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By Aishi,

Michelle & QIN DYNASTY

Myahna The founder of the Qin dynasty is Shi
Huang Di. This Dynasty began at 221 BC and
ended at 206 BC.
Shi Huang Di was also called the Almighty of the Universe. He
was a harsh and powerful ruler.
He banished or put to death the Confucian teachers and
burned Confucian books. He did not like the followers of
Confucianism since they were more loyal to their family and
traditions rather than to the government. He also forced
peasants to work as slaves.
The capital city of China is Bejing and the famous emperor is
Shi Huang Di.

Achievements made by the Qin Dynasty are:

1. They builded the Great wall of China.
2. Standard the currency (money).
3. Standard wheel axle size (to make roads all one size).
4. Standard laws.
5. Standard system of weight.
6. Standard measurement.
7. They made writing that applied to the entire empire.

Shi Huang Di lost his mandate of heaven

because a military leader named Liu Bang
succeeded to overthrow Shi Huang Di, ending
the reign of Qin dynasty.

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