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Name of Facilitator: ESTELITA V.

VILLAR Date: January 17,2020

Directions: Read item or dimension of the LAC Session Guide and criteria to evaluate the item or dimension (1 st
column). Rate each item according to the criteria. Check the appropriate number in the scale. If rating is lower than 4,
suggest ways of improving the item or component of the Session guide.

This form will be used to

Items/dimensions of the Session Guide being reviewed Legend:

4- Compliance with criterion is complete (or full)

3- Compliance with criterion is substantial but not
2- Compliance with criterion is limited
1- Compliance with criterion is not observable at

4 3 2 1 Suggestions for Improvement

A. Enduring understanding or learnings
1. A key learning/understanding is identified for the major
concepts/topics covered in the session guide
2. Key learnings/ understandings are aligned to the objectives.
3. The development of the Activities, Analysis, Abstraction and
Application parts of the Session Guide support the achievement of the
identified key learnings.
B. Objectives
1. Are specific
2. Are measurable
3. Are realistically achievable at the end of the session or lesson
4. Target higher order thinking skills
5. Include KNOWING, DOING and VALUING dimensions as appropriate
C. Over all content/topic
1. Session guide covers concepts that are critical to know about the
2. Coverage of topics is adequate to achieve objectives
3. Content is free from IPR infringement
4. Use of the guide in a LAC session could significantly contribute to
improvement of teacher practice
5. Notes to LAC facilitator as needed are included in the session guide
D. Activities
1. Activities used in the Session Guide are:
 Able to “hook” and keep teacher- users engaged
Directions: Read item or dimension of the LAC Session Guide and criteria to evaluate the item or dimension (1 st
column). Rate each item according to the criteria. Check the appropriate number in the scale. If rating is lower than 4,
suggest ways of improving the item or component of the Session guide.

This form will be used to

Items/dimensions of the Session Guide being reviewed Legend:

4- Compliance with criterion is complete (or full)

3- Compliance with criterion is substantial but not
2- Compliance with criterion is limited
1- Compliance with criterion is not observable at

4 3 2 1 Suggestions for Improvement

 Appropriate for adults
 Engaging
 Related to topic or content being developed
2. Have variety
3. Performing the activities leads to the achievement of objectives
4. Multiple activities are logically sequenced
5. Instructions for activities are clear and concise
E. Analysis
1. Process questions in the Analysis portion of the Session Guide:
Enable teacher- users to relate Activity (ies) to the content being
studied and to key learnings
Deepen teacher- users’ insights into the topic or the skill being taught
Process questions target higher level thinking skills
F. Discussion
1. Discussion questions or triggers:
Are Focused on key concepts or principles
Can elicit the desired key learnings or understandings from participants
Align to objectives
Fill in the gaps in the video content
G. Application
1. Application activity is appropriate to the topic or skill contained in the
session guide
2. Application activity can reasonably assess the ability of teachers using
the session guide to transfer learning to a new situation
H. Reflection
1. Reflection activities/exercises embedded in the session guide are
Directions: Read item or dimension of the LAC Session Guide and criteria to evaluate the item or dimension (1 st
column). Rate each item according to the criteria. Check the appropriate number in the scale. If rating is lower than 4,
suggest ways of improving the item or component of the Session guide.

This form will be used to

Items/dimensions of the Session Guide being reviewed Legend:

4- Compliance with criterion is complete (or full)

3- Compliance with criterion is substantial but not
2- Compliance with criterion is limited
1- Compliance with criterion is not observable at

4 3 2 1 Suggestions for Improvement

2. Reflection activities suggest ways of improving teacher agency or
I. References
1. References used for the session guide are fairly recent
2. Refences are properly cited
3. Official Dep Ed policies relevant to topic are cited

Overall Rating: ________________________

Reference: DepEd Region 3 Self and Peer Checklist to Evaluate Session Guides

Evaluated by: FELISA T. ANDAMON Conforme: ESTELITA V.

LAC Leader LAC Facilitator

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