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Woods Project Rubric

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Project Portion
Category 10-12 pts 7-9 pts 4-6 pts 1-3 pts Score Comments
Standard Above At Approaching Far Below
Material All faces and Most, but not Some faces and Wood had not
edges have been all edges have edges have been been prepared
Preparation planed, joined been planed, prepared thoroughly. It has
and sanded if joined and properly, some not been planed
needed. All parts sanded if have not. Table correctly. Edges
are a consistent needed. Few saw marks are were not joined.
thickness. table saw visible. Parts are Parts are of
marks are of various various
visible. All thicknesses. thicknesses.
parts are a
Fasteners Nails and screws Nails and Nails and screw Nails and screw
are not visible. screws are not were not properly were not properly
They have been visible. They used. They are used. They are
properly plugged have been not plugged or not plugged or
or filled. There is mostly plugged filled well. Some filled. Nail and
symmetry in the or filled. There holes were not screw hole
layout of is symmetry in filled or plugged patterns are
fasteners. Joints the layout of at all. Joints random and
are tight. Wood fasteners. could be tighter. haphazard.
grain on plug is Wood grain on Joints are not
in line with grain plugs is in line tight.
on Project with grain on
project. Joints
are mostly
Gluing All joints are Joints seem Some glue is Joints are loose
glued properly & strong. Very visible. Joints are or not glued at
sufficiently. small glue not strong and all. Glue marks
There are no marks and were not glued and stains are
visible glue stains can be properly. visible
marks. seen. everywhere.
Overall Construction is Construction is Not very solid. Construction is
very solid, solid, and Out of square in poor. Nothing
Construction symmetrical and mostly square. places. Parts lines up. There is
square. Every- Most don’t line up. no symmetry.
thing lines up components Symmetry is off. Nothing is
and moving parts line up. Moving Moving parts are square. Joints
are functional. parts are tight. tight. are not solid.
Sanding Everything was Project was Some sanding Project was not
sanded perfectly. sanded was done but not sanded
sufficiently. enough. sufficiently.
Finish Finish is smooth Very few There are few There are
and consistent. imperfections. imperfections. imperfections
There are little to Stain is Stain is not everywhere.
no imperfections. consistent. consistent Finish was
There are no Very few drips. throughout. applied
drips or missed Finish is Some drips are haphazardly.
spots. smooth to the visible. Stain appears
touch. blotchy. There
are multiple drip

Project Grade:_______________/70
Portfolio & Safety Portion
Component 4-5 Points 2-3 Points 1 Point SCORE COMMENTS
Standards Above At Below
Title Page Title page pleasing to Title Page is not Title Page is missing
the eye. It has the creative and is or is hand drawn.
necessary information. missing information.
Plans/ Plans and sketches are Plans & Sketches Plans & Sketches
included. are included, but are missing or
Sketches/ Sketches are well some elements of incomplete. They are
Drawings crafted and the design are sloppy and hard to
proportional. They missing. Sketches understand.
include annotations & are fairly well done.

Reflections Reflections are well Reflections include Minimal effort was

thought out, and all required shown. They are
include all required elements, but are poorly thought out,
elements. Care was not well written, and do not contain
taken when written. There are mistakes, all required
and little effort was element’s.
put forth.
Bill Of Bill of Materials is Bill of material is Bill of material was
complete, and correct. complete but is not not done.
Materials done correctly.
Completion Everything required is Docs are out of Documents are
completed. All order, not punched, missing.
documents are 3 hole or loose in the cover
punched and entered of the binder.
into 3- ring binder.
Safety The student was not a The student needed The student had a
safety hazard and had reminders on safety lack of safety regard.
to rarely be reminded procedures.
of safety procedures.

Portfolio Grade:_______________________/ 30

*Total Project Grade:_____________________/100

Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________

1. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

Identify the type of wood joint depicted in the photo
answer choices
None of the above

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