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Test - CYCLE 7 - Book 1

Name: Group:
Teacher: Date: / /

1. Choose the best alternative in order to form words: (1,0 – 0,2 each)
a. und _ r _ e _ r
( )e–w–e
( )a–w–a
( )e–w–a

b. s _ _ _ ter
( )w–e–a
( )u–w– e
( )w–a–e

c. a _ _ o _ ntment
( )p–o–i
( )p–p–i
( )p–o–e

d. boo _ _ _ se
( )k–k–e
( )k–c–e
( )k–c–a

e. va _ _ _ m cleaner
( )c–u–u
( )c–c–u
( )c–k–u

2. Choose the best response to the each sentence: (2,0 – 0,4 each)
a. Are you good at fixing things?
( ) Yes, they are.
( ) No, I’m good at fixing things.
( ) Yeah. Principally computers.

b. Whose dress is that one?

( ) The black linen one? It’s mine.
( ) The red skirt? It’s mine.
( ) They’re mine.

c. What is he wearing?
( ) He’s feeling fine.
( ) He’s fixing the PC.
( ) A blue sweater and jeans.
d. Do you need to buy new furniture?
( ) No, I need to buy a table and chairs.
( ) Yes. My house is old.
( ) Yeah. I need to get many things for the living room.

e. Please, I want to try this blouse.

( ) Sure. The fitting room is over there. Near the cashiers.
( ) Why don’t you try this blouse?
( ) The stationery shop is right here.

2. Mark the correct sentence after unscrambling the words: (1,0 – 0,2 each)

a. may - good - help - morning - I - you?

( ) Good morning. May I help you?
( ) Good morning. May you help I?
( ) Good morning. I may help you?

b. the - there - is - on - over - your - cashier - right.

( ) Over there the cashier is on your right.
( ) The cashier is over there on your right.
( ) On your right over there the cashier is.

c. I’ll - you - pack - help - books - your.

( ) You I’ll help pack your books.
( ) I’ll pack you help your books.
( ) I’ll help you pack your books.

d. going - new - sporting - about - goods - how - to the - store?

( ) How going about to the new goods sporting store?
( ) How about going to the new sporting goods store?
( ) How about going to the store new goods sporting?

e. next year - gonna - I’m - by myself - live.

( ) I’m gonna live by myself next year.
( ) I’m myself gonna live by next year.
( ) Next year I’m gonna by myself live.

3. Choose the best answers: (1,5 – 0,3 each)

a. Her new jacket is made of ………. .
( ) paint
( ) animal print
( ) wool

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b. At Jean’s yard sale, you’re gonna ………. .
( ) find the costume jewelry you want for your collection.
( ) get a lot of fruit and vegetables for your salad.
( ) take your clothes to be washed.

c. Mom needs to buy ………. for our bedrooms.

( ) new pillows
( ) tablecloths
( ) a new stove

d. Which pattern do you prefer?

( ) Velvet.
( ) Rug.
( ) Solid.

e. Where’s Lauren?
( ) She’s in the toilet, washing herself.
( ) They’re washing themselves.
( ) Over there, washing himself.

4. Complete the sentences by marking the correct word. (2,0 – 0,4 each)
a. I’ll go to the beach, I need to get only a swimsuit and my ………. .
( ) raincoat
( ) wool sweater
( ) flip flops

b. She needs ………. from the stationery shop.

( ) paper and colored pencils.
( ) an armchair and a dresser.
( ) colored pencils and a hairdryer.

c. Astronauts have to wear ………. .

( ) light outfits
( ) space suits
( ) comfortable uniforms

d. They live ………. .

( ) at 567, Gordon Street.
( ) at Carlyle Avenue, 778.
( ) on 677, Park Street.

e. Bernard is gonna live by himself. We could get him ………. as gifts for his new apartment.
( ) a pair of sneakers.
( ) towels and bed sheets.
( ) board games.

5. Choose the correct answers. (1,0 – 0,2 each)

a. What do we use a BBQ grill for?
( ) For preparing steaks.
( ) For frying potato chips.
( ) For cooking chicken.

b. Why do you need to go back to the store?

( ) I want to wear my new skirt.
( ) To exchange the new skirt.
( ) To pack my new skirt.
c. What does your dad do?
( ) He wears military suit.
( ) He goes to the police station.
( ) He is in the military.

d. Do you believe you can live by yourself, Tim?

( ) No, I think I’m mature to live by myself.
( ) Yes, I’m mature enough and I want to be independent.
( ) Yes, mom is gonna live with me.

e. What does a plumber do?

( ) He fixes electronics.
( ) He repairs TVs.
( ) He fixes faucets and pipes.
6. Mark the word that does not fit the group. (1,5 – 0,3 each)
( ) RPG games
( ) picture frames
( ) lamps

( ) bed
( ) sofa
( ) printer

( ) electrician
( ) astronaut
( ) cupboard

( ) cotton
( ) checked
( ) plaid

( ) chef wear
( ) bikini
( ) lab coat

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