Energy Science Engineering - 2021 - Liu - Performance Study of Centrifugal Air Compressor For Proton Exchange Membrane

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Received: 1 September 2021    Revised: 7 November 2021    Accepted: 8 November 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ese3.1023


Performance study of centrifugal air compressor for proton

exchange membrane fuel cell systems

Yunxia Liu1  | Yuanyang Zhao1   | Qichao Yang1  | Guangbin Liu1  | Liansheng Li1  |

Zhicheng Gao2

College of Electromechanical
Engineering, Qingdao University of Abstract
Science and Technology, Qingdao, Air supply systems are essential subsystems in proton exchange membrane
(PEM) fuel cell systems. Compressors are the key devices of air supply systems
Guangdong Zhikong Power
Technology Co. Ltd, Foshan, China
that greatly influence the characteristics of fuel cells. The simulation and experi-
mental researches on a small centrifugal compressor with high rotation speed
Correspondence have been presented in this paper. Firstly, the input parameters of a compressor
Yuanyang Zhao, College of
Electromechanical Engineering, are obtained based on the output power and operating pressure of PEM fuel cells.
Qingdao University of Science and Then, a prototype of small centrifugal compressors applied in PEM fuel cells is
Technology, Qingdao, 266061, China.
designed, simulated with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, and
tested in actual working conditions. Finally, the simulation results show that the
Funding information internal flow in compressors affects the performance strongly. The discharge
Natural Science Foundation of
pressure of the simulation is close to the test data in the studied working condi-
Shandong Province, Grant/Award
Number: ZR2020ME168; Taishan tions, and the maximum error is less than 6%.
Scholar Program of Shandong, Grant/
Award Number: tsqn201812073; KEYWORDS
Industrialization innovation team of centrifugal compressor, impeller, PEM fuel cell, simulation
industrial technology research institute
of Chinese academy of Sciences
in Foshan, Grant/Award Number:

1  |  I N T RO DU CT ION the PEM fuel cell becomes the most desirable option for
power generation in the 21st century.2
Nowadays, energy and environmental issues have strongly The air supply system is one of the crucial subsystems
attracted the attention of researchers in these fields. in PEM fuel cell systems.3 The air supply system charac-
Various clean energy technologies have been proposed teristics have an important influence on the performance
and studied. As one highly efficient and clean energy of PEM fuel cell systems. Control methods and the effect
technology, the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel on the fuel cell output of the air supply system were re-
cell has been studied in recent years. The significant ap- searched.4-­7 In air supply systems, compressors are the key
plications of PEM fuel cells focus on transportation, dis- devices that significantly affect the air supply system and
tributed/stationary, and portable power generation.1 And the characteristics of fuel cells.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat​ive Commo​ns Attri​bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Energy Science & Engineering published by the Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

 Energy Sci Eng. 2022;10:208–218.
LIU et al.      |  209

Based on their working principles, two kinds of com- control method (the transient current injection control
pressors can be used in the PEM fuel cells, that is, positive method) was proposed.
displacement compressor and dynamic compressor. Surge and stall are the crucial characteristics of the
For positive displacement compressors, screw and centrifugal compressor.20,21 Azizi et al.22 studied the stall/
scroll compressors were mainly selected and investigated surge of a multi-­stage compressor in a hybrid solid oxide
in the PEM fuel cell system. Considering the operating fuel cell-­gas turbine system. The results show that the
environment requirements of PEM fuel cells, the com- compressor provides a sustained air flow rate during the
pressed air should be oil-­free or with water. Hence, the oil-­ mild stall/surge event. Godard et al.23 tested the surge
free and water-­injected screw compressor was researched characterization of a centrifugal compressor for fuel cell,
to be used in a 50 kW PEM fuel cell system.8,9 The isen- and the compressor surges abruptly with no pre-­stall ac-
tropic efficiency of the prototype compressor is 55%, with tivity at a high rotation speed. An agglomerate model is
a discharge pressure of 0.2 MPa and a speed of 9000 rpm. introduced, and a fuel cell system model including a dy-
The water-­injected scroll compressor was researched for namic compressor is implemented. The results indicate
a 30 kW PEM fuel cell with 5000 rpm.10-­12 Qin et al.13 re- that the oxygen concentration is most strongly affected
searched the operating pressure effect on the performance by the surge evolution of the compressor.24 Laghrouche
of a 20 kW PEM fuel cell system based on the experimen- et al.25 proposed a load governor based on constrained ex-
tal performance of an air centrifugal compressor. The re- tremum seeking PEM fuel cell oxygen starvation and com-
sults show that the optimum system operating pressure is pressor surge protection, and the scheme was verified by
about 1.2 atm. The pressure of air can be increased up to experiment. A fuzzy logic control solution was proposed
2 bar easily by screw and scroll compressors. But the ro- for the compressor group supplying an embedded 5  kW
tation speed of the screw and scroll compressors cannot PEM fuel cell system.
be extremely high (usually lower than 10,000 rpm), which Several studies focus on the design, performance opti-
leads to the large volume and weight. Hence, they are not mization, and new bearings of centrifugal compressors. A
suitable for mobile devices very well. nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous
As dynamic compressors, centrifugal compressors are inputs model for an air compressor of PEMFC system was
probably most suitable for PEM fuel cells because they established,26 and it has a small fitting error. Wan et al.14
have such characteristics as high speed (corresponding to researched the improved empirical parameters design
the smaller volume and lighter weight), low noise, high method for centrifugal compressors in PEM fuel cell ve-
efficiency, and reliability. Hence, many researchers have hicle applications. And the water-­lubricated bearing for
studied centrifugal compressors in different aspects. high-­speed centrifugal compressors was studied by Ren
Many investigators focus on the operation of cen- et al..27,28 The performance of centrifugal compressors for
trifugal compressors in fuel cell systems to enhance the a fuel cell was improved using aerodynamic optimization
efficiency of PEM fuel cells and the stability of centrif- and data mining methods.29
ugal compressors. Empirical models14,15 of centrifugal Many of these studies on centrifugal compressors used
compressors were introduced, and the available models in PEM fuel cells are concerned with the operating perfor-
were evaluated with the experimental data. The dynamic mance and control methods of centrifugal compressors in
model of a centrifugal compressor capable of system sim- PEM fuel cell systems. This study presents the structural
ulation in the virtual tested computational environment parameters of a small high-­speed centrifugal compressor
was presented,16 which included different compressor for PEM fuel cells, and the main factors affecting the per-
losses. And it can be applied to virtually any centrifugal formance of compressors are discussed. The performance
compressor and fuel cell system. A semi-­mechanical and of a compressor is evaluated by the CFD method. And it is
semi-­imperial air supply system model based on centrif- verified by the methods of experiment. The results of this
ugal air compressors was established for a 150 kW PEM paper can be the references for the R&D of small high-­
fuel cell engine.3,5 Experimental and simulation results speed centrifugal compressors.
show that the air supply system has good accuracy and
celerity for the air compressor control. An automobile
fuel cell system using a two-­stage turbo-­compressor for 2  |   GEOMETRIC MODEL AND
air supply was researched, and the results show that a PARAMETERS
two-­stage turbo-­compressor with a turbo-­expander can
significantly affect overall system power and efficiency.17 2.1  |  Design input parameters
Hu et al.18,19 studied the optimization of speed response
of air compressor for hydrogen fuel cell vehicle consid- The main parameters of the compressor are the mass flow
ering the transient current. And a new speed regulation rate and discharge pressure because the primary function
210       LIU et al.

of compressors is supplying compressed air (oxygen) to

the stacks of PEM fuel cell systems.
The inlet temperature Tin and pressure pin are another
two input parameters. The inlet temperature Tin is the at-
mospheric temperature, that is, 293.15  K, which is suit-
able for most locations in the world. The inlet pressure pin
usually is chosen to be 1.01325 bar (standard atmospheric
The suction filter needs to be installed on compres-


sors to get clean air. And the flow loss Δp in suction filters
should be counted. The value of Δp is about 300~3000 Pa a
which depends on the performance of suction filters.
Hence, the inlet pressure of compressors can be calculated
as follows Equation  (1). And the inlet temperature Tin,D
can be obtained on the assumption that the pressure de-
creases with the isentropic process.


pin, D = pin − Δp (1)

The mass flow rate of compressors influences the ox-

ygen concentration in the stack of fuel cells. And the
mass flow rate of compressors is decided by the output
power of PEM fuel cell systems. For different power F I G U R E 1   Structure model of centrifugal compressor
scale PEM fuel cell systems, the theoretical value of
the mass flow rate of compressors can be calculated by
Equation (2).30
pd,D = pin, D + (1.02 ∼ 1.05)(pd − pin, D ) (4)
= 3.58 × 10−4 × 𝜆 × e (kg∕s) (2)
2.2  |  Compressor parameters

where λ is the air stoichiometry, the value is usually The centrifugal compressor for PEM fuel cells is usually
about 2.0; Pe is the power of the PEM fuel cell system composed of the impeller, diffuser, volute, rotor, motor,
(kW); Vc is the average cell voltage, and the value of it bearing, and controller. The main working parts of the
is 0.65 V. centrifugal compressor are the impeller, diffuser, and vo-
Considering the leakage, the mass flow rate of lute. Figure  1  shows the main structure of the impeller.
compressors should be a little bigger than the theoret- The main parameters of the prototype in this paper are
ical value. Hence, the mass flow can be obtained by shown in Table 1.
Equation (3).

Qm,D = 1.03 × Qm,T (3) 2.3  |  Impeller strength analyses

The mass flow rate of this study is 70 g/s, which can be The structural parameters of the impeller should be de-
used in the PEM fuel cell system with a maximum power signed carefully because the rotation speed of the impeller
of 60 kW. is usually more than 100k rpm, and the peripheral veloc-
The discharge pressure of compressors is usually equal ity of the impeller is more than 400 m/s, which means the
to the operating pressure of fuel cell stacks. And there is centrifugal force of the impeller is very high. To ensure the
an optimal value of operating pressure considering the ef- reliability of impellers, the unshrouded impeller is usually
ficiency and cost of PEM fuel cell systems. The operating selected even though unreasonable structure parameters
pressure is usually between 1.0 and 4.0 bar (absolute pres- and material selection would still lead to the cutdown of
sure).14 And the common operating pressure is 1.5–­2.5 bar the lifetime and damage of impellers.
for PEM fuel cells used in automobiles. To keep some de- Figure 2 shows the results of strength analyses for dif-
sign margin, the discharge pressure pd, D is generally deter- ferent blade thicknesses of the design impeller. The values
mined as follows. of the blade thickness are shown in Table 2. From Figure 2,
LIU et al.      |  211

it can be seen that the maximum stress of the impeller is (from model A to model B shown in Table 2), the maxi-
399 MPa for model A. And it is located on the later part of mum stress is reduced to 191  MPa. Simultaneously, the
the blade root. When the thickness of the blades increases chamfer radius between the blades and hub is another key
parameter for the stress distribution of impellers. And the
T A B L E 1     Main parameters of compressor suggested value of the chamfer radius at the blade roots is
over 1 mm.
Parameters Value
Hub diameter d/mm 15.0
Suction diameter of impeller D1/mm 39.0 3  |   C FD SIMULATION AND F LOW
Outlet diameter of impeller D2/mm 67.0 ANALYSIS
Inlet diameter of diffuser D3/mm 70.0
Outlet diameter of diffuser D4/mm 101.0 3.1  |  CFD model
Width of impeller b2/mm 3.5
Based on the design, the 3D model is established and
Width of diffuser b3/mm 3.5
simulated by the CFD method to predict the internal
Blade angle β2A/o 53.0
flow and performance of the centrifugal compressor.
Number of blades z 10
The inlet boundary is set at the total pressure boundary,

(A) Model A

(B) Model B

F I G U R E 2   Stress distribution for different parameters

212       LIU et al.

T A B L E 2   Blade thickness of two

Hub Shroud
Trailing Trailing
Model Leading edge/mm edge/mm Leading edge/mm edge/mm
A 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7
B 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8

F I G U R E 3   Mesh models of

and the outlet boundary is the static pressure boundary. 3.3  |  Flow in impeller and tip clearance
The frozen rotor approach is used between the impeller
passage and diffuser. The two-­equation k-­ω based shear The internal flow of impellers mainly influences the per-
stress transfer (SST) model is used as the turbulence formance of centrifugal compressors. The working condi-
model, and the upwind method is used in the solver. tion is a factor having an essential effect on the internal
The models are calculated under different outlet mass flow of impellers. Figure 5 shows the internal flow in the
flow rates and rotation speeds. Figure 3 shows the mesh impeller when the rotation speed is 100k rpm (at 50% span
of the CFD model. The element number of the impeller of blades). The mass flow rates are 30 g/s and 70 g/s, re-
is 568607, and the total element number of the whole spectively, which correspond to two typical working con-
model is 1229819. ditions (small and medium flow rates) of compressors.
Table 3 shows the details of boundary conditions. And The results of velocity streamlines in impeller passages
the working conditions of the compressor during the sim- show that the area of flow separations increases with the
ulation and experiment are present in Table 4. decrease in the mass flow rates. The size of the vortex in
To verify the independence of the grid, some cases impellers is shown as red circles in Figure 5. The vortex
with the different numbers of the grid (752168, 1014857, leads to flow loss in impellers. Hence, there is a great
1229819, and 1456580) were calculated. The results show change in the efficiency of centrifugal compressors when
that the effect of the grid on the compressor efficiency the operating conditions are changed.
can be ignored when the number of grids is greater than The value of tip clearances has a significant effect on
1229819. the performance of centrifugal compressors when the
structure of the impeller is unshrouded. There is a leakage
flow between the suction surface and the pressure surface
3.2  |  CFD results for compressor of blades because of the pressure gradient and the relative
motion between the blade tip and the shroud wall. The
The CFD simulation of the compressor is carried out on flow is simulated when the tip clearances are 0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
the whole machine model (including the impeller, dif- and 0.75  mm. Figures  6 and 7  show the details of leak-
fuser, and volute). Figure 4 shows the internal flow in the age at the tip clearance and their influences on the perfor-
centrifugal compressor. The outlet pipe is added to the mance of centrifugal compressors.
simulation model, and the length of the outlet pipe is 5 Figure 6 shows the velocity contours at impeller out-
times its diameter. Figure 4A shows the static pressure in lets when the rotation speed is 100k rpm and the mass
all the compressor domains, and Figure 4B shows the air flow rate is 70 g/s. The leakage flow is obvious in Figure 6
velocity in all the parts of the compressor when the rota- if the impeller is an unshrouded structure. With the in-
tion speed is 115,000 rpm. crease in tip clearance, the leakage from the pressure
LIU et al.      |  213

surfaces to the suction surfaces of the blades becomes se- driving systems. Figure 7 shows the total discharge pres-
rious, and the uniformity of the velocity at the outlet dete- sure of the impeller at different tip clearances. The total
riorates. The leakage flows result in additional flow loss in pressure of the compressor decreases with the increase in
impellers, usually called the drowned flow loss. And then, the tip clearance when the mass flow rate is fixed. The
the efficiency of compressors goes down because of these total pressure can reflect the ability of impellers to some
flow losses. Hence, the tip clearance value should be min- extent, which means that the leakage flow leads to the
imized by considering the characteristics of the rotor and decrease in the impeller's ability to do the work. For the
engineering design of centrifugal compressors for PEM
fuel cell systems, the suggested tip clearance is around
T A B L E 3   Boundary conditions in CFD model
0.5  mm, which can still guarantee the performance of
Boundary Conditions impellers.
Inlet of impeller Total pressure
Outlet of volute Static pressure
Interface of impeller and diffuser Frozen rotor
Walls of impeller Rotating wall
Based on the design of the centrifugal compressor, the
Other walls Stationary wall prototype was manufactured. Figure  8  shows the main
parts (impeller/volute) of the compressor. The material of
the impeller and volute is aluminum alloy.
T A B L E 4   Working conditions of compressor
The prototype was tested on the compressor test sys-
Items Conditions tem. The schematic of the test system is shown in Figure 9.
Rotation speed/rpm 0–­115,000 The test system is composed of the air filter, compressor,
air cooler, power, control valve, controller, pipe, test sen-
Inlet pressure/*105 Pa 1.0
sors, and the data acquisition system. The inlet/outlet
Inlet temperature/ C 25
temperature, pressure, and flow rate are tested by sensors
Outlet pressure/*10  Pa 1.0–­2.4
and obtained by the data acquisition system. During the

(A) (B)

Pressure contour Velocity contour

F I G U R E 4   Flow in all parts of centrifugal compressor. (A) Pressure contour, (B) Velocity contour

(A) (B)

F I G U R E 5   Flow in impeller at
different mass flow rates. (A) 30 g/s, (B)
70 g/s 30g/s 70g/s
214       | LIU et al.

(A) F I G U R E 6   Outlet flow at different

tip clearances. (A) 0.0 mm, (B) 0.25 mm,
(C) 0.5 mm, (D) 0.75 mm

0.0 mm

0.25 mm


0.75 mm

2.5 discharge pressure is set by changing the opening of the

control valve.
In the experiment process, the rotation speed of the
Total pressure (bar)

0.00mm compressor is set to a certain speed by the controller

0.25mm firstly. Secondly, the flow rate of the compressor and
0.50mm discharge pressure are tested by the data acquisition
0.75mm system. Then, the control valve opening is changed,
1.5 and the flow rate and discharge pressure are changed
accordingly. Finally, the performance of the compressor
under different discharge pressure and rotation speeds
is obtained.
30 40 50 60 70 80
Mass flow rate (g/s)
F I G U R E 7   Performance and efficiency at different tip
clearances The discharge pressure (static absolute pressure) is ob-
tained from the simulation and experiment research
test process, the coolant is used to reduce the tempera- under different mass flow rates and rotation speeds.
ture of the compressor and controller. The rotation speed Figure 10 shows a comparison of these results. The sim-
of the compressor is changed by the controller, and the ulated discharge pressure is close to the test data in the
LIU et al.      |  215

F I G U R E 8   Photograph of impeller (B)

and volute (with diffuser) (A) Impeller,
(B) Volute


Impeller Volute

F I G U R E 9   Schematic of compressor
experimental test system t t p t p

Data acquire

controller Power

t p
FLow meter

studied working conditions, and the maximum error is operated in the left region of the surge line. To guarantee
less than 6%. The maximum error occurs in the working the reliability of centrifugal compressors, the surge line
conditions of small and large mass flow rates, which is data with an allowance should be input to the controller
near the surge and choke conditions of centrifugal com- of PEM fuel cell systems before centrifugal compressors
pressors. When centrifugal compressors are operated in are operated. Then, the controller can make sure that the
the surge and choke conditions, there are strong unsteady controlled compressor is not working in the surge region
flows in the impeller passage. And the steady-­state simu- by collecting the data of the pressure, rotation speed, and
lation by the CFD method cannot predict the performance mass flow rate and comparison them with the input data
of the compressor operating in unsteady flow conditions of the test surge line.
very well, which is the main reason that the maximum The actual working conditions of centrifugal compres-
error occurs in the working conditions of the small and sors are decided by both the performance of compressors
large mass flow rates. Hence, the CFD model of the whole and the flow resistance characteristic of the PEM fuel cell
machine can predict the designed centrifugal compressor stacks. The blue area in Figure 11 is the suggested operating
very well, especially in the operating conditions keeping region for centrifugal compressors because the high-­level
away from the surge and chocked conditions. performance of compressors can be gotten in this area.
Figure  11  shows the full test conditions character-
istic curve of mass flow rate vs. discharge pressure. The
surge line (red dotted line in Figure 11) is obtained from 6  |  CONC LUSIONS
the experimental results. Centrifugal compressors would
be damaged if they are operated in surge condition for a A small centrifugal compressor is simulated with the CFD
long time. Hence, the centrifugal compressor cannot be method and tested in the actual working conditions in this
216       | LIU et al.

2.6 F I G U R E 1 0   Comparison of
115,000rpm, test compressor performance under different
105,800rpm, test conditions
2.4 92,000rpm, test
82,800rpm, test
115,000rpm, simulation
Discharge pressure (bar)

2.2 105,800rpm, simulation

92,000rpm, simulation
82,800rpm, simulation




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mass flow rate (g/s)

2.6 F I G U R E 1 1   Full conditions

Surge line characteristic curve of compressor
2.4 105,800rpm
2.2 92,000rpm
Discharge pressure (bar)

Design point 70% 75%




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mass flow rate (g/s)

paper. The design method of centrifugal compressors for of blade roots are the main factors that should be decided
PEM fuel cells is present in this paper. The design input carefully.
parameters of centrifugal compressors can be obtained The simulation results show that the internal flow in
based on the output power of PEM fuel cells and their op- compressors is influencing the performance of centrif-
erating pressure. The stress analysis of high-­speed impel- ugal compressors strongly. As the value of tip clearance
lers is simulated, and the weak region is the root of the rises, the uniformity of the velocity at the outlet deteri-
blades. The thickness of the blades and the chamfer radius orates. The suggested tip clearance is around 0.5  mm.
LIU et al.      |  217

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