24,1. Compute the thermal transmittance (U) value for a 22.5 cm thick mpi yall provided with 15 mm thick cement plaster on both the sides. | ye ation. (Fig. 24.6) a Table 241. Briok wall pe kcal cm = 69. p= 818 m*h degC 1,216 em ; Lo = 22.5 cm; Ly =1.5em 15 mm plaster L,_ 15 F 22.2" -0.0183 iy Ri=5 818 ZA la 22.5 | ~~ 22% > 5799. OR no ee ly_ 1 Bae aig 00188 FIG. 246. je wall, £=0.125 and 12.0515 fi fo Rr= 3, + Ry + Re + Rs = (0.0515 + 0.125) + 0.0183 + 0.3228 + 0.0183 = 0.536 f fi 11 keal Hence U=3-= 75557187 ry Gog G Example 24.2. What will be the modified value of U if an air gap of 5 cm it introduced between two halfs of the brick wall of Example 24.1, as shown in Fig. 47. Solution. h=h=818 | kealem A=k,=69.7 | m*hdegC Ly=Ls=1.5em; Lp=11.25em=L4 Por § om ai =6.¢5— air gap, adopt Cs = 5.3! mh degC 3 i 16 4 R=. _ = hh 818 0.0183 = Rs g 2 Et 01614 i i , Het 50 He I Rett “ri28 SOME 1S C, "505 70-287 ‘ag 2 5. » for wall, FIG. 24.7. 1 770.125 and a 0.0515 i ar-(t+ten, +RotRs+ Rit Rs F (0.0515 + 0.125) + 0.0183 + 0.1614 + 0.187+ 0.1614 + 0.0183 = 0.7209 =138 ————_ 0.7229 m’h degC Example 24.3. What will be the U value of the wall of Example 24.1 if a 2.5 cm thick layer of foam plastic is introduced on one face, between brick wall and cement plaster ? Solution. From Table 24.1, h,=k,=818 k= 69.7 a hy = 2.78 m’hdegC Hence U= Also Li=15cm=Ly 1, =22.5em ; Ls=2.5cm FIG. 24.8, R,= 2-228 ogg, gyal 25. ka 69.7 hy 2.73 09158 For wall, +-0.0515 and? =0.125 fo fi Rra(t+t)=R, +Rot Rat Ry fo fic = 0.0515 + 0.1250 + 0.0183 + 0.3228 + 0.9158 + 0.0183 = 1.4517 =1.—1 _,wo, xeal Rr 14517" mh dego Example 24.4, Compute the U value for @ RC.C. slab, 10 cm thick, RSaaress insulated with 5 em thick 4 foam plastic finished with

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