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ITE Limited ‘Statement of Unaudited Consolidated Financial Results forthe Quarter ened 30 June, 2022 (ein croms) orresponding 3] Preceding arcu a Monins ‘Months! 3 Months|Twolve Months ‘ced ‘onde ‘onde ‘ended 30.08.2022, s00ez02t| —s4.032027"| _31.032029 [Vranas ——~(Uravaa)] utd] ——aadnedl] 35 Reverus tom sle of poavets and sordcos | 1960512 warrera]——rre8076] —enst0.2 et operating evanue ce 136.13 64.0 42 526,73 IREVENUE FROM OPERATIONS») 3 | 135027) Te2a0.76) T7750 2] ——B5708.9| HER INCOME. 2 320 73 70 49562] 1830.35] [rOTAL INCOME (+2) 3 | 201520] wear so] 625264 6704131 TSE 5} Cost of materials consumes 839.94 320337) azasne] ——_te300.94 5} Purenases of stcckinsrade ‘898.1 22437) 2995.16] 10971] ) Changes invertor af fishos goods, tock nad eee Peariiee cline ress) «e102 (610) @s8.00) ) cise ty seated 903.51 st9p40] 4506.7] ©) Emloyoe tones exponso ‘arose amg 12880 320 55 Ih nance costs 525 934 ‘07 38-95 ') deprecation and amonzation expense 198.7] aang} aopoe] 732.4} f)_omerswensas 2490.13 we2tas] 243202404 [TOTAL EXPENSES «| sazorst ozz0.49] 1263270) 40318.22 [PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL TEMS AND TARTS) 5 aD wer 5035) 202] [EXCEPTIONAL IreUs ° - - [PROFIT BEFORE TAX (546) 7 080.49 467. 5020.35) 207229 fraxexPense a ‘e824 yreser)—taspa7| 5257-4) lay Curent Tx 1525 9.53] 138050] 5300-5 (>) _Detered Tax 2.99 434 (zos3) (6928) [PROFIT FOR THE PERO (78) ® 4482.25 ssisae) 25068) 15005,65] [SHARE OF PROFIT/ (LOSS) OF ASSOGIATES AND JOINT VENTURES. |10 97a on 6. sraal [PROFIT AFTER TAX, SHARE OF PROFIT OF ASSOCIATES ANO JOINT “ ror ss] 47209] soas.s} 26587] 9509.19 [OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2] sss 2se2| 7503) 2067] 1A) Hemet wil nt oe reciseted to prot or oe (260.3) 21024) ‘31894 88.1] (0 incon tax rolting to toms hat wl nt be recassifed 7 1 nooo (208) 55) 20) (ssa 18) Nome hat wi be relassis to prof or oss (284.06) saz] se765) (60509) (income axon ms that wil ba ecasiie to : + fase m2 192 ai ass] [TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (11+12) 1a] anrear| asrror|——annoral 15589 0] [PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE TO: \owneRs oF THE PARENT 498076) wares] as9540) 1524206] INON.CONTROLLING INTERESTS 3227) orer) 70.19) 200 47 [TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE iro lowneRs oF THE PARENT 3834.29 51020) serosa] 15220.11 [NON.CONTROLUIG INTERESTS e227 ors7| roa] 200 9} Ipato ue Eouiry share CAPITAL se] sana 122039 wes] 128230) (Ordinary Shares 1 enem) [RESERVES EXCLUDING REVALUATION RESERVES ss 122924 [EARNINGS PER SHARE (of I-each oot anata) 6 (a) Basie) ass 268 sa sea] (©) bites 3. 265 3a 231 |The figures fr ie precoding 8 mone enced 97057022 ar he balanc fgures bolwoen the audtod Tgures respect of he fal franca year ‘ended 31 08.2022 and ne yar to dale gues upto the tid quarter of at Traci yar |The unaudted Conoldated Financial Results and Segment Resuts were evewad by the Audt Commies and approved bythe Board ot Orestors ofthe Company atte mesting hoi on Tt August, 2022, 2 The conting eatin’ bran bulting costs covering a ange of personal core and brandes packaged food produ ae reected under ‘ner ‘expenses slate above and in Segment Results under FNCG- Others {3 Dutng the quater endod 30th June, 2022, 148.85,760 Ordinary Shares of 1V- each were issued and alte under te Companys Emgloyee ‘Stork Opton Senemes, Consequeniy, the wBued and padp Share Captal ofthe Company a8 on 90m June. 2622 stand Ineeasod fo 337941, 4 consequat 10 te depraciaton in the value of the SH Lankan Rupee, he foreign curancy Wansiaton impact on consotdating the Francia Statements ofthe Companys wroty owned subsidiary, WolzomHotes Lanka (Prate) Lined, aggregating 2177.90 Croros fr the quater ended S0tn duno, 2022 (quarter ended Sst March, 2022: * SEB. Crores and Malve monns ended Jet Mach, 2022: % 595.15 Crores) as been recognised under Other Compronenve Income {5 The Company on 28h May, 2022 acgured 400 Equly Shares of € 10- each and 2.980 Compulsory Convartle Curulewve Parcipatng Preference Stars of #100) each of Bupa Tecnologie Private Lined, represen 10 07% os shar pial on a uly std basis, 8 Tis sialoment is as pr Repulaton 33 of he SEB! (isbng Oigatons and Disclosure Requrorents) Regulations, 2015 Limit Review ‘The Lmiled Review, as required under Reguaion 22 ofthe SEB! (ising Ovigatons and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, has been Completed ante vlated Report does nt have any mat on the above Results and Notes forthe Quarter endod 20 June. 2022 which naods Io Be olmned iT LIMITED. Unaudited Segmont-wise Revenue, Resuts, Assets and Liabilities for the Quarter ended 20th June, 2022 a (ein crores) ‘CONSOLIDATED Coresponding | Preceding Jperticuare 2 Month! ionth| ‘onthe! Twsve Month] ‘onde ended onde snos2022| 39952021 s193202 Travsted| Una uses fs. Segment Revenue 2) FMCG -Cigaretes 7486.10 590267 rina 26158.31 Others 450,71 373140 4149.62 18023.32 Total FMCG ions 353407 TES eas by Hotes 58071 13367 “407 42 1347.66, ©) Agi Business 7492.14 109.82 4375.42 1646567 8) Paperboard, Papo & Packaging 2267 22 1592.65 2182.77 7e4s.62 ®) Ofhers 735.86 68026 658.35 27921 ‘ota! P98 TE ye0a0aT SE TO357S Less: Inter segment revenue 3303.60 106375 137983 5817.56 08s Rovenue from sale of products and services oe05:12 wai7e72 75076 wee 2 Segment Results 2) FMCG - Cigarettes 440976 Motos aas744 1970845 omers 208.87 174.28 23847 994.93 Total FMCG ES 363679 asa551 Ter0538 by Hotes 11631 (596i 2008] 19523} ©) Agr Business 283.17 195.08 oss one 22 ©) Paperboard, Paper & Packesing 51298 30283 44960 ‘700.00 8) Ofhore 125.78 205.52 12246 72373 Tota! s8a7 ar0sT EF 0780 Loss: 1) Finance Costs 925 936 wom 39.6 Paiste commsenonn, (123.7 206-28) (earn (73425} ii) Excoptiona tems . . rat Bore Tax 08 wer 2035 2TH fs. Sogmont Assets 2) FMCG - Cigretes 798281 7237.6 risa 7193.11 others 132287 1210357 1846.9 1154619 Total FMCG 20088 58 osOT 673030 ero by Hotes 523.71 760855 470.93 rar093 ©} Agr Business 7938.49 Su757 520263 520293 8) Paperboard, Paper & Packaning 952.49 7538 86 40237 2482.37 ®) Others 2655.68, ‘73707 +1301 a7i301 Total “7555-15 1342.98 “08 5 ‘are05 st Unatiocated Corporate Assets ‘8006 38 9834.35 35053.01 5651.01 [Tota Aasate a55a8 TATED Tras Tras [Segment Liabilities 2) FMCG -Cigarotes ‘404 37 397862 4855.07 4855.07 “others 2358.75 paris 2258.59 2258.58 Total FMCG Tess Baa TE THIS THIS ») Hotels 88200 70823 7. ora ©) Aor Business 408.69 0816" sratas 1724.48 8) Paperboards, Paper & Packaging 34264 119082 396.05, 1376005, ©) Others 1072.02 42607 43.17 463.17 Total "2508.47 78.99 Tse Tua3e78 Lnaiocated Corporate Labities 4098.05, 312234 3002.90 3002.90 [Total Libis T6556 52 7299933 aaa se aaa 8 1 Tho gues for the precoding 3 months ended 31.03.2022 are the balancing tgures between the audied gues rs respect ofthe ul finacia year endad 31.08.2022 and tne year to dale gues upc the thd quart ofthat financal year. Note (): As stock options and stock appreciation linked reward units are granted under the ITC Employee Stock Option Schemes (TTC ESOS) ‘and IC Employes Caan Sotted Stock Apprecaton Linked Reward Plan (TC ESARP), respect, to align the ilertie of employees with {Rose of shareolders and also to atfact and relan taint forthe onterpise as a whole, Ine charge therect donot form part of the segment performance reviewed bythe Corporate Management Comite. (1) The Company/s corporate strategy aims at eating multiple drivers of gromth anchored on its core competencies. The Company i curently focused on four business groups : FMICG, Hels, Paperboards, Paper & Packaging and Agi Business. The Compan/s organisational structure and governance processes are designed to suppor affective management of mute businesses ue retaining focus on each one of hem ‘The Operating Segments have been reported in a manner consistent with the intemal reporting provided to the Corporate Management Commitee, which is the Chief Operating Decision Nake, (2) Tre business groups comprise the folowing FMCG: Cigarettes - Omers 3 Hotels . Paperboards, Paper & Packaging - Cigarettes, Cigars ate. Branded Packaged Foods Businesses (Staples & Meals; Snacks; Dairy 8. Beverages; Biscuits & Cakes; Crocoates, Coffee & Confectionery), Education ‘and’ Slatonery Producis; Personal Cara Products; Safely Matches and ‘Agarbatls, Hotetieng Paperboards, Paper including Specially Paper & Packaging nduding Fexties ‘gh Business “ ‘Agr commodities such as wheat, rie, spices, coffee, soya, and leaf tobacco Others - Information Technology sewvoes, Branded Residancos et. (©) Segment resuts of MCG : Others’ are after considering significant business development, brand bullng and gestation costs of Branded Packaged Foods businesses and Personal Care Praducts business, Registered Otice ‘Vagina House, 37 JL. Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071, Ina Dated : tet August, 2022 Placa : Kolkata, nla For and on Beha of the Board Wy Drea & cial Offcor Cchaman & Managing Director Tabs sawn Reporlacom [E-airendurngvalue@ite in| Phone: 791-35-2088 G71 | Fax, 51-55-2005 0655 [GIN L6OOSWOTOTOPLOOOTOS

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