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Class Xll
Time 90 Minutes

ENGLISH CORE (301) Max. Marks 40

General Instructions
The Question
Paper contains THREE sections
2. Section A-READING has 18
instructions for each question.questions. Atempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific
3. Section
specific instructions for each question.questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
4. Section
C-LITERATURE has 30 questions.
each question. Attempt 26 questions. as per specific instructions
5. All questions
carry equal marks
6. There is no
negative marking

. Read the passage
given below:
1. The level of air
pollution in New Delhi
is probablythe worst of any AIR POLLUTION IN DELHI BY SOURCE
city in the world at this point in time.
High concentration of particulate
mattersuspended in the air has
adverse effects on human health and 20%

degradation of the environment. The

air pollution level is decided by the
density of particulate matter PM10
(Particulate matter smaller than 10
microns in diameter), and PM 2.5
(Particulate matter that are smaller Dus Open Wata Buring esel and Pdrod Bonss uming industries Coa

than 2.5 microns in diameter).

The average density for major cities in the world is 71 micrograms per every cubic
meter of air. In 2010, in a survey conducted by the WHO- average PM10 level in Delhi
was 286 micrograms per cubic meter of air which is extremely unhealthy not only for
the city's residents but also for people living in the neighbouring suburbs
2. There are numerous causes for this pollution. Motor Vehicle emissions contribute
highly owing to high population density of the city and the traffic conditions. The
Badarpur Power Plant that was permanently put out of commission in 2018, was one of
the major causes of the great smog of 2017. Also, the burning of wood, agricultural
fires, lighting and incinerating garbage have also increased the density of particulate
matter in the air. Heavy metal-rich firecrackers that are enjoyed throughout the year by
millions are also of concern.

3. The most precarious effect is the health issues faced by people,

regardless of age.
gender or social status. Two million children have been affected
by irreversible lung
damage. Recent studies show that it might contribute to decreasing immunity in people
exposed to this all day long. In adults, it has shown to cause increased levels of cancer
and high early death rates.
4. Some measures have been taken by the government to bring this under control. Air
quality monitoring stations were set up to continuously measure and manage the
pollution levels. Strides have been made to ensure that the Delhi Metro runs purely off
of solar power by the year 2021. This would undoubtedly reduce the amount of
emissions. Any vehicle that was older than 10-15 years was banned. The BS6
emissions standard went into effect across the city.
5. In conclusion, the level of pollution is absolutely detrimental to the citizens of Delhi. It is
a problem that will get worse over time as the population increases, and demand for
power, transportation and other industrial goods increases correspondingly. Capital
must flow into renewable resources-electric cars and vehicles, with zero emissions.
Houses must run on solar energy, making the burning of coal to generate power

redundant. The unauthorised use of firecrackers and burning of garbage must be

conducted to
rendered illegal. Further research into the adverse effects of this must be

understand the scope and scale of this Thus, if all of these directives are
and creating a better life for her inhabitants might
religiously followed, cleaning Delhi
not just be a dream.
out of the ten
Based on your understanding of
the passage, answer any eight
questions by choosing the option:
New Delhi is perhaps gravest because--
01. The level of air pollution in
in the ir
concentration of particulate matter suspended
A. High the environment
B.Adverse effects on human health and degradation of
in the neighbouring suburbs
C.Extremely unhealthy city's residents and people living
D.All of the above
determined by:
Q2. The air pollution level is
A. The smog emission in
an area

matter PM10 and PM2.F

B.The density of particulate
from garbage incineration
C.The density of smoke
D.None of these
2017 produced by:
Q3. The great smog of

Power Plant
A. The Bandipure
and rubber
B. The burning of garbage
C.The bursting of crackers
D.The Badarpur Power of
not increase because
matter in the air does
Q4. The density of particulate
A. Burning of wood
B.Agricultural fires
C.Lighting and incinerating
D. None of these

Page 2 of 13
Prolonged exposure to pollution is hazardous because
A. The health issues it brings in adults only
B. The health issues it
brings in children only
C.The health issues it
brings in children and adults only
D. The health issues it
brings in children and adults alike

n e ongin of enhanced levels of cancer and high death rates in young people can be
attributed to:
A. Being exposed for long periods of time
B. Their smoking and drinking habits
C. Decreasing immunity in people.
D. All of these

Q7. The steps taken by government to reduce pollution include:

A. Setting up stations to check vehicular emissions
B. Setting up air quality monitoring stations and solar power for the cityy
C. Setting up smoking free zones
D. Setting up Delhi Metro zones

Q8. The BS6 emissions Standard was established to --

A.Prohibit pollution levels
B.Prohibit emission levels
C.Prohibit vehicle that are outdated
D.Prohibit vehicles plying altogether

Q9. The word that means the same as "must" in Para 5 is:
A. Rendered
B. Religious

Q10. The word that means "cremating" in Para 2 is:

A. Increasing
B. Incinerating
C. Insinuating
D. Immunity.
Il. Read the passage given below:
on our lives. "Many of
us are
1. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact
and elicit intense emotions in
confronted with difficulties that are frustrating, daunting anxious and go
conditions, it is natural to feel
both adults and children. Under these night
health interventions like social distancing,
through emotional changes. Public make
to curtail COVID-19, but they
Curtew and other measures are important
and director of a
disconnected and depressed", says Vikas Chawla, founder
feel with health anxiety and
to identify and deal
wellness company. However, it is important insomnia,
stress early on in order to avoid
serious issues like extreme depression,
also claim that negative
disorders and headaches. Several researchers
sleep diseases. We find out more
on the ways to
tend to lower immune response against
deal with this.
effects as a result of COVID
2. People are experiencing a wide variety of psychological
can feel lear and anxiety
19 outbreaks. "Regardless of their exposure, people which lead to
for other people's illnesses, may
being sick or dying helplessness, guilt
several studies, longer periods
a mental breakdown," says Chawla. According distress. "Look for
are linked to a higher prevalence of psychological
quarantine bad dreams
waking up suddenly or having issues, it is
symptoms like difficulty in falling asleep, about health
in the middle of sleep worrying
frequentily. If you are waking up and well-being coach
an indicator of rising stress
levels," says Pooja Khera, happiness that a higher
Research has shown
3. A lot of us use food as a coping mechanism. enthusiasm to
lack of will or
seen changes in weight
number of people have increasingly
normal, but if you are
exercise in the lockdown.
"While some fluctuation is in your
habits or a significant change
of unhealthy eating
noticinga development frequent cravings, dayso
exercise patterns, its time to
take action. Increased hunger, loss ot appetite
or in some cases
of excessive exercise,
by days
no exerCise followed
increased anxiety", adds Khera. is to
are all signs of with a fit mind. "The key
when we have a fit body along
4. We are completely fit only combat stress and anxiety are
Activities that help
work on our mental well-being daily. and keeping a
include practicing gratitude, meditation
these may and physical
keys. Some of take care of both
added benefit of helping nutrition portal. A
journal. Yoga has the co-founder and director
of a fitness and
wellness", says Sonal Singh, can help with
migraines, insomnia
with certain essential oils to bed as it
regular massage head with lavender
ol right before going
your is
depression. "Try massaging Chawla. Another trick
that works wonderfully
immediate sleep," suggests vibrations. "These
encourages bowis emit sound
which copper singing relaxation in the patient.
sound healing in induce deep
and immediately from any
are extremely strong r e c o v e r quickly
calm, he or she
waves can
comfortable and
When a person is fully
neurological problem,"
adds Chawla.


Pets.Pants Feel gd and

tnspiin moves Creative 75 ii disedses.
puisuit Learning a neW
SpNT r a lun workaut
in United States,
countries have
Netherlands and other
Health Anxiety
are suffering from that recent sympton1s of
Signs you found
the virus. depression
about contracting anxiety and
Y o u are constantly stressed signs of
symptoms. during the pandemic. The
regularly scan your
body for often
You breakdown are more
COVID-19 is youronly topic of discussion. adults up to the age
seen in young
c o n s u m e pandemic news. their jobs,
excessively whom lost
results. 40, many of
You're not reassured by negative test students whose
dreams of higher
about the pandemic, shattered as most
You're obsessively thinking work.
studies were
to focus on international
makes it difficult for you
which countries sealed their
nightmares. and children
You have sleepless nights and borders for nonths;
of three and
is a career of the
between the age grouf
You think everyone you meet showing many
the hand sanitizer and four, who Were
You overuse
as they were
behavioural issues,
The Times of India
--Shikha Shah confined to their
Based on
questions by choosing of the passage, answer
the correct
option: any six out of the
Q11. What
may lead to mental
breakdown according to Vikas Chawla?
A. Excessive sleepp
B. Being too
much dependent on others.
C. Fear and
anxiety about being sick or dying,
people's illness. helplessness or guilt for othes
Having excessive interaction with
family members.
Q12. What kind of
symptoms of psychological distress are linked to the longer
quarantine? period of

A. Difficulty in waking up in the morning

B. Waking up due to loud noise.
C. Difficulty in falling asleep, waking up suddenly or having bad dreams?
D. Having desire to go in the íresh air
Q13. Which of the
following set of options is the correct reason for anxiety according to
Pooja Khera, happiness and well-being coach?
i. Healthy eating
i. Consistent exercise patterns
ii. Being too talkative
iv. Desire to go for outing
Unhealthy eating's and frequent cravings.
vi. Significant change in exercise patterns and loss of appetite.
A. i, ii
B. ii, iv
D. v, vi

Q14. Choose the option that refers to the INCORRECT picture about anxiety buster.

A. Option
B.Option I
C.Option 1
D.Option V
015. Gratitude, meditation and keeping journal can helpin
A. Physical fitness
B. Reducing spread of COVID-19
C. Mental well-being
D. Increasing stress

of the pandemic is NOT TRUE

Q16. Which of the following facts about the impact
and other countries?
according to the researchers in United States
A. Many people up to the age of 40 lost their jobs
studies were shattered.
B. Dreams of students for higher
showing behavioural issues.
C. Children of the age of 3 and 4 years were

in young adults.
The signs of mental breakdown are not

massage with certain

oil is useful?
Q17. In which disease/s, a regular
A. Migraines
B. Insomnia
C. Depressior
D. All of thesc

1 is a/an:
Q18. The word, 'elicit' used in para
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Verb
D. Adverb
to the context
with reference
out of the five questions
1. Answer any four
about 50 words
write a notice in
Public School, West Hill, you have to start at 9:30
As Principal, DAV November, the school
students that with
effect 15
informing the change.
Give r e a s o n s for the
am instead of 8:30 am.

the notice.
Q19. Select the
appropriate title for
A. Replacement
in School Timings

School Timings
B. Change in
School Hours
C. Change in
School Schedule
D. Change in for this notice.
accurate opening
most in school timingss
that lists the will be a change
Q20. Select the option that
students are
A. All the
from.. our school
inform you that
B. This is to school that..
students of the
share with all
C. I am pleased to

D. None of 13
6 of
021. The first thing written in a notice is
A. name of the writer
B. name of the
C. heading/title
D date
Q22. Which of these points need not to be mentioned in a notice?
A. Name
B. Address of company
C. Age
D. Date

Q23. Choose the appropriate conclusion for this notice

A. All the students are told to note the change in timings.

B. You are advised to come at a new time.
C. Be prepared and inconvenience regretted.
D. All the students are told to note the change in timings and inform the parents

as well.
reference to the context
IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given, with
feel impressed at the improved
You are Lohith of Old Stadium Road, Trivandrum. You be improved
but feel that facilities need to
performance of India at Tokyo Olympics viewS on how the
Hindustan Times expressing your
further. Write a letter to the Editor,
be made better in India.
standard of performances in sports can

Q24. The letter should reflect a

conclusion of the topic

A. Comparison, analysis and
and description
B. Comparison, deduction
C. Deduction, description,
D. Explanation, deduction,

Q25. The subject of the letter be

in facilities in sports
A. Need of improvement
in sports periods in school
B. Need improvement
for sports person
C. Needs to improveincentives
nindset of people about sport
D. Needs improved
should be:
of writing a letter to the editor
Q26. One of the features
A. Highly filled with jarn
( Xanju ase
B. Good refined langage
submissive add sss (oddresh)
C. Highly
conventiors konvention9)
as language
D. Highly flattering
Page 7 of 13
is highlighting an issue:
A writer should not be one of these, when he/she
A. brief

B. To the point 1nt)

C. Be less criticizing and appreciativ (fve)
D. Too roundabouout)
attracts the attention of the
028. Pick one of the following features in the letter, which

A. the presentation and impractical solutions.
B. the illustrious language. but void of any solution
C. the projecting of the situation with suggestions for further improvement
D. the knowledge about the topic, but only fault-finding statements
Q29. The features he/she should keep in mind to make it a model letter are-

A. Format, content, expression, irrelevarcé a n c e )

B. Format, content, expression., incoherence
C. Format, content, expression, lack ofiluency
D. Format, content, expression, presentation

Q30. What should comprise a subscription note: -

A. Signature and iame of the writer,

B. Complementary note, signature, name of the write
C. Note of well-being, signature, and name of the writer
D. Signature, name of the writer and complementary note.

IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
This section has sub-sections: V, VI, VI, VI,
from the sub-sections V to IX.
the section. Attempt any 26 questions

V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

Then the Angelus. At the same moment the

"All at the church-clock struck twelve.
from drill, sounded under our windows.
trumpets of the Prussians, returning said he, 1--"

I never saw him look so tall. "My friends,"

stood up, very pale, in his chair.
blackboard, took a
could not go on. Then he turned to the
But something choked him. He "Vive La
on with all his might,
he wrote as large as he could-..
piece of chalk, and, bearing without a word, he
leaned his head against the wall, and,
France!" Then he stopped and
hand-"School is dismissed-you may go".
made a gesture to us with his

031. What does 'Angelus' refer to?

A. Sound of church bell ringing

B. Roman catholic prayer
C. Sound of thanks giving
D. A prayer sung in a group

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Q32. What do the
trumpets of the Prussians imply?
A. lgniting patriotic fervour
B. Playing the
band to reduce war stress
C.People of Alsace are now enslaved
D.Prussians cheering up the victory over
Q33. Why is M.Hamel pale?
A. He feels emotional and
B. He is unwell
C. He is annoyed
D. He doesn't like the sound of the
Q34. I never saw him look so tall". Why did Franz think that M.Hamel looked so tall?

A. M.Hamel had grown physically taller

B. M.Hamel seemed very confident.
C. M.Hamel was wearing his fine Sunday clothes
D. He stood on the chair
a35. Concluding his last iesson by writing Vive La France! on the blackboard shows that
M. Hamel
A. Was overwheimed with emons eretionS
B. Wanted to distract all attending ciass that Jay
C. Was keen on not leaving the rJuntry co

D. Wanted to teach French participles .nrough it. *

VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

Then I started down a third time. I sucked for air and got water. The yellowish light was
going out. Then all effort ceased. I relaxed. Even my legs felt limp: and a blackness
swept over my brain. It wiped out fear, it wiped out terror. There was no more panic. It
was quiet and peaceful. Nothing to be afraid of. This is nice... to be drowsy... to go to
sleep.. no need to jump. too tired to jump... its nice to be carried gently... to float
along in space... tender arms around me... tender arms like Mother's... now! must go
to sleep... I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell.

a36. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below

Statement 1: The author tried his best to jump out of water.

Statement 2: After a while, the author was not anxious in water

A. If Statement 1 is the cause, Statement 2 is the effect.

B. If Statement 1 is the effect, Statement 2 is the cause.

C. Both the statements are the effects of a common cause.

D. Both the statements are the effects of independent causes

Page 9 of 13
curtain of life fell". What
does 'oblivion' mean?
Q37. "1 crossed to oblivion, and the
A. Stupetied

B.Changing room
C. Unconsciosness
Q38. Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE with reference to Douglas:
A. Douglas's fear kept him away from ieisurely activities in water.

B. The fall in the pool at YMCA taught Dougias a life lesson.

C. The fear of drowning was the source of Douglas's anxiety and terror.

D. Douglas decided to practice relentlessly to overcome his fear.

Q39. The 'curtain of life fell' corresponds to an aspect of

A. Geometry
B. History
C. Sport s

D. Dram. a

Q40. What is the 'misadventure' that the narrator speaks about in the given extract?
A. His drowning experience inhe Yakima River.
B. There was terror in his heart at the overpowering force of the waves
C.His near-death exerience at the YMCA swimming pool.
D.All of these

VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

On sour cream walls, donations, Shakespeare's head

Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.

Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map

Awarding the world its world. And, yet for these
Children, these windows, not this map their world
Where all their future's painted with a fog.

Q41. What do you find in the
sections of society
A. Children from various
B. Undernourished childrer

C. Unity in Diversity

D. Polished and tiled surtaces.

Page 10 of 13
Q42. What do
the words
these windows,
A. Windows their world' refer to'?
and world of slum
Windows and world of
C.Windows of classroom classror °o
and world of 'am
D. Windows 81um
of slum and
world of classroomm
Q43. What is the
significance of the Tyrolese valley?
A. It is in
perfect synchronisation with the environment of
B.It is contrast to the
the tlassroom.
erwironment of the classroom.
C.It has
striking balance uoth the environment of the classroom.
D.The valley is aiso dull like the
Q44. In the extract,
future's painted with a fog' suggests that the:
A. Classroom is
foggy as the paint on the walls.
B.Beautiful valleys are not a part of the children's future.
C.Life ahead for the slum children is as unclear and hazy as tg tos
D.Fog often finds itself in the classroom through broken windows
Q45. What does the expression -sour cream walls- suggest?
A. Display of donated artefacts on the walls.
B. Badly maintained walls
C. Wall-to-wall furniture
D. A poor choice of paint for walls.

VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

"and first he must be

"At any rate something must be done with him," he said,
behind him. She did not
washed." He went quickly out of the room and Hana came
the first she had seen since she left
wish to be left alone with the white man. He was
to do with those whom she had known
America and now he seemed to have nothing

seeing the soldier because

Q46. Hana felt helpless
A. Dr Sadao wanted to treat hir

B. The General was in her house.

C. He was an American

D. She hated Americans

washed." this statement proved that

Q47. "First he must be
treat him
A. Dr Sadao wanted to
not willing to treat him.
B. Dr Sadao was

refused to help Dr Sadao.

C. The servants

D. Hana was helpless.

Page 11 of 13
Q48. Which style, from those given below, is being used by the doctor, when he says, "At
any rate something must be done with him"?

A. Sarcastic
B. Dramatic
C. Concerned
D. Hatred
Q49. Which Adjective best describes Dr Sadao's actions?
A. Polite
B. Obedient
C. Humane
D. Passive

Q50. Hana did not want to remain in the

room, alone with the white man. What does this
show about Hana?

A. She didn't want to face the white

B. She
thought that the white man could be threat to them.
C. She didn't want to help the white man.
D. She was heartless

IX. Attempt the following:

(Q51. The phrase 'old familiar ache' has been used to refer to a fear, in this extract. This
phrase can also be used to

Compare physical pain with mental agony

B. Elicit someone's unanswered queries.
C. Substantiate reasons for aches and pains
D. Describe a longing one has been aware of.

Q52.What difference does Saheb feel between the plastic bag and the steel canister?
A. The canister seems heavier than the bag bas
B. The bag was his; the canister is not. no*
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor h) t
Q53. How can the moments of no activity help people?
A. They will be health
B. They will be happy.
C. They wil work easily
D. To relax and be mr.e thoughtfu!

that give the reasons why the writer had gone to

Q54. Choose the correct set of options
the Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire.

Because he had completely got over the fear of water.

Because he wanted to break the record
of long-distance swimming.
Because he wanted to show people
that he is capable of swimming
ii. water.
over the fear of deep
iv. Because he had not yet completely got
his fear of water had gone.
v. Because he wanted to confirm that in
instructor that he could swim
VI. Because he wanted to prove his


Page 12 of 13
A. i, ii
B. ii, iv
C. ii, i
D. iv,v
Q55. Why did M. Hamel
call the French
A. Because language the most beautitul'?
it was the
clearest and logical
B.Because it was his native
C.Because people were fromlanguage.
D.None of hese
Q56. Pick out the
option that best describes the mental tendency of the narrator in tne
story "The Third Level".
(1) Disappointed (2) Escapism (3) Calm (4) Satisfied
A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 3 and 4
D. 2 and 4
Q57. Why are the lights dim at the third level?
A. Because the source of light was open-flame gaslight 3a
B. Because of voltage fluctuatione o u ins
C. Because of overcrowding
D. Because Charley had a veak eye-sighteak
Q58. "But promises like mine abound in every corner of his bleak world". What promise
had Anees Jung made?
A. To get Saheh a new pair of shoes
B. To restore is lost childhood
C.To free him from the bonds of child labour

D.To start a school

for Charley?
Q59. Why do you think the Third Level was an escape
A. Because it existed at the third storey
B. Because Sam knew about it

C. Because he shared it with Sam

D. Because it existed only in his 'antasy and not in reality
Mother at Sixty-Six"
Q60. What does the narrative single sentence style of the poem "My
A. Poet's fearful mind

B. Poet's insecurity and fears

C. Poet's thoughts
to another
D. Conscienr where one thought is leading


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