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Evaluation of Technologies for Road Profile Capture,

Analysis, and Evaluation

Abby Chin1 and Michael J. Olsen, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE2

Abstract: Many transportation agencies in the United States are transitioning to using the International Roughness Index (IRI) in pavement
smoothness evaluation as part of an incentive/disincentive program for contractors paving roads. This study evaluates the use of digital levels,
inertial profilers, inclinometer-based profilers, and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in pavement profile capture and analyses. Traditionally, anal-
yses evaluated elevation differences between profiles. However, evolving standards and procedures perform incremental slope-based analyses
to calculate IRI and correlate between profiles, which correspond better to vehicle response. The results of this study show consistent elevation
profiles between all of the devices, when operated properly. However, digital levels cannot be used efficiently to capture the road profile at high
sampling (,10 cm) intervals for long profiles. Thus, TLS shows additional advantages compared with the other techniques, including the ability
to collect a large, dense set of data relatively quickly for the entire roadway and surrounding areas; hence, the data can serve multiple purposes,
including validation of other design parameters such as transverse and longitudinal slope. However, TLS requires substantially more processing
and training. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000134. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Light detection and ranging (LIDAR); Laser scanning; Road profile; Roughness; International Roughness Index (IRI);
Inertial profiler.

Introduction traveling in one direction on the highway. The typical values of the
IRI range from 1:5 to 3 m=km for new pavements and from 2.5 to
Pavement smoothness is often the primary focus of the public per- 5.75 for older pavements (Sayers and Karamihas 1998).
ception of road quality; hence, it is an important consideration in The IRI can be determined using measurements from a variety of
roadway construction acceptance. The Transtec Group (2008) dis- devices, which ultimately measure the differences in elevation along
cussed several benefits of smooth roads, including less maintenance, the profile. The algorithm to compute the IRI contains a moving
lower operation costs, less dynamic loading compared with a rough average filter, a quarter-car filter, and the length of the section
surface, improved structural integrity, increased durability, and im- (Sayers and Karamihas 1998). The following are important con-
proved safety for drivers. siderations when calculating the IRI:
As such, many state DOTs now offer incentive/disincentive pro- • The profile data must first be filtered to eliminate outliers (Sayers
grams for completion of smooth pavement surfaces. The requirements and Karamihas 1998), which can create artificial roughness.
for these incentive/disincentive payouts are based on measured • The moving average filter applies a low-pass filter of 250 mm to
smoothness/roughness indices (Transtec Group 2008) such as the smooth the profile by using the average values of adjacent points
International Roughness Index (IRI), which is the most commonly to emulate the enveloping effect of a tire on a pavement surface.
used index for evaluating road surface smoothness because of its • The IRI algorithm is based on the quarter-car model, which
reproducibility. Ultimately, the end-goal of a smoothness index is to includes one-quarter of the car and the mass supported by one
model a typical vehicle response to variations in the road surface tire; this is sometimes referred to as the Golden Car.
(i.e., roughness). • The IRI considers the length of the section measured, which is
The IRI is calculated in units of inches/miles or meters/ why the IRI is in units of slope (Sayers and Karamihas 1998).
kilometers as the average rectified slope referenced to a standard • The localized roughness is determined separately because rough
quarter-car model traveling at 80 km=h (Dyer and Dyer 2008). The sections will be averaged out if a long length is used in reporting
IRI model can be implemented to evaluate the roughness of both new the IRI. Localized roughness is defined as any 7.62-m segment
and existing pavement sections along a profile. For postconstruction, that contains IRI values disproportionately affecting the overall
quality control profiles are evaluated based on profiles acquired for IRI (AASHTO 2010a).
the left wheel path (LWP) and right wheel path (RWP) of a vehicle • The IRI is sensitive to wavelengths from 1.2 to 30 m (Karamihas
For interested readers, additional information regarding pavement
1 smoothness evaluation indices, the IRI, and the development of
Civil Engineer, AECOM, 250 Apollo Dr., Chelmsford, MA, 01824
(corresponding author). E-mail:
a quarter-car model can be found in Sayers and Karamihas (1998).
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Construction Engineering,
Oregon State Univ., 220 Owen Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. E-mail: michael
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 21, 2013; approved on
February 12, 2014; published online on May 2, 2014. Discussion period While the IRI is used to evaluate pavement smoothness at the project
open until October 2, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for validation level, cross-correlation is used to determine the accuracy
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Surveying Engi- and repeatability of profiling instruments. Cross-correlation pro-
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9453/04014011(13)/$25.00. vides more insight into the agreement between profiles than does the

© ASCE 04014011-1 J. Surv. Eng.

IRI (Karamihas 2005) because it provides an objective comparison mobilization time. Prior to use in projects, many state DOTs require
between two profiles, which must both have the same shape and certification of the profiler, where the profiler is compared with
level of roughness (Karamihas 2004). This means that although a reference profile.
two profiles may have similar IRI results when measurement errors
cancel each other out, the cross-correlation may not be high. The
roughness must occur in the same locations to achieve a high cross- Rod and Level
correlation. The cross-correlation is calculated as the integral of the A RL (digital) survey provides a highly accurate (submillimeter)
product of the two profiles, P^ and Q,^ (Karamihas 2004) profile of the roadway, often termed the true profile because it can be
used for calibration in other systems. Standards for this type of
min sP , sQ PN survey in road profiling are found in ASTM E1364-95 (ASTM
CC ¼   1 P ^ iþd=Dx
^iQ (1) 2005). The elevation readings must be obtained at a maximum
max sP , sQ sP sQ i51
distance of 0.3 m between readings along the length of the test
section (Sayers and Karamihas 1998). The manual measurements
where sP and sQ 5 SDs of the two profiles; N 5 number of samples; required are time consuming, require road closures, and generate
Dx 5 sample interval; d 5 horizontal offset value; P ^ and Q ^ safety concerns (Karamihas 2005).
5 vertically offset profiles from each device; and CC 5 calculated
cross-correlation, which ranges from 21 to 1 (with 1 being an exact Inclinometer-Based Profilers
The profiles are adjusted vertically such that the mean elevation An inclinometer-based profiler (IBP), also called a walking profiler,
difference is zero and the equation is normalized by the SDs of the is a hand-operated instrument mounted on a rigid beam up to 0.3 m
two profiles. The horizontal offset corrects for inconsistencies in the in length used to measure the road profile (Hays 2006). The profile is
starting point of the profile. Finally, a scaling factor is applied, which created by measuring the beam inclination, which progresses along
uses the minimum and maximum SDs of the profiles (Karamihas the length of the pavement section in steps that are the length of the
2004). beam (Hays 2006). Both the distance and the elevation are recorded
It is important to note the difference between correlation and cross- at each step to create the profile. The sampling distance of the in-
correlation analyses. Commonly, a correlation analysis compares the clinometer unit used in this study can range from 0.64 to 30.5 cm
elevation values of the two profiles and statistically determines how (SurPRO 2011). An IBP is faster than a RL survey because it can be
well they agree; however, a cross-correlation analysis will compare operated at walking speeds up to 4 km=h (SurPRO 2011); however,
the incremental slope values and the location at which the roughness it is still slower than other techniques, requires road closure, and has
occurs. The comparison of elevation values is influenced or masked safety concerns.
by longer wavelength content. In other words, the rating will appear
better when evaluating elevation, despite failing in shorter wave-
Inertial Profiler
lengths, which may be penalized by the IRI measurement. Hence,
AASHTO R56 (AASHTO 2010b) requires IRI filtering to remove An inertial profiler is able to run at highway speeds while collecting
this mask effect. The shortcomings of elevation comparisons are a profile on each wheel path. The inertial profiler system consists of
documented in Karamihas (2005), Sayers (1986), and Robson a vehicle equipped with several components (Sayers and Karamihas
(1979). 1998):
• A laser transducer to determine the vertical distance between the
ground and the accelerometer;
Profiling Instrumentation • A distance measuring instrument in the vehicle to provide the
longitudinal distance;
Various instruments are available to measure road surface profiles • A data acquisition and storage system; and
that show the elevation changes of a road along the horizontal dis- • An accelerometer to provide the reference elevation (Lee and
tance; these are summarized in Table 1. Some instruments are spe- Chou 2010) [the accelerometer determines the amount of vertical
cifically designed to be used immediately after construction, before acceleration occurring in the vehicle while driving over the
the road has been opened to traffic, while others can be implemented pavement, which is used to filter the data during analysis (Dyer
at any time, including when the road is open to traffic. All of these and Dyer 2008)].
instruments should be calibrated and operated according to the Inertial profilers can be lightweight or high speed. Lightweight
proper manufacturer procedures. The testing speed of the rod and profilers are typically used to evaluate new pavements (Transtec
level (RL) shown in Table 1 is the speed for the measurement of one Group 2008) and must operate at a low speed, which means the road
wheel path and includes the setup time. With an additional field cannot be open to traffic. A high-speed profiler is able to operate at
crew, both paths could be acquired simultaneously. The testing a higher speed; therefore, it can be used on a road that is open to
speed for terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) also includes the setup and traffic. Because of the high traveling speeds it is difficult for the

Table 1. Comparison of Instrumentation Used to Evaluate Pavement Smoothness

Individual measurement
Instrument Testing speed (km=h) Road closure needed elevation accuracy (1–s) Wheel paths measured
RL 0.01 Yes ,1 mm One
Inclinometer 4 Yes 62 mm=50 m One
Inertial profiler 80 No — Both
TLS 0.04–0.5a No 65 mm=50 m Multiple (entire road)
The 0:5 km=h speed assumes control has already been set during the project, and that an efficient scan workflow minimizing target setup time is implemented.
The 0:04 km=h value is based on the time required for the scans conducted for this research.

© ASCE 04014011-2 J. Surv. Eng.

driver to keep the profiler directly on the wheel paths; as a result, the While long range can be important, often as a result of obstructions
profiles may deviate from the paths. and limited sight visibility, a phase-based system can provide
The equipment must be capable of the following (AASHTO suitable range capabilities for many engineering purposes. Fig. 1
2010c): illustrates how the resolution of TLS degrades with distance when
• Maintaining a maximum speed of 113 km=h for high speed and scanning on flat surfaces because it samples on an angular increment
40 km=h for lightweight speed; (Laefer et al. 2009; Olsen et al. 2009; Tang et al. 2011).
• Measuring the IRI within the range of 0:08e4:7 m=km for a 161 m The TLS data have the ability to be used in many transportation
interval; and applications aside from pavement smoothness evaluation. Jaselskis
• Sampling at intervals of 5.1 cm or less. et al. (2005) presented a case study showing the benefits of TLS for
Yi and Rong-Gui (2009) described the development of a similar several aspects of construction including elevation, smoothness,
system to an inertial profiler; however, the measurements were made camber, and volumetric measurements. Safety, time, and economic
using five laser range finders in a bisymmetric structure without the considerations compared with traditional photogrammetric techni-
need for inertial measurement. In testing, the system determined the ques were also discussed. Tang et al. (2011) were able to determine
IRI values within 3% of the RL measurements. the effectiveness of TLS to determine flatness defects in concrete
slabs for buildings by evaluating planar fits to sections of the point
cloud. Researchers have examined the use of TLS in road con-
struction applications to determine earthwork quantities (Slattery
Terrestrial laser scanning, which uses light detection and ranging et al. 2012). In this study, scan data were used to create traditional
(LIDAR), is another form of technology that can be used to de- cross sections to determine earthwork quantities. The TLS technique
termine the road profile from the side of the road. However, it is is advantageous because all cross sections can be obtained anywhere
currently rarely used in evaluating pavement smoothness. Unlike the along the road construction site and not just at specified locations.
previous profiling technologies, TLS can measure and map the to- A recent case study (Johnson and Johnson 2012) focused on the
pographic features across the entire road surface from which mul- use of TLS in highway applications, including scanning results on
tiple profiles can be extracted. Because TLS is a line-of-sight concrete and asphalt surfaces. The study examined the best practices
technique, multiple setup positions are usually required to fill in for the use of TLS based on the quality of the data collected using
occlusions. Furthermore, georeferencing of the scan data can be various techniques. The cross slopes were calculated using the
accomplished through reflective targets set up over control points or elevations at the edge of the travel lanes from the TLS data and were
through a global positioning system (GPS) mounted on top of the compared with data collected from a total station and GPS. The
scanner (e.g., Olsen et al. 2009). The TLS technique enables data use testing determined that a higher point density resulted in a lower
for a variety of other purposes, including as-built documentation. A vertical RMS error. The cross-slope RMS errors increased signifi-
camera is also mounted or integrated into the system to obtain cantly for points collected beyond a 45.7-m range from the scanner.
calibrated images with red/green/blue (RGB) color, corresponding Scanners can be mounted to other platforms such as airplanes or
to each scan position. The potential benefits of TLS include the vehicles. Generally, most available airborne LIDAR data would not
following: be accurate and dense enough to evaluate pavement smoothness
• A dense data set (millimeter-level to centimeter-level resolution); (using the IRI), unless obtained from a low-flying helicopter. Lo-
• Multiple profiles are collected simultaneously across the road gistics can also be difficult in obtaining airborne LIDAR data in most
surface; pavement projects. Mobile laser scanners are similar to terrestrial;
• A variety of uses for the data set beyond pavement evaluations however, instead of being mounted on a tripod the system is
because it obtains more than just the roadway (e.g., the data can mounted to a moving vehicle, enabling faster data collection. Yu
be an as-built record of the site, used in an asset management et al. (2007) described a multisensory mobile mapping system that
framework, and used for quality control evaluation of other collects high-resolution data to create surface models for analyzing
structures); and cracks. However, achievable accuracies with mobile LIDAR sys-
• Scanning can be performed on the side of the road, which tems in transportation applications are still being evaluated (Olsen
increases safety and eliminates the need for roadway closure. et al. 2013), which is critical in evaluating pavement smoothness.
There are a variety of scan systems currently available and in
many cases careful consideration is required to select the appropriate
tool for a particular application. Some scanners are focused on short- Comparisons of Devices
range applications (phase-based scanners) while others are built for Karamihas (2011) performed a study that tested several profiler
longer-range applications (time-of-flight systems). Phase-based devices including RL, dipstick, inertial profiler, and an IBP. The
systems will generally provide improved results in microscale IBP profiler generally showed the highest level of accuracy and
pavement texture analysis because they tend to have a smaller
footprint (typically, #1 cm) compared with time-of-flight systems
(typically, $1 cm). With a larger footprint, the return range mea-
surement is averaged across a larger area. Hence, microfeatures such
as cracks smaller than the footprint cannot be resolved. The size of
the footprint will increase with distance and obliquity from the
scanner. An approximate maximum range for current time-of-flight
terrestrial scanners is 250–1,000 m, with nominal measurement
accuracies (1–s) typically between 5 and 10 mm (Vosselman and
Maas 2010). Phase-based systems typically have maximum ranges
of 50–100 m and nominal measurement accuracies (1–s) between 3
and 5 mm. However, actual ranges and accuracies achieved will vary Fig. 1. Effects of angle of incidence for TLS (reprinted from Olsen and
depending on the survey control, scanning geometry, environmental Chin 2012)
conditions, and material properties of the objects to be scanned.

© ASCE 04014011-3 J. Surv. Eng.

repeatability of the devices, particularly at shorter wavebands. This the certification of inertial profilers. Data were collected along a
study also evaluated the ability to measure profiles on a variety of 161-m stretch of the roadway at this site where wheel paths were
asphalt (dense-graded, pervious hot-mix asphalt, and chip seal) and marked periodically (approximately every 3 m) with paint (as well as
concrete (transverse tining, longitudinal tining, and with diamond additional marks) to indicate the start and end points of the test
grinding) surfaces. section. The lines were painted 15.2 cm to the left of the ruts in the
Limited research has investigated the use of TLS in measuring road because drivers have a tendency to stay to the right of the
pavement roughness. Chang et al. (2006) performed tests to compare painted line. All four instruments described previously were used to
the use of three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning, an inertial profiler complete this study.
[called a multiple laser profiler (MLP) in the study], and RL surveys.
Three test sections, each 100 m in length with varying levels of Inclinometer-Based and Inertial Profilers
roughness were used. The nominal accuracy (1–s) of the laser
Using an IBP, a profile is collected by walking the instrument along
scanner used was reported as 3 mm up to a 50-m range. The scanner
the wheel path, where one wheel path is measured at a time. A Sur-
was able to collect data up to a distance of 100 m; however, it was
PRO 3500 IBP (International Cybernetics Corp., Clearwater, Florida)
observed that the density of the point cloud was significantly reduced
was run on three occasions: June 2011, November 2011, and June
past 50 m because of a poor angle of incidence, described previously.
2012. The June 2011 and November 2011 surveys consisted of five
Hence, two scan setups were used to collect data over each 100-m
runs on each wheel path. The June 2012 survey had 10 runs, five in
section. The MLP collected data on multiple paths with 500-mm
the morning and five in the afternoon. The typical relative accuracy
spacing between the paths. To check for any variability within the
(1–s) of the IBP was 0.00025 m per 7.62 m traveled, which is
measurements, five test runs were performed. A comparison of the
equivalent to 0.005 mm for 161 m when a closed-loop procedure
data showed that the use of TLS accurately measured the IRI values
(walking the profile in both directions) is used.
of the roadways. A statistical test between the RL survey and laser
Unfortunately, the inclinometer distance measurement instrument
scanning showed a 95% correlation between the measured elevation
(DMI) was not calibrated using a closed-loop run in the June 2011
values. A coefficient of correlation of 99% was calculated between
survey. As a result there was a compounding error in the elevation
the laser scanning and MLP data. Chang et al. (2006) concluded that
data that resulted in a consistent bias seen in the profiles (Olsen and
TLS is able to be used as an effective tool in measuring road
Chin 2012). However, this appeared to have minimal effect on the
roughness. However, the study did not evaluate cross-correlation,
incremental slope measurements, which correlated very well. During
which is based on slope rather than elevation and is now commonly
the data collection in November 2011, the wheels of the instrument
used in current evaluation procedures.
may have been affected by the near-freezing temperatures, which
approached the limits of the operating temperature range recom-
mended by the manufacturer.
Motivation The inertial profiler data were also provided by ODOT from four
different systems on different days, shown in Table 2 as IP_1, IP_2,
Terrestrial laser scanning has the potential to create a reference
IP_3, and IP_4. At least five runs were comleted for each system. Both
profile more efficiently than does a RL. Also, compared with the
of these systems perform all of the processing necessary to extract
other devices, it provides numerous advantages because the data can
profile information directly with minimal user input and control.
be used in a variety of applications. However, several questions or
concepts related to using TLS to obtain a road profile remain to be
addressed, which include the following: Rod and Level
1. Filtering: Because individual point measurements in TLS are Two RL surveys (November 2011 and April 2012) were conducted
not of sufficient accuracy in profile determination based on following the ASTM E1364-95 specifications (ASTM 2005). The
current technologies capable of millimeter to submillimeter wheel paths at the test site had been previously marked for the
elevation differences, is it possible to take advantage of inclinometer and inertial profiler acquisition, and additional marks
filtering of the dense TLS data to accurately define the road were made at 0.3 m spacing along the wheel paths to aid in the
profile both as a reference for other devices as well as for acquisition. Leica DNA03 (0.03 mm accuracy, 1–s) (Leica Geo-
postconstruction quality control? systems, Heerbrugg, Switzerland) and Leica DNA10 (0.09 mm
2. Sample interval: If TLS is able to provide a profile of sufficient accuracy, 1–s) were used to collect the data on the LWP and RWP,
accuracy, what sampling intervals and noise filtering processes respectively. The profiles were obtained from multiple setups, each
will provide optimal results? Overfiltering could smooth covering 30.5 m in length (with the exception of the last segment,
the data too much, rendering it difficult to detect areas of which was 39.0 m in length). To ensure consistency between setups,
roughness. redundant measurements were performed from each setup on estab-
3. Cross-correlation: While TLS has been evaluated and com- lished control points and at least at five locations spaced at 6-m
pared with a RL and inertial profiler, and has shown the ability intervals along the adjacent portions of the profile. All of these check
to obtain reliable IRI values, the achievable cross-correlation points were within tolerances (,1 mm).
has not yet been evaluated.
4. Insights: What added insights can be obtained by evaluating
Terrestrial Laser Scanning
profiles to determine roughness across the entire road surface
rather than just in the wheel paths? For this project, a time-of-flight scanner [RIEGL VZ-400 (RIEGL
Laser Measurement Systems GmbH, Horn, Austria)] was used
(nominal accuracy of 0.005 m and 1–s at 100 m; however, these
Methodology values varied across on the scene). Data were collected using six
instrument setups spaced every 40 m along the 161-m section (Fig. 2).
This section discusses the data collection and processing imple- Each scan covered a 360 view horizontally and from 40 below to
mented in this study. A test site in Albany, Oregon (described in 60 above the horizontal plane. Typically, the scanner height above
Olsen and Chin 2012), was chosen by the Oregon DOT (ODOT) for ground was 1.7 m. The following processing steps were completed:

© ASCE 04014011-4 J. Surv. Eng.

pavement surface by statistically analyzing the distribution of
elevation values of all points that fall inside each grid cell of
a user-specified cell size, D, which is constant in X and Y. The
number of rows and columns are determined by

NX ¼ ceil½ceilðXmax Þ 2 floorðXmin Þ=D (2a)

NY ¼ ceil½ceilðYmax Þ 2 floorðYmin Þ=D (2b)

where NX and NY 5 number of columns and rows in the X- and

Y-directions, respectively; ceil 5 function that rounds a value
up to the nearest whole number; floor 5 function that rounds
the value down to a whole number; Xmin and Ymin 5 minimum
Fig. 2. Test setup for TLS and acquisition locations X and Y values in the data set, respectively; and Xmax and Ymax
5 maximum X and Y values in the data set, respectively. A
point is then assigned to a grid cell using the following
1. To reduce the data set size, each scan was initially filtered to
eliminate points further than 100 m from its origin. IX ¼ floor½ðXi 2 Xll Þ=D (3a)
2. The scans were then trimmed to the road surface only.
3. Noise from passing vehicles was removed manually by draw- IY ¼ floor½ðYi 2 Yll Þ=D (3b)
ing polygons around the noise and removing points within
those polygons. While these objects leave gaps in the data
because TLS is a line-of-sight technique, these gaps are filled IXY ¼ IX þ IY × NX (3c)
in by overlapping adjacent scans.
4. An initial georeferencing was completed using the method- where IX and IY 5 cell index in the X- and Y-dimensions,
ology of Olsen et al. (2011). (Registration to the reflective respectively; Xi and Yi 5 X- and Y-coordinates of the ith point,
targets did not produce satisfactory results.) respectively; Xll and Yll 5 coordinates of the lower-left corner
a. Three real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS coordinates for the of the data set (rounded down to a whole number for sim-
scan origin were averaged and applied to translate each plicity); and IXY 5 cell’s index in the grid, represented as a
scan into the Oregon Coordinate Reference System low- one-dimensional (1D) array. For searching and computation
distortion projection coordinate system (Armstrong efficiency, the points are then sorted by their indices in which
2010). points are grouped by cells. The average value for each cell j
b. Inclination sensor readings were obtained to determine is then calculated as
the scanner offset from the level plane (Silvia and Olsen P 
2012). ZAVE , j ¼ Zk nj (4)
c. Each scan was then manually rotated about the Z-axis
(centered at the scan origin) to obtain a rough alignment where ZAVE , j 5 average elevation in cell j; Zk 5 kth point in
with its neighbors. cell j; and nj 5 number of points in cell j. The process is
5. Following this initial alignment, a cloud-to-cloud least- repeated for all grid cells with data. This gridding process can
squares surface matching was completed to refine the initial also automatically eliminate off-surface points generated from
georeferencing. For this cloud-to-cloud alignment, the scans passing vehicles (such as using minimum values in grid cells)
were constrained horizontally to the X- and Y-coordinates or reduce systematic instrument noise (using average or
obtained via the RTK GPS to avoid error propagation (Olsen median values in grid cells). In this study, because each scan
et al. 2011). However, each scan was allowed to translate along was manually cleaned previously (Step 3, removing vehicle
the Z-axis and rotate about the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. Care was points), the average elevation values of points within each cell
taken to ensure that the rotation about the X- and Y-axes did not was used such that the filtering could focus on only removing
vary substantially from the inclination sensor readings (Silvia systematic noise and not scene-related interference. The
and Olsen 2012). results from the average and median values were very similar.
6. Following pairwise matching between scans, a global registration Multiple grids were created using a range of cell sizes to
(e.g., Pulli 1999) was implemented for the final georeferencing understand the influence of the sampling interval on the
of the scans. This preserved the constraints to the X- and results.
Y-coordinates at the scanner origin mentioned previously. 10. Longitudinal profiles with uniform spacing were then ex-
7. Each scan was then filtered to a 45-m radius (slightly larger tracted from each of the grids derived with varying cell sizes
than the scan spacing) to remove points on the road surface at simultaneous with the gridding process. Any small gaps in the
very oblique angles where resolution has significantly de- profile were filled by linear interpolation of surrounding grid
graded yet still filled in holes beneath each scan origin and cells (only applicable to the 0.025-, 0.05-, and 0.075-m sam-
provided sufficient overlap for evaluation. pling intervals).
8. The merged point cloud data set was then rotated (about the In Step 7, note that the angle of incidence is much higher (88)
Z-axis) into a local coordinate system that aligned the roadway than optimal (45) at the 45-m threshold; however, several factors
to the north-south axis to simplify future profile extraction. reduce the impact of this effect on the derived profiles. First, because
9. The merged point cloud data set was then processed using the this range is relatively short, the beam width is still small at 45-m
Bin ‘N’ Grid program (Olsen 2011), which creates digital range. Second, the obliquity has a larger influence on the horizontal
terrain modeling (DTM) grids (with uniform cell sizes) of the coordinates compared with the vertical coordinates in this particular

© ASCE 04014011-5 J. Surv. Eng.

situation. Vertical accuracy is much more critical than horizontal software using each device as a reference profile. Comparisons
accuracy in this application. Third, the Bin ‘N’ Grid (Olsen 2011) were completed between the IRI values and cross-correlations.
average filter applied to the data set in Step 9 reduces this problem 4. Statistical comparison of elevation differences between devi-
because a closer scan will provide many more points in a grid cell ces: This analysis consists of extracting profiles and calculat-
that are used to calculate the average compared with the farther, more ing statistics (RMS and 95% confidence) for deviations in
oblique scan. Finally, because the deviation in horizontal position elevation between the profiles. This was done comparing TLS
(estimated to be a few centimeters) from this effect are less than the with the RL data sets.
250-mm moving average filter applied to simulate the tire envelope 5. Wavelength content analysis: Herein, the wavelength contents
in the roughness calculations, this effect is minimized. To verify this were analyzed for each device and the influences of the
postulation, cross sections were taken near the origin of each scan sampling intervals on the wavelength contents in TLS were
and the edges of the neighboring scans, and the profiles showed compared.
agreement within the expected tolerances (5 mm, 1–s). An alter-
native strategy to minimize this problem would be to do more scans
spaced closer together that can be filtered to an even shorter range. Results
These scans could be done at a lower resolution such that the field
time would not be compromised.
TLS Sampling Interval and Filtering Requirements

Comparison Analysis Procedures In this study, 15 different sampling intervals were chosen (0.025–0.3 m
in increments of 0.025, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 m). Analyses were then run
Comparisons between the four profiling methods can be drawn by to determine the optimal sampling intervals. Initially, each profile
determining the road roughness (IRI values) and the cross-correlation was compared against the other sampling intervals for each wheel
between the profiles. These results allow a closer examination re- path. The outlying profiles tended to occur with sampling intervals of
garding the use of laser scanning data in the analysis of road rough- 0.25 m or more (Fig. 3), indicating that the larger sampling interval
ness. Transverse, cross-slope values can be calculated from the laser for the filter creates a profile that has been artificially smoothed. The
scanning data and slopes can be compared between the laser scanner profiles from Fig. 3 show elevation differences (typically, less than
and RL. 0.006 m) for a 3-m section for profiles derived from each sampling
The profiles were filtered and analyzed using the freely available interval.
PROVAL software, which can analyze profiles to calculate IRI Following this visual analysis, the IRI values from each sampling
values, determine cross-correlation, and extract wavelength content. interval profile were examined (Fig. 4). It is likely that the 0.025-m
To account for vehicle tire size, a 250-mm filter is recommended to sampling interval did not eliminate all of the scanner noise and the
model the tire envelope. This filter was not applied to the level data surface appeared rougher than it actually was. The trend in the
(the spacing of the level data, 300 mm, is larger than the 250-mm IRI curve flattened out between sampling intervals of 0.075 and
filter), or the IBP (the measurement system has a built-in mechanical 0.25 m for both wheel paths. These values also agree very well with
filter because it uses wheels directly on the surface). However, a the IRI obtained from the inclinometer-based profiler. The sam-
250-mm moving average filter was applied to the inertial profiler pling intervals from 0.075 to 0.3 m for both wheel paths provided
data and TLS data, which can sample finer intervals. profiles with no outlying points and were within, or bordered,
To compare the devices and evaluate the suitability of TLS for the 65% range from the IBP IRI.
smoothness determination, the following analyses were performed: A complete data set for the road section offers the ability to
1. Sampling and filtering requirements for TLS: TLS collects collect multiple profiles, calculate cross slopes, and calculate IRI at
data at fixed angular increments; hence, the sampling on the any interval across the roadway. The IRI values for profiles spaced
ground is not uniform (dense closer to the scanner; more sparse every 0.3 m across the roadway are shown in Fig. 5, where some
farther away from the scanner). Furthermore, multiple scan variability in the IRI values to the left and right of the LWP and
setups (with individual georeferencing errors) are combined significant variability slightly to the left and right of the RWP can be
into a single point cloud. To this end, the data need to be seen, indicating that any deviation from the wheel path by the inertial
filtered [using the Bin ‘N’ Grid (Olsen 2011) procedure pre- profiler can influence the IRI values. This may have a greater effect
viously described] and sampled at a regular interval for profile on the cross-correlation values because these are dependent upon the
analysis. Because of the angular and ranging errors inherent in location of the roughness. The variability observed from obtaining
TLS, points collected from TLS will not perfectly model the multiple profiles along the roadway provides insight into the reasons
surface and will result in noise on the order of 3–5 mm (1–s) for the lower cross-correlation values. It also provides a clearer
for most current laser scanners. While all devices have sys- picture of the actual roughness of the road rather than that observed
tematic noise in one form or another, the high-resolution nature solely in the wheel paths.
of TLS data enables seeing this noise. Hence, because of the
significant amount of measurement redundancy, filtering pro-
IRI Comparisons
cesses may help reduce the noise, which is similar to a least-
squares regression of points to a curve, where sample points Fig. 6 provides a comparison of the IRI values from the various
will be present above and below the modeled surface. In instruments. Except for the April 2012 RL survey, all values fall
contrast, selecting points at discrete intervals within the point within 5% of the IBP values. The IBP consistently has the lowest SD
cloud will not be able to reduce the noise. between runs, indicating highest repeatability. The IRI obtained
2. IRI calculation comparisons: All devices were compared with from the RL tends to be higher than the IRI from the other devices
the IRI values determined for the 161-m length on both wheel for both wheel paths. This is likely a result of the larger sample
paths. In the case of instruments with multiple runs, variances spacing (0.3 m). Because only one RL survey for each wheel path
in the IRI values of those devices were also determined. was completed each day, a SD cannot be computed. The TLS data
3. Cross-correlation between profiles and devices: The collected are based on the average IRI from the 0.05–0.125 m sampling in-
profiles from the instruments were run through the PROVAL terval profiles, which were not obtained from additional passes. The

© ASCE 04014011-6 J. Surv. Eng.

Fig. 3. Profiles at varying sample intervals for the (a) LWP and (b) RWP

inertial profilers show a large SD compared with the IBP. This is not There were again accuracy problems with the data from the LWP.
surprising given the difficulty in navigating a straight path at The November 2011 inclinometer test had low cross-correlation
highway speeds and the observed variability across the test site values for both wheel paths. In Table 2, the diagonal elements
(Fig. 5). represent repeatability within all of the runs with that instrument on
the survey date. For the TLS data, this repeatability is based on
Cross-Correlation Analysis comparing the 0.025-, 0.05-, 0.075-, and 0.1-m spacing intervals,
rather than separate TLS surveys. The profile selected for the ref-
As discussed in the “Introduction,” the cross-correlation provides erence profile was the profile that showed the highest correlation
a better analysis of the agreement of two profiles than does the IRI with the other runs for that device and date.
alone. Fig. 7 compares the cross-correlation values obtained by
comparing the TLS with varying sample intervals to the RL, in-
clinometer, and inertial profiler as reference profiles. It is likely that
Elevation Correlation Analysis
the results would agree better if (1) there were less variability across
the road surface, minimizing wandering effects (the horizontal A traditional, elevation correlation analysis was completed to
movement of the profiler off of the path); and (2) the profiles were compare the profile elevations with the findings of Chang et al.
completed within a short time window, reducing seasonal effects and (2006) regarding the use of TLS. As discussed in the “Introduction,”
differences in road degradation. the IRI-based cross-correlation focuses on slope variations rather
The comparison with the RL showed the poorest correlation, than elevation variations because slope variations are more appli-
likely a result of the large spacing (0.3 m) of the data set. The inertial cable to ride quality.
profilers and IBP both generally showed good cross-correlation with Two forms of reporting accuracies are presented in Table 3:
the TLS data, particularly between 0.05 and 0.2 m for both wheel The RMS (∼68% confidence interval) and the accuracy expressed
paths. More scatter was observed for the RWP, likely as a result of at a 95% confidence interval (51:96 3 RMS for 1D normally
the higher variability in roughness near the RWP (Fig. 5). However, distributed data). Because the cross-correlation calculation adjusts
the LWP cross-correlation values were consistently lower. the profiles such that the mean elevation value is zero, the RMS
The cross-correlations were determined using various reference/ and 95% confidence intervals were computed with a mean dif-
comparison profiles, as given in Table 2, where the bold values meet ference profile elevation adjustment. The November 2011 in-
current AASHTO standards (90% accuracy and 92% repeatability). clinometer survey was used in this analysis because there was no
Most of these bold values are from the comparison of the RWP. DMI calibration and closed-loop adjustment for the June 2011

© ASCE 04014011-7 J. Surv. Eng.

Fig. 4. IRI values obtained from TLS at varying sampling intervals, with the solid line showing the average of the June 2011 and November 2011 IBP
runs, and the dashed line showing 65%: (a) LWP; (b) RWP

Fig. 5. IRI values obtained for longitudinal profiles spaced every 0.075 m across the roadway, with point spacing at 0.075 m

inclinometer survey, and these are critical for elevation comparisons. (0:073 m=km), which as discussed previously were based on
The inclinometer and level profiles show the best agreement. The incremental slope measurements.
TLS shows slightly better agreement to the inclinometer-based
profiler than the level. These values are reasonable given the typ-
Wavelength Analysis
ical relative accuracies (1–s) of the equipment (TLS, nominal RMS
accuracy of 0.005 m; RL, nominal RMS accuracy of 0.001 m; IBP, The profile runs from each device were compared using the power
nominal RMS accuracy of 0:00025=7:62 m 5 0:005 mm for 161 m, spectral density analysis function in PROVAL. The IRI filters
with a closed loop). were applied to all devices, with the 250-mm filter applied to
A second statistical analysis was completed to compare the the TLS and inertial profiler data. Fig. 8(a) shows a comparison
November 2011 and April 2012 RL surveys. The RMS values of the wavelengths for all devices for LWP deviations below
between the elevation measurements (without a mean adjust- 1:5 m=cycle and above 40 m=cycle. Fig. 8(b) shows a compari-
ment) were also low (#0:001 m), which shows good correlation son of the slope wavelengths for RWP deviations below
with the data despite the large difference observed in IRI values 0:9 m=cycle and above 60 m=cycle. These trends are similar to

© ASCE 04014011-8 J. Surv. Eng.

Fig. 6. IRI values with SD bars from each of the instruments used on the (a) LWP and (b) RWP

the LWP except that the differences are much more pronounced
below 0:9 m=cycle. Also, note that at around 12 m=cycle, the
TLS shows some deviation. However, overall, for the range
at which the IRI calculations are most sensitive (1.2–30 m)
(Karamihas 2005), the devices show good agreement in wave-
length content. Furthermore, given that the profile length was 161
m, wavelengths greater than 30 m would require a longer profile
to accurately capture them.
Based on the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, in order to
reconstruct a wavelength of 1.2 m (the lower bound of the range at
which the IRI calculations are sensitive) (Karamihas 2005), at
a minimum, samples would be required every 0.6 m. However, the
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem assumes perfect data; this was
not the case in the data sources used, which contained noise. As such,
the previously determined optimal sampling interval of 0.075–0.25
m necessary for TLS data requires 2–8 times more samples than the
theoretical amount required.
Comparisons of the TLS data only for each sampling interval for
the LWP and RWP are shown in Figs. 8(c and d), respectively. These
comparisons were done without the IRI and 250-mm moving av-
erage filter previously applied. Figs. 8(c and d) illustrate that there is
some variability in wavelength content, depending on the sampling
interval. In particular, the 0.175-m sampling interval shows some
Fig. 7. Cross-correlation comparisons between TLS and other devices significant deviations for the LWP. However, for the shorter and
for the (a) LWP and (b) RWP at varying sampling intervals longer wavelengths, these differences are typically less than those
observed when comparing all devices.

© ASCE 04014011-9 J. Surv. Eng.

Table 2. Cross-Correlation Values (with SDs) for Reference and Comparison Profilers for the LWP and RWP
profile IBP_1106 IBP_1111 IBP_1206 RL_1111 RL_1204 TLS_1110 IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4
Left wheel path
IBP_1106 98.20 (0.32) 91.65 (0.76) 87.61 (1.19) 83.27 (1.30) 75.52 (0.54) 90.57 (0.60) 87.54 (0.69) 91.13 (0.74) 72.01 (0.65) 96.34 (0.79)
IBP_1111 92.19 (0.68) 99.00 (0.46) 73.55 (0.98) 74.35 (0.79) 65.38 (0.85) 80.51 (0.80) 77.03 (0.75) 79.05 (1.02) 62.44 (0.98) 89.23 (0.82)
IBP_1206 86.78 (3.19) 72.10 (3.22) 97.37 (1.49) 85.70 (2.71) 84.26 (1.18) 86.79 (2.54) 86.40 (2.38) 90.84 (2.16) 69.47 (1.82) 87.56 (2.74)
RL_1111 88.44 — 77.99 — 86.21 — — — 83.87 — 88.48 — 88.36 — 90.84 — 67.30 — 87.74 —
RL_1204 80.73 — 68.93 — 72.46 — 83.87 — — — 82.37 — 81.98 — 84.59 — 64.21 — 80.32 —
TLS_1110 90.32 (0.45) 80.52 (0.52) 87.33 (0.84) 83.91 (0.30) 77.40 (0.56) 97.63 (0.69) 94.40 (0.66) 93.54 (0.55) 74.85 (1.27) 92.03 (0.49)
IP1 88.50 (1.15) 76.65 (0.72) 88.31 (1.06) 84.13 (0.62) 77.23 (0.90) 94.56 (1.19) 98.06 (0.49) 94.52 (1.17) 71.20 (1.58) 90.76 (1.17)
IP2 90.84 (0.92) 78.49 (1.59) 90.48 (1.29) 84.12 (1.09) 77.70 (1.55) 93.79 (0.94) 94.55 (2.56) 95.14 (0.16) 74.70 (1.43) 92.49 (1.55)
IP3 71.66 (2.29) 60.98 (2.00) 70.46 (2.44) 63.78 (1.76) 59.96 (1.73) 74.11 (2.67) 71.18 (2.62) 75.06 (2.58) 94.12 (2.09) 75.10 (2.76)
IP4 93.88 (2.77) 86.19 (2.94) 87.08 (3.62) 74.06 (1.92) 82.46 (1.67) 90.75 (1.76) 88.80 (1.91) 91.29 (2.92) 74.19 (1.05) 94.40 (2.49)
Right wheel path

IBP_1106 99.02 (0.16) 92.38 (0.21) 92.23 (0.17) 93.37 (0.36) 83.93 (0.66) 91.42 (0.14) 94.22 (0.17) 96.92 (0.29) 69.39 (0.40) 98.00 (0.40)
IBP_1111 92.42 (0.72) 99.32 (0.19) 79.75 (0.85) 84.90 (0.70) 77.94 (0.64) 84.15 (0.58) 83.40 (0.71) 87.39 (0.69) 62.48 (0.46) 93.87 (0.50)
IBP_1206 92.39 (1.06) 80.04 (1.30) 99.24 (0.28) 92.90 (0.75) 86.58 (0.33) 86.61 (0.99) 91.90 (0.93) 95.37 (0.93) 66.30 (0.63) 90.33 (1.08)
RL_1111 95.82 — 87.81 — 91.18 — — — 83.17 — 89.89 — 92.47 — 94.73 — 67.29 — 93.90 —
RL_1204 87.45 — 81.32 — 89.48 — 83.17 — — — 80.22 — 84.81 — 89.27 — 61.55 — 86.57 —
TLS_1110 92.07 (0.88) 84.67 (0.96) 86.37 (0.88) 87.21 (1.46) 78.34 (1.47) 98.56 (0.10) 94.02 (0.50) 90.85 (0.80) 72.12 (0.84) 89.39 (0.72)
IP1 92.80 (2.29) 81.86 (2.26) 91.99 (1.22) 91.27 (0.94) 81.69 (1.00) 92.91 (0.84) 97.51 (1.46) 92.76 (1.67) 72.26 (0.82) 90.63 (1.53)
IP2 94.22 (2.99) 84.91 (3.14) 93.80 (1.24) 92.15 (2.28) 84.76 (0.85) 90.14 (1.70) 94.98 (1.65) 95.66 (3.40) 70.41 (2.29) 93.26 (2.64)
IP3 69.64 (0.63) 62.33 (1.32) 65.92 (0.59) 64.36 (1.10) 58.19 (0.85) 70.48 (2.43) 71.98 (2.43) 76.81 (1.14) 95.58 (1.41) 69.18 (0.77)
IP4 95.49 (1.81) 92.07 (3.06) 90.61 (2.19) 90.94 (0.87) 82.94 (1.96) 87.47 (1.31) 89.56 (2.02) 92.27 (2.81) 68.20 (1.95) 96.94 (1.64)
Note: Bold values meet current AASHTO (90% accuracy, 92% repeatability) requirements (AASHTO 2010b); RL 5 nominal RMS accuracy of 0.001 m; numbers 1106, 1111, etc., 5 experiment dates: 1106
5 November 6; 1111 5 November 11, and so on.

J. Surv. Eng.
Discussion contrast, a sample interval that is too small will not filter out the
data enough and there will be scanner noise visible in the profile.
This section summarizes the following insights obtained with re- The optimal sampling interval determined from this study is in
spect to the initial motivations and other considerations found as the range of 0.075 to 0.25 m.
a result of this study: • Cross-correlation: The TLS-derived profiles were proven to be
• Filtering: Point filtering such as the Bin ‘N’ Grid (Olsen 2011) consistent with the other techniques based on the high cross-
method described in this study can reduce the noise associated correlation values. In the wavelength analysis, the TLS showed
with TLS. Given the agreement in IRI values and cross- good agreement compared with the other devices.
correlation values with the other systems, it can be concluded • Implications of multiple profiles across the road: The TLS
that TLS filtering can produce data of sufficient accuracy for road showed significant variations in IRI values depending on where
profile evaluations. This agreement is achievable despite the the profiles were obtained across the road. This improved knowl-
higher noise in TLS primarily because the laser footprint is much edge explains the difficulty in achieving cross-correlation with
smaller than the tire envelope filter (250 mm) applied as part of other devices when wandering from the path.
the IRI calculation. However, it should be noted that a time-of- The following additional insights were found in this study re-
flight system, although successful for IRI calculations, will have garding laser characteristics, environmental conditions, surveying
limitations compared with phase-based systems for other pave- considerations, and processing considerations:
• Laser characteristics: Dark surfaces at long ranges are problem-
ment metrics of interest including the detection of small cracks
and microsurface characterization. Nonetheless, a similar Bin ‘N’ atic for some scanners because they do not reflect light well.
Grid (Olsen 2011) filtering scheme could be implemented with Hence, scanning should be performed at close range (,50 m) to
the pavement surface for best results.
phase-based data. • Environmental conditions can influence the results of TLS data
• Sample interval: A sampling interval that is too large will filter
collection. Many of these effects (temperature, pressure, and
out surface texture and create an artificially smooth profile. In
relative humidity) can be corrected for in the instrument or by
Table 3. Statistical Analysis of Profile Elevations for TLS, Level, and only using data for short ranges. Wet pavements will generally
Inclinometer yield poor scanning results, as do conditions where refraction is
present, for example, as a result of steam, precipitation, or heat
TLS to level Inclinometer Inclinometer rising from surfaces. When evaluating road profiles, it is impor-
(mm) to level (mm) to TLS (mm) tant to note that significant changes in roughness can occur with
Parameter Left Right Left Right Left Right weather effects and traffic volume over time.
• Surveying strategies: Scans should be spaced close together to
RMS 5.6 5.0 2.9 2.3 4.5 5.0
minimize oblique scanning on the road surface. Hence, more
Confidence (95%) 11.0 9.9 5.6 4.6 8.9 9.9
lower-resolution scans are better than fewer higher-resolution

Fig. 8. Slope wavelength power spectral density comparison for (a) LWP (for all devices); (b) RWP (for all devices); (c) LWP (for TLS sampling
intervals); (d) RWP (for TLS sampling intervals)

© ASCE 04014011-11 J. Surv. Eng.

scans. Scans should be completed with a target resolution of enable adequate profiles in cross-correlation analysis. The IBP
0.025 m or less on the road surface. Achieving high vertical created highly repeatable and accurate profiles, which correlated
accuracy is more important than horizontal accuracy for this well with the research by Karamihas (2011).
application. Because IRI values are dependent on slope differ-
ences, the relative accuracy of measurements is critical; network
accuracy is less stringent for profile evaluation. However, it Acknowledgments
should always be considered that the scan data may be used
for a variety of other purposes, which may require higher network The Oregon DOT (ODOT) and the Federal Highway Administration
accuracy. Horizontal accuracy still needs to be sufficient to meet (FHWA) funded this research through SPR-744. The authors thank
AASHTO’s DMI requirements; however, TLS typically would George Chang from Transtec Group for his comments and insights.
have much higher horizontal accuracy than required. Finally, the Keith Williams, Jeremy Conner, John Raugust, Hamid Mahmouda-
TLS ensures that a straight profile (or along another path geom- badi, William White, Mahyar Sharifi-Mood, and Kris Puderbaugh
etry desired) is obtained, whereas the other methods will deviate assisted in the field work. Dean Chess at ODOT was instrumental
somewhat from the path. in helping this project get started. Norris Shippen (ODOT), Michael
• Processing strategies: TLS processing requires substantially Stennett (ODOT), Larry Ilg (ODOT), Jim Huddleston (Asphalt
more time, effort, and expertise than the other techniques. For Pavement Association of Oregon), and Anthony Boesen (FHWA)
example, inertial profiler systems can provide results directly served on the Technical Advisory Committee. Leica Geosystems
within minutes in the field, while TLS processing and analysis and David Evans and Associates provided the equipment and soft-
can take hours to complete in specialized software. Hence, it ware used in this study. Maptek I-Site also provided software used
should always be considered if the added value of additional in this study. The authors appreciate the anonymous reviewers
information across the scene for TLS is worth the additional who provided helpful feedback to this paper.
effort. With respect to profile extraction, a localized cloud-to-
cloud alignment may improve the relative accuracy of the scans
over those achieved with targets. Data should be exported with
sufficient digits (submillimeter) to avoid truncation effects. References
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© ASCE 04014011-13 J. Surv. Eng.

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