Landscape Genetics of Plants: Rolf Holderegger, Dominique Buehler, Felix Gugerli and Ste Phanie Manel

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Landscape genetics of plants

Rolf Holderegger1,2, Dominique Buehler1,2, Felix Gugerli1 and Stéphanie Manel3,4
WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute, Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Sciences, Universitätsstrasse 16, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement, UMR 151 UP/IRD, Université de Provence, 3 place Victor Hugo,
13331 Marseille Cedex 03, France
Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine (LECA), CNRS UMR 5553, Université Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 2233 Rue de la Piscine,
38041 Grenoble Cedex 09, France

Landscape genetics is the amalgamation of landscape

ecology and population genetics to help with under- Glossary
standing microevolutionary processes such as gene flow AFLPs: amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Dominant and anonymous
DNA fingerprints.
and adaptation. In this review, we examine why land- Allele distribution model: a (usually non-spatial) statistical description of how
scape genetics of plants lags behind that of animals, allele frequencies at loci linked to genes under selection are influenced by
both in number of studies and consideration of land- distinct environmental factors.
Assignment test: statistical approach that assigns an individual to that
scape elements. The classical landscape distance/resis- sampled population from which its multilocus genotype is most likely to be
tance approach to study gene flow is challenging in derived.
plants, whereas boundary detection and the assessment Bayesian inference: statistical approach using prior data or information to
estimate posterior probabilities of a hypothesis to be correct. For instance,
of contemporary gene flow are more feasible. By con- prior information (or just a guess) on migration rates can be used in Bayesian
trast, the new field of landscape genetics of adaptive assignment tests to infer contemporary gene flow.
genetic variation, establishing the relationship between Chord distance (dc): a measure of genetic similarity between individuals or
populations based on allele frequencies and located on a sphere. Taking values
adaptive genomic regions and environmental factors in between 0 and 1.
natural populations, is prominent in plant studies. Land- Gene flow: exchange of genes among populations or individuals.
scape genetics is ideally suited to study processes such Genome scan: genotyping of many samples at a large number of (potentially
anonymous) molecular markers across the genome, used in outlier detection
as migration and adaptation under global change. and the landscape genetic analysis of adaptive genetic variation.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: population genetic principle stating that allele
The booming field of landscape genetics and genotype frequencies reach equilibrium and stay constant in random
mating populations assuming large population size, no selection, no migration
Landscape genetics is the amalgamation of landscape and no mutation.
ecology and population genetics to help with understand- Isolation by distance: spatial pattern describing decreasing genetic relatedness
ing microevolutionary processes such as gene flow and of populations or individuals with increasing geographic distance.
Kriging: geostatistical technique to interpolate the value of a parameter of
adaptation on the scale of natural landscapes [1]. This interest at an unobserved geographic location from observations of this value
field investigates how landscape elements and environ- at nearby locations.
mental factors influence the spatial distribution of genetic Landscape: an area spatially heterogeneous in one or more biotic and abiotic
factors of interest. From the human perspective, a landscape is perceived as a
variation. For instance, landscape genetics assesses how kilometers-wide environmental mosaic.
landscape elements such as forests or open fields affect Landscape distance: distance-like measurements parameterizing the landscape
between two localities, for example, geographical distance along a river,
gene flow (see Glossary) in species inhabiting semi-natural
number of roads to be crossed, or percentage of forest cover in a corridor strip
habitat remnants in an otherwise unsuitable and inten- connecting two localities.
sively used landscape; a question of interest in conserva- Landscape resistance: permeability values of different landscape elements,
describing their resistance to migration and dispersal. From these resistance
tion management. Similarly, landscape genetics analyzes values, different types of cumulative resistances between localities can be
whether non-crop strips provide effective barriers to gene calculated, for example, least cost paths.
flow between organic and genetically modified crops; a Least cost path: length of a path minimizing the cumulative landscape
resistance between two localities.
question of practical importance in agriculture. Landscape Mantel test: a permutation-based statistical test describing the correlation
genetics also deals with how environmental factors such as between two distance matrices. A partial Mantel simultaneously accounts for
temperature or precipitation affect adaptive genetic varia- the effects of a third (or several) distance matrix (matrices).
Monmonier’s algorithm: detects genetic boundaries by finding the path
tion; relevant information in the context of climate change exhibiting the largest genetic distances among neighboring populations.
[2,3]. Landscape genetics still suffers from a lack of theo- Nei’s genetic distance (dn): measure of genetic similarity based on the
retical foundations and expectations [4–6], but empirical probability that two randomly chosen alleles from different populations or
individuals are identical. Taking values between 0 and 1.
studies are typically characterized by including geo-refer- Neutral molecular marker: molecular markers not affected by natural selection.
enced individuals or populations genotyped at multiple loci PCNMs: principal coordinates of neighbor matrices are a spectral representa-
and at least one landscape or environmental variable of tion of all spatial relationships among sampling locations and describe all
spatial scales that can be accommodated by the sampling design. PCNMs are
interest (in addition to geographical distance) measured at calculated from principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). In landscape genetics,
or in between sampling locations [7]. Depending on the they are used to account for spatial relationships among sampling locations
and for unaccounted environmental factors.
landscape or environmental variables assessed, the study
Permutation test: type of statistical tests that rely on resampling of data for
area might be large (thousands of km2), for example, when significance testing and not on theoretical probability distributions as in
studying the adaptive response of a dominant forest tree to classical statistics. For instance, permutation tests are used to account for the
non-independence of genetic, geographic and landscape distances among
sampling locations in landscape genetics.
Corresponding author: Holderegger, R. (

1360-1385/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2010.09.002 Trends in Plant Science, December 2010, Vol. 15, No. 12 675
Review Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12

Population differentiation (FST): different measurements of the amount of landscape elements, apart from geographical distance.
genetic variation found between populations. Most often used is Wright’s FST,
taking values between 0 and 1. Similar measurements can be calculated for Given the characteristics of plants and the present shortage
genetic differentiation among groups of populations (FCT). of empirical studies, it seems relevant to provide an over-
SNPs: single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Bi-allelic, co-dominant molecular
view focusing on plants and stressing associated benefits
markers of known position in the genome. Increasingly used in landscape
genetics. and limitations of common landscape genetic approaches. In
Wombling: approach to search for areas across an interpolated allele this review, we will first summarize and discuss the main
frequency surface where the slopes of the surface are particularly steep. Used
to infer genetic breaks or discontinuities.
approaches currently used to study gene flow at the land-
scape scale: the landscape distance/resistance approach, the
overlay technique and the assessment of contemporary gene
latitude, or small (hundreds of m2), for example, when flow. We will then examine landscape genetic approaches
assessing pollen dispersal in a forest herb. exploring adaptively relevant genetic variation [13,14].
Given its appeal to both basic and applied sciences,
landscape genetics has received increasing attention in Gene flow on the landscape scale
recent years. The field currently deals with two main Landscape distance/resistance
topics. First, landscape and environment are evaluated This classical approach correlates a matrix of genetic dis-
by considering their effects on migration, dispersal and tances as indirect measurements of gene flow [15] with
gene flow, which are measured in terms of neutral genetic matrices of landscape distances/resistances and geograph-
variation [7]. Second, landscape genetics has started to ic distances (Figure 1a). The genetic matrix consists of
explore the interaction between environment and adaptive pairwise genetic distances among all pairs of individuals or
genetic variation in natural populations and individuals, a populations studied. Various estimators can be used for
new field often referred to as landscape genomics [8–10]. this purpose, for example, genetic Chord distance (dc),
Nei’s distance (dn) or population differentiation (FST)
Landscape genetics of plants [7,16]. The geographic distance matrix contains the
A recent survey [7] showed that the majority of landscape straight line distances among all sampling locations. By
genetic studies have dealt with animals and only seldom contrast, the landscape distance matrix varies and can
with plants (18%). Furthermore, studies on animals and contain the length, area or percentage of cover of landscape
plants differ in study design and analytical approaches. elements, such as ditches, wetlands or woodlands in corri-
Why are there such differences in landscape genetic stud- dors of a certain width between pairs of sampling locations.
ies on plants and animals? It can also be a 0/1 matrix, for example, when some
When dealing with gene flow, landscape genetics con- sampling locations are separated by a river and others
siders the landscape between sampling locations. When are not. In a more sophisticated design, land cover/land use
studying adaptive genetic variation, landscape genetics and topography are taken from existing geographic infor-
deals with the particular environment at sampling loca- mation system (GIS) data or from field surveys, and a level
tions [11]. These two situations make plants either less or of resistance to movement is given to each raster cell
more amenable to landscape genetic analysis than ani- containing a particular landscape feature. For instance,
mals. Because sessile plants directly respond to the envi- forests might hinder gene flow whereas open fields have no
ronment at their growing site, the study of adaptive genetic effect, and a high resistance is thus assigned to forested
variation in plants is straightforward. By contrast, corre- grid cells, whereas open-field cells receive low resistance
sponding animal studies must account for the environment values. Using GIS technology, the length of the shortest
of the entire home range or of all resource sites of indivi- path connecting two sampling locations is determined by
duals or populations. However, when assessing migration, maximizing movement through low-resistance cells [17].
dispersal and gene flow, studying plants is more complex Such least-cost paths form the entries for a landscape
than investigating animals. In animals, individuals dis- resistance matrix. Resistance assignment relies on expert
perse to other locations and provide gene flow when mat- knowledge or a priori ecological information on study
ing. In vascular plants, gene flow mainly happens through organisms [18], and several alternative landscape resis-
two processes, the dispersal of diploid embryos in seeds tance models are generally tested per study.
and of haploid male gametes in pollen. In wind-pollinated For statistical analysis, the genetic distance matrix is
and -dispersed plants, an abiotic factor acts as the primary either correlated to the geographic distance and landscape
pollen and seed vector. In insect-pollinated and animal- distance/resistance matrices separately using a Mantel
dispersed plants, animals act as dispersal vectors of pro- test, or the effect of geographic distance is first partialed
pagules. Here, it is a moving animal that reacts to the out before estimating correlation with landscape distance/
landscape and not the plant itself. Landscape genetic resistance in a partial Mantel test [19] (Figure 1a). This
studies investigating gene flow in plants thus deal with procedure enables the effects of geographic distance (i.e.
the problem that two propagule types are dispersed by isolation by distance [20]) and landscape elements on gene
particular vectors. For instance, the fragmentation effect of flow to be disentangled [21]. However, partial Mantel tests
roads on plants is not direct, but induced by the indirect have been criticized because of their permutation proce-
effects of roads on pollinators or animal seed dispersers, dure (e.g. [22]), and a variety of alternative approaches
whereas wind-pollinated and -dispersed plants might not have been suggested [23,24].
be affected by roads [12]. The landscape resistance approach and especially least
Published reviews on landscape genetics have focused cost path analysis have been popular in animal studies, but
on animals, and many plant studies have not included there are few such studies in plants [7] (but see [25,26]).

(Figure_1)TD$IG][ Review Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12


[ Genetic
distance ] X
[ Geographic
distance ]
[ Landscape
distance ]
F ST, d c, (Partial) Landscape features
d n, etc. Mantel test Least-cost path


Bayesian clustering Genetic discontinuity Interpolation

Barrier detection kriging

Spatial coincidence, boundary overlap statistics

[ Contemporary
gene flow ] X [ Landscape
distance ]
Parentage analysis Landscape
assignment tests features

Multiple regression
(permutation testing)

TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 1. Schematic summary of the three major analytical approaches that are currently used by landscape geneticists to study gene flow. (a–c) Individuals or populations
(circles) are studied in a simple landscape consisting of two land cover types: meadows (open) and forests (hatched green). (a) In the landscape distance/resistance
approach, a matrix of genetic distances between all pairs of individuals (e.g. Nei’s genetic distance dn, Chord distance dc [17]) or between all pairs of populations (e.g.
genetic differentiation FST [16]) is correlated with a matrix of geographic distances between sampling locations (solid red straight lines) and landscape distances (landscape
features such as percentage of forest between sampling locations) or landscape resistance (e.g. length of least-cost path [17] assuming a high resistance value of forests to
gene flow; broken red lines) in Mantel or partial Mantel tests [7]. (b) The overlay technique uses several methods to cluster individuals into groups (e.g. Bayesian clustering;
groups indicated by open and red circles [5]), to detect genetic discontinuities or barriers (thick red line [36]) or to interpolate genetic distances among individuals or
populations (e.g. kriging resulting in genetic isolines given in red [1]). These genetic groups, barriers, genetic discontinuities or isolines are overlaid on topographical or
land cover/land use maps to search for spatial coincidences of these genetic structures with landscape elements. (c) Contemporary gene flow events or migrants (red
arrows indicating direction and abundance) can be assessed by either parentage analysis (paternity or maternity analysis [58]) or assignment tests [36]. Any number of
matrices of landscape distances between sampling locations connected by migration or gene flow is correlated with a matrix of the frequency of contemporary gene flow in
multiple linear regression using permutation for significance testing. Note that in all of the above examples, forests are hindering gene flow.

The approach is intuitively appealing in animals, but less herb. The occurrence of large forests between populations
so in plants because pollen and seed dispersal mechanisms or individuals should generally exhibit a negative effect on
depend on (multiple) biotic or abiotic vectors. In addition, gene flow and effectively increase genetic distances.
genetic distances in plants do not account for differences in Researchers could also simultaneously determine the
seed and pollen dispersal [16]. effects of several landscape distances between pairs of
Given these shortcomings of the landscape distance/ sampling locations (including geographic distance) on ge-
resistance approach in plants, it is not surprising that it netic distances in multiple linear regression with permu-
has mainly been applied in special situations. Mantel and tation-based significance testing using software such as
partial Mantel tests of genetic distances with geographic PERMUTE [31] or BLOSSOM [32]. When testing several
distances along coasts or streams have been used in studies models of landscape distance/resistance, significance
on wild sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima [27]) or values should be adjusted because of multiple testing,
Japanese primrose (Primula sieboldii [28]). Similarly, the and model performance has to be evaluated (Box 2) [33],
effect of differences in flowering time among individuals on which has rarely been done in landscape genetics (but see
genetic distances has been studied with partial Mantel [34,35]).
tests in several alpine snowbed plants [29,30]. In fact,
researchers can still profit from the landscape distance/ Overlay technique
resistance approach in plants when analyzing the influ- The overlay approach of landscape genetics [7] identifies
ence of major landscape elements on gene flow in a general population groups, barriers, genetic discontinuities or iso-
way (Box 1). For instance, forests might act as barriers to lines. These genetic structures are overlaid onto maps of
gene flow in a wind-pollinated and wind-dispersed meadow selected landscape elements such as topography or land

Review Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12

Box 1. Five current hot topics in landscape genetics of Box 2. Landscape genetic approach to identify molecular
plants markers bearing the signature of natural selection
Landscape genetics tries to identify molecular markers whose
(i) Perform landscape distance/resistance analysis to detect the
changes in allele frequencies are correlated with environmental
influence of major landscape elements on gene flow by seed
factors potentially acting as selective pressures and enforcing
and pollen, that is correlate genetic distance with landscape
directional natural selection (Figure 2a). Usually, many samples
elements (e.g. forests, mountain ridges) or abiotic factors (e.g.
are taken along environmental gradients or in environmentally
wind direction), and make use of statistical methods alternative
heterogeneous situations, and large genome scans with hundreds
to (partial) Mantel tests.
to thousands of co-dominant or dominant markers (AFLPs or SNPs
(ii) Expand the use of overlays in plants and incorporate boundary
[16]) are performed. Finally, allele presence/absence (individual-
overlap statistics.
based analysis) or allele frequencies (population-based analysis) are
(iii) Combine estimates of contemporary gene flow by pollen or
correlated with environmental variables taken from geo-referenced
seed with landscape data in multiple regression analysis with
databases or from field surveys [10]. Markers significantly correlated
permutation testing.
with environmental factors are considered to be linked to or to be
(iv) Evaluate the influence of spatial genetic structure and popula-
located within genomic regions under selection, whereas uncorre-
tion history in outlier detection or allele distribution analyses.
lated molecular markers are considered as neutral, at least with
(v) Describe and prove molecular function of identified outlier
respect to the particular set of environmental variables tested.
genomic region and provide empirical tests of the selective
Various statistical methods are used to establish allele distribution
relevance of identified adaptive genetic markers in plants (e.g.
models [9]. First, logistic regression relates allele occurrences with
transplant experiments).
environmental variables. The spatial analysis method (SAM [87])
offers a user-friendly framework to perform logistic regression in a
landscape genetic approach. SAM has successfully been used in
cover/land use to search for geographical coincidences of several animal studies [14,97], but we are aware of only a single
group boundaries, barriers, genetic discontinuities or iso- plant study that has applied SAM. Parisod and Joost [98] examined
patterns of selection in populations of buckler mustard (Biscutella
lines with landscape elements (Figure 1b). laevigata) characterized by different population histories. Logistic
Various statistical approaches can be used to form regression has also been used to correlate allele frequencies at an
genetic groups of populations or individuals to be used outlier locus associated with altitude and temperature in common
in overlays. Bayesian clustering [36] based on Hardy- beech (Fagus sylvatica) [99]. The logistic regression approach can
Weinberg and linkage equilibrium as implemented in easily be extended to more sophisticated generalized linear models
[92]. Recently, we successfully applied multiple linear regression to
STRUCTURE [37], BAPS-5 [38], TESS [39] or GENE- identify AFLP fragments correlated with temperature and precipita-
LAND [40] are widely used for this purpose. These pro- tion in the alpine rock cress (Arabis alpina) [13]. Polynomial
grams can also consider coordinates of sampling locations transformation of environmental variables can be included in
[38–40]. Alternatively, non-Bayesian S-AMOVA can be multiple linear regression, thus also tracking non-linear adaptive
applied to form population groups. This method maximizes
The correlative landscape genetic approach to adaptive genetic
genetic differentiation (FCT) among groups [41]. For in- variation has several shortcomings. (i) Researchers can only identify
stance, no or only weak clustering was detected in the correlations of molecular markers with those environmental factors
alpine blue thistle (Eryngium alpinum) [42] and the rain- that were included in the analysis. Molecular markers not correlated
forest Anguama tree (Aucoumea klaineana) [43] despite with these environmental factors are therefore not necessarily
neutral in a general sense. For this reason, researchers might also
spatial distribution gaps, and grouping according to river
wish to apply classical outlier locus detection to their data sets if
catchments was inferred in the Chinese maidenhair fern population-based sampling is available [97]. (ii) Given that a
(Adiantum reniforme var. sinensis) [44]. Other methods potentially large number of statistical tests is applied in explorative
search for areas of strong changes in allele frequencies, data analysis, it is important to adjust significance values for type I
such as the Monmonier algorithm implemented in BAR- error inflation due to multiple testing and/or using model evaluation
criteria such as adjusted R2 or the Akaike information criterion (AIC)
RIER [45] or ALLELES IN SPACE [46] to detect genetic values [33]. The use of adjusted R2 and AIC is currently explored in
barriers among populations (e.g. [26]). Individual- or pop- landscape genetic studies of plants.
ulation-based wombling also identifies genetic discontinu-
ities [1,47,48]. Finally, interpolation such as kriging from
principal component analysis (PCA) axis loadings deter- between heterogeneity of forest structures and boundaries
mines genetic isolines similar to contour lines in topo- of bird territories [52]. To our knowledge, boundary overlap
graphical maps (Figure 1b). For instance, kriging helped statistics have rarely been used in landscape genetics
in visualizing the small-scale genetic structure in snap- (Box 1).
dragon (Antirrhinum microphyllum) [49]. Membership Despite its appeal for studying sessile organisms, the
coefficients estimated from Bayesian clustering methods overlay technique has not been popular in plants and should
can also be interpolated, providing clustering surface maps therefore be further explored, especially in connection with
(e.g. [25]). appropriate significance testing. In fact, most plant studies
The major drawback of the common overlay approach have dealt with phylogeographic patterns [53], and only a
is that spatial coincidence of landscape elements with few have overlaid inferred genetic patterns onto land-cover/
genetic discontinuities, barriers or isolines is simply based land-use or topographical maps. By contrast, obvious effects
on subjective visual inspection. No statistical procedure of various landscape elements on gene flow have been
is usually involved in this step. Overlays are thus of identified with overlays in animal studies (e.g. [54,55]).
exploratory nature and prone to false inference. However,
subjectivity in analysis could be avoided by applying Assessment of contemporary gene flow
boundary overlap statistics [50,51]. Such statistics have, Landscapes throughout the world are changing at
for example, been used to study the spatial coincidence an unprecedented speed [2]. This poses a problem to

Review Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12

landscape genetics because the landscape distance/resis- all populations in a landscape were included in sampling
tance and (most) overlay approaches rely on historical and analysis.
measurements of gene flow (i.e. genetic distance and dif- Several studies have detected that contemporary seed
ferentiation [15]). However, when landscapes are changing dispersal occurs over large stretches of unsuitable habitat,
rapidly, historical gene flow measures tend to reflect the across inhospitable mountain ridges or within river catch-
historical rather than the contemporary landscape [56,57]. ments [70–72]. Again, landscape effects have seldom been
In such situations, researchers would like to assess con- combined with assignment tests, although dedicated soft-
temporary migration and gene flow [6]. To do so, two main ware (BMIR [73]) is available for correlating directional
approaches are currently available: parentage analysis contemporary migration rates based on Bayesian inference
[58] and assignment tests [36] (Figure 1c). with landscape distance data in a multiple linear regres-
Parentage analysis, and its variants maternity and sion framework. It is evident that additional statistical
paternity analysis, has widely been used in plants, espe- tools have to be developed to analyze the full breadth of
cially trees [59]. Paternity analysis infers contemporary contemporary gene flow and migration in a landscape
pollen flow from the genetic analysis of open-pollinated context (Box 1).
offspring of known mothers by using maximum likelihood
methods (e.g. CERVUS [60]) or Bayesian inference (MAS- Landscape genetics of adaptive genetic variation
TERBAYES [61]) to identify the most probable fathers [58]. A popular route in landscape genetics of plants has been to
Similarly, maternity analysis uses maternal seed coat correlate population genetic diversity with environmental
tissue [62] or uniparentally inherited organellar DNA factors at habitat patches. Researchers have studied
markers (e.g. chloroplast DNA [16]) to detect the most whether genetic diversity was related to local soil type,
probable mothers of seedlings or trapped seed. Parentage humidity, vegetation structure or management type (e.g.
analysis asks for complete sampling of all potential parents [74–76]). These studies were based on the analysis of
in a study area, which logistically limits the study range. neutral markers. However, neutral genetic diversity does
This is a major shortcoming of studies using parentage not directly relate to adaptive genetic variation [77,78] and
analysis, and therefore landscape-scale studies are rare mainly reflects local population size [79]. Neutral genetic
(but see [63]). diversity is only indirectly affected by local environmental
From studies on contemporary gene flow, we have factors if these factors influence processes such as gene flow
learned that pollen and seed dispersal are more frequent or mating [3]. Therefore, if researchers want to establish
and occur over greater distances than expected from eco- the relationship between genetic diversity and environ-
logical investigations [6]. However, the effect of landscapes mental factors, they should specifically assess adaptive
has rarely been considered, and most studies simply com- genetic variation [2].
pared contemporary gene flow patterns in fragmented The first step in analyzing adaptive genetic variation is
versus non-fragmented situations (e.g. [64–66]). Research- to identify genomic regions bearing signs of selection.
ers have started to assess landscape effects by applying Among various methodological approaches [80], genome
multiple linear regression with permutation testing of scans have been the preferred method in non-model organ-
the frequency of mating events among pairs of individuals isms for about a decade. In this analysis, loci showing a
and various landscape elements [31,32] (Figure 1c). We higher genetic differentiation among populations (FST)
have also compared realized mating patterns with a than expected under neutrality (i.e. outlier loci) are iden-
null model of saturated mating among all individuals tified out of a large number of loci studied across a genome
studied in a regional population of the service tree (Sorbus [81–89]. This population genomic approach has also been
domestica [67]). One problem with the landscape genetic applied to plants (e.g. [84,85]). Selected environmental
analysis of data from parentage analysis is that no mating factors are only a posteriori correlated with allele frequen-
between particular individuals either reflects a real lack of cies at outlier loci to infer potential selective pressures [9].
mating or simply a low detection probability because of By contrast, the landscape genetic approach [8] directly
insufficient sample size in terms of parents and offspring uses environmental data to pinpoint molecular markers
studied. linked to or located within genomic regions under selection
Alternatively, contemporary migration and gene flow [9]. Accordingly, many samples are collected along envi-
are inferred through assignment tests, which are often ronmental gradients (Figure 2), and large genome scans
used in animals [36]. Assignment tests can discriminate with hundreds to thousands of amplified fragment poly-
between first generation migrants, migrants during the morphisms (AFLPs) or single-nucleotide polymorphisms
last generation and recent migrants (during the last few (SNPs) are performed [16,86]. Allele occurrence in indivi-
generations) using Bayesian software such as GENE- duals or allele frequency in populations is subsequently
CLASS [68] or BAYESASS [69]. Assignment tests on correlated with local environmental conditions, for exam-
plants are rare, probably because it is difficult to disentan- ple, estimates of temperature, precipitation, slope, altitude
gle gene flow by seed and pollen. However, by using or habitat type [9,10]. Several statistical methods are used
particular settings in GENECLASS [68], He et al. [70] for this purpose, such as simple linear regression [13] or
restricted assignment to contemporary seed dispersal. generalized linear models, for example the logistic regres-
Two major caveats to be considered when using assign- sion implemented in the spatial analysis method (SAM
ment tests are that although assignment tests enable [87]) (Box 2). Molecular markers significantly correlated
individual migrants to be identified, migration rates and with environmental factors having substantial effect size
populations of origin can only be appropriately identified if are seen as linked to genomic regions influenced by these

[(Figure_2)TD$IG] Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12

(a) Directional selection (b) Directional selection (c) Directional selection and
on small spatial scale on large spatial scale geographic structure

Allele frequency

Environmental gradient Environmental gradient Environmental gradient

and geographic distance and geographic distance

Unrestricted gene flow Restricted gene flow Restricted gene flow

and population history

TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 2. Conceptual characteristics of landscape genetic studies assessing adaptive genetic variation. (a) A molecular marker linked to a genomic region under directional
selection shows a change in allele frequency along an environmental gradient (solid red line). By contrast, neutral molecular markers show no such change on a small-
spatial scale (hence, unrestricted gene flow; broken lines) because they are not affected by natural selection (modified from [96]). (b) If directional selection occurs on a
larger spatial scale, geographic distance and environmental gradients often co-vary. In consequence, allele frequencies at neutral loci will randomly change with distance
and, indirectly, along the environmental gradient because of restricted gene flow and genetic drift (i.e. isolation by distance [7]). Therefore, landscape genetic studies on
adaptive genetic variation might falsely identify some neutral markers as bearing the signature of adaptive evolution, that is, spatial genetic structure is a nuisance factor in
analysis (Box 3). (c) The effect presented in (b) is most prominent if spatial genetic structure due to phylogeography or population history has lead to strong changes in
allele frequencies. Here, changes in allele frequencies of markers showing signs of adaptive evolution are expected to be more pronounced than those of neutral loci.

factors. After molecular characterization, identified mar- can be achieved by applying existing methodology to plants
kers can be used for cross-validation in other landscapes on adequate spatial scales. However, it is apparent that the
or in experiments aiming at verifying their adaptive or development of new statistical tools is necessary to analyze
molecular functionality (Boxes 1 and 2) [2,9]. Plants are genetic data in concert with landscape and environmental
particularly more amenable to corresponding experimen- data [90]. Interesting recent advances include the incorpo-
tation than (most) animals. In the model plant thale cress ration of graph theory in landscape genetics [91], which
(Arabidopsis thaliana), a large SNP genome scan and an in
detail genomic analysis found that one particular allele at Box 3. Spatial genetic structure as a nuisance factor in
locus ACD6 underpins resistance to microbial infection landscape genetic studies on adaptive genetic variation
and herbivory in natural populations and therefore pro-
vides large fitness advantages under high pathogen and Spatial genetic structure caused by (i) restricted gene flow and
leading to isolation by distance patterns (Figure 2b) or (ii)
herbivory pressure, despite severely reducing vegetative phylogeographic history, range expansion or population demogra-
growth [88]. phy (e.g. bottlenecks; Figure 2c) might substantially interfere with
Only a few landscape genetic studies on the adaptive both population genomic outlier analysis and landscape genetic
genetic variation of plants are available so far (Box 2), and approaches. Pronounced genetic structure is thus a nuisance
parameter in landscape genetics of adaptive genetic variation
the methodological foundations of the field are not yet fully
[9,89]. Excoffier et al. [89] showed that ignoring hierarchical spatial
explored. In particular, researchers have only started to genetic structure in classical outlier detection analysis results in the
deal with the problem of spatial genetic structure [10,89], identification of numerous false outlier loci. This study highlights
potentially interfering with landscape genetic analysis and the need for adequate treatment of spatial genetic structure when
leading to the detection of molecular markers falsely found searching for molecular markers linked to genes under selection.
The consideration of spatial genetic structure in landscape genetics
to be linked to genomic regions under selection (Boxes 1
of adaptive genetic variation has only just begun. So far, researchers
and 3). Likewise, most studies still lack any indication of have tended to apply Bayesian clustering to their samples and then
the functionality of the outlier loci identified, be it based on use landscape genetic analysis with logistic or linear regression
experimental or molecular evidence. [13,84] within each genetic cluster separately. Recently, more
sophisticated approaches to account for spatial genetic structure
have been introduced. For instance, mixed linear models allow
Perspectives controlling for population structure when populations are known
Landscape genetics of plants is a largely under-explored [100]. Accordingly, we used generalized estimating equations (GEE),
field. One reason for this is that applying the classical which take small-scale autocorrelation of samples into consideration
landscape distance/resistance approach to infer landscape [92], and we [13] applied principal coordinates of neighbor matrices
effects on gene flow is less amenable to studies of plants (PCNMs [101]) to landscape genetic analysis using R [102]. PCNM
values on large- and small-spatial scales can be introduced as
than to animals, owing to the particular means of gene additional factors in linear regression and account for the effects of
dispersal through pollen and seed. Also the overlay tech- different spatial scales and for the effects of un-accounted environ-
nique has rarely been used in plants in a true landscape mental factors. Despite such promising new tools, it is obvious that
genetic setting with sound statistical analysis. Many stud- the issue of spatial genetic structure in landscape genomic research
needs more attention in future analyses as well as the development of
ies on contemporary gene flow were small-scale and did not
appropriate statistical methods.
consider landscape effects. Therefore, significant progress

Review Trends in Plant Science Vol.15 No.12

considers landscape and environmental data at and be- 13 Manel, S. et al. (2010) Common factors drive genetic variation of
adaptive relevance on different spatial scales in Arabis alpina. Mol.
tween sampling locations. Various types of hierarchical
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ecology and genetics [11]. A conceptual shortcoming of candidate loci for selection: towards a landscape genomics
many landscape genetic studies is the virtual lack of approach to adaptation. Mol. Ecol. 16, 3955–3969
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multi-species studies (but see [91,93]). Replicated land-
16 Lowe, A.J. et al. (2004) Ecological Genetics. Design, Analysis and
scape genetic analyses require particularly large genetic Application, Blackwell
sample sizes and hence should profit from the current 17 Adriaensen, F. et al. (2003) The application of ‘‘least-cost’’ modeling as
exponential increase in sequencing and genotyping capac- a functional landscape model. Landsc. Urban Plan. 64, 233–247
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sets, bioinformatics already relies on machine learning Landsc. Ecol. 22, 117–1129
techniques. These techniques enable the screening of large 19 Smouse, P.E. et al. (1986) Multiple regression and correlation
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Global change, that is the world-wide alteration of multiple hypotheses with causal modeling. Am. Nat. 168, 486–499
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adapt to new, human-altered environments. Landscape
genetic data. Ecography 32, 818–830
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25 McRae, B.H. (2006) Isolation by resistance. Evolution 60, 1551–1561
so in plants.
26 Trénel, P. et al. (2008) Landscape genetics, historical isolation and
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Institut Universitaire de France as a junior member. R.H. and S.M. also plants: comparisons along geographic and snowmelt gradients.
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California at Santa Barbara, and the State of California. We also thank time on fine-scale spatial genetic structure in an alpine-snowbed herb
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