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Prince Tangcalagan SOCSI031 B2-C1-AP1

1. Explain the importance of knowing our country’s history.

- Knowing the history of one’s country makes us understand a little better of how our country
was formed through time. We would learn why and how did we turn out to have this type of
government, how we ended up with mixed races, and how we acquired different cultures.
We would also know the different people or leaders who have struggled or molded us for
our country to become what it is today. We can also learn different important events that
took place in our country which created an impact, may it be small or big, which
contributed, may it be good or bad, to one’s country.

2. Describe the society in the ancient Philippines before the Spanish colonization.

- As described from many articles and from the stories told by my grandparents which was
told by their older generation then told to us as kids. Prior to the colonization of the
Spaniards in the Philippines, Filipinos was already rich in culture. Though according to data,
the beginnings of the Filipino culture and society was never fully discovered, even if there
were human remains and artifacts, some may disclose portions of events that happened in
the past, still, it could never complete the truth of our history. Nevertheless, data said that
the first society in the Philippines were mostly composed of the Negritos, Indonesians,
Malays, Indians, Chinese, and the Arabs. These tribes were governed by a system of laws led
by a datu or a council of elders. Then was the Pre-colonial era of the Philippines which was
the time period where in Indianized kingdoms, Hindu and Buddhist Nations, Islamized
Indianized sultanates Sinicized the Philippines . Due to the geographical location of the
Philippines, it became the Center of Trading. With that, multiple cultures and traditions
started to take place and grew in the Philippines.

3. Discuss the system of Government in the early Philippines

- The early form and system of government was then called balangay, which by then was
composed of around 30 to 100 families. There were three significant powers that were
endowed to one person, the datu, the rajah, or the sultan.
- Laws were made by the chieftain which was consulted with the elders of the balangay.
- When laws were made, a so called, “umalohokan” goes around the balangay to announce
the new rules or laws.
- The laws were customary, which based on customs, traditions and beliefs, and also written,
which was based on the code of kalantiao and the code of maragtas.
4. Give atleast three (3) influences of the following:

a. Chinese
i. Lighting Fireworks and firecrackers in New Year
ii. Wearing red or bright colored attire for happy occasions
iii. Giving cash as gifts

b. Indian
i. Indian Literature (The adventures of Juan Tamad, Hawk and the Hen, etc.)
ii. Festivals (The Darangan of Lanao and The Ibalong of Bicolandia)
iii. Indian Language (bodhi, dukkha, guru, Sanskrit – budhi, dukha, guro, Tagalog)
c. Arabs
i. Arab Language (words like sulat, salamat, apo, alamat)
ii. Sultanate Government
iii. Islamic Religion

5. Give atleast five (5) Filipino common traits and describe why these traits being practiced today.

a. Hospitality – this is the most common trait especially to foreign or once in a lifetime
visitor. The host greets the visitor and offers them a snack or a drink. Offering food
before leaving the house. If ever the visitor plans to spend the night, the host then
makes a special preparation.
b. Respect – children saying po and opo or by doing the so called, “bless“.
c. Strong Family Ties and Religions – Filipinos usually spend the time together with their
relatives or families during free times, to hang out, eat together, bond, or go to church.
d. Generosity and Helpfulness – Filipinos are always ready to help each other even if they
have very little to give.
e. Strong Work Ethic – Filipinos always find ways to earn a living, some also sell foods or
other items as a business and for the convenience of their neighbors.

Balikbayan Media Center. (2021, December 2). Chinese International Import Expo generates

USD597.34-M in export sales for the Philippine food sector. Balikbayan Magazine.


Filipino History. (n.d.). Purdue Filipino Association.

Fleming, E. (2020, June 18). What are the influences of Arabs to the Philippines? –

SidmartinBio. What Are the Influences of Arabs to the Philippines? – SidmartinBio.

Indian cultural influences in early Philippine polities. (2019, May 12). HiSoUR - Hi So You








J. (2022, January 4). Pinoy Life: Classic Filipino Traits and Characteristics. Owlcation.

Wikipedia contributors. (n.d.). History of the Philippines (900–1565). Wikipedia.

Wikipedia contributors. (2022, February 18). History of the Philippines. Wikipedia.

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