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Unit 20.

Famous People

Who are these people?

Why are they famous?
Will they still be famous in five years’ time?
Why?/Why not?

Are you interested in famous people?

Who are you a fan of?
How do you find out about them?
With a partner, guess the answers to the questions below by choosing A,B or C.

A) Emma Watson
B) Cesc Fabregas
C) Shakira

1. Who was born in 1987? - B

2. Who met President Obama in 2010? - C
3. Who has a French grandmother? - A
4. Who recorded an album at the age of 13? - C
5. Who went to a football match as a baby? - B

Grammar: Review of tenses

Homework Write everything.

Present simple (-s/ -es)

- A habit
- Work done on a daily basis
- Scientific facts, universal truths

Eg. He reads the news daily.

The birds sing a song in the morning.
The world is round.
Most people wear jeans.

Present continuous (am/is/are + Ving)

- Action that is taking place at the time of speaking

Eg. I am reading an adventure story.

She is writing a letter.
Mother’s cooking in the kitchen
Present perfect (has/have + V3)
- An action that had happened in the past and has just finished
- Actions started in the past and continuing in the present / still true.
- Used with for and since ; [for how long something has been true]
- When the time of the action is not important or not known

Eg. I have just eaten.

I have lived in England for 3 years.
I have broken my arm
She has lost her wallet.

Past simple (-d/ -ed)

- An action that was finished in the past

Eg. We visited our friend yesterday.

I used to go for a walk.
They went on a trip last month.

Past continuous (was/were + Ving)

- Action in the past
- Action in progress when another action took place

Eg. I was eating at 7 o’clock.

When we were having dinner, the phone rang.
They were making dinner when she arrived.
Future with will (will + infinitive)
- Action that will happen in the future

Eg. I will go to my grandma’s house this week.

She will buy a car when she gets older.
You will do all the exercises in the textbook.

Future with going to (am/is/are + going to + V1)

- To express an idea that will happen in the near future

Eg. Grandma is going to water the flowers in the garden.

They are going to cook dinner tonight.
We are going to stay at home on holiday.

Complete the sentences in the correct tense, using a verb from the box.

ask drive eat go out make

sing stop win

1. Before she was famous, Pink sang in an all-girl band called Choice.
2. Adele has just made a new album - it’ll go on sale next month.
3. Do you think Zac Efron is going out with Lily Collins at the moment?
4. Barack Obama and the President of Russia ate a burger after their meeting.
5. The police stopped Justin Timberlake.
6. Meryl Streep won an Oscar as Best Actress in 2012 for the film The Iron Lady.
7. While she is on tour, Katy Perry asks for white and purple flowers to welcome
her in every dressing room.

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