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Bataller, Kathleen C.


21st-Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

How many people go How many people How many people

hungry in the Philippines? are unemployed? are wealthy in the
(Hunger or Malnutrition) Philippines?
Percent 4.6% 7.4% in October to 2017: 0.1% (an adult
6.5% in November population that has
fortunes amounting to
over $1 million.)
2017: 86.6% (Filipino
adults that have
wealth worth below

Actual Number 4.6 million 7.2 million nearly 14 thousand

millionaires in 2021
Date Taken September 27, 2020. February 10, 2022. November 22, 2017,
and June 29, 2021.
Sources Mercado, N. A., & Mercado, N. A., & Cigaral, I. N. (2017,
Domingo, R. (2022, Domingo, R. (2022, November 22).
February 10). February 10).

Question 1 and 2: How do you feel about these numbers and why do you feel that way?

Several studies have found out that 4.6 million people in the Philippines

experience poverty, 7.2 million are unemployed, and only about 14 thousand are

millionaires. The Philippines has a relatively high poverty rate, with more than 16% of

the population living in poverty. Due to the generally large number of people who rely on

agriculture for a living and the inequality in wealth distribution, approximately 17.6

million Filipinos are unable to afford basic necessities. These numbers show how poor

our country is, and this issue makes me feel to take it seriously in order to help our

society because many Filipinos are struggling to survive in such horrible circumstances,

and an increasing number are falling into extreme poverty.

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