Expressing Congratulation, Hope and Wishes

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Example of expressing Response to Compliment :

congratulation : -  Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.
         I’d be the first to congratulate you on. - Thank you but really isn’t anything special.
         I’d like to congratulate you on … - Thank you. Yours is even nicer.
         Please accept my warmest - I’m glad you like it.
congratulations. - Thank you.
         May I congratulate you on … - Thank you.
         I must congratulate you.
Returning Compliment :
         It was great to hear about …
- It’s nice to hear that from someone with your
         Congratulations.
         Congratulations on …
-  Yours is nice, too.
         Well done
         Nice one.
         Good. Fantastic!

    Responding to congratulations
         It’s very good of you to say so.
         How nice of you to say so.
         Thank you very much for saying so.
         I’m glad you think so.
         Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
         Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
         Thank you.
         Oh, not really.
         Oh, nothing to it, actually.

C. Examples of expressing
- I would like compliment you on …
- I think your (hair) is very nice.
- I just love your (dress).
- The (chicken) is very delicious.
-  I really like your (skirt).
- This (cheese) is super.
- That’s not a bad (bike) you’ve got.
- That’s neat.
- That’s nice.
- That’s not bad.
- Terrific.
- Pretty good.
- OK!
- All right.
I. Mix ‘n Match
a. You look great!                                                d. What a nice dress!
b. Thank you very much for your compliment     e. You are looking glamorous.
c. Congratulation!                                                f.  Well done!

Look at the phrases and match them to the correct situation

1. You compliment someone on their appearance ________
2. You say nice things about your friendsʼ dress ________
3. Your colleague is very fashionable and well dressed ________
4. Your friend has just passed an important exam ________
5. Your brother has gotten an award ________
6. You thank your friend for their compliment ________

II. Complete the following conversations with your own words.

Conversation 1
Rani : Hi Anisa.
Anisa : Hi, you look great in that pink head scarf. What a nice
Rani : _________________ (1) to say that.
Anisa : I’ve never seen you in that hat. Where did you buy it?
Rani : My mom bought it for me when she went to the market.
Anisa : I see.
Rani : Look. The teacher is coming!
Anisa : Pak Sultoni.
Mr. Sultoni : Hi, how are you?
Rani : We’re good. Thanks.
Anisa : Excellent.
Rani : _________________ (2) hair cut, Pak Sultoni.
Anisa : Yes, you’re looking good with your hair style.
Mr. Sultoni : Thanks a lot. Rani, I heard you won the Math
Olympiad. Is it true?
Rani : Yes, I won the second prize last week.
Anisa : ________________ (3)
Mr. Sultoni : ____________ (4) to hear that.
Rani : Thank you very much for saying so.
Conversation 2
Rudi : Hi Ben. How are you?
Ben : Hi, you look great in that black jacket.
Rudi : _______________________ (1) saying so.
Ben : I’ve never seen you in that outfit. Is it new?
Rudi : My sister bought it for me when she went to Singapore.
Ben : Oh, I see.
Rudi : Look. What a nice new hair style! Who did your haircut?
I like it a lot.
Ben : _____________________ (2) think so. My brother did it.
I can ask him to do yours if you want to.
Rudi : Yes, please. Look! Andi is coming.
Ben : Hi Andi, I heard you won the Speech Contest last
month. Congratulations! _________________ (3)
Rudi : Fantastic! It’s a great job, bro!
Andi : Oh, thanks. It’s ____________________ (4) actually.
 Hope digunakan ketika kita mengindikasikan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin
akan terjadi.
 Hope juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan keinginan di masa depan, kamu ingin dan
akan melakukannya.
 Hope dapat diikuti oleh semua bentuk tenses
 Jika terdapat dua subjek berbeda dalam satu kalimat, hope diikuti oleh sebuah konstruksi
 We hope that they will come. (Kita tidak tahu apakah mereka akan datang)
 I hope to be a millionaire by the time I am thirty.
 I hope (that) she will like these flowers.

 Wish digunakan untuk mengindikasikan sesuatu yang tidak terjadi atau tidak akan terjadi.
Contoh: We wish that they could come. (Mereka tidak datang)
 Wish tidak boleh diikuti oleh baik present tense verb maupun present tense vocabulary.
Contoh: We wish that they had come yesterday.
 Future Wish
Subject  + wish +  (that) + Subject  + [could + verb] / [ would + verb] / [were + Ving]

Contoh: I wish that you could come to the party tonight. (kamu tidak bisa datang nanti malam)
 Present Wish
Subject  + wish +  (that) + Subject  + simple past

Contoh: I wish that I had enough time to finish my article. (Sekarang kamu sudah tidak punya
waktu lagi.)
 Past Wish
Subject  + wish +  (that) + Subject  + {past perfect} / {could have + [verb in past participle]}

Contoh: I wish that I had washed my clothes yesterday. (Kemarin kamu tidak mencuci baju.)
 Present Unreal Condition
Contoh: If I were rich, I would be very happy.
 Past Unreal Condition
Contoh: If you had been here last night, we would have enjoyed it.

Wish dapat digunakan ketika kita berharap seseorang memiliki kebahagiaan di masa yang akan
 I wish you happiness in your new home.
 We wish you every success in the future
Nah sekarang kamu sudah mengetahui tentang Perbedaan Penggunaan Hope dengan Wish.
Kerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini dan jika ada pertanyaan silakan tuliskan pada kolom
Wish and hope | Grammar exercise
Fill in the blanks.
1. I wish I …………………. better looking.
a) was
b) am

2. I wish I ………………. fly.

a) can
b) could

3. I wish I …………………… English.

a) can speak
b) could speak

4. I wish tomorrow ……………….. a holiday.

a) is
b) was

5.  I wish you ………………… stop smoking. Why don’t you?

a) will
b) would

6. I ………………. there is a strike tomorrow.

a) wish
b) hope

7. I hope you …………………….. your exams.

a) pass
b) would pass

8. I hope he ………………… have an accident.

a) doesn’t
b) wouldn’t

9. I wish she …………………….. come.

a) doesn’t
b) wouldn’t

10. I hope she ……………………. get angry.

a) wouldn’t
b) doesn’t

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