Jones Et Al (2017) Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

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Promoting Social and Emotional

Competencies in Elementary School

Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie F. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and

E7nily J. Doolittle

There’s a strong case for making social and emotional learning (SEL) skills and competencies
a central feature of elementaiy school. Children who master SEL skills get along better with
others, do better in school, and have more successful careers and better mental and physical
health as adults.
But evidence from the most rigorous studies of elementary-school SEL programs is ambiguous.
Some studies find few or no effects, while o:hers find important and meaningful effects. Or
studies find effects for some groups of students but not for others. What causes such variation
isn’t clear, making it hard to interpret and act on the evidence.
What are the sources of variation in the impacts of SEL programs designed for the elementary
years? To find out, Stephanie Jones, Sophie Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily Doolittle
examine how the theories of change behind 11 widely used school-based SEL interventions
align with the way those interventions measure outcomes Their central conclusion is that what
appears to be variation in impacts may instead stem from imprecise program targets misaligned
with too-general measures of outcomes. That is to say, program evaluations often fail to
measure whether students have mastered the precise skihs the programs seek to impart.
The authors make three recommendations for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers.
The first is that we should focus more on outcomes at the teacher and classroom level, because
teachers’ own social-emotional competency and the quality of the classroom environment can
have a huge effect on students’ SEL. Second, because the elementary years span a great many
developmental and environmental transitions, SEL programs should take care to focus on the
skills appropriate to each grade and age, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. Third,
they write, measurement of SEL skills among children in this age range should grow narrower
in focus but broader in context and depth.

Stephanie Jones is th e M arie and Max Kargman Associate Professor in Human Developm ent and Urban Education at Harvard Graduate
School o f Education. Sophie P. Barnes is research coo rdina tor and Rebecca Bailey is research manager fo r th e Ecological Approach
to Social Emotional Learning (EASEL) Laboratory at Harvard G 'aduate School o f Education. Emily J. D oolittle is team lead fo r social
behavioral research in the National Center fo r Education Research, Institute o f Education Sciences, US D epartm ent o f Education.

Gretehen Brion-Meisels o f Harvard U niversity reviewed and c 'itiq u e d a d raft o f this article.

V O L. 2 7 / NO. 1 / S PR IN G 2 0 1 7 49
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

esearch has shown that effects from interventions designed for the

during the elementary school elementary school years, and many individual
years, social and emotional studies that find important and meaningful
skills are related to positive effects.6What causes such variation isn’t
academic, social, and mental clear, making it hard to interpret and act on
health outcomes. For example, correlational the evidence.7 This confusion allows those
studies show that classrooms function more debating the merits of incorporating social
effectively and student learning increases and emotional learning (SEL) in schools
when children can focus their attention, to cherry-pick findings and adopt the ones
manage negative emotions, navigate that suit their own arguments. Does the
relationships with peers and adults, and mixed evidence result from different ways of
persist in the face of difficulty.1Children measuring social and emotional skills? From
who effectively manage their thinking, differences in intervention approaches and
attention, and behavior are also more variation in implementation? From different
likely to have better grades and higher ways of studying interventions during
standardized test scores.2 Children with the elementary years? To answer those
strong social skills are more likely to make questions, we examine how the theories of
and sustain friendships, initiate positive change behind 11 widely used school-based
relationships with teachers, participate SEL interventions align with the way those
in classroom activities, and be positively interventions measure outcomes. In doing
engaged in learning.3 Indeed, social and so, we hope to shed light on the mixed or
emotional skills in childhood have been tied null findings from past evaluations of such
to important life outcomes 20 to 30 years programs.
later, including job and financial security, as
well as physical and mental health.4 Social and Emotional Skills in
Middle Childhood
This compelling evidence suggests that
there’s a strong case for making such Middle childhood, spanning roughly 5
non-academic skills and competencies a to 11 years of age, is often treated as if it
central feature of schooling, both because were a single developmental period. But
of their intrinsic value to society and, from the span from kindergarten through fifth
a pragmatic standpoint, because they may grade and into middle school encompasses
help to reduce achievement and behavior substantial biological, social, cognitive, and
gaps and mitigate exposure to stress.5 But emotional changes. Children are exposed
what do we know about efforts designed to to an increasing number of contexts and are
improve and support social and emotional expected to develop an ever-growing set of
skills in the elementary years? The evidence diverse skills, all of which have implications
from gold-standard studies—in which for SEL interventions.'3
one group is randomly assigned to receive
an intervention while another is not—is Many frameworks and organizational
ambiguous. What works, for whom it systems, from a variety of disciplines,
works, and under what conditions often describe and define social and emotional
varies. For example, we’ve seen large- skills during this period.9These frameworks
scale national studies that find small or no may refer to the same skill or competency


Promoting Social ana Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

with different names, or use the same name and it encompasses skills that help children
to refer to two conceptually distinct skills. 10 prioritize and sequence behavior, inhibit
They also vary in the :ype of construct they dominant or familiar responses in favor of a
address—from skills, behaviors, and attitudes more appropriate one (for example, raising
to traits, strengths, and abilities. their hands rather than blurting out an
answer), keep task-relevant information in
mind (for example, remembering a teachers
Different SELframeworks request to turn to a partner and talk over a
may refer to the same skill question before the group discussion begins),
resist distractions, switch between task goals
or competency with different or even between different perspectives, use
names, or use the same name information to make decisions, and create
to refer to two conceptually abstract rules and handle novel situations. 13
Children use cognitive regulation skills
distinct skills. whenever they face tasks that require
concentration, planning, problem-solving,
coordination, conscious choices among
To organize our discussion, we use a
alternatives, or inhibiting impulses. 14
framework developed by Stephanie
Jones (a coauthor of this article) . 11 This Emotional processes are skills that help
framework focuses largely on intervention children recognize, express, and regulate
approaches designed for the elementary their own emotions, as well as understand
school years, based on a review of research the emotional perspectives of others. 15
in developmental and prevention science They allow children to recognize how
and a scan of the major defining frameworks different situations make them feel and
and curricular approaches for SEL. It to handle those feelings in prosocial ways.
categorizes social and emotional skills Consequently, such emotional skills are often
and behaviors into three primary groups: fundamental to positive social interactions
cognitive regulation, emotional processes, and to building relationships with peers and
and social/interpersonal skills. This system adults. Without the ability to recognize and
has been reflected in other review papers, regulate your own emotions or empathize
bin it doesn’t include attitudinal constructs with others’ perspectives, it’s veiy difficult
such as character and mindsets, which are to maintain and focus attention (cognitive
increasingly incorporated in other organizing regulation) and to interact positively with
frameworks and are gaining attention in others. 16
intervention development and testing, largely
with students in middle and high school. 12 Finally, social and interpersonal skills help
children and adolescents accurately interpret
In the most general sense, cognitive other people’s behavior, effectively navigate
regulation comprises the basic cognitive skills social situations, and interact positively with
required to direct behavior toward attaining peers and adults. 17 Social and interpersonal
a goal. Its closely related to the concept skills build on emotional knowledge and
of executive function, which comprises processes; children must learn to recognize,
attention, inhibition, and working memory, express, and regulate their emotions before

VOL. 2 7 / NO. 1 / S PR IN G 2 0 1 7 51
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

they can be expected to interact with and goals with children’s sequence of skill
others. Children who use these social and development may be more successful than
interpersonal processes effectively can interventions that target the same skills,
collaborate, solve social problems, and regardless of age.
coexist peacefully with others.
Evidence from SEL Programs
What do we know about developmental
changes in cognitive regulation, emotional Becent interest and investment in social-
processes, and social/interpersonal emotional skill development is due in large
skills during middle childhood? Basic part to the growing evidence that SEL
developmental theory indicates that some programs affect academic, behavioral,
skills act as building blocks for other, more emotional, social, and cognitive outcomes.
complex skills that emerge later on.18This Our understanding of what works is guided
means that children must develop certain largely by two comprehensive meta-analytic
basic competencies in each of the SEL reviews (a meta-analysis is a strategy for
domains (cognitive, emotional, social/ analyzing findings across different studies
interpersonal) before they can master to reach a synthesis), which compiled and
others, and that previously acquired skills analyzed findings from a large number
support the development of new or more of studies of school-based SEL and/or
complex ones.19 Developmental theory behavioral learning programs (213 studies in
also suggests that some skills are stage- one case and 75 in the other).22
salient—that is, they help children to meet
the demands of a particular developmental Both reviews found that universal, school-
stage and/or setting.20 In other words, some based SEL programs produced statistically
SEL skills are more important in middle significant positive effects on a host of
childhood than in other periods. For social-emotional and related outcomes.
example, when children first begin formal That is, students who participated in
schooling, a key task is learning how to SEL programs had significantly better
understand their own emotions and those outcomes than students who did not. The
of others; they’re exposed to a wide variety average effect sizes, or the magnitude
of emotion words and an array of emotions of the difference in impacts between
expressed by their new peers. By the time groups, ranged from small in some areas to
children transition out of middle childhood, moderate-to-large in others.23These results
they must use previously learned emotion- empirically support the widely held belief
related skills to support more sophisticated that SEL programs can produce meaningful
social problem-solving in more complex changes in students’ lives—particularly for
social interactions. Thus, there’s reason to the set of outcomes the programs target—
believe that certain SEL skills should be and have motivated continued research in
taught before others, and within specific this area. Both reviews included studies that
grades or age ranges. However, SEL didn’t use random assignment, meaning
programs and interventions frequently that something other than the SEL program
target the same skills in the same ways being evaluated could have influenced the
across multiple years.21 Elementary outcomes that were measured. Because of
interventions that align their content this, the SEL program effects documented


Pronoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

in these reviews could be inflated, though and academic outcomes.26 The authors
that’s not necessarily so. For this reason, make the logical point that although this
in this article we focus on programs general framework applies overall, different
and interventions that have undergone programs and approaches prioritize
randomized trials. differen: outcomes and underlying
mechanisms. For example, some programs
These meta-analyses suggest that SEL focus on executive function and self­
interventions are effective. But as we
regulation (the cognitive domain), while
noted at the outset, results from research
others prioritize basic social skills and
on the impact of specific SEL programs
behaviors (the interpersonal domain). Our
ofter vary. For example, the Social
point isn’t that one approach is better or
and Character Development Research
more effective than another; rather, it’s
Consortium (SACD) examined seven SEL
that to accurately understand the efficacy
prog *ams over three years and found no
of these interventions, we need to clearly
differences between the groups receiving
understand what they target and how.
the interventions and those who did not.24
Therefore, in interpreting intervention
Ignoring such null findings could produce
programs’ effects, we focus particularly on
an inaccurate picture of the evidence
the alignment between program inputs and
behind SEL interventions. Perhaps
measured outcomes, the role of context
more important, we need to carefully
(including features of settings, place of
cons der the range of evidence behind
delivery and participant characteristics),
SEL interventions in elementary school,
and the importance of considering
including null, negative, and positive
developmental stages.
effects—essentially by mapping program
theo'y and targets to outcomes and Our Approach
measures to specific and concrete effects.
Othe rwise, we limit our understanding of Rather than a comprehensive summary
why m e study shows effects and another of SEL urogram evaluations, we aim
does not, or why similar programs show to provide a snapshot of the evidence
effects on different outcomes. behind 11 widely used school-based SEL
interventions. These interventions have
A chapter in the recently published undergone randomized controlled trials
Handbook of Social and Emotional that were published in peer-reviewed
Learning identifies the core mechanisms journals between 2004 and 2015, with a
or “active ingredients” of evidence-based majority published after 2009. We reviewed
SEL programs in elementary school.25 The the following programs: Fast Track PATHS,
chapters broad theoretical framework, PATHS, Positive Action, Responsive
which is consistent with others, suggests Classroom, Second Step, RULER,
that effectively using the core components 4Rs, MindUP, Making Choices, Good
of SEL interventions can affect a set of Behavior Game, and Positive Behavioral
immediate outcomes (classroom social Interventions and Supports (PBIS).27
and instructional environment and student
social and emotional skills; and eventually To understand each program and represent
influence long-term social, behavioral, variation in their approaches, we reviewed

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Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

the most recent randomized controlled trial long-term outcomes, and the mechanisms
or trials and documented four key elements: by which the program will achieve those
outcomes. For instance, some programs’
1. Setting. Where does the theories of change emphasize the regulation
intervention take place? Categories of thought and action (MindUP); others
included the whole school, highlight emotional literacy and emotional
classroom, miscellaneous (for intelligence (RULER) or social problem­
example, during recess), and among solving and conflict resolution (Making
adults. Choices, Good Behavior Game, 4Rs); and
still others emphasize adult practices and
2. SEL program targets. Which
strategies and/or the environment (PBIS,
domain or domains does the
Responsive Classroom). Ideally, the theory
program focus on? In alignment
of change serves as a blueprint or guide
with the framework we described
to identifying an intervention’s expected
above, SEL program targets were
outcomes and selecting appropriate measures
cognitive, social, and emotional.
to capture those outcomes. A key question we
3. Program components. What are examined was whether the program targets
the program’s parts, in addition and expected outcomes aligned with the
to the classroom and school- measures used and the impacts documented
based elements? Categories (see table 1). To underscore the differences
included training, coaching, parent between SEL programs, we reviewed
involvement (such as parent programs individually and documented the
guides, training and home links SEL program target of each one.
for families), and other supports
Summary o f the E vidence
(for example, toolkits and other
resources). In the following section, we summarize our
findings for our four key elements (setting,
4. Outcomes. What do the program
program target, program components, and
evaluations measure? Outcomes
were organized into two main
categories: (1) student-level Setting
outcomes, and (2) classroom- and
school-level outcomes. Setting refers to the context or contexts of
program implementation. School-based
Though all the interventions fall under programs dominate SEL programming in
the SEL umbrella, they can be loosely middle childhood. Within the school, settings
organized based on their theoretical include the classroom, the whole school, and
orientations and theories of change. A other contexts like recess or adult-focused
theory of change (sometimes referred to activities. Setting can also indicate the primary
as a theory of action) is a road map that recipient of the intervention. Students are the
describes a program s assumptions and primary focus of programs that conduct their
inputs, outputs, and expected outcomes.28 work in classrooms, the whole school, or other
It typically describes the program’s core within-school settings. By contrast, adult-
components, the expected short- and focused programs deliver material directly to


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

Table 1 . An Overview of Primary SEL Program Targets and Measured Outcomes

P ro g ra m T a rg e ts and M e a s u re d O u tc o m e s

Cognitive Social Emoticnal Academic Behavioral

Fast Track Targets / / /

PATHS Outcomes / / /

PATHS Targets / / /
Outcomes / ✓ /

MirdUP Targets / /
Outcomes / / / / /
RULER Targets ✓
Outcomes /

4Rs Targets / /
Outcomes / / / /

Positive Targets / /
Action Outcomes / / /

Second Targets / ✓ /
Step Outcomes / / / /

Responsive Targets ✓
Classroom Outcomes /

Making Targets ✓
Choices Outcomes / ✓' /

Gcod Targets
Behavior Outcomes / ✓

Note: Though we reviewed 11 programs, we didn't include Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in this
table because it's a different type o f program—a noncurricular prevention strategy that changes the school environment
by enhancing school systems and procedures rather than a classroom-based curricular approach o ra professional
development program focused on teaching strategies.

teachers and school staff, investing in adults Most programs were delivered in the
to drive student-level change. classroom, but few studies measured
classroom-level outcomes. Similarly,
Nine of the 11 programs we reviewed were although many programs invested significant
designed for and delivered in the classroom. resources in implementing aspects of the
Three of them (PATHS, Fast Track PATHS, program in multiple settings, as with those
and Positive Action) also included a whole- that include whole-school approaches, they
school component. The fact that whole- didn’t measure whole-school outcomes, such
school approaches in these three programs as organizational health, teacher turnover,
didn’t exist on their own suggests that they’re school climate, and structural resources.
intended to reinforce classroom-level efforts.
Although most SEL programs focus solely or
Two of the programs (Responsive Classroom, primarily on what goes on in the classroom,
PBIS) were adult-focused; PBIS also children also need SEL skills on playgrounds,
included whole-school and miscellaneous in lunchrooms, in hallways and bathrooms,
components. and in out-of-school settings. Student

VOL. 27 / NO. 1 / SPRING 20 17 55

Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

surveys and hot-spot mapping, in which Components

students draw maps of the areas where they
feel unsafe, show that children feel least Considering program components is
secure in these unmonitored and sometimes important for thinking about whether real-
unstructured zones.29 Students need support world program implementation is feasible
to navigate such spaces and to make the and for understanding the magnitude of
entire school environment safe, positive, and impacts in light of the amount of support
conducive to learning. Even when students offered to schoolteachers and staff.
don’t consider them to be dangerous, these Overall, the 11 programs involved significant
contexts offer vital opportunities for students time commitment. This reflected not only
to practice their SEL skills. Future research training and ongoing support, but also the
should investigate the effects of SEL time needed to implement the curriculum in
programs on contexts outside the classroom. the classroom and school. All the programs
required training and many also required
follow-up booster sessions. Coaching was
SEL program target refers to the domains also present in many of the programs.
or areas of focus that the program describes. Several programs specified a set number
Based on our organizing framework for SEL of coaching meetings (for example, 4Rs
skills in middle childhood, we summarize had a minimum of 12 contacts per year).
SEL program targets as cognitive, social, Seven of the programs also encompassed
and emotional. Typically, a program’s parent components, including training,
lessons, curricula, and other approaches parent guides, or home finks for families.
are organized around the SEL targets. For Interestingly, no program’s theory of change
considered the role of parents and the home
example, the RULER program’s SEL target
environment, and data were collected from
is, broadly, emotions, and RULER’s Feelings
parents infrequently. Like the ones we
Word Curriculum focuses on building
reviewed, SEL programs typically include
emotion skills.
multiple components (curriculum, training,
Not surprisingly, most programs target ongoing support, and fiunily/parent and
skills in more than one domain (table community activities), but we know little
l).30 Three programs, PATHS, Fast Track about the role and relative importance of
PATHS, and Second Step, targeted all three each, making it hard to say whether schools
domains (cognitive, social, and emotional). can expect similar findings with different
Three programs targeted skills in two levels of support, a different array of
domains, most often cognitive and social components, or fewer components.
(Positive Action, MindUP, and 4Rs). Almost
all the programs targeted skills in the social
domain (PATHS, Fast Track PATHS, Good We divided outcomes into two groups: (1)
Behavior Game, Positive Action, Responsive student-level outcomes, which includes
Classroom, Second Step, 4Rs, MindUP, cognitive, emotional, social, behavioral, and
and Making Choices), which is logical given academic categories, and (2) classroom- and
children’s increasing interaction with peers in school-level outcomes. At the student level,
middle childhood.31 we include the set of short-term outcome


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

areas defined above (cognitive, emotional, intervention compared to girls who did not
and social), as well as the behavioral (this difference wasn’t seen among boys)
and academic outcomes that theoretical and for children who scored poorly based
frameworks often describe as being affected on pretest measures. Problem-solving was
in the longer term, but that are typically measured in the Second Step evaluation, but
measured in the evaluations along with findings were not statistically significant.
short-term outcomes. Some programs, such
as 4Rs, specify in very concrete terms their SEL programs have the potential to impact
expectations for short- and longer-term both foundational and more complex
changes (for example, changes in social cognitive skills. But studies haven’t always
and emotional outcomes after one year of found statistically significant effects even for
exposure, and in behavior and academics programs that targeted this domain, and in
after two years).32 general effect sizes have ranged from small
to moderate. Furthermore, most studies
Student-level outcomes: cognitive. Few included only one measure relevant to the
studies measured skills in the cognitive cognitive domain and many studies didn’t
domain. One possible explanation is measure the same skill, which limited our
that in middle childhood, students are ability to gauge the breadth and depth of
acquiring complex cognitive skills—such as the programs’ impacts. Given the crucial
organization, planning, and goal-setting— cognitive development that occurs in the
that are often categorized as academic skills elementary years and the fact that several
and that aren’t typically targeted in SEL programs target this domain specifically, it’s
programs. As a result, few studies in middle surprising that programs measured so few
childhood measure foundational cognitive cognitive outcomes. Executive function skills,
skills like executive function, which has been for example, develop rapidly in the early
linked to a host of important outcomes, school years, and they form the foundation
including academic achievement.33 for other skills in the cognitive domain, such
as planning and goal setting, as well as skills
Cognitive outcomes in the studies v/e in the emotion and social domains.34
reviewed included executive function tasks,
mindfulness (generally defined as the abilitv Studem-level outcomes: emotion. Building
to focus awareness on thoughts, feelings, emotion skills is a focal point of many
or perceptions of the present moment elementary social-emotional learning
without judgment), cognitive concentration programs. Yet the number and type
(concentration, attention, work completion), of emotion skills that programs target
and problem-solving. Only one program, are poorly aligned with the measured
MindUP, included measures of executive outcomes. Programs tend to target basic or
function skills, finding small but statistically fundamental emotion skills, such as emotion
significant effects. MindUP also generated knowledge, emotion vocabulary, and emotion
statistically significant, moderately sized expression. But they measure more complex
effects on mindfulness. Making Choices outcomes that build on or use these basic
generated small effects on cognitive emotion skills. For example, 40 percent of
concentration for the overall sample, but PATFIS lessons focus on skills related to
moderate effects for girls who received the understanding and communicating emotions,

VOL. 2 7 / NC. 1 / SP RI NG 2 0 1 7 57
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily j. Doolittle

and RULER targets five key emotion skills and social situations. They need a variety of
through the Feeling Words curriculum, but interpersonal skills, such as the capacity to
neither study included measures of these develop sophisticated friendships, engage
basic emotional skills. in prosocial and ethical behavior, and solve
social conflicts.35Most of the studies we
Student-level outcomes in the emotion
reviewed measured social outcomes, and
domain were measured infrequently; those
many studies measured several of them.
that were measured included emotional
The measured outcomes included social
problems, life satisfaction, emotional
competence, peer nominations of prosocial
control, emotional management, and
behavior and peer acceptance, empathy,
positive affect. Second Step and Positive
perspective taking, and social problem­
Action showed small effects on emotional
problems and life satisfaction, while MindUP
generated moderate effects on emotional Social competence was measured frequently;
control. Second Steps effects on emotion effects ranged from nonsignificant in Making
management and Positive Actions on positive Choices to small in Fast Track PATHS.
affect weren’t statistically significant. Effects on peer nominations—in which
students are asked to rate their peers based
on characteristics like prosocial behavior,
Overall, the 11 programs aggression, and peer acceptance and
involved significant time rejection—ranged from nonsignificant to
commitment. large. In Making Choices, notably, children
categorized as at-risk by their teachers at the
beginning of the study showed moderate to
In sum, SEL programs’ effects on emotion large gains. Effects on empathy ranged from
outcomes are mixed, ranging from non­ nonsignificant in Second Step to moderate in
significant to moderate, and outcome MindUP; effects on perspective taking were
measures focus narrowly on a set of more also moderate in MindUP.
complex emotion outcomes rather than skills
that the programs specifically target. This When social problem-solving outcomes were
misalignment poses a challenge; if we don’t measured, 4Rs and PATHS showed generally
understand how SEL programs affect basic small effects for hostile attribution bias (a
emotional skills, we may underestimate or form of cognitive distortion that makes it
misinterpret their potential in this domain. more likely children will respond to social
It also illustrates a larger problem—when problems with aggression); in the same
programs measure outcomes that are in a programs, effects on reducing the likelihood
certain domain but aren’t closely aligned with of using aggression to resolve social conflicts
the program targets in that domain, we may were statistically significant only during the
miss important effects. second year of implementation, with small to
moderate effect sizes. Effects on normative
Student-level outcomes: social During beliefs about aggression were not significant.
middle childhood, children’s social
environments become increasingly important Overall, the studies included a wide range
as they navigate more complex friendships of social outcomes and found a wide range


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

of effects, providing solid evidence that a only in subgroup populations. For example,
variety of SEL programs can build important boys in the control group were more likely
social skills in middle childhood. The scope than those in Fast Track PATHS to be
of outcomes reflects the large number of nominaced by peers as aggressive.
social skills that emerge and develop during
this period, the wide array of approaches Depression and depressive symptoms were
and program targets, and the broad set of measured frequently. Positive Action, 4Rs,
measurements the studies employed. and MindUP showed small to moderate
statistically significant impacts on depression
Stuclent-level outcomes: behavioral. and anxiety. Finally, Positive Action had
Improvements in childrens cognitive, large effects on reducing absenteeism.
social, and emotional skills are expected to
Overall, SEL programs’ effects on
produce positive behavioral outcomes, such
behavioral outcomes were mixed, but
as reductions in aggression, depression, anc
promising. Many of the programs that
anxiety. For example, 4Rs focuses on changing
improved behavioral outcomes first targeted
underlying social-cognitive processes, such
developmental^ relevant processes and
as aggressive interpersonal negotiation
cognitions, showing the value of connecting
strategies and hostile attribution bias, as
theory, program approaches, and outcomes.
a way to reduce children’s aggression and
violence. This approach is noteworthy for Student-level outcomes: academic. Four of
three reasons. First, it targets and measures the studies included academic outcomes,
both the underlying processes and the desired reflecting three broad categories: (1) teacher
behavioral change. Second, it shows that reports of academic ability, academic
we need to be clear about the mechanisms motivation, and academic skills, (2) grades,
for change that underlie a program. Third, and (3) results of state standardized tests of
it reinforces the link between the brain anc math and reading achievement. In general,
behavior—programs can affect the mental effects were found only for outcomes in
processes that underlie behaviors instead of the first category. Positive Action produced
focusing solely on changing the behaviors small effects on academic ability and
themselves.36 teacher-reported academic motivation, as
measured by a single item. A few studies
Behavioral outcomes measured by the stucies
reported effects on academic achievement
included aggression, conduct problems,
by subgroup; 4Rs, for example, found
acceptance of authority, hyperactivity
moderate effects on academic achievement
and on-task behavior, absenteeism, and
(measured with reading and math
depression and anxiety. Overall, effects in
standardized tests) for children identified
this area tended to be small. Making Choices
at the outset of the study as struggling the
significantly reduced aggressive behavior, with
most with behavior (we should note that this
stronger effects for racial and ethnic minority
program integrated ti e SEL curriculum into
children, and 4Rs found statistically significant classroom reading instruction).
effects on aggression after the second year
of implementation. Other programs either Taken together, the effects of SEL programs
found statistically significantly reduction in on student-level outcomes are varied.
aggression (PATHS) or reduced aggression In each outcome category we see some

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Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

statistically significant findings, but also in middle childhood, yet only three studies—
many nonsignificant findings for the same Second Step, RULER, and 4Rs—included
outcomes (for example, two studies found classroom-level measures. All three studies
significant effects on aggression and two did employed a similar measure (for example,
not). 01 the statistically significant findings, the Classroom Assessment Scoring System,
most were small to moderate. or CLASS), and the effect sizes tended to
be moderate to large.39 In addition, some
Classroom- and school-level outcomes evidence suggests that emotionally supportive
were measured much less frequently than and well-organized classrooms can improve
student-level outcomes, even though most student-level outcomes. Thus, measuring
programs specify that they expect to produce and monitoring features of the classroom
shifts in the classroom or school contexts. environment may help us better understand
We should note that when we describe changes in students’ skills.40
classroom-level outcomes, we’re referring
to classroom culture and climate, as well as School-level outcomes. Although other
adult and/or teacher classroom practices. programs we reviewed, such as PATHS and
Kimberly Schonert-Reichl’s article in this Positive Action, had some elements that
issue discusses adult outcomes—as distinct focused on the whole school environment,
from classroom phenomena—in depth, and PBIS was the only program that took
therefore we don’t consider those outcomes the school as its primary unit of change
directly. and the only program to include school-
level measures (its evaluation suggested
Teachers and their classroom practices it generated small changes in overall
are integral to successful program organizational health).
implementation; typically, teachers receive
significant training, coaching, and support. In In some ways, it makes sense that only
some cases, teacher practices are the focus of PBIS measured school-level outcomes.
the intervention—for example, Responsive Still, school-level factors and outcomes are
Classroom is a professional development important even for programs that don’t
program that promotes a specific teaching explicitly target the school as a mechanism
approach. Understanding how to improve tor change. Schools differ substantially
classroom practices is important for teachers, from one another, and measuring school-
students, and overall school climate; teachers’ level outcomes can help us see which
burnout and mental health are linked to features of the environment promote skill
other important school indicators, such as development and facilitate or hinder a
staff turnover.37 Teachers also play a pivotal program’s implementation (for example,
role in classroom dynamics and in the lives of programs where school-level leaders buy
students.38 Future studies of SEL programs in and allocate resources tend to be more
would benefit from including direct measures successful).41 Finally, given the nested
of adult outcomes, even if the programs structure of schools—with students
aren’t strictly adult focused. embedded in classrooms, and classrooms in
schools—understanding the school context
Classroom-level outcomes. The classroom is and environment is likely to help us interpret
the primary setting for most SEL programs program effects on students.


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

Variation in Program Effects concentration. Thus in some cases program

effects are larger for those least at risk, such
For whom and under what conditions as those not in low-income schools, and in
are programs most effective? Variation in other cases they’re larger for those most
program effects is the key to answering at risk, such as students who begin with
that question.42The two meta-analyses we
poorer skills at the start of the year. At the
cited above examined program delivery and
school level, then, institutions that are more
program duration in one case and variation
ready to effectively take on and implement
in effects by recommended program
an SEL program may see overall benefits
characteristics and implementation problems
for students. But within schools, those who
in the other. The studies included in our
struggle the most show the greatest short­
review focused on understanding how
term gains.
individual-level social and demographic
factors—including racial/ethnic background, Summary
socioeconomic status, and baseline risk or
ability—are related to different program We reviewed 11 widely used SEL programs
effects for different groups of students. for elementary school that underwent
randomized controlled trials relatively
recently. We summarized the findings from
In some cases program effects those studies by outcome domain and for
are larger fo r those least at different contexts, including classrooms
and whole schools. In general, our findings
risk, such as those not in low-
reflect those reported elsewhere: on average,
income schools, and in other programs generally produce effects on a
cases they’re larger fo r those broad class of outcomes that fall under the
umbrella of social and emotional skills. In
most at risk, such as students
some cases, we also see effects in areas
who begin with poorer skills not necessarily directly targeted by the
at the start o f the year. programs, such as aggression, depression,
and academic outcomes. Our review was
designed to look a little deeper and to focus
For example, in the Fast Track PATHS on specific effects within the major social
study, intervention effects were weaker and emotional domains defined at the
in low-income schools for acceptance of outset, and in particular, to examine how
authority, cognitive concentration, and social the alignment between program targets and
competence. And some interventions found measured outcomes, the role of context, and
effects only for specific subgroups. The Good developmental stage affect the interpretation
Behavior Game affected aggression only of intervention program effects.
among children who demonstrated low levels
of on-task behavior at the outset of the study. We found four key points. First, few
And in Making Choices, children who were programs focus directly on aspects of
considered to be at risk of problem behaviors cognitive regulation, such as executive
when the study began demonstrated functions including regulation of attention,
larger gains in social contact and cognitive thought, and action, and goal setting and

VO L. 2 7 / NO. 1 / S PR IN G 2 0 1 7 61
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

planning. Those that do, and that also intervention is linked to a set of classroom
include measures of cognitive regulation practices (teaching strategies and classroom
in their evaluations, appear to generate management) and student skills (social and
related child-level outcomes. For example, emotional, and sometimes cognitive) and
MindUP’s program activities include then to a set of transfer outcomes farther
frequent mindfulness practice (in addition to down the road (behavior, academics,
a variety of supports for learning mindfulness and mental health ) . 43 Yet few studies of
and physiological regulation), and its the programs have examined this theory
evaluation measures those outcomes directly. directly by including classroom-level
Consequently, children show positive growth outcomes, and then linking those to growth
and change in these specific areas. Second, and change in student skills. Studies that
many programs target basic emotion skills do so reveal large effects on teaching
in some way, yet few evaluations include strategies and classroom practices, and
measures of related outcomes. Instead, they in some cases show that changes in those
measure the sort of more complex emotional areas are partly responsible for changes in
phenomena that you might expect to change student skills.44 A few programs, such as
only after a longer period of exposure to the the CARE intervention, seek to improve
program; predictably, the effects are small adult wellbeing directly, and studies
and quite mixed. Even when emotions are suggest that they are successful.45 We
a central organizing feature of a program, don’t yet know whether those changes are
outcomes in this area aren’t well measured. translating into positive effects on student
Third, not surprisingly, the social domain skills in middle childhood, although there is
dominates during this developmental period; some evidence—based on studies that take
most children are introduced to new social place in early childhood or adolescence—
experiences starting in kindergarten, and that this happens in interventions like
over the course of elementary school, the My Teaching Partner.46 Drawing on our
social group and peer interaction become findings, we offer three recommendations.
increasingly important. Nearly all programs
target the social domain, and all evaluations
R ecom m endation 1: Focus M ore
include measures of a variety of social
on Teachers, Classrooms
phenomena; the effects in this area are quite Measuring student skills in isolation
robust, particularly for peer reports of social provides an incomplete picture of
outcomes. Fourth, we see some evidence the classroom environment and the
for small effects in areas of great interest to interactions that students engage in daily.
practitioners and policymakers, including Teacher- and classroom-level outcomes
aggressive behavior and academic success. can give us a richer picture of classroom
Seeing only small effects in these areas is practices, processes, and relationships,
not all that surprising, as the programs don’t which are likely to affect student-level SEL
necessarily target these complex domains skills and other key outcomes.47
directly. Even small effects in these areas
should be considered quite important. Focus on Teachers

Overall, the different programs generally The role of teachers and other adults
offer the same theory of change: the in SEL interventions differs based on


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

program type and theory of change. For development of social and

example, some SEL programs like CARE emotional skills? Some evidence
focus only on building adult skills; other suggests that the quality of
programs like Responsive Classroom student-teacher relationships is
provide professional development to train instrumental to shaping children’s
teachers in specific teaching practices schooling experiences, but few
and strategies; and other programs 'ike studies include the student-teacher
PBIS work to improve school structures relationship as a mechanism for
and systems. In most programs, lessons, change and/or explicitly investigate
curricula, and other intervention-related its role in promoting SEL skills.49
content is delivered primarily through
teachers, and almost all programs include Focus on the Classroom
intensive teacher training and coaching.
The environments in which students
It’s clear that adults are central to SEL
are embedded either facilitate or
interventions, raising the following
hinder skill development.50 We need
to understand features of the primary
1. What are the impacts of SEL setting—in this case, the classroom—to
interventions, if any, on meaningful create a comprehensive picture of the
adult outcomes, such as teachers’ mechanisms through which interventions
own social-emotional competencies, may affect students’ skills. Indeed, one
burnout, etc.? Interventions may be group of researchers has hypothesized
most successful when they promote that interventions may affect students’
teachers’ own social and emotional SEL skills directly via curricula and other
skills as well as those of their activities or indirectly via positive changes
students.48 in the overall classroom environment.51
But few studies measure classroom-level
2. How do the characteristics outcomes or features of the classroom
and skills of teachers and other environment. As a result, current
adults impact intervention understandings of interventions are for the
implementation and student- most part devoid of context.
level outcomes? Teachers who
have higher social-emotional Studies that do measure features of the
competence and/or experience less classroom environment often use the
stress may be better positioned CLASS observational measure. CLASS
to interact positively with their assesses teacher-child interaction quality
students in ways that support social in three domains (emotional support,
and emotional development. It’s instructional support, and organizational
possible that changes in student- support) to understand overall classroom
level outcomes come partly from climate and quality. In the studies we
changes in teachers’ skills. reviewed, effects measured by CLASS
ranged from moderate for classroom
3. How does the student-teacher emotional support to large for instructional
relationship support the support. Most studies that included

VOL. 2 7 / NO. 1 / S PR IN G 2 0 1 7 63
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes. Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

measures of the classroom environment, away from expansive measurements of SEL

and all studies that used CLASS, identified outcomes and, instead, choose measures that
statistically significant effects on at least are more specific and guided by knowledge
some classroom-level variables. These of development and skill trajectories.
findings indicate that SEL interventions are By broader, we mean that measurement
making meaningful changes in classroom should be expanded to focus on contexts,
environments and instructional interactions. including classroom-, school-, and adult-level
What remains to be seen is whether such outcomes. Ignoring ecological principles of
changes are sufficient, or at a minimum development—that is, the environment in
operate as a pathway, to make changes in which children live and learn, —may obscure
student skills. meaningful program-related changes.
Broadening measurement can also mean
R ecom m endation 2: R eflect expanding data sources, for example, by
D evelop m en t collecting data from teachers and school staff
about their experiences with the program,
As we’ve said, middle childhood includes
or what worked and what didn’t in their
a great many developmental and
schools or classrooms. Further, collecting
environmental transitions. To be effective,
data about outcomes related to coaching and
SEL interventions are likely to work best
parent skills and knowledge could give us
when they target skills in a manner that
more information about the range of factors
reflects developmental growth and the key
that affect program implementation and
contexts in which children learn and play.
That means targeting and measuring skills in
a manner consistent with the developmental We also suggest increased methodological
principles articulated above: Focus on skills clarity and rigor. In particular, we
most salient to each grade or age that serve as recommend caution when interpreting the
building blocks for more complex skills later. effects of programs when the data were
For example, simple cognitive regulation and analyzed at the individual child level but
emotion skills in the very early grades lead randomization occurred at the classroom
to planning and organizing in second and or school level. Such analyses can result in
third grade, and to perspective taking and overestimating program effects.
conflict resolution in fourth and fifth grade.
Moreover, studies of SEL programs should R em aining C hallenges
articulate a series of reasonable short- and
long-term goals or expectations. Despite promising evidence in favor of
programs and interventions focused on social
R ecom m endation 3: R ethink and emotional skills, a number of important
M easurem ent challenges remain:

The measurement of skills in middle 1. Insufficient dosage, duration, and

childhood should grow narrower in focus effectiveness. SEL programs often
but broader in context and depth. By take the form of short lessons,
narrower, we mean that researchers, program implemented during one weekly
developers and evaluators, practitioners half-hour or hour-long section of
and other key stakeholders should move a language arts, social studies, or


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

other class.52 In our experience, settings.55 Students need support to

"hese lessons are often abridged or navigate such spaces and to make
skipped because of tight schedules the entire school environment safe,
and the need to spend class positive, and conducive to learning.
time on academic content. For Even when students don’t consider
example, sometimes schools adopt them to be dangerous, these
programs without setting aside non-classroom contexts offer vital
time in the daily schedule, leaving opportunities to practice SEL skills.
it to teachers to find extra time or At any age, children frequently
adapt the curriculum. When this encounter sharing, entering into
happens, programs often aren’t social situations, and social inclusion
sustained, and students experience and exclusion in parts of the school
little continuity from one year to beyond the classroom.
the next. Furthermore, despite
recommendations that schools adopt 4. Limited staff training. Broadly
evidence-based programs, many speaking, teachers, other school
schools use programs that haven’t staff, and the adults who staff out-
been well tested.53 of-school settings typically receive
little training (beyond that provided
2. Fragmentation and marginalization. through specific interventions) in
In many schools, SEL skills aren’t how to promote SEL skills, deal
seen as a core part of the educational with peer conflict, or address other
mission; they may be viewed as SEL-related issues.56 For example,
extracurricular, add-on, or secondary. presendee teacher training pays
As a result, there is little effort to little attention to these issues
apply the skills learned during SEL beyond basic behavior management
programming. A growing number strategies, and teachers get little
of programs have tried to solve in-service support on these topics
this problem by integrating SEL through effective approaches like
skills with academic content (for coaching and mentoring. Staff
example, by using history, language members other than teachers
arts, and social studies curricula tc receive even less training and
build cultural sensitivity, respect support, despite the fact that
for diversity, and social/ethical cafeteria monitors, bus drivers,
awareness), but such integration in coaches, and other non-teaching
schools is rare.54 staff work with children during
many of the interactions that most
3. Sole focus on classrooms. As we’ve demand effective SEL strategies
said, most SEL programs focus and skills.
solely or primarily on what goes on
in the classroom. But SEL skills 5. Limited use of data. Few schools
are also needed on playgrounds, use data to make decisions about
in lunchrooms, in hallways and the selection, implementation, or
bathrooms, and in out-of-school assessment of the programs and

VOL. 2 7 / NO. 1 / SP RI NG 2 0 1 7 65
Stephanie M. Jones, Sophie P. Barnes, Rebecca Bailey, and Emily J. Doolittle

strategies they use despite a more interventions we describe here? Our

general trend toward data-driven review suggests that what appears to be
decision-making in schools. Schools variation in impacts may instead be an
and their partners thus struggle artifact of imprecise program targets
to select and use programs most misaligned with too-general outcome
suited to their contexts and to measures. In short, when a variety of
the specific challenges they face, programs, each with a specific theory or
to monitor results, and to hold approach, are joined under a universal
themselves accountable. heading and studied using broad and
general measures, we are less likely to
see effects. In contrast, when theory,
Returning to the broad question we asked evaluation plan, and measurement are
at the outset of this article, What are the closely aligned, we do see effects. This
sources of variation in the impacts of SEL sort of precision and alignment can help
programs designed for the elementary those who select and implement programs
years? For example, whats the difference determine which approaches are likely to
between the SACD study and the specific meet their interests and needs.


Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School

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