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V R Fashions Ltd.

Eng. Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.

Fire Safety - Factory Self Assessment

Supplier/Factory Information
V & R Fashions Ltd, Eng: Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.
Factory Name & Address:
Filled by : Muktar Hossan.(Fire Safety Officer)
Fill In Date: 3rd April, 2018

Fire Safety Checklist Detailed Answer:

A. Staff
1) Are staff trained in emergency procedures? Yes. for the Fire safety and First Aides Activates.
2) Do staff follow “no smoking” rules? Yes. It is Strictly prohibited.
3) Are fire evacuation plans available? Yes and it is available Each floor and Each section.
4) Are Evacuation diagrams posted on the walls in work areas indicating the paths to the emergency assembly
point(s).? Yes .Have Fire Evacuation diagrams posted.
(* Please submit a copy of your floor plan(s) with exits and escape routes clearly marked.)
5) Has a fire evacuation drill been carried in the last 12 months and documented? (* Please submit a copy) Yes, Supplier is conducting fire Drill Every month.
6) Are there designated team members who have been allocated responsibilities to evacuate people (e.g. fire
wardens) and these people have been trained in the use of extinguishers? Yes . Have attached the name list of Fire Wardens
(Please submit their names and job titles)

7) How many
A-floors are in the building; A- 08 Store Building.
B-Workers are there in your business; B-1850 workers
C-Fire Escape Exits are there from your factory? C- Yes There are 04 Escape of the each floor.
D - Fire Escape Exits are there from the building? D- Yes, There are 04 Fire Exits for Building.
(* Please submit photos of the Main and Secondary exit gates of your factory; and of the Fire Assembly place
outside the facility. See separate tabs for photos and documentation)

8) Do you
A - own the whole building you are located in? A- Rented.
B - Share the building with any other businesses? Please list the other businesses name and type B- No.
C - have any market or other business located in/on the floors below you? C- No.

V R Fashions Ltd.
Eng. Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.

B. Exit / Means of Escape

1) Are all escape routes clear of obstructions? Are Exits kept clear of storage items at all times. This includes both Yes. All side of the doors is Clear and not Locked.
sides of the door? (* Please submit photos)
2) Are doors kept shut on escape routes? No
3) Are all internal fire doors clearly labelled? N/A
4) Can all fire safety signs and call point signs be seen clearly? yes
5) Are any fire doors (or doors in escape routes) locked or not able to be opened without a key? N/A
6) Are corridors used for any storage of combustible materials etc.? No
7) Are there Missing or defective smoke stop doors, defective door hinges or broken glazing (broken windows)? No
8) How many exits are there and where are they located? 4th stairs, 1.North-West, 2.South-West, 3.North-East, 4.South-East
9) Are there Unauthorized structures such as cabinets, shelves or stores in escape routes? No
10) Are there Refuse, waste furniture or similar obstructions in escape routes ? No
C. Fire Alarm
1) Is there a Fire Alarm or other means of alerting team members to evacuate the workplace, e.g. siren, alarm, Yes. Each floor out side having fire alarm swatch and will operate by
megaphone with inbuilt siren? Is it automatic or manual? Automatic and manually. ( have attached Automatic and manual)
2) Is the fire alarm tested weekly and records kept? (* Please submit records from the past 12 months) Every month during the Fire Drill section.
3) If a manual alarm is used, is it tested and easily available? YES.
D. Emergency Lighting
1) Is emergency powered lighting installed, in appropriate locations and inspected periodically? Yes
2) Are records kept of tests? Yes
3) Are Exit signs damaged or not illuminated? Are all exits conspicuously marked? (* Please submit photos) All Exit signed is conspicuously marked and not damage.
4) Is Emergency lighting in escape routes or exits damaged or not illuminated? No
E. Other Detection Equipment & Fire Extinguishers

1) Are there sprinklers in the building covering all common areas? No. We have Automatic Hydrant System.

2) Are regular tests of sprinkler systems carried out and records kept? No Sprinker, but Hose water pressure Checked during the Fire Drill

3) Are suitable Fire Extinguishers provided in the building, clearly mounted and labelled? Yes.
(* Please submit photos)
4.1) Do you regularly check that Fire Extinguishers are not defective, damaged, missing or lack of maintenance ? Yes.Mantance Records have hanging on each Fire Extinguishers.
4.2) Do you keep records? Yes
5) Are Fire Extinguishers freely accessible? (i.e. not obstructed and easy to access) Yes
6) Please list the number and type of fire fighting equipment you have (e.g. 200 Fire Extinguishers; 16 Hose Reels
Fire Extinguishers - 200 Hose Reels - 16
etc.)? Are they located in numerous locations around the factory?
7) Do you have a certificate to verify that the water pressure from Fire Hoses is strong enough to meet the highest No
point of the building? (* Please submit a copy)

V R Fashions Ltd.
Eng. Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.
F. Housekeeping
1) Is refuse (i.e. rubbish/garbage) stored in a suitable container? How regularly is it removed? Stored at same building and removing daily basic.
2) Is combustible material kept away from heat sources? yes
3) Are aerosol cans stored safely? Yes
4) Are combustible materials stored near Light Bulbs or Boiler Rooms or Electrical cupboards No
G. Electrical
1) Do you have a certificate for your Electrical systems that has been issued by a qualified electrical engineering No
body? (* Please submit a copy)
2) Are sockets overloaded? No
3) Is “one plug one socket” rule followed? Yes
4) Have checks been carried out on electrical plugs, leads and appliances? yes
5) Is all electrical equipment earthed? Yes
6) Are there damaged or untidy electrical wires? No
H. Flammable Substances
1) Are substances kept away from heat sources and in metal containers which are in good condition? yes
2) Are cleaning materials correctly stored away from heat? yes
3) Are chemicals used safely and not near naked flames? Yes
4) Are solvents separated from corrosives? yes
5) Is a Dry powder fire extinguisher readily available near the storage of chemicals, solvents, dyes or corrosives?
(* Please submit photo(s)) Yes

6) Are any Flammable liquids or gases stored underneath stairwells or near exits from work areas? No
I. Warehouse & Storage
1) Are storage areas easy to get to, are electrical sockets visible and is stock away from any heat source? Yes
2) Is Factory warehouse located in an independent building or facility (same or separate premises), or is within the With in the same Building.
same building?
3) Is warehouse free from any utility connection (electricity, gas, etc.) No . Having Electricity.

V R Fashions Ltd.
Eng. Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.

A.4 D.1 A.7

V R Fashions Ltd.
Eng. Ashraful Bari Mantion, Payara Bagan, Vogra, Gazipur.

Digital Images - submit multiple photos for each question if appropriate
Question A-7
* Please submit photos of the Main and Secondary exit gates of your factory; and of the Fire Assembly place outside the facility
1) Main exit 2) Secondary exit(s) 3) Fire Assembly place outside the facility

Question B-1
Are all escape routes clear of obstructions? Are Exits kept clear of storage items at all times. This includes both sides of the door? * Please submit photos
4) 5) 6)

Digital Images
Question D-3
Are Exit signs damaged or not illuminated? Are all exits conspicuously marked? * Please submit photos
7) 8) 9) Fire Alarm Switch

604539018.xlsx - Digital Images

Question E-3
Are suitable Fire Extinguishers provided in the building, clearly mounted and labelled? * Please submit photos.

Digital Images

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Appendix :

No Documentation

Question A-4
Are Evacuation diagrams posted on the walls in work areas
1 indicating the paths to the emergency assembly point(s).? Yes
* Please submit a copy of your floor plan(s) with exits and escape
routes clearly marked.

Question A-5
Has a fire evacuation drill been carried in the last 12 months and
2 Yes
* Please submit a copy.

Question C-2
3 Is the fire alarm tested weekly and records kept?
* Please submit records from the past 12 months.

Question E-7
Do you have a certificate to verify that the water pressure from Fire
4 Hoses is strong enough to meet the highest point of the building? No
* Please submit a copy.

Question G-1
Do you have a certificate for your Electrical systems that has been
5 No
issued by a qualified electrical engineering body?
* Please submit a copy.

6 Others:

7 Others:

8 Others:

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It has tested Each month during the Fire Drill

Have advise to get it done from Government Fire Dept.

Have advise to get it done as soon as possible..

604539018.xlsx - Documentation

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