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Aug. 7, 1962 S.

HANSEN 3,048,352
Filed Jan. 4, 1954 4 Sheets-Sheet li

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Aug. 7, 1962 S. HANSEN 3,048,352
Filled Jan. 4, 1954 4 Sheets-Sheet 4

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of directing the craft to a second destination after the invention, the terrestrial sphere shown in FIG. 1 has
first has been reached. been drawn to illustrate the spherical geometry of a great
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide circle course 11, which must be flown by a missile or air
an improved automatic celestial navigation and guidance craft, in which the automatic guidance system is in
system for high speed airborne craft, to be self-contained stalled.
within the craft and to direct the craft to a predetermined In the terrestrial sphere of FIG. 1, P-P” is the polar
destination without human agency after having been once axis passing through the center of the sphere at O. The
set up. North Pole is at P, and the South Pole at P". The Equator
It is a further object of this invention to provide an is in a plane with O. Longitude measurements are made
automatic celestial navigation and guidance system com from the meridian of Greenwich (arc P-G) along the
prising an improved star-stabilized present-position com Equator rotating in the equatorial plane about the polar
puter, a navigation computer, and automatic flight control
deriving control signals from the said present-position sition, The
axis. West longitude of the craft instantaneous po
M, is shown by arrow arc 69E and is the angle
computer and said navigation computer. GOS. The longitude of the destination position, T, is
It is another object of this invention to provide an 5 shown by arrow arc qþE and is the angle GOD. An inter
automatic celestial navigation and guidance system in mediate position, M’, where the course crosses meridian
which all computing and indicating of present position or 14, has a longitude measured by angle GOS". Measure
target position is done in the conventional angular di
mensions of the earth’s latitude and longitude co-ordinate 12 or of13 latitude
ment is made along a meridian arc Such as
between the Equator and a pole. The North
system. 20 latitude of the target position T is shown by qþN and is
It is still another object of this invention to provide the angle TOD. The instantaneous North latitude po
in an automatic celestial navigation and guidance system
an improved star-stabilized base which is oriented paral MOS. ofThe
sition the craft M is shown by 6N and is the angle
great circle course which the craft must fol
lel to the earth’s equatorial plane and an accelerometer low from its present or instantaneous position to the
base which is levelled by a position feedback from the target position is the arc M-T on the great circle 11.
output of the present-position computer. The angle A represents the true bearing of the course
An additional object of this invention is to provide in to the target and is the angle that the line of the desired
an automatic celestial navigation and guidance system
means for computing present position by the double in course M-T on the programmed course great circle 11
makes with the meridian circle 12 of the present position
tegration of corrected accelerometer output signals. 30 passing through P-M-S.
Another object of this invention is to provide in an The triangle MOT, having a spherical side M-T, is the
automatic celestial navigation and guidance system elec course triangle which must be solved continuously. Tri
tronic means for deriving steering information for guid angle MOT includes the target point vertical OT and the
ance in which comparison is made of the present position present-position vertical OM. The side M-T of the
and target position signals. 35 programmed course triangle is also part of another spheri
A still further object of this invention is to provide cal triangle, TMP. The angle TMP, corresponding to
an automatic celestial navigation and guidance system true bearing angle A, will change as the craft approaches
capable of guiding an aircraft first to one destination and the destination. The dashed meridian line 14, passing
from the first destination to a second destination. through M’P, illustrates this condition, forming the wider
The novel features which are believed to be character 40 angle TMP with the programmed course on great circle
istic of this invention, both as to its organization and 11. The change in true bearing angle A to A" is another
method of operation, together with further objects and condition which must be continually monitored and com
advantages thereof, will be better understood from the puted.
following description considered in connection with the Now, considering that the destination point T on the
acompanying drawings, and its scope is pointed out in 45 terrestrial sphere, having a latitude qþN and a longitude
the appended claims. çþB must be reached from present position M, having a
In the drawings: latitude 6N and longitude 6E, the shortest path from M
FIG. 1 is a perspective drawing of the terrestrial sphere to T is a great circle course 11. around the sphere. The
showing the great circle course that an aircraft may fol geocentric co-ordinates of the destination position T are
Low over are earth under the guidance of the automatic 50 fixed. One of the functions of the equipment of this
celestial navigation and guidance system; invention is to determine the present position M and any
FIG. 2 is a two-dimensional representation of the flight new present position M’’ on the course to T. The deter
path over the earth to illustrate the operation of one of mination is made by what is called the present-position
he accelerometers; computer which is shown in dashed blocks 301 and 300
FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the automatic celestial of FIG. 3, to be considered below.
navigation and guidance system; The basic principle of the celestial navigation and
FIG. 4 illustrates the 84 minute oscillation error con guidance system of this invention is best explained with
iition considered with respect to FIG. 2; reference to the simplified two-dimensional drawing of
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the navigation computer FIG. 2. For the discussion of this figure, it is assumed
of the automatic celestial navigation system; 60 that the guided craft has aboard star-tracking means such
FIG. 6 is a diagrammatic area representation of the as dashed block 300 of FIG. 3, considered later, and an
hre conditions of operation of the navigation computer, accelerometer 21; the craft follows a great circle course
he spherical case, the plane case and the dead reckoning 11 on the surface of a spherical, non-rotating earth; a
FIG. 7 is a simplified schematic circuit diagram of 5 point 22 in guide
star is directly overhead at the starting
direction of the arrow 23. The problem
he spherical case computer, part of the navigation com is to determine the present position 24 of the craft along
FIG. 8 is a simplified schematic circuit diagram of the the course 11 by measurements which are made on board
the craft.
lane case computer, part of the navigation computer; By using the available guide star to advantage with a
FIG. 9 is a simplified schematic circuit diagram of 70 photoelectric
and stabilize
or other star-tracking mechanism to control
a platform to maintain a fixed orientation in
he dead reckoning computer, part of the navigation com space and by mounting an electrical accelerometer, such
In order to more clearly set forth the navigation prob as represented by box 21, with respect to this star-stabi
lized platform, so as to be exactly horizontal (i.e., tangent
em to be solved by the celestial guidance system of this 75 to the earth’s surface), the electrical output of the ac
5 6
celerometer may be doubly integrated to provide a signal operation over the actual earth is shown in block diagram
directly proportional to elapsed distance. To remain form in FIG. 3, to which reference is now made. The
horizontal the accelerometer must turn with respect to dashed block 300 encloses the star-tracking mechanism.
the star-stabilized platform by an angle proportional to The dashed block 301 encloses the present latitude and
the elapsed distance as the guided craft moves over the longitude computer. The combined blocks 300 and 301
curved surface of the earth along the course 11. Since may be called a stellar-referenced present-position com
the second integration yields a signal proportional to the puter. The dashed block 302 encloses the elements of
required rotation, this signal may be applied to a po the navigation computer and steering control.
sitioning servo system to effect the rotation and control Referring to dashed block 300, the star-tracking mecha
it. 0 nism includes a polar telescope 303, and an equatorial
Referring again to FIG. 2, the guided craft is started telescope 304, both mounted in an inertial base 3695. The
from point 22. The arrow 23 points in the direction of a telescopes may be pointed at selected guide stars both
selected guide star. The craft has traveled a total angular during day and night time despite variations in flight
distance 0, the angle 6 rotating about the center of the attitude of the airframe. This is accomplished through
earth. the operation of the polar gyro 306 and equatorial gyro
Assume the accelerometer 21 is misaligned from its 397 in conjunction with resolver 308, elevation servo
309, azimuth servo 319, and equatorial servo 311. These
true horizontal by a small angle cx. The total output act
signal a, from the accelerometer may be represented by timeupon the inertial base 305 to stabilize longitude and
drive 312 and latitude drive 313. Sidereal clock
the relationship:
20 mechanism 314 is coupled to the longitude and time drive
312 to control its motion in accordance with sidereal
where Rii is the horizontal acceleration being measured (star) time.
and gox is the gravity component coupled in as a result of The operation of star-tracking mechanisms, such as
the misalignment. may be employed by the system of this invention, is more
The angle þ between the star line 25 and the accelerom fully described in pending applications for U.S. patent
eter axis 26 is determined by the output signal at the 25 Serial No. 771,762, filed September 2, 1947 for the inven
second integration and, therefore, is proportional to the tion of S. Hansen, entitled “Star Tracking System,” now
second integral of the accelerometer output: U.S. Patent No. 2,981,843 and Serial No. 204,613, filed
vr r r r t a January 5, 1951 for the invention of H. Hullett, entitled
30 “Star Tracking System.” Both of the above-mentioned
applications are assigned to the assignee of the present ap
By introducing a constant plication. Improved control circuitry for the servo sys
1 tems employed in the present invention may be of the type
disclosed in application for U.S. patent Serial No. 107,558,
where R is the dimension of the earth’s radius plus the 35 filed July 29, 1949 for the invention of T. E. Woodruff,
entitled “Electrical Servo System” and now U.S. Patent
altitude of the craft, tangential acceleration Rö8 is con No. 2,701,328, also assigned to the assignee of the pres
verted to angular acceleration about the earth’s center. ent application. For the operation of photoelectric de
The error ox will oscillate sinusoidally about zero at a vices in the star-tracking mechanism to provide effec
constant amplitude and at a period 40 tiveness during daytime operation, reference is made
to the applications for U.S. patents for the inventions
equal to 84 minutes.
2. WB; 97
of S. Hansen, Serial No. 188,401, filed October 4, 1950,
entitled “Electro-Optical Astrometrical System,” Serial
No. 58,657, filed November 6, 1948, entitled “Astro
FIG. 4 is an illustrative chart of the 84 minute oscil metrical Means and Method” and now U.S. Patent
lation of error referred to above. The chart of FIG. 4 45 No. 2,941,080. The star-tracking mechanism 300 re
is the plot of observations made on an actual flight em ceives input signals, as at 315 and 316, from the pres
ploying the automatic cel?stial navigation system of this ent-latitude-and-longitude computer 301 to correct the
invention. latitude and longitude drive mechanisms 313 and 312,
In the chart 401, the abscissa 402 is calibrated in min respectively, as necessary, in response to varying flight
utes of flight. Along the ordinate, the E—W error 403 50 conditions. Another input signal to the star-tracker 300
is plotted in arbitrary units and also the North error 404 is generated by the positioning of airframe base identified
in arbitrary units. The North error oscillation with time by reference character 317 which provides signals corre
of flight is plotted at 405 and the E-W error oscillation sponding to flight-attitude variations of the airframe for
is plotted at 406. In the example shown, at no time did use by the servo and drive mechanisms of the star-tracker
the error occur South of the desired position. 55 300 in its stabilization function. The star-tracker 300
The second integral of the acceleration pi will differ provides, as at 318, output signals which are applied to
from the value 9 by the error ox which can be made neg and maintain the horizontal base 319 in the required
ligibly small because the peak amplitude of the error is horizontal position for the accelerometers 320 and 321
determined by the accuracy of the initial value set into mounted upon the base 319. The accelerometers 320 and
the first and second integrators and does not increase 60 321 and base 319, upon which they are mounted, are part
during flight. The error, in fact, varies from its fixed of the present-latitude-and longitude computer 301. Out
maximum value to a minimum value and back to a maxi put signals from E-W accelerometer 320 are applied
mum value again in 94 minutes. successively through a multiplier 322 and an adder 323
The actual earth is, however, not two-dimensional and to a first E-W integrator 324 and a second E-W inte
non-rotating as has been assumed for the purposes of 65 grator 326. Output signals from the N—S accelerometer
discussion of FIG. 2. The rotation of the earth, with 321 are applied through a multiplier 326 and an adder
respect to the fixed stars, is at a uniform velocity. The 327, successively, to a first N-S integrator 328 and a
earth is actually an oblate spheroid requiring computation second N-S integrator 329. The integrators 324, 325,
correction factors for the amount by which the true shape 328, and 329 may be of the type disclosed in pending ap
differs from the spherical form on which the computa 70 plication for U.S. patent, Serial No. 320,311, filed Novem
tions are based. The position computer of the auto ber 13, 1952 for the invention of T. E. Woodruff, entitled
matic celestial navigation system of this invention, in “D.-C. Electronic Integrating System,” also assigned tc
principle, however, differs little from the system outlined the assignee of the present application and now U.S
in the two-dimensional example. Patent No. 2,717,310.
The entire automatic celestial navigation system for 75 The output of second E-W integrator 325 is appliec
7 8
to a longitude indicator 330, to a trigonometric computer between the point of origin and the target. The auto
331 within navigation computer 302, to a deviation com matic celestial navigation system is capable of being set
pensator 334, and to longitude and time drive 312. The for two or more courses following sequentially.
output of second N—S integrator 329 is applied to a longi The present-position computer requires a space
tude indicator 30, to trigonometric computer 331, to a 5 stabilized platform for its operation. The space stabiliza
secant-of-latitude and ellipticity-function generator 333; tion of the platform is accomplished through the operation
to a sine and ellipticity-correction generator 345, to a of star-tracking mechanisms as included in block 300 in
deviation compensator 334, to latitude drive 313 in the stellar-referenced inertial base, as at 305, which pro
star-tracker 300, and to a cosine-of-latitude generator vide stellar-reference lines, so to speak, upon which a
335. 10 stable platform may be maintained or referenced for
An output of first E—W integrator 324, in addition to essential computations as further described below. Tele
its application to second E—W integrator 325, is applied scopes 303 and 304 mounted on the inertial stellar base
to deviation compensator 334 and to a multiplier 336 in 305 are photoelectrically responsive to predetermined
navigation computer 302. An output from first N-S fixed stars through gyro-stabilized servomechanisms
integrator 328, in addition to its application to second which, in turn, make in-flight corrections of the base
N—S integrator 329, is applied to deviation compensator position with respect to both the star positions and with
334 and to a resolver 337 in navigation compter 302. An respect to space and sidereal time and flight attitudes
output of cosine-of-latitude generator 335 is applied of the craft so that the horizontal base 319 maintains
through multiplier 336 to resolver 337. a position with respect to earth which is perpendicular
The navigation computer of block 302 includes trigono 20 to a line as (OT, OM or OM” in FIG. 1) from the in
metric computer 331, present-ground-speed-and-direction stantaneous position of the craft to the center of the
computer, shown in dashed block 338, cosine-of-latitude earth. It is upon this horizontal base 319, accurately
generator 335, the output of which is applied through stabilized by the operation of the star-tracker 300 to its
multiplier 336 to resolver 337 along with the output of horizontal position, that two accelerometers 320 and 321,
present-ground-speed-and-direction computer 338. The 25 respectively, are mounted. Accelerometer 320 is ori
output of resolver 337 together with an output of trigo ented on this base so as to develop a voltage correspond
nometric computer 331, which provides a signal corre ing to accelerations in the E-W direction. Accelerom
sponding to desired direction, are applied to a difference eter 321 is oriented on this base so as to develop a volt
computer 339. The output of the difference computer age corresponding to accelerations in the N-S direction.
339 is a steering signal which is applied to autopilot 340. 30 The accurate determination of the N—S direction is one
Trigonometric computer 331 has two inputs which are of the functions of the star-tracking mechanism. In the
derived from devices providing target longitude signals Northern Hemisphere, the star Polaris may be employed
341 and target latitude signals 342, respectively. for the polar telescope to follow. Polaris is within ap
In order to fully understand the operation of the auto proximately 58 minutes of the direction of true North.
matic celestial navigation system, as illustrated in the 35 (The declination of Polaris is currently lessening at the
block diagram of FIG. 3, the system must be considered rate of about one minute of arc per year. The values
as containing two operating equipment groups. These for any particular year and any particular time of day,
are the present-position computer, generally shown by the with respect to any longitude, may be found in any air
dashed blocks 300 and 301, and the navigation com or nautical almanac). The adjustment of the telescopes
puter, generally shown by the dashed block 302. The 40 303 and 304 to point to and follow Polaris, and another
present-position computer develops output information start in the equatorial plane, establishes the N—S di
in the form of shaft rotations appearing at 343 and 344 rection and also, accordingly, provides a reference corre
representing the present longitude (6E) and latitude (6N) sponding to the meridian line to establish the present
of an aircraft, or missile, in flight. The navigation com position. The E-W direction is established from the
puter, in response to latitude and longitude signals de N-S reference. Both telescopes are required to estab
rived from rotation of the output shafts of the present lish any reference line not passing through a star.
position computer and utilizing preset-information sig The star-tracking mechanism 300 is adjusted to auto
nals derived from shaft rotations corresponding to the matically and continuously sight a star in the polar di
longitude (çþE) and latitude (qþN) and the cosine of tar rection such as Polaris, and a selected equatorial star.
get latitude (cos qþN) of a destination position, develops 50 As the craft flies its course to the destination, all of the
signals which are applied to an autopilot 340 for steer required sight adjustments and corrections are continu
ing the aircraft or missile in a direction towards the ously and automatically made by the automatic servo
destination position and which also continuously com mechanisms 308, 309, 310, 311 and gyros 306 and 307
pares the computed course to the destination with the responsive to photoelectric and other control mechanisms.
course which the aircraft is presently taking to the des
tination to provide a correct steering signal to the auto i eratedautomatic
on star
star-tracking mechanism 300 may be op
sights even under daylight sky conditions
pilot 340, if necessary, and to recompute a new course as hereinbefore noted. Under daylight conditions, the
if required. Thus, when the automatic celestial naviga star-tracking telescopes 343 and 304 are pointed at the
tion system of this invention is installed in the craft and stars through rotating episcotisters in the manner dis
the appropriate settings are made at some point of origin 60 closed in the aforementioned application for patent on
corresponding to the starting point latitude and longi an “Electro-Optical Astrometrical System,” Serial No.
tude, and also settings are made corresponding to the 188,401. - Photoelectric devices are employed in the
latitude and longitude of a destination point, the craft astrometrical System to provide control signals to con
will accurately be directed towards that destination at trol mechanisms which point the telescopes to the de
any ground speed that such craft may now attain. Addi 65 sired stars and cause the telescopes to follow them. The
tionally, as will hereinafter be more fully described, the gyros 306 and 307 operate to hold the star-tracker 300
automatic celestial navigation system is provided with to point in the direction last attained when an overcast
circuit features that make it possible to direct the craft may obscure the stars for a period of time. During the
o some point on the way to a target either by automatic period
programming means in the craft or by in-flight adjust 70 tracker of300obscuration,
the horizontal base 319 and star
stabilized by the gyros 306 and 307.
ment by operators of the craft, if aboard, whereby the When a clear sight is again possible, the automatic sight
craft may be turned by the appropriate signals and di ing of the telescopes is again effective. This would be
rected to another destination point. In this way, a tar likely to occur in short order at very high speeds when
get destination may be arrived at from a predetermined the craft passes through the overcast into clear atmos
direction other than the great circle course direction 75 phere again.
9 0
The accelerometers 320 and 321, mounted on stabilized second integrator 329 corresponding to the double integral
horizontal base 319, may be of the pendulous type which of the D.-C. voltage applied to the N-S first integrator
produces an output signal when the pendulum Swings 328. The output is also a shaft rotation. The shaft rota
so as to be suspended in any position other than vertical. tion 6N corresponds to the angle of the change in latitude
The signals are developed in a quadrature circuit sys position over the measurement time interval and drives the
tem with respect to one direction in the plane of motion latitude indicator 332.
(as in the case of E—W accelerometer 320) and pro As has been previously pointed out, the purpose of the
duce a positive or negative D.-C. voltage. present-position computer incorporating dashed blocks
So that a mathematical discussion of the system may 300 and 30 of FIG. 3, is to continuously calculate the
be made hereinafter, the term A/R is assigned to the present position of the carrying craft and to continuously
D.-C. voltage developed as a result of E—W accelera indicate the resultant latitude and longitude of its posi
tion. The D.-C. voltage developed as a result of opera tion. The interconnection and operation of the equip
tion of the N-S accelerometer 321 is assigned the term ment performing these calculations has been described
AN/R. R., in these cases, is the earth’s radius, as has above.
been previously noted. The input data to the present-position computer 301
The E-W accelerometer D.-C. output voltage is applied are as follows:
to a multiplier 322 wherein voltages corresponding to the A/R=a D.-C. voltage from E—W accelerometer 320
ellipticity correction and the secant-of-latitude derived representing easterly acceleration. Westerly accelera
from a computer shown in block 333 are inserted. The tion would then be a negative value.
product of the voltages applied to multiplier 322 is applied
to adder 323 wherein a voltage from deviation compen AN/R=a D.-C. voltage from N—S accelerometer 321
sator 334 is added. The sum of the voltages applied to representing northerly acceleration. Southerly accel
adder 323 is applied to E—W first integrator 324. The eration would then be a negative value.
output signal of integrator 324 is a D.-C. voltage applied VV=a D.-C. voltage representing the angular velocity of
to second E-W integrator 325. Another output voltage earth’s rotation.
ðe is applied to the navigation computer 302 as further The output data calculated by the computer are as
described below. follows:
At this point, reference is again made to the integrators 6N= a shaft rotation, the output of N-S second integrator
324, 325, 328, and 329 which are all alike and may be of 329 representing latitude, which drives the latitude coun
the type disclosed by T. E. Woodruff in the above-men 30 ter dial 332; is fed back to the latitude axis drive 313 of
tioned patent application, Serial No. 320,311. Special the accelerometer base 319 to keep it level; is utilized
characteristics of the integrators referred to above are that by the navigation computer 302 to derive signals for
they are extremely linearly responsive to a varying D.-C. control of the craft; 6'N is applied to cosine-of-latitude
input voltage and deliver, as an output, a shaft rotation
linearly proportional to the integral of the input voltage. 35 generator 335 and trigonometric computer 331 in the
navigation computer.
An intermediate step in the process, as described in the 0=a shaft rotation, the output of E-W second integrator
aforementioned Woodruff application, Serial No. 320,311 325, representing longitude, which drives the longitude
is the conversion of the varying D.-C. input voltage by the counter dial 330; is used as a feedback to the longitude
integrating system to a series of pulses at an output fre axis drive 312 of the accelerometer base 319 to keep it
quency linearly proportional to the D.-C. voltage input. 40 level; is utilized by the navigation computer 302 to de
These pulses, in turn, drive a stepping motor which is part rive signals for control of the craft.
of the integrating system. The shaft rotation of the éx=a D.-C. voltage output from first N-S integrator
stepping motor is then proportional to the integral of the 328 utilized within the present position computer by
input D.-C. voltage. Function potentiometers in appropri
ate voltage divider circuits may be driven by the shaft of 45 compensator 334 to develop proper deviation compen
sation voltages. 69N is representative of the rate of
the stepping motor to provide a D.-C. output voltage change of latitude. The voltage 6N, as an A.-C. voltage,
which is then the integral of the D.-C. input voltage. is also applied to resolver 337 in the navigation com
Other mathematical functions or arguments may be gen puter 302.
erated in this way. An example of the “stepping motor”
above referred to is disclosed in Patent Number 2,627,040, 50 6=a324.
D.-C. voltage output from first E-W integrator
It is utilized within the present-position computer
issued January 27, 1953, to S. Hansen. by compensator 334 to develop proper deviation com
The second E-W integrator 325, identical in opera pensation voltages. 6E is representative of the rate of
tion to the first integrator 324, operates on the D.-C. change of longitude. óE, as an A.-C. voltage, is also
- output voltage of integrator 324, corresponding to óE.
Integrator 325 has an output in the form of a stepping 55 applied
as part of
to multiplier 336 in navigation computer 302
the steering control.
motor shaft rotation also. This shaft rotation corresponds 69=the indicated longitude.
to 69, the integral of é. The output 6E of integrator 325 6N=the indicated latitude.
is, therefore, the double integral of the D.-C. voltage e=ellipticity of the earth from the elliptical approxima
A/R as corrected for earth rotation conditions, etc., and
applied to the input of integrator 324. The voltage AE/R 60 tion to the shape of the earth.
is derived originally from E—W accelerometer output. Referring to the block diagram of FIG. 3, the opera
The shaft rotation 6E is a measure of longitude change over tion of the present-position computer in its calculation
the measurement time interval and drives longitude of latitude and longitude may be followed as the terms
indicator 330. referred to hereinabove are generated and employed.
The output of N-S accelerometer in the form of a 65 The E-W channel of the present-position computer
D.-C. voltage AN/R is applied to multiplier 326 where a will be considered below:
sine-and-ellipticity correction factor, developed in sine The output of E—W accelerometer 320, D.-C. voltage,
and-ellipticity correction generator 345, is inserted. The A/R is first multiplied in multiplier 322 by secant-and
product of the sine-and-ellipticity factor and accelerometer ellipticity function,
output voltages is applied to an adder 327 where a volt 70 sec 6N (1-e sin? 69N) (1)
age from deviation compensator 334 is added. The out
put sum of the voltages applied to adder 327 is applied to This multiplication compensates for the convergence
N-S first integrator 328. Integrators 328 and 329, in of the longitude circles and the different diameters of the
series, operate in the same manner as integrators 324 and latitude circles due to the shape of the earth. The multi
325, described above, to develop an output at the N-S 75 plication is performed by applying the D.-C. voltage out
11 12
put A/R of the E-W accelerometer 320 across a func T=target (destination) position on earth sphere
tion potentiometer having the required resistance as a M=present position on earth sphere
function of the latitude input drive 69'N, derived from The course equation solved by the navigation com
N-S second integrator 329. puter is:
In adder 323 a correction for coriolis force and earth
rotation is added to the voltage output resulting from the tan Al =
multiplication function. This correction
26N (6E-- We) tan 6N (1—2e cosº 6N) (2) In the above equation, 6N and 9 are continuously vary
The correction (2) is generated in deviation compensator 10
ing known quantities, qþN, qþE and cos qþN are fixed known
334 by utilization of shaft rotations é? from first N—S quantities. Instrumentation of a computer that can solve
integrator 328, é from first E-W integrator 324, We, the equation may be accomplished as described below.
generated in compensator 334 and 6N, the output of Simplification of many mathematical equations is pos
second N-S integrator 329. Within compensator 334 5 sible when certain limits are not exceeded. The equation
a function potentiometer generating the function of tan A may be simplified in the following way: When
tan (9(1-2e cos2 6N) (3) the latitude difference 6—çþE and longitude difference
is driven by the shaft rotation 6N. 6N—çþN become very small, then the sine of the angle
The corrected acceleration from E-W accelerometer approaches the angle and the cosine approaches unity.
320, then, is the corrected E—W acceleration designated 20 Applying these criteria to the course equation:
öE and may be represented by
ös=?sec (9N (1 -e sin? (9N) --28N The course equation reduces to:
(6E-- We) tan 0N (1-2e cos? 6N) (4) 25
tan A =
and is the varying D.-C. input voltage to first E-W in
tegrator 324. öre is integrated twice to compute the longi if the earth were treated as plane instead of spherical.
tude angle 0. 69 is fed back to orient the E-W accel If the craft is sufficiently close to the target, the sur
erometer to a level position as has been previously pointed 30 face of the earth is treated as plane. The instrumenta
Olt. tion necessary is thus simplified by the simplification of
The N-S channel of the present-position computer the course equation.
operates in a similar manner to compute a corrected FIG. 5 to which reference is now made is a more de
N-S acceleration to provide öN, the varying D.-C. input tailed block diagram of the navigation computer shown
to first N-S integrator 328. 35 in the dashed block 302 of FIG. 3. The navigation com
An ellipticity correction, 1 -- 0.5e-H-1.5e cos? 9N is ap puter receives position input signals corresponding to
plied to multiplier 326. The correction is generated by present position, target position and turn point position.
a function potentiometer in ellipticity correction generator In addition, velocity signals corresponding to an E-W
345 in a similar manner to that decsribed for the E-W velocity vector and an N—S velocity vector are applied
channel. A deviation correction generated in deviation 40 to the navigation computer.
compensator 334 is added to the resultant output of multi Constantly varying signals corresponding to present
plier 326 in adder 327. The correction voltage is equal position information 9N, 6B, from the present-position com
puter 301 are applied to present-position input 501.
Fixed quantity target-position signals qþN, qþE are applied
45 to target-position input 502. Fixed-quantity position
This is generated in a manner similar to that described signals qþN', qþE' corresponding to a first or turnpoint des
for the E-W channel. tination are applied to turnpoint position input 593. The
The varying D.-C. voltage corresponding to corrected terms pN, qþE, qþN”, qþE’ refer to fixed positions of rotary de
acceleration applied to the input of first N-S integrator vices that may be adjusted for presetting the signals
328 then is
50 corresponding to these positions into the respective posi
tion inputs 502, 503. These signals are in the form of
angular shaft rotations corresponding to the earth co
ordinate angles of latitude and longitude which each
Double integration of ö yields 9N, the latitude angle. 55 The present-position input 501 is coupled to both a
6 is fed back to orient the N-S accelerometer to a level plane case trigonometric computer 504 and a spherical
position as has been previously pointed out. case trigonometric computer 505. A single-pole double
Signals from the present-position computer correspond throw switching means 506 is coupled both to the plane
ing to 6N (latitude), 6S (longitude), 6E (E-W velocity), case computer 504 and spherical case computer 505. A
and éN (N-S velocity) are applied to the navigation 60 normally-closed contact 507 of switch 506 is coupled to
computer 302. the turnpoint position input 503 and a normally-open con
Navigation computer 302, shown in simplified block tact 508 of switch 506 is coupled to target-position input
form in FIG. 3 and in a more detailed block diagram in 502.
FIG. 5, utilizes the signals from the present-position com A single-pole double-throw switch 509 is coupled to a
puter along with preset signals corresponding to the resolver 510 which receives the output of either spherical
latitude and longitude of the destination or target point. case computer 505 through normally-closed switch con
For the computation of the course direction, true bear tact 511 or the output of the plane case computer 504
ing and remaining range, the following terms are em through switch contact 512. The output of resolvers in
ployed: the block shown at 510, in the form of signals (shaft
positions) representative of course bearing and magnitude,
6N=latitude of present position is applied through difference computer 339 to the autopilot
6º=longitude of present position 340.
qþN=latitude of destination or target The switches 506 and 509, respectively, are part of an
çþ=longitude of destination or target automatic mechanism which, as will be more fully de
A=true bearing angle 75 scribed below, brings the appropriate switch position into .
13 4
operation to apply, for example, target-position signals It is the primary function of the navigation computer
from target-position input 592 through switch contact 508 392 to compute the course angle A (see FIG. 1). The
to the spherical-case computer 505 and plane-case com navigation computer 302 produces two output signals,
puters 504 when the turn-point position has been reached. one of which is an “on-target” indication in on-target
The spherical-case computer 505 includes two phase 5 indicator 522 upon receipt of a signal from the output of
resolvers for generating the transcendental functions of dead reckoning integrator 519, and the second is a shaft
the course Equation 7 above, and means for generating rotation equal to the angle A (FIG. 1) corresponding to
cosine-of-latitude (cos 69N). The use of resolvers and the desired true course bearing. This is compared with
potentiometers in this fashion is well known. The circuit the instantaneous bearing of the velocity vector of the
details are shown in FIG. 7. A more detailed descrip 10 craft, V, derived from 517. The difference A — V is con
tion of the spherical-case computer is given below. verted from a shaft rotation to a D.-C. voltage in differ
The plane-case computer 504 includes linear potenti ence computer 339. The D.-C. voltage is applied to the
ometers employed as further described below. The em autopilot control 349 in the computer 302. The auto
ployment of linear potentiometers in computing devices pilot 349 operates to maintain the output of difference
is also well known. computer 339 in a null condition resulting in an auto
An electrical signal having a magnitude corresponding matic controlled-heading flight.
to the velocity term é? is applied to N-S ground speed The navigation computer 302, when utilized for both a
input 55. An electrical signal derived from E—W first target and a turn-point destination on flight of the craft,
integrator 324 having a magnitude corresponding to ve operates as a group of six computers. The computers are
locity term és is applied to E-W ground speed input 516. referred to in terms of the regions (see FIG. 6) in which
A function corresponding to cos 60N is also applied to they operate. As the craft passes from one region into
E-W ground speed input 516 where the cosine function the next, the appropriate computer is automatically
is multiplied with é. (In FIG. 3 this is shown at 335 switched into operation. The switching of the computers
and 336.) Both ground speed inputs 515 and 516 are is accomplished by notched cams on the appropriate shafts
coupled to a ground speed computer 517. Ground speed operating switches, such as shown in elemental form in
computer 517 corresponds to the resolver 337 shown in FIG. 5 at 5096 and 509. The listing below is in the se
FIG. 3. A single-pole double-throw switch 518 is coupled quence in which the computers normally operate in a
to an integrator 519. Normally-closed contact 526 of flight including one turn point.
switch 518 is connected to the range magnitude output 30 (1) Turn point—spherical case computer
of remaining range resolver 510. Normally-open contact (2) Turn point-plane case computer
521 of switch 518 is connected to the output of ground (3) Turn point-dead reckoning computer
speed computer 517. (4) Target-spherical case computer
An output of integrator 519 is connected to an “on (5) Target-plane case computer
target” indicator 522. (6) Target-dead reckoning computer
Another output of ground speed computer 517, in the
form of a shaft rotation, is coupled through difference In the discussion below, remarks relating to spherical
computer 339 to autopilot control 340. The difference case computer 505 apply to 1 and 4 above. In the same
computer 339 is a differential gear mechanism. Autopilot manner, discussion of plane case computer 504 applies
control 340 is of a known type generally employed in air 40 to 2 and 5 above, and discussion of dead reckoning com
craft. puter 519 applies to 3 and 6 above.
A third output of the ground speed computer 517 is In the spherical case computer, standard two-phase re
coupled to ground speed indicator 338. solvers are employed in a well-known manner, whereby
FIG. 6 illustrates the relative areas in which the several the rotor is positioned at an angle corresponding to the
còmputing functions are performed in sequence in the argument of the function with respect to a reference on the
navigation computer 301 as the craft carrying the auto 45 stator. If the argument (a rotor position of an input re
matic celestial navigation system of this invention flies to solver in this instance) varies continuously, then the rotor
a particular destination. The destination may be the of the output resolver is continuously driven. As can be
turn-point position or it may be the target position. seen from Equation 7 above, most of the arguments (in
Because components of a system, such as employed in puts) are the difference between a constant and a variable.
this invention, have certain finite limitations with respect 50 The tan of angle A, Equation 7 above, is not specifically
to accuracy, the instrumentation to be utilized throughout obtained. It is the shaft rotation angle A of the final re
the flight must be changed as the target 601 (final destina solver (as indicated at 510, FIG. 5). A full description of
tion or turn-point) is approached by the craft through the operation of the resolver used to obtain the shaft ro
three regions surrounding the target shown in FIG. 6. tation corresponding to angle A is given below. The
Each of the three regions is designated in terms of the 55 magnitude of an output voltage, resulting from the volt
type of computer employed in the area. They are called ages and rotations applied to the resolver, is representative
the spherical case area 602, the plane case area 603, añd of the distance from the present position to the target po
the dead reckoning case area 604. These areas, shown sition. The resultant rotation is proportional to the angle
ini FIG. 6, are further discussed below in their relation to of the rotor with respêct to the stator and is representative
the computers. 60 of the desired true course bearing angle A.
Taking FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 together, the operation of The actual angles on the resolver shafts bear a one-to
the navigation computer is as follows: one relationship to the angles of the earth’s latitude
The boundaries between the spherical case area 602 longitude co-ordinate system producing a single output
and the plane case area 603 are the parallels of latitude shaft rotation of the spherical case computer as a result
and meridians of longitude enclosing the latter, and pro 65 ant of several input shaft rotations, some fixed and some
vide ä region for the plane case 693 equal to approxi variable.
mately 240 milies on a side. This is a distance equal to 4° The operation of the plane case computer 504 is simpli
in latitude and 4° X sec 0N in longitude, with the target fied by the fact that there are no varying transcendental
60 located at the geometric center of the area 693. The functions. The terms are all linear and continuous rep
boundaries between the plane case area 603 and the dead 70 resentation is provided by linear potentiometers. One
reckoning case area 694 are also the parallels of latitude revolution of a potentiometer corresponds to going across
and meridians of longitude enclosing the latter. The the plane case region 603. As an example, one revolution
target 691 is also located in the geometric center of this of a latitude potentiometer corresponds to 240 miles.
area 604 which has boundaries approximately 20 miles on The course angle A is obtained in the plane case com
a side. 75 puter by employing the same resolver shaft angle rota
5 16
tion that is used in the spherical case computer. In the remaining range vector) are equal to zero at the same
plane case computer, the magitude, of an output voltage time, there is the possibility of overshoot.
of the resolver is proportional to the remaining range to Therefore, a third type of computation is employed by
the target. This remaining range is converted into a shaft the navigation computer when the craft approaches very
rotation for later use in the read reckoning computer 519. close to the target. This computation is of the dead
Upon the operation of the dead reckoning computer 519, reckoning type. The dead reckoning computer is set in
the shaft of the resolver providing the course angle A is operation when the craft is 10 miles from the target.
locked. The resultant fixed course angle is treated as if In the operation of the navigation computer for the
it were varying in the same way as in the previous cases. dead reckoning case, the heading angle A, as simplified
The dead reckoning computer is switched into operation | 0 for the plane case in Formula 8, is held constant. The
when the remaining range, as determined by the plane remaining-range servo loop of the system is opened. The
case computer, reaches a predetermined value such as remaining-range voltage at this point represents some
10 miles. The ground speed is integrated continuously as predetermined number of volts per mile of remaining
the craft travels form the point where the dead reckon range. A potentiometer, when excited with this voltage,
ing computer begins operation, thus computing the dis has an angular position of its shaft corresponding to
tance the craft has traveled toward the destination. When miles from the target. A two-phase motor with reduction
this computed distance equals the predetermined value, gears is employed in the dead reckoning case to accom
an on-target indicator is actuated. plish this operation. One phase of the motor has a
The error in the heading angle as computed from the fixed voltage applied to it. The other is excited by the
operation of the spherical computer increases as the re 20 output of a servo amplifier whose input is the difference
maining range decreases due to the natural limitations of voltage between the potentiometer arm and the remaining
components. The point at which this effect produces great range resolver output. The servo action keeps this dif
er errors than those obtained by plane approximations is ference voltage at a null and so, as the remaining range
about 2° of the latitude-longitude co-ordinate system from voltage becomes smaller, the potentiometer shaft is driven
the target. If a region 4° on a side then surrounds the 25 in such a direction that the potentiometer arm approaches
target, this region effectively becomes a large target for the bottom of the potentiometer. A cam with a detent
the Spherical case computer. The accuracy requirements also is fixed to the potentiometer shaft so that the bottom
placed upon the solution of the heading equation under of the potentiometer can be indicated mechanically. At a
these circumstances are not so stringent. range of 10 miles when the computer switches from plane
A target which is not on the equator of the latitude 30 case to dead reckoning, the potentiometer shaft is at an
longitude co-ordinate system would have a rectangle angle corresponding to 10 miles. The servo input is re
surrounding it instead of a square because the latitude moved from the motor and is replaced by a voltage pro
parallels are not great circles. Near a pole, the plane portional to the magnitude of the ground speed of the
case region would be very oblong. Because of the shape craft.
of this effective spherical case target area, the tendency 35 The motor has the characteristic of rotating at a speed
Would be to always approach it from east or west; there proportional to the applied voltage. Therefore the out
fore, the plane case area is determined by using the limit put shaft rotation of the motor is proportional to the time
ing criteria of 120 nautical miles. The boundary of the integral of the ground speed voltage which excites it, and
plane case area is 4° in length in the E-W direction. the total angular rotation of the motor shaft during any
The N—S boundaries are 4°Xsec çþN in length. 40 interval of time is proportional to the distance traveled by
The plane case computation is justified by the fact that the aircraft during that interval. The coupling between
the surface of the earth is equally flat per given distance the motor and the potentiometer shaft is designed so that
in miles in each direction regardless of latitude. For the rotation of the potentiometer by the motor conforms
targets in higher latitudes (near the pole), the approxi to the relationship of the angular position of the poten
mate mathematical expression for the heading Equation tiometer shaft to distance. Thus the motor turns the
8 is not so accurate at the meridian boundary as at the potentiometer shaft towards its zero range position as the
latitude boundary of the plane case region. Since the aircraft travels toward the destination position, and the
navigation system is designed to direct the craft on a arrival of the potentiometer shaft at its zero range position
straight line from its present position to a predeter indicates the arrival of the craft at the destination.
mined fixed destination point this makes no significant dif 50 When the shaft reaches the zero-range position, the
ference. The accuracy holds very well up to within 10° attached cam actuates a switch to give an on-target in
of the pole. dication.
The plane case Solution then may be considered as the It can be seen from the above description of this in
solution of a plane right triangle whose two sides corre vention that when the system disclosed is installed in an
spond to the remaining ranges in the E-W and N-S 55 aircraft and is operated in accordance with the above
directions, respectively. The vector sum of these two mentioned principles, the apparatus may be set up so that
ranges is calculated and the magnitude of the resultant the craft is automatically and accurately guided by the
is total remaining range. operation of the system according to this invention to a
As the craft approaches very near the target in its op first terrestrial location and from the first location to a
eration, the sides of the triangle get smaller and smaller. 60 second terrestrial location without aid from any human
With existing equipment limitations, the dimensional agency beyond the initial setting up of the system in the
value of the sides become indetermine. Consequently, tan aircraft for the desired destinations.
A (A is the true bearing angle) becomes indeterminate. Referring now to FIG. 1, the course from a present
Additionally, the stringency of the requirements of the position M, at latitude 9N and longitude 6 to a destina
Course servo loop become greater. This loop includes tion or target position T at latitude çþN and longitude qþE,
parameters representing velocity and remaining range of is a great circle course between the two points M and T.
he craft and the operational system involving the control The angle A which this great circle course makes with the
surfaces. The guidance problem is to keep the velocity meridian on which M falls is the true course bearing
Vector and course (remaining range) vector aligned. As angle. This angle is computed continuously by the navi
70 gation computer 302 as the craft approaches the target.
"ange becomes smaller, the loop gain of associated servo
ncreases. Accordingly, at some point close to the tar The ously
equation referred to above as (7) is solved continu
in terms of tan A by the spherical case computer
get the loop would become unstable. portion of the trigonometric computer 331 (FIG. 3) in
Because “on target” results when the magnitude of both cluding, in part, elements 505, 509, 510 (FIG. 5).
of the two orthogonal co-ordinates (velocity vector and 75 FIG. 7 is a simplified schematic diagram of the elec

7 8
trical circuits involved in the solution of the spherical from the resolver operation is in subtractive relation to
triangle involving the angle A. When the craft is a dis the voltage cos qþN applied to it from the junction of
tance approximately 120 miles from the target, the plane resistors 719 and 720. Accordingly, therefore, the follow
case computer including, in part, elements 504, 512, 509, ing voltage results at the input of the amplifier 723 :
510 is rendered operative to thereafter complete the com
putation of the tan A in terms of the simplified Equa Resolver 7097 is provided with an output stator winding
tion 8.
FIG. 8 is a simplified schematic of the electrical cir 711 having its axis at right angles to the axis of stator
cuits involved in the solution of the plane triangle in winding 710. The operation of the resolver 707 re
volving the angle A. When the craft is within ten miles 0 sults in a voltage output at winding 7E1 as follows:
of the target the computation performed becomes a dead
reckoning operation. The remaining range portion 510 The output winding 711 is coupled to one rotor wind
of the trigonometric computer 33 and the ground speed ing 726 of rotor 724 of resolver 727, through a unity gain
portions of the ground speed and direction of ground amplifier 725. The voltage cos qþN sin (6E—qþE) is ap
speed computer 517 are employed as further detailed plied to the winding 726.
below to indicate the arrival of the craft at the destination A second differential gear mechanism 731 is coupled
position. by one of its input drives 734 through a gear reducer
An embodiment of each of the three modes of computa 733 to the latitude indicator drive 332 in the present
tion, spherical, plane and dead reckoning, and the circuits
employed are individually detailed in simplified sche 20 position computer 3091, as shown in FIG. 3. Another input
matic form in FIGS. 7, 8 and 9. drive shaft 735 of differential gear 731 is coupled to a
In FIG. 7, there is shown a simplified schematic dia manually-settable target latitude indicator 732. The rota
gram of components of the navigation computer in the tion imparted to input drive 734 corresponds to the lati
tude of present position 6N. The rotation imparted to
circuit arrangements utilized in the first phase of the com input drive 735 corresponds to the target latitude qþN.
putation of the true course bearing angle A from the 25
The output shaft 736 of differential gear 731 is coupled
present position of the craft to the target. This condition through a gear reducer 737 to the rotor 738 of a rotating
has previously been referred to as target-spherical case. transformer 739. Rotating transformer 739 is designed
Referring to FIG. 5, the spherical case is that in which to generate the sine of the angle of rotation of its rotor
switch arm 506 makes contact with terminal 508, and 30 738. The resultant rotation of the output shaft 736 is
switch arm 509 makes contact with terminal 511. The proportional to qþN-6N. The rotor 738 has a rotor wind
components of the diagram shown in FIG. 7 are included ing 749. The rotor winding 740 is excited by an alter
in the blocks 505 and 510, respectively, of FIG. 5. nating voltage of predetermined magnitude applied to
Referring now again to FIG. 7, a differential gear mech terminals 741 to which the winding 749 is connected and
anism 701 is coupled by one of its input drives 702 to the by an alternating voltage of predetermined magnitude of
longitude indicator drive 330, of the present-position 35 the same frequency as the A.-C. voltage applied at termi
computer 301, as shown in FIG. 3. A second input drive nals 712. Rotary transformer 739 has a stator winding
703 of the differential gear is coupled to a manually 742. The voltage developed in the stator winding 742 of
settable target longitude indicator 794. The rotation im the transformer 739 is proportional to the sine of the
parted to input drive 702 corresponds to 9, the longitude angular rotation of its rotor 738. The angular rotation
of the present position. The rotation imparted to input 40 of the rotor is proportional to qþN-6N. Accordingly,
drive 703 corresponds to target longitude and is referred there is produced in winding 742 a signal corresponding
to as qþE. The output shaft 705 of differential gear 701 tO:
is coupled through a gear reducer 706 to the rotor 708
of a two-phase sine-cosine resolver 707. The rotation Reduction gear 733 has an additional output shaft
of output drive 7095 and, correspondingly, rotor 708 is 743 which is coupled to the rotor 744 of a rotary trans
proportional to the difference between 69E and qþE. Rotor former 745. Transformer 745 is of the same type as
708 is provided with a rotor winding 709. The resolver transformer 739. A rotation corresponding to 6N will
707 also has two stator windings 710 and 711 at right be imparted to rotor 744. Rotor 744 has a rotor wind
angles to one another. ing 746. Transformer 745 has a stator winding 747 con
At input terminals 742 (top right center of FIG. 7) 50
a predetermined A.-C. voltage is applied. Variable re nected in series with stator winding 742 of transformer
sistors 73 and 74 are provided for adjusting the value 739. The signal corresponding to sin (qþN—9N) is alsc
of A.-C. voltage applied across the variable potentiometers present in addition to others noted below.
716 connected between a terminal of resistor 73 and The rotor winding 746 of transformer 745 is connected
ground and variable potentiometer 75 connected between 55 to amplifier 723 previously noted. Accordingly, the sig
a terminal of resistor 74 and ground. Variable arms 747 nal corresponding to cos qþN [1—cos (6E-çþE)] is the ex:
and 718 of potentiometers 716 and 75, respectively, are citation voltage for the rotor winding 746. Like trans
both connected to the shaft of a manually-settable cosime former 739, transformer 745 produces an output signa
of target latitude control 721. An electrical connection in its stator winding 747 corresponding to the sine oj
is made from arm 77 to resistor 719 and from arm 78 60 the angular rotation of its rotor 744. Therefore, the
signal now present in the stator winding 747 corresponds
to resistor 720. Resistors 719 and 720 have their re to:
maining terminals respectively connected together. The
control 721 is adjusted so as to position the arms 717 and
718 on their respective potentiometers 76 and 745 to The series circuit of stator windings 747 and 742 is cou
provide a voltage at the junction of resistors 79 and 720 pled to rotor winding 728 of resolver 727 through an am
proportional to the cosine of the target latitude (cos qþN). plifier 748 which has a gain sufficient to compensate fo:
The voltage proportional to cos qþN is applied to the rotor any losses occurring in rotor winding 728.
winding 709 of resolver 707 through an amplifier 722. It may now be seen that resolver 727 has applied to it
The gain of amplifier 722 is adjusted to exactly com two rotor windings 726 and 728, respectively, the sig
pensate the internal losses in rotor winding 709. A con 70 nals corresponding respectively to:
nection is made from the junction of resistors 749 and
720 to one side of stator winding 710 of resolver 707. and
The other side of stator winding 7169 is connected to an sin (qþN-9N) -+-cos qþN sin 6N (1-cos (69B—qþE)]
amplifier 723 having a unity gain. The polarity of the
winding 710 is such that the voltage developed therein 75 The construction of resolver 727 is such that the angu
3,048, 352
lar rotation of its rotor 724 is proportional to the angle interposed between the reference voltage source and the
A represented by the arc tan of the quotient of the volt target position and present position rotational informa
ages applied to the rotor windings 726 and 728. The tion sources, as there were for the spherical case. The
angle A is the desired true bearing angle referred to above. latitude and longitude indicator drives are directly cou
In stator winding 729 a voltage is produced correspond pled to the linear potentiometers so as to provide linear
rotation vs. voltage conditions.
tan A = cos qþN sin (6E - qbE) As has previously been described in connection with
sin (qþN - 0 N ) -- sin 60N cos qbN[1 - cos (6E - qþE)] FG. 7, an A.-C. voltage is applied to terminals 712 and
The shaft 751 of rotor 724 of resolver 727 is mechani | 0 74, the variable resistance network comprising resistors 713,
cally coupled to a motor 750. The output stator wind 715 and 716. In the plane case computer opera
ing 729 of the resolver 727 is coupled to motor 75ð tion, as in the spherical case computer operation the
through amplifier 749. Motor 750, amplifier 749 and arms 717 and 718 respectively of resistors 716 and 715
resolver 727 thereby are formed into a servo loop so are mechanically coupled to cos qþN indicator adjustment
as to correct for any inaccuracies and maintain the ac 721. Therefore the position of the indicator 721, once
curate positioning of the resolver rotor 724 to corre | 5 set up remains the same throughout the operation of the
navigation computer during both the spherical case and
spond to an angular rotation representing the true bear plane case operation, and accordingly the voltage ap
ing angle A. An additional stator winding 730 of resolver
727, shown dashed in FIG. 7, is not used in the spherical pearing between the arms 717 and 718 remains at a fixed
case computation, but is employed in the plane case com 20 value corresponding to cos qþN. In the plane case opera
putation as described below. tion a center-tapped potentiometer 805 is connected be
The operation of the spherical case computer as shown tween the potentiometer arms 717 and 718. The volt
in FIG. 7 is as follows: Information signals are derived age between arm. 717 and ground, and arm 718 and
from the present-position computer corresponding to ground, respectively will be of opposite phase. Arm
the latitude 6N and longitude 6E, respectively, of the pres 866 of potentiometer 805 is coupled by its shaft to
target longitude (çþE) indicator adjustment 704 and to
ent position of the craft in the form of angular rotation 25 present
of the output shafts of the present-position computer. differential longitude (6E) position indicator 330 through
Manually-settable rotary devices produce information gear 701, the same one employed in the
signals representative of the desired target latitude qþN spherical case phase for the computations of angle A.
and longitude qþE. These are in the form of appropri 30 The motion of the arm 806, then, corresponds to the
longitude difference 6E-qþE and the voltage at arm 806
ate angular rotations. The actual angles of the resolver accordingly corresponds to cos qþN (6E-qbE).
shafts to which these rotations are applied correspond The voltage cos qþN (6E-çþE) is applied through am
directly to the actual latitude and longitude earth co plifier 725 previously described to the numerator wind
ordinate angles which they represent. In the spherical
case computer, through the use of resolvers and me 35 ing 726 of rotor 724 of resolver 727. The rotor 724 of
resolver 727 will assume an angular position in response
chanical drive mechanisms, a voltage is produced cor to the two voltages applied to its rotor windings. The
responding to numerator term cos qþN sin (6E—qþE), and angular position corresponds to the course angle A. As
another voltage is developed corresponding to a denomi previously described the servo-loop incorporating the
natOr terI
electrically connected winding 729, amplifier 749 and
40 the windings of motor 750, and the mechanical coupling
These two voltages are applied to the rotary winding of of the resolver rotor 724 and shaft of motor 750, pro
a two-phase tan-cotan resolver. There is a resultant vides control of the positioning of the rotor 724 to main
angular displacement of the rotor of this resolver cor tain its accuracy.
responding to the angle “A.” In an output winding of 45 A voltage is produced in winding 730 as a result of
the tan-cotan resolver, a voltage is produced correspond the plane case operation of the trigonometric computer.
ing to the tan of angle A and equal to the voltage rep This voltage corresponds to the remaining distance be
resented by the numerator term divided by the voltage tween the present position (M) of the craft and the
represented by the denominator term. target position (T), as shown in FIG. 1. The remain
In FFIG. 8 the plane case trigonometric computer is 50 ing distance voltage is applied to a motor 817 through
shown in simplified schematic form. As has previously an amplifier 816. The shaft 819 of motor 817 is me
been described the plane case computer comes into op chanically coupled at 818 to the variable arm 813 of a
eration when the craft has reached a point approximate potentiometer 812 and a cam 820. The arm 813 is elec
ly 120 miles from the target. In the plane trigonometric trically connected to the remaining range resolver wind
computation of tan A, the terms of the Equation 8 are 5 5 ing 730. Potentiometer 812 is connected in series with
all linear so that the representations of the terms of the a resistor 84 between a terminal 815 and ground. A
equation can be accomplished through the use of linear predetermined A.-C. voltage is applied to terminal 815.
potentiometers with appropriate voltages across them. The A.-C. voltage applied to terminal 815 may be phased
Referring to FIG. 8, an A.-C. voltage is applied to ter so that when the arm 813 is positioned by motor 817
minals 801 which appears across potentiometer 802. to correspond to remaining range, the voltage appear
The voltage applied is representative of the distance 240 (60) ing at the input of amplifier 816 is equal to the difference
miles and so the voltage between each of the terminals between the remaining range voltage and the voltage at
301 and the grounded center tap 803 represents 120 the arm 813 of potentiometer 812. The closed cycle
miles. The arm 804 of potentiometer 802 is coupled to servo-loop thus formed by amplifier 816, motor 817 and
he target latitude (çþN) indicator 732 and to the present 65 potentiometer
at ZerO.
arm 813 maintains this difference voltage
atitude (0N) indicator 332 through differential gear 731,
he same employed in the spherical case computation as its During the plane case computation the motor 817 in
servo loop drives the arm 813 of potentiometer 812
described above. The motion of the arm 804 then cor
esponds to qþN—0N, the latitude difference, and the closer to its grounded end as the craft approaches nearer
hase of the voltage developed will depend upon whether 70 to the target. Cam 820 rotates with the potentiometer
he craft is north of the target or south of the target. arm 813. Cam 8269 has a detent section 821 which per
This voltage corresponding to qþN-9N is applied to the mits a switch arm 807 to close against terminal 809 to
lenominator rotor winding 728 of resolver 727 through deliver an operating voltage applied at terminal 808 to
he amplifier 748. It can be seen here by comparison a relay connected (but not shown) at terminal 810.
Detent 821 is so positioned on cam 820 that the closing
with FIG. 7, that in the plane case there are no resolvers 75 of contact arm 807 against contact terminal 809 occurs
21 22
when the remaining range voltage at terminal 813 cor star tracking means for space stabilizing said platform; an
responds to a location of the craft exactly on target. accelerometer platform; means coupled to said accelier
In FIG. 9, there is shown a circuit of the type that may ometer platform and to said space-stabilized platform to
be used for the dead reckoning phase of the operation of maintain said accelerometer platform in a horizontal
navigation computer 391. At a position of the shaft of 5 plane with respect to the earth’s surface independently of
motor 817 where the voltage on arm 83 corresponds to the attitude of said aircraft; first and second acceler
a remaining range of ten miles, a relay whose contacts ometers mounted on said accelerometer platform and re
only are shown in FIG. 9 at 905, 906, 997, 998, 909, 9 , 9, sponsive to accelerations of the aircraft in the North
911, 912, operates to remove the remaining range voltage South direction and in the East-West direction, respec
from the motor 817, to be replaced by a voltage propor 0 tively, to generate direct current electrical signals rep
tional to ground speed derived from the ground speed resentative of said accelerations; North-South electronic
computer 517 (FIG. 5). At the same time a speed con integrator means coupled to said North-South acceler
trolling element such as eddy current brake 904 is brought ometer for developing a North-South electrical velocity
under the influence of its electromagnetic control circuit signal and a present-latitude signal; East-West electronic
903 by the application of a D.-C. potential to terminals integrator means coupled to said East-West accelerometer
901. A rheostat 902 is adjustable so that the current for developing an East-West electrical velocity signal and
through electromagnetic control circuit 993 may be set a present-longitude signal; control means coupled to said
at some predetermined level. The control circuit incor accelerometer platform; present-position-signal feedback
porating brake 903, 904 may be replaced by other known means coupled between both said integrators and said
motor speedi control systems such as a tachometer speed 20 control means for applying said present-latitude and lon
control system. Thus the motor 817 during the dead gitude signals to said control means to rotate said acceler
reckoning phase of the operation of the navigation com ometer platform about its axes to correct the orientation
puter is driven by voltage from the ground speed com of the said platform in the horizontal plane with respect
puter. This voltage is derived from an output winding to the change in latitude and longitude position of the air
913 of a resolver part of block 517 (FIG. 5). The speedi craft; a correction signal generator coupled to both said
of the motor is controlled by the control device 1993, 924 integrators including electronic means adapted to be re
as described above. The shaft of potentiometer 812 sponsive to said present-latitude signal and said present
coupled to the motor 817 is then rotated to its terminal longitude signal and to said velocity signals to develop
position corresponding to the arrival of the craft at its correction signals to compensate for centrifugal forces
destination. and coriolis, forces of the earth’s motion and for the
I claim: earth’s spheroidal shape; and electrical means coupled
1. In an automatic celestial navigation and guidance to said correction signal generator and including multiply
system for aircraft, an electrical present-position com ing and adding means coupled for correcting said acceler
puter, said present-position computer including: a plat ometer signals in response to said correction signals so
form, an automatic star-tracking means mounted on said that the said present-position signals developed from
platform; means coupled to said star-tracking means for said accelerometer signals accurately represent the lati
space stabilizing said platform; and accelerometer plat tude and longitude, respectively.
form; means coupled to said accelerometer platform and 3. A system for automatic unattended navigation and
to said space-stabilized platform to maintain saidi acceler guidance of airborne craft from one terrestrial location
ometer platform in a horizontal plane with respect to the 40 to a sequence of other destination positions comprising:
earth’s surface independently of the attitude of said air a present-position computing means including space sta
craft; first and second accelerometers mounted on said bilized means; accelerometer means having its orienta
accelerometer platform and responsive to accelerations tion controlled by said space stabilized means to develop
of the aircraft in the North-South direction and in the latitude and longitude acceleration signals; correction
East-West direction, respectively, to generate electrical 45 means coupled for adding and Subtracting to said ac
signals representative of said accelerations; North-South celeration signals to compensate for centrifugal and
electronic integrator means coupled to said North-South coriolis forces of the earth’s motion and for the earth’s
accelerometer for developing a North-South velocity sig shape; and integrator means for generating signals repre.
nal and a present-latitude signal; East-West electronic senting velocity and present position of the aircraft ir
integrator means coupled to said East-West accelerometer 50 latitude and longitude co-ordinates; manually-settable
for developing an East-West velocity signal and a present means adapted for generating signals representative o
longitude signal; servocontrol means coupled to said ac the latitude and longitude of said destination positions
celerometer platform; present-position-signal feedback and a navigation-computing means coupled to said pres
means coupled between both said integrators and said ent-position computing means and said destination-posi
servocontrol means for applying said present-latitude and tion signal generating means and adapted for generatin
longitude signals to said control means to rotate said ac a signal representative of a course from said present po
celerometer platform about its axes to correct the orienta sition to the respective destination position and for pro
tion of the said platform in the horizontal plane with re ducing error signals representative of any difference be
spect to the change in latitude and longitude position of tween said computed course and the actual course of thi
the aircraft; a correction signal generator coupled to 60 aircraft, said navigation computer including a first mean
both said integrators including means responsive to said adapted for generating a first electrical course signa
present-latitude signal and said present-longitude signal representative of the course from the present position o
and to said velocity signals to develop electrical correc the aircraft to a first destination position; second mean
tion signals to compensate for centrifugal forces and responsive to said first electrical course signal and adapt
coriolis forces of the earth’s motion and for the earth’s 65 ed to generate a second electrical course signal whe:
spheroidal shape; and means coupled to said correction said first destination position has been reached, said sec
signal generator for correcting said accelerometer signals ond electrical course signal being representative of th
in response to said correction signals so that the said course from the current position of the aircraft to
present position signals developed from said accelerometer second destination position; and an automatic pilot cou
signals accurately represent the latitude and longitude, 70 pled to said navigation-computing means and to the cor
respectively. trol surfaces of the aircraft and adapted for guiding th
2. Apparatus for computing the present position of aircraft on the correct flight courses.
a moving aircraft in earth latitude and longitude co-ordi 4. Ín an automatic celestial navigation and guidanc
nates comprising: a platform, an automatic star tracking system for aircraft which includes an automatic electric
means mounted on said platform; means coupled to said 75 present-position computer including an automatic tracke
3,048, 352
23 24
of fixed celestial bodies, horizontally stabilized accelerom electrical course signals being representative of the di
eters coupled to said tracker and adapted to generate rection of the true course bearing and remaining distance
electric accelerometer signals representative of East-West from the present position to the destination position; a
and North-South accelerations with reference to polar velocity and direction-of-flight signal generator coupled
and equatorial earth positions in relation to said fixed 5 to the present-position computer and including circuits
celestial bodies, and electronic double-integrating circuits for generating a second electrical course signal representa
coupled individually to said accelerometers and adapted tive of the actual flight course of the aircraft; an error
for generating electrical signals representative of direc signal generator connected to said navigation-computer
tional velocity and present latitude and longitude posi and to said velocity and direction-of-flight signal genera
tions of the aircraft in response to said electric accelerom |0 tor for developing error signals representative of an angu
eter signals; means responsive to said signals generated lar difference between said true course bearing and said
in said double integrating circuits for developing correc actual flight course; an automatic pilot electrically con
tion signals to compensate for the rotation and the shape nected to said navigation computer, to said error signal
of the earth; means for combining said correction signals generator, and connected to control the aircraft in re
with said accelerometer signals; a settable generator for Sponse to said error signals to maintain said error signal
developing electrical signals representative of the latitude at a Substantially zero value; and electrical control means
and longitude of a destination position; a navigation com coupled to Said navigation-computer for producing a des
puter coupled to said present-position computer and to tination signal in response to the arrival of the aircraft
said destination-position signal generator, said navigation at its destination.
computer including circuits responsive to said electrical 20 7. An automatic celestial navigation and guidance sys í
directional velocity and present position signals and to tem for aircraft comprising an automatic electrical pres
said electrical destination position signals to generate a ent-position computing means adapted to generate sig
first electrical signal representative of a true course bear mais representing present position of the aircraft in lati
ing from said present position to said destination posi tude and longitude coordinates, said computing means
tion, and a second electrical signal in response to said including an automatic tracker of fixed celestial bodies
directional velocity signals representative of the actual to develop a space stabilized means, accelerometer means
flight course direction, and including circuits for compar referenced to said stabilized means for responding paral
ing said first and second electrical signals to generate an lel to the earth’s surface and with a fixed North-South
electrical error signal representative of any angular dif orientation to generate electric accelerometer signals
ference between the directions represented by said first representative of East-West and North-South accelera
electrical signal and said second electrical signal; and tions, double integrating circuits coupled to receive said
means coupled to said navigation computer for controlling accelerometer signals for generating signals representative
the fight of said aircraft in response to said error signals. of East-West and North-South velocity and distance of
5. In an automatic celestial navigation and guidance sys longitude and latitude movement, first means coupled
tem for aircraft, a present-position computer including a to said integrating circuit to correct said accelerometer
star tracker, an electronic computer connected to said signals for ellipticity of the earth and second means cou
tracker, and circuits to generate first electrical signals pled to said integrator circuit to correct said accelerom
representing present position of the aircraft in latitude eter signals for centrifugal and coriolis forces resulting
and longitude and second electrical signals corresponding from the rotation of the earth, indicator means coupled
o the velocity of the aircraft in North-South and East to said integrating circuits for indicating the present East
West directions; means responsive to said signals gen West and North-South position of said aircraft relative
erated in said double integrating circuits for developing to a starting position, means for generating destination
correction signals to compensate for the rotation and signals representative of the longitude and latitude of a
he shape of the earth; means for combining said correc destination point, navigation computing means coupled
ion signals with said accelerometer signals; means for to said present position computing means for receiving
generating predetermined electrical position information said velocity and distance signals and to the destination
ignals representing the latitude and longitude of a des signal generating means for receiving said destination sig
ination; a navigation computer coupled to said present nals to develop a first signal representative of a true
position computer and to said rotary transformer network, course bearing from said present position to said des
und including circuits responsive to said present position 5) tination point and a second signal representative of the
ignals and said predetermined electrical position infor actual flight course direction and including means for
nation signals to generate first electrical course signals comparing said signals to produce an error signal indicat
epresenting a desired course from said present position ing the directional difference between said error signal,
o Said destination; an actual course computer coupled and aircraft pilot means responsive to said error signal
o Said present-position computer and including circuits 55 for guiding said aircraft to said destination point.
o generate second electrical course signals representing 8. An automatic celestial navigation and guidance sys
he actual course of the aircraft; a comparator connected tem for aircraft comprising a present position computer
o Said actual course computer and to said navigation including stable means, for tracking fixed celestial bodies
Computer and responsive to said first and second electrical to provide a fixed space reference, a first and a second
ignals to generate electrical error signalis representing 60 accelerometer for developing first and second acceleration
eviation in the flight of the aircraft from said desired signals, drive means coupled between said accelerometers
ourse; and means coupled to said comparator and con and said stable means for maintaining said accelerom
ected for guiding said aircraft on the desired course in eters in a desired latitude and longitude orientation in
esponse to said error signals. reference to present position, compensating means cou
6. In an automatic celestial navigation and guidance pled to Said accelerometers for correcting said accelera
ystem for aircraft including a present-position computer tion Signals to compensate for ellipticity of the earth and
or generating electrical signads representative of direc centrifugal forces resulting from rotation of the earth,
onal velocity and present position in latitude and lon first integrating means coupled to said compensating
itude, and a Seitable signal generator for generating means for developing latitude and longitude velocity sig
ignals representative of latitude and longitude of a des 70 nals, Second integrating means coupled to said first in
nation position: a navigation computer coupled to the tegrating means for developing latitude and longitude
resent-position computer and to the destination-position distance signals, rotary transformer means for develop
ginal generator including circuits for generating first ing position information signals representing the latitude
lectrical course signals in response to the present-posi and longitude of a destination, a navigation computer
on signals and the destination-position signals, said first 75 coupled to said present position computer and to said:
25 26
rotary transformer and responsive to said latitude and shaft movements indicating distance and coupled to said
longitude velocity and distance signals and said present settable means for generating first course signals repre
position signals to generate first course signals represent sentative of the direction of the true course bearing and
ing a desired course from said present position to said distance to the destination position, an actual flight course
destination position, actual course computing means cou generating means coupled to said present position com
pled to said present position computer for generating puting means to generate second course signals corre
second course signals representing the actual course of sponding to the actual flight of the aircraft, error signal
the aircraft, comparator means coupled to said actual generating means coupled to said navigation computing
course computing means and to said navigation com means and said actual flight course generating means to
puter responsive to said first and second course signals 1 (0) develop error signals representative of the deviation of
to generate error signals representing the deyiation in the actual flight course from the true course, and means
the flight of the aircraft from the desired course, and au responsive to said error signal and coupled to the air
tomatic pilot coupled to said comparator and to the con craft for guiding said aircraft to said destination position.
trol surfaces of said aircraft for guiding said aircraft to 11. An automatic celestial navigation and guidance sys
said destination. 5 tem for developing error signals to control an automatic
9. The method of celestial navigation and guidance of pilot means, comprising a space stabilized platform, an
airborne craft from a starting location to a destination automatic star tracking means mounted to said platform,
location comprising the steps of: continually tracking an accelerometer platform, drive means coupled to said
fixed celestial bodies to develop reference signals having accelerometer platform and said space stabilized plat
characteristics for establishing a horizontal reference 20 form for maintaining said accelerometer platform in a
plane with respect to the earth’s surface; generating ac horizontal position in response to signals received at an
celeration signals corresponding to East-West and North input, first and second accelerometers mounted on said
South accelerations of the aircraft in flight in said hori accelerometer platform and responsive to accelerations
zontal reference plane; electronically integrating both of of the aircraft in the North-South and East-West direc
saidi acceleration signals twice to develop velocity signals 25 tion respectively to generate acceleration signals, North
and present position signals in terms of elapsed distance; South double integrator means coupled to be responsive
generating first electrical correction signalis representing to the North-South acceleration signals for developing
the effects of the spheroidal shape of the earth; generat a North-South velocity signal and a present latitude sig
ing second electrical correction signals representing the nal, East-West double integrator means coupled to re
effects of centrifugal and coriolis forces of the earth; spond to said East-West acceleration signals for devel
multiplying said first electrical correction signals and oping an East-West velocity signal and a present longi
said present position signals; adding said second electrical tude signal, feedback means coupled to said inputs of
correction signals to said present position signals after said drive means for applying said present latitude and
being multiplied by said first correction signals; maintain present longitude signals to control said accelerometer
ing said reference plane horizontal in response to the 3 5 platform so as to correct for the change in latitude and
corrected present-position signals; generating latitude and longitude of the aircraft, correction signal generator means
longitude signals representative of a destination position; responsive to said present latitude and present longitude
generating a true course bearing signal in response to signals and to said veiocity signals for developing correc
said corrected latitude and longitude present-position sig tion signals having characteristics indicative of the com
nals and said destination signals, said true course bear 4) pensation for centrifugal forces and coriolis forces of the
ing signal being representative of the true course bear earth’s motion and for the earth’s spheroidal shape, sig
ing from said present to said destination position; gen mal combiming means coupled between said acceler
erating a direction-of-flight signal in response to said ometers and said integrator means for combining said
velocity signals, said direction-of-flight signal being rep acceleration signals and said correction signals so that
resentative of the instantaneous direction of flight of the said present position signals accurately represent the pres
aircraft; comparing said true course bearing signal and ent latitude and longitude, and navigation computer means
said direction-of-flight signal to generate an error signal coupled to respond to said present latitude and present
representative of any angular difference between said longitude signals and said velocity signals to develop error
true course bearing and said direction of flight; and con signals for guiding the aircraft to a destination.
trolling the flight direction of the aircraft in response to 12. An automatic celestial navigation and guidance
said error signal. system for aircraft, comprising a platform, servo mech
10. An automatic celestial, navigation and guidance anisms coupled to said platform for controlling the ori
system for aircraft comprising a present position com entation of said platform about three orthogonal axes of
puting means including a stellar reference platform being rotation, one of said axes being perpendicular to the plane
stabilized in space, a horizontal base, drive means refer 55 of the platform, two automatic star tracking devices
einced to said stellar platform and connected to said hori mounted on said platform for producing signals repre
Zontal base for maintaining said base in a desired reia senting the directions of preselected fixed celestial bodies,
tion to the surface of the earth, a North-South and an means coupled to said star tracking devices to provide
East-West accelerometer mounted on said horizontal base control signals to said servo mechanisms for space stabi
and maintained oriented in latitude and longitude direc 60 lizing said platform in a fixed orientation with respect tc
tions by said drive means to develop latitude and longi said celestail bodies, an accelerometer platform, latitude
tude acceleration signals, signal correcting means coupled aXis control means and longitude-axis control means
to correct said acceleration signals to compensate for coupled to said space stabilized platform and responsive
centrifugal and coriolis forces of the earth and the earth’s to input signals to maintain said accelerometer platform
shape, first integrator means coupled to said signal form 65 in a horizontal position, first and second accelerometer
ing means for responding to said latitude and longitude mounted on said accelerometer platform and responsivt
acceleration signals to develop latitude and longitude to acceleration of the aircraft in the North-South and ir
velocity signals, second integrator means coupled to re the East-West direction to generate acceleration signals
spond to said velocity signals to develop movements of a first double integrator coupled to said North-South ac
shafts indicative of present latitude and longitude and 70 celerometer for developing a North-South velocity signa
for developing signals for controlling said drive means to and a present latitude signal, a second double integrato
control said horizontal base, settable means for generat coupled to said East-West accelerometer for developin
ing destination latitude and longitude signals, navigation an East-West velocity signal and a present longitude sig
computing means coupled to said present position com nal, means coupled to said latitude-axis control mean
puting means for receiving said velocity signals and said 75 for applying said present latitude signals as input signal:
3,048, 52
27 23
for controlling said accelerometer platform to rotate nals including a sphericai trigonometric course computer
about said latitude axis through an angle corresponding for generating a first course signal, a plane trigonometric
to the change in latitude position of the aircraft during course computer for generating a Second course signal, a
flight, means coupled to said longitude-axis control means dead reckoning course computer for generating a third
for applying said present longitude signal as input signals 5 course signal, and a sequence switching means connected
for controlling said accelerometer platform to rotate between each of said course computers and said guidance
about said longitude axis through an angle correspond means and responsive to a predetermined value of each
ing to the change in longitude position of the aircraft of said course signals to switch Said first, said Second,
during flight, a correction signal generator coupled to and said third course signals in sequence to said guidance
both said double integrators and being responsive to said |0 means for directing the aircraft to the destination posi
present latitude signal and present longitude signal and tion, an arrival signalling circuit connected between said
to said velocity signals to generate correction signals to navigation computer and said guidance means and respon
compensate for the effects of centrifugal force and coriolis sive to said sequence switching means for developing
forces of the earth’s motion and for the earth’s spheroidal desired course signals when the destination position is
shape, means for adding said correction signals to said reached and guidance means connected and responsive to
accelerometer signals so that the output signals developed said navigation computer for controlling the flight of an
by said double integrators accurately indicates the latitude aircraft.
and longitude of the present position of the aircraft, and 15. In an automatic navigation system, a present posi
computer means for utilizing said present-latitude signal, tion signal generator referenced against the positions of
said present-longitude signal and said velocity signals to 20 fixed celestial bodies to develop longitude and latitude ve
develop error signals and including means responsive to locity signais and longitude and latitude position signals,
said error signals to guide said aircraft to a desired posi a first destination signal generator for developing longi
tion. tude destination signals for comparing with said position
13. Apparatus for computing the present position of an signals to indicate destination, a second destination signal
aircraft in earth’s latitude and longitude coordinates corn generator for developing latitude destination signals, a
prising a platform, servo mechanisms coupled to said plat navigation computer connected with all of said signal gen
form for controlling the orientation of Said piatform erators to develop first and second desired course signals
about three orthogonal axes of rotation, one of said axes from said velocity and position signais, guidance means
being perpendicular to the plane of the platform, two connected to be responsive to said desired course signals
automatic star tracking devices mounted on said platform 30 of said navigation computer, and an arrival signalling cir
for producing signals representing the directions of pre cuit connected between said guidance means and said
selected fixed celestial bodies, gyro mechanisms fixedly navigation computer and including a cam and means
mounted on said platform and coupled to said servo responsive for comparing said second desired course signal
mechanisms being responsive to said star tracking device and said destination signals to rotate said cam, said cam
to provide control signals for space stabilizing said plat 35 having a detent section and means for controlling a
form in a fixed orientation with respect to said celestial switch to indicate destination when said second course
bodies, an accelerometer platform, latitude-axis control signal equals said destination signai.
means and longitude-axis control means coupled to said 16. in an automatic navigational system as set forth
accelerometer platform and to said Space stabilized plat in claim 15, the navigation computer defined therein in
form for maintaining said accelerometer platform in a 40 cluding switching means coupled to said first and second
horizontal position, first and second accelerometers destination signal generators and responsive thereto, and
mounted on said accelerometer platform and responsive to Said navigation computer whereby when said first
f ' ' 'N 44 ? |
29 39
first and second integrators for developing second inte indicator means for indicating present position of said
grated East-West and North-South signals indicative of craft, a first and a second multiplier coupled to receive
distance of movement of said craft, and coupled for said signais from said East-West and North-South accel
controlling said first and second means, said deviation erometers respectively and for correcting said signals, first
compensator and said drive means, first and second inte and second means coupled to develop an ellipticity cor
grated East-West and North-South signals coupled for rection signal in response to said respective second inte
controlling said pilot system. grated East-West and North-South signals and coupled
18. An automatic celestial navigation and guidance to control said multipliers, a first and a second adder
system for a craft developing latitude, longitude, East coupled to said first and second multiplier for developing
West velocity and North-South velocity signals for con 0 corrected signals from the accelerometer signals received
trolling an indicator means, comprising a steliar refer from said multiplier, a deviation compensator for de
enced platform being stabilized in space, a horizontal veloping a compensating signal to correct for earth rota
base, drive means referenced to said stellar platform and tion in response to said first and second integrated East
connected to said horizontal base for maintaining said West and North-South signals and coupled to control said
base oriented parallel to the surface of the earth, an East 5 first and second adders.
West and a North-South accelerometer mounted on said
horizontal base for developing accelerometer signais indic References Cited in the file of this patent
ative of the acceleration in the respective direction, a UNITED STATES PATENTS
first and a second integrator coupled to said first and sec 2,109,283 Boykow --------------- Feb. 22, 1938
ond adders for developing first integrated East-West and 2,444,933 Jasperson -------------- July 13, 1948
North-South signals indicative of velocity of said craft, a 2,492, 148 Herbold -------------- Dec. 27, 1949
third and a fourth integrator coupled to said respective 2,613,071 Hansel ----------------- Oct. 7, 1952
first and second integrators for developing second inte 2,688,440 Gray et al. ------------- Sept. 7, 1954
grated East-West and North-South signals indicative of 2,762, 123 Schultz et al. ---------- Sept. 11, 1956
distance of movement of said craft, and coupled to said 25

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