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s GUIDE ' GAMEMASTER HacKMASTER BOOKS Player's Handbook No player of HACKMASTER™ can exist without @ copy of the HackMaster Players Handbook. Here within the hundreds of pages is a wealth of information onall aspects of the game, written for the use of the players.All important infor- mation needed during play is outlined and explained, including the generation of characters, their classes, skills, talents and proficiencies, equipment and weapons costs, and a complete descriptive treatment of over 600 magic spells used in the game. P The many hundreds of fearsome monsters which are part of Garweeze Wurld come to life within the eight volumes of the Hacklopedia of Beasts! Within this, collection are over 1600 creatures of every conceivable type. Each is carefully described in individual narrative, which appears along with a full listing of game abilities. Most of the monsters are illustrated in addition, giving an awesome visual representation to players and Game Masters. The Hacklopedia of Beasts Quest for the Unknown Many years ago, rumor has it, two noted personages in the area, a fighter of renown and a magic-user of mystery & power pooled their resources and exper- tise to construct a home and stronghold for the two of them to use as a base of ‘operations. Word just reaching civilization tells of their demise. If only one had the knowledge and wherewithal to find their hideaway, there would be great things to explore. This is the first instructional module designed for use with HackMaster, filled with plenty of hacking for beginning players. Little Keep on the Borderlands You are indeed members of that exceptional class~ adventurers who have jour- neyed to the Little Keep on the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune. Somewhere nearby, amidst the forests & tangled fens, are the chaotic caves where fell creatures lie in wait. Fate seems to have decreed that you are to become an adventurous band who must pass through many harrowing experi- ences together. ‘An exciting underground and wilderness setting provides plenty of adventure for novice and seasoned players alike! Co cog A aga RSET aa CoO RT Dedicated to the memory of 9" Jackson, Se Timothy Garrett "G SPECIAL REFERENCE WORK GAMEMASTER’S GUIDE **@GAMEMASTER’S EYES ONLY** ‘Acompiled volume of information expel for use by HMGMA certified HackMaster GameMasters (or qualified GameMas ning) facings GM Code of Hic Tables For a us Alignment Charting Tool, Experience, Honoe and Fs Spelibacks and Magie Research, NPC hirlings, followers, henchmen, cronies and side icks, Treatre Tables dell on iment Codes, aver 700 new mage items, Special Notes on Garweeze Wurld, Random Dangson Generation, Randers Wi the Releof CameMartering and mach, mach more © Copyright 2001 Kenzer and Company. All rights reserved. HackMaster is based on the original Dungeons and Dragons® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. 1 acheol, detailed Law and ‘Terrain Generation, ‘With respect to trademarks: Hackttaterthe HackMaster logo, Hicklopea of Beasts, the Kerzar and Company logo, Knits ofthe Dinner Table, Gary Jckson The Game Must Go On loge.the Hard Bight Entrprises Logo and Hard ight Ererprises are trademarks of Kerwer and Compa. © Copyright 2001 Kenae”and Company. AN righ reserved. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, ADD. and Dungeone and Drager areal trademarks owned by Wizards ofthe Coast Inc. subsidiary of Hasbro, Ine. and tre used by Kenzer and Company under leense, ©1001 Waarés ofthe Coatt, ne Queso enur and Company 25667 Hiliew Cour fandlin TL. 60060 (47) sao.o039 Manufactured in the United States of America First Printing: Ocrober 2001 This book is protected under international treaties and copytight laws ofthe Pusussen's Nor: my be tepreduced, without Thien work of fton. Names, charac, plces nd in Tecmitaion & granted to ‘ofthis book for personal ay wed fetvouly and any weemblance the express writen consent of Kenzer and Comps the purchaser ofthis product «0 reproduce sect tse only. Sale or eade of such rcproductions i strictly prohibited. Ting or dead evens locales is emily coincidental, Reality Check, A Disclaimer The fictional works collectively known as “HackMaster” are what is known as a fantasy role-playing game. Some of the material may not be suitable for children and/or young readers, which is why we strong. ly suggest parental discretion. It has also come to our attention that some people have no backbone for high fantasy or the concepe of hero- ic deeds which often involve fighting evil monsters and taking on supernatural beings intent on the down fall of all chings good and noble. If you are such an individual and are squeamish about such things, you may want co accept the fact that this book is not for you and read no farther (but please do send in a 25¢ royalty payment for the portion you HAVE read up to this point, to do otherwise is tanta- ‘moune to THEFT). HackMaster isa game and as such, the ereators have tried to imbue ic with a bit oFambiance that reflects a mysterious world fraught with danger, magic and wondrous creatures. We want to emphasize the term ‘game. HackMaster has very little co do with reality. fs an «scape mechanism designed co entertain players fora few hours, after which the game is shelved and everyone returns to their boring, ‘eal lives. AAs a gume, HackMaster dhrows players into situations (conflict) ‘which must be resolved using wie and/or any skills, weapons or other means the players in-game personae may possess Allof this action, of «couse, exists only in the mind of those playing the game. Such make- believe conics are resolved with equally. make-believe solutions. Some conflcs ate resolved peacefully through negotiation, parley and arher non-violent means, Somctimes theyre resolved with magic. Ofe times, however, such conflicts are resolved through force lence). Again, all the action in HackMaster takes place in the imagi- nations ofthe players and the GameMaster. Are you getting allthis? HackMBaster has nothing to do with advocating the occult, drug use, teen suicide, random acts of violence or any of the many sinister age das which those harboring a grudge against role-playing have atempr- ced to lay atour feet. The writers do not condone violence to solve ‘eal life’ situations. In fact, we frown upon it. Again, this book is a work of fantasy and the reader should remind himself of that. If you cannot separate reality fiom fantasy you should put this book down and seek professional help (or at the very least make a photo-copy of this dis- claimer and review it before and afer EVERY session of HackMaster). Just so we'e clear on this —attempring to worship the demons pre- sented in Hacklopedia will esult in nothing but ridicule from your peers (our demons are ‘made-up)). Likewise, with the ‘magic spel presented in HackMaster, They are fake. Made up. Not real. No mat- ter how hard you try to cast Invisibility on yourself, it just ain't gonna to happen. If you jump off a roof because you believe your ‘boots of utter sof’ will protect you and you end up shattering your hip. do noc come crying to us. We will merely show you a highlighted photo copy of this disclaimer and marvel at your stupidity. Ate we on the same sheet of music here? Good. "Nuff said Disclaimer Addendum: The views expressed in this work are solely those of Hard Eight Enterprises and its staf and NOT those of Kenzer and Company or its employees. Remember this work is a parody of games and the people who play them (as well as make them). Foreword: Interrupt Illusion ‘The book you hold in your hands (as wel as its companion volumes the HackMaster Player's Handbook and the Hacklopedia of Beasts) has literally been a labor of love. Hopefully tha much is obvious to «ven the casual reader. You would think by now we would have been getting used ro the process, but it’ always diffcule to have something you've been working on so closely for many months torn from your loving hands and plunked on the presses. As creators and designers we always hae the feeling the product isnt quite complete— that there’ always something else which can be aided, crammed berween the covers and made to fit. One more idea. ‘One more rable on the melting points of precious metals. One more typo to chase down and beat into submission, And so it was with the book you hold in your hands. Like nurturing parents we wanted to hold onto our baby for as long as possible before sending ic out into the world. ‘We have often been told our passion for games shows in our prod- ucts and that our leve for gaming is infectious. ‘That's always nice to hhcar and i really helps motivate us to keep doing what we do. Caste, lg Oe ‘We were thrilled char so many people flocked to HackMaster when the Player's Handbook was ccleased a few short months ago. A loc of people didrit believe the game could find a niche in an already erowd- ‘ed market, but thankfully you, the reader, proved them all wrong. ‘The PHB, as you may recall, was dedicated to all che countess folks who contribuced to role-playing, KODT and ADE&D over the years. ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide, however, is dedicated ro YOU! By voting with your wallets and supporting what we have been doing, you sent our a loud message shat there is always room for a good, fun game. You also proved that word of mouth can be more powerful than large advertising budgets, hype and fluff. Give yourself a pat on the back and a few experience points! Indced, this book is dedicated ro ALL of you. In our books, you are truly heroes. Brine fl Joly Blackburn, David S. Keoe. Brian Je, and Steve Johanson The KODT Development Team Credits THE KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE/HACKMASTER DEVELOPMENT TEAM Is: Jolly R. Blackburn * Brian Jelke * Steve Johansson * David S. Kenzer Master Productionist/HackWriter 17/11th Level: Steve Johansson Editor/Project Task Master/HackWriter 12/17/11th Level: Brian Jelke Editor/HackWriter/Assassin 13/11/18th Level: David S. Kenzer Editor/HackWriter/Knight Errant 12/11/16th Level: Jolly R. Blackburn Editor/HackWtiter/Monk 11/11/16th Level: Noah Kolman Hackwriter/Diviner/Berserker 7/8/9th Level: Don Morgan Art Director/Bard 10/7th Level: Bob Burke Art Liaison/HackWriter/Battle Mage 7/4/4th Level: Mark Plemmons Designer/IIlusionist 9/6th Level: Jiffy Burke Editor/HackWriter/Paladin 8/10/3rd Level: Barbara Blackburn Editor/Cleric 10/10th Level: Jennifer Kenzer Party Chief of Propaganda/Bard/Druid 9/6/7th Level: Gerda Hansen Interior Art. V. Shane Colelough, Doug Curtis, Kevin Daily Brian Dawson, Mike Doscher, Stacy Drum, Tim Dzon, Brendon Fraim, [rian Frsim, Benjamin Hall, William Hammock, Eric Johns, ‘Nick Laing, Rob Lec, Tora Martin, Ed Northeoct, “Mark Pennington, Mike Simon, Jon Usiak Hack Writers, Henchman Class: John K, D’amo, Larry Gransto, Glenn Harris, Cheinopher Heath, Spencer Lease, Seote Lusk, James Mishle, Mark Muller, John O'Neil, D.M. “TischMeister” Zerg Hiackaesting: Amber Blackburn, Busbara Blackburn, Jify Burke, Doug Davis, Ray Ennis, Glenn Harris Jamie LaFouneain, Don Morgan, Mark Mueller, Todd Weaver, Dave Young and his software team and Cartography of Garweeze Wasld Jolly R. Blackburn anyone who ever contibuted to AD8cD” or bellied up to a gaming rable, y sclesteseskal rata fil Thanks to our Origins!GenCon GMs: Joe Covet, Andre Zoro, HiackMaster Logo Anworks Erie Olson Mykal Antcale Aston Sins, Bean Nicholas, Tom Dunham, Joseph Coons, La aa a ike Dae ete Gaye Role ge, cia HE Sate Suter nC fed an sec tho ra Gay Gye eS Me Se econ ved ro our oaline community. and all the other ‘masters of the game’ who first lured us to the table helped us owt at our otventons 0 co by sparking our imaginations, Front Cover Art: Stacy Drum “To Jeff Dex, Dave Dosmaan, ral Ous, Dae Suhesand and Dave Tamper (Cove: pores the denise of the profesional adventuring pary Hells Maal (ayyong hers) whose wonderful artwork inspite us 0 eaploe fants by he Shield of "wold, meer new and incerestingcrestres, an sy the hd 9 x esed Het dane ir Provocation +3 the group’ bravest fighter is carrying) \Weid alo like to thank David Wise, Lelie Sauls and che many exer Back Cover Art: fine falls ac Wierd of the Ca who helped make his posible Brendon and Brian Fraim, colored by ‘Tom Martin And to Hand Eight ACT LAB, for Accelerated Campaign Testing and Character Demise Studies. Fame Rub Signatures Goof i S$.) Behe Haye Game Designers and other “icky” notables sign thie autographs hee. Tat way theyl aways be hand for emergency dice purging and luck charging Note: T charge ito ol higher es yoa shal sche theif wright. For lawer nutes se sight ok Fane Rubs ca be we pine new dice and many game dig tl dine oi wipes of he die athe ign Cbt nre ha at a8 cat convert and str gs ate moreno oblige fn. A ale af han yu Serene hve te opps efi of wha is diced, To get you sted wee aed rw Esme gre f J Jo Zee sn ary Jace. Thelen be 32% a civ a a rg sip tune bt hy cul cei andy nan emerney. For oe inrmation once ching and esd cre rd msntennc, ple et Append Lf the Hack Maer Hers Haro Hard 8 Enterprises® ‘What do you want to Hack today?” Grcsngs rend, or rather, Estcered Colleague! We've ben waking for you. Ta the HakMaser equation, you ae she most importane variable, Why? Because the GumeMaser isthe backbone ofthe game ‘Without rou the game i incomplerc: a mative without a noryecllr dramatize the ul, a camera without aac beied the ks liane ste without a condacot You get the idea "The tome you hol in yur hand is the log sate Sth ieatation (cliton of the Hack Maser GamneMase’s Gide. This book is a indispensible weapon inthe GMs arsenal mst forthe witha dere vo akc up the GM Shi and refi HackNaner. All shings HackMaer ae mde pombe bythe sce cor ‘ined hein, This bok ia heya Roncta stone ifyou will. Fria cri the path o anderaing te vase and grat game ver reel by mankind This ‘magnificent insrument ithe The of Knowledge in this Garden of Eder of weaving games ‘Thus it shouldbe safeguarded accordingly from those unqualified {nivale destous vo prises contents And whi we aon the subject of unqualfed indus. ‘This bool in is enerety has been expreuly dlasifed by the HMGA (HackMaster GurneMases’ Asodaton) as GM Propriety Infocraion (aka. “GAMEMASTERS EYES ONLY" materia). What doc that mean exact? Wel, for one ifyou area player, ten this x your fein cue to sop reing. Pu chs tok down and sep off — PERIOD. ‘You should only be reaing this book i 1. You are already a cerifed HackMaster GameMbster 1. Youarea GameMser-in“Taining and hare dedicated yours co mavterng the game of HackMasier and are working toward beaming aGM yourself ie, ‘yo plane seudythe material hems, acsivlyasemble your awn roup of pier aa ep bead the Shc). “Take hed, the consequences fo a player reading GM Propsictary lnformstin ate severe and such agresions are akc vey serious shoukl alo add chat {ie rprchenble to feign interes in beeing & GM spy o gain aces vo GM reste atrial such ha one could us i vo gal a edge asa payer: Sock Indiv ae the lest of the lw and se univer despised. They risk the less of thet HIMPAVHMGA membership and eternal banishment fom the gre. ‘So plese, consider tht a friendly warning snd proceed accordingly. IFyoa donot meet the criteria st Forth in oT above plese top reading non Sail with me? Geo 1am going to asume you ae or plan tobe. 4 GarieMaster and that you ate beady inkiely aie with se rls in dhe Payers Handbook. ‘The Plies Handbonkc ad the GameMaer Gide alongwith the HacKlopsdia of Beste contain everything yo ae expected en know nord ofl yur roles GM. ‘Asa HackMaster GM you bear an enormous right and responslty on your shoulders judging and running combat, imerpeting the ations of your pe creating sdveneures. wor bulding,anighing experience, eeping Wack of Honor and even rating the peace among players when occasion ferences of ‘pinion: fe into fl blown Fife In ton, you man constancy work at mastering the rules of the game and honing your sill. Mest importantly ke ‘the proverbial capsin oF ship ate, you maa canary sive to maine your autho over yout garne. lea the wl of GameMbase sa dancing jab by soyoec’ tndards ‘Many of you will no duke ducer yu af lcking snd donot have what i takes w bea GM. Ther isn shame in his. Que research indices hat ess han 2.167% of the works population has the cranial spac 1 eamprchend this game (ls we do not provide a anslaton). ‘Those numbers plume 9 a mere {0.032% chat have he sil wean a game fo live payers. ITyou do Find thar you are nop to he jbo nudenly dicover that you cn ele meet the chal Jeng, its your duy eo wep down and pare your players thea choe of peor the HMA wo have you focbly removed. Its always preferable for GM > recogiae His own inadequacies and step side olan Buc enough of uch grim el. Chance a tht ifyou have le omapeled eo answer the ell you hae the igh spit deve and determination co ise othe chal leage, And fear not Por you ae not beng ses into the Fy urine, You have the rule o bac you up. Lethe capin ofthat ship a sa, you are undeniably the mis of you dori Avacd with ths back you ates farmiable indvial wich whom the players mus eon. You wil gd up your lis, don the sce ‘of condone thc comes with knowing that the le empower you and procs, "The Game Manic i sways ight” (baring ineeveton by the HMPA of nue ‘As GM, you wil be alle upon o be the game moderator, judg, jay ot executioner al ven supreme gavel of your milieu. You must invest huge amounts cof ie and energy into your eae. Nor only rust you dedicate youl co che ska mentioned above, bat you mst do 0 whe jing your secondary elle ‘oxnmicments and oblgacons. Furthcrmve, you must doso without hit of bia, unainess, incompetence knproprict. Think yu ae up wo the jb! “The HackManer GarneMsters Guile THE essential tool forthe GarneManc. I ithe bible of HackMaser and physically repecas your authority over the tne. One of the fir dings you should do i ur to page 14 and rea dhe GMs Oath and GMs Code of Conduct. Once you hae caefly conse the Scope and meaning of those struments ad taken ample ume to canst, or conciouly wave your righ o coma an aorey, yu should ake the cath inthe frsenc of witness, ofcourse). Make sre you sign and dae i ‘You should ep your pencnalned GMs Guide in your posession at al times when administering the date of your tide. Before you ean the page and begin your quest at unlecking deserts of maser the Game, L wou ike welt a mone of wisdom to bep bls: your pie Gary Jckon had a placard on hinds athe old GarseMancrsAcadcny in Sapina Michigan. Iwas presented ohm by te place fom his very ist group tack a Ball ate and fad simply "ying in the face of adversity ad lvig ie Tn many ways ha sums up wha being 2 GM is allabout™ ‘Gig Sa a er ok oe oe Lefee JoJo Zeke Direct of HaceMter Development Hud Eig Enerpries * By the way. some smartats bastard stole thie placard in 1998, A sanding reward of $50 ls beng offered by the HMA. ‘Anyone with information leading o che recovery ef the plaque and the iden of those responsible for sealing it should contact me inmediaely, ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide Table of Contents ChapteriHeading Foreword: Interrupt tlusion Realty Check, A Diclaimer How the Rulebooks are Organized |. + ’A Few Words from the Author On GMs and Non-Dieclouure (On the Use ofthe Male Pronoun Rule Contradictions! ‘A Note About Content and Difficult Decisions ‘The Rote ofthe GameMaster HacktYaster Gamerascer Code of Conduct GameMasters Oath ‘Article | Article Ws ‘The Game “Tools ofthe Trade GameMaster’s Arsenal Chapter |: Player Character Creation . ‘Abitcy Scores “The Gene Pool Method ‘The Gawd and the Wuse Ability Seore Checks « Serergth Desteriey Conssestion Inecigence scorn Chasm Increasing Ability Scores Characteristics For Payer Characters Mentor/Pratege System Hackeracie Character Aging, Calendar, Disease and Death Death... Retiring Player Characters Death Due To Disease (or Disorder) or Parasitic Infestation «22 [Nature of Disease n Garweeze Wud ..-..s.s+srueserveoc2 Infection: Catching Diseases or Parasitic infestation mn ‘The Course of a Diease and Cure Disease Spel Disease Saving Throws versus Cure Disea [Natural Disease immunity =... . Fn Becoming a Disease Carrier =... co et GoneralAffictions and Parasite Infestations =. 24 Magical Diseases sess .-s weeseeaed? Lpantbraey, avs orseresarssecetsvasoutseevevernen eeu Chapter 2: Player Character Races and Classes - Player Character Races ‘A. Non-Human Wer Racal Leve! Restrictions ‘The Game Must Go On! CCreacing New Player Charact layer Character Classes» ‘Chass, Level andthe Common Man ‘O-Level Characters ‘Adventurers snd Society ‘Character Classes in Your Campaign High-Level Characters Defining “High Level 60.2000 ‘Changing Campaign Styles ‘Above 20¢h Level Begining Character Level Prefolled Characters = ‘Character Cass Specifics Sidebar: HacKouncils .. HackCiassos HackFighter Skil Progression «+ Hackage Stil Progression Hacklerie Skil Progression HackSassin Skil Progression Table of Contents Chapter 3: Character Priors and Particulars .......41 ‘Character Background ..sceeeesesseeeeteenensesiereedtl Letting Payers Do the Work Those Problem Bacigrounds - SeceeciAl Establishing a new Clan... oe Altering Faruly Honor 46 Inheritance and Debe 46 Chapter 4: Alignment, Honor, Fame ...+..e0024++-49 Alignment Major Divisions afew Law and Chaos - Good And Evil. NPC Alignment Societal Alignment Alignment of Rligions Alignment of Magical Kerns Magical Alignenent Changes Deteceing Alignment Alignment Charting. ‘Alignment Charting Example Party Alignment Effects of Party Alignrnent an the Individu Changing Alignmenc : Deliberate Change Effects of Changing Alignment. «- Penance Alignment Audit Honor ....-+e00+ Types of Honor. Honor Dice... : Gaining and Loring Honor Honor and Human or Demi-Human NPCs Honor and Monsters... Implementing Honor into the campaen Bad Karma Stealing Honor Honor Ducks « Counting Coup ‘Admeonishment niecieanacued ‘Span Competiin (oie, irene Rls) Fame and Infamy Group (Party) Fame « ding to Fame Chapter 5: Quirks and Flaws Cherry Picking. Rolling for Quirks and Flaws CCuring Quicksand Flaws ‘Acquiring Quirks and Flays over Time Stacking Quirks and Flaws... ‘cditional Detail on Flaws (physical) ‘Additional Decals on Quirks (mental). ‘Additonal Detal on Quirks (personaly) hater 6 Sin Soercennd Proticlencto Siclls ‘Acquiring Sle Peart Pnr ang (PP) eaere Using Sls Untrained Shite and mA Improving Skis Later inthe Garne Skil SetetSuicer . Using and Improving Sal Sets - Professlonal Status v..s+scesvccucescoseuseecocens ‘Clarifeation: Glorsee Talents awe (New Talents cs-se-vs Weapon Proficiencies ‘Weapon Specialization Weapon Mastery Chapter 7: Magic and Sp Charaetor Spe “Acquistion OF Cleric Spal. ‘Aequitiion of Magic User Spel ‘Table of Contents ‘Acquisition of anerips «oss sssssessnees ‘Acquisition of Specialist Magicuser Spells ‘Spells Beyond Those AC Start s+ cus Recovery OF Spells «+. Spell Casting. Spell Explanations ‘Spee Special Commentary For Refereeng Clare Spel Druid Spels Magic-User Spells. Adjudiating Musions Spall Boake: seen sae Physical Aspects of Spell Books “Traveling Spell Books - Value of Spelt Books =... Casting Spetis Directly From Books Spall Miehape Insanity Chapter 8: Combat: The Art of Hack . “Terms Prelude to Combat’. Encounter Distance Surprize Mined Groups - iat Gan Be Done Bering Surrve wv sees: ‘Surprise Negation +++ te Combat... ‘The Combat Round What Can Be Accornpli ‘The Combat Sequence Iniitve : Spell Casing, Combac and Ininve : cal "Moverent in Combat 2 ‘Movement in Melee Movement and Mislle Combat Charging an Opponent Retreat “The Artack Rell és "Attack Rell Modifers =. ‘Weapon Type vs. Armor Type Mosier ‘Creatures Struck Only by Magic Weapont Ienpossily Easy or Hard To-Hit Numbers. - Melee ‘Number OF Opponents Per Figure Special To-Hie” Bonuses: ‘Attacking with Two Weapont ‘A Note on MultipleFractional Attacks for Characters Monies Open Hand Melee. i ‘The Full Parry missle Discharge Firing inte a Melee. Grenade Like Mises ‘Boulders and Containers of cd, Haly/Unhaly Wat “Typee of Grenade- Lio Missiles : Crossing Flaming Oi Direct Hite ness Splash Hits | Boulders ‘Taking Cover Against Mise Fire “The Effects of Darkness... c+. Caled Shots : ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide Acacking Without Killing. Punching and Wrest “Turning Undead z ‘Aczaeemation by PC Assasins Monster Charm Power Paionies ss seseee ‘Saving Throws» Item Saving Throws Injury and Death... ‘Wounds... ‘Addleiona! Bonus Damage “Trauma Damage... Healing Character Death ‘Death From Massive Damage Ineveapable Daath = ..-s-s Raising the Dead Morale Pursuit and Evasion of Pursult Example of Melee s.sseseeesccecse Critical Hits. (Critical His Procedure Sive Diferenial Modifier to Critical Hi ‘Additional Criial Hie EMocts Maximuen Body Part Damage Modifier “The Permanency of Criieal Hits CCrivcal Hit Effect Code Explorations Fumbles and Mishaps Equipment Quality and Mishaps Chapter Distance Vision and Light ‘niravision Uteravision levity Mirrors Blindness Desinoce Slonp and Unconsciousnest Paralysis Detection of Evil andlor Good Doors Listening at Doors a Concealed and Secret Doors, Magic Resistance Individually Targeted Spex ‘Area-Elfect Spells leePlace Epelis Permanent Spalie (Magic Resietance ve Ant-magicaflcts Energy Drain my Climbing Time in the Dungeon. GM Workshop Chapter 10: GameMaster Procedures . Conducting the Game... Rolling Dice and Control ofthe Game «= Unlucky Players 6-0 Handing Troublesome Players» ‘The HackMastor Smartass Smackdown Table = Ineegraton of Players into an Existing Campaign ‘Characters Multiple Characters fr a Multiple Characters Across Shared terme sess Shared information Incervention by Gawde ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide Demigawds and Gawd so. Wishes sesssees Arguments and Complaints The GM is always right. Reality Shift wees Cher Mapping Now leems and Monstere Overusing Dice Record Keeping “Time in the Campaign Adventure Session Record Sheet Starvation and Dehydration Chapter 11: Non-Player Characters ss... eeee01 00139 Many Hate, Many Shoes INOCs andthe Many Roles ofthe GH NPCs by Type ‘Notables Hirsinge se eceeeee 1.Standard Hirstings 2.Expere Hirlings 3. Hirelings: Mercenary Soidlers “The Hiring Process Standard Henchmen CCharacteristes of Henchmen ‘Other Non-Payer Characters... 2 ‘Mining NPC« to Cast Splle cr Use Devices Monsters Experience for Followers, Henchmen and Sidekicks. NPC Loyalty. Obedience and Morale. PC Responsibilities Toward NPCs Fleshing Out NPC's ‘Wallen NPCS Perzonas of Important NPC Suep-by-Step NPC Development Chapter 12: The Adventure . ‘Adventures in the Outdoors Movement Ouedoors jecoming Lost Rest and Forced Movement “Advencures in the Air. ‘Aerial Combat ‘Adventures On and Under Water Waterborne Combat Underwater Adventures Adventures in Cities and Towns. Hagaling ‘ Con Games and Swindlos Terns Drink Type Modifiers Potoncy Checks « Drink Descriptions a Recovery from Intoriation Dice Games +» Card Games 205 “Tavern Gamer =. Encounters ‘What san encounter! > Planned Encounters Keys Taner sssesscesseee Combining Keys and Triggers andom Encounters ‘Using the Random Encounter Tables Table of Contents Chapter 13: Money and Treasure ...... Playar Character Starting Money Player Character Exponset = ‘AWord About Currency «+1200 Loan Jewelers. Merchants sss. Investments «2. Economics Treasure and the Use of the Gold Standard .....176 Gores Pay the Governor 176 Example of Tacaon nthe Hactaster Commi 1% "Who Needs Riches? ant? Forms oftreasure «+. So How Much Is IkWorth? pel Tressure Placement of Treasure ‘Whe Guards the Treasure helors Hoarders vs vsssscsccsssee Comnizant Hoarders 2.0.2. Planned and Random Encounter Treastres ‘What to De When You Screw Up! q [Not Enough Boodle ee Monty Haul Campaigns ‘Buying Magical ems - Chapter 14: Experience, Schools and Training» ‘Awarding Experience « i ‘The Importance of Experience “Too Little oF Too Much... Constant Goals aren ‘Character Survival Player tmprovervent Variable Goals Experience Poine Awards (Group Awards... Division of Group Experience Points Experience Value of Treasure Taker! «-. Inlvidual Experience Awards +s... Special bonus award co experience points When to Award Experience Points ss... fect of Experience Leveling Up: Schools and Training Experience and Advancement Formal Training xcepton to Feral Trang Requirement Bare Cost of Training ino Formal Training Venues ‘Name: Type of training/sche ‘Types of Schools. Training Tables 1. Leeation/Praxienity of School 2. Quality of Teacher 2, Class Sines 4 Basie Block of instruction Concurrent Training Prolonged Training» Course Avallatiy Training Events esc On Bards and'Training SeitStidy Chapter 15: The Ongoing Campaign Serang Things In Motion Climate & Eeology “Typical Inhabicants Forms of Government “Town and Ciy Social Structures Crime and Punishment “Types of Law Process of Law “Types of Crime 1. Homicide « ‘Assault and Battery Larceny and Related Offenses /. Sexual Offenses * V. Religious Offenses ‘Table of Contents Vl. CivSocial Crimes ‘Typet of Punishment 1. Monctary 2. Confinement s+ 3. Degradation <1. 4 Torure 5. Mualation 6. Banishment 1. Slaveryitabor Death CCriminl Justice and RPGs ‘The Criminal Justice Systom ‘The Ongoing Campaign ...+++ ‘Winchesters & Wizards... Starship & Sorcery neennaeey Chapter 16: Goods and Services .....--.- ‘Avallailicy “rained Animal Tass = Mictrextment Packing Order -- =. “The Encumbrance Audit... Equipment Malnenance . oeteereserae a) Horses ‘Weapon Quality « ‘Ornamentation ‘Aemar & Ereumbrance Helmets. Magle Armor Dexterity and Armor Class Bonus ‘Armor Made of Unusual Metals ove Using Poison on Weapons “eeating Poison Victims Death from Poison evs. bs AdldTypes eseseevecss ‘ArifaccVendors -.. Chapter 17: Magical Research - Creation of Haya Water Limits fr Creat Deflement of Fonts =. Drinking Holy/Unholy Water Spell Rerearch «..--- Determining the Spell Level 208 Costof Research = [Leng of Research... [Necessary Conditions for Spell Research ‘Research Materials ‘Chance of Success Determination of Suc Confidentiality of New Spel Creating Magic leams .- ‘Manufacture Of Potions Manufcture of Serols S Fabrication of Otner Magic Kens [Use Of Magic tems. - ‘Command Words Cryatl Balls & Serving Destroying Magical lems. Appendices AppendicA: Magic lem Tables ‘Armor and Shields Magical Weapons =... Appendbc 8: Magical Kem Descripcors ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide 6 a sien 226 Other Serals i 26 Rings ae an 2a List of age Ieems ‘Armor and Shields Magical Weapons ‘Light Generation » ‘Unknown or Uns! Quatites Lust of Magieal Weapons. Ineeigene Weapons Iaelligent Weapon ‘Weapon Abilities Special Purpose Weapons =. [Languages Spoken by Weapon» ‘Weapon Ego ==. ‘Weapon Versus Characters. Archacte st of Aries ‘Arcfacs PowersEfcts Tables Possible Means of Destruction for Artifacts Appendix C: Random Monster Encounter Tables. ‘Appendix D: Special Creature Encounters ‘Conjured Animals 5 ‘Omens Summoned Monsters Playing the Monsters Grudge Monsters and Sympathy Creatures ‘Astral & Eehereal Encounters Planar Basics Psychic Wind & Ether Cyclone’. Appendic & Trae, Tricks and Dungeon Dressing ‘Mood EnhancerText “Traps: Tees Dungeon Dressing « Herbs, Spices and Mediciral Vegetables Deseribing Magial Substances 2 ‘Appendix F: Random Environment Generation . ‘Random Dungeon Generation ‘Caves and Cavers for Lowest Level ==» Castle Inhabieares (notes on Table F29) ‘Appendix G: Garweeze Wurld ~ Primer ‘Home ie whore the Hack is ‘Garweeze Wurld Syseom Statistics Figure F4:Bardratkar +++ Figure F2:Aldrarar (aka Garweeze World). Figure F3:Addora. severe Figure F5:Shadara « ' Figure Fl: Garweere Wurid size comparison Finding your way around Garweeze Wurld Appendix Hl: GM Forms & Worksheets ‘Appendix I: Glossary Table Index Chapter I: Playor Character Creation iw “Abily Score Variton Dice 1 Strength Check Modiers Ic. Dexterity Check Modifiers WDE css ‘Consetution Check Moders le: ss dnelgence Check Modis ie "Wisdom Check Modiers ‘The HackMaster GameMaster's Guide (Charisma Check Mocfers ‘Exceptions Hele and Weight MentoeiProtig Expenence Communiciton Eero Conmaniatn Dey Hors Causes of Mail Aging Rance of Contracting Ament Virulence Rol) Adjustments To Disease Occurrence Rolls ‘Disease (Or Duorder) Disease Saving Throws Disease Saving Throw Modifiers... ‘Lyeantrrope Armor Constriction Damage “Change Probability For Lycanchropes Chapter 2: Player Charactor Races and Classos Maximan Levels forVarane Races... ‘-Leve Hic Pons by Tide [Murmur Fees for Assassination ‘isi Fairy Woodnd Thrall Falsdns Mune Determination ‘Dark Knights Moure Decermination Modifiers fr Tables 2€ and 2F Clore Stronghold Zealot: Pepocket Viet Racil Modiers Race of Assassin Guddsmen Level of Asasin Guldsmen | ‘Mute-cassed Atsazsin Guldsmen ‘Spy Fare Outcome 1 Spin Chance of Sucess "Hacktaster Class Ler and Honor Progresiion “Hackfaster Honor Dice 29 “ Macléaster Special Movemont and Vision 2 os eKlere Enhanced Undead Treg Chapter 3: Priors and Particulars we LUC Royal and Noble Ties, European Forms 38: LUUC Royal and Noble Teles, Forme IG ser: «JUG, MUC Family Enalements 30: ee J-MUC Tide.Chain of Ofce or Psion xe 2) Escaped Criminal Charges Bf 11, Fame and Net Worth Ect on Social Clas Advancement $01 wsssserss Socal Chis Advancament -....+ ae Faily Honor and Notable Contacts . u Farnly Gradge. Enemy or Allance Determination y 1 -Recblene of Family Grudge. Allance oc Enmiy ak: “Claes Modifers For Inherkance nhertad Weapons tinbertad Armor "inherited Helmee or Shek * ST Irheeted Mune a os dherieed Deeds 30. - Inberited Businesses. a ‘Relation to Charmane as (Oeeapatio of Debe Caumane YT voscestoes sss ee Reasons for Horedtary Dobe. Chapter 4: Alignment, Honor, Fare Figure 4.1 ‘Adgnment Charorg Example 1. Party Alignment Datermeation Honor Point Awards Combat relaed Actions . “Honor Point Awards SociaEncounters +... 40: Honor Foinc Awards ~ Persoral Achievamenc/Fallures 4 ‘Honor Pine Awards ~ Chs/Prefessioral 6 osc Honor Pore Aad NEC and le ated 46 Honor Point Awards ~ Clan Raced 44 IIIT Honor PoincAwards Footnotes. a. CT Honor Levels fr Clans Weovecea Random NPC Hence aK: Fame Advancement dve te Soc Class Movernene ‘Chapter 5: Quirks and Flaws “Allerg Reacrion Severity ‘Pop eg Movemant Mediers Table of Contents 18 _Chaoterb Sle Tlents aed Prone 21 CChaptor 7: Magie and Spell Use we ‘dit Splls Known. 7 Te: 22s Aaddenal Fest Level Spells 70: “Aequsition of Upper Level Mage:-Uter Spells 7041 LesterGresar Divination Spl by Lev 702 Masion/Phancasm Spels by Level 703 «= Abjuration Spel by Level. 74 EnchantmentCharm Spal by Level ns. D6 77. De BRREES < Corjuraon’Summering Spells by Level ‘Necromaney Spell by Love “Alceracon Spells by Level \nvocavon/Evccation Spells by Level ‘Spall Mishap Table «Temporary Spll Mishap Eflece Duration + Spel Mishap Color Change Spel Mishap Insanity Subable Spel Mishap Phobia Suitable Chapter 8: Combat Toit Medifers . Surprise Segment on which Missle Avacks Occur INPC Reactone “Standard Modfars co Inne Monster Attack Routine Initve Missle Weapon iniative oo... 2p0n Type vs Armor Type Tost Mociers "Attack Matre for Monetare W.VA Mauri fr Cleries apd Druids “Atcack Macc for Mage-wers and MU Specs: [Ata Matric for Thews, Bards aed Assassins “aueack Matric for Fefwers Paladins. Mone, Rangers Barbarian, Bereerkrs, Rogue Knights, Dare Kags, ‘Hurnan and Halling Commoners (2), Hen acarns (0) Opponent Armor Chass Description WArmor is Worn) Weapon Immunities... [Moni Stunning Height and Weight Limit cess Speci To-Hic Bonuses Combat Mioiatre Facing « ‘Gronadedive Mises ould Damage 1 Grenade-he Mise Mase SSSBLCKRRG KE RREEES PRESERARERBS Raaadbaaaaaa 3 ‘Bouncing hems esse. cscs ‘Cover and Concealment AC Hodfers 5... ‘Called Shove a “Assassination Success lari Saving Trows- 22RSREBOSERS 47 12G (om the PHB): 48 12H (rom the PHB): 48 121 (rom she PHB): Ieem Saving Throw Attack Form ikem Saving Throw Mats (Magical and Non Magical lems) crosses hore Check Greumstnces. ‘Other Porale Check Mcfers ‘Morale File Resuke ‘Outdoors Purwit -Encumbrance Modifiers... CCriteal Hie Location Site Adjusts Maximum Crteal Damage Meters Movement Moles (Cet Damage) = Vil Organ Damage Elects... (Cita Hie Location and Efecc HACKING WEAPONS (Creel Hi Location sn Efe: CRUSHING WEAPONS (Grital Hic Location and Elect: PUNCTURING WEAPONS “Skeletal Crigea Locations uscular Creal Locations (Frond) Muscular Crial Locations (Bach) eal Cotes! Laeasone eal Creal Locatone 2 ‘Table of Contents ‘The HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide ek: cssceees Fumbles and Mlcbape ceed GCG: ce seeeseseese esses NPOTIRE oot60 au: 225. Weapon Qualsy Moder: CORA HH vecsestese NPC Morais 2000001 2160 i: cee NPC Pay 160 Chapter 9: Gamettaster Essentials nT, INPC interes cel om ‘Devection of invabity ‘ RK NPC Coleetions so. s css cs csereeesal60 eo {Chance to Detecs Noise by Race ta Random Language Dewrmiration | 260 9G. ‘Clenbing Success Modiers 30: 5. Resolution of Falled Clinb Aserpes Chapter 12: The Adventure 9 coe Rites of Ching WA cesses Waking Movement (riety) ‘ Mouneed Movement Chapter 10: GameMaster Procedures Ine: ar Movement (niles/dy) The Hacktaser Srartass Smackdown Table no: CChance of Becoming Lost Incercampagn Transportation ects ne: “Auntie Voeel Average Length and Width [Diine inearventon Bateechment Modifiers If: sss Aquat Vessel Tine to Reach Normal Speed +. Starvation and Debycraton RG. vs... Movement Afieas, Shore Term Speed fects of Sarvadon’Dehydration 12H “Movement Afost Cared or Sciled 1 ‘Movement Afoat Sled (mies!) _ Chapter 11: Non-Payer Characters ‘Wind Directo | MA cose ‘Optinal Fame Window Wed Fore and Class He “Costs of Standard Hirlings COI Suan Wind Effects HG Baie Reainen Wage for Expert Hicles la: ‘Cabin Fever Check Plodiirs Hip. Exper: Hireing Shl Mastery ‘anv gut eeeal Hul Valuer he (Controted Fire Damage He Seis. Uncontroted Fie Burning Tine Ne Quali of Workmanship... 20: 220020027" Spats at Cannoc be Case Underwacer ui “Armorer Construction Time 12k: ‘Quang A i ie Jowelor Quay of Work Eacse ase ‘Racial Iconieation Loves <.-0...s0. up Gemeuter Quali of Work Ect: DT 2.00212 ireumeeantil Modifiers to lncacation Level Mike au Drink Type Moditers to Intoxication Level ne Efects of Atchol and Drugs tne “Sage MajoriPinor Feds of Study “neoxiation Recovery Table uN CChanes of Knowing an Answer 110. “lformaion Discovery Time ard Cort Ure ‘Mercenary Basic Reainer/Wage He Mercenary Type Encourtered ir _Number of Mercenaries Encouncerec Liss [Non Human Solfery ut samp Followers he sess Camp Follower Derails yee Henchman Recruting : BE: ‘Seuss Loy ate Modifiers 156130: Semiprecous tones, Base Value $0 gp Fe “Salary Loyaly ise Modiers B56 TBE 0 Fancy Stones, Base aie 100 gp Hee Discipline Leyaty Base Modifiers... Ise BF 102 Precious Stones, Bie Valve 500 ep FE Treatmene Loyalty Base Moder 02200116 Gam Stones, Base Value 1,009 gp a 22 Racial Loyal Base Moditers Stee “Jewels, Bee Vk 5,000 gp ye “Algmene Dorenea Loyaky Bate Mocitere 1s8 13k "Gom Size & Quay KK: ‘Aligrmenc of Lioge Loyalty Base Medifers 2.00.0... 58 13h Gem ValueVariaions HILL 220000. Charaeter of Lege Loyal Base Modiers .sescssces.I8@ 13K: ‘Jewelry and lems Typically Beteweled is ‘Saconal Loyalty Base Modifiers 180 “Jewelry Base Value LINN ““Lopaty of Henchmen and Alled Creatures 138 13M Furypoe Hoo: Lopaty, Obadence and Morale Check Sstons 188 13N: Cos our Value Agjsement UP, = UndedingRebelion 259 3 * Miscelaneous Valuables Qe» ‘Rebelion Condiéoral Moditers 159 ase ‘Map Table : CNPC Alignment ..0...00 oo 159130: Random Treasure Location for Maps INC Posecsions\Weaih = 159 Ro ‘Random Map Treasure Types +. INPC Honor and Work Ethie... 159135; reasure Types! Treasures NPC Appearance ar. invidal ard Sal Lar Treasures (NPC Saniy [NPC Quirks and Flaws (Chapter 14: Experience, Schools and Training [NPC Gonaral Tendencies an: Experience Pore Mulipllers fr Various Activites... 184 8 pene Pos Vale of Chracers recone 34 sresres+ss,Common Indiidal Awards... 1s, “Individual Claes Auard 1a Me: 11 Leeston Proxim of School 4 coisas Quy ofTeacher Mae Gams Se!Condiions tae Basie Block of Inetruction Mae (Course Avalaiiey 10 ‘The HackMaster GameMaster's Guide 4 1: 15a. 15.3: 156-4 15.5: 1565 16.7. 158-8 158-9, all an tees Ise Aloe Teanng EveneTable - SoScudy Required Levels ‘Chapter 18¢ The Ongoing Campaln “Punishments: Capi Punishments... ‘Chapter 16: Goods and Services const Trained Animal Tele “Animal Reactions =. i {Exotle Moun and Beasts of Burden "Armor and Shield Maicerance “Maiesnance Materials Cost “Mace Expiration Races "Pit Ponts of fem. "Shield Cost and Related Information Sele Hite Poison Table “AadTable [Chapter 17: Magical Research Holynholy Water Receprcles =... Suggorted Special Ingredients for Potions. ev rotecton Srols sau “Ser08 Materhls Append a: Mage em Tie Maga ens Pons and Os Serle Rings co Rode Sams iscstanecur Mag Books. Lorame. MankTomes “Micaanous Magic Jewel Jewry Pryscerit “Hiscalancus Magic Clos and Rebes “Mislieous Fag Boots Bracers, Gives itscalrecus Mage Beis Giles Hats Hels icalanecus Mage Bap, Bowes, Pouches, Conainers Msclaneour Magi Candles, Dats, ‘OinemertIncese an Sones + “Micelaneous Magic Hewsehot kes andes = Mucaineous Mage Musca rstruments Mrcatanoous Mage The Weird Sut coon Arm Type ““Remer Class Auscnene ssp Armors ‘weapon Type “Aut Ret Adjument Artfact... Append B: Magic Item Descriptions Potion Mackey me Potion ofArimal Control “Armor Chance «Fall “Potion of Dragon Control Posie of Gist Controt 1205 169 190 195 197 197 ‘7 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 199 200 200 201 201 202 202 303 Tae 4 208 0s ‘Table of Contents Be Potion of Gian Strength m 87, vee Poton of Hero eo sc icc lece esses BB Be “Potion of Human Coneel 2 Bs. “Elemental B10. Bur Biz crs ele Bs: | Ble. Biz 818 B19, m0: . et net en: Ring of Regeneration =. ex: ing of Spal Turing me + Rng ofFelekinsis. eas: “Ring of Waardey 26: Ring of X-Ray Vision a Rod of Cancalation ee Rod of Rezurraction e eae - ee Bas “Bol f the Month Ma seams Inkinie Spell Pages a f Page Turning a HB ssesecises ‘Boots of Earestness sad as. Boots of Grin Kicking +5 aad 50: ‘ Boots ofVaned Tracks... 245, BEI: es "Boots of Wator Wang sas Ge cee Winged Boots os. sccceeceveceees 245 Bs ‘Bracers of Delense os. scss 245 ase Bracers of Giant Senge soars A ‘Chance te Notice Serving B65: Gab of Force BEE: vo ves veo voss eo eee ee Dec of Mlasions 6.0 Ba: Deck of Many Things bet: 7 ‘Metamorphosis Be gure Animals We geestouons Marble Bephant Br: 2 EvesFowing Flsk one Girdle of Gane Steneth Bre “Gut Stoner Br: “Hat of Diegice Bs: {Hol of riance 876: ee ‘Protection 87: Hon of Vn 78 Bre: . 00: a Prayer Betds oss. sseee “Pear of Power 200.022 “Feather Token be of Deep Pockets Basie Usel tens Robe of Use fers Entanglement Saddlebags of Hefty Capacity Sphere of Annilation Dream Catching “Daze and Confusion "Fight 2220 ven Chain Mal Se [ven Chain Mal of Astral Projection ‘Direction Request “Arrow of Shing © se of Hurling Anniiltion Boke of Saying “Avack/Damage Bonus Dagger of Throwing ‘Horrlsde | Buckle Kile Saving Throws ‘Magia! Quarters ‘Sword of Sharpress +1 Weapon Intaligence te Capabiioes Weapon Alignment Weapon Primary Aaies !Weapon Extraordinary Powers Specal Purpose “Special Purpose Power "ANE Major Malevolent Efects cose M Prime Pewers™ Mi Side fects ‘Appendix C: Random Monster Encounter Tables Terrain B, Desert Table: Day ‘Terran C. Forest Table: Day ‘Terran E. Hil Table: Day Terrain FG™. Mounain Tible:Dsy Terran H. PhinsTible:Day ‘Terran X. Subcerranea/Dungeon Table ‘Terran j. Swamp Table Day Appendix Dr Speci Creature Encounters ol {Conjured Arias = HD or -Conjured Arimas~2 HD ox {Conjured Aris ~ 3 HO De \Conjured Animale — 4 HO Ds: ‘Conjured Animals 5 HD : De: Siete Conjure Animals ~6 HD oF "Conired Arias ~7 HD De: “-Conjred Animals —8 HD Ds: “Conrad Armals 9 HD Die ‘Conjated Animals ~ 10 HD Dik: ‘Conjured Animals~ 1 HD biz ‘Conjures Animals ~ 12 HD Dix ‘Conjured Animals ~ |3 HD Dit -Conjured Animals — 14¢ HO ‘Monster Summoning | “Monster Sunsnoring Monee Summering I Monster Summoning “Monster Summoning Vt ‘Monster Summoning Vl Astrally Projected Peychic Wind [Exherea Ether Cyeone "Astral Encounters Ethereal Encounter Table Human Traveler Aependie Traps and Dungeon Dresing 1 Mood Enhancer = Dungeons vescesseeeeeee= 333 Hod Enkancee~Wideness Tras oa Tip Lt : “sess Gommen Dungeon Feaures eaeveensonehyy "n= romeo “Ar Currons Dungeon Odort ‘A Qua “Things You Might Find Along the Tal Things You Mig Fed ina Dungeon ‘Unexpined Sounds and Wei Noes (Chambers Rooms and Other Spaces. + Farshing and Apeiniers, Genera ‘Relulous Artes and Furnes “Torture Chamber Furnshngs spe-Usor Furnes (Gener Desrpion of Conainer Coneanes ‘Macelaneous Utena and Porsral ems ‘loti ad Footwear “feel and ers Typical Bejeweled "Food & Drink sggkendnoe Seons vss Herbs Spe aed Meal eetabes , Substance Conssterey Sabseance Appearance “ate andlor Odor Coors ‘Appendix F: Random Environment Generation Dungeon Gaertn Piode Ch ooo n 38 Sie Pars cea Passage Width costed Special Passage mm i" Tune a eseasonearh (Chambers and Rooms Shape and Size 33 ‘Chamber ~ Unusual Seape reeasenesd ‘Chaenber — Uniin Sire "Number OF Exits ‘Edt Location Exit Passage Direction ‘Chamber oF Room Contes Teescure ‘Tretaure contained if CUI remure Guarded bp (UII areas te Hidden bln. ‘aire “Tiel Trap Gas Sb Table ‘Caves and Caverns Pocls| Lee voles Mage Poole co "Random Wierness Terrain eee inhabiation of Random Terain cis aM “Type of Runs Cael Sa and ype 221 Cae nkabeaes Humanoid Card kimbeans ‘Master ofthe Caste Fortress Artlery How the Rulebooks are Organized ‘The HackMaster cuebooks in thei satel ener, can seem it daunting 10 the united when fit glanced onthe bookshelf, As GM you wil hae o be intiately Faria with ALL of ther. Nothing wil dink your authori quicker than a ply et who knows mee about the game than you do, HackMaster GameMaster’s Guide (GMG) “Tis is couse, the hook you held in your hands. Most of the han ‘rl of HiacManer are contzined in ths tome. This book i the GA inner anctr, The rules contained within are dsgned vo guide you, and give you all he information that ie vin for you to ran your campaign effecvelyExen so, the GMG dow not cover EVERY seston the may pop ap such anki paramount to writing a howto back Inaman chili, No book could ever hope vo do tat tis Rather she GNG provides the inrasrucure upon which dhe GM can make not cren one publibed by devable cals wn fed waa saan for which th ses do cx specially provide, HackMaster Player's Handbook (PHB) ‘ou shoul aeady now she coneats ofthis ook fom cover to corer. I you do rot jes have a verous problem my fend. Avtmpeing wo be a GM without cept Knowledge of che vues contained inthe PHB i akin co going into a feighe wearing a bined. Payes lve nothing more than exploiting the rules and can swf si out {GM who i lacking in his maxey ofthe game. So remove the blndld and see the fxemy in all is form. Tn other words, read and master the Mayers Handboak. Hacklopaedia of Beasts Volumes | thru 8 (HOB 1, HOB 2, etc.) These works (afeconaysefred to as HOBs or Haklopeda) like the GMG, are the pvine ofthe GM. They give complete and die information about dhe mow Stem people. and ochercesuree inhabiting the Hacker Teer You wil id ‘hat your players ave conan tying ro glean browldge of what hex within thee books in ender to devdop area fr thet characte: aed thereby gain an edge inthe tame. Sine so many rls have refused to honor ou equet hat thee Babe sold ONLY w qualified GM, you should be aware that his going om andthe should beexpected. That docs NOT mean, howewe should be tolerated In cur own group at Hard Fighs, | donor rleae plays incrading int tis nner sanceum. My players know andl recommer ths couse of ction wo other CM, tat {fT ind ou they have been reading the HOBs (or any GM Propitary lformation, for ‘that mtr), ain dowa upon them like a blacks’ haruner on a blouted toa. On the fia infraction, | dock the git party 1,000 experience poi. Subsequent ini ‘ns etka the ou of ler menus of EPs un lkimachy es poe dy could lowe an entire level of character development or more. Some may think sich asice a bi harh the rls keep ander and present the ganing eso from spiraling nt) 2 maclarom of chan. Rese, biting & payer where i ure wil aways make him ‘think ic Before ifinging upon Fosbiddentereiory again "Nu id How the GameMaster’s Guide is Organized The HackMaser GMG bat ben painstakingly organized to serve as a reference work All the information herein ae en meticulously grouped and arranged in an tmineny logic fuhion to erable you to quickly find what you are Looking for Everything in she bok based on the aututpeion that you ave fase with the HadAMante Player’ Handbook Much infermation was purposely omitd from the iackMstr PH anit is data which would no normaly be own - at lest iil Dy acne in «word of swords and yrcery: Many ples ching sore hea cel. hie eplined about this approach ithe ps, aed youl tly hea them whine Shoat ita your ble Doi be swayed ~ the information i cis books for YOU ard som alone ‘Safeguard cas though yur fe depcaded on ‘lb happy to eu ha the index inthe bck ofthis book i sgifcannly more accurate than in pt eons. You find sha: you ca easly lookup the referees vo ‘ny spect topic by checking chide Before dengan Forder imo this book you should ake afew aus Faia ine youn wth the manne in which tas been. rps “The four bse sins othe beck which eis Farther subdivide B Section 0: Introduction ie tending thie section cow, Ifyou det know what an ikon i by now then you need some vericus help. Key fetes of thi seton include the GME Ost snd the GMs code of sonduct. Read them, lean ther, lve by then. Seetion I: GameMaster’s Arsenal This secon covers everthing the CM need 0 know pio to runingagame, Most cde with chon specs af the bad ele fling expr under dhe GMs domain ‘which were omited fom she PHB, Thee rules af de weapons ofthe CameAhuter {nd act he wed to combat the various actions of the players. Afr eading, uede ‘eanding ad comming dissection to memory you wil be ea to stad tal con kent and proud behind your offi HackMaser GaaneMaser Sil. Section Il: GameMaster's Workshop ‘This seccion covers those eles and other snes that will hp you mina HackMasier game overs long pio of ines And while they canbe as poten as thoxe vopiesdiscused inthe GarteMastes Arsenal they generally requir moe fort anc ‘perience on the pat ofthe player a wells you, be GM. Thu scaon abo provides you with inshuble sont on how fo run a ame from the non res pene wich "methede fr handing troublesome player or cresting your oven adserutes and ul ting campaign Section Ill: Appendices “The appendices are packed wih a wide varie of wurce meri designe top the Gat wich hc rnany ana, Hove youl Find an ncree vast of magi tems, aor tables rfl liebe ‘SubSection Illa: GamePaster Coupons [ee sid among scenic ils that fr every action there is an eel et appa sexton. With chic in mined we have prvi 3 tol for jus, the GameNater, to keep your player inched ar defend youtself and your cael cated game fom abuse [Act very back af the bock you wil ind offical oapons ilar to those Furd i the Players Handbook. Those game coupons wile similar o those aval othe ply fate more poner (preening the yrenter importance and prestige of he GaneMute). Becae of thi and because the GameMasier i allowed to use one ‘coupon per player pe oa, te coupon sould be aed onl in important situations ‘nhcre thee cansgificany ali the outcome. Usually hiss ered fer those ties when one or more players bring eut their anenal of coupons and use ‘change the course of YOUR fame Keep i ind hewewt, the GM coupons should eyr be use in spite. Suh dtions ae below the station af true HackMaser GM, A Few Words from the Author efor we jump into the new eon I woul! ke 10 addres 2 Few sue that have ‘come tight since the lat eon went 1 pres. Plame take afew mements to red ther dnc the ae of eral importance. On Gris and Non-Disclosure There are ime hatte GM wil wun had san of mpcency ae ns the mln ployee The pestecyecopeble nce tmaies aes de ere ‘sonal Lacking to echarge dhe GM spr which te en worn dow oer the cue Of along denwn-oue campaign. But me vrmind you of meting ax GareNstr {et o nese mate ned) you hve ta, eth nr to digs th CM-ony infomation wach you have bea pry. Whale inthe le faye the GM cu player must NEVER diaige GM-yeronly ust nomGM ples To do sia breach of you ath and you maybe rand unescvorehyor even arty sca. if public evceraon were tn aalable punishment inti yan ge. you mig bea Sanne Having ei ha hosever thi sheuld mot ep yo fom ang every Bt of Your GM expert andes tnowleige 1 chalege yout acing GN. Such enly Sompetion mony mite the conetune in each ates of ie hat mich stronger (On the Use of the Male Pronoun | dee with tit ropic in the Player’ Handbook, Pls refer to page 10 of dha wal te for my theughtron the macet Introduction Rule Contradictions? Teh come to my action tha thre ae certain individuals who ae ofthe opinion shat a reat macy vale in HackManer are conraicory, awed or een broken. IT though: my foreword vo HackMaster 3d edidon would have puts sue al but here we are, cee year later, and noc a day goes by tha | ‘ex mesay pan. And THIS dine 1 wil make i yer. very clear: These are no eon- teaicens in HackMaer. ony ‘paren? contraions or sr eres. You can tse ‘mewhen I sy that because I snd fem a vantage point where can se the ei ae Sca'wholeIFyou rua actos ul tha you fel i i eonteadction with another rule ou should veri yours chai most otainy ate of your maser ofthe at Being deficient in some way. HackMarter i complex game and ay nach oe EVERY rae of nuance ofthe game has been trusted co the commen GM andlor player The {ame i bigger than any one player x Te bigger than you or me. wel bigger than you, anyway. A Note About Content and Difficult Decisions ‘One ofthe ough: wpces af working on this tome was the relity tha only so ach snucial could be aqueced berwecn two cover. There mat 10 much mater fa ft, ‘hac ites had wo be denn and the one drawing the hore srw wa ae withthe Aiicaltwok of desing what rer would have wo be omited. This pewoa ended ‘up being Waco Beb and he was given detailed citera for detsmining what material yo the ae and what material woul be spared. What did tha creria ena? Well, fe ‘aene mae that was absluiy vial wo pa. then came the inclusion of whae woud te mort helpful ache GNI ant nally neti tems of ead appeal that vend ro improve the Have ofthe orn wet the appendices The Role of the GameMaster “We will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate such actions among our own’ GM's Cres Gretings Friend and well met Welcme wo the ranks of an ecemed group of individuals who, at unsung heroes, shave ben carrying the torch of role-play forward for nearly thirty yeam. Here, we ‘prouly bear the tke GameMaser ae be you a vecran GM simply advancing fen FlackMaster Jd don co HackMaer Sch edn or a prompesive GM ing op fe the mass health eal. we weleme yu ino gr fold yan cya Your poston as GarneMastr isnot an cay once requires wit, determination, ive. imagination, diplomacy. organization andthe ability wo think on one fet and vo, tll with the punches. Youre een the gare. Through the selfless endeavors instherenches GN such yours that serve o hone your sls ad beep you pay= ‘challenged, the HackAace experience conviaus to grow. You ate the reson ply ‘rep euing 0 the able and beng ne bloc into the game. hate ight. ou! [Ava GAL, you ate the backbone of the HackMaster expenence and het wom ofthe ‘rod for any succers, and cersnly for any failures, the game may experience inthe fea The GameMaser Gude ic served for your eyes ony contain al dhe een rss tha ate not dace in the Payers Handbook. Ie hasbeen plced bere so you ‘a have contol over i Wik the pliers are nr your enemies, dey are by no mene Your ales nd its perative dhs you bear dt in mind a allies, Bue this beck ‘oe jst abot ‘hard ee. As yu will 00n discover, «large portion ofthis book is dese te dcssions othe principles behind the rls. Another seabe component 'srimming with source mari chat wil arm you ro hande those Stations cha will Inevitably are fom de tote that ae not explicitly covered hy the nes. "The pur [pe ofthis ook. afer al ero iter prepare ys fr our role a gar modesto and ‘ere. ‘The beter you understand the gamete beter eqpped you wil be to handle {ilorcen development and unavel cumstances AAcGM you ae maser of your tate. The sccess of your wn campaign is peimar- ly yur hands and you mast eke a fem, active hand in guiding it When You take ‘on these of GM you are entering into contact of srt with the payers yo Bae tmembled. They at agresng o show up wo your game each wel and invest te 36 ‘ou were your magic and tke them inc realms of high advenre. In rear, you are [slog thr you wl give chem something worthy of thei ine, Let me srs that this isnot a relationship you should exter ino lighly. you ate skimming though this introduction, slow the hell down, back up and read ie api, Slomly Te cri dat you undentand the grave aatare ofthe commitment you ae asbeut to make First Things First Olay before your journey takes one step Further you mus passe for she mement of teu Tes time for yu to par your alurs in order and prepare for the th a han, ‘Theioe ching yu ned vod ac ake the GM's Ouh. Enon if you ac already gual if GM stepping up fom HackMaser Steen you should sign the oath blew aad teaser your auhory ove: fb eign. (You can Keep You Sud edition GMG as a ‘The HackMaster GameMastor’s Guide ‘momento butt should be pur away and retired since th ein rales supercede all pe- vious elton). iin preferable that an HMCMA certified GM serve as wines o our signing. IF this is noe posible you should eae the witness Block blank a go aead and sig and ‘ce the oath At your cao vonvenience you should wack down a qualified wines find then refi your Oat haying hin siga of on | [Note dhs the GMs Oath comprised of two atic. You should sgn Article One ‘or vo eating the GM. Avil Twos be signed only AFTER you hare ead the Gc. “The GM Code of Conduct i just dha. Drafed by dhe HIMGMA, ic ses the tan dard to hich all cere GameMacr are exposed to adhere. AGM must adhere co the GM Code of Cont forall HMGMA stncened campaigns, advent, scenat- fos and tournaments, HackMaster GameMaster Code of Conduct Drafted by the HackMaster GameMaster’s Association, ‘September 8th, 1978 Rated bythe HMIGMA National Ofc, February 17th 1980 [Nor ei by the sho HMGMAT ‘As amended (and ctf! by the HMGMA Nasional Ofce) March 22nd 1981, January Sud 1986, October 16th 1988, Apel 16th 1991, November 4th 1991, November Ith 1996, February 18th 197, Jay 2nd 200), CANON I:The game must go on. “The GameMase shall do eveything within his power to ensure tht the Care wil rot be canceled. Neither shal the GatneMaser allow uid Game to be intrrapead, ined oc unduly deiyeck The GareMaster shall we bes efor to gurancee tha the Gane paca on notmitatanding inclement weather, unruly player player absew ‘erin vd retary authority, watts, shes, Sve o maul dst. CANON 2:The GameMaster is always right. “The GameMasce sll minuinauborcy atthe GameMaser able and no waver in the fic of player advenity oF oppestion. A GameMan rang sal nada fal tls subsequently overall bythe Garett or an FIMA convening author CANON 3:The GameMaster’s table is neutral territory. “The GameMase shal nx allow external disputes, gence, nimosgs how 0 grades 0 encrinto the Gane. CANON 4: Let the Dice Fall Where They May. ‘A GarneMas shall not ude sero legal ills ia snctoned games. The GGarneManc sll nor ake the res of «die ol in oder wo ave or har pone ina sanctioned are. Nether shall the Game Masur act the resus ofa lel die rll {osm or harm chatacters sanctioned game. Neier shall de GarneMaster we his power ever the table to inequity bring arm, impede or dettoy a character The {GameMase shll ethe di fll whee they my. CANON 5: The GameMaster shall uphold all rules including Published errata, amendments and changes. “The GarneMaster shall personally observe impecsble andar of conduct such har the integrg of his able, craig and players are preserved. ales of Fat Plays The GameNtan GameMaer ust clay deste andioe provide all pertinent information encounter and provide any information te which a player chants would eeaso Time Koomfeds- Nei sll he GumcMater withhold information foe the players ‘with the expres intent of putting then a a actcal advange, sles such afr alls by che roles. of Fi play. The ion would not could wot or has a0 ben propa dacoveted 0: haowa by she payer sae "The Rules are fore of equity and Function i bh dvecions, for dhe GneManer aswell ase player “The GammeManers Shield ina wall. lesymbsies ds line of demarcation beowecn player and GareMaster andr sal no be breached or dished. The Game Master {bul hold the line and not wave in his cals ae decisions ures new facts ase earthed that, inthe GamseMastersle opinion, sbed uncertain on cal. The players ate at ‘eonstat od wth the GarteMaser Is ther unspoken mis to chisel way athe wl eo rig down brick by brick. [the GarneMasters duty w war the in that efor, CANON 6:The GameMaster shall avold all impropriety, even ‘the appearance of impropriety, in all Game and GameMaster related activities. "The GameMser stall not eae in any aces hat might put ite question the lngpty of is able ame payers. The GammeMaster shall aot abow fry social ‘The HackMaster GameMaster's Guide chet teationips vo infucres his oficial Game alls, dic eu o€ judgment, The ‘GameMaster shall noc lend the power and prestige of his le and poor wo bent hers CANON 7:The GameMaster shall adhere to all rules and stan- dards in performing the duties of his title and position. In performing the dies of CameMaster, the GagneMastr shall maintain hic ules knowlege nd Lesp up on ew ations, eras ad offical changes. The GameMastr matt eur adherence wo sich andar by thoeplayers under his charge. The san- ‘End ofthis Code shall orale or precade ther move ssingent standards required by the HMA, HMPA or the HMGMA. CANON 8:The GameMaster shall respect and comply with all ‘rules in the official HackMaster books, supplements, adventures and other materials as well as the GameMaster’s Oath and the ‘GameMaster Code of Conduct. AGareMaiter shall epor tthe HMCMA any sterpt to induce him to volte of ‘comprine theres, his GameMaster’s cath or GameMaster Code of Conduct. [A The GameMarer shall nr aher srl in der eo acelrnte she advancement of van nr advantage Payer Character [B, The GameMaster shal be ial the pct at wala the lee fall aes and standards and rnanein a high level of eeenptence i ll areas of eesponsiisy ealaing the dle © The GameMaser shal be pains, digiied, and courteous wal pot: one wih wher te Gane Maner des inv an oficial expec lading pepe flow GameMaxers, Convention/Event staff and HMA officals. The GarieMaser shall demand sd enforce similar conduct of any payer andes his AUgetion atid conul A GureMasir shal dilgeny discharge the responsi ties of his cde in 2 pomp, efiem, nondictninwry, fat and profesional Imannet_A\GameMate sal not perform any discretionary or miner Fune- ‘ion of che Game ina manne thar impeopey favors any player. 1D. The GameMbster shall void making Game clon tbe mes of pending ox ampending character action. This proscription does mot extend pul or p= ‘te sazemen madein the cour offical duis oF 9 the explanation of Game procedure The GameMaster shall never daclove any GameMater ropitry Iefoeaton esived inthe course of fice tics aca at repaid inthe per- ormance of such dais, nor shall a CameMstr divage such Information for Introduction pevional gino eer impropscny A Former Gare Master sal observe hese {ection on diclosre of ary GarbeManerPropeicaryInfrmation tha apply to curene GameMantex E. The GameMascer sal nocengage in mporiam. Nowe: Secako HMGMA 3110 (GMing fr relives) F, Conic of leees (Q) The GareMancr sal avid confi of inree in the performance his dates ‘A onli of fer acca when a GameMaster knows that he for the spouse, ‘minor cil riding in the GameMasershouschok. or othr che tlatve ofthe ‘Game Maser)might eso personally of Enancially affected by a mate tha «rex sonable peson Wwith knowledge of the relevant facts would qucton the ‘GameMéasers ait o propery perform ofl davies isan impart anne. (2) Cernain GameMascers, because of tei elaonship co a payer or the naure of ‘heir utes, are subject wo the following adiionl resticions: {@) The GameMaser sal aoe allow personal bias or prejudice conczmning a pay- etinflence his adjatcation in any manne. (&) IF che GameMaster steps down from the Shield and re-emes the game 2 player he wil not divulge GameMaser Propietary Information to ozher ayes. [Nor wil he cr upon wich Lormation ca player nondr fo gain an nfl ada tage ules i withthe exprse pupae af challenging he acing GameMister ‘wth the inten of sprving said CareMstr sll G. Compensation nd Reimbureement. ‘The GameMacer muy teceve compenss- mand rambunament of experves rating to running his guelcampog Enpene rinburement shall be lintel to the acral cont of materia, stacks, food or drinks. Any payment in exes of rch an amount i concideed compen. sition. ‘The GameMaser shall aot cive any salary, of ay supplementation of ‘Sar. as compensation fr his serves or in exchange for runing is earnpaiga. Note: A number of HNGMA sates of general applabiley govern GameMase serormance of offal davis. Thee inhale HMGMA 201 (bibery ofa GumeMser, Pye and witness) HMGMA. 211 (sceptance ofa bribe o solicaton in change fra vorblecll ‘ration HIMGMA. 285 (fuging sie ll in onder co bring acm 9 player chaste HMGMA 287 (fie, oraudulen calls agsint a player duc to.a personal grudge of ‘sera problem) Introduction HMGMA 508 (counerfting pieatng or Forging of HackMater maces HIMGMA 641 (embesemene of conversion of Gaming Group money propery ‘chupont er tecerds HIMGMA 643 (filing ro accoune for Came Group esa) HMGMA 783 (diclos HMGMA 1001 (aud HMGMA 17 HMGMA 2071 (concealing, removing ot mutating an HMA eco HMGMA 3110 (GMing for teases HMGMA 3729 (ae chins sain a players another GarneMasct or the HMA), of clad informacion) fae sexements in a HMA repo misuse of GameMaserpriiepe)s efoe we proctd any Further bebe « clear dein of excly what ice ivand wha the deignets et ov 0 accomplish, Denote anyone el yo, HachMse i ft Knit game, The ingle retest gun ever Lown © mankind, but a are nonetheless I at designed op {Ei hoo of fan wed perme the tl ee inevcdinl bo decad the imeplandoneand cen ole eogged in wlac meant reve cig stn Fnectlyweaating chugs Aros eo paresis das wal epee and poids «wood eppecy fora oup of fiends co come woes and work at Efrem cord a commmem pan sho bell of tof fan tnd Cons de met Sito ior asf of spcinoncecsimene to whch the hgelyweakminded tna fk "Now there ate dhote whe hold up cle plying pes a some srt of ary fry my tical aw age wool. Yes, they are ou there and ts bea uae sac theace ard a school dropouts so cir own They do aoe cee cotion wo out way of gan ing and to be honcac we like chat way, If they were any god they would max beni ting around eying to menfy an ae perfect game with thee Weakas teats. “They would be ina morc or on Broadway. So leave chem out of tun sh time at they can grow up and fice realy. HackNtaster is nothing more than 2 form of exapsm and te object vo have fun Thisis mort se hat the GM some sora bayater fr his payers and ha hems certain them week o week. Noratall. Hackhaer has heen designed bean ar ingand diverting pastime something tha ca fils ow hours a consume elles day. ‘months or even years If you ate doing you job ight thee i no reson your plyers wl ct keep coming back Bt not Bete you ae eatersng them. There a ples {vot dvendone aut thee tht can entrain and num the wens. No, the reson your plier wil keep coming bic became you ar chllrgng them nd giving hem fan, ‘cckement ane capiating fy. la evga ol playing earpanc al ecer Erm (oF eeresinments Hacker vrais ensarpened Tools of the Trade Dice ‘As the GM, the rol of your rade ate dice, Dice were ever in detail she Payer Handbook Appendix 1: Dice Eiquerse) and i will pay fr you to ved tha ection fen and evi The fandom numbers that you gener by sling dice determine results based on the probablies reflected on the chars, ble and descrip herein. inthe PHS. HOB ori ether ofictally sanctioned peliciions. In cate you ae ot falar with sats snd probably curves, thete ae wo yes tha ate determined by your dice: Tinea (aight Line), which hac equal probably of any gen integer i the number oup, and ball (cending nd descending ine), which his greater prebaityCowande fhe enter ofthe group of number than at citer end. The ro care ae latated thas A single die or moulile dice wed in sucension (sucha hace ce read as ‘rosy tens ard decimal) give near probabilities Tro or mote die add together ere «bell-shaped probably curve. Use of Miniature Figures in the Game The HackMaser Tactical Combat Miniaraes” are epecilly at for HackMaster spe ply ad color em play and make referesing far ei Eah player is equeed co focnih printed Bigures repro his or her piper charcer and al henchmen and/or irl tha he hs emplyed. As GM you ae responsible for providing any mower, ce NDC the party may encounter (though thee need no be pind) ‘Yeu should nor usdemaimate the value of ach painted Figue n your campin. They enable you to immmentely rcogrine eich individual involved, Figures can be iced so as to show thei marching order (es which charter are inthe le, which fren che mide, and which are bringing up the wea). Furthermore player are more ‘sully al wo vale che dpe ccurweance in whic their chara wll undoube ‘lly fod thermalves and pln ther tacts accordingly Master figure ikewise ‘now bepfil x many chingsbecore ircanlyapparct when « pty anayed and ‘it mone epponent) laced. Nox roupe day the son of sh Gre by wing ‘The HackMaster GameMaster's Guide the Gaming Group teary Be very cael to purchase cigs which ar offiily Hasse branded Tctal Combat Miniture"!Mlniatures not bearing the HackMaer atk are nce worthy of your game (and indeed detat fran i in mat ano). Hackmaser miniatures ae cas in the woe 32 a sale, where 32m rough [y equal 6 fet of height. Each ground scale inc shoul equal ive inca et, 90» 10" sie sale cori is two acu ince in width and shown ay two spate ses Tis allows depiction ofthe yp aay of two figure abreae, and slo caables ery thanding of ich figures when they are mene. Wie you may no Bid it conenieat to actually we such figures and for plas to bandle ruin dngeon movement, ba ing sheets of squares or encounter aes depiction wl prabasty be que help. If you {doo be eran vo eer that round wale dfs fie igre sc, and when dele ing with length, ony ne mansined Bare per squat x poasbe, athe space xt ve ‘eae fet with espet to length andthe mtn-ielcharcter in coma ois t eet 25 quae fet for moverent snd sac). HackMaster Tactical Combat Miniatures” should be avaiable in all inet hobby hope no ae than ely 2002. If your Incl sae doesnot cary then yet, make sue they tock the ul ine and tock it deep Uf they rf wo em order the mininaresyous ‘equst, surly take your business al i?) elsewhere fo they clear ae indicating that ‘hey care nnight for you nor your patching decisions! Det of preparation aa paling of HockMaver Taal Commbor Miniature” are ot germane to this work Your hoy supplier wll ave an sssorument of smal bashes and pais for such pr pose, andl yeu mayinguie hotest tothe bs echaique of pansng. In al libs, out hobby shop sanages wil ful teach you how 1 pan mabe or icoduce you tale exper ‘Aids to Playing HackMaster HlackMarter one ofthe bet apport REG: on the rare anda ch shee are wide vary of products coming down the pike which you may Find wel in your vole (of GameMaster. Produc such a adventure mols playing aids, campuign sting snd einscrefigtins wil be mou help in coabsng and hetacing a itr ‘ating and cating crnpige, There ao smany ach prodects in the wor thats ‘no pomble wo deta each here. Check with your lel gare shop or vie wien cro.coen fri offic HackMaster prac You may abo find i wef wo pick up che HackJoural or KODT Mapasine. Both soaps with fed Hace tras a an and ides, Be Of With You Now [Now tha yu have rad the introductory sion, taken your Oath and rad che Code of Conduct you st ay o bin the feats pure upon which you wil ver, ‘bark (unt fifth edition, thai). So grab beetage of your choice, head rer ‘nell area wih a comforable chr ortea in which 1 recline and commence. We ‘roomed you ra evety pa in ede We nant you tof! fc o skip around ae ‘eal whatever catches your fay br please comeback w the point fom which yu ef is anperative that you ead each ane every word by the time you hae Ae Player Character Creation 5 Handbook provides highly deal proce for crating tm Asa GameMaite you ned know thx rls tad and nt. The and mach of hia bok sw ive yo, dhe GM, guidance on howe te mold the players chavoter wo sit the needs of your campaign. ‘This ices many ‘ales hat arta aed to lnow bai This means you rant oso un and ae thee tale, but do new dhe PCs about them unless they neod eo know I ou gve them {co much information, you ac jut aking foe trouble Ability Scores ‘Most player characte put 1 much importance on thc Abliy Scores, They ofien hink tha the srival oftheir characte: dec teas to dices ‘Theve sme ‘artlton, but any veteran Hacker player knows there i more than one wy 10 Skin aca or any other beast for that matted), and often encounters can be wor with far beary reliance on Ability Scove- Ara OM, you ean une your player absesion with ‘heirailies to your advantage: a PC's gating uppity or ebro, devise «may 10 lower one of tha abies (cued magic items fit the bl nix, On the eter band, ifyou wane to rewsed someone increse ose of hit abit. They wil hink tite « ‘mach gg git han relly Being the whincy lor they ae. your players wil andoubwedly complain shout tht Ay Scores. and ow their characte all suck. and how the charcer eration dice rolling method isso unit. You may have been expecting 1 se afew aerate ability Such akernte methods ae exerved for infor une cece for winpy inet plant A wae HackMster player or GM dees not head extra die nor doe be eed more lo the ably to aig sores where he wants then. Hele the dice fall where they may ard dees not compli. your PCs cor. pli you must be able o show dem the er of tes ways. Here ae ew aguments ‘nigh which lighten therm First Abiiry Scores for dhe average izes are determined by rling 336 ones for toch aby in order You wll nce that sh work the tre as atigning Aly Score 10 PCs. "That ichecause PCs start as odinay people, The oly ifleencebeoween st level hte and hi brother ho weeks on 1 farm ier years of dedicate taining Wha teu PCs par om their more montane per «dedication, foe, knowledge and timing, PCs ate heres because of thei acne, no thee innate aitiee Tho ‘here no teaont ve them any bonis fo tr aies, ‘To think otervie pre fay ani you thine 0 youre, op rating right now and gp join «pg rum binge league since Hack taster cleat not fr yo Second, this bil cling method mains the special stars of character races and clases dat have suingent regulrement Thee ate high ability sore requirement for ‘rian chs such a the monk and te plain, case the average erin cana become one of thee. Claes like thee ac ve and pela. IF any character who was rel up could become one, hey would quickly love dhe myique tnd piviee aac sted with ther. Silay this ong netod sakes high Ability Sucre aspx thin Tfevery character hus a least one 18, having at 18 is mot pci thing Under ths rolling method, an Abii Score of 16 or 17 ie apei, and an 18 i unique. Fal GM you will mat ie not have time to go though the deed chute ‘er creation proces fr cvery NPC, eying te optimize tit Ablty Scores while blanc Ingit all we clever ue of quirks fae, shill and alente When you ned create an [NPC quchy, you wil Helv be lig hi 446 ad Fractional Ablty Scones and leting the die fil where they may. This ole: However, or importane now-player charac you should spend the die wo ive dhem every advantage alowed nthe aks thatthe Players may have. ven so, most of you common Fimers. merchans and beggars jst tll not pec the special cae and treatment tac a lving player would rosie. In this ‘ere, the FCs wl have an advantage over most NPCs ‘The Gene Poo! Metho: ‘The xcepton tothe characte creation die eoling method isthe Gene fool Method of desermintg silo. Fa chara the oping of te oer charters (he che ‘mother and father are oe were actve player or non plaver characte, then he x gle for thic method of ability generation, Fra, take the able ofeach parent and average ‘hem by adding them together and viding the sun by wo, Rerecampl the her Srenggh was 13 and the masher Seng was 15, ehe teal would he 28 Afr divide ing by ewes the average score would Be 14. When averaging the sores, gna the ” Fractional Abily Score amecised wid cach Abin” Neve rll and ‘devant de, The vation de cach silty town on Table 1A bi Sore Vtato Dice, d6 tell -3 serach mur onthe Seren ie fom eevee be U6 rl 46 ad the aur on de varacion de. Not Sating Ho Computed per the normal ule rsh PB Take 4h Fal Honor lected in. Chapter (Ghana Pie andPca). Avy Chars enersted king the Gene ool Mthad recive hic Honor honapeaty fom ‘he paren th the er Henor cre Forint the cater pares Both have {pet Hones then shi harscer sccives the reat Homer hones Honor benefits of {Cone Pol Honor wil be dacs in Chap Algnent, Honor and Fae. The infleace af the Gene Pol Method charter ca die wil he dd in CGhape 2: Per Character Race and Chases After the Ability Seores are deveined, the player rolls percentile dice a per the ora ales forthe Facial Abii Sere. ‘The Gawd and the Wuss. Inevitably, a3 GM you ae going to have to dea with thew rao ype of characte The ing, nicknamed the gawd ita chester whove abies ae al (or alot a) exceptional. Tht is generally the rex f lucky vling by 2 PC, ae ic lately cy to deal with, While tis within your power ass GM to ak the player to real (pe. ally ihe di noe olin your presence). hiss not necestary. Thischurce wil probe hy be sgniicaly moce power than the oher PCs they are ale to fie thie ‘out, then why not ir opponents Ihe player of gawd character wars casing tr bie at make sieeve and everything res fo ake him out. He wil ether de o¢ stp back i line. AS 2 GM, you have the powet, may. che responsibilty 9 slap down ‘ny PC who ges wo big fo his riche. Cane, divans and poltical machinations ae ‘eat for this sore of hing, ‘The other ype of charac, the was mach mocedifficule Fit, he player of swass chair ml probably noc want pay the carat. Te creation wat the ult ‘tba ach, and it probably only quai fr one ofthe basic clases "This ia prob Tem, for an daaied plays wll ain the game for everyone. The playe’smisonexp fin is that character cannot succeed with bad statics Thi iy of cour ae. you ean convince the pliyer to play the characte, he night fnd i very evading, I fy vee. its impertane tha you note pity on that parr chat. ‘The worst thing forthe player aa was hamctr i the hen that he geting preferential rea tment, Inead, challenge the charac. Encourage him by taunting, questing Bit honor. inligence and selF-espec If the player play the character and sce, he sil probably grow w love his eharacter. Foe you most and fim ad demand et he play the character at last one seston. Ie refs. frpet im he is cesty not HackNtster mater and never would have survived» proper campaign anyway If he plays the character and ges him Kl, s what? Ding dong the wns dea and the ‘robem is soe, Ability Score Checks ‘The Phyers Handbook details how Abily Scorer ate of ue wo the PC, Hower the Ablity Scores mea acon things yu, the GM. The most important nance of {hic i the Ability Sore check. Aly Stove checks ae ured in ineeaces when thee ‘sill that applies or the PC doce noe posse the rlvane all. In cach of the Inveances, yous may rere che PC to make an Abley Score check. An Abily Score heck cones oF the PC ralling 4420 and comparing ict he reeant Ability Score I the real of the elise than or equal to the Abby Scar, dhe check mice IF the result ichigher than the Ability Score the check ul Nete dha the modifi in Tables 1 1G apply to the eleva Ality Score, not the 20 rol. For example, Garson the figher i reeating from a buming caele tower by running along the parapet (Garnkon i or the beghtest fighter. The GM rules that ths requres a Dexteiy check. Gurion plyer rola d20. The reat san 181 Since Garranas Dexeiy wat ‘nly 15, dhe GM tells the player hat Garson hs lipped ad len ff the cae wal He computes the fling damage andthe player sar ling up Garis I Table IA: Ability Score Variation Dice Abily Variation Die toe vot tee tot leet 142 ah Chapter | ~ Player Character Creation ‘Strength Stmngth (St) ix measure ofthe muscle power of che carats, Thi more chan simple measure of musculaute, buts combiration of power endurance and stain. ‘This aes she characters ability to wield heary weapons, deal damage, wear heary sumo and geerally Vick a A plage sold make a Stag check whenee his character amp iia, but Rabi, fof Sengih or exe his Sng under seems condone “Towing a henry bet Gach a armored baling), holding on to ees doing pusivups in mor kanping fete, nbing tre or breking 4 cub ver one ce area expe of ng scque a Ste check. Ina tion, doing anything tot quires Sigil aroun of Sregih whe understese Le combat, io Iepir #Srngth chede For ‘imple pushing ovr a seal St onl snc aceapig the zion lly ak. Hower the cae ave ha ebonaie Scengh yer be mechan and all his Sse” fr apg w corms te PC fae atthe sane tne, the GM send li cele the payer 19 fib such chec Mevies fe 2 Senge chee a lie a Table 1s Seength Check Meier Any fat of Sucag ta is exroninary souk we she Bend Ba/Life Gates (BB/LG) sats teal of Singh check. An ey way 9 determin wbcher ou should wie Sength check ora BBVLG isle fan vere character woud ue Gee at leas hal fhe tne, hen 2 Sength check appropriate. This bese a0 ‘Ahly Score check suc round half the ne for an vera aby. an ser. dee cavacer weld oni secede re ocaon, ae the Ben Bait Gates la. Secrne with BRL ate mach mee ae Table 1B Strength Check Modifiers Greumstance | Wr hate who fl dowe when thay ae dn, eve wh pe pee Rel parent eso rol of 1-90, the racer fl to thet at fongant reves 4-1 98 he Srongen ccs On ro ofBI-100e enw fbe"arsy” crank. sd ‘ec #1 co Srna cect en dru Gee Tite 12. lec ot Aa and Drugs in Caper TR, The Advrere at wall at ida Sk, scriptions for te exc fe) Dexterity Detery (Dex) 2 gener measure of several aile including agi, hand.eye edition, reaction rend, refer and balance. Thi alse the character iy fo ‘he ranged weapons, dodge tacks snd hit reactions 1 4 thet or mpi Ahmar shuld make a Detetiny check whenever he atempes fat of Dexter har ha some sigan ie of falue. Everyone ip whe walling coninily bet crm one con wa ‘without problem. Thus ation Hhe elk Would not require a Deni heck Howeves walling 00 aslippery ledge or caching fling rage gas sat is noe am coeryay eaten td hava sgifcane ro alle ster ned with ie This tho ype of Setions” would require Dexterity heck. Tn addin, performing at ‘ction ender stremuons conditions chat ‘would bor normaly equte a Destety heck may necesita sch a check For eample, throwing » biby dragon ‘gga the ground and doing el shrsory dance docs not normally tequite + Deere chece Hower fa PC wer tying 0 perform sich an action while ‘voiding the atacs ofthe mother dragon, a Dexterity check would be necemary (gre Shi along with a saving show verus brah weapon). Retest) modifiers fr & Dees check ar ited in Table 16: Deserty Chock Mode. Table IC: Dexterity Check Modifiors Circumstance Modiier aes Hoversre resis Unble © move Feet Sour wgeber Sore ee gone Treomberet slot + Seale 12 Ec of lca! an Drags ln Chaps |2.The Adour "Chace recove a cate «1 toa Desay checks tr exch category of ence trance ber wencnbere, ‘Constitution CConsiestion (Con) ta mem ofthe gener Fine ofa charset, Iles encom psc his health and physical rsiance ro harp, iry and diease Of all dhe Its itis the most del elated to charactor survival a i help dvermine hit points sel aring dhs for sme aes. A character must make + Corsiuion check wheneier you want ro determine wheter «chance can cosinuedeing something tenuous onc an extended pred ‘Theamount oftime necenary o rouie sucha check vate with cach ction, but when- cet 4 churcer does something longer than they ate asec, a check i rece Examples of Constution Check are surviving. without Constitution Check Modifiers allocation and fighting | Circumstance of dee New, tr | aia Constitution check differs from Fatigue | Mh Save in tat che Constaton check | | Mite debi invoies pure heh (r lack dia, | Eaunbered? whe the Fae Save (called under | Lot 25% of mnemam n poes ‘Chapter 8: Corbi) involves aconnbi- | LOSS of mar pores Lone 75 of mcm pon * Charcarsreave » cena <1 ca CConuston,cheta fo ach caegery of tation of health and willpower (Wisdom), Roce modifies er + ‘Comicon check are Tied in Table 1D Conmtnuion Check Mafiern | Colon ind fo ee Intelligence lnceligence (at) ie eur ofthe characte memory. esoing ad ening I issimiarto an 1Q sere. This ably gover uages and spel easing sii. Inveligence checks are used to determine fa chuacer can achieve some et of men- tal prowes. Examples include deciphering res, remembering important details and nowing fice. In. addition, an Inveligence check can be ws eer knowlege and leaning ach tl an Se re: | sien cone See vee tecnica, | pean ss ae tec ies | eeegerectere te xe | mae : oe org eos | 3 ‘The later mold rei an Tne sheck while the former would. ot Ferental modifies for an Tnelligence sherk ae va in Table TE: Ineigece (Check Moir. * Ser Tbe (2¥; fics of Akela rus a Chapter 1. The Ader a Wisdom Wisdom Gneck Moder Cees a pat a : scr mes wipes | MORN Soar "eae cies | mee 3 Canvitntanaenstatt es | pesca doweh cht nore Gore cat y ‘Wisdom checks should be made | [NOWndtetllivensrabte! =m when you ar tying © st the charac fefecomnmon seer wilpewe. Lying ‘deception and deceit ae the mot ore ‘mon ineance afi, bat ary tnt the * See Tale 12: Ges of Aeohal and Dag bn Chapter 12.The Adverts Thar can vary depending om the rau of ‘ort would necessitate » Windom check. | ** ett Rossel mien fre Wade ck wrod Tale 18 Ws site al 1 Win Chk ae Charisma Check Modiners Creansarce Mader Charisma ali hain (he) ea cross | Heep ates — sccuslwhsperot ps seme | Sapam Thera acu mae pcs | Hover a Scale praesent cu | Se Hoar 3 Whi chcaratpeo ccnp | Deere : ‘cally aractve (dhe Comeliness moditicr peat : a ‘cs he Cara ay | | Maan a foxes a chic aii wo influence ‘thers and malntinKllowes, You should we a China chede whence character b eying to in fox the econ of ober people, This {nls among ocer ung ates 0 sin favor tncaagh bribery In addon. a ‘Gunace’s Chunar should be checked whenever the action ofa stranger neds to bedeteminel, Asmar check canbe ‘made te determine the reactions of henchmen ad oer hg nor a ary imencion can be rey ined of rolling, Howevt, this ight ‘ier Le wel essed welgroomed person ‘wen gece 7 mode Some people wil be dagated by your be ‘de tara and others wl bepress Ths (ction i ormeed We decir ll nag. Ral percaile ice. On res of 150, you lod rputes ta and you ge ‘On resukof S-100. your wend ‘xpress hema you et #10 your rok. fhe person wih woe you are alg I feral. tere & 2725 moder” Chicks ‘Giroeaze World de cr ‘The HackMaster GamoMaster’s Guide rotalway be pratical, In thow cases, make « Chass check. Pecial moxies fora (Chara check a lined in Table 16: Chana Check Mois, Increasing Ability Scores ‘There are dre bas times when a hare can improve hiss. Theiss du ing he chances cmaion poco It invalvesrasing one or move ables by spending Bulking Pins. The Players Handbook coves thin The second tne is when chara fcr cams enough experience co ain «level Air completing the necesaty blocks of training. the Ghaacter may roll his Honor Die ps the appropiate dic for rang Fractional Abs fax shown oa PHB Tabk 1A Stas Percentile Die Roll by Clas) and add this ral vo his Fractional Abily Score. fhe scow exceeds 100, the character, incre his Aili Scare by one and reco the difeence a his new Factonal Ai ‘Score. This ste nly way mos characte wil ices cher Abit Scores. “The tied way is vo increase your Abiley Score dough the se of Wishes (granted ber by aspel or magical rem). f your players get ahold of Wises, one of thi fist rors wil be w incense sei Abily eorex Hence special rules mast apply this circumstance. In onder to prevent your players from eal incesig thet Asi Scores to oaragous levels and unbalancing the game. ence an aii reaches 164 Wish pls the rll of the characters Honor Die. Ta, may tke up ten Wishes ie Se Abiy Seo of 16 17. Characteristics For Player Characters Un fhe NPC ponoaliy mi nd chris fo plier haa it NOT sronenaded (ne Chopn Non Maar Charen, Tit Pope Handbck p= ic ca rele cnet of peemaliy its posi ts pep coe co eo Tee eenitpachoace hoy oe poiominy aca eek cat om oe foie icp pall pay forced upon PCs without the commensurate Poine benefits, then your play- pe eer nernlgheg per ocloy nse Ripe Selnec wane I his happens daring he chance a tellomal lies ewe ck: Aeierlend Lew ate he pecsineryics ‘empes the hand of fae. However, do noc uy vo saddle him with the wpe of baggage ternal eared ir NOCH Kuen gon mallow ch ye tne gh Aerio his charac os hecho, iven the foundation proved by the Payee Mindock, ihexon fet the ow oe ere, This cw my chase fe ixormason wed far developmen of NPC can- ete ea fr FG Is pos oe yon rile rn domme fox Bs face yo may ov fy ce tate ae lb cw pope a the fart dcued ye der Ber cmp opps mig serps or Te [age ght cWghcin the Pe Hanoc doe ment a fl geo Josie wrton and he may cen sion his sc eaten i, Th Tapers ses dap et ee oe a eer of rede epee the Fert Handbot ar UML 4 doc nt epee teary of mene or {itemannd nth ean immedi lon Table I. Een Hehe ted Waghe were! Gr meth pope Hn hen stat Ha ed shen Setgs Player Character Non-Professional Skills ‘Mar pipe chon lars cl pce emma be ee shh tte cameo hb ocing perc vay th ton of el eer 2a ioc Thm the pocorn tbal war be ler lerdal Homers, come te Heregpaf ea manda ni baong he pore dommyag loons seg on yen dp hed paring pny prada ala of cc, ing, vee hte halt be ed dtc fail ens nd ponent seul no cy unk a ot Sw be an xp fone ance fe ‘char hy valle boas an ies Furherbers ib i prekble e PC hr ord ayer old fl ck nth ceuing hig, ‘does noc work) owt might be a slacker, That is w say, most advennurers become what eye be hey ae oer ef een oth lind exalt on witht onid ede not Pig Table 1H: Exceptional Height and Weight Helen Weighe miler: 76 wT 98 OSS LIN Lassi ‘Chapter | - Player Character Creation ‘Starting Level Of Experience For Player Characters ‘Asa geocalrul the ets tl or any copie play willbe theft aden, when he hus no cue whats happing, how powerfl any caconerd monitor ‘has evan wil gained Gem che advennre. This ameoer suri, and you shoud seu your dungzon ro accommodate atv players. your campaign his amicur of fxpcticoced and incxpricncl player you shoul aang fe the owo groups ate {we spay, posi separate drgcons. asc Allow the novice players kara {or themseve, and gir xpeenced payer tougher situations to eo they realy tuned most of what happening > quite nike tue a level adventure of the ‘would-be wrt were such penn aly tex {chs heen al omy ateacion that ne players will sometimes become bored and lacouraged withthe egal to advance in level of experience, for they not have any facnlcomprchencon of what lik tobe a peter charac of high evel. Te che Tsay Bulleacly Ina well planned! and wl jdged campaign ths wl never happen fo the perce CM wil hej enough maar 0 wher che apperteof ployee, wale Ieeping ther ean and hangy ely nd sls chasing ster hat caret jes aed. One yr grorng con can cin be disipted by rly ee fll to ge onan adver [and oc dpe aoe an ecog ac bet ght taka sa vell, Tha, and caval ekrecing sould evi th need for Inemediaee bestow of levee of cxpeince to aiin attri the ge. Te har ben Forces sugested chat allowing rsiely new plays paricpae ins modular cam gn ame (onuting new player of char of higher ee) would oficn whe hie pps for coined play at lowe eel fo thcy ean then gan what wl be Like should they actly vase in aang proficiency on thes ow by working up thir Signal characte and gaining high vel of expen. This easing seis Sound, snl provided there fa epee ofthe we campeign and he ones no ban td tn player bie had some umber of expedidor ws (at Kvel chute, i noe derutive to the amc asx whole Ifyou have an ealtng campaign where he major ofthe player ae soy above Ist lr itis fen serptingw alow the ew newer to bein a Dad ee (or even Sedo ch) i rer to give them a survival chance when the group sc off fo some lower dungeon ivel.'A Hacker GM worth hist mutt nee doth Granting teamed experince eve) tendo othe new player ofthe rel enjoyment he wold formal fel pon acl gaining lees of experince by in of vere. ik and had fighting. ‘Sometimes in an exiting high-level campaign a character des and he pliyer wou have oegin anew witha few fire eel carter. You shou never allow te ayer {rol upa new chance an gin ic lve as west discs sbewe. Nevers ifthe plier had fresh. hit ust (the decid or even reel) character could have ipuacter! he would bgin play anew with a character that already gained sre eee eyond tat The only way o accomplish this thon the HackMter rele ae to fl: low the Mentou/Potgé protocol or atvat sidekick a aPC (Se Chapter I: Non Payer Charases for infomation on sidekicks, Mentor/Protégé System “The Men Prog tem alow exprienced payer o have tei lye character cover ins menor rouge ratiombip with ane tre NPCs. Nove atthe men {envelop erent thar the mentors who tach slo PCs ee ing Stilrin Chapter 7 ofthe PHB)” ‘These menor told ancl be concise teachen. The mentor aientipdescibed her low he player to channel ire and eer benef rom hi current player character ta iid Neclivadietagestucrt kali orede ety A plo ‘oral, ses shi so hat fis primary PCs, he can assume the rele of i Former pote and tor have vo wart over at ft lee. As mentioned ie che Pye Handbole a PC ‘lowed wo gain up t fur procs. These te generally characters thatthe player has tld wp wlag he smmc nushod ese did echt peony PC. Once csr tae pay fs ae ina stare bere being 2 PC and an NPC. ‘We all chem Peni Payer (Charsteo or PPCs. They are not automatons to be conto atthe mbim ofthe pay- fr the bene of his primary PC The playe is allmed eo suggest wha couse of sion the PC wil ak at eG ash fil yin citing how pv bre Sind interac with the PC When payer crates a prox character, he shoul crea a reaon why his PC and the PPC share a boad in such 3 fashion. A common bond is forthe PPC to bea relive ofthe PC, ‘The PPC canbe of any ‘ace singe one can exphin avay any major diferences by adoption. Another lea fra common bond ithat of childhood frend. Pehaps the PC and the PPC grew up together andthe PC wen off into the world of adventare fis and now writes home tothe PPC to sate hit ‘aperences. In rte cicamstanes 4 GM-cested NPC could become {PPC a player (erhape the PC rescued him rom certain death at + Prisoner to the Lich Lard an the th level ofthe dungeon) Typically, Rowever, de burden of resting the PPC should be pce on he pay ee ArsGM, che only reson active crete an NPC and alow che BC vo wodk hi into his mennor prog st ty 0 infect aera ‘typeof character das or acetate ary. One would do ehisbecae Ie might be iaportan othe plot of one of your planned adventures For example, ithe pry needa clei, bat sone ofthe pliers bother tana

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