5.the Effect of MgO Addition On Grain Growth in PMN 35PT

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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 88 [4] 963–967 (2005)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00213.x

The Effect of MgO Addition on Grain Growth in PMN–35PT
Chang Eui Seow and Duk Yong Yoon*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon
305-701, Korea

When Pb(Mg1/2Nb2/3)O3–35PbTiO3 (mol%) (PMN–35PT) is ing, sieving, and then calcining at 11001C for 4 h. For doping
sintered at 12001C after packing in PbZrO3 powder, the grains with 0.5 wt% MgO, the excess amount of 4MgCO3(Mg
show normal growth with time invariant normalized grain size (OH)2)4H2O was calculated on the basis of MgO produced
distributions. If 0.5 wt% MgO is added to PMN–35PT, ab- after the calcination at 11001C. PMN–35PT and 0.5 wt% MgO-
normal grain growth occurs with the large abnormal grains de- doped PMN–35PT powders were prepared through ball milling
veloping nearly cubic shapes. The interfaces between grains and appropriate amounts of MgNb2O6, TiO2 and PbO for 24 h,
PbO-rich liquid at grain triple junctions are flat, indicating that drying, crushing, sieving, and then calcining at 8501C. All ball
they are singular. Many central segments of the liquid films and milling was done in ethyl alcohol with ZrO2 ball. The prepared
possibly grain boundaries between the abnormal grains and the powder was pressed into cylinderical compacts and then pressed
small neighboring grains are also flat along the {100} planes of isostatically at 200 MPa. The compacts were placed on a piece of
the abnormal grains. The abnormal grain growth in the MgO- Pt foil and sintered at 12001C in a double alumina crucible with
doped specimens is likely to be caused by the presence of these lids surrounded by PbZrO3 (PZ) atmospheric powder, placed
singular interfaces. Most of the large abnormal grains do not at outer crucible to minimize PbO loss during sintering. They
contain any R 5 3 penetration twin boundaries unlike the pre- were sintered in a flowing O2 atmosphere which was apparently
vious observations in PbO-excess PMN–35PT. necessary for rapid sintering.25 The sintered specimens were
sectioned through the center perpendicular to the axes for
microscopic observations. The polished specimens were ther-
I. Introduction mally etched at 9001C for about 40 min for examinations under
optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM; XL30 SFEG,
T HE solid solution of ferroelectric Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (PMN)
and PbTiO3 (PT) shows good piezoelectric property about
35 mol% PT.1–4 The grain growth is important in both process-
Philips, Eindhoven, Holland). The orientation relations between
grains of polished specimens were determined using electron
backscattered diffraction (EBSD; TexSEM Laboratories, Dra-
ing of polycrystalline PMN–PT and growing PMN–PT single per, UT). The boundary and the triple junction regions between
crystals in fine grain matrices. The specimens of PMN–35PT (by the grains were examined with a transmission electron micro-
mol%) composition were observed to show normal grain scope (TEM; JEM-310, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). The grain diam-
growth,5–7 but addition of excess PbO was observed to induce eters were measured by digital analyzer. The sizes of more than
abnormal grain growth (AGG).5–6,8–10 This work shows that 400 grains were measured in each specimen.
addition of MgO to PMN–35PT also induces AGG. Addition of
MgO to PMN was previously observed to increase the grain size
without apparently changing the normal growth behavior.11 III. Results and Discussion
In single-phase polycrystalline materials and those with liquid
matrix phases, it was shown that the occurrence of AGG was The PMN–35PT compacts packed in PbZrO3 powder sintered
correlated with the presence of singular grain boundaries and very rapidly and were almost fully dense after sintering for 0
grain surfaces.12–19 It was proposed that AGG occurred because time (for the specimen heated to 12001C and cooled immedi-
the grains with singular surfaces and grain boundaries grew by ately) as shown in Fig. 1(a). The TEM observations of the
atom attachment to surface or boundary steps either produced sintered PMN–35PT specimens showed that there were liquid
by two-dimensional nucleation or existing at screw disloca- pockets at some of the grain triple junctions as exhibited in
tions.12,15,20–22 Often, large abnormal grains surrounded by Fig. 2. The dihedral angles appeared to be 0, indicating that
fine grains were observed to have flat low index boundaries there were thin liquid films in the intergranular regions. The
that were suggested to consist of singular grain boundary or TEM observations of the intergranular regions at higher mag-
surface segments.14,16,23 The PMN–35PT specimens with excess nifications indeed showed thin amorphous layers as verified by
MgO also show abnormal grains with nearly cubic shapes. circular diffraction patterns. Such a liquid phase, which was
likely to be PbO-rich, probably formed because of slight com-
position inhomogeneity in the initial powder. It is also possible
II. Experimental Procedure that some PbO from the packing PbZrO3 powder transferred to
the PMN–35PT compacts during the sintering treatment be-
PMN–35PT and 0.5 wt% MgO-doped PMN–35PT powders cause of its higher activity in PbZrO3.26 Previously, Khan et al.7
were prepared by Columbite precursor method.24 MgNb2O6 also observed PbO-rich liquid pockets at grain triple junctions
precursor was prepared by ball milling appropriate amounts of after sintering in PbZrO3 packing powder. It is thus likely that
4MgCO3(Mg(OH)2)4H2O and Nb2O5 for 24 h, drying, crush- the dark voids at the grain triple junctions in Fig. 1 (more clearly
visible in Fig. 1(d) with large grains) were formed by evapora-
L. C. Klein—contributing editor tion of the PbO-rich liquid pockets during the thermal etching of
the polished specimen surface. The interfaces between the grains
and the liquid (or the void produced by the evaporation of the
liquid) at the triple junctions were mostly curved, indicating that
Manuscript No. 11383. Received October 14, 2004; approved October 14, 2004.
Supported by the Korea Ministry of Science and Technology through the National they were atomically rough. Similar curved grain–liquid inter-
Research Laboratory (NRL) Program and Asian Office of Aerospace Research and De- faces at the triple junctions were also observed previously by
velopment (AOARD-00-403).
*Member, American Ceramic Society. Khan et al.7 in a PMN–35PT specimen sintered at 11501C after
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: mylight@kaist.ac.kr packing in PbZrO3 powder.
964 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Seo and Yoon Vol. 88, No. 4

(a) (b)

1µm 1µm

(c) (d)

2µm 2µm

Fig. 1. The SEM microstructures of the PMN–35PT (mol%) specimens sintered at 12001C for (a) 0 min, (b) 1 h, (c)12 h, and (d) 24 h after packing in
PbZrO3 powder.

Because the energy of a grain boundary between two grains hedral angles at the junctions with the liquid pockets. The TEM
will depend on their misorientation angle, the grain boundaries observations indeed showed that there were no liquid films be-
(without any liquid layer) can be more stable than liquid films tween some grains even at very high magnifications. It appeared,
between some grains. These grain boundaries will have finite di- therefore, that there were both (dry) grain boundaries and liquid
films between the grains in these PMN–35PT specimens.
The grain size distributions normalized to the average sizes
were relatively narrow and invariant, with the sintering time as
shown in Fig. 3(a). A plot of the cube of the average grain di-
ameters shown in Fig. 3(b) against the sintering time deviated
slightly upward from a straight line. Such a deviation could arise
from slow PbO transfer from the PbZrO3 packing powder to the
compacts at the early stages of sintering. Similar grain size dis-
tributions resembling those of normal grain growth were also
observed in this material.5–7 The grain growth in this material
can be normal and controlled by diffusion across the liquid
pockets at the triple junctions, because the grain–liquid inter-
faces are rough as suggested earlier.27–29
The specimens doped with 0.5 wt% MgO also sintered rap-
idly and were fully dense after sintering for 1 min with a micro-
structure which was similar to that shown in Fig. 4(a) for the
specimen sintered for 1 h. The grains grew slightly between 1
min and 1 h of sintering, but the grain size distributions re-
mained relatively narrow as shown in Fig. 4(a). After sintering
for 12 h, some large abnormal grains appeared with some
growth of the other grains as shown in Fig. 4(b). These ab-
normal grains subsequently grew to large sizes as shown in
Figs. 4(c) and (d), and the grain size distributions shown in
Fig. 2. The TEM image of a grain triple junction in a PMN–35PT Fig. 5 confirmed a typical AGG behavior with very large grains
specimen sintered at 1200 C for 1 h. appearing after sintering for 12 h.
April 2005 Effect of MgO Addition on Grain Growth in PMN-PT 965

(a) (b) 25
0 min
18 20

Relative Frequency [%]

16 4h
14 12 h 15
24 h

d 3 [µm3]
48 h
10 72 h 10
6 5
2 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Normalized Grain Size Sintering Time [h]
Fig. 3. The (a) normalized grain size distributions and the (b) cube of average grain sizes of the PMN–35PT (mol%) specimens sintered at 12001C for
various times.

The attempts to examine these MgO-doped specimens by flat boundaries which became more pronounced after long sin-
TEM failed because the TEM specimens broke during their tering times as shown in Figs. 4(c) and (d). Typical morph-
preparation. But the SEM observations of the voids at the grain ologies of the boundaries between the abnormal grains and the
triple junctions that were formed by evaporation of the liquid fine grains are shown by a scanning electron micrograph in
pockets during thermal etching often showed flat grain–liquid Fig. 6 for the specimen sintered for 24 h (Fig. 4(d)).
interfaces indicating their singular structure. Furthermore, the Depending on the misorientation angle between grains, there
large abnormal grains developed nearly cubic shapes with some can be either liquid films or (dry) grain boundaries between the

Fig. 4. The microstructures of the 0.5wt.% MgO-doped PMN–35PT (mol%) specimens sintered at 12001C for (a) 1 h (SEM), (b) 12 h (optical), (c) 1 8 h
(optical), and (d) 24 h (optical).
966 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Seo and Yoon Vol. 88, No. 4

Relative Frequency [%]


12 h
abnormal grain
1h g
e rin
1 min Si
0 2 4 6 8 10
Normalized Grain Diameter Fig. 6. The SEM microstructure of a boundary region between an ab-
normal grain and small grains in the 0.5 wt% MgO-doped PMN–35PT
Fig. 5. The normalized grain size distributions of the 0.5wt.% MgO- (mol%) specimen sintered at 12001C for 24 h.
doped PMN–35PT (mol%) specimens sintered at 12001C for various
lar (Wulff) plot of the interface energy against the orientation
and the curved edges will be atomically rough.30–32 If the grain
grain pairs. The liquid film and the grain boundary will be re- equilibrium shape was a cube with sharp edges and corners, a
ferred to as the intergranular boundary. The center region of the surface of the abnormal grain would have been flat even at the
boundary between the abnormal grain and each fine grain was triple junctions. If, on the other hand, the equilibrium shape was
flat and appeared to be parallel to the (001) surface of the ab- a sphere, the boundaries between the abnormal grains and the
normal grain. These boundaries, however, were slightly curved fine grains would have been more convex (as seen from the small
toward the fine grains at the triple junctions. Such a morphology grains) than those shown in Fig. 6. While the local shapes of the
of the intergranular boundaries indicates that the equilibrium interfaces at the triple junctions are determined by the equilib-
shape of the grain in the liquid or embedded in another larger rium shape of the grains, the overall shapes of the abnormal
grain with grain boundaries (the grain boundary Wulff shape) grains, which become cubic during their growth, are probably
will be a cube with flat {001} surfaces and curved edges (and determined by the anisotropy of the growth rates. If the grains
corners) without any discontinuity of the slopes. The flat {001} indeed have {001} singular surface segments, their intrinsic
interfaces will be singular corresponding to the cusps in the po- migration rate is likely to be the lowest, and hence the growing

Fig. 7. The (a) optical microstructure of the 0.5 wt% MgO-doped PMN–35PT (mol%) specimen sintered at 12001C for 24 h and an (b) EBSD image of
the same region.
April 2005 Effect of MgO Addition on Grain Growth in PMN-PT 967
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