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Manolo Fortich,Bukidnon



I am Lester Jay Pinohon Castro, currently residing at Kalugmanan, Manolo

Fortich, Bukidnon. I Graduated last March 25,2019 and I took up Bachelor in
Elementary Education ( General Education).

I am sending my application because I wish to apply for any vacant position

commensurate with my qualification. As a graduate of Teacher Education,we are not
only trained to become a teachers, we are also trained to become a learners so that in
the field of accommodation we can easily cope up with the nature of work we intend to. I
am willing to be assigned in any of your sub offices and even in the field work, and I am
willing also to be trained. I heared a news coming from my friend that your office need
applicants with driver’s license which I found that I would fit in.

I have filled out my resume which I have attached with this letter for your review .
If given a chance, I am willing and ready to report for an interview at your convenient
time with my mobile number and email account printed on my resume.

Thank you, God Bless and more power!


Lester Jay Castro

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