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Aare Hhe Hheor pd BiogenOLK Hoo ddes Mil
expeaiwmetJupprt isteory
the HLOry _oL; bivaen Asis Saleg Hnat
oxgmian aniues Srom moHaA iving Orapms
fruillo ex peimeet

2 ba Stole op anin -Hald ones hup

ohe3 is ?
Opain Haldomes hgpomess Aalesihat
come wun me-escistiu apn-r agmme male e
mak oanmahion of SLewas paeedis
cemical evolutio
what one omaloa o
Shuuctnai 2Ho au y

mpla fr each

Dgoisms havina me s huetune dnelope

duningdkent directi ov duue to adoptatida
dleknt wnions
QOs ul D divenceut
d cake s CoMWADnCm
Page No.

AnatOmmcadyComme äncktmas
egowelimbs qg hale cheetahuw

Dere S LituneS haxina the doma wmehdn

Lia diks gamisnms 2.
2 Anapmicallg àitgsnuctes
2aLsu o convege ni evdutiaa-
3 oes nDt indicate common a m Ce syy-
eg:wingso eudtengly omd bizds

4 ( etion
Ahe Speci;t 22ogaaphiCal segio
wh hese on aamsnw aelowmd
bNane am explainte qheuoms nas hat ha
eiuled in e cwdutio2 S acla cliulLe sacies

H&apie Radi ation-has sesuthed in dta eudlutien

LSs oL evolutio diktOLSar2gecier in a qiue
e04auicd oaa deuuding a paint md radiaig
n onea 0a0as 4esgaaphyi scalled adaphine 9odtnt
Pege No.

5 C e o exaopla. w hene mn mm_ d

adopieraAi asipy naue OCcmod m
e0gaghtcal anoa Namema Aype d ewdutis

Austr ali N mansuial omd plaent

MaMala number oL mom6uiaseach
aiLeent aom ma other evoluod com nw
CMCO4ral stoclk, btt alb oihi la lHuaralio
islamd coinent:P\atanta mammals
alsoechibit odapkiue adiaion io
eyolug iulo
aAiehes q 8uda qlatonlzmammas e a n
ok eae Suich appeons to be
iamlar do
CofYeunding MaAs uRi Cea PlaenA- wdL
amd Tasmantano dol .

Conv engent
evolhoo iVteis becanAe,MO
mom one
adaptiue has_occnA in tdlae
oaplui cal anea
Shose h0o Wag Dut Ap lest
bu ileamd
heii expB i o due ko abioic ovigin q
ife on
Page No. :

Urey amd MileLy AeghedKne Mecxy qOp cain amd

MaldoMe, wui ch staleshat e osiqinateð on wa
eatnhaough Mysioenaicak proce sses o akane
com onixl arm mp lecculoswidh ivMtuan e act
aduleinorqeieomd exaamicomponi

3 e Scar ped bu o i n amaklaldonne in laleaxodry

usingglass ao paaals aMd ubes Tuayook
CH4NHa 0,Ha amd vapo for hen expt
o Suppliek ele.chi diszhanqeuaing caucd
_ closed \lask a SooL AAea aweahit
was_oDsenned a Aumbea o Co m plev orgmag

oleculos haue origma el,eg: ome suq ans nbag en.

baseg.ommiuoacta cma lipids Aentlneaeteor Ae
wee maalu sedi uwas obseAued AhapraLleto
Sinnla comp dwnds was couLianaad wlheaLouclud
natSimilat owss Aeina on elwednlrein fle

X t a t e ma_conhibuti on DL h dui Pesleu in umdAsimdy

7 i g i n & kbe on ecnthxplain the paocoduntaat
ae olowed a ' e ok hiz C2clueion
houis PasteuM_disnna&Oa uey pontamlay
(Pane N

4eneiatD _Cinn& damonsrated ha lige comne

Srom peexicting i e o o ok hop neckad Plasts.
lo lettonelashoith a cbaight eck amd tu
other was loent D oym_om Sshare Ha put
selebrons in_bothtaa Llasksa plau
killed yeast i pne-slelised bet lask omd
to ask sag lelopen Bo ai. Aftee Sevena

weeka lho obceawed Hnat he straigit_naek lask

wa disdpuad amd cleudyoule ue ceuaued
LLasklaaduot chmged uis &e concludeh tat
Hho geAnns in air weAL ablaDLal m oostrtucted
dawatvue chaiaht neckod lask dule éhey
ot brapp.ed in t e cuaLlask-

Ecplain wim }e holo DE a suit a ble e xow)a

ohere_ad.aptive 7adiation na Occmed +d

Yepyecent cOnuenaent erolutiovn

henmane fhan one adaptie 3adtatin

OCCunSin oisolate& ge047apli ca _auea
C7eprec enting) habitas i+ cm_be calld as
conyqgelt evDlution
koY exm ple Liil ani tu blw Seme
Page No.

mambes plaLental el mammals md mansapid

mammals_ana uess Sronalyy 4hat aey ane LL
amimala herz
esat o co0v eAagnt evolutioo hese
SinlaA Loyms beCaue eg euoluioo in
solaed Q a 3 be case of_ Simulaa Selectiue

p r e s S u n o s i n simula eavisonme n s T u s
u s halia 4efembla
mo a m s _ m a n s u p i a l s

mammals the yest o me oorld.

alttn Auusbalia sepenatol
in isaabon
They evelued

om oho

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