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satisfaction for their money.

When backed by an
Marketing is a social and managerial process by ability to pay - that is, buying power - wants
which individuals and groups obtain what they become demands.
want and need through creating, offering and Negative Demand – A major part of the market
exchanging products and value with others. dislikes the product and may even pay to avoid it.
-Kotler 1991 Examples are vaccinations, dental works and seat
Market, needs and want, product and value, belts.
exchange process No Demand – Target consumers may be
uninterested in the product. Thus farmers may not
A market is the set of actual and potential buyers care about a new farming method and people may
of a product. These buyers share a particular need not be interested to get death insurance.
or want that can be satisfied through exchange. Latent Demand – Consumers have a want that is
Thus, the size of a market depends on the number not satisfied by any existing product or service.
of people who exhibit the need, have resources to There is a strong latent demand for non harmful
engage in exchange, and are willing to offer these cigarettes and more fuel efficient cars.
resources in exchange for what they want. Falling Demand – Consumers begin to buy the
Market Segmentation is the process of dividing a products less frequently or not at all. For instance,
market into distinct groups of buyers who might churches have seen their membership decline and
call for separate products or marketing mixes. private colleges have seen fewer applications.
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets Full Demand – The organization has just the
Geographic Segmentation consist of dividing the amount of demand it wants and can handle. Thus,
market into different geographical units such as consumers are adequately buying all products put
Country, States, Regions, Counties and Cities. into the market place.
Demographic Segmentation consist of dividing Overfull Demand – Demand is higher than the
the market into groups based on demographic company can or wants to handle.
variables such as age, sex, family size, income, Irregular Demand – Demand varies on a seasonal,
occupation, education, religion and nationality. daily, or even hourly basis. In mass transit, much
Psychographic Segmentation – buyers are equipment is idle during slow travel hours and too
divided into different groups based on social class, little is available during peak hours. Parks are
life style or personality characteristics. under visited during weekdays and overcrowded
Behavior Segmentation – buyers are divided into during weekends.
groups based on their knowledge, attitude, use, or People satisfy their needs and wants with products.
response to a product. A product is anything that can be offered to a
Benefits Sought – a powerful form of segmentation market to satisfy a need or want. Usually, the word
is to group buyers according to the different product suggests a physical object, such as a car, a
benefits that they seek from the product. television set or a bar of soap. However, the
Benefit segmentation -requires finding out the concept of product is not limited to physical objects
major benefits people look for in the product class, – anything capable of satisfying a need can be called
the kinds of people who look for each benefit and a product. Customer Value is the consumer's
the major brands that deliver each benefit. assessment of the product's overall capacity to
A human need is a state of felt deprivation. Humans satisfy his or her needs.
have many complex needs. These include basic Consumers usually face a broad array of products
physical needs for food, clothing, warmth and and services that might satisfy a given need. How
safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and do they choose among these many products?
individual needs for knowledge and self- Consumers make buying choices based on their
expression. perceptions of the value that various products and
Human wants are the form taken by human needs services deliver.
as they are shaped by culture and individual The guiding concept is customer value.
personality. People have narrow, basic needs (e.g. Customer value is the difference between the
for food or shelter), but almost unlimited wants. values the customer gains from owning and using a
However, they also have limited resources. Thus product and the costs of obtaining the product.
they want to choose products that provide the most Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy
needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is the
act of obtaining a desired object from someone by
offering something in return.
Exchange is only one of many ways people can
obtain a desired object. For example, hungry people
can find food by hunting, fishing or gathering fruit.
They could beg for food or take food from someone
else. Finally, they could offer money, another good
or a service in return for food.
Referred to as The Marketing Mix
All four are essential to the success of Marketing
Plan for either a product or a service.

4 P’s stand for Product Price Place Promotion

A mix of four is necessary to sell a product
The same thing is true with the Marketing Mix. You
can vary the type of message you are sending out
about your product/ service by mixing different
elements of each of the P’s. For instance, if you want
your product to be seen as a luxury item – make the
price high & have limited selection. Refers to the
“benefits” of buying a product
What need does the product /service fulfill?
•What will be the quality of your product or
•How will your product/service differ from the
•How is it going to look?
Range of Products
•What complimentary products may you offer?
The Price is the amount a customer pays for the
product. The business may increase or decrease the
price of product if other stores have the same
In pricing, you should consider the cost of all the
inputs (materials, labour, etc.)
Mark-up Price – How much profit do you want to
make on every product / customer?
Direct Distribution – selling directly your product
to the consumer.
Indirect Distribution – sold through a third party
(retailers) Strategies to make the consumer aware
of the existence of a product or service
Promotion is NOT just Advertising

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