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Chapter3 Through India to Hong Kong + last Fogg, Posseportout and the Indian princess ‘artved at the rliway station in Allahobod. There Fogg gave their Indian guide some money for bringing them sofely from Kholby and for helping to rescue the princess from Pita "Thank you for your help’ he said to the guide. ‘nd here's something more for you, my good man! With that he gave the elephant to the Indian. ‘Oh thank you, sr’ answered the guide. You're very kind? “Goodbye, Kiouni, said Passepartout giving the elephant some sugar cubes to eat {After thot Fogg took the princess tothe station waiting room, and then he sent Passepartout to clathes shop to buy some European clothes for her. Pssepartout soon came back with @ checked dress and a coat forthe princess COnthe train going to Calcutta the princess spoke to Fogg {forthe fest ime. ’My nome's Mrs Aouda’ she soi, Thank {you for rescuing me: Her English was very good. "you're welcome. m very happy tobe able to help you ay name's Phileas Fogo "MrFogg, you know that I must leave India now, sold Mis ‘Aouda. If my husbond’ omit find me they hurt me “Then why nat come with Passeportout and me?’ Fogg sid We're travelling around the world, you know! “Thank you. I wil said Mrs Aouda, ve got a cousin in Hong Kong, and Ta Uke to go to him for help ‘Then welll take you to Hong Kong,” answered Fogg smiling ‘ut on 25th October, when they were walking out of Colcutta train station, policeman stopped them at the door, ‘are you Mi Phileas Fogg, ands this mon your servant? he asked, looking at Possepartout "Yes! answered Fogg. “Then come with me; sold the policeman, ‘the two of you “Con this young lady come too?’ asked Fogg, looking at Mrs Bouda "Yes she can’ seid the policeman wnt isle ‘After thatthe policemen took them to the court to see | ™ judge. “why have you brought us here?’ asked Fogo, “Because you're criminals’ answered the judge “But what's our crime?’ asked Fogg, surprised. wpe “You've broken the law in a temple, said the judge —— 9 ‘There were some Indian priests in the court too, Fogg ‘Are you talking about the terplein Pla” asked Fogg, thinking about rescuing Ms Acuda from the fire there ‘No, I'm talking about the Molebar Hill Temple In ‘Bombay! said the judge. And he put Passopartout’s shoes ‘on the table infront of him. Fix was in the room too, but Fogg ond his friends couldn't see him behind all the priests. Ttwas a good idea toring these priests from Bombay by train ond by horse ‘and cariage,’ thought the detective. ‘Now Fogg and his servant can't leave Colcutta, ond TUL have time to get the papers from London and arrest Fogg Becouse Fogg travelled slowly between Kholby ond Allahabad and becouse he stopped tolhelp Mis Aouda, Fix tnd the priests crtved in Caleta before hi. "your servant broke the aw by entering the Malebar Hill ‘Temple wearing his shoes, and so he must go to prison, or poy 0 lot of money,’ oid the judge. So Fogg hoppily gave £2,000 to the cout, and the judge took the money ond said, Thank you. You can go! Fogg, Passepartout and Mts Aouda hurried from the courtand went stright onto the ship the Rangoon. It was Leaving for Hong Kong that ofternoon. Fo quickly sent ‘telegrom to London. TELEGRAM GEER TuLGe dome 70 BONG ONG. sD PAPERS FOR MR 10 ARNT HIN THREE, POX ‘Then Fix went ofter Fogg, Mrs Aouda and Possepartout onto the Rangoon. Passepartout met him lateron the tong sea journey aeross the Boy of Bengal and the South China Sea, "What are you doing hee? Iast saw you in Bombay and before that in Suez! cied Passepartout, very surprised. ‘Tm travelling to Hong Kong! sold Fis. 'T have work to dothere ‘They talked for some time, ond Passepartout told Fx all about Mrs Aouda and about Mi Fogg having to pay £2,000 {forthem to leave the court in Calcutta. Fixsmiled and said ‘nothing about bringing the Indian priests from Bombay or how he was also in the court in Calcutta, After that Passeportout sow Fix every day on the ship. ‘There was something strange about Mr Fix, heft “Maybe he's a detective’ Passepartout thought. ‘Ts he working for Mr Stuort from the gentleman's club in London? Does he want to stop Mr Fogg from travelting ‘round the world in eighty days?” (On 6th November they arived in Hong Kong, There Mis ‘Aouda tried to find her family, but she learnt that her cousin now lived in Halland, She was very sad when she heard this news ‘Don't worry. You can travel with us around the world” Fogg said. ‘And then well take you to your cousin in Holland after we arrive back home in Landon’ "You're very kind said Mrs Aouda. “Thank you. Ul go with you. So Fogg told Passepartout to buy thee tickets on the Ship the Carnatic. Tt was leavin for Yokohama, in Japan, the next moming, But when Passepartout went to the ticket offic, he learnt that the Camatic was leaving early = that evening, Passepartout met Fix near the ticket office. ‘Come {for a walk with me; said Fix. On.their walk Fix told Passepartout, Your Mr Fogg iso gentleman thief He stole £50,000 from the Bank of England. I'm a detective. want ‘tooreest him, and you must help me” ‘Are you working for Mv Stuart fram Mr Fogg’: club in london?’ asked Possepartout “No. t'm working for Scotland Yard’ answered Fix Passepartout didn't wont to help Fix. But then they went to 0 caféand sot down fora cup of tea. Thedetective didnt stop taking, He was very friendly, Posseportout felt tired after long day, and after some time he fel asleep. ‘Now he cant tll Fogg about the new ‘departure time ofthe Carnatic’ thought Fix. Good. So the hip will Leave tonight ~but without Fogg on it" ‘ith that, FoceftPassepartout sleeping in the cof | Activities 1 Fogg gove Mis Aoudo 6 onclephant b atrainticet € some clothes 2 Who met them ot Cautt rin sation? 4 on Indian policeman ajudge 3 ancaleuta they nearly went to © school Q » prison c hospital, Qa 4 Whe did't want Fagg to travel onthe amt? 2 Mrs Aoudo i 'b Passeportout Q ce c soo oon Find the words from the letters in brackets. Complete these sentences Ficond the priests travelled to Calcutta by horse ond carriage. (aeega) 2 Mes Aouda‘sweoringa __dressond.a coat (ech) 3 Incalcuta Fogg, Posseprtout ond Mrs Aouda went to (rato) the told Fogg thot Pssepartout broke the inthe temple at Malebar Hil (dejgu (wa) 5 Passepartout did't have to goto because Fogg gave the judge £2,000. (nips) 6 Intndiaitsa____togointoa temple with you shoes on (med) Activities 2 What did they 304? Write the sentences (~ are you working ____ for mrstuart2 ) “ene” (thankyou fr Saar ina temple \ rexuingme _) - ar ds Aejaitaieg_”) fi a about the temple { \ Inia?) 1 Fax 'm working for Scotland Yard. 2 Mes Aoudo: 3 Fogg: _ F6 rosseportout 5 thejudge: Bi 6 the poticeman a 4 What do you think happens next? Tick the boxes. 1 Fogg goes to Jopan on the Caratic. C 2 passeportout goes to Topan onthe Carnet 2 Fix okes fends wth ossepertout 4 Fix gest Topon with Fog, C 5 Posseportout works na Jopanese hotel C 6 Fagg can’ findPossepartout in pan c Se LLL

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