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Communication Insights: My Experience at Big Brothers Big Sisters

CMAT-495:Summer 2022 Internship

Mahnoor Khan

Salisbury University

This Summer I had the opportunity to intern at Big Brother Big Sisters in Salisbury MD.

I am majoring in Communications/Journalism with a minor in Psychology. Through my time at

Salisbury University my major in communications and my minor is Psychology have taught me

many skills such as writing, critical thinking and learning to incorporate things from the real

world and bring it forward to the media whether it may be post, news, projects and anything

social media related. When I was younger, I knew automatically I wanted to work with children.

It was my passion. I was in elementary school, and I just knew that working with children would

help lead up to my future career goals. Working with kids is something that I always had a

passion for. When I graduated high school, I got a job working at a private school as a substitute,

following that a few years later I started working at a summer camp. I always enjoyed my jobs

working with kids. Working with kids made me so happy just knowing that they could come to

me as a person that they could rely on made me happy.

In the summer of 2022, I was given the choice to take an internship or take a seminar and

I went with an internship because I wanted to get the experience working in an office. I called

Jessica Mimms the director of Big brothers Big Sisters and was called in for an interview the

next day. I joined the team as an intern a few weeks later. I was given the amazing opportunity

to intern at an organization that serves all across America called Big brothers Big Sisters. I was

able to work with the team that is located in Salisbury MD. The Big Brothers Big Sisters office

located in Salisbury serves all 9 counties located in the Eastern Shore. I was lucky enough to be

able to land an internship that included my passion to work with children. The mission of Big

Brothers Big Sisters is to “create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the

power and the promise of youth”. I had always heard about this mentoring service from family

and friends, but I did not realize how much change this organization has brought to our

community until I was an intern with the team of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Going into my internship I did take it seriously, but I was overlooking it and was just

thinking that this was something that had to be done so I could graduate and get some extra

practice in an office setting. When I first started looking at places to intern at, many places

turned me down and said they were not taking people with my majors and justsimply said sorry

and hung up. I knew it would be hard to get in contact with some place that I was passionate

about and someone that would accept my major and my skills. Also, with Covid-19 still floating

around I knew many offices did not want someone random that they were not familiar with in

their office. So, I got lucky with Big Brothers Big Sisters and was called in for an interview. I

was very happy I was able to work with an organization that accepted interns so happily.

Knowing that ever since I was young working with children has been my career goal. And even

though I was not personally working with them, many of my tasks and overall goal was to help

children in this organization get mentorship services.

Before I started interning at Big Brothers Big Sisters, I had only heard about them on

commercials and from other people I never really looked into them until before I started to intern

for them. Little did I know that I would gain so much practice and lifelong skill that I would keep

with me forever. This experience was an eye-opening challenge for me because I had never

worked in an office setting before. My job ever since I was young has consisted of me working

at daycares, trampoline parks and serving in restaurants but never in an office-based setting.

While working with the team of Big Brother Big Sisters I gained lifelong skills that will be

helpful with me in the future for once I graduate and start working my 9-5 full time corporate

office job.

On my first day as an intern at Big Brothers I met with the team that I would be working

with which is Jessica Mimms the executive director, who introduced me to everyone and their

roles with the organization. First, we met Li-Ann Who works in the partnership and development

side. Then I met Ashely Sheppard who works in the outreach and enrollment of the organization.

Then I met Tyler who helps with development. Then I met Emily and Laura who work with

outreach and enrollment for Big Brothers Big sisters. Everyone that works here was going to be

giving me tasks that I would help them with. The first day Jessica gave me an info sheet that had

all the agency emails, the office numbers, and emails. Then the info sheet proceeded to let me

understand the office procedures. Then following that information, I was given all the emails and

passwords to the social media platforms that I would be posting stuff on for Big Brothers Big

Sisters. The info sheet then lastly gave me everyone's name and numbers along with their emails.

The specific skills I was given during my internship at Big Brothers Big Sisters were to

help with Social Media posts on certain days that I was assigned throughout the week. These

social media posts were to be posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I would also make a

few tik Tok through my time here at Big Brothers Big Sisters that would promote the mentorship

services. Another one of my tasks would be to complete reference checks and web checks on our

prospective volunteers which also included answering phone calls, address inquiries and mailing

applications. I also helped the agency with outreach and recruitment for volunteers which

included schedule and staff information tables, distribute flyers and networking in the

community along with yard sign placement. I would also be doing a press release for general

outreach to recruit volunteers and mentors. And lastly some of my duties were to be involved

with activities such as the big business after hour events, the big celebrations and the Eastern

Shore golf classic tournament.


Since I was an intern here, I would be working alongside everyone on the team whether it

would be doing outreach events with them or going by myself. I would also be doing in kind

donations for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and I would also be doing social media posts to gain

more attention to the Eastern Shore Big Brother Big Sisters page. Working with Ashely I went to

festivals and outreach events so we could get the word out about becoming a mentor and gaining

volunteers. Ashely also had me help with web searches and reference calls for our volunteers. Li-

Ann gave me some tasks of doing in kind donations for our big upcoming events like the golf

classic tournament and any other event we would need donations for. Tyler would have me do

tasks like fixing email addresses and personal addresses in Microsoft as needed. Emily and Laura

would also do outreach events so if they needed me to attend an event, they could not go to I

would go instead of them.

Jessica Mimms is the director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore, and she

was also my intern supervisor. Since there are not a lot of people that work here Jessica also

worked along with the team and me. Everyone here at the organizations worked together for

many tasks. Most of the tasks were split up but if one person couldn't make it everyone would

come together to see who could possibly go in place of that person. So, this made everyone's life


Working alongside everyone on the team gave me so much knowledge about an office

setting. I learned how everyone came together to help each other out. When one person was

running behind or had a lot on their plate the task was given to whoever could finish it in a

timely manner which I thought was great. My tasks at my internship were teaching me to be

thinking critically, teaching me to be oriented, I was learning to be time oriented and the most

important skill I was picking up on was my verbal and written communications skills.

While I was completing my time here at my internship a few people on the team noticed

how quiet I was and wouldn't speak much at events and just in general. While many of my tasks

at certain events I was alone, and I had no other option than to be vocal and talk a lot. Some of

the events like, the 3rd Friday events, or when i would set up information tables alone without

any one with me. Also, the nation night out event where I was alone, and I had to get the word

out or go around and hand out business cards to vendors just so that they knew that we were also

a vendor there. There was overall just a lot of learning going on for me. I was starting to get

comfortable doing things I thought would always be a pain for me.

My favorite task here at Big Brothers Big Sisters was working the events whether it

would be going somewhere to put up an information table or in downtown for 3rd Friday. I really

enjoyed these events because it gave me an opportunity to communicate with people and helped

me get better as a person who doesn't talk much. I also enjoyed seeing kids come up for the

snacks or for the goodies and then continue to ask their parents what our services are for or what

we do. The outdoor events helped me also learn about the organization more because every time

I would gain more knowledge about our team and organization. Another task I enjoyed would be

making weekly canvas posts for the organization. These posts I noticed got better as time went

on. I would get more and more practice and I noticed the good points that would target the

audience and then what would make people want to view our post. We would also have outreach

meetings that would let the team know if and were on the goof path with our numbers for our

mentors and volunteers. We would talk about the task and what each person was required to do.

Most of the time the 9 counties were separated, and my people and I were given Somerset

County. I was to call around in the county of Somerset and ask about events that would happen

so I could make reservations and open my schedule to attend the event.


One thing that I noticed about myself through this internship is that whatever task I was

given I finished. I figured out a way to get it done regardless. I continuously asked for help if I

needed it and I asked for guidance. I wanted to make sure I was on the right path with whatever I

was doing. And the best part is that everyone was willing to help. the team would take time out

of their day to review things with me. I always felt like I could go to anyone and ask for help and

I would get guidance and help the same day. If I was working on something and I had any doubt

that I was long, I went to Jessica (The director) every time and she was always willing to help me

get on the right path. I am so thankful I was able to find an internship where I was welcomed in

just like any other team member. Each task was so special to me it gave me a chance to learn and

improve and show my knowledge.

When I chose my major as communications. With a focus in journalism, I was on the

social media side, and I wanted to learn more in media. Even after I graduated, I thought I would

work as a social media specialist. That is something I always wanted to do. When I started my

internship, I was happy that I was going to learn how to control the social media pages for

BBBSES for a little bit. I made posts I often went online and would like things on the page and

just search for ways that the organization could get more views or more attention.

As my internship was coming to an end, I realized everything is a slow process, but you

can achieve anything that you put your heart and mind to. Before I started my internship, I was

given a few tasks and I didn't know what I would do because I had never worked on those certain

things before. I was scared but excited. This was a new opportunity to step out of my comfort

zone and learn new things. I had never written a press release and when I did, I was given good

feedback. My internship advisor told me the idea was good but with more guidance I could make

it better. I was able to receive extra help and make the press release perfect. Same with the

annual appeal I did for the organization. I had a few tries but once I got it packed, I realized I had

just achieved something for the first time. I was so proud of myself that I was learning new

things that would help me in my future career.

Going into this internship I was not thinking it would change me this much as a college

student. Some things that I am the proudest of from this internship is how much I learned in a

short time of 3 months. I am a slow learner, but this internship was able to teach me so much

about an office setting and professionalism. When I was given all of the tasks in the beginning, I

was so scared and thought to myself “how am I going to get all this done when I've never worked

on over half of this stuff”? There were many thoughts going on in my head, but I just took it day

by day and most importantly I felt comfortable enough to ask for help when I needed it.

Some things that my internship has taught me is learning how to be professional in my

communication and making connections with different things. The most important thing my

internship has taught me is that you are so important when you are working with a team.

Everyone here at Big Brother Big Sisters made me feel as if I've been here forever. They would

ask me if I was ok or if I needed help and most times the team would come and check in on me. I

wish everyone is able to experience an internship like mine where they feel so welcomed that

they enjoy their time with the team. I was able to feel so confident walking out of my internship

everyday knowing that I have learned something new. Another one of my favorite tasks was to

make social media posts. I used to enjoy making them every week. I was able to express so much

into one picture. Finding pictures of kids enjoying themselves. Just like matches have fun things

to do it would give them an idea whether it be a walk in the park or an ice cream date.

As I mentioned before I was never good with being vocal in front of others but helping

out at events and being in touch with the community through my internship definitely helped me

become more vocal and be able to express myself. Talking to people was never my thing but

when I was going to outreach events also I had no other choice. I graduate soon and I knew I

needed more help on this part of myself. I was given many opportunities that I will always be

thankful for. My internship helped me gain many new and unique experiences in many different

ways that I am sure I would not have been able to experience if it wasn't for Big Brother big

Sisters as my internship. I enjoyed my internship so much I even offered to come back and

volunteer at outreach events or any time that they would feel like they would need my help. Only

because this was something I enjoyed. When parents would sign their kids up or when volunteers

would sign up and just to see them excited was such an exciting experience.

I was always looking to improve myself at the internship. I was searching for ways that

would help me become better as a journalist/communications major. I would not ever be able to

get into this internship experience anywhere else. I am thankful for Big Brothers Big Sisters for

teaching me so much in a short period of time and for being such a big part of my undergrad

career. I was able to meet some of the most helpful and beneficial people to my undergrad career

and post-graduation career. I hope everyone is able to experience an internship like mine. My

internship had helped me grow into a better writer and helped me to become better in numerous

aspects of my journalism career. I am happy to move on from my internship experience knowing

I learned so much about sling while developing many skills that will set me up to have a better

opportunity in the future.


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