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1. Look at the vocabulary box and say the colours in each flag.

then write name of the

country each flag.

1 SPAIN 2.United 3.Switzerland 4.MEXICO 5.UNITED 6.CHINA

Kingdom STATES
Red Red White White Blue Red
Yellow Blue Red Red White Yellow
white Green Red


Red Yellow Red
Blue Red White
white Green
2. Match the adjectives to the countries in exercise 1. Then listen and check your answers.

Mexico – mexican

United Kingdom – British

Switzerland – Swiss

Cameroon – Cameroonian

Austria – Austrian

China – Chinese

France – French
Spain – Spanish

United States – American

4.look at the flags. write sentences about the country and nationality of the person/people.

A Juan is from Spain. He´s Spanish

B Philippe: is from france. He´s French

C Anna and Bruno: are from Austria. They are


D Matt: is from United Kingdom. he¨s British

E Gabriela and Juana: are from mexico. they

are mexican

F Linda: is from china. they are Chinese

5. In your notebook, write a chart with the nationalities in groups according to their ending.

-ish -ian/-an -ese other

Spanish Cameroonia Chinese Swiss

British Austrian French

6. Read the text and the sentences. ¿Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a. Riko is Chinese. - F ( She´s Japanese)

b. Bernard is a student. - V

c. Jude is in the music group. - F (he´s in the sports team)

d. Sara is in 10th grade. - F ( she´sin 9th grade)

7.Read the text again and complete the table in your notebook.

Name Country Favourite Colour

Riko Japan Blue
Bernard Austria Orange
Jude Cameroon Red
Sara Mexico Green

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