The Open Innovation 2 0 Yearbook 2015

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ISSN 1977-7558

Open Innovation 2.0

Yearbook 2015

Networks, Contents
Society and
and Technology

Open Innovation
Yearbook 2015

2015 Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Orchestrating an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Open Innovation 2.0 Creates New Innovation Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The New Era of Crowdsourcing — Industrial Crowdsourcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Research and Innovation Programmes Shaping Ecosystems for Open
Innovation — Some Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Open Innovation and Its Implication for Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
How to Combine Openness and the Protection of Research Investments in University Inventions — US and Nordic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

OPEN INNOVATION 2.0: LIVING LABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Open Innovation Ecosystems: A Study on Matchmaking between Living Labs and other
Organisations within Horizon 2020 Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Communities of Practice as New Actors:
Innovation Labs Inside and Outside Government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Basaksehir Living Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

OPEN INNOVATION 2.0: SMART CITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Smart Lighting Solutions as a catalyst for Smart Cities:

Practical Challenges of Ambitious Innovation Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Creative Cities and the LERP-PEARL Transition Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Open Innovation 2.0 in Future Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Innovation Dilemmas of the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Dear reader, friend of Open Innovation, Open Innovation is very timely also from the cur-
rent technological revolution perspective: Clouds,
Welcome to the 2015 edition of the Open Innova- the Internet of Things (IoT), Open/Big Data and
tion 2.0 Yearbook. fast mobile communications are all creating oppor-
tunities for major changes in business models, in
This publication builds on the white paper by Martin societal behaviour and in value-creation models in
Curley and Bror Salmelin on the new Open Innova- general. How to fully take advantage of the simul-
tion paradigm 2.0, already referred to in the 2014 taneous technological and societal development
edition. can be answered by making Open Innovation 2.0
increasingly mainstream. It is all about creating
The key is to see innovation as ecosystem-driven, entirely new markets, services and products bene-
including all stakeholders as active players in jointly iting all stakeholders. Do we have the courage to
creating and experimenting in the new ways of doing seek for disruptions?
things and creating new services and products. Inno-
vation is very much daring to see the unexpected Horizon 2020, the Digital Single Market, Member
and capture the moment. Experimenting and proto- State activities, regional innovation systems… All
typing in real-world settings, with real people is a these public initiatives create a good environment
strong driver to stretch the boundaries for new mar- to match the innovation needs in society, and by
ketplaces, new products and new services, to under- and for the industry. Participative European Innova-
stand the changes and take advantage of weak sig- tion Ecosystems lead to discoveries at the edges of
nals that eventually become mainstream. disciplines, building simultaneously on the technical
and societal experience and the courage to combine
Open Innovation is not a silver bullet; learning and things in new ways. Setting the ambition level high
taking that on board is a major change process there is plenty room for demanding research to be
where the traditional control changes via leadership integrated into the solutions sought ater. European
to enabling orchestration, letting all the stakehold- Innovation Systems' governance issues will be very
ers do their best, and play together. Exactly like a critical for impacting innovation investments.
good conductor makes the sound of an orchestra.
Innovation is daring to seek the unexpected — and
In European innovation policy we begin to learn scale up the successes faster than ever. We can do
to walk; growing up from the observant toddler it; Open Innovation 2.0 with its engagement plat-
to more determined change interlocutors and forms is creating a good framework for that.
orchestrators. The new policy for the Digital Single
Market in Europe is creating a safety net for the Everyone, without exception, is welcome to share,
change. We have the opportunity to experiment, build and experiment. Enthusiasm matters. Courage
scale up successes and kill early stage ideas which matters. Share them: motivate and inspire. We are
do not make sense; to be able to focus our lim- all part of the same world.
ited resources correctly to create a genuine win-
win game for all stakeholders. Having the users
as active agents as well reverses the innovation
pyramid, as already suggested in the Open Innova-
tion Strategy and Policy Group publications some Bror Salmelin
years ago. I am glad that we have evidence of this Advisor for Innovation Systems
successful change published in this edition of the Directorate-General for Communications
yearbook as well. Networks, Content and Technology,
European Commission.

Last name First name Company/Organisation E-mail

Aarts Emile Eindhoven University of Technology, Intelligent

Lighting House

Cakir Yilmaz Basaksehir Living Lab

Curley Martin Intel. Labs Europe & National University of

Ireland, Maynooth, Innovation Value Institute

den Ouden Elke Eindhoven University of Technology, Intelligent

Lighting Institute

Erkinheimo Pia DIGILE — Finnish Centre for Science and Inno- pia.erkinheimo@digile.i
vation in the Internet Economy

Holzmann Thomas Strascheg Centre for Entrepreneurship

Huuskonen Mikko Lappeenranta University of Technology & the Mikko.Huuskonen@tem.i

Ministry of Employment and the Economy,

Jussila Jari Tampere University of Technology jari.j.jussila@tut.i

Kärkkäinen Hannu Tampere University of Technology hannu.karkkainen@tut.i

Kleibrink Alexander European Commission (Joint Research Centre


Krawczyk Piotr JAMK University of Applied Sciences Piotr.KRAWCZYK@jamk.i


Lynn Carol National Chengchi University, New Club of Paris

Markkula Markku EU Committee of the Regions, Aalto University markku.markkula@aalto.i

Pallot Marc MP CONEX, Nottingham University Business

School, Presence & Innovation Lab

Arts et Métiers ParisTech

Roos Jaspar Future Ideas EU & Chief Humour Oicer

Salmelin Bror European Commission, Directorate-General

for Communications Networks, Content and
Technology (DG CONNECT)

Sargsyan Gohar CGI Group Inc.

Schafers Hans Aalto University School of Business, Centre of hans.schafers@aalto.i

Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)

Schmidt Suntje Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and

Structural Planning

Schoield Tatiana Synergy lab

Schreurs Mary Ann City of Eindhoven

Turkama Petra Aalto University, Centre for Knowledge and petra.turkama@aalto.i

innovation research (CKIR)

Valkenburg Rianne Eindhoven University of Technology, Intelligent

Lighting Institute
6 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Executive Summary
Welcome to the Open Innovation 2.0 Yearbook 2015 innovation ecosystem is elaborated. The approach
edition. The yearbook supports the key issues on focuses very much on a systemic approach, aligning
the table for 2015, also related to the Open Innova- the various elements for increased impact. The arti-
tion 2.0 conference. cle also builds on the experience from European
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) instruments and
Themes range from European Innovation Ecosys- the Future Internet PPP (FI PPP) in particular. The FI
tems and their governance to several practical PPP opening up to various application areas is a very
examples on how open innovation brings well-being interesting example on how new engagement plat-
forwards, both in terms of jobs and growth, but also forms could be designed in the technology transition
in terms of quality of life. we are in, towards the cloud, IoT and big/open data.

New innovation space — interlinking crowds, rapid In Schofield’s article, open innovation and impli-
prototyping and scaling — is described in the arti- cations for universities are discussed. The driv-
cle by Salmelin. The article further elaborates the ers for practising open innovation need to change
elements of Open Innovation 2.0 and proposes an universities’ behaviour and repositioning of their
approach to harvesting a broad spectrum of ideas work in open innovation ecosystems. The new role
for solutions, and scales up the more promising ones. of universities also leads to new approaches in
New challenging innovation spaces are described, Intellectual Property (IP) management, interlinking
and interlinked to the core processes of OI2. universities to joint actions with other stakehold-
ers and developing new operating modes for aca-
In the article by Markkula and Kune the focus is demic institutions in the open innovation processes,
on orchestration, and in igniting ideas and eventu- beyond being only the scientiic knowledge provider.
ally turning them to real innovations. This requires
behavioural changes induced by the integrated pro- Huuskonen elaborates the Intellectual Property
cesses of preparing the commitment, engaging all Rights (IPR) and intellectual capital in open ecosys-
stakeholders and entering into a relatively short tems from a sharing and colla borative ecosystem
rapid prototyping and experimentation phase. All perspective. In the article, evidence from Finnish,
these elements are an integral part of the Open US and Swedish perspectives is integrated in very
Innovation 2.0 paradigm. The authors describe practical manner, giving suggestions for further
how this can be done in practice and share their analysis of the future European approach, catalys-
experience from practical camps and experiments ing innovation in the new networked ecosystems.
that they have done in Finland. All this also links There is a clear need to move from closed IPR to
to the experiment which is to be launched at the a shared system, enabling new value creation pro-
Open Innovation 2.0 conference in 2015 in Espoo, cesses involving wider stakeholder communities.
with a foreseen 6-9 months prototyping period on
a regional level. This practical case will drive EU Kleibrink and Schmidt are addressing open inno-
regional policy actions, and will be closely followed vation ecosystems from communities of practice
by a guide on the development of best innovation and an innovation lab perspective. Work is focu-
practices in a regional context in Europe. sing on the new roles of the public sector with the
example of the Danish Mind Lab concept. Also the
The following article by Karkkainen, Jussila and German approach of having innovation labs outside
Erkinheimo looks at industrial crowdsourcing from the government structures are discussed in detail
a very practical, evidence-based angle. The article with practical examples. Innovation labs are then
goes beyond the current crowdfunding platforms being extended to industry and academia-driven
and extends that to crowdsourcing, and even crowd- labs based on a similar conceptual approach. Some
working. Engagement platforms and processes seem good examples are indicated.
to be very important when doing the actual selection
and scale-up of the ideas to innovation level. Work In the description of Basaksehir Living Lab in
builds on the very deep experience of the authors on Turkey, Cakir describes the rich functionalities
crowdsourcing in various environments. that the newly established fully ledged innovation
hub possesses. Strong community commi tment
In the contribution by Schaffers and Turkama, the is evident in the design of the Living Lab and the
process and drivers for shaping a functioning open current operations as the glue between all the
E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y 7

stakeholders. Being a node in the quadruple helix where each of the stakeholders has a specific
approach for a large active population, thousands role. The approach is based on the quadruple helix
of SMEs and the public sector the Basaksehir Living innovation model where the citizens have a strong
lab is a very good example of what strong commi- active role in the whole process, seamlessly. Citi-
tment can jointly create. zen engagement, experimentation, the creation of
new markets together with the enabling technology
We have heard about the excellent developments trends suggest that the OI2 paradigm can be the
of Smart Lighting in open innovation environments diferentiation factor between the top performers
in previous editions of the Yearbook. This year in and the average ones.
the article by de Ouden, Valkenburg, Sheurs and
Aarts we go further; the article brings forward the In the article by Roos and Sargsyan the innovation
practical experience and challenges that the inno- dilemmas of the future are tackled: How to focus
vation partners face in innovation ecosystems. The correctly, and what is the role of the various play-
shit from products to services, from technology ers in innovation ecosystems? Should we focus on
for people to societal needs and from products to start-ups or established larger enterprises? Should
platforms are all leading to refocusing the needs of we look at shared or trusted economy drivers?
the stakeholders in innovation environments. The Should we focus on disruptions? What is beyond the
shit to a continuous innovation environment and obvious technology trends; connectivity and com-
processes increase the interlinkages between all putation? How should all that inluence our choices
the stakeholders in the quadruple helix innovation when we seek the impact? The article describes the
process, and the creation of an agreed, common dilemmas and comes with a balanced suggestion
long-term vision. on the role of all-inclusive ecosystem thinking.

In the paper by Lin, a new approach for the transi- This reading is very stimulating and thought
tion of cities to creative, smart cities is proposed. provoking. What is important is to make innovation
The transition model from Leadership, Execution, happen; to harvest the new innovation space, and
Resources, Partners (LERP) is proposed to change based on our experience catalyse (and select) the
to Partners, Execution, Activation, Resources and best way to grow further. What is also important,
Leader ship (PEARL). The context for this work is shown in the articles, is to take a break and have
Unesco’s creative cities’ network and the analy tical the courage to look at new disruptive approaches,
approach behind it, elaborated through practical experiment and even play with them. Play is impor-
cases. tant element in innovation, like curiosity and courage.

Sargsyan tackles the issue of Open Innovation 2.0 We have the opportunities Open Innovation 2.0 is
in cities, and how to make cities true innovation paving the way for, in an inclusive, safe but disrup-
hubs. Future City is an urban innovation ecosystem tive way. Let’s make innovation happen.
8 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5


Regional Innovation,
Innovation Platforms
and University Research
Orchestrating an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process

The flow of targeted activities This is in fact calling for a ‘thinking renaissance’
as parallel processes in Europe. Some important mindset changes are
In this article we review the entrepreneurial discovery needed, and new skill-sets must be acquired and
process as an active driver of open innovation eco- mastered for this to become common practice. It
systems, and speciically consider what is required is important to do this, but not easy; capacity buil-
for orchestrating the ecosystem as a set of emerging ding is required. In the spirit of Open Innovation 2.0
parallel processes. Our arguments are based on the and entrepreneurial discovery, learning-by-doing
newly published book, Orchestrating Regional Inno- will certainly be the key. Skills and mentality can
vation Ecosystems: Espoo Innovation Garden, as well be learned in real-time, through coached practices
as the ongoing work of Finland’s Energising Urban while working in renewal projects, workshops, inno-
Ecosystems (EUE) research programme. Our focus is vation camps and conferences.
to explore how orchestration works in practice. Open
Innovation 2.0, entrepreneurial discovery and societal Ecosystem thinking impacts how we think about
innovation are key processes in this work and need to and organise our renewal activities. Our premise is
be orchestrated and supported in diverse ways. that interactive activities like workshops, innova-
tion camps and conferences are discovery learning
Traditional management is oten organised around processes — not simply events — and should be
meetings, planning sessions and workshops. How- orchestrated as many parallel interactive processes
ever, when meetings, workshops and other events extending well beyond the duration of the events
are organised without a support structure for themselves. In June 2015, two major activities will be
follow-through, the capacity for the efective reali- organised in Espoo, Finland, together with the Ener-
sation of plans and decisions is limited. Orches- gising Urban Ecosystems (EUE) research programme,
traion is needed to take ideas, proposals and local government authorities and the European
decisions much further. Commission: the 8th ACSI societal learning camp and
the 3rd EU Open Innovation 2.0 Conference. Both are
We take the following statement from the concrete examples of ‘events’ framed as entrepre-
EU Committee of the Region’s (CoR) Smart Speci- neurial discovery processes, created in parallel and
alisation Strategies conference on 18 June 2014 as supported by an orchestrated follow-through. Both
a starting point for our article: Camp and Conference are also part of a larger inno-
vation process begun in 2013 and conceptualised as
‘New ways of thinking are needed for dealing with continuing through 2016 and 2017.
these challenges: more ecosystem thinking, more
creative thinking, more synthesis, more thinking This article describes the larger context of these
about outcomes and impacts, more attention to events-as-process, and the role that entrepreneur-
pattern recognition and awareness of weak signals. ial discovery, open innovation ecosystems, orches-
More thinking about solutions and less focus on tration, prototyping and experimenting play in co-
problems. We have to practice thinking together, creative collaborative innovation. It emphasises
synthesising and comprehending: collective and the close integration of Camp and Conference, the
distributed thinking about societal change, real interdependence and synergetic working of the
challenges, contributing relevant support, building diverse concepts, and how open innovation and
renewal capital.’ [1] ecosystem thinking require going beyond ‘events’
10 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

to support the realisation of good ideas in practice. In this way, the two 2015 discovery processes will
These are crucial concepts for achieving the mental be capable of scaling well beyond the borders of
changes that Europe needs. Espoo, to provide inspiration and learning to other
regions throughout the world involved in similar

Figure 1: Parallel 6-9 Month Entrepreneurial Discovery, Learning and Prototyping Processes

A systemic renewal process needs third-sector engagement are essential for making
integrated instruments new things happen. Nothing will happen without
Many societal challenges are clearly connected to suicient curiosity, creativity and courage. A start-
inancial recovery and good possibilities for emplo- up mentality, both in the economic sphere and for
yment, just as societal welfare depends to a large society as a whole, along with voluntary activities
extent on economic development, jobs for people are important ways to contribute to society, and
and new opportunities for industry. The issues are together they are becoming crucial success factors.
oten complex and must be understood in a sys-
temic way, and addressed in challenge innovation Of course, all these joint actions and new enter-
ecosystems. Unfortunately they are all too oten prises need to be inanced. There are diverse Euro-
still seen through the lens of limited responsibil- pean instruments for this, but they too are oten
ity as separate issues, problems, silos and entities. independent of each other, and not well connected
Policy also tends to remain too long at the level of for supporting the challenge innovation ecosystem.
talk and good intentions. Europe and its actors need Some excellent sources of inancial support stand
a systemic renewal process. There is a lot to do, and out: industrial and other private investments are one
although a lot is already going on, excellent activi- source of inancing; national, regional and local pub-
ties oten miss the connection to the complemen- lic actions are another; and a third one is EU level
tary activities they could leverage for synergy and policy with its inancing instruments. The focus of EU
greater societal beneit. Renewal capital can only be policy needs to encourage more bottom-up move-
built by having a better understanding of the overall ments and concrete actions at the regional and local
challenge, the processes involved, the diverse pro- level, and in the last few years the Commission has
jects in progress and the proposed, targeting joint launched new mega-level initiatives. These include:
actions based on that.
•  Better and more targeted use of cohesion
Part of the renewal process is the mentality needed funding (around EUR 350 billion in the seven-
to fuel the spirit of enterprise and the mind- year programme period 2014-20) with the
set of entrepreneurial discovery that needs to be help of regional innovation strategies based on
embraced by large portions of society; citizens and Smart Specialisation.
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 11

•  Renewing European-level research and innova- This is the practice we call entrepreneurial disco-
tion policy framework through Horizon 2020 very. It is the key mindset deining the new know-
funding (around EUR 80 billion in 2014-20). ledge economy.
•  More recently, the new Juncker-Katainen invest-
ment package (EUR 315 billion within the next There are many ways to create value and many ways
few years). for stakeholders and citizens to contribute, but there
are also diverse challenges along the way. Horizon
These EU-level inancial instruments need to be 2020 invites us to Integrate Excellent Science, Indus-
used in an integrated way to better promote the trial Leadership and Societal Challenges, but not how
mindset changes needed for increasing entrepre- to do this in practice. RIS3 asks us to identify what
neurial discovery, the spirit of innovativeness and we do well and ind appropriate partners to help
Open Innovation 2.0 activity throughout society. us excel, but not how to deal with the dynamics of
There is a clear need to stimulate and support power, status and entrenched interests on the one
regions to practice the efective cross-fertilisation hand, and blind spots, short-termism and multiple
of ideas. An integrated funding resource of this distractions of thinking-in-the-present on the other.
kind, supporting excellence in implementing regional
smart specialisation strategies (RIS3), cutting-edge Demographics, digital literacy and generational
research, innovative practical projects and other values influence jobs and work, and software
activities targeted to tackle societal challenges, substitution may soon make more than 50 % of
would go a long way in helping to achieve shared current jobs obsolete. Knowledge workers especially
European objectives and create renewal Europe will be under pressure, and perhaps even more jobs
needs. in knowledge sectors may disappear. Many of the
major institutions that we use to organise society are
Challenges of the knowledge economy out-dated and obsolete. And current practice does
It is abundantly clear that working in this way in little to alleviate the situation: we work with quick
the coming years calls us to action. Despite the ixes that ignore real systemic shortcomings. New
abundance of good intentions, excellent ideas and societal contracts are needed, new ways to thinking
(oten) visionary proposals for renewing the innova- about societal inclusion and participation, new ways
tive capacity of Europe, there have been too many for framing employability, connectivity, intellectual
discussions without conclusions, conferences with- property, openness and co-creation. We must accept
out follow-through, plans without realisation and and embrace disruptiveness in all its forms, including
realisation without achieving the intended impact. both disruptive technology and disruptive thinking.
We have to move faster than ever before towards
smarter regions, smarter solutions and open pro- In the face of such challenges, Open Innovation 2.0
cesses, which enable citizens to take a more active and its basic tenets — the ‘20 snapshots’ [2] —
role in addressing the social and societal challenges provide a framework for thinking and acting. The
they face. There are only a few easy answers, of- entrepreneurial discovery process is relevant here.
the-rack interventions or ready-made solutions,
and that is why exploring, experimenting, prototyp- Entrepreneurial discovery as a process
ing, discovery and learning have become essential Entrepreneurial discovery is one of the key concepts
societal processes. Europe and the entire world are underpinning Europe’s Smart Specialisation policy.
facing great challenges, and recent advances in dig- Described in diferent ways by diferent authors,
italisation and globalisation have added both addi- entrepreneurial discovery is essentially a process
tional stress to our systems and powerful resources by which entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial regions
for dealing with it. and entrepreneurial citizens become aware of new
opportunities for business and social innovation and
We need to marshal our resources: Europe has enor- leverage resources to take advantage of them. It
mous expertise in its regions, intelligence and talent is both a mindset and a skill set; it entails a way
in its citizens and diverse new and existing techno- of interacting with the world with certain skills
logies, methodologies and instruments — promising for making sense of the world around you, seeing
potential and proven practice — for realising inno- things which are there (and not there), interpreting
vation in practice. There are many ways to engage the bigger context and understanding the conse-
stakeholders at all levels to participate in and quences of action or inaction. It calls for the spirit of
actively contribute to these processes. We need new entrepreneurship: curiosity, creativity and courage
ways to orchestrate ecosystems so that they are (for calculated risk-taking). It requires the capacity
invited to do so. We have to move faster and more to act. It comes naturally to some people, others
efectively from thinking and talking to discovering, come to it in the course of their lives. Moreover, it
doing and learning. can be coached, practised and learned.
12 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Israel Kirzner coined the expression ‘entrepreneurial initiatives, let to themselves, get bogged down
discovery’ in 1997 to describe ‘the process of system- and oten do not get beyond their good intentions.
atically scanning for technological, political, and regu- Good processes are required, with adequate support
latory, social, and demographic changes to discover where needed. The people and organisations are
opportunities to produce new goods and services’. part of ecosystems, and open innovation ecosys-
Kirzner focused on entrepreneurship as a process of tems work at their best when their core processes
discovery, in which the entrepreneur looks for previ- are understood, respected and orchestrated.
ously unnoticed proit opportunities, ater which he/
she initiates a process in which these newly discov- Actualising the Dublin Declaration
ered opportunities are acted on in the marketplace. The Dublin Declaration was an output of the irst
Open Innovation 2.0 Conference, held in May 2013
Of course, opportunity discovery for enhancing in Dublin. During this international conference,
societal value is an entrepreneurial process as well. which brought together more than 350 decision-
The Financial Times Lexicon tells us that, ‘Entrepre- makers, leading innovation experts and entre-
neurship involves creating or discovering new ideas preneurial practitioners from around the world,
or opportunities for the purpose of creating value, participants co-created a document about using
whether economic, social, or even political — and Open Innovation 2.0 to help achieve a sustainable
forming a new organisation to do so’. [3] economy and society, and pave the way for future
innovation policies. Conference participants ratiied
Dominique Foray, one of the conceptual founding this declaration at the end of the second day.
fathers of smart specialisation, describes entrepre-
neurial discovery as the ‘discovery and exploration Mission: Develop widespread innovation literacy
of a new space of opportunities, which is likely to in Europe.
generate many innovations and the development of Vision: Open Innovation 2.0 — The next new Oi-
a new activity’. [4] cial Language of the European Union.

It is a process at the core of renewing Europe’s The intention is to implement this by the follow-
capacity for renewal. As the Committee of the ing actions:
Regions wrote in its 2013 Opinion on Closing the
Innovation Divide: Action No 1: Develop a New Business Model
for the European Union;
‘As many phenomena of the digital society have Action No 2: Design for a New End State;
already demonstrated, signiicant transformation Action No 3: Create an EU Innovation Strategy;
takes place from the bottom up, and a pervasive Action No 4: Move from a European Research
mindset of “entrepreneurial discovery” is criti- Area to a European Innovation Ecosystem;
cal. The term “entrepreneur” is inadequate here Action No 5: Create a European Innovation
because it is oten interpreted rather narrowly. System and Capability;
Discovery also means more than innovation. It is Action No 6: Quadruple Helix Innovation;
rather a new activity — exploring, experimenting Action No 7: Focus on Innovation — Adoption
and learning what should be done in the relevant Matters;
industry or sub-system in terms of research, devel- Action No 8: Create incentives to encourage
opment and innovation to improve its situation. Openness to Innovation and Experimentation;
Entrepreneurial discovery means experimentation, Action No 9: Stimulate High Expectation
risk-taking, and also failing. It means individuals Entrepreneurship;
oten working together with others in networks, Action No 10: Drive Intersectional Innovation;
assessing alternatives, setting goals and creating Action No 11: Promote Successful Innovators
innovations in an open-minded way. This develop- and Entrepreneurs as Heroes. [6]
ment also requires that citizens, communities and
businesses be given the opportunity to have their The 2014 OI2 conference enriched the discussion of
say, as traditionally they have oten felt that they these actions points with powerful examples of OI2
do not have a voice.’ [5] solutions in practice, and new approaches to inno-
vation adoption based on open business models.
We recognise the importance of these deinitions,
distinctions and statements; at the same time we The realisation of action points like these on a
understand the dilemmas of putting them into European-wide scale is no easy matter. Obstacles
practice. The processes are diicult, the obstacles arise at every step, and each action point has its
diverse, and while the calls to action inspire enthu- own unique set of issues that must be dealt with.
siasm in some people, they activate fear of change Despite some good examples, a concerted efort
and anxiety about the unknown in others. Too many and orchestrated approach are needed. Isolated
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 13

examples and good intentions are not enough. As We need a clear action plan — and an action pro-
the Foreword to the European Commission High cess — to carry this out. The Dublin Declaration and
Level Group’s 2013 report on Innovation Policy the High Level Group reports provide the contours
Management states. of what to do. Based on insights in orchestrating
innovation ecosystems in Espoo and the Helsinki
‘Innovation is a paradoxical process, which requires Region, the Conference will provide the Action Pro-
a leap into the unknown and at the same time cess to move the many parallel project proposals
complex management processes and eforts for forward.
rigorous planning. How can we support innovative
companies, both large and small, across all busi- The importance of orchestration
ness sectors in Europe? How can we innovate our As the authors wrote in their 2013 Yearbook article,
own governance structures? How can we create a ‘Orchestration is not the same as management.
culture of innovation and a permanent ecology of In an innovation ecosystem it is not possible to
innovation? These are the challenges and questions manage many aspects of the innovation process.
that Europe urgently needs to address.’ [7] Orchestration is needed; this relates to both:

This requires an attitude where action, experimen- •  The capacity to create conditions where the
tation, discovery learning, accepting the uncertain diverse parties can work together with the right
and willingness to embrace change are essen- balance of inner and outer focus, and thus rein-
tial. The High Level Group’s inal report, Inspiring forcing both their own work and beneiting the
and Completing European Innovation Ecosystems ecosystem as a whole; and
(2014), strongly emphasises this. The report out- •  The provision of supporting service infra-
lines ideas and recommendations for moving structure to help sustain efective operation
towards the actualisation of an inspiring innovation within the system.
ecosystem. Diverse actions are required:
One needs to know how to organise the right meth-
‘In addition to removing all European and national, ods, tools and facilitation processes for helping
even regional, legalistic obstacles to innovation projects and partners achieve their objectives. The
and modernising governance methods and tools methods may range from tools and technologies for
for an open innovation approach, the completion creative-problem-solving, user-centred co-creation,
of the European innovation ecosystems demands building synergies and breaking silos, to inding
evidence-based policy-making and transparency in ways to deal with resistance to change and cre-
order to encourage public acceptance and sup- ate breakthroughs in stuck situations. In addition, a
port. This approach inds support in the Dublin systemic learning infrastructure is needed to ensure
Declaration on Innovation (2013). It highlighted efective learning, and to facilitate entrepreneurial
how modern innovation and technology can help learning — the rapid application of lessons learned
turn research into proits and tackle unemployment within the ecosystem so that projects and players
in Europe. The Declaration calls for stimulating can systematically beneit from each other’s expe-
collaboration between citizens, businesses, univer- rience and expertise. Processes for benchmarking
sities and governments and for moving from the (accessing and applying relevant and inspiring
ERA towards European innovation eco-systems.’ [8] lessons and good practice from diverse sources
around the world) and bench-learning (a collabo-
The Dublin Declaration is clearly of value, but evi- rative, symmetric learning process based on peer-
dence and examples are essential to move the pro- to-peer exchange) are also essential. … In practice,
cess forward. That is why the 2015 OI2 Conference this refers to diverse skill-sets, mentality issues,
will be orchestrated with the explicit intention of methodologies and tools, which need to be actively
taking the Declaration action points further. Speciic applied to orchestrate joint processes in the ecosys-
steps that are needed to implement the Declaration tem. The processes, and especially those needed for
across Europe will be discussed in the light of the building mutual understanding and trust, must be
recommendations of the High Level Group’s inal facilitated.’ [9]
report, Inspiring and Completing European Innovation
Ecosystems. Conference participants will have an We must bear in mind that the ecosystem is a
opportunity to propose concrete activities to trans- commons, shared by diverse parties, and in the
late each of the action points into practice in their commons certain rules prevail. These are often
own real-world environments, and develop plans to unseen processes, unspoken conventions and cus-
work together on realising these proposals. And an toms. A healthy ecosystem needs diversity, and
orchestrated process will be put in place to support for diversity to thrive it must be recognised as a
their activities in the six months ater the Conference. resource, and treated with respect. This in turn
14 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

furthers respect for the commons, and helps the in northern Europe provides a solid foundation for
ecosystem thrive. such a centre. The ive square-kilometre area is
inhabited by 44 000 citizens and hosts an almost
A key danger of the new commons is that people equal number of jobs, 16 000 of which are in ICT
do not know that they are actually part of an eco- or ICT-intensive services sectors. 5 000 researchers
system. They do not understand that their actions and 16 000 students can also be found in the area.
and interventions afect all others in the system, 200 of the local companies are foreign. 110 nation-
just as the actions of others afect them. This lack alities mix in the area. Internationally speaking, the
of awareness is a blind spot that is every bit as dan- region represents a true metropolitan area in Fin-
gerous to the healthy functioning of ecosystems as land. The orchestrated activities of the programme
complacency, egocentricity, or unbridled desire to focus on inding answers to questions about how to
maximise proit. create new concepts and methods to achieve the
objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy by efective
For orchestrating open networks, learning is a key regional implementation, and how to turn the Espoo
competence, and co-learning in networks and eco- Innovation Garden into one of the leading and one
systems is essential for maintaining healthy sys- of the most attractive innovation hubs and urban
tems. But we should not take this too lightly: the environments in the world by 2020 by enhanc-
capacity to learn as an individual, project team or ing the collaboration between the city, universi-
a single organisation is diicult enough; learning ties, research institutions and enterprises. Operat-
in a network or ecosystem is the real challenge, ing since 2012, the EUE programme has brought
and diverse orchestration methods to create the together a broad group of researchers, innovators,
right mindset, conditions and capabilities — from business interests and civil sector participants to
‘reflective practitioner’ to U-process to crea- pursue its ambitious objectives. Early results of this
tive dialogue — can be used to support learning programme have been described in 2012 and 2013
between organisations. Learning in networks and Yearbook articles.
‘networked learning’ are relevant concepts here.
Espoo Innovation Garden is the metaphor adopted
A second danger is demanding that the ecosys- for the area to symbolise the innovation eco-
tem be purely self-organising. While it is true that system with its major players and activities. In
a healthy ecosystem ‘in flow’ will self-organise transforming the Espoo Innovation Garden area,
around collective awareness, collective ambition diverse challenges and opportunities are being
and shared resources, there are enough examples addressed. Mega-endeavours like the West Metro,
of systems failures to argue for the importance of a major transportation infrastructure project with a
an orchestrated process, and orchestrators who capital investment of close to EUR 1 billion, is one
are alert to the larger context, able to recognise such example of efective collaboration within the
patterns and make interventions when required, innovation ecosystem. Additional investments in
and support key processes with contributions that housing and businesses in the West Metro corridor
matter. are tens of billions of euros in the next decades.
These create growth and new jobs, and renew the
Open Innovation Ecosystems: the city structures. The Espoo Innovation Garden sees
example of EUE in Finland innovation as key to its further development, and
Finland’s Energising Urban Ecosystems programme its ability to create excellent quality of life within
is researching and pioneering ways of working the ecosystem. This cannot succeed without good
in open innovation ecosystems. This 4-year pro- connections to similar European initiatives.
gramme — EUR 20 million in research — is closely
tied to the national innovation policy of Finland, as For this reason, the city of Espoo — as part of the
a signiicant part of implementing the Europe 2020 2015 EUE activities, and in conjunction with the
Strategy. Its general goal is to create a multi-dis- Helsinki-Uusimaa Region — is organising the 8th
ciplinary centre of top expertise for city planning international ACSI camp in Espoo, and has invited
and design. The conspicuousness of the Otaniemi- the European Commission to hold its 2015 Open
Keilaniemi-Tapiola area — known as the Espoo Innovation 2.0 Conference in the Espoo Innovation
Innovation Garden — as the largest concentration Garden in June 2015. These two activities in June
of science and innovation resources and businesses will draw about 300 innovators — researchers,
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 15

Figure 2: The West Metro Growth Corridor

decision-makers and practitioners — to experience The conference as a service is based on the idea that:
how the open innovation ecosystem works, learn
from the ideas and examples of global thought-lead- •  innovation is a process, not an event;
ers, address real world challenges, and take part in •  entrepreneurial discovery can be supported;
an entrepreneurial discovery process for prototyping, •  orchestration of a discovery processes is
experimenting and ultimately the rapid realisation of important;
open innovation projects throughout the region and •  some support is important, even for entrepreneurs;
the world. •  individual and group learning is enhanced by
learning together.
The OI 2.0 Conference as a service:
defining a six-month prototyping process Running the OI2 Conference jointly with ACSI as
We know how to create exciting and inspiring con- parallel and interrelated prototyping processes
ferences as events. We also know that ater the for discovery learning is itself an experiment, and
event is over, it is not oten that ideas get taken fur- promises to be an enriching a learning experience.
ther. This is the syndrome of most workshops, train-
ing courses and other of-site events: once back ACSI as a rapid realisation process
in the actual working life, there are too many too ACSI — the Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation —
many ires to ight, and too many obstacles to over- is an international instrument for addressing soci-
come such as colleagues, accumulating priorities etal challenges in a powerful and efective way. It
and colleagues who haven’t shared the experience. combines an entrepreneurial way of thinking and
working with a concrete process for developing
This conference builds ecosystem support services breakthrough ideas and insights, aiming at produc-
into its design: support and facilitation for taking ing real-world impact. Participants from diverse
ideas further ater the event is over. It is framed countries and disciplines work together to discover
as a six-month discovery learning, entrepreneurial and leverage in-and-out-of-the-box opportunities
prototyping process, in which good ideas and pro- for creating breakthroughs in a process of collabo-
ject proposals arising at the conference — and the rative solution seeking. ACSI increases our possibili-
groups that convene around these ideas and propos- ties, opens new thinking, goes beyond the ordinary
als — will be able to prototype them ater the event and expands our insights into how to tackle societal
itself ends. innovation issues.
16 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Figure 3: Rapid Realisation Prototyping Process

ACSI was co-developed by the New Club of Paris and only for Camp participants but also for the entire
Finland’s Aalto University. Supported by scientiic challenge ecosystem.
research, ACSI has proven to be an efective instru-
ment to understand how societal innovation works ACSI is a human-centred process, which begins when
and to create perspectives that stimulate societal key people commit to take the results further. The
renewal. Since 2010 it has been run seven times, in prototyping period ater the Camp is an integral part
diferent forms, in diferent cities in Finland, Sweden of the ACSI process. Follow-through takes place at
and South Africa. ACSI challenges have addressed diverse and relevant locations, with direct stake-
issues such as low carbon urban planning, realis- holder engagement, and orchestrated support from
ing regional test-beds and demonstrators, renewing facilitators, coaches and experts on diferent steps in
citizen-government engagement, and enhancing the the innovation process. Living labs and (urban) test-
innovativeness and inclusiveness of society. The pro- beds may be part of this co-creation process. This
cess has been used to create breakthroughs in under- leads to more robust prototypes, to practical experi-
standing complex issues and stuck situations, stimu- ments, pilots and — with suicient commitment —
late cross-border collaboration, explore opportunities plans for fast-track realisation. For ACSI, the proto-
for open innovation and help eliminate the obstacles typing process ater the camp is an essential part of
that block it. During the Camp, multi-disciplinary and a nine-month journey to rapid realisation.
international groups develop new ideas and perspec-
tives on real-world challenges brought to the camp This year, ACSI will address three challenges, each
by cities, regions, business organisations, universities formulated at a diferent level:
and NGOs. Ater the Camp, prototypes of promising
ideas are tested and improved at locations where the •  At the level of innovation practice: the city
issues occur. This opens the process to encompass (Espoo);
and engage all the stakeholders of the challenge •  At the level of innovation strategy: the region
innovation ecosystem, and supports parallel open, (Helsinki region);
co-creative innovation processes in the real world, •  At the level of innovation systems: transnational
creating an entrepreneurial discovery framework not governance (European Commission).
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 17

Figure 4: Challenges for ACSI 2015

The interconnectedness of ACSI and OI 2.0 We see this Conference as continuing for six months
ACSI and the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference are ater the participants leave Espoo, empowering peo-
clearly connected in diverse ways. Both strive to ple to translate their ideas into prototypes and test
support and enable societal innovation by stimu- them in experiments, supported by peers, facilita-
lating processes of rethinking the basic assum- tors and virtual working environments custom-
ptions of co-creation, collaborative action, and made for this purpose. In this way, the spirit of ACSI
engaging people in open innovation. Both use real resonates in the design and follow-through of the
issues and concrete initiatives to engage people in conference-as-process and conference-as-service.
the practice of societal renewal. Both emphasise
the practice of rapid prototyping to go quickly from Fed by inputs such as this Open Innovation 2015
idea to experiment to practice. Yearbook and the Orchestrating Innovation Eco-
systems book (describing the activities of Espoo
This year’s ACSI — aimed at the challenges of imple- Innovation Garden), both ACSI and Conference par-
menting RIS3 strategies on a practical level, and ticipants will be invited to relect on, learn from and
enhancing the governance of open innovation eco- actually use best practices from around the world.
systems on a broader, European level — resonates A hackathon will also be organised in parallel with
fully with the underlying themes of this year’s OI 2.0 the Conference, to enable the thinking-power and
Conference: stimulating experimenting and rapid pro- participation of people around the world to be part
totyping, showcasing the Espoo Innovation Garden as of the working process. The OI 2.0 Conference is a
a collaborative concept for energising urban ecosys- gathering place for innovation thought leaders, a
tems, and implementing the Dublin Declaration. showcase for innovative practice, and an instrument
for change. It functions to stimulate awareness
Both are seen as starting points for a prototyping and understanding of good practice, and enhance
process: the ACSI is framed as the initial step of the desire for concerted action. ACSI is a proactive
a rapid realisation process for taking ideas to hands-on instrument for addressing speciic soci-
implementation in nine-months; the Conference is etal innovation challenges in an open, international
framed as the launching place for prototyping and and self-organising context. For Conference partici-
improving participants’ ideas during the following pants, ACSI serves both as an efective example of
six months. The Conference is designed as a ser- how to address concrete issues and a stimulus to
vice for participants (and their networks): the place do so themselves. Both are programmes for entre-
to be inspired by excellent practice and to create preneurial discovery, ‘events’ embedded in practi-
good ideas, to meet potential partners for taking cal prototyping, experimenting and co-learning
the ideas forward, and to ind support for actual processes aimed at taking good ideas to practical
prototyping in 2015. In this sense it is intended to realisation in society: ACSI is framed as the start-
be far more than the usual conference, where for ing-point for a rapid realisation process, and the OI
many people learning stops when the conference 2.0 Conference framed as a process of hands-on
does, and entrepreneurial practice is limited to the discovery learning and entrepreneurial prototyping.
examples provided by works-in-progress and pre-
sented by speakers.
18 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Together, the two complement and enhance each realising the strategy with a broad group of local
other: ACSI creates early prototypes and brings and international stakeholders. At this three-day
them to the immediate attention of a vastly larger bench-learning conference seven collaboration pro-
audience of people participating in the hackathon jects — both new ones and others already in pro-
and innovation specialists attending the Confer- gress — were presented and worked on.
ence, who can help to improve the ideas and take
them further. In addition this will inspire Conference The ACSI Camp and OI 2.0 Conference in June
participants to deine good ideas of their own, ind 2015 are the next activities in this process. While
appropriate partners, and create and test proto- the camp and conference will lead to diverse pro-
types in the weeks that follow. Together, they bring totypes and project proposals to be developed fur-
the spirit of entrepreneurial discovery and open ther in the coming months, directly aterwards the
innovation into the sphere of hands-on practice. irst work-in-progress results will be reported at the
EU Digital Agenda Assembly in Riga. The story of
The events of June 2015 should also be seen as entrepreneurial discovery will be taken further, and
part of a three-year process of entrepreneurial opened for more people, as well as regions and cit-
discovery in which participating people, cities and ies to join.
regions are working together to deepen understand-
ing of how to implement Smart Specialisation Strat- The intention is to hold more societal innova-
egies and Open Innovation 2.0 in practice. Hands-on tion camps later in 2015 and early 2016. An ACSI
practice in the European innovation ecosystem is to for Central and Eastern European countries has
be strengthened through a series of ACSI camps, already been proposed. There will also be spin-of
OI 2.0 conferences and other activities throughout workshops and process labs planned to enhance
2015-17, and integrated steps towards an innova- the co-learning part of the discovery processes.
tive Europe will be taken together. Diverse EU organisations have expressed interest
in processes like these, and the Committee of the
Sketching the larger context: 2014-17 Regions intends to work together with the European
The larger context of the ACSI and OI 2.0 confer- Commission to support practical steps for mov-
ence is an entrepreneurial discovery process which ing forward. The results of this larger process will
began for Helsinki Region at the Smart Specialisa- impact Horizon 2020, Digital Agenda and the prac-
tion Strategies partnering conference held at the tice of realising RIS3. The nine-month rapid realisa-
Committee of the Regions in June 2014. Helsinki tion process prototyped here could be a model for
Region, the region of Valencia and the Province of implementing smart specialisation in cross-border
Utrecht were three of the event’s organisers. More and trans-regional partnerships.
than 200 people from across Europe used interactive
work forms — bench-learning, purposeful conversa- Many of the European Entrepreneurial Regions will
tions and working with virtual worlds — to explore begin disseminating their best practice lessons
what RIS3 collaboration could mean for their regions, this year. New OI 2.0 activities in 2016 and 2017
the importance of Open Innovation 2.0, the role of will provide possibilities for learning and working
universities in entrepreneurial discovery, and issues together. In addition, Finland celebrates 100 years
like low carbon economy in urban planning, Europe’s as an independent nation in 2017: an opportunity
industrial renaissance and e-health. Taking the best for its many pioneering innovation-based regions to
ideas and introductions to potential partners, back organise open collaborative activities to engage the
home, the process moved further. rest of Europe.

By the end of 2014 the Helsinki Region had deined Once the EU succeeds in using its diferent inancial
its Smart Specialisation Strategy in detail, and in instruments to focus on addressing societal chal-
February 2015 more than 60 people came together lenges in an integrated and systemic way, the basis
in Espoo to discuss options and opportunities for for building Europe’s renewal capital will be laid.
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 19

Figure 5: Entrepreneurial Discovery Process 2014-2017

Entrepreneurs have changed the societal innovation, more about how to orchestrate
world, and will continue to do so entrepreneurial discovery processes in the challenge
innovation ecosystem, and how open innovation
What will these orchestrated processes mean thinking can inluence the world.
for Espoo, for Helsinki Region, and for the
European Commission? The conference will be a service to participants,
The ACSI process will develop new perspectives, their communities, networks, regions and countries.
promising possible solutions and prototypes for People will take their new insights and ideas away,
testing in practice. The nine-month process of and develop them further where they live and work.
Once the EU succeeds in using its diferent inancial Not all of them will come to fruition, but some of
instruments testing and improving the prototypes them will, and here too it is the experience of their
should lead to one or more ideas ready for reali- process — the new ways of thinking and acting,
sation. The entrepreneurial discovery process will and the mentality that drives it — is an important
engage hundreds of stakeholders, allowing their part of societal gains. We expect that the knock-on
buy-in and broadening ownership of the results. efect will be great. The baton will be passed from
They will make discoveries, and proit from what the policy-makers, planners and advisors to the
they learn. In the course of the nine months, they practitioners, innovators and ordinary citizens, and
will practise new skills and develop new abilities, they will run with it, making innovation more practi-
acting in the spirit of the new mentality, trying it cal, accessible and doable. Hundreds of people in
out, making it their own. The experience will make diverse cities and regions across Europe will have
the mindset more accessible to more people, more experimented with putting the action points for
common good within the ecosystem. Open Innovation 2.0 into practice, learning together
what works in which situations and why.
People and their organisations will have the experi-
ence of prototyping, experimenting, thinking in new Bold steps will be taken, and successful or not, in
ways, working diferently — faster than they have a year’s time we will know more. There will be new
been used to — and moving promising ideas into projects and initiatives. More people will have the
practice. Some of this experience will be used again taste for co-creative collaborative and entrepre-
in the next projects. The learning will belong to both neurial discovery, and Europe will be several steps
the individuals involved and to their organisations. closer to developing widespread innovation literacy.
The city, region and commission will be richer for it. The thinking renaissance will have begun. And ide-
And itter for tackling new challenges the next time. ally, conferences will never be the same.

The actual results — the ideas put into practice — It is clear that successful entrepreneurs have
will be realised faster and have a running start at changed society throughout history, and they will
creating outcomes and impact that matter to peo- continue to do so. Entrepreneurial discovery can be
ple and make the ecosystem better. Some societal seen in the context of a societal innovation camp,
challenges, at least ater a few years, will become or an open innovation conference, stimulating and
less acute, and less challenging. And we will have supporting people to move forward together on the
learned more about how to stimulate and support good ideas they have, prototyping quickly, failing
20 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

early, learning constantly and scaling broadly when References

they have something that works. These processes (1) Committee of the Regions (2014), ‘Smart
Specialisation Strategies: Implementing European
are powerful mechanisms to drive innovation, turn-
Partnerships’ (proceedings of the conference of 18 June
ing demand into supply and knowledge into value. 2014). Available at:
The same is true in the realm of cities and regions smart-specialisation-strategies.aspx
and their smart specialisation strategies. It is the
(2) Curley, M. and Salmelin, B. (2014) ‘Open Innovation
entrepreneurial discovery spirit that is capable of 2.0: The Big Picture’, Open Innovation 2.0 Yearbook
engaging Europeans from all regions, and all ages, 2014. Available at:
in building a better world together. news/open-innovation-20-yearbook-2014-giving-you-
The conference conclusions of the Committee of (3) Financial Times lexicon:
the Regions Workshop on Innovation Union (held in term?term=entrepreneurship.
November 2013) state that ecosystems with a com- (4) Foray, D. (2013), ‘Measuring Smart Specialisation’
mon vision are essential: they need shared vision, (S3 Thematic Workshop presentation). Available at:
share values, self-knowledge:…/10157/…/Foray_130124.pdf
(5) Committee of the Regions (2013) Opinion ‘Closing the
‘Europe needs to support entrepreneurial spirit Innovation Divide’, CdR 2414/2012 inal, (Oicial Journal
in its many forms: entrepreneurial discovery for of the European Union, 30.7.2013).
people of all ages, [and] high-expectation start- (6) EU OISPG (2013) ‘Dublin Declaration’.
ups in business and society… Innovation is about Available at:
people, [and] involving citizens is the key to inno- en/news/ %E2 %80 %9C-dublin-innovation-
vation… When people connect, ideas connect — declaration %E2 %80 %9D-manifesto-ten-point-
declaration-create-more-wealth-bette r
and that’s where innovation begins.’ [10]
(7) High Level Group on Innovation Policy Management
The message is clear: Europe needs this pioneering (2013), Report and Recommendations, p. 4. Available at:
spirit, and the skills and competences it requires.
The mindset can be learned and the skills improved (8) High Level Group (2014,) Inspiring and Completing
European Innovation Ecosystems: Blueprint, p. 20.
by practise, as governments, businesses, universi-
Available at
ties and individuals learn to drive their own open
entrepreneurial discovery processes. (9) Markkula, M. and Kune, H., (2013), ‘Horizon
2020: Regional Innovation Ecosystems’, Open
Innovation 2.0 Yearbook 2013. Available at:
This article gives an indication of how this will
continue to emerge in the coming months. With open-innovation-20-yearbook-2013
small steps and bold steps that we can develop the
(10) Committee of the Regions (2014), ‘Innovation
renewal capital that Europe calls for, and support Union: The Contribution of Europe’s regions and cities’
the thinking renaissance and entrepreneurial spirit (proceedings of the conference of 27 November 2013).
to maintain it. These are stepping-stones for co- Available at:
creating the new European narratives for the next
decade, and building a Europe of excellent opportu-
nities, co-created by its own citizens. Contact:

Markku Markkula
Advisor to the Aalto Presidents
Aalto University
President of the EU Committee of the Regions

Hank Kune
Director, Innovation & Enterprise
Future Centre Alliance, Founding Partner
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 21

Open Innovation 2.0 Creates New Innovation Space

Introduction Openness is very important, as it enables and fos-

This text elaborates the new innovation space for ters the much-needed sparks of ideas in rich envi-
creativity, which is essential when we try to maximise ronments. Thus, open platforms build an essential
the impact of modern innovation practises, notably element for ideas to be developed and prototyped
Open Innovation 2.0. Open Innovation 2.0 has some in the real world.
fundamental principles, which lead to needs for new
skills among all the actors in the innovation process. One issue however remains: how to catalyse the
creativity of all actors and to harvest the most
Modern innovation spaces span beyond clusters potential ideas in order to be nurtured forward? Is
mainly in two dimensions: irstly, the traditional crowdsourcing in its diferent forms the right way
triple helix innovation model with enterprises, to progress? In this article, it is suggested that the
research and public sector players (being oten top- power of crowds together with experimentation and
down) is replaced by the co-creative quadruple helix prototyping might be a solution for better, and even
innovation model where users have an active role radical, solutions.
too, in all phases of the innovation, from the early
ideation to the co-creation of solutions. Secondly, Open Innovation 2.0
the ecosystem drives for multi-disciplinarity rather Open Innovation 2.0 was published as a new inno-
than clusters, which tend to be quite monolithic. vation paradigm in a white paper by Curley and
Salmelin, at the Open Innovation 2.0 2013 confe-
The innovation ecosystems are breaking from the rence in Dublin. The original paper was elaborated
past linear innovation model towards a mash-up further in the Open Innovation 2.0 Yearbook 2014.
process creating positive sparks across the stake-
holders and the diferent disciplines too. The key is The twenty characteristics of Open Innovation 2.0
to have very rich sources of inspiration, let ideas are the foundation of the proposed approach to
merge, and let them be experimented and proto- increase creativity in innovation processes (Figure 1).
typed in the real world, in scalable settings.
Figure 1: Twenty characteristics of Open Innovation 2.0

The quadruple helix is essential as only by involving A participatory and co-creative approach is also
the users as active agents from the beginning of the essential when we look at the very strong assets we
innovation process can we create genuine new mar- in Europe have in the most advanced, demanding
kets for products and services. And, by involving the and creative communities of users.
citizens (as customers) for the new developments,
we also see at an early stage which elements of the To ind out what is successful and scalable at an
idea are successful and scalable, and which parts just early stage we also need to bring the ideas very
simply do not scale up. This in turn helps to adjust the early to the real-world settings with strong inter-
innovation process correctly and does not squander action in the quadruple helix innovation model.
time and resources on the least successful paths. This EAR (Experimentation and Applied Research)
22 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

approach is well described but rather seldom used. disruptive ideas or reinforce some solutions when
Action research also illustrates the approach well. used properly. But, what is the role of experts in
The simple idea is to have rapid prototypes and developing, iltering and selecting solutions to be
experiments in the ‘real world’ to ilter out the bad prototyped? Will we be led by amateurs, i.e. the syn-
ideas from the good and also aid scalable ideas to thesis of the crowd opinion? The answer is no, if the
turn into real innovation. process is right and we drive a variety of diferent
experiments to see how they work in real world.
Fail fast — scale fast. With all the stakeholders Hence what we need is to elaborate more on the
involved. new innovation space with bridgers and curators.

Experiments with curiosity are the drivers for new. New professions: curators and bridgers
This requires courage, as traditionally failures give When looking at the connectors in the new eco-
a too strong label to the actor. Risk taking and risk systems we can clearly identify changed skills pro-
management are important, but likewise daring to iles. The role of persons having deep knowledge
do experiments even with disruptive approaches is on a speciic area, the so called I-shaped persons
the game changer. Experiments and rapid proto- will have an important role in providing exactly
typing reduce the risk to tolerable levels, and they that, deep knowledge. What, however, is increas-
are driving for the new. And, we need to remember ingly needed are the T-shaped skills proiles where
that innovation is about daring to seek and ind the experts have not only speciic knowledge but also
unexpected. Innovation cannot be planned; only the wider contextual perspective to connect the specia-
conditions for inding it. lity to a wide range of applications. We should go
even further in our thinking: the connectivity and
In a knowledge society, the products and services skills to ignite cross-disciplinary ideas becomes the
are increasingly intangible. Oten the tangible prod- scarce resource in the innovation landscape.
ucts get their additional value through intangible
components like services, or the tangible products Inspired by Prof. Leif Edvinsson in the Leonardo
are the access devices to services. The servitisation Award 2014 workshop these new professions can be
is quite an interesting trend afecting the lifecycle described as curators and bridgers. Curators focus on
design of traditional products too. maintaining the quality of the Once the EU succeeds
in using its diferent inancial instruments contents
Implementing Open Innovation 2.0 and enriching it to be used and interlinked by bridgers
through engagement platforms to other disciplines. Bridgers are socially well con-
Creating engagement platforms in diferent product nected, extrovert and most importantly inherently
and services areas interestingly changes the econo- interested in ‘everything’, thus being able to make
mies of innovation too. We are approaching a zero connections in spontaneous and unusual ways.
marginal cost for innovation. E.g. developing a new
app costs almost zero and the trials on the market Our curricula do not recognise these new skills yet.
on platforms are almost free. This means that a Where do we train these kinds of people, and more
wide spectrum of ideas can be tried in afordable importantly how do we ind them. This approach
engagement platforms, where the risk of failure reinforces both the connectivity and the special
is not that costly. What is also interesting is that knowledge in collaborative, self-coniguring envi-
the scale-up cost is likewise close to zero! These ronments. Will the companies be able to capture
kinds of environments lower signiicantly the barrier the talent and the connections in timely man-
of entrepreneurship, provided that other e.g. legal ner, changing dynamically the team compositions
conditions are favourable. depending on the tasks and the stage of the tasks
they are performing? Do organisations have the
Interlinking the zero marginal cost drivers with capability to break outside their boundaries, or even
experimentation clearly indicates the feasibility break the silos inside? The winners will capture the
of wide spectrum prototyping and trials, with the dynamics and success will be measured by the abil-
selection and scaling up of those solutions, which ity to change. Driving by tasks, not organisational
are more successful in real world environments structures seems to be the key in innovation. An
with real people. analogy for this can be found from the ideas of vir-
tual/holonic/fractal companies from the late 1990s,
One of the new trends is crowdsourcing (beyond but the granularity of the entities are now going
crowdfunding). Crowd processes can bring good, down to individual competencies.
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 23

Discovery of valuable ideas by crowds If asked to a crowd it is not unexpected that the
It is shown that if experts are asked for a solution answers have a very wide spectrum, and that the
for a problem, there is good convergence of the peak is not necessarily at the same place as those
ideas and the value of the idea is relatively good. of the experts (Figure 2).
Executing this idea is a safe (but conservative) bet
as the opinions are based on past experience in the
very ield.

Figure 2: New innovation space for Curators and Bridgers to keep

the connectivity and quality of the knowledge

However, what is interesting is that very high value to test and prototype ideas with all the actors in
discoveries are more numerous in the answers of real world. It also has the courage to early ilter
the crowd, indicating a new innovation space. A out the less promising ones: without describing the
key question prevails: how to extract from those source of the idea as a failure but more taking that
responses the high-value ones and not invest in the as gaining experience. These ecosystems have also
mediocre or low value ideas? diferent rewarding mechanisms than only mone-
tary. It can be recognition in the community, in the
The Open Innovation 2.0 approach can again be area, orchestration responsibilities etc.: all based on
extremely valuable as bringing those ideas at a gaining reputation.
very early stage via rapid prototyping (ater initial
screening) to real-world acid tests the most promi- This new innovation ecosystem is self-directed and
sing ones can be identiied and brought to the next it is based on the common interest of all actors
level. Experimenting in nearly zero marginal cost in the quadruple helix to discover the unexpected.
environments with real users, and taking their feed- Oten the approach needs the open engagement
back in a co-creation mode means a safety net for platforms enabling full spectrum prototyping.
even the craziest ideas. Only doable and scalable
ideas move up in innovation value. Others can be Conclusion
killed with relatively low cost and high conidence at Open Innovation 2.0 is a promising new paradigm
very early stages. for Europe. It drives for new approaches having all
the stakeholders involved from the start, and it
One of the characteristics for this new innovation advocates for searching for the unexpected. I am
space is that it has a strong need for both inter very happy to see that in developing new innova-
and multidisciplinary bridgers, curators keeping the tion policy and instruments, this approach is seri-
quality of the knowledge. ously coming into consideration, as the response
to modern innovation dynamics is increasingly
The innovation ecosystem is described as being becoming critical.
open for new ideas and one that has the courage
24 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

New open innovation ecosystems require not only

a new mindset, which can be taught by learning
and doing the prototypes, as well as engaging the Contact:
stakeholders to the process and also by enabling
infrastructures. The Digital Agenda for Europe and Bror Salmelin
the Single Digital Market are important tools for the Adviser Innovation Systems
scale-up. In addition, we need to have those open Directorate-General for Communications
innovation hubs practising open innovation in its Networks, Content and Technology,
diferent forms. The regions will develop their own European Commission
smart specialisation strategies, and hopefully bring
them further towards taking on board modern inno-
vation, like Open Innovation 2.0. Certainly, with this
engagement of all stakeholders, there is a lot bet-
ter possibility to capture the best ideas, select the
scalable ones and bring prosperity to the whole of
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 25

The New Era of Crowdsourcing — Industrial Crowdsourcing

Introduction of crowdsourcing — the era of Industrial Crowd-

The open innovation paradigm emphasises the sourcing. Many pioneering companies have quite
importance of the efficient use of all available recently shown that even innovation-related tasks
knowledge and information. In addition to knowl- that require very in-depth and specialised expertise
edge inside company borders, it emphasises the can be crowdsourced within certain conditions. Such
signiicance of particularly the knowledge residing tasks are typical in the development of complex
outside company borders, because valuable innova- business-to-business products and services.
tion-related knowledge is being increasingly widely
distributed to diferent actors, organisations (e.g. In the present report, we focus strongly on this
companies, customers, suppliers, universities etc.) new era of Industrial Crowdsourcing by focusing
and communities. on crowdsourcing activities of the above type in
companies that manufacture industrial products
Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon which is not a fully and services. Additionally, we focus on crowdsourc-
new one, but quite clearly, its signiicance for dife- ing in the business-to-business sector companies,
rent industries has increased strongly during the which were earlier commonly thought to be a very
last few years. Howe [1] deines crowdsourcing as challenging or even impossible target for crowd-
an ‘act of taking a job traditionally performed by sourcing activities. We argue that the use of crowd-
a designated agent (usually an employee) and out- sourcing in the development of complex products
sourcing it to an undeined, generally large group of requires novel types of skills and competences
people in the form of an open call’. from the crowdsourcing company and the potential
crowdsourcing intermediary, as well as dedicated
Generally, crowdsourcing has been used mainly by crowdsourcing platforms and crowds themselves.
consumer-sector companies, and the main applica-
tions have been the outsourcing of relatively simple New era of industrial crowdsourcing
tasks, such as marketing videos, photographs and The crowdsourcing of industrial companies and
simple design tasks, which have no need for very companies manufacturing industrial products for
in-depth expertise from the crowds. The idea of other companies, Industrial Crowdsourcing, can be
crowdsourcing by business-to-business compa- described as the new era for crowdsourcing for sev-
nies and companies developing complex industrial eral reasons.
products for other companies has been considered
irrelevant and even absurd. This is probably at least During the last few years, many things have taken
partly due to B2Bs not being able to locate sui- place simultaneously to make crowdsourcing possi-
ciently large and competent crowds for such tasks, ble, on a large scale, for industrial companies. First,
or existing crowdsourcing approaches and compe- many crowdsourcing platforms have been founded
tences that would allow the crowdsourcing to be that are dedicated to the crowdsourcing of indus-
extended to their proper use, for instance by han- trial companies: for instance, GrabCAD, Atizo, Top-
dling the related challenging IPR issues. Coder, uTest and Solved are all platforms that did
not exist a few years ago, and have been designed
So, while previous crowdsourcing activities and and dedicated to speciic, even very complex and
crowdsourcing research has focused strongly expertise-intensive tasks related to industrial
on crowdsourcing related to the consumer sec- crowdsourcing. Such platforms have also matured
tor companies using it, and the use of consumer- only recently to the point, regarding their opera-
types of crowds in the crowdsourcing of simple tional processes, technologies and competences
and relatively little in-depth or specialised exper- that large scale crowdsourcing can be carried out
tise — requiring tasks, such as t-shirt design, quite feasibly and in a competitive way also from the
recently — during recent years — crowdsourcing viewpoint of industrial manufacturing companies
has been discovered [see e.g. 2] to have signiicant [e.g. 3].
potential also in the sourcing of highly professional
tasks, the development of quite complex products, The crowds of the above crowdsourcing plat-
and thus increasingly, also industrial manufactur- forms consist of very professionally operat-
ing companies and business-to-business companies ing industry experts from various industries and
have found crowdsourcing useful. repre senting various areas of expertise, with
world-class in-depth and specialised expertise
Therefore, it is well-grounded to state that crowd- on various topics that enable industrial crowd-
sourcing has recently entered a new phase sourcing, including design and CAD expertise and
which could be called the new era or new wave manufacturing expertise, etc [4]. In addition, good
26 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

and well-reported examples of pioneering indus- Several new crowdsourcing platforms feasible
trial companies from many industries having suc- for industrial crowdsourcing have emerged that
cessfully used crowdsourcing to their beneit in the have rather recently gained a critical amount of
sourcing of the development of even very complex crowds with in-depth expertise for the beneit of
products, services and systems have been reported industrial crowdsourcing. InnoCentive is the most
in the last couple of years. Furthermore, the value widely-known general-purpose crowdsourcing plat-
creation approaches, models and success factors form, but unlike the other presented crowdsourcing
of industrial crowdsourcing have recently been platforms below, it is not speciically designed for
academically studied and are at least somewhat the needs of industrial companies. Other crowd-
well understood, and these have been adopted and sourcing platforms more focused for the purpose
exploited as models by other companies, as well. have been targeted e.g. to match the speciic needs
of industrial companies in sotware development
Accordingly, some of the leading consultancies such (e.g. TopCoder), mechanical engineering (e.g. Grab-
as Gartner and Accenture that have investigated CAD), cleantech expertise (e.g. Solved), testing of
crowdsourcing have recently come to the conclusion sotware and hardware products (e.g. uTest), idea-
that crowdsourcing is now a phenomenon which is tion and concepting (e.g. Atizo) or pre-purchase
among the most central phenomena that will have crowdfunding (e.g. Kickstarter), see Table 1. From
a signiicant impact on the ways that manufacturing some platforms, industrial companies can reach a
companies will carry out their business [3,5]. General vast number of experts in speciic ield (e.g. more
Electric is an example of a large multinational indus- than 1.5 million mechanical engineers in GrabCAD),
trial company that has clearly noticed the business while others provide access to a smaller crowd of
potential for crowdsourcing, and claims even that ‘A world-class experts (experts e.g. in the area of envi-
Third Industrial Revolution’ will be essentially based ronment, energy, mobility, construction and design
on crowdsourcing and digitalisation [6]. related to cleantech in Solved).

Table 1. Examples of industrial crowdsourcing platforms, crowds and industrial case companies [7,8,4,9]

Crowdsourcing platform Crowd Industrial case companies

InnoCentive ( > 300 000 registered users, additionally EMC, Flextegrity
a network of 13 000 000 experts

GrabCAD ( > 1 500 000 mechanical engineers GE, Konecranes, Lürssen Wert,

Solved (https://solved.i/) > 500 world-class YIT, BMH Technology

cleantech- professionals

uTest ( > 150 000 sotware testers Numerex

TopCoder ( > 600 000 sotware developers Praxis

Kickstarter ( Millions of backers of projects AQuickCNC, Formlabs, Autonomous

Marine Systems

Atizo ( Thousands of concept builders Pago AG

The Ferris wheel of crowdsourcing (sphere 3) describes the added value derived from
Next, we present the Ferris wheel of crowdsourcing the crowds. The Ferris wheel model for crowds crea-
and give examples of current interesting pioneering ting value for industrial and manufacturing compa-
outlier companies [10] and applications of industrial nies consists of three main crowdsourcing-related
crowdsourcing. In Figure 1, crowdsourcing is pre- concepts: (1) crowdsourcing, (2) crowdfunding [11]
sented as a Ferris wheel. and (3) crowdworking. These concepts are referred
to by numbers 1-3. These concepts are partly interre-
The Ferris wheel describes the major approaches lated and intersecting. We will describe in more detail
where crowds can be used to create value (inner- the major crowdsourcing-based functions related to
most sphere 2) for the various business development the above concepts, using examples from various
needs of industrial companies. The outermost sphere industrial companies.
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 27

Figure 1: The Ferris wheel of crowdsourcing

Next, we provide a number of interesting compa- As an example of new type of highly complex
nies and related examples in this article, to a large crowdworking in the construction industry, the
extent from the viewpoint of industrial companies, company YIT, the largest residential construction
to clarify the current potential of crowd-based company in Finland, used Solved (https://solved.i/),
value creation for industrial crowdsourcing. We a crowdsourcing intermediary company focused
shall also dismantle the crowd-based major func- on cleantech advisory services, to develop a new
tions of the Ferris wheel shown in Figure 1. residential area-related concept ‘Net Positive Resi-
dential Area’, including solutions for smart energy
Market research and systems, energy and resource efficient design,
managerial consulting sustainable materials, sustainable lifestyle shared
The starting point of this Ferris wheel is mar- services and goods, smart waste management,
ket research and business consulting. Crowds are and water eiciency and mobility. The challenge
expressing their needs and aspirations on many lev- included the following tasks: deining the prelimi-
els, all the time on the Internet, e.g. via social media. nary parameters for targeted residential areas,
All the new knowledge published on the Internet in co-creating a ready-to-use roadmap with feasible
digital format is there for anyone to discover and solutions and related business models, and sup-
immerse oneself in. Traditional market research port in realising such a concept. The concept was
companies and business consulting firms have co-created by a crowd of 12 experts with a large
noticed this, and are nowadays using crowdsourcing variety of diferent areas of expertise from Solved’s
as a way to produce indings while simultaneously network of 500 world-class experts from all over
protecting their old-school oferings. But new chal- the world involving 200 companies from various
lengers are coming to the market research and man- ields of expertise together with YIT’s project team.
agerial consulting markets. Regarding the disruption
in managerial consulting, there are already several Crowds participating in equity funding
players in the market. Paid crowdworking in consult- When it comes to funding ones business endeavours,
ing with the wise, diverse and distributed crowd is the crowd can help — and it oten will! Equity-based
like a school book example of Surowiecki’s thoughts funding [11] means that an individual contributes
[12], representing a true alternative for global con- money, and as return s/he gets shares of a company,
sultancy. Companies like Innocentive, GLG, 10eqs which often — but not always — is a start-up.
and Solved [9] are examples of companies who are Equity-based crowdfunding represents an interes-
basing their oferings partly or totally on paid crowd- ting opening for Europe, as in many EU countries the
working — and getting a growing attention of clien- legislation is enabling it, whereas in the US, that was
tele that has traditionally been in the tight embrace not originally the case: in 2012 US president Obama
of the old ‘big –ive-type’ strategy consultants. signed into law called The Jumpstart Our Business
Start-ups Act or JOBS [13]. Some of its parts are still
28 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

pending. The focal point of the act is crowdsourcing which was acquired by Stratasys, is a an example
and start-up community-related new rules and regu- of a crowdsourcing platform and community that
lations; topics that have also been in the rising inte- has been used by several manufacturing companies
rest of the European Commission in Europe, and the (e.g. Konecranes, Sovella, Lürssen Wert) in Europe
Internal Market and Services DG has recently esta- to crowdsource conceptualisation of even quite
blished a group to assist the Commission in deve- complex industrial products.
loping policies for crowdfunding to help it to lourish
while taking into account the interest of contributors As an example, Konecranes, a globally leading
( overhead crane manufacturer and provider of lit-
ing solutions and service networks, used Grab-
Currently, equity-based crowdfunding ‘matchmak- CAD to crowdsource concepts for an indicator for
ing’ platforms vary from language and geographi- detecting chain wear in their chain hoist. The Chain
cal market perspective in Europe; e.g. Crowdcube Wear Challenge was held from 30 October 2012
is an UK-based crowdfunding service, while Fund- to 15 January 2013 and resulted in 43 solutions
edByMe originated from Sweden and is now active from the crowd of mechanical engineers, with a
also in Finland, Denmark, Germany and Spain. cash awards of USD 6 000 for the best designs.
Invesdor, Venture Bonsai and Vauraus Suomi are The jury for deciding the best solutions consisted
active mostly on Finnish equity-based crowdfund- of both Konecranes and GrabCADs employees.
ing markets. In terms of the size of the market, for The engineering challenge can be considered as a
example the three biggest crowdfunding companies concrete yet professionally a very demanding task,
in Finland have raised together over EUR 20 million representing a functionality that has efects to the
equity funding. In comparison to GBP 84 million of safety of Konecranes liting products [16].
equity funding in UK according to the UK Alterna-
tive Finance Industry Report 2014 by Nesta and the Marketing content with the paid crowd
University of Cambridge [14]. When building up a new organisation (non-proit, an
ecosystem, a company) one usually needs a logo,
Ideation and concepting — the typical tone of voice and a brand to start with. Resources
concepts in engaging the crowd are often scarce, especially in the beginning of
Ideation is one of the most common applica- something new, and yet one should kick-of iden-
tion areas for crowdsourcing; one invites diferent tifying and inluencing the target audience. Crowd-
audiences and exploits them for idea brainstorm- working services can help i.e. in creating a logo,
ing activities. Then one cross-pollinates the crowd making a design for a website, or getting photos or
with a diferent experience landscape by a getting audio as content. Usually these communities have
diferent, unexpected solution [12]. However, there tens (e.g. AudioDrat) or hundreds of thousands
is a fine line between doing this seriously [and participants (later ‘crowdworkers’) (e.g. Scoopshot,
honestly] and marketing campaigns where you get 99Designs and many others). Currently, the most
the audience excited but nothing actually happens typical way to orchestrate the contribution of the
ater that. If idea crowdsourcing is part of compa- crowd is that the crowdworker takes part in a chal-
ny’s true innovation and renewal endeavours, the lenge or a competition that the customer (i.e. the
company needs to know what to do with the ideas new organisation) has deined. There is no employ-
— how to embed them into the core of its business ment relationship between the crowdworker and
development and innovation practices. E.g. Atizo the crowdworking service or between the crowd-
( is an example in EU for idea worker and the one posing the challenge.
crowdsourcing, where multiple consumer brands
but also manufacturing companies (e.g. Pago AG) When continuing towards marketing efforts in
are ideating together with the audience. digital media (especially in social media) and
understanding the quest for authenticity that the
Using crowdsourcing for concepting can be organ- audience demands nowadays, why wouldn’t the
ised for example as engineering competitions or organisation ask marketing-like content e.g. good-
be a continuation of engaging the crowd — i.e. enough social media marketing videos, audio and
potential users — to the next phase in the inno- other content — to be produced by the crowd it has
vation process. In the later case, if wisely used by ‘earned’? By the word ‘earned’ it is meant in the
e.g. presenting concrete, alternative concepts to the context of digital services where there one nowa-
crowd, one gets valuable feedback from the real days makes a distinction between paid, owned and
users. One has to be thoughtful in building up the earned media [17]. Hundreds of thousands crowd-
motivation for the crowd to contribute continuously workers can ‘speak’ the visual and oral language
[15], so that the minimum viable product sees the of the brand — instead of traditional adver tising,
daylight of its audience. Estonian-founded crowd- digital marketing or strategic influencing and
sourcing start-up GrabCAD (, communication, it has been found that earned
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 29

media (e.g. word of mouth) is the most trusted The best help desk — peer-users,
source of information [18]. the wise crowd
One of the oldest ways to make crowds work for
Services like eYeka, from EU, is operating in 12 a company’s brand is inviting users and exis ting
languages for truly localised content, or US-based customers to test, give feedback and support each
Tongal — which started from the supply point of other in using the products and services that the
view: Hollywood freelance manuscript writers are company is providing; this is where customers
oten either overloaded with work for periods like serve each other and contribute to product deve-
12-24 months and then are unemployed for longer lopment and go-to-market strategies. Nowadays,
or shorter times, so they found a new channel in many sotware and consumer electronics compa-
which to work. In crowdworking there is no ixed nies say openly that they are not the experts in the
number of workers to start with. usage of their products and services, as their audi-
ence knows best what to do with ‘stuf they have
Crowds funding product development bought’. Memes evolve and companies use the
When the journey of the company continues, and imagination of their audience in communication and
it wants to test the attractiveness of its product act as a platform or an ecosystem builder between
or to invite crowds to co-fund the production, pre- their audiences.
purchase crowdfunding, as one form of crowdfund-
ing, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. As an example, when making Internet search
Pre-purchase crowdfunding is in the sweet spot of enquiries for a speciic (sotware or electric device
combining earned media marketing (word of mouth usage related) problem, the users do not end up
i.e. the crowd contributes signiicantly to market- at the oicial brand Q&A sites as the irst hit, but
ing eforts) and crowds contributing with money. As ind these communities, as the companies pro-
crowds vary, there are currently many such match- mote those sites rather than their own brand site.
making platforms all around the world, based also Examples vary from Microsot to hardware and
on language preferences. The most known and special hobby groups like the ones actually run
oldest in the English speaking world are US origin by the brand itself, Suunto, a Finnish origin global
Indiegogo and Kickstarter. However there is a boom manufacturer and marketer of sport watches, dive
happening everywhere where matchmaking plat- computers and precision instruments. Suunto is
forms are being ramped up, as the costs to enter to facilitating a sports community Movescount, where
the markets in the Internet economy are marginal. active, like-minded, result-orientated people share
While pre-purchase crowdsourcing has been popu- information about their experiences in extreme
lar in consumer markets already for years, manu- sports, provide user support to each other and to
facturing companies in diferent industrial sectors wider audience and develop apps for the ecosystem
have also begun making use of pre-purchasing in platform Suunto provides them with, and with this
both early phases of product development as well behaviour, while the company can increase user
as ramping up their production. experience and brand loyalty, simultaneously the
users feel they get more value for the money and
In Kickstarter for example, pre-purchasing has been most importantly, can express themselves better.
used to fund the development of industrial products
such as a modular desktop CNC machine [19], drone Recently, also industrial companies have started
(autonomous robotboat) [20] and 3D printer [21]. making use of communities and services for crowd-
New services have also become available for those sourcing testing of their products. For example,
companies that are planning to launch a funding Numerex a company focused on the machine-to-
campaign of an industrial product on Kickstarter, machine (M2M), business-to-business market made
Indiegogo or Fundable, but are unsure if the product use of uTest (; a professional
can be made at scale, what will the product cost network of 150 000+ testers and QA professionals
and how much money needs to be raised or how in a crowdsourcing complex testing of both sot-
long it will take to deliver the inished product to ware and also hardware of their product for track-
the backers. DragonInnovation (https://www.drago- ing vehicles and assets. is an example of such a service
provider, which provides services for prequalifying Paid crowdworking — the new way
the manufacturability of products from a crowd- to contribute, share and live
funding campaign and in supporting the factory The last but not the least section in the Ferris wheel
selection process and onsite factory project mana- is participating in crowdworking, co- production.
gement for the funded product. Completing volunteer-based crowdsourcing, a
paying crowdwork industry is now quickly growing
in scope and ambition: ‘Crowdwork today spans a
wide range of skill and pay levels, with commercial
30 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

vendors providing access to a range of workers and what the competitors are doing with crowdsourc-
focused support for various task [22].’ ing. But they should also be aware that the bold
companies that start early to experiment with and
There are great examples already emerging, espe- adopt crowdsourcing practices themselves in their
cially in Asia, where crowdworking and new archi- business may be the ones that gain an edge, which
tectures of contributions generate employment could be tough to catch up with by the latecomers.
[23]. Zhubajie, internationally known as Witmart
( states that it has more References
than nine million crowdworkers and by that it’s the (1) Howe J., Crowdsourcing: How the power of the crowd
is driving the future of business, New York, Crown
largest crowdworking site in the world. Microtask,
Publishing Group, 2008.
a Finland-US based service is specialising low-skill
tasks with a large reach. (2) Jussila J, Laine T, Rautiainen M, Kärkkäinen H,
Ruohisto J, Erkinheimo P, et al, Future of crowdsourcing
and value creation in diferent media environments,
Conclusion AcademicMindTrek ‘13 Proceedings of International
We have described and argued here that crowd- Conference on Making Sense of Converging Media,
sourcing has entered a new era quite recently — Tampere, 2013, p. 339. doi:10.1145/2523429.2532331.
the era of Industrial Crowdsourcing. We have (3) Daugherty P, Biltz MJ, Banerjee P., Accenture
presented related examples of use cases and Technology Vision 2014, Every Business Is a Digital
crowdsourcing platforms that have come up within Business, 2014.
the very last few years. (4) Helander N, Jussila J, Kärkkäinen H., Value Creation
in Business-to-Business Crowdsourcing, International
The examples and many others have demonstrated Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR)
that even tasks related to the development of very 2013;4:52-63.
demanding business-to-business products and solu- (5) Rivera J., Gartner Reveals Top Predictions for IT
tions can be crowdsourced in many innovative ways. Organizations and Users for 2014 and Beyond 2013.
In these cases, however, successful crowdsourcing
(accessed September 7, 2014).
usually requires several new types of competences,
which can be achieved partly via intermediaries, but (6) GE. Meet Your Maker: The Third Industrial Revolution
also own eforts are oten required. The examples Will Be Crowdsourced and Digitized, GE Reports, 2014.
also show that crowdsourcing can help to achieve your-maker (accessed 7 September 2014).
signiicant results and beneits in the case of indus-
trial manufacturing companies, which in most cases (7) Kärkkäinen H, Jussila J, Multasuo J., Can
crowdsourcing really be used in B2B innovation?,
match or even top the results that would be gained Proceedings of the 16th International Academic
by completing the tasks internally or by outsourc- MindTrek Conference, ACM; 2012, p. 134-41.
ing them by more traditional means. Quite oten, doi:10.1145/2393132.2393159.
the crowdsourcing approaches have resulted in very (8) Jussila J, Kärkkäinen H, Multasuo J., Social
innovative and out-of-the-box types of solutions Media Roles in Crowdsourcing Innovation Tasks in
that very probably would not have been reached by B2B-Relationships, Proceedings of The XXIV ISPIM
traditional approaches. These outcomes are due to Conference, Helsinki, Finland: Lappeenranta University of
Technology Press; 2013.
various mechanisms behind the so called Wisdom of
Crowds and Collective Intelligence concepts, which (9) Kärkkäinen H, Jussila J, Erkinheimo P, Hallikas J,
emphasise particularly the heterogeneity of partici- Isokangas A, Jalonen H. Joukkoistamisen uusi aalto:
Teollisten yritysten joukkoistaminen 2014.
pants, their backgrounds and their expertise, which
crowdsourcing platforms enable with much more (10) Välikangas L., Amplifying strategic thinking
ease than the traditional methods. through outliers, Boardview, Hallitusammattilaiset Ry:n
Jäsenlehti 2013:10–3.

The various outlined crowdsourcing approaches (11) Collins L, Pierrakis Y, The Venture Crowd.
and industrial company examples described in Crowdfunding Equity Investment into Business, 2012.
this paper have several significant implications (12) Surowiecki J., The wisdom of crowds: Why the many
for the renewal and competitiveness of manufa- are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom
cturing companies in Europe and elsewhere. As we shapes business, Economies, Societies and Nations 2004.
are dealing with a new and potentially a disrup- (13) Barnett C., The Crowdfunder’s Guide to General
tive change phenomenon, industrial manufactur- Solicitation and Title II of the JOBS Act, Forbes 2013.
ing companies should certainly no less than follow (14) Baeck P, Collins L, Zhang B., The UK Alternative
carefully the developments in the area of industrial Finance Industry Report 2014, Nesta, 2014.
crowdsourcing, and try to be aware of how the new (15) Erkinheimo P, Dombowsky P., Crowdsourcing and
trends in crowdsourcing impact their industry and Open Innovation for Enterprises, 2013.
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(16) Ketonen-Oksi S, Multasuo J, Jussila J, Kärkkäinen

H., Social Media-Based Value Creation in Innovation
Community in Mechanical Engineering Industry, Contact:
Rospigliosi A, Greener S, editors, Proceedings of the
European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014, Hannu Kärkkäinen
Brighton, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing Professor
International Limited; 2014, p. 649-56.
Tampere University of Technology
(17) Corcoran S.. Deining earned, owned and paid media. hannu.karkkainen@tut.i
Forrester Research. 2009.
(18) Nielsen. Global Trust in Advertising and Brand Jari Jussila
Messages 2013. Researcher
Tampere University of Technology
messages.html (accessed 16 January 2015).
(19) Kickstarter. Kickstarter project: Modular
Desktop CNC Machine. An Open Hardware project
Pia Erkinheimo
in Minneapolis, MN by AJ Quick 2011. http://www. Head of Crowds & Communities
machine?ref=category (accessed 4 June 2012). DIGILE — Finnish Centre for Science, and
Innovation in the Internet Economy
(20) Kickstarter. Robotboat Mark VI by Eamon Carrig,
Kickstarter 2012. pia.erkinheimo@digile.i
robotboat/robotboat-mark-vi (accessed January 16,
(21) Kickstarter. FORM 1: An afordable, professional 3D
printer. Kickstarter 2012.
3d-printer (accessed 10 December 2012).
(22) Kittur A, Nickerson JV, Bernstein M, Gerber E,
Shaw A, Zimmerman J, et al. The future of crowd work.
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer
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(23) Trifu A, Croitoru I, A SWOT Analysis of Today’s
Crowdsourcing Process, International Journal of
Management Sciences, 2014;2:487–93.
32 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Research and Innovation Programmes Shaping Ecosystems for Open

Innovation — Some Lessons

Abstract shared challenges. With the increased complexity

This contribution investigates the role, organisa- of the thus created networks or ecosystems, it is
tion and functioning of European research and important to understand how efective these pro-
innovation programmes in fostering innovation gramme instruments are as initiators of, or stim-
ecosystems that generate new markets and busi- ulus to, mobilising existing ecosystems, how the
ness. Publicly funded research and innovation pro- ecosystems evolve and operate, how they foster
grammes can be interpreted in terms of systemic collaboration, and how they achieve the targeted
innovation instruments, addressing societal cha- long-term impacts. Current programme evaluation
llenges and driving economic development in speci- methods have been criticised for being too mecha-
ied impact areas. Based on cases taken from the nistic and focusing on ex-post evaluations of the
European Commission programmes in the domain programme outcomes. Less emphasis has been
of Future Internet and ICT, the paper identiies the devoted to how programmes create communi-
required key conditions, resources, structures and ties and ecosystems, to the internal dynamism of
processes that need to be set in place and evolve the ecosystems, and to the critical structural and
over the lifetime of the programmes. The paper operational conditions that are required in order
confronts practical experience and insight gained for the programmes to fulil their objectives as
in Future Internet and ICT programmes with scien- systemic policy instruments and foster long-term
tiic literature on systems of innovation and policy collaboration with third parties.
instruments, and results in recommendations for
future planning of efective systemic innovation The aim of this contribution is to enhance our
instruments. understanding of how research and innovation
programmes may act as systemic policy instru-
Introduction ments in the European context. For this, we are
The European Commission’s 2020 growth agenda looking at both theory and practice. Ater a short
has set the ambitious goal of the Member States overview of the issues, we irst review some the-
investing 3 % of their GDP on research and deve- oretical approaches related to systemic policy
lopment by 2020. Information and communica- instruments, in particular covering the literature
tion technologies (ICT) have been considered as regarding systems thinking, transition theory, plat-
the key enabler to accelerate growth, equality and form eco systems and innovation management.
sustainability, and consequently ICT research and Second, we take a look at practices in European RDI
digital single market development have become programmes in analysing the role of policy instru-
priority areas in the European policy agenda. The ments to create efective innovation ecosystems for
recent launch of several industry driven large- societal impact, and identify several open issues
scale research and innovation programmes relects related to the desired and actual characteristics of
the shit in the European policy implementation such instruments.
approach towards systemic innovation and towards
the creation of hybrid innovation eco systems. Combining the practical and theoretical insights,
Research and innovation programmes have evolved we develop a holistic analysis of the role and capa-
from technology- and supply-side-focused initia- bility of systemic instruments to create efective
tives toward broader cross-industrial and cross- innovation ecosystems. The analysis centres on
policy programmes, involving all triple helix par- ICT-related programmatic instruments due to their
ties, and emphasising demand-side stimulation pivotal role in European innovation policy but also
and societal and economic elements, rather than draws from experiences in other areas.
just technological impacts. In this context, the High
Level Group on Innovation Policy Management [1] Policy instruments fostering
presents recommendations on shaping the EU Inno- innovation ecosystems: issues
vation Ecosystem, emphasising the importance of With digitalisation and the thus enabled new busi-
partnerships and social innovation as new ways of ness dynamics the link between innovation poli-
innovation governance. cies and national innovation systems has raised
signiicant interest. Over the last decades, innova-
Given the multi-disciplinary and cross-industry tion policy approaches have evolved from secto-
characteristics of the European programmes, these rial, supply–orientated technology policies towards
programmes could be termed ‘systemic instru- broad-based and increasingly challenge-driven
ments’ [2] where the objective is to engage and innovation policies. Policy focus has further evolved
mobilise a wide range of stakeholders to tackle from technological research and development
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 33

towards promoting service innovation and cur- •  Which are the critical characteristics of RDI pro-
rently societal renewal. This broadens the policy grammes (such as governance structures, part-
scope signiicantly towards the adaptation side nership models) stimulating the creation and
and towards demand-side policy instruments, and evolution of successful research and innovation
ultimately toward systemic innovation policies as ecosystems?
combination of supply- and demand-side instru- •  How to identify the ‘design characteristics’ of
ments. The perception of the role of industrial and such programmes, and how to measure the
other societal actors such as grassroots commu- efectiveness of such research and innovation
nities has also evolved, and both policy and other ecosystems as a sum of their parts?
actors share a heightened interest for joint develo- •  What are the implications and gained insights
pment and innovation. A relatively new objective for of considering RDI programmes as systemic
innovation policy instruments is to help establishing instruments in the context of research and
innovation ecosystems. Interesting examples can innovation ecosystems? How to address sys-
be found in several regional and national innovation temic issues such as ‘decision lexibility’ (room
policy instruments, like Industry 4.0 in Germany for manoeuvre) and ‘resilience’?
[3], Top Sectors Public Private Partnerships in The •  What are the key bottlenecks and barriers for
Netherlands [4], or the SHOK Centres for Excellence further development and sustainability of the
in Research in Finland [5]. innovation ecosystems?
•  How may systemic instruments concepts and
The importance of creating efective innovation insights gained from RDI programme cases help
ecosystems is recognised in European-level prac- us to enhance the design of efective RDI pro-
tice as well. Representative examples are e.g. EIT’s grammes in the future?
Knowledge and Innovation Communities (such as
EIT ICT Labs). Additionally it can be observed that From systems of innovation towards
several EU-level large-scale research and inno- systemic innovation instruments: theory
vation programmes are establishing thematic A concise discussion of theoretical approaches to
research and innovation ecosystems or ‘platforms’, understanding systemic policy instruments and
during and ater the external funding period. It is innovation ecosystems may help us in understand-
increasingly recognised that due to the intense ing the design, implementation and efectiveness
technology, market and actor dynamics, innovation of such instruments. With the changing policy land-
ecosystems are in continuous change. Neither top scape over the last decades, research on innovation
down nor bottom up approaches alone are suicient policies has matured signiicantly in recent decades,
to resolve identiied gaps, such as lacking entrepre- shiting from neoclassical analysis and Systems of
neurship and business creation, and lacking impact Innovation theory [6], [7] towards Open Innovation
on societal innovation. This demonstrates the need paradigms [8]. Broader socioeconomic approaches
for a focal actor with no vested interests to steer incorporated political, social, cultural, regulatory
and stimulate the development and evolution of the and environmental variables into a multi-disci-
ecosystems. plinary analysis [9]. Despite these developments,
current research has been criticised for the lack of
Environments within which RDI programmes func- attention to socioeconomic outcomes [10] and a
tion are characterised by technological, market and focus on the inal phases and ex-post evaluations
political uncertainties which are multiplied by the of innovations [11]. The main part of the debate
requirements for openness and transparency while on innovation impact on economic growth cen-
operating with public funding. Decisions taken dur- tres around technology and infrastructures [12],
ing the preparatory and early stages of RDI pro- is failing to appreciate the underlying institutional,
grammes may determine the impact and results to capability and learning-related aspects. With glo-
a large extent. Thus the design and implementation balisation and the increasing complexity of societal
in early stages merit close attention. During the challenges, policy focus is shiting from national
shaping and implementation of an RDI programme, level increasingly to supra-national contexts and
the RDI programme ecosystem is evolving and sectorial policy frameworks [13].
gradually becomes more closely intertwined with
the surrounding socio-technical ecosystem. This Modern innovation literature strongly emphasises
way an RDI programme evolved in its ecosystem the early involvement of users and a difusion of
environment establishes a ‘living lab’ within soci- innovations in networks [14]. The increasing ten-
etal contexts, and provides the foundation or plat- dency towards openness of innovation networks
form for addressing societal challenges. has also promoted interest in emergent and self-
steering network governance, making it diicult to
In order to better understand the phenomena at predict their evolution. Within this context of open,
stake, the following questions are addressed: networked innovation, the nature of innovation
34 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

policy instruments as well as the role of the State are considered as evolving organisms that cannot
versus other actors within ecosystems of innova- be purpose built and rigidly managed, but rather
tion has received a lot of attention. This is exem- considered as sets of resources that can be orches-
pliied by the recent challenging work of Mariana trated towards a common goal. Technology plat-
Mazzucato [15], demonstrating that public funding form literature takes the position that independent
of research and innovation by risk-taking ‘entrepre- components of a platform are in a complementary
neurial states’ has played a key role in promoting relationship and form a system. The systems build
technological innovation, and bringing forward that around boundary objects, which in these cases
innovation ecosystems are required that build upon would be a technology platform or a standard. This
symbiotic, rather than parasitic, public-private part- analogy applies for the European ICT programmes,
nerships to sustain the impact over the longer term. where the ecosystems are built around joint tech-
nology development activities, or a physical plat-
Several academics have proposed the concept of form (Future Internet PPP). Platform ecosystems
‘systemic instruments’ in innovation policy [2], [16]. literature emphasises the role of a focal actor for
This stream of work investigates the structure and the business networks, who is typically the platform
function of policy instruments, in particular the owner [19]. This applies also to the European Pro-
organisation of innovation systems, the manage- grammes, where the CSA type second-order organi-
ment of its interfaces across sub-systems, the sations orchestrate ecosystem development and
capability for visioning, learning and experiment- steer for joint outcomes.
ing, and the demand orientation. This work is useful
as a conceptual framework for analysing systemic Technology platforms can even be seen as a new
problems. However there remains a need to better representation of the open innovation paradigm.
understand the role of decision-making, planning The platform owner’s interest is to promote a plat-
and common visioning mechanisms in practice, as form for users and developers, to make the plat-
well as the role of cross-organisational culture dif- form ofering more attractive. The ecosystem can
ferences, which afect the evolution of multi-actor consist of various types of oferings and business
innovation ecosystems. models, while the platform owner deines the inter-
face and quality criteria for the inputs. Thus, the
The literature on industrial networking and ecosys- created ecosystem creates a new value logic and
tem platforms provides a lot of interesting insights opportunities for entrepreneurs and SMEs to build
in the functioning of innovation ecosystems. Over on the ecosystem ofering, or use it as a channel to
the past 20 years, research has been carried out on reach a broader customer base. Open and closed
various themes related to the positions, processes, platforms have diferent orchestration needs [20].
structures and relationships of network actors. It This proposes that as the programme-initiated
builds on the premises that industrial networks are platform ecosystems evolve and become more
emergent systems, advancing all parties economic open, the governance structures should be adjusted
and societal interests [17]. The relations and distri- accordingly. This has been the case in the pro-
bution of knowledge and resources is asymmetric, grammes, but sometimes it is in reaction to chal-
and the participants select their position in the net- lenges rather than proactive, as we will discuss this
work according to their strategic objectives for the in sections below in more detail. These challenges
collaboration. Industrial networks have now evolved are pertinent also in the innovation ecosystems
from closed networks built around an anchor irm formed in the European research programmes.
toward open ecosystems, around technology plat- Early stages are critical, while diicult since the
form with complex inter-organisational relationships. joint culture, discourses and trust have not been
Value is created as a cumulative value of the part- built yet. On the other hand, early user involvement
ners resources in transactional and transformational is desired, even if the ofering is limited, non-vali-
activities. The parties’ value propositions are inter- dated and the network externalities not yet visible.
twined, so the companies must adopt strategies that In many cases the platform owner decides the rate
beneit the whole ecosystem. Critics of economic of evolution of the platform [21].
network analysis claim there is too little focus on
environments external to the ecosystems and lack- As an over-all conceptual picture of the development
ing attention to the inter-organisational processes. towards innovation ecosystems as emerging from
literature we suggest a transition pattern (Fig. 1).
Recent research trends account for these weak- Research and innovation programmes triggered by
nesses and apply multi-disciplinary research on emerging disruptive technologies evolve towards
technology platforms as a representation of emer- the establishment of platform ecosystems, which
gent industrial networks. Platform research con- aim at facilitating business networks and co-crea-
centrates on typologies, launch mechanisms, strat- tion. Grounded in such platforms the development
egies and governance [18]. Platform ecosystems continues in shaping wider sustainable innovation
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 35

Figure 1: Development pattern towards Innovation Ecosystems

ecosystems. The next section discusses some ele- improvements in the administrative structures and
ments in this evolutionary process drawn from focus of the programmes, but more radical change
the practice of European research and innovation and renewal has been called for [23].
New approaches and gradual improvements are
Evolution of research and innovation being experimented with. Representative examples of
programmes and PPPs in practice such approaches are the Public-Private-Partnerships
The European Commission’s main instruments for (PPP) for research. The programme focus on the
implementing jointly agreed research priorities have research PPPs springs from putting market develop-
since 1983 been the Framework Programmes (FP). In ment more at the forefront, where the private sector
an attempt to respond to the US and Asian develop- is increasingly taking on activities previously consi-
ments, the funding schemes increasingly emphasise dered as the responsibility of the State. In this view,
systemic, large-scale projects, innovativeness and the State becomes the ‘buyer’ rather than the sup-
the analysis of the societal and political contexts plier of the services [24]. With this, the public sec-
[22]. For ICT innovation in particular, the fundamental tor participates in research partnerships on the one
unpredictability of products and services usage has hand, as a service contractor, implementation accel-
revealed a clear demand for European-level research. erator and co-creator, and as a regulator on the other
With the Horizon 2020 EU policy framework, the [25]. The new PPPs for research simulate real market
Commission has responded to the challenge by environments, where the public sector participates
establishing more open and networked forms of col- in a co-creation process with the private sector, and
laboration between industrial, government and aca- thereby can experiment and simulate the changing
demic stakeholders on the one hand, and the public roles and relationships among the actors. It remains
sector on the other. Consequently, the Europe 2020 to be seen whether these market-orientated develo-
Innovation strategy and its European Union Flagship pments generate the kind of ‘symbiotic’ public-private
Initiatives emphasises the investments not only in partnerships and ecosystems proposed in [15].
corporate R & D and science and technology-driven
research, but also on public-private collaboration and The recently launched European Commission PPPs for
innovations to address the major societal challenges. research aim for sustainable European-level impact,
not only on technological development, but also on
Some recent RDI programme evaluations reveal the societal front in the form of increased harmo-
that the European research funding programmes nisation and standardisation, accelerated market
have not been as efective as anticipated in terms acceptance and creation of a solid evidence base for
of their technical, societal and economic impact European-level policy recommendations. Simultane-
([22], see also [1]). Despite the broad-based agenda ously, the programmes are expected to initiate mean-
setting for the Frame Programmes, to date, the ingful multilateral conversations with counterparts
programmes have been predominantly explorative around Europe, and thus create innovation ecosys-
research instruments, whereby a signiicant amount tems. Research PPPs difer from normal collaborative
of scientiic knowledge has been created. However, projects in the FP7 in that industry has an important
the programmes have been increasingly criticised role in developing the multiannual Roadmaps. Unlike
for the lack of exploitation capability and impact the Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs), the PPPs have
on the markets and actors outside the research not been set up as legal entities. Research PPPs have
consortiums. The Commission has addressed the potential to address the whole value chain and
these identiied challenges through incremental renew companies’ conidence to invest in long-term
36 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

research with a pre-deined budget and ensured con- The analysed PPP programmes represent the cur-
tinuity. The PPPs also place increased emphasis on rent state-of-the-art systemic policy instruments,
short-term impact and exploitation. collecting all relevant parties to a large scale, lon-
gitudinal collective action. The programme agendas
The irst evaluations of the PPP initiatives, ‘Facto- are constructed based on broad-based public con-
ries of the Future’, ‘Green Cars’ and ‘Energy Eicient sultations, expert reviews and industrial and gov-
Buildings’ found that the research PPPs have been ernmental consensus meetings in order to ensure
an efective response to the inancial crisis of the relevance, as well as rational and true incentives
time [26]. However, it was also assessed that they for all parties. The evaluations point out that the
are unlikely to achieve the aim of making a difer- programmes have evolved in the right direction
ence to the competiveness of European industry with increased impact and relevance, and capacity
unless given longer-term support. The researched for renewal and ecosystem creation.
PPPs have facilitated closer working relationships
between the Commission and industry for setting Shaping innovation ecosystems
goals and longer-term research roadmaps. It was for the future Internet
further realised that much tighter collaboration Within the domain of the Internet and ICT it is
between the stakeholders is necessary for achieving instructive to compare three examples of large-
the targeted industry level transitions and impact. scale research and innovation initiatives that have
been organised along very diferent principles: the
Particularly on the programme governance, the cur- Future Internet PPP (FI-PPP), the Future Internet
rent informal arrangements were considered to lead Research and Experimentation programme (FIRE)
to some uncertainties and insuicient transparency and the EIT ICT Labs. These cases are highly difer-
of the processes. Programme reviewers recom- ent in terms of the scope of activities and results,
mended to further formalise partnerships and to funding and governance models, positioning within
deine partners’ roles in more detail. Governance the Future Internet landscape, and activities ori-
structures should involve broader sets of diferent entated towards establishing an innovation eco-
stakeholders and include complementary macro-level system. We analyse these initiatives in terms of
competences e.g. foresight, emerging technologies, their internal design, structures, governance and
commercialisation of research results, and should be processes, as well as their integration and engage-
coordinated through a CSA type of organisation act- ment with the surrounding broader European ICT
ing as a single reporting point to the Commission. community.
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 37

Table 1: Current RDI programmes compared in the domain of ICT


Main research and Open cloud based platform of Federated testbed facilities for Wide range of technologies and
innovation themes APIs for developing new research, validation and application areas. Speciic focus
collaboratively created services adoption of Future Internet on acceleration, incubation as
for various application areas technologies (networking, well as education.
mobile / wireless, IoT).

Actor network First phases closed, empha- Initial focus on academic Strong focus on community
development sizing value creation among experimenters, currently widen- building and knowledge transfer.
program partners, third phase ing towards SMEs, industry, new Actor network is built around
open, focusing on broad based initiatives (5G). Open access and node networks across Europe,
adaptation and use. open calls attract facility users and includes industry, SMEs,
and experimenters also from academia.

Program design Industry level initiative. Research and experimentation Strategy process with all actors
and project Technology platform project, use oriented initiative driven by the involved. Run as a company with
development case projects and facilitation Commission in consultation with a CEO, executive steering board
process and support action. FIRE community. Facility and management committee.
Collaboration agreement projects and research projects
between all program partners. as well as coordination and
Structured rules for third party support actions (CSAs). Project
participation. speciic contracts.

Program Implementation in three Project calls as a part of FP7, Sustainability ensured by

implementation two-year phases. H2020; continuity with varied independent nodes with own
lengths of projects. funding, regular funding calls.

Results Platform and tools for smart Testbed facilities responding to Educational programs, research
applications development. evolving academic and industry projects, portfolio of business
Open stack of APIs available for needs, experimentation tools acceleration services, like
developers and entrepreneurs. and methodologies, accelerator, incubation and
Validated technologies. Platform European-wide federation of mentoring
ecosystem development. testbed facilities

Governance and Rigid and structured governance Based on Work Programmes and Co-location centers with own
decision making mechanism, documented in the projects. Strong orientation on governance, joint issues in
structure collaboration agreement. individual projects. Loose centrally governed boards with
inter-project alignments. participation from all partners.

Societal interfaces Target for real life imple- Strong links with universities Intertwined with universities
mentations, living lab type test and academic experimenters, educational programs, local
environments. Public sector and education. Increasingly innovation communities, living
driving adaptation through PCP linkages established with labs and SMEs.
measures. related Future Internet

Program and eco- Ecosystem building via use Traditional focus on ecosystem Focus on building local
system creation cases in thematic domains building with research players. ecosystems around co-location
and in ICT domain. Engaging Increasing collaboration with centers and thematic networks
SME entrepreneurs, startups, other Future Internet initiatives around various research themes.
developer communities, public may broaden scope for
sector activities e.g. smart cities. ecosystems building.

Program and soci- Validated use cases of cross- Establishing a core infrastruc- Strong impact on local level,
etal impact industry collaboration on shared ture of federated testbeds as a seeking for more collaboration
technology platform. resource for users (academia, with other ICT initiatives and
Opportunities for SMEs and research institutes, industry, impact on the EU level.
entrepreneurs. SMEs).

Sustainability Institutionalizing the program Testbed facilities sustainability Institutionalized structure,

and exploitation management as NGO, results considered to largely depend on strongly independent partners
potential further worked on in future public funding. Increasing where EIT ICT Labs funding only
PPPs, like 5G collaboration with other complementary.
initiatives aim at broaden the
sustainability base.
38 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

The main message of these cases is that diferent ield. A peculiar observation was the number of
organisational forms for research and innovation organisations new to the EC programmes (30 %).
programmes lead to diferent but signiicant tech- However, a new level of challenge was identiied:
nological and societal economic outcomes and the representatives from the organisations did
functional ecosystems. Given the diferent pro- not always have the mandate or relevant experi-
gramme structures it still can be said that each ence to the activities they were assigned to. This
of them target societal goals and engage actors lead to delays in decision-making and somewhat
within broader European ICT research and innova- watered down programme-level outcomes. Further
tion communities. The European Commission and challenges were caused by the partly conlicting
stakeholder communities are also heavily involved goals of the i) organisations, ii) projects and iii) the
in the implementation of each of the programmes. programme.
In the following we address some main characte-
ristics of the programmes in order to learn some Collaboration processes
initial lessons on how programmes may lead to The main differences lie in the intensity of the
efective innovation ecosystems. activities and closeness of the relationships among
the actors. In FI-PPP all the parties are bound by
Enablers for innovation a collectively agreed collaboration agreement,
ecosystem building which stipulates the rights and responsibilities of
Taking into account the viewpoints presented above each party. This enables closer collaboration and
both from theory and practice, in our view key ‘ena- exchange of data. Furthermore, the partners share
blers’ for the transformation of research and inno- a boundary object, the Technology Platform, and
vation programmes into efective innovation eco- thus it constitutes a more tightly intertwined eco-
systems include the governance structure of actor system. The programme outcomes are concrete
networks, the shaping of collaboration processes, products, and thus the outcome is easier to evalu-
the building of programme communities and the ate in economic terms. The governance structure
formation of platforms laying the ground work for is rigid with monthly meetings and clear decision-
sustainable innovation ecosystems. making rules and structures, which imply that there
is strong emphasis on achieving programme-level
Actors and networks impacts in addition to the impacts on an individual
Actor proiles difer signiicantly for the three cases. project level. The responsible party for orchestrat-
The FI-PPP is an industry-led initiative and 70 % ing for these programme-level outcomes is a dedi-
of its composition consists of companies, whereas cated CSA project. The FIRE community has been
FIRE represents a typical research-orientated pro- built over a longer period of time, and shaped by
gramme with less than 50 % corporate partners. In the changes in the ICT development landscape. The
the EIT ICT Labs there is speciic focus on accelera- ecosystem is more homogenous in terms of core
tor and incubation activities, and thus participants actors, but it also involves a signiicant amount of
in the projects include signiicantly start-ups, entre- third parties on ad hoc bases. As such the ecosys-
preneurs and innovation agencies. The co-location tem can be considered more self-steering or emer-
centres are ailiated with universities. Diferent gent, and there is no central party orchestrating
actor proiles result from the diferent positioning overall programme-level outcomes. Especially in
of the programmes in the innovation value chain. the early stages, ecosystems require rules and rigid
FIRE is more involved in the early stages of inno- governance in order to build solid foundations for
vation, whereas FI-PPP and EIT ICT Labs operate collaboration. This involves vision building, frame-
closer to market, and have a strong focus on SME work for progress evaluation, quality criteria and
engagement and a broad user base. Vice versa as rules for participation. With this the mission and
well, the participant proiles and credibility as busi- value proposition can be articulated for potential
ness partners in turn shape the development of parties. This implies that effective ecosystems
the ecosystems and the new parties’ decisions to require a focal actor that orchestrates the collabo-
choose these ecosystems. From these experiences ration and maintains the momentum. In the FI-PPP
it appears that one of the key conditions for build- the programme collaboration was operated by a
ing successful innovation ecosystems is to include CSA action, as a Programme Oice. The challenge
all major actors in the ield. Relevant and high- with the set up was the unclear mandate of the
quality partners attract better partners, accelerate CSA. The role was to initiate collaboration around
learning and lead to better results and impact. The diferent themes, but then the topics and decisions
diversity of partners builds on the holistic view to would come from the participating companies.
the challenge at hand, and adds to credibility and However, with the lack of trust and steering in the
later acceptance and adaptation of technologies. early stages of the programme, decisions were not
Especially in the FI-PPP the partner organisations made. The challenge was highlighted by little allo-
represented the state-of-the-art companies in the cations of resources for programme-level activities,
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 39

since this was not budgeted, even a contractual based and builds on knowledge sharing and interest
obligation for the irst phase projects, and not fol- in niche development initiatives. Ecosystems come
lowed up and requested in project reviews. in many forms, depending on their mandate and
objectives. The FI-PPP programme had numerous
Platform development objectives on various levels, which led to the forma-
The Future Internet PPP is an excellent example tion of numerous ecosystems consisting of the core
of initiating ecosystem development within a pro- partners to the programme and other stakeholders.
gramme, enabled by the FIWARE sotware plat- Ecosystem development was quite formalised and
form. Still there remain challenges in synchronising collaboration structured with new partners joining
technical platform development and the creation of through funding calls and pilots. This model worked
innovation communities based on the platform. As in the early stages while the platform and ofer-
we noticed, the platform owner decides the rate of ing was being built. New models for engagement
evolution of the platform. This was seen also in the were needed to trigger broader use of the technolo-
Future Internet PPP, where the progress of the plat- gies. Barriers for use were caused by the unclear
form project FIWARE was pivotal to the progress of sustainability plans. Since the future updates and
the other projects. In the evaluations it was agreed maintenance of technologies was not clear, com-
that the platform project should have been started mitment to use was lesser.
before the Use Case projects, so that there would
have been more technologies available to start Conclusion
with. Similar issues were encountered with the set The aim of this paper was to explore the conditions
up of the EIT ICT Labs. Institutionalising the organi- that enable research and innovation programmes to
sation and governance structures took longer than initiate sustainable Innovation Ecosystems. So far
expected, partly due to the variety of the difer- this topic has not yet been thoroughly investigated
ent partners and oferings. Such delays may cause as theoretical research into innovation systems
lack of impact. EIT ICT Labs has since focused on and policy instruments has been relatively disjunc-
mobilising the community with frequent calls and tive from the practice of large-scale research and
tenders. For the FIRE community the boundary innovation programmes. Also cross-links between
objective can be the ICT sotware and applications the diferent scientiic domains in innovation theory
test beds and facilities, which would thus constitute are still lacking. With the fast-changing practices of
the platform for activities. With numerous very dif- industry networks and open innovation, research-
ferent set-ups it has been challenging to stipulate ers struggle to keep up. As an example, the more
common rules, quality criteria and performance established literature on innovation policies and
indicators on a programme level. Rough generalisa- systemic instruments is fairly isolated from emerg-
tions dilute the criteria and their purpose. ing literature regarding platform economics and
open innovation.
Programme communities and ecosystem
relationships Still, several results of theoretical studies are valu-
We observe very diferent outcomes in terms of able and should be considered in the future design
innovation ecosystems. Apparently, the preparation of programmatic instruments. First, the work on
phase and early stages for cementing the struc- functions of systemic policy instruments correctly
tures and processes for collaboration are critical. emphasises the role of structures and processes
As an example, FI-PPP had the ‘consensus work- for organisation of innovation, learning and experi-
shops’ before the programme started to agree on mentation platforms, demand articulation and
joint planning of collaboration structures. Many ele- other conditions related to knowledge exploration
ments and enablers for programme success — or and exploitation. Second, the literature on plat-
failure — are set in the very early stages, or even forms provides important concepts and indings
before the programme started. FI-PPP includes sev- such as the role of platform orchestrator, corre-
eral thematic ‘sub-ecosystems’, which collaborate lation between the frequency of interactions and
with industry partners in that speciic domain, as results, and the creation of innovation communities
well as local partners that operate in the countries and partnerships based on mutual advantage in all
and areas where pilots take place. These ecosys- stages of the co-creation process. Third, innovation
tems are likely to remain stronger ater the lifetime literature emphases the early involvement of users
of the programme, since they have more speciic and patterns in technology adaptation, that can
joint objectives and agendas. EIT ICT Labs part- help upfront planning of investments and returns.
ners include a variety of diferent actors with their We consider the formation of platform ecosystems
own focus areas. The co-location centres are irmly an important transition phase in the development
grounded with the local ecosystems, which remains of programmes towards innovation ecosystems
the priority for the activities and impact creation. and recommend that the design of future research
The collaboration with other centres is project and innovation programmes integrates these and
40 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

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Open Innovation and Its Implication for Universities

Abstract internal ideas, and internal and external paths to

The article analyses open innovation trends and driv- market, as the irms look to advance their techno-
ers afecting universities. Driven by open innovation logy’ [2].
universities are placed in the centre of innovation
ecosystems and are playing an ever-active role in A recent search of Google trends produced about
knowledge creation, exchange and transfer. Whilst 85 million results in less than a second [3] with
there are similar efects of openness on all organi- high regional interests from South Korea, Finland,
sations, universities have to consider speciic factors Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Swe-
in adapting to the open innovation paradigm. Such den. Such strong interest in open innovation can be
factors include a speciic focus on knowledge co-cre- potentially linked to the growing global success of
ation and use-inspired research, the need to develop South Korean businesses (e.g. LG Electronics, Sam-
value networks, focus on stronger IP management, sung) and design-led innovation practised by Scan-
the need to review their curriculum to respond to dinavian companies. Further research is required to
new skills and market demands, the rise of open establish a more accurate correlation.
education platforms and social media, community
engagement and crowdsourcing. There is also a strong interest from an academic
community studying open innovation. A research
Introduction led by Professor Gann demonstrated a growing
Open innovation (OI) is a strategy adapted by com- interest in the open innovation phenomenon over
panies in order to allow the low of information, the last 10 years [4].
ideas, knowledge, capabilities and resources in and
out of organisational boundaries [1]. As a result we are observing a trend which is resha-
ping the R & D process from in-house R & D to an
The open innovation term was coined by Henry open model where ideas low in and out of organisa-
Chesbrough who deined the concept as follows: tions to advance the development of new technolo-
‘Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that gies. Table 1 summarises key trends in innovation
irms can and should use external ideas as well as before and now.

Table 1: Innovation before and now

Innovation process before Innovation process now

R&D focus S&D and/or A&D
Technology driven Business value driven
Knowledge ownership Knowledge access
Product orientation Business model orientation
Engineering job Everyone's job
Market push - technology driven Market pull - need driven
Closed innovation Open innovation
Calculated risk High risk investment

Companies are now adapting new processes and becoming a question of survival. In addition there
business models, shiting from traditional R & D are stronger opportunities to experiment with
(research and development) strategies to S&D potentially risky technologies outside the compa-
(search and development) and A&D (acquire and ny’s boundaries using venture capital support and
develop). Examples of such approaches are the inances.
P&G Connect & Develop and Shell GameChanger
programmes. Business competitiveness no longer These changes afect all organisations and institu-
depends on companies’ internal capabilities but tions including government, public institutions and
on their ability to absorb, adopt and exploit exter- universities. Therefore it is important to understand
nal knowledge and resources. The ability to stay the implication of open innovation on organisa-
agile and recognise market trends and needs is tional development and growth.
42 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Open innovation drivers the era of open innovation universities play a more
affecting universities strategic and wider role as suppliers of an educated
While companies are reshaping their organisa- work force, knowledge, expertise and emerging
tional boundaries, universities are playing an ever- technology. At the same time universities act as
increasing role in contributing to knowledge-based partners and customers of regional services, SMEs
economies. and large companies;

The Knowledge Economy Index developed by the •  growth of venture capital markets
World Bank [5] considers education and innova- This trend makes it possible for promising ideas
tion factors in measuring national efectiveness in and technologies to be further developed outside
developing knowledge-based economies. The Global universities thus allowing universities to proit from
Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by the World their knowledge and research outputs;
Economic Forum [6] also measures education and
innovation factors as fundamental for national •  customer expectations are increasing
competitiveness and economic sophistication. Universities are also afected by increasing cus-
tomer sophistication, increased transparency and
According to Chesbrough there are a number of digitisation. Such trends force universities to adapt
factors which drive open innovation and afect the innovative marketing strategies embracing social
way organisations operate. Universities are not networks, interactive websites, intranet and content
the exceptions and are afected by similar trends marketing techniques in order to enhance their con-
including: versation with potential students, staf and public;

•  information, capital, people are becoming •  pressure on universities to demonstrate impact

global assets from their research
The mobility and availability of highly educated All economic players experience a growing economic
people and researchers has increased over the and iscal pressure. As publically funded institutions,
years. As a result, large amounts of knowledge universities are required to demonstrate impact
exists outside the research laboratories of large from their research. There is a growing public scru-
companies. In addition there is an increasing trend tiny of government funding, which places additional
of employees moving between industry and univer- pressure on universities to carry out cutting-edge
sities or keeping dual appointments. This results in research balancing between pure academic curios-
knowledge lows between universities, companies ity and translational outcome. For example, research
and external stakeholders; impact has been included in the new REF (Research
Excellence Framework) assessment, which is the
•  knowledge is becoming a source of competi- system for evaluating the quality of research in UK
tive advantage higher education institutions [7].
This trend positions universities as key partners for
industrial companies and places them in the epicen- Open innovation university
tre of regional and national innovation ecosystems; To respond to global open innovation challenges uni-
versities need to open up their business models and
•  technology pace is increasing review their processes in order to facilitate open inno-
This drives universities to transform from classic vation interactions. There is a global rise of innovative
academic institutions with an ivory tower mentality and entrepreneurial universities which are opening
to entrepreneurial institutions proactively manag- their organisational boundaries to play an active role
ing their knowledge. Universities are building and in regional and national development. We will deine
managing strategic partnership and alliances with such universities as Open Innovation Universities.
industry and technology companies;
A typical open innovation university infrastructure
•  IP management is becoming a vital compo- includes the following functions: strategy oice to
nent of universities’ strategies monitor international trends and benchmarking;
Universities are becoming more business savvy in marketing and communication department to inter-
order to protect, manage and proit from their pro- act with stakeholders and public; alumni relation-
prietary knowledge; ship oice; research oice to monitor and develop
funding opportunities; technology and knowledge
•  innovation across the entire value chain transfer oices; education technology structures
This process positions universities as a key contribu- to develop education and learning products; indus-
tor to regional innovation and competitiveness. In try liaison oice for developing partnership with
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 43

commercial companies; enterprise infrastructure connected to government innovation initiatives,

focusing on entrepreneurship agenda within the policies and research assessment strategies. Figure
university and professional and executive educa- 1 depicts an organisational structure of an open
tion units offering commercial programmes. An innovation university.
open innovation university infrastructure is closely

Figure 1: Open Innovation University organisational structure

To respond to an Open Innovation agenda, universi- based on a survey of senior leaders from the indus-
ties are further adapting their strategies, processes try. According to the survey the top ive countries
and policies in order to develop innovative and sus- ranked by executives include the USA, Switzerland,
tainable business models. Key trends in universities’ Finland, UK and Sweden.
open innovation practices include:
The ease of doing business between universities
•  knowledge co-creation and use-inspired and industry is a key factor in pursuing an open
research; innovation agenda. Both university and industry
•  developing value networks and ecosystems; represent inherent diferences in their goals and
•  need for stronger IP management; organisational cultures which can afect the efec-
•  need for developing new skills and capabilities tiveness of knowledge and technology transfer
in students; between partners. Such diferences include:
•  open education programmes, e.g. MOOCs,
SPOCs; •  diferences in time horizon (long term vs short
•  increasing use of social media; term);
•  community engagement and crowdsourcing. •  diferences in conidentiality (open source publi-
cations vs competitive nature);
We will now consider these trends in further details. •  organisational diferences (curiosity-driven vs
Knowledge co-creation and •  a diferent approach to IP.
use-inspired research
In its Global Information Technology Report Table 2 depicts the key differences affecting
2010-11, [8] the World Economic Forum provides university-industry partnerships.
ranking of university-industry R & D collaboration
44 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Table 2: Cultural diferences between academia and industry

Parameter Academia Industry

Responsibility Social responsibilities Shareholders responsibilities

Research type Basic research Applied research

Output New knowledge New product

Research orientation Curiosity-driven research Problem-solved driven

Openness Publication & openness Ownership & conidentiality

Cultural mindset Sharing Control

Research strategy Scientiic freedom Technology roadmaps

Time horizon Long-term Short-term

A traditional role of university research is to conduct of the book was to analyse, critique and eventually
fundamental pre-competitive research while indus- rethink the linear model of the relationship between
trial labs carry out technology development. The fundamental science and technology development.
UK Science & Innovation investment framework [9]
proposes a research model to combine fundamental More recently Etzkowitz [11] proposed the triple
and applied research ‘to bring together public and helix development strategy which is becoming a
private funding and research talent to work on major powerful national tool to develop innovation mech-
research challenges with major societal impact.’ anisms and build stronger links between private
and public research sectors. Key elements of the
The proposed model refers to the Pasteur quad- triple helix model are government, university and
rant and was proposed in 1997 by Donald Stokes industry with overlapping interaction mechanism
[10] who wrote a book for science policymakers to and a free circulation of elite between these areas.
provide a new way of looking at the relationship The mutual beneits of such interactions are shown
between science and technology. The main purpose in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Triple helix model and the beneits to partners

access to state-of-the-art research

cost sharing benefits
specific expertise
access to facilities
Industry joint ventures and start ups

Universty Government
link with real business
source of funding
case studies
national growth
access to facilities
leveraging government funds
knowledge based economy
consultancy income
demonstrating impact

Examples of successful university-industry partner- Developing value networks

ship include the IBM Open Collaboration Research Pro- and ecosystems
gramme (OCR) [12], long-term grand challenge pro- The European Commission report on improving
grammes (e.g. Royal Dutch Shell and Imperial College knowledge transfer between institutions highlights
London), shorter idea labs programmes (e.g. HP Labo- strong European research base. At the same time
ratories’ Innovation Research Programme) [13]. it states that despite its high-quality research,
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 45

Europe has a relatively low commercialisation rate number of schemes to accelerate knowledge and
[14]. This so-called European paradox results from technology transfer. Some of the schemes, e.g.
a number of reasons including a less systematic Catapults network [16], Small Business Research
and professional management of knowledge and IP, Initiative (SBRI) [17] are speciically aiming at uni-
cultural diferences between business and science versities and developing value networks and part-
communities, lack of incentives, legal barriers and nership with large businesses and SMEs. For exam-
fragmented markets for knowledge and technology. ple, Catapults centres accumulate expertise in
speciic technology domains to accelerate the rate
In 2010 entrepreneur Hermann Hauser produced of innovation and commercialisation of new tech-
an inluential report, The Current and Future Role nology and to enable the development of innova-
of Technology & Innovation Centres in the UK [15], tion value networks. Figure 3 shows the position of
which identified best international practice and a university within an open innovation value net-
made recommendations for long-term investment work as a hub of innovation dialogue and activities.
in a network of the UK technology and innovation Universities are playing a critical role as a key
centres which would ‘deliver a step change in the source of technology landscape mapping, trends
UK’s ability to commercialise its research’. and technology scouting [18]. In parallel, companies
are increasingly adapting a systematic technology
To achieve the goals, the UK Government Tech- scouting process building strategic partnership with
nology Strategy Board has been implementing a universities.

Figure 3: The position of a university within an open innovation value network

Need for stronger IP management There is an observable trend within universities to

Open innovation imposes new challenges on uni- review their research strategies focusing on develo-
versities. They need to ind a ine balance between ping core expertise and high impact technologies.
sharing their knowledge via scientiic publications Most successful universities run their own Technol-
and conferences whilst trying to protect their inven- ogy Transfer Oices (TTO) and have strong teams
tions, manage intellectual property and benefit of technology managers. One of the UK’s leading
from its commercialisation. companies in technology transfer — Imperial Inno-
vations — grew from the TTO to become the irst UK
According to the Association of University Techno- university commercialisation company to complete
logy Managers (AUTM) universities provide a signi- the IPO.
icant economic impact from their research [19].
According to the AUTM reports university licen- Imperial Innovations’ business model includes all ele-
sing increased the USA’s gross industry output by ments of technology commercialisation from tech-
USD 836 billion (1996-2010), university techno- nology scouting, IP management and investment
logies supported an estimated three million jobs in into promising technologies. From 2006 the company
the economy (1996-2010) and technology transfer invested GBP 143.1 million and raised GBP 474.2 mil-
contributed to creation of 671 new companies and lion for its portfolio companies [20]. It acts as an early
591 new products in 2011 alone. stage investor and plays a role of an open innovation
46 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

broker between Imperial College, researchers, exter- integration of education and research, developing
nal companies and wider market communities. creative and lexible thinkers, fostering enquiring
minds, developing leadership and communication
Some of the lessons from Imperial Innovations in skills.
the open innovation era include [21] (i) an innova-
tive way of running a traditional TTO model, (ii) LSE100 [27] is an innovative course ofered by the
continuing support of promising start-ups, (iii) open London School of Economics and Political Science
partnership with industry based on framework (UK) which is teaching students to explore social
agreements and broad principles and (iv) an entre- science thinking from diferent perspectives, e.g.
preneurs-in-residence programme. economics, law, politics, history to develop critical
thinking capabilities.
University approaches to managing their IP portfo-
lio range from open access initiatives to technology The University of Aberdeen has introduced Sixth
commercialisation programmes. Century Courses [28], a range of innovative courses
introducing students to the breath of disciplines
The Easy Access IP [22] is a growing initiative of and developing flexibility, versatility, multidisci-
more than 20 universities worldwide to ofer free plinary thinking, critical thinking and effective
licences for their technologies to industry. The pro- communication.
ject aims to have more research translate into eco-
nomic beneits and create more jobs. Similar trends are observed in business education.
The HBR Blog Network [29] has recently argued for
At the other end of the continuum are university revisiting business education placing emphasis on
funds [23], which act as venture capital to spur holistic thinking, global perspectives, technology,
innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth. entrepreneurship, creativity and the ability to make
According to the Thomson One database there were decisions afected by complexity and chaos.
26 university funds established between 1973 and
2010 [24]. The main objective of such funds is to A greater openness of university education pro-
invest equity capital to university technology com- grammes is further manifested through a rising choice
panies and speed-up commercialisation processes of courses on MOOCs platforms (e.g. Coursera [30], edX
within universities. [31], Udacity [32], Khan Academy [33] and Iggy [34]).

Another development in university innovation man- One of the ways that universities transfer their
agement and enterprise are collaborations between knowledge to public and business sectors is their
universities to expand the pool of technologies, continuing professional development courses and
expertise and capacity. For example, the SETSquared executive education programmes. Open Innovation
Partnership, which recently named the top univer- places additional challenge on the content, design,
sity business incubator in Europe. CETSquared is the marketing and delivery methods of CPD and ExecEd
enterprise collaboration between University of Bath, programmes.
University of Bristol, University of Exeter, University
of Southampton and University of Surrey [25]. University marketing in the age of open
New skills, programmes and learning Open Innovation brings new opportunities and new
technologies challenges to universities in promoting their education
The spread of open innovation and a greater per- programmes, research outcomes and engaging with
meability of organisational boundaries place new students, researchers, industry and wider community.
demands on skills and capabilities of employees.
Universities need to respond to new requirements The use of social media by universities is on the rise
and prepare students who are market ready to with many leading universities having hundreds of
embrace open innovation. There is a growing trend thousands followers on their social network pages. For
to develop T-shaped people with a core expertise example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and the ability to collaborate across disciplines. has 170 000+ followers on its Twitter page [35], more
than 600 000+ likes on its news page on Facebook
A further emphasis is placed on incorporating entre- [36] and 650 000+ subscribers on its Open Course
preneurship, creativity and innovation management Ware page on YouTube with millions of views [37].
subjects into university curriculum across subject
areas. A greater transparency and openness in communi-
cation approaches results in new technology and
For example, the University of Sidney [26] has been trends in developing universities websites. Universi-
reviewing its curriculum, placing the emphasis on ties are reshaping and restructuring their websites
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 47

around end users and communities (e.g. students, Universities are gradually exploring crowdsourcing
staf, alumni, industry, media, etc.) as well as key and crowdfunding opportunities. While there is a need
activities and features (e.g. innovation, fund-raising, to pay some scrutiny to funding sources there are new
campus life). Innovative marketing campaigns and crowdfunding platforms which are dedicated to edu-
tools are following industry trends shiting from cation and research, e.g. the Hubbub platform [39].
service and expertise marketing to content market-
ing featuring video, podcasts, blogs, elements of We estimate that community engagement and
gamiication and community events. crowdsourcing will continue to rise while universi-
ties build experience and conidence in using new
For example, Imperial College London holds an tools and solutions. External channels for knowl-
annual Imperial Festival to show case its cutting- edge transfer have been already embraced by
edge research, demonstrate technology and cul- researchers. A study at MIT revealed researchers’
tural events to public, community, staf students perceptions of the relative importance of knowl-
and alumni [38]. The event gathers thousands of edge transfer channels. According to the study con-
visitors and is becoming a prominent feature in the sulting and conversation channels resulted in stag-
university diary. gering cumulative 44 % (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Perception of relative importance of knowledge transfer channels by MIT researchers

Conclusion global-competitiveness-report-2012-2013
Open innovation is afecting the way universities (7)
operate, collaborate, exploit their knowledge and (8) Global Information Technology Report 2010-11, the
World Economic Forum.
technologies as well promote their services and
(9) Science & innovation investment framework, HM
expertise. It is fundamental for universities to ind
Treasury, DTI, Department for Education and Skills, July
the right balance between openness and knowledge 2004.
commercialisation in order to perform their mission, (10) Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological
increase sustainability and remain competitive. Innovation, Donald E. Stokes, Brookings Institution Press,
References (11) Etzkowitz, H., Dzisah, J. (2008). Rethinking
(1) Chesbrough, H., Vanhaverbeke, W., and West, J., development: circulation in the triple helix. Technology
Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 20, No 6,
University Press, 2006. pp. 653-666.
(2) Chesbrough, Henry William (1 March 2003), Open (12)
Innovation: The new imperative for creating and proiting collaborativeresearch/ocr.shtml
from technology, Boston: Harvard Business School Press. (13) Perkmann M., Salter A., How to Create Productive
(3) %20 Partnerships with Universities, MIT Sloan Management
innovation (as of 14.1.15) Review, Summer 2012
(4) Linus Dahlander, David M. Gann, (2010), How open is (14) Improving knowledge transfer between research
innovation?, Research Policy Volume 39, Issue 6. institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open
(5) innovation, European Commission report, 2007.
48 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

(15) Hauser H., ‘The Current and Future Role of (27)
Technology & Innovation Centres in the UK’, (2010). Home.aspx
(16) (28)
( )
17 courses-348.php
(18) Spitsberg, I et al., Technology Landscape Mapping. (29) Roos J., The Renaissance We Need in Business
Research Technology Management, Jul-Aug 2013. Education, HBR Blog Network, July 2014.
(19) Association of University Technology Managers. (30)
(20) Imperial Innovations Annual report, 2013. (31)
(21) Making Industry-University partnerships work, (32)
Science Business Innovation Board (2012). (33)
( )
( ) Croce A., Grilli L., Murtinu S., Venture Capital Enters
Academia: An Analysis of University-Managed Funds, (36)
Journal of Technology Transfer, 2013.
(24) Thomson One database.


Tatiana Schofield
Managing Director
Synergy lab
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 49

How to Combine Openness and the Protection of Research Investments in

University Inventions — US and Nordic

Views companies is, the better the overall system. In the

Who owns the rights to university inventions and classic university philosophy of e.g. Robert K. Mer-
under which terms? This is a classic IPR question ton, the independency of the university is among
and the answers may vary very much depending on the highest values of the university system [1].
the chosen IPR system and the background values. The business interests of companies may be seen
In this article my intention is to discuss some basic as contradictory to this. Yet, especially in the US
ideas of two systems — the US and the Swedish system, the dissemination of knowledge does not
system — and make relections in relation to the only mean publishing articles in scientiic journals,
Finnish system. The ideas and issues are, however, but may also be expanded to dissemination of the
common to all legal systems and also highly rel- industrial products based on new knowledge.
evant regarding the EU policy. The chosen systems
represent ‘opposite ends’ in IPR allocation, as the Patenting may also be seen as contradictory to
US system is university-based and the Swedish the universities’ basic mission to encourage the
system is researcher-based. However, both systems free low of new information — on the other hand,
seem to produce successful outcomes. patent databases are the largest collections of
public, free-of-cost technological information. The
In the Finnish system, ownership of university pat- US system allowing a ‘grace period’ for inventors to
ents is regulated as well as copyrighted in relation maintain their right to patent despite early publi-
to computer programming. Regarding the other cation seems especially suited for the researchers’
types of rights (e.g. artistic copyright, design rights), interests in combining the best of both worlds, i.e.
the system relies on contractual freedom. In univer- publication and the protection and use of IP.
sities, the issue is subject to rather sensitive debate
on the balance of interests between the researcher, In the following, I shall shortly describe the Finnish
the university and the societal interests, including system and then, compare it to the US and Swedish
also the interests of the surrounding business com- systems. The US and Swedish system have been
munity and companies. chosen because, apparently, they represent oppo-
site ends of the spectrum, the US system being hea-
The researcher as a stakeholder wants protec- vily concentrated around university ownership of IP,
tion for his/her creative work and wants credit for and the Swedish system representing a researcher-
scientiic career through being acknowledged as centred system. The Finnish system has elements
the inventor in scientiic publications. Most oten, of both, which however is not necessarily an asset;
the researcher does not mind at all about gaining it is my intention to show that developing the Finnish
economic beneits in the form of royalties or other system towards clearer concepts of ownership
forms of extra compensation as an entrepreneur would probably beneit the transaction system and
(the rising value of start-up equity for example). allow for wider dissemination of the inventions.

The university as a stakeholder has a mission to Finland — basic principles of university IP

maintain a high level of research and education, Universities’ duties
and a need to develop new sources of inancing According to the Finnish Universities Ac t
through technology transfer. The university also (para. 2, 558/2009, unoicial translation), the mission
has the duty to disseminate knowledge and make of the university shall be to promote free research
sure that the new knowledge is widely used. The and scientiic and artistic education, to provide higher
societal interests may include a high level of educa- education based on research, and to educate stu-
tion, beneits of the newest technology to the soci- dents to serve their country and humanity (I shall
ety and a general high level of well-being. It is in later refer to this deinition as ‘the core mission’). In
the society’s interest that knowledge is spread and carrying out their mission, the universities must pro-
let not only to high-level specialists to ponder. mote lifelong learning, interact with the surrounding
society and promote the impact of research indings
The interests of businesses as research stakehold- and artistic activities on society. The issue of univer-
ers are naturally the use of inventions for com- sity inventions is particularly relevant regarding the
mercial innovations. Depending on the background last part, i.e. promoting the impact of research ind-
philosophical motivations behind the university ings and artistic activities on society.
IPR system, this is sometimes seen as contrary to
the basic tasks of the university — the greater the According to Section 3 of the Act, the universities
university’s freedom and distance from business shall have autonomy with a view to securing the
50 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

freedom of higher academic and art education. Open research

Autonomy entails the right to decision-making in The university can (the Act on University Inventions,
matters belonging to internal administration. The Section 6) take the rights to an invention created
universities are given an opportunity to express in open research under certain conditions. If the
their opinion on proposed legislation concerning inventor has not published, within a time period
their issues. of six months from informing about the invention,
the invention, or informed the university in writing
The universities are divided into two main catego- of the intent to utilise the invention, the university
ries (Section 5 of the Act), the foundations (Aalto can take the rights to the invention. Before taking
University, Tampere University of Technology), the rights, the university must enquire whether the
which are also governed by the Finnish Founda- inventor intends to utilise the invention himself. If
tions Act (109/1930) and corporations under public the university misses the six-month deadline ater
law (public universities). The public universities are being informed of the invention, the university is
independent legal persons. The public universities deemed to have waived its right to the invention.
may undertake commitments, obtain rights in their
own name and possess movable and immovable Despite the expression ‘university can take the
property. A university may pursue business activi- rights’, the procedure in all its complexity is in
ties which support the performance of their core practice a voluntary afair to the researcher. The
mission (as in Section 2 of the Act). researcher has no reason not to proceed with pat-
enting by himself if there is any hope of having the
In the following I shall concentrate into the main invention commercialised. The researcher’s own
elements of the Act on the University Inventions [2] activity and actions in exploiting the invention rule
made at Higher Education Institutions (369/2006) out the legal rights of the university. In comparison
and the Act on the Right in Employee Inventions to the US and Swedish systems (see later in more
(656/1967). detail) the Finnish system in this sense is some kind
of hybrid of the university-centred model (US) and
Basic principles of the Act on the Right to the researcher-centred model (Sweden), leaving
University Inventions (369/2006) however room for speculation, the Finnish model
The Act on the Right to University Inventions is designed to be clear enough to support quick
regulates the protection and rights of patentable transaction processes and eicient utilisation of
inventions created by employees of the Finnish the invention.
universities. The allocation of rights regarding the
research-initiated IPR depends on the nature of the It is a matter of opinion, whether this type of
research. research is in fact ‘open’, as the proprietary result
(IPR, patent) remains with the researcher. As we will
The main categories are ‘open research’ (the ‘busi- see later, there is also some logical tension present:
ness as usual’ type of research carried out in uni- if the state inances the research, the equipment
versities) and ‘sponsored research’ [3], which refers and all facilities, why should the state be happy
to outside inancing of the research. Open research with the researcher gaining the rights?
is done (Act, Sec. 3) under employment in the uni-
versity, without outside inancing or contractual Sponsored research
partners. Contract research is a research service The university has the right to redeem the rights
carried out for remuneration. Contract research relating to sponsored research within a period of
may involve partners outside the university either six months from the invention disclosure by the
as researchers or inanciers. inventor. If the university does not claim the right
within this timeframe in a written manner, the uni-
The main principle is, unless otherwise stated in versity is deemed to have waived its rights to the
the law, that the creator has the same right to the invention. Ater the university has made the claim
invention as any other (stand-alone) inventor. The to the invention, the researcher is obliged to sign
inventor has a right to be recognised as the inven- the transfer agreement.
tor. The inventor must inform the university about
the invention. The inventor has a right to equitable Inventions in employment
remuneration regarding the rights that are trans- The law on Inventions in Employment (656/1967)
ferred to the university. In the Finnish system, concerns the allocation and protection of rights to
the essential criterion is whether the invention or inventions made under conditions of employment,
research result was produced in open or sponsored i.e. working for someone else (usually a company).
research. The main principle is the following (Section 4): If
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 51

the invention is created as a result of the employ- taking risk — for the R & D in order to create com-
er’s line of work (the work he was agreed, commis- petitive advantage for business purposes.
sioned or ordered to do), or while essentially utilising
experience gathered in the employer’s service, the The notion that the universities would be investing
employer may, wholly or in part, claim the right to into research, is not common to the Finnish higher
the invention. education ideology. State funding has the inten-
tion to enhance high-level research and education.
The legal precondition is that the use of the inven- Even the researcher is not seen as an employee,
tion must be within the employer’s line of busi- but a torch-bearer for research and civilised or
ness. There is one exception to this rule — if the even sophisticated society. The idea of keeping the
employee was speciically ordered to carry out a researcher in the driving seat regarding rights allo-
speciic task. In certain special circumstances the cation is an illustration of this principle. The idea
employer may gain a right to use the invention, of an independent university in the sense described
even if there is no IPR exclusivity transfer. in e.g. Robert K. Merton’s philosophy is very close
to home in the Finnish value system [4]. The idea
The inventor must make a disclosure of the inven- more common in both the US and Swedish sys-
tion to the employer. The employer must claim tems, that commercial dissemination of inventions
the right within four months of the disclosure. The counts as duties of universities, seems remote to
employee has a right to equitable remuneration. the Finnish ideology at least on the level of juris-
diction and administration. It is however one of the
Comparing legal principles — inventions in central arguments in this article, that commercial
employment vs university inventions dissemination is in fact part of the dissemination
The acts described above have common features of scientiic inventions, and therefore an important
and partly a common philosophical background part of the tasks of universities.
too. There are however some important differ-
ences: it can be said that the University Inven- If we think of the universities as independent and
tions Act leaves it essentially for the university and autonomous units, it would be relatively easy to
the inventor to agree who will be the owner of IP change the argument towards the idea of research
and the primary responsible for the utilisation of funding as investment; the university makes an
the invention. The second feature drawing atten- investment into intangible assets, namely research
tion is that the university gets the rights primarily results and indings. Like any investment, this could
in sponsored research, which could be regarded as be successful or lead to failure. This could make the
somewhat contradictory to the idea of incentivising universities more free to judge where to invest, but
investment to research. at the same time, the ultimate inancier would set
targets not necessarily scientiic but economic. This
A researcher, who is employed by the university, is position would also mean greater indepe ndency
working under conditions of open research. He has and responsibility for the university as rights
the privilege of exploiting his inventions and gain holder, rights owner, licensor and start-up/incuba-
the rights for himself. To actually beneit from this, tor. The situation today in Finland is however very
a great amount of commercialisation skill and com- diferent, as the State essentially inances research,
mercial activity is required. Passivity during the pro- the results of which remain in the ownership and
cess — intentional or not — may lead to the rights control of the researcher.
being transferred to the university.
The other issue regarding the University Inventions
Comparing this to the Inventions in Employment Act regards the position of sponsored research. The
Act leads to several conclusions: in regular employ- idea of strengthening the university’s position in
ment, the position of the employer is stronger, pro- this area seems rather peculiar, as this most cer-
vided the exploitation of the invention belongs to the tainly should relect on the interest of the inves-
line of business of the employer. Roughly speaking, tor to participate — if the result is awarded to the
the inventions created in employment belong to the university, why should a private company invest
employer in lack of important contradictory argu- into such results? This is, in my understanding, not
ments. In modern research and development, the the case, however. According to some specialists,
invention is not necessarily a byproduct, but the commenting on my initial drats of this paper, there
result of conscious efort to create something new for are in fact two kinds of sponsored research — one
commercialisation purposes. As a rule, the creation of sponsored by state research institutes other than
inventions is the reason for the hiring of the inventor universities, and then actual business company
in the irst place. The employer is investing — and funding. The law is applied in the former but the
52 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

latter stays within ‘contractual freedom’, as the If the supported invention is created on the basis of
expression goes. The issue is therefore diminished an agreement, the terms of the agreement however
into the question, should not the law better relect apply to the conditions of IPR and transfer of rights.
the actual practices in use in universities which it Regarding incidental inventions, the university
does not seem to be doing at the moment. will have a right to use the invention for research
and educational purposes, but this right does not
USA — the university-centred system expand to commercial use.
In this section, I shall make some observations
regarding the US system. I shall take the Harvard The inventor will keep the rights into all copyrighted
Oice of Technological Development (OTD) as a material that was created during the research pro-
benchmark. OTD is an organisation specia lising cess leading to the invention. This includes artis-
in technology transfer, commercialisation and tic and literary material and also ilms and videos.
licensing. OTD operates under Harvard University’s Computer programming is an exception to this rule,
supervision [5]. as the computer programs belong to Harvard Uni-
versity as sponsored sotware inventions.
The starting point of the policy of OTD is that all
stakeholders, the university, the inventor and the The Harvard system seems on the surface to
publisher of the article, should beneit from the sys- bear likeness to the Finnish system but somewhat
tem. The policy does not concern the researcher’s clearer and perhaps more sophisticated as to the
right to publish his research results. However, the deinition of rights and the clarity of allocation.
publication must be carried out in agreement with Less is let to negotiation on the allocation itself —
the university. The invention must remain patent- negotiations seem rather to concentrate on the
able; too early publication may jeopardise patent- terms of use. As Harvard University tops all list-
ability, even if the beneits of a ‘grace period’ are ings of the world’s most prestigious universities, it
available. is safe to conclude that even though there may be
issues, the system is most likely supportive to the
The system of rights management has basically international success of the university.
the same elements as the Finnish system. There
are however some diferences. The general prin- Elements of US debate — Bayh-Dole
ciple is that the legal position of the university is criticism
stronger than in Finland. The university owns the In the US the debate on university inventions has
results created with research utilising the universi- continued for decades. The starting point was the
ty’s resources. It is the university that has the right passing of the so-called Bayh-Dole Act in 1980,
to agree on the rights and the use of the IP. In the which re-organised the use of university inventions
case of OTD, the Harvard University has authorised and related patents. The university inventions were
the OTD to use some of the university’s powers. regarded as under-used, as they were technically
federal property. This was basically sound from the
The inventions in the Harvard system are divided point of view of the federation’s tactical interest,
into two categories, ‘supported inventions’ and ‘inci- but meant also that there was little incentive and
dental inventions’. Supported inventions are inven- thus use of the resource. There seems to be no real
tions created on the basis of agreement between controversy regarding the views on Bayh-Dole’s
Harvard and a third party, inanced by Harvard eiciency in this respect [7].
(direct or indirect) or created using Harvard’s equip-
ment, facilities or other research assets. Incidental In the US, universities are considered to have an
inventions could also be called ‘other’. important role in disseminating inventions in soci-
ety’s interest. What is interesting from a Euro-
The inventor has an obligation to inform the univer- pean point of view however, is that this task is not
sity about the invention. OTD deines the category seen as contradictory to the commercialisation of
in which the invention will be positioned. Harvard research results and IPR. In fact, the case seems
has ownership of all supported inventions. Inciden- to be quite the opposite — it is perfectly justiied
tal inventions are owned by the inventor. In the case to consider a successful commercial adaptation
of supported inventions, OTD applies for a patent to be part of the university’s task because this is
and carries the costs of patenting. OTD makes the just another form of dissemination of the invention.
decision on the commercialisation of the invention, My interpretation of US thinking is that it does not
taking however into account the general (societal) make very much diference whether inventions are
interest to encourage the dissemination of inven- disseminated in the form of scientiic articles or in
tions. According to the compensation policy, the the form of successful end products [8].
inventor is entitled to compensation as a percent-
age of the income related to the patent [6].
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 53

The most important reason for active technology Swedish University Law (Högskolelagen 2 sect.,
transfer is not so much the economic beneits but amended 119/2013) defines education and
the quick and robust dissemination of the inventions research as the core missions of universities, but in
in the societal interest. IP-based technology trans- addition are the interaction with and giving infor-
fer is part of the universities’ core missions, along mation about research to society, as well as making
with research, education and enhancing well-being eforts in order to have the research result used for
[9]. The universities should create a clear mission for a ‘beneicial’ purpose [20]. The deinition of utilisa-
their technology transfer, which takes into account tion uses the Swedish word ‘nyttan’, which can be
the principle of dissemination of inventions for soci- translated as ‘beneit’ or ‘gain’ for the society. This
etal beneit [10]. is a very broad concept — ‘nyttan’ could mean use
or beneit in educational, but also in an economic
Technology transfer is seen as a very practical sense [21].
line of operation, where skills, contacts with busi-
ness life and knowledge of technology are central. In Sweden, the IPR allocation is based on the
Technology transfer also comprises the evaluation strong position of the inventor [22]. Some evalua-
of the proper and best use of the IP — whether it tions claim the Swedish system as State-centred in
is best used as a core asset of a start-up or if the comparison to the US system [23]. I do not have
asset would be in better used in some large com- data on this, but a common view is that in gen-
pany’s product assortment. In the latter case, the IP eral, the development in Europe is likely to have
can either be licensed or sold [11]. For this purpose, moved towards university-centrism during the past
an advisory board of industry specialists can be decades. This is at least the case in Finland and
appointed to evaluate the invention and the neces- Denmark.
sary commercialisation steps [12].
Karolinska Institutet [24]
However, the measuring of the Bayh-Dole Act’s In Sweden universities are a part of public adminis-
overall eiciency in enhancing innovation is very tration. The laws governing public institutions cover
diicult. There is no comparison to an alternative also universities, like e.g. the law on public infor-
situation — it is not possible to verify the beneits mation. As a starting point, the universities cannot
or shortcomings of alternative approaches [13]. operate in the market or foster business activities
The critics may be divided into two categories, due to their nature as part of the State’s adminis-
those criticising the lack of empirical evidence and tration. For this reason, in the year 1995 Karolinska
those who question the patenting system in overall Institutet (KI) founded a separate holding-company
terms [14]. The Bayh-Dole approach, which places (KI Holding AB) to take care of commercialisation-
the university inventions in the university’s owner- related activities. During the years 2008-2009
ship, has been criticised e.g. on creating a double KI received more funding for commercialisation
incentive: irst, the state inances research from and formed new daughter-companies under the
state resources, secondly, exclusivity for the use of holding-company.
results is granted [15]. Despite the critique, it is fair
to say that the Bayh-Dole Act literally ‘exploded’ the Karolinska Institutet has an Innovation Oice, who
amount of patenting to a completely new level [16]. studies projects being carried out in KI and evalu-
ates them. Unit for Bio-entrepreneurship is con-
Bayh-Dole supporters underline the fact that hav- centrating on research and education concerning
ing a patent-based incentives system encourages entrepreneurship. The ‘mother company’ KI Holdings
investment into expensive, complicated and risky takes care of economy and administration.
research projects. Monitoring patent data, especially
applications, gives an indication of the direction of Within the ownership of KI Holdings AB exist three
technological development, which information in companies: KI Innovations AB is a company, who
turn helps planning research investments also from seeks investable projects from universities — not
society’s point of view [17]. Bayh-Dole produces only from KI. The State owns all these companies,
eiciency beneits, because business companies are which are operated under the general direction of
usually reluctant at investing in early-phase R & D. KI. Karolinska Development AB is a listed company
The result may also be of too general nature for under KI Holdings, which owns a large number of
private companies to develop [18]. invention-based start-ups and operates on the basis
of an exit-strategy — trying to make an exit of the
Sweden — researcher in the centre start-ups with the highest possible price. The group
Swedish universities do well in international rank- of companies includes also a third company called
ings. In the Shanghai-ranking 2014 Karolinska Insti- SciLife Lab, which ofers research facilities. SciLife
tutet scores highest of the Swedish universities at Lab is co-owned by four Swedish universities.
rank 47, Uppsala 60 and Stockholm 78 [19].
54 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Innovation system at KI

Figure 1: Karolinska Institutet’s innovation system [28]

Karolinska has also a network of 200 experts from ‘grace period’, by which is meant the possibility for
life science — companies. KI is going forward with patenting even ater publication. If the inventor or
new areas of life science. The KI model resembles the successor (licence holder or purchaser) pub-
the recent Danish ‘node’ strategy suggested for lished the invention, an application for a patent can
universities [25]. In the ‘node’, the main target is not still be validly iled which will be considered novel
exactly legislative development but rather develo- despite the publication. Usually this right to post-
ping efficient commercial practices, dee pening publication application must be used within a period
know-how of TT and developing deeper relation- of 6 or 12 months [27].
ships with related businesses.
Both the US and the Swedish systems have to deal
How does the ‘research-centrism’ relect to the with the tension between the researcher’s need for
Swedish system? This is a subject of more study, a swit publication process for career reasons, and
clearly, but it is quite fascinating to see that the the need to protect the invention for patenting pur-
Swedish system seems to have its own kind of poses. In Europe, this tension is particularly strong
eiciency beneits regardless of the IP being allo- and leads to conlicts of interest. It is not the sub-
cated to the researcher [26]. This is due to the fact ject of this article to study the issue further, but the
that the researcher seems less dependent on the grace period institution seems to prima facie, if not
‘mother-university’ but has the legal position, as solve completely, at least ease to a certain extent
the owner of the IP, to bring his invention to the this tension. The grace period in Europe should
commercialisation process of the national cham- indeed be evaluated also from an open innovation
pion, i.e. KI. In a country the size of Sweden, this point of view.
looks prima facie like an eicient solution in the
life-science sector, albeit with the reservation that Conclusions and ideas for further study
more data is needed for deeper analysis. Like in My interpretation of ‘open innovation’ as presented
Finland and elsewhere, the Swedish universities by Henry Chesbrough in his classic writings, is based
however do not seem satisied with their system on sound law and economics foundation, namely, in
but see that enhancing the universities’ legal posi- order to make transactions (sell, licensing, waiving
tion in IP would be a desired direction in the future the rights) of IP, there needs to be an institution-
regarding university inventions. ally recognised solid ownership of the IP to allow
the formal transaction procedure. Open innovation
Grace periods — Would they allow a is thus not ‘happy hour’, but controlled and inten-
combination of openness and patenting? tional openness. I believe that this approach gives
The US patenting system (as well as Canada, Aus- a logical path to uniting the interest to patent with
tralia and Japan) has a legal institution called a openness — to be open, the patenting information
R E G I O N A L I N N O V AT I O N , I N N O V AT I O N P L AT F O R M S A N D U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H 55

must be open (as it is in the ‘grace period’ system regulatory but rather issues of organisation, con-
or will eventually be when the application leads to a tractual skills, interaction with the business sector
grant) and at the same time, the temporary exclu- and other operational matters. At the same time,
sive economic use of the invention must be possible there should be intellectual lexibility to understand
in order to attract investment and thus encourage and evaluate the role of universities in changing
dissemination of the invention — or innovation in technological and economic circumstances.
this phase, if you like.
The role of universities is probably changing slowly (1) Merton R., ‘The key elements of university ideals:
communalism, universalism, disinterestedness,
due to economic and technological development. It
organised skepticism’ (source: Wikipedia).
would make sense to see the universities’ main task
as investment to research, the protection and utili- (2) Translations available in English are unoicial.
There are several unoicial translations available on
sation of which are important parts of the universi-
the Internet with certain diferences. One is titled ‘Act
ties’ societal functions. This would enhance inde- on the Right in Inventions made at Higher Education
pendency and create a need for long-term planning Institutions’ and uses slightly diferent translations in
of research activities from scientiic and societal comparison to this text. Main principles and the purpose
aspects. of the law are however clear in these ‘competing’

The relationship between the researcher and the (3) The literal translation would be ‘contract research’
university needs a closer look. As the researcher is but I have chosen to use the term ‘sponsored research’
as a clearer English deinition.
employed by the university, it could be questioned,
what is the reason and incentive for having the (4) Ilkka Niiniluoto, Risto Vilkko, Jaakko Kuorikoski,
researcher make inventions on public funding that (2003) ‘Talouden ilosoia’, Gaudeamus.
will become his or her personal assets. Is this really (5) Internet document ‘Guidelines, Policies and Forms;
the best way to incentivise the broad dissemination Intellectual Property’, Section I: Inventions and Patents,
of inventions in society? Harvard University, Oice of Technology Development,
printed 23.6.2014.

The Finnish case on sponsored research may need a (6) Section V, Royalty Sharing.
closer look in the future. It would clearly make more (7) Merill and Mazza (2001), National Research Council
sense to have the rights being agreed on a contrac- of the National Academies: ‘Managing University
tual basis rather than have the legal disincentive to Intellectual Property in the Public Interest’, Washington.
make all thus-produced IP automatically the prop- (8) This is compatible with the terms of the world’s
erty of the university. In practice, this seems like a most prestigious science awards, the Nobel Prize. The
desuetudo or a dead letter of the law. will of Alfred Nobel speaks quite clearly, that the prize
will be awarded to persons who have brought about
the greatest beneit for mankind. This beneit need not
Debate and legislation on university inventions be purely theoretical but can and indeed must be very
tends to concentrate on patents. However, this is practical.
not the whole picture of IP created in universities —
(9) ibid. s. 2.
there are copyrightable computer programs, con-
tent, literal and artistic material and design to look (10) ibid. s. 4. N.B., in the Finnish university debate it
is oten claimed that IPR privatises information and
ater, too. In Finland, there is an exception regard-
may even be contradictory to the interests of research
ing computer programming — the IP of computer (Marjut Salokannel, ‘Tekijänoikeus ja tutkimuksen raaka-
programming belongs to the employer, unless it is aineet’, Koneen Säätiö 2014, p. 11). The patenting could
a university, in which case the rights belong to the slow the dissemination of technological knowledge.
programmer. The direction of the incentive should Granting exclusivity to an invention may at irst
glance seem to have this efect. There are however
be better looked at in this case.
two counterarguments to be considered: irstly, the
patent can be regarded as an agreement with the
For further study, there should be more interna- inventor, as granting an exclusive term for industrial use
tional comparative information to base conclu- against publication of the patent and the background
sions on. From the Finnish perspective, the Swedish technological information. Patent databases are in fact
the largest datebases of technological information
system of KI looks most interesting from practical
available. Second, the patent can be used as an asset
point of view. The issue of the grace period should and even collateral for inancing. Unless some kind of
also be looked at both from the perspectives of formal asset exists in a company, it may prove very
international competition of patenting systems, and diicult to maintain investor conidence, let alone make
the possibility to encourage openness of the system sure the competitive advantage allowed by the product
can be somehow protected.
— open innovation.
(11) ibid. s. 8.
Finally, as important as law-making is, it seems that (12) ibid. s. 4.
in the big picture, big issues tend to be less and less
56 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

(13) McManis and Noh (2012), ‘The Impact of the

Bayh-Dole Act on Genetic Research and Development: Contact:
Evaluating the Arguments and Empirical Evidence to
Date. Perspectives on Commercializing Innovation’,
Cambridge University Press. Mikko Huuskonen, LL.D.
(14) ibid. s. 447. Adjunct Professor, Lappeenranta
University of Technology
(15) ibid. s. 444: ‘At the heart of these criticisms is the
argument that, while the purpose of granting patent mikko.huuskonen@tem.i
protection is ostensibly to create incentives to innovate,
recipients of federal funds arguably need no additional
incentive to innovate. Thus, allowing private parties
to hold exclusive rights to inventions that have been
generated at public expense seems to require the public
to pay twice for the same invention.’…s. 486: ‘Contrary
to the fears of many legal commentators, there are few
signs that biotech patenting has impeded biomedical
(16) ibid. s. 448.
(17) ibid. s. 445.
(18) ibid. s. 447.
(19) Of Nordic universities, the additional top 100
universities are Copenhagen (39), Oslo (69) and Helsinki
(20) Högskolelagen 2 § 2 mom. (1992:1434, lainmuutos
2013:119): ‘I högskolarnas uppgit ska det ingå att
samverka med det omgivande samhälle och informera
om sin verksamhet samt verka för att forskningsresultat
tillkomna vid högskolan kommer till nytta.’
(21) SOU 2005:95: ‘Nyttiggörande av
högskoleuppinnigar’, s. 47: ‘I dagens tekniskt
högutvecklade och resultatinriktade samhälle skapas
det förväntningar på ett nytt slags spridning av
forskningsinformation, på forskningssamverkan och på
att högskolan skall vara till direkt nytta för allmänheten.’
(22) ibid. s. 4.
(23) McManis and Noh (2012) ‘Perspectives on
Commercializing Innovation’, Cambridge University Press,
(s. 449: ‘The US model is very much focused on creating
(economic) incentives for universities to commercialize
their research output, whereas the Swedish model,
which is similar to most European Union countries’
models in some respects, is very much an attempt by the
government to directly create mechanisms that facilitate
(24) Main source for this part is an interview in Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm 29.10.2014, and the web-pages of
the Karolinska Institutet.
(25) ‘Tech Transfer in Danish Universities — what
have we learned from ten years of trying to make
money on research?’
Technology %20transfer %20- %20Summary %20
in %20English.pdf
(26) Coase R. (1960), ‘The Problem of Social Cost, Law
and Economics’, This initial conclusion looks surprisingly
correct from theoretical point of view, considering
especially the so-called ‘Coase Theorem’ regarding the
allocation of rights in economic analysis.
(27) Wikipedia, Novelty (patent).


Open Innovation 2.0:

Living Labs
Open Innovation Ecosystems: A Study on Matchmaking between Living Labs
and other Organisations within Horizon 2020 Calls

Abstract ‘virtual’ single EU market or at least within diferent

A new stage in the Open Innovation paradigm EU countries, especially from regulation, linguistic
currently emerges in the form of networked eco- and cultural aspects.
systems supporting the quadruple helix innova-
tion mode as promoted by the EU Open Innovation One could logically conclude that the identiication
Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG). However, one of valuable partners from a minimum of two other
has to ind out the proper way to identify collabo- EU countries is not something obvious. Instead, it
ration opportunities among the diverse innovation is a rather demanding task. Traditionally, the Euro-
ecosystems leading to innovative co-created values pean Commission (EC) Directorates, and more spe-
and technology artefacts adopted by users. Fur- ciically their units, organise regular information
thermore, the new EU research programme, named days for speciic call-for-proposals (CfP). These
Horizon 2020 (H2020), includes several challenges information days oten include brokerage sessions
that regularly launch speciic calls for proposals where participants are invited to briely present
(CfPs) on either research and/or innovation projects rough ideas and/or ofered expertise. Besides the
where consortia can apply. This article presents the explanations about an H2020 CfP provided by EC
preliminary results of a matchmaking experiment oicers during an information day, the brokerage
among Living Labs (LLs), acting as diferent regional/ session is more intended to ofer to participants a
local ecosystems, and other organisations aiming to source of leads for collaboration opportunities in
respond to CfPs of Horizon 2020 Challenges. This terms of potential project proposals.
study conirms that the simplest physical artefact
supporting matchmaking remains the most useful, The H2020 CfPs receive a lot of proposals. This
eicient and attractive one. It reveals as well that is a typical fact demonstrating that the national
combining both digital and physical matchmaking research and innovation programmes are substan-
approaches appears to be the most promising solu- tially declining in most of the EU countries. The side
tion. Finally, the indings are briely discussed in the efect is a considerable need for experts for evalu-
conclusion with a set of recommendations. ating all these project proposals that inally leads
to low evaluation quality and a lot of frustration
Introduction from proposers spending a huge amount of efort
The EU single market, compared to the US one, for inally being discarded on the basis of relatively
does not really exist yet. Similarly to the US sin- loosely comments.
gle market, the EU has used a single currency
since 2000 and has shared borders, at least for Hence, it is necessary for proposers that would
the EU countries engaged in the euro system and like to pass the proposal evaluation stage to get
the Schengen agreement. In contrast with the US great breakthrough ideas and a high level of pro-
[market], the EU has neither a single language nor a posal quality. However, they also need to set up a
common tax system. Indeed, since many EU coun- great project consortium based on an appropriate
tries were formed centuries ago, a diverse culture innovation ecosystem that could lead to a high EU
has prevailed amongst Member States. Hence, all impact level. Logically, the next big issue for pro-
EU project proposals have to include in their consor- posers is to ind out either potential opportunities
tium partners from at least three EU countries. This to join an ongoing research and innovation proposal
speciic rule is intended to make project consortia or potential relevant partners with common interest
consider the potential impact at the EU level and in H2020 challenges and topics to develop a joint
future exploitation of the project results within the proposal. In order to better understand the level of
58 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

the matching complexity, we set up an experiment Interestingly, since 2006, the LL concept, compli-
comparing the response from participants in physi- ant with the quadruple helix innovation mode, was
cal matching and brokering sessions with the usage gradually applied within EU projects for involving all
of an online matching and networking sotware. stakeholders, especially users and policy-makers,
at the earlier stage of R & D and innovation. An
This empirical study was carried out in the con- LL is oten deined as a user-centred open innova-
text of the OLLD’s matchmaking session that tion ecosystem integrating research and innovation
was held in Amsterdam on Tuesday, 2 September within a Public-Private-People partnership through
2014. The OLLD 2014 event was organised by the an iterative design process [5].
European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and it
was held from 2 to 5 September 2014. This study Curley & Salmelin [3] consider LLs as a signiicant
was intended to further explore online (CONEX) example of the open innovation ecosystem where
and oline (colour-coded) matchmaking sessions users are engaged in co-creating value together
among LLs and other organisations participating to with all project stakeholders. In contrast, test-
this event with H2020 challenges. The main goal of beds, usually technology driven, involve users as
these matchmaking sessions was to provide every observed subjects. An LL combines the User eXpe-
participant with a chance to identify collaboration rience (UX) quality in co-creating, exploring and
opportunities in view of speciic targeted action- experimenting with users a product/service with
lines of the H2020 Work-programme (WP). Another the capacity to capture previous design experiences
objective of this study was the user experience [7]. It means that within LLs, UX covers the entire
evaluation and the potential adoption of match- design process. A recent survey among ENoLL Liv-
making services by LLs and other organisations ings Labs [8] reveals that User Co-creation and User
members of ENoLL. Experience constitute the top two LL practices for
engaging users in the R & D process.
A previous study was carried out in the context of
the same LLs event that was held in Manchester Matchmaking in the open innovation approach
in 2013 with the objective to explore the feasibil- becomes an element of paramount importance [9]
ity and suitability of an online serendipity service (Galbraith et al. 2008) in identifying collaboration
(CONEX) to identify H2020 collaboration opportu- opportunities. According to Holzmann et al. [10]
nities [6]. The results of this previous study pro- (2014), matchmaking is more than searching for
vided interesting insights in terms of individual the right partner and a subsequent market trans-
and organisational dynamic proiling for supporting action. They argue that a cooperation decision is a
serendipitous connections and an emerging match- complex group decision-making process that may
making approach for systematically sensing col- have direct impact on the technology platform and/
laboration opportunities. or business model alternative that determine the
future innovation direction.
Related theories and previous work
Open innovation, co-creation, innovation People, concepts, networking and online
ecosystems and matchmaking serendipity
Beside Chesbrough’s Open Innovation paradigm [1] Beside the review by André et al. [11] of existing
and Ramaswany’s co-creation approach and systems supporting serendipity in one form or
engagement platform [2], Curley & Salmelin issued another; we previously created a repertory table [6]
the Open Innovation 2.0 (OI2) paradigm [3] argu- presenting all related published papers from 2000
ing that the innovation process success is mainly up to 2014. While most of the systems reported
dependent on how well assembled innovation eco- in this table for supporting serendipity address
systems lead to successfully co-created and quickly the ‘chance encounter’ aspect, only two address
adopted novel products and services. OI2 is based the ‘sagacity’ aspect of serendipity. We consider
on extensive networking and co-creation across ‘Information Encountering’ as the main objective
organisational boundaries well beyond traditional for those that provide links with relevant informa-
licensing and collaboration schemes [3]. Keeley et tion; ‘Serendipitous Connection’ for those that use
al. [4] explain that oten the highest returns from social media tools in the context of physical spaces
innovation come from business model, ecosystem or virtual spaces or even people connection maker
orchestration, user experience and brand. (e.g. matchmaking).

Curley & Salmelin [3] also consider the user co- According to Pallot et al. [6], it is the unplanned,
creation approach as a crucial part of the Open unlimited and continuously growing size of the
Innovation 2.0 paradigm and a key lever for quick network connecting users and their salient con-
adoption due to users’ inputs contributing to bridge cepts extracted from their content-objects forming
the gap between perceived needs and real needs. diverse nodes of knowledge that provide chance
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 59

encounters and serendipitous connections. This all the participants sharing the same colour-coded
approach is named People-Concepts Networking H2020 challenge. This was intended to give group
(PCN) and was designed during the LABORANOVA members a chance to briely introduce their inter-
and ECOSPACE EU research projects. Concurrently, ests and get a chance to identify the most relevant
the PCN approach was implemented into a sotware participants for planning a subsequent one-to-one
prototype [6, 12, 13] named CONEX that operates speed-dating session with them.
as an online service. The CONEX server [6] provides
machine-generated connections among individu- There were the following two possible identiication
als (e.g. researchers, practitioners), organisations components in the matchmaking process: (1) on the
(research labs, businesses) and targets (CfP from one hand, ‘colour-coded badges’ worn by all attend-
diverse research and innovation programmes). ees that were intended to highlight their interests in
terms of H2020 Challenges; (2) on the other hand,
H2020 partners search and opportunity an online application tool (CONEX) ofered a connec-
inding tion map (named ‘My Network’) providing a set of
Ideal-ist was established in 1996 as an interna- potential collaboration opportunities to every regis-
tional ICT (Information and Communication Tech- tered participant before, during and ater the event.
nologies) network. Ideal-ist with more than 65 ICT
national partners from EU and Non-EU Countries, The irst one provided a source of identiication
such as Associated States, Eastern European Part- of collaboration opportunities among attend-
ner Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries ees wearing the same colour-coded H2020 Chal-
and emerging countries like China, Brazil, India lenge. The selected seven H2020 challenges were
and South Africa. Ideal-ist is intended to support the following: Factory of the Future (FoF); Smart
proposers in ofering several services [14], such Cities & Communities (SCC); Personalising Health
as opportunity inder and partners search through & Care (PHC); Leadership & Enabling Industrial
speciic online tools and brokerage events. Technologies (ICT); Meeting new societal needs
(EURO6); Innovation Ecosystems of Digital Cultural
On the Ideal-ist website, it is mentioned that ‘Ideal- (Relexive6) and Resources to recycle (Waste).
ist addresses ICT companies and research organisa-
tions worldwide wishing to ind project partners for The second one ofered to participants, through
a participation in the Horizon 2020 programme of private discussions, further exploration of all iden-
the European Commission. Ideal-ist ofers a unique tiied collaboration opportunities during the event
and quality-labelled Partner Search and other ser- or even after the event through asynchronous
vices helping to ease participation in Horizon 2020’. exchange (e-mail) or synchronous discussions (e.g.
phone or online). A questionnaire was prepared
In terms of empirical study on the Ideal-ist partner- and submitted to all attendees during the registra-
search, beside the nine Ideal-ist success stories, tion process for identifying their interest in H2020
about FP7 ICT projects who found partners through challenges and 22 topics. 67 attendees of the OLLD
the use of the partner-search tool, available on the 2014 illed in this questionnaire. The results were
website, it seems that there is no available study. used for printing colour badges as well as initia-
However, authors found a 2008 presentation pro- lising the CONEX H2020 proile of each of the 67
viding some Ideal-ist igures [15], such as 313 part- participants entered as CONEX entities. Twenty-two
ners searches published with a quality label, repre- H2020 topics, which were considered as the most
sent 8.4 % of the total proposals submitted in ICT relevant ones for LLs applications, were entered
calls, more than 14 000 responses generated; more also as CONEX entities. These selected 22 topics
than 90 % of the cases found suitable partners, of the seven H2020 challenges were the following:
approximately 80 % of the cases inally submit- WASTE4d, SCC1 and SCC3, REFLECTIVE6, PHC21,
ted a proposal and depending on the speciic call; PHC25, PHC27, PHC28, PHC29, PHC30, ICT10,
between 22 % and 42 % of these resulting propos- ICT16, ICT19, ICT20, FoF08, FoF09, FoF10, FoF11,
als were evaluated over thresholds with an average FoF12, FoF13, FoF14, EURO6.
score always over 11/15.
Furthermore, each of the aforementioned chal-
Research approach lenges and topics were documented in CONEX in
The overall matchmaking strategy for this event order to provide a proper source of information to
was based on the competition between two ele- the ones that were not used with them, especially
ments, namely: online or digital matchmaking in terms of research and/or innovation actions as
(CONEX); colour-coded badges, colour-coded room well as expected impacts. The matchmaking ses-
areas; one-to-many and one-to-one speed-dating sion was organised in the plenary room, which was
sessions. The one-to-many speed dating sessions split into several colour-coded areas according
were intended to gather in a same discussion group to the seven challenges, and had a irst round of
60 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

one-to-many speed-dating sessions and a second (colour-coded badges, colour-coded room areas,
round of one-to-one speed-dating sessions. Hence, CONEX network map, one-to-many speed-dat-
it was not mandatory for participants to have a ing sessions, one-to-one speed-dating sessions)
CONEX proile in order to join the Matchmaking through a rating scale with 1 (low), 2 (low aver-
session. age), 3 (average), 4 (average high) and 5 (high).
An interview questionnaire was also prepared and
Approximately, half of the irst-day attendees had is currently being used for carrying out individual
a CONEX account and proile. CONEX provided them interviews with the 17 respondents of the bipolar
with the possibility to look at their organisation’s rating survey. The indings of these interviews and
connections with other organisations and H2020 the correlation outcome between the quantitative
topics (see Figure 1) in order to identify potential and qualitative results will be presented in a follow-
collaboration opportunities. CONEX users, simply up paper.
browsing their network map, were able to identify
the most relevant participants they had to talk to Findings
as a top priority; keeping in mind that time-slots for CONEX ‘My Network’ provides to every participant a
discussing and exchanging ideas with others during continuously updated connection map as shown in
an event are always quite limited. A web analytic the Figure 1 below that presents a screenshot of all
approach was taken for counting the CONEX users entities (organisations and H2020 topics) connected
and sessions before, during and ater the event to one of the participating organisations. These con-
took place (see Figure 3). Later on, a rating sur- nections are based on one or several tags, which
vey was prepared and submitted by the beginning are represented by yellow dots, linking entities and
of December to the 67 participants that provided provide an indication on the potential common inter-
their H2020 interests among the seven challenges est towards one or several H2020 challenges and
and twenty-two topics. This survey was intended topics. Then, based on the identiication of common
to capture the matchmaking user experience in interests in the network map, participants have to
asking participants how they perceived the use- talk to each other during the one-to-many and one-
fulness, newness, appropriateness and attractive- to-one speed-dating sessions in order to further
ness of the overall matchmaking and its elements explore these collaboration opportunities.

Figure 1: Example of network map showing connections between participating entities

(organisations and H2020 topics)
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 61

The results, shown in Figure 2, relect the rating of them rated it as low useful, which most probably
scale from 1 up to 5, provided by seventeen respond- means almost useless (to be conirmed during the
ents representing about 25 % of the sixty-seven interviews). Three of respondents rated CONEX as
participants. Regarding the overall matchmaking at between average and highly useful and the larger
the event, respondents perceived the matchmaking group of nine respondents rated usefulness as
usefulness at slightly over average (3.24); the level average useful while four of the respondents rated
of innovation in the matchmaking process as aver- the usefulness criteria as of low average. Finally,
age newness (3.06); the efectiveness and eiciency respondents rated the two types of speed-dating
of the matchmaking process as clearly above aver- sessions as almost averagely useful (respectively:
age appropriateness (3.47); the attractiveness of 2.94 & 3.24). The rating of the one-to-one speed-
the overall matchmaking as above average as well dating sessions was quite controversial as well, with
(3.35). As for the colour-coded badges and room- one respondent inding it useless while two others
areas, respondents rated them as follows: above rated it as highly useful. Four of the respondents
average usefulness (respectively: 3.53 & 3.24), rated this matchmaking element as low-average
almost both average newness (3.06 & 2.94), above useful while only two of them selected rated it as
average appropriateness (3.47 & 3.41) and above useful. Interestingly, the one-to-many type of speed
average attractiveness (3.47 & 3.35). dating sessions has got ive respondents giving the
rating of average-high usefulness while the one-to-
Regarding the use of CONEX network map, respond- one type has got a lower number of this same rating
ents perceived an average usefulness (3,06). with four votes. The largest group of respondents,
However, this is quite controversial as two of the seven of them, rated the two types of speed-dating
respondents rated CONEX as highly useful while one sessions as of average usefulness.

Figure 2: Rating results of the matchmaking elements

Regarding the use, frequency and intensity of between December 2014 and January 2015. It can
CONEX, a web analytic tool provided several indica- be assumed that the respondents were willing to
tions (see Figure 3) across the entire period of this take another look at their network map or further
study. Two bar graphs (see Figure 3), illustrate the explore the CONEX features.
generated sessions during the complete period of
this study and the sessions generated during the The 33 CONEX sessions generated at the end of
event’s week. Overall, there were 65 users that August, most probably sparked the curiosity or
generated 206 sessions with 2 405 page views. the pre-event identiication of the attendees to be
On average, there were 11.67 pages accessed per approached as a top priority. The real intent was
session and the average session duration was up to to establish an interpersonal relationship (people
8 minutes. As for the visits, there were 28.6 % new networking) and to discuss eventual collaboration
visitors and 71.4 % returning visitors. Surprisingly, opportunities. This identiication of relevant attend-
the matchmaking survey launched in the beginning ees could be done through the analysis of the CONEX
of December has generated 62 CONEX sessions network map based on the number of tags involved
62 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

in connections with other organisations and H2020 event, one could conclude that attendees have
topics. The highest CONEX activity was generated collected enough collaboration leads during the
the day before the event took place with 32 sessions. matchmaking sessions on the irst day. It means
The second highest activity has happened during the that the overall matchmaking activity was good
irst day of the event with 25 sessions. This, most enough that every participant was quite busy with
probably, occurred during the morning as the physi- further discussing collaboration opportunities until
cal matchmaking sessions were held in the aternoon. the end of the event. This assertion has to be veri-
ied during the interviews.
Considering the low number of 14 CONEX sessions
generated during the remaining three days of the

Figure 3: CONEX sessions during the event and study period

The period from the end of August 2014 to the end colour-coded badges appears to be the most useful,
of September 2014 represents the actual period appropriate and attractive mean for creating event
of use for the CONEX experiment with about 130 attendees’ opportunities to connect and interact.
sessions (see Figure 3 — let side). The remaining For sure, it works until they are in the same physical
period from the beginning of October 2014 until space and they are not listening to someone else or a
the end of January 2015 illustrates the CONEX ses- presenter in a session room. Furthermore, it would be
sions that were generated well ater the event took great to have the opportunity to explore and experi-
place. The right hand side of Figure 3 highlights the ment the contribution of digital matchmaking (e.g.
generated CONEX sessions during the week where CONEX) with attending proposers as well as EC oic-
the event took place from 2 to 5 September 2014. ers before, during and ater an information day.
The highest number of generated CONEX sessions
occurred during the day before the event started Our study highlights the fact that not everyone is
and in the morning of the first day before the well prepared for the use of an online matchmaking
matchmaking sessions were held. platform. One could anticipate that it is mainly due to
the lack of physical presence and social interactions
Conclusion and recommendations or that they are looking to have something difer-
While Ideal-ist ofers a ‘partner search’ feature to ent or other types of information. While the ‘digital’
H2020 proposers having a clear picture of their pro- approach of matchmaking (CONEX) is considered as
ject proposal and needed partners, the matchmak- the most innovative one, it does not appear to be the
ing approach is more intended to create systemised most useful one as it stands behind the rating of the
connections among potential proposers that lead to colour-coded badges and one-to-one speed-dating.
unsolicited collaboration opportunities and eventu- However, it should be noticed that speed-dating
ally new breakthrough ideas. One could conclude activities are not necessarily welcome by everyone.
that the two approaches perfectly cover the full Interestingly, one participant rated these two match-
spectrum of proposers’ cases in their willingness to making elements with the lowest possible score.
identify collaboration opportunities and potential
partners that would it with their interest in terms In contrast, colour-coded badges and speed-dating
of H2020 challenges and topics. sessions ofer much more opportunities of physical
presence and social interactions due to their use in a
The comparison with the brokerage session during physical space. However, at the same time, they both
information days highlights the fact that listening restrict the capacity to establish the most appropri-
to the presenters one ater the other during the full ate connections with other attendees. It means that
half day is certainly not the best way to support par- the best matchmaking solution is most probably to
ticipants’ interactions and networking. Interestingly, combine the digital and physical approaches in a way
our study reveals that a very simple artefact like that one could anticipate the selection of the most
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 63

(7) Pallot, M., Pawar, K. S., (2012), A Holistic Model of

relevant or promising interlocutors among all event User Experience for Living Lab Experiential Design,
attendees. One could even start the discussion about Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on
collaboration opportunities through asynchronous Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2012,
and synchronous technologies (e.g. e-mailing, Skype) Munich, Germany, 18-20 June 2012.
right before the event takes place. (8) Pallot, M., Krawczyk, P. and Kivilehto, A., (2013), User-
Centred Open Innovation Domain Landscape within the
In terms of recommendation, this study also high- European Network of Living Labs, Proceedings of the
ISPIM 2013 Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2013.
lights the fact that networks (e.g. ENoLL) could
ofer digital matchmaking to their members, i.e. (9) Galbraith, B., Mulvenna, M., Mcadam, R. & Martin,
big or small market players looking for reliable S., (2008), Open innovation in connected health: An
empirical study and research agenda, Proceedings of the
LLs operating within the different EU countries
ISPIM 2008, Tours, France.
and beyond. These selected LLs would contribute
to better engage local innovation ecosystems and (10) Holzmann, T., Sailer, K. and Katzy, B., (2014),
Matchmaking as a multi-sided market for open
users in the co-creation of innovative ideas and to
innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic
anticipate the potential adoption by users/citizens/ Management, 26(6), pp. 601-615.
consumers in the EU market. For example, in the
(11) André, P., Schraefel, M.C. Teevan, J. and Dumais, S. T.,
H2020 Fast Track Innovation (FTI), proposers would
(2009), Discovery is never by chance: designing for (un)
particularly beneit from digital matchmaking with serendipity, Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference
the LL community. Especially because SMEs do on Creativity and cognition (C&C 2009). ACM, New York,
not necessarily have the resources (e.g. methods, NY, USA, 305-314. DOI=10.1145/1640233.1640279
techniques and equipment such as 3D printers or (12) Pallot, M., Alishevskikh, A., Holzmann, T., Krawczyk,
virtual, augmented and mixed reality platforms as P., Ruland, R., (2014), CONEX: Creating serendipitous
well as sensors/actuators platforms) for anticipat- connections among Living Labs and Horizon 2020
ing, through iterative prototypes and experiments, Challenges, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2014
the user experience and the induced adoption of International ICE Conference, 23-25 June 2014, doi:
technological artefacts by users. Matchmaking 10.1109/ICE.2014.6871569
between FTI proposers and LLs would greatly help
(13) Pallot, M., Alishevskikh, A., Pawar, K. S., Ruland, R.,
to engage users in the co-creation of value instead Prinz, W., (2013), Connective Experience: Co-creating
of just using them lately as observed subjects. a Semantic-Enabled Serendipity Service for Living
Labs and Internet of Things, Proceedings of the IEEE
Acknowledgments International Technology Management Conference and
This matchmaking experiment, partly funded by 19th International Conference on Engineering, ICE 2013,
The Hague, The Netherlands, 24-26 June 2013.
ENoLL, was carried out in the context of the 2014
Open Living Labs Days, held in Amsterdam. The (14)
authors acknowledge their gratitude and apprecia- (15) Galende, F. M., (2008), Ideal-ist presentation ICT NCP
tion to ENoLL and all participants for their active Network. First EuroRIs-Net Workshop, Paris, France.
contribution to this experimentation.

References Contact:
(1) Chesbrough, H., (2003), Open Innovation: The New
Imperative for Creating and Proiting from Technology, Dr Marc Pallot
Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Senior Research Associate
(2) Ramaswamy, V. & Gouillart, F., (2010), The Power Nottingham University Business School
of Co-Creation: Build It with Them To Boost Growth,
Productivity, and Proits, Free Press.
(3) Curley, M. & Salmelin, B., (2013), Open Innovation Dr Thomas Holzmann
2.0: A New Paradigm, OISPG White Paper.
Scientiic Project Manager and
(4) Keeley, L., Walters, H., Pikkel, R., & Quinn, B., (2013), Research Associate
Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Strascheg Centre for Entrepreneurship
Breakthroughs, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
(5) Pallot, M., (2009), The Living Lab Approach: A User
Centred Open Innovation Ecosystem, Webergence Blog, Piotr Krawczyk
Retrieved January 2011
Senior Lecturer
JAMK University of Applied Sciences
(6) Pallot, M., Alishevskikh, A., Krawczyk, P., Holzmann, T., Piotr.krawczyk@jamk.i
(2014), Exploring the Feasibility of an Online Serendipity
Service in the Context of Open Innovation within the
EU Horizon2020 Research Program, Proceedings of the
ISPIM 2014 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 2014.
64 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Communities of Practice as New Actors:

Innovation Labs Inside and Outside Government

Abstract and many more are making products and services

Open innovation emphasises the link between cor- for our future. How can governments possibly deal
porate strategies and external expertise in order to with this increasing complexity and be truly ‘entre-
generate innovation. Yet, for capturing the entire preneurial’ themselves [1]?
innovation ecosystem across individuals and organ-
isations, it is important to recognise communities We argue that governments ought to open their
of practice (such as enthusiastic hobbyists, users, doors to these new and emerging communities;
bureaucrats or interest groups) and their creative they are here to stay. This would, however, neces-
potential for innovation more broadly. Innovation sitate the adoption of innovation also inside gov-
is increasingly generated outside the boundaries ernments and administrations. Governments have
of irms or research and development organisa- to ind new ways of organising their activities and
tions. Places such as innovation and creativity labs structures in support of innovation in the economy
become crystallisation points for new ideas, crea- and in society at large. When doing so, they get a
tivity and novel economic practices. Labs are time- irst-hand experience of collaborating with estab-
bound tools and provide open and creative learning lished and new communities of practice and learn
platforms for experimenting with solutions. Govern- to better understand how they think and work.
ments still have to learn how to deal with these new Innovation, in this perspective, is essentially a two-
developments, which happen also inside State insti- way street between government and society.
tutions. We illustrate the new nature of innovation
processes in these labs and show how this afects An increasing number of new individuals and
the role of government. To substantiate our claim, groups are playing an important role in contempo-
we distinguish six diferent lab types and discuss rary innovation activities. Important innovations do
their main characteristics, involved communities of no longer occur exclusively in isolated R & D labs
practice and the role of government. The irst type with engineers looking for solutions to problems.
of lab supports activities fostering innovation from Diferent people from various ields like industrial
within government as represented by the Danish engineering, interaction design, programming,
policy lab MindLab, while the other ive lab formats marketing or anthropology are oten involved in
are examples of the vivid non-State innovation lab the innovation process at some stage. In times of
scene in Berlin. MindLab is a cross-governmental 3D printing, open source solutions and new forms
innovation unit in Denmark that involves citizens of crowdfunding, even enthusiastic hobbyists face
and businesses in order to address societal cha- relatively low barriers to innovate. It is indeed the
llenges. Berlin has become one of the most dynamic recombination of insights from diferent domains
creativity and IT hubs in Europe and hosts over 50 that creates innovation [2]. Given this plethora of
innovation and creativity labs. All the presented lab new subjects of innovations, governments face the
types exemplify the changing nature of innovation challenge of keeping track of these developments
processes moving beyond open innovation. Shit- and using them to better design their innovation
ing our attention towards innovation ecosystems support and to tap the full innovation potential in
highlights the need to open existing innovation their country or region. The emergent creative and
structures for communities of practice across the innovative groups constitute new communities of
State/non-State divide to fully exploit local innova- practice (CoP) that go beyond advancing scientiic
tion potentials. Both State and non-State actors can knowledge and aim at applying knowledge; in fact,
interact to create innovative solutions. these communities have come to constitute a form
of governance in itself [3]. Organisation theorists
Introduction have used the concept of CoP to deine ‘groups
Governments have a central role to play in mak- of people who share a concern, a set of problems
ing regions and states more innovative. Yet, they or passion about a topic, and who deepen their
are facing ever more complex innovation processes knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting
and ever more innovation actors. From high-tech- on an ongoing basis’ [4]. While such communities
nology graphene products and the gamiication have existed for centuries in the form of guilds and
of e-learning to social innovation enabling active other professional groupings, we are now facing
and healthy ageing, the domains innovation poli- more complex groups crossing traditional occupa-
cies nowadays cover are immense and so are the tional borders. Managing their varied knowledge
numbers and the variety of involved people and in a systematic and sustainable way is a veritable
organisations. Engineers, designers, social activists challenge for the governance of innovation policies.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 65

While it is clear that CoP have an important role to where these communities interact, exchange
play in many spheres of social life, it is less clear explicit and tacit knowledge and build up trust for
how this role can be institutionalised in the innova- sustained cooperation. Laboratories are increas-
tion domain. Studies on learning in project contexts ingly seen as an appropriate space where such
show that learning and innovation are more likely to an institutionalisation of CoP interaction can take
occur in projects that are embedded in wider ecolo- place and they are mushrooming globally. Innova-
gies, i.e. in networks with longer term and stable tion laboratories (or labs in short) are physical or
relationships [5]. In other words, a deeper institu- virtual spaces that support innovation processes
tionalisation of project teams and related commu- at diferent stages. These spaces ofer opportuni-
nities is necessary in order to create an institutional ties for testing and experimenting with ideas, busi-
memory and trust for further collaboration. Trust, in ness models and practices; they allow for lexible
turn, makes it easier to tap the tacit knowledge of forms of cooperation in and across government,
the members of a given CoP, a major element of the academia, research, business and civil society [9].
knowledge bases for innovation [6]. Unlike explicit Labs are surely no new phenomenon, given their
knowledge, which is formally codified and thus common usage in the natural and in medical sci-
more easily accessible, tacit knowledge is based ences, for instance, for developing and testing
on direct practice and experience — like on the job treatments and pharmaceuticals, but also in 19th
skills — and cannot be easily codiied. Tacit knowl- century agriculture to experiment with new ferti-
edge complements codiied knowledge; to be able lisers and breeds [10]. The principles of the design
to articulate a novel idea in a collaborative efort thinking movement and from behavioural econo-
requires an understanding of ‘the other [group] mics have driven this latest surge of labs. Design
members’ problem-solving methods that can only thinking stresses the added value of out-of-the-box
be acquired through the experience of ongoing col- thinking [11] driven by inter-disciplinary collabora-
laboration’ [7]. tion and user-orientation resulting in prototypes of
products and services. Behavioural economics pays
Some communities of practice exemplify new attention to ways citizens and consumers can be
modes of knowledge relexivity within innovation nudged in the right direction by intentionally target-
processes. Relexivity refers to the logic of how ing unconscious behavioural patterns. Both strands
new knowledge is generated. For instance, sci- of thinking are built on the assumption that various
entiic communities generate new knowledge by diferent disciplines (economics, psychology, design,
following specific (formal) rules and evaluation etc.) are needed to fully grasp human behaviour. In
modes. Generating knowledge happens in purpose- this more modern understanding of lab, the Helsinki
fully organised processes (e.g. in a laboratory or Design Lab was probably the irst publicly founded
in dedicated public or private R & D facilities and lab in 1968. In the private sector, the Bell Labora-
departments). This mode of relexivity follows a tories founded in 1925 are arguably the irst lab
‘push-logic’ because the boundaries of existing bringing together scientists from various disciplines
knowledge are extended intently. In contrast, in a pursuing groundbreaking innovations.
‘pull-logic’ actors are facing a speciic problem or
task while performing a practice. These commu- Labs can contribute to the creation of CoP, i.e.
nities, e.g. interest communities, groups sharing a groups and networks of practitioners working on
hobby or professional communities (such as ‘lay- related issues and collaborating lexibly. Labs and
ers’ or ‘biotechs’), seek to address these challenges CoP embody assumptions similar to open innova-
by working with existing knowledge from diferent tion, but also expand open innovation by integrat-
domains. Instead of pushing knowledge domains, ing a greater variety of innovative protagonists.
these actors continuously cross and redraw the Likewise, they relect the inherent contradiction of
boundaries of knowledge domains and thus create open innovation: in order to create something new,
novel solutions [8]. Traditionally, government has organisation have to irst open up to external inlu-
focused primarily on supporting a ‘push-logic’ for ences and then close down again to allow a secured
creating new knowledge by developing instruments space where the right people at the right moment
and strategies to support targeted research and can develop something new.
development, for supporting the market entrance
of innovations or by fostering the link between aca- Both concepts, labs and CoP, emphasise the need
demia and businesses. The ‘pull-logic’ requires a for more open trans- and inter-disciplinary col-
more problem-orientated approach to innovation laboration geared towards the co-development of
and has been less on the radar of governments. new services and products together with users.
Put diferently, they both hail the ‘neglected king’,
Ater having spelled out why new CoP matter as the customer [12]. But how do these two pheno-
actors of innovation, we now come to the spaces mena relate to each other and what is the role of
66 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

government in steering and supporting these pro- distinguish between innovation labs inside gove-
cesses? We summarise the six types of labs and rnment (policy labs) and those labs established
their main characteristics in terms of CoP involve- outside government (grassroots labs, co-working
ment, objectives, role of gover nment and time labs, irm-driven labs, academic-driven labs, as
horizon in the table below. As you can see, the well as incubators and accelerators driven by
main features difer across types. We can broadly investors).

Table 1: Types of innovation labs and their main features [13]

Lab features

Role of
CoP constellation Objectives Time horizon
Civil servants and
external experts
Improve public service Medium- to long-
Policy labs delivery & contribute Main customer term, subject to
to systemic change political changes
e.g. MindLab (DK),
Policy Lab (UK)
Individuals and groups of
like minded enthusiasts
Experimentation in
physical workshops,
Grassroots labs Hands-of Medium- to long-term
challenging implicit
e.g. Jakarta Open Data
Lab (ID), Chaos Computer
Club (DE)
Very diverse & changing
CoP constellations Provide open spaces Hands-of, may
for work and inter- contribute to
Co-working labs disciplinary exchange infrastructure Medium- to long-term
e.g. Fab Lab Berlin (DE), & partly thematic costs in start-up
RocketSpace (US) agenda phase

Company employees
& external experts Feed results of joint
Short,- medium- or
activities into the
Firm-driven labs Hands-of long- term, subject to
company’s innovation
e.g. Lego’s Future Lab irm priorities
(DK), Bell Labs (US)

Researchers & external

specialists (companies Public fund- Medium- to long-
& users) Early cooperation in
ing possible, term, oten subject
innovation projects &
Academic-driven labs oten indirect if to project funding
in some cases spin-of
operating unit is and time horizon of
e.g. OpenLab (SE), companies
publicly funded partnerships
MIT Media Lab (US)

Early stage entrepre-

neurs, investors
& business developers Make start-up com-
panies succeed in
Investor-driven labs Public co-funding Short-term
globally competitive
e.g. Technology Incubator markets
(IL), EIT ICT Labs (EU)

In the next two sections we will discuss each type of Innovation from within
lab, starting with policy labs driving innovation government: policy labs
inside government followed by innovation labs out- Over the past few years, we have witnessed a surge
side government. The former we describe based on of innovation labs addressing public and social chal-
a single case study (MindLab) and the latter (labs lenges across the globe. From Asia and Europe to
outside government) we exemplify based on a the American continent, more organisations than
Berlin-based study that identiies the variety of lab ever are founded, seeking to drive public sector
formats that are organised outside government. and social innovation. Many cover a broad array of
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 67

topics and they are very ambitious in this respect OECD, the United Nations Development programme
in their early days. The authors count roughly more and the European Commission has been on the rise
than thirty of these labs worldwide that are inde- in the past few years. The core team currently com-
pendent or based at universities and government prises members from eight diferent disciplines rang-
institutions. Oten, these organisations are based ing from anthropology and sociology to performance
inside ministries and other public administrations. design. A relatively small core team assures conti-
In order to focus, we discuss in this section only the nuity while new input is gained through a research
policy labs founded by the public sector, i.e. those manager keeping contacts to academics and exter-
trying to drive innovation from within administra- nal collaborators. MindLab started working on ser-
tions. Taking this criterion into consideration, we vice design and is now increasingly moving towards
arrive at twenty policy labs with the potential to more strategic policy issues and more systemic
have sustained impact in the world [14]. reform projects. Over the years, MindLab has built
a community of practice encompassing civil serv-
What is the main rationale for these policy labs? ants and external experts. Most recently a group of
Expert groups working on public sector innova- specialists working on the implementation of reform
tion for the European Commission and the OECD projects and programmes has been set up. Regular
recently underlined the pressing need for co-design events with speakers on relevant topics for the com-
and co-production of policies and new products munity of practice give space for informally susta-
and services [15]. The main spaces where such co- ining the relationships that were built during projects.
design and co-development is being organised have
become labs or ‘innovation units’. In their most ideal Projects typically follow three steps once the public
form, policy labs do not only address improved pub- sector client has identiied a project (1). MindLab con-
lic service delivery, but rather seek to achieve larger ducts ield research with citizens and/or businesses
scale systemic changes in the way administrations to better deine the underlying problem. (2) Based
work. That is, they contribute to the opening up of on these irst analytical insights, a discussion takes
governments to the outside world for collaboration, place with experts and public sector stakeholders (3).
co-innovation and sharing resources in a trans- Proto-typing takes place together with citizens and
parent way, thus becoming a joined-up and inte- businesses to create possible solutions. Throughout
grated network organisation [16]. this process, civil servants are the primary experts
(with possible support by external experts), while
MindLab is one of the irst public innovation labs businesses and citizens are key informants for the
with a signiicant outreach beyond its host coun- problem deinition and proto-typing.
try Denmark; it has indeed become a widely cited
reference point for policy labs since its launch in Empathy and explaining the added value of the
2002. Interestingly, its foundation was partly the innovation lab’s new approaches are critical ele-
response to demands by business scholars who ments for having successful projects. Empathy
wanted to see the Ministry of Business Affairs turned out to be equally important in dealing
not only preach to others about innovation but to with the lives and everyday experience of citi-
streamline organisational innovation in its own zens. Citizens have been willing to be part of early
practices; this reference to the private sector may research feeding into policy discussions in MindLab.
also explain why MindLab’s set-up was inspired by Researchers ask them about their own lives and
a private innovation lab in a large Swedish insu- how they use public services. When conducting this
rance company [17]. The policy lab underwent two research, quickly patterns of actual citizen experi-
major reforms and has re-invented its approaches ence and perception emerge. Depending on the pro-
and main objectives. Since 2006, it evolved from ject, private businesses also serve as informants in
its successful facilitation of starting innovative similar ways that citizens do.
projects for organisational development in one
mini stry to become a cross-governmental lab Explaining what is done and its purpose is an
working on user-driven public sector innovation important element when dealing with public sector
and policy development. Providing an analysis of clients. Changing mentalities and opening up the
the daily experience of citizens and businesses public sector to new approaches is a long-term pro-
with public services became the key added value cess. Especially in the early days of MindLab this
of MindLab activities. required ongoing explanations to the stakeholders.
Solutions developed in innovation labs are meant
Now, three ministries (Business and Growth, Educa- to facilitate and improve public services and not to
tion, and Employment) and the Odense Municipality question the quality of the work civil servants are
are MindLab’s main stakeholders, main customers doing. Success is evaluated by gathering feedback
and provide the largest share of funding. External from participants and deining indicators at the
demand from international organisations like the beginning of each project. Qualitative interviews
68 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

and other tools to monitor processes and outcomes encourage collaboration. In terms of topics, grass-
complement the evaluation. roots labs deal with a variety of societal topics and
challenges, which is why these labs range from
By continuously reinventing itself, and by demon- open garages, hackerspaces to upcycling initiatives.
strating and communicating its added value, Mind-
Lab has successfully established itself as a central c-base
policy lab in the Danish administration. Despite c-base is a hackerspace founded in 1995 in Berlin’s
being owned by State institutions, it has retained central district Berlin-Mitte. It is organised as a
its independence and creativity to develop new non-profit association (c-base e.V.) offering skill
approaches for co-designing projects and policies enhancement for hardware, sotware and network
together with their ‘end-users’, namely citizens and usage. The association had about 400 members
businesses. Maintaining and creating new dedicated in 2013 and is funded through membership and
communities of practice with diverse backgrounds seminar fees, donations, cultural events and projects.
and knowledge has contributed to making their Full membership costs EUR 17 per person, while irm
innovation activities more sustainable. How does membership starts at EUR 170 per month. Seminars
this example compare to non-State innovation labs? and events address topics such as open source
In the next section, we discuss the other ive types sotware, mobile applications or 2D/3D design. Non-
of innovation labs. members have restricted access to the lab facilities
that comprise, for instance, a wood and metal
Innovation labs outside government workshop, a sound laboratory and a 3D printer.
At this moment, there is no comprehensive overview
available on the number and variety of non-State Co-working labs
innovation labs worldwide. The International Fab Co-working labs are similarly easily accessible for
Lab Foundation lists about 331 fab labs worldwide, users and oten have a particular economic focus
while deskmag, an international virtual magazine or specialisation, such as media, design or sot-
for co-workers and co-working spaces, counted ware development. Similar to simple co-working
roughly 1 800 co-working spaces in 2012. Besides spaces, which ofer a lexible working environment
the meanwhile quite established terms fab labs and for desktop workers, co-working labs additionally
co-working spaces, other terminologies for spaces ofer spaces, equipment, devices and services for
are used to underline their creative and innovative inter-disciplinary and collaborative work addressing
potentials, such as ‘MakerLabs’, ‘tech-shops’ or diverse mobile professionals (freelancers, micro-
‘hackerspaces’. Berlin seems to provide a fruitful entrepreneurs, start-ups), most of whom work in
breeding ground for founding labs, due to the high creative industries such as design, media, arts or
density of research and development facilities, the sotware development. Unlike the grassroots labs,
dynamic political and economic transformation however, co-working labs are organised as proit-
subsequent to German reunification, a growing orientated businesses.
creative economy as well as a vibrant start-up
scene. Therefore, the following sub-sections The equipment of co-working labs usually com-
illustrate lab examples from Berlin to capture the prises devices, machines and related software
possible variety of innovation and creativity labs including for instance 3D printers, laser and vinyl
without claiming to ofer a comprehensive overview. cutters or CNC milling machines. Sometimes, more
traditional workshop tools supplement these tech-
Grassroots labs nologies. Co-working labs usually ofer seminars or
Grassroots labs ofer an environment for creatively support for using the high-end machineries acces-
experimenting and collaborating with ideas and sible in their facilities. Access to co-working labs is
tools. The main purpose is to foster and indulge provided on a temporary basis as machines and
creativity. Most facilities therefore ofer materi- working stations are usually rented at an hourly fee.
als and tools that combine crat-based practices Consultations and extra services are subject to fur-
with technologies and arts. Oten, private initia- ther expenses. The labs usually ofer lexible open-
tives found grassroots labs. Both user communities ing hours that include weekends as well. Therefore,
and lab providers oten dissociate themselves from these places witness a high luctuation that leads to
commercial and proit-driven objectives, which is continuously changing users within these locations.
why many Berlin-based grassroots labs are organ-
ised as non-proit associations with collective own- Although co-working labs address the beneits of
ership. They provide diferent forms of membership collaborative work, interaction and exchange are
that are managed by a professional host. Team- usually not solely subject to coincidences but they
work, sharing ideas and practices is primarily sub- are rather organised and moderated by the lab pro-
ject to self-initiatives, although frequent formats viders. Co-working labs ofer thematic workshops
such as workshops, seminars or group meetings on fabrication methods, various forms of training
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 69

in using hard- and sotware and further education realising and marketing new ideas and products [19].
within the ields covered by the lab. Co-working Using the lab is also more restricted than before,
labs, especially those that register as fab labs since users have to apply for a residency with their
and thus follow the international Fab Charter, are project. The lab team evaluates applications. Once
explicitly open not solely to entrepreneurs and approved, the applicant has to pay a full membership
small enterprises, but also to other groups, such as fee (EUR 159) and a desk fee (EUR 150). Additionally,
school and university students, tech-enthusiasts the lab ofers thematic workshops e.g. on soldering
and tinkerers. The lab provider acts as a node that and building electronic gadgets [20].
creates and steers learning and exchange among
users and also works on embedding the lab within Firm-driven innovation labs
urban and regional innovation ecosystems. Firm-driven innovation labs are facilities that are
established by irms for implementing their open, Berlin innovation strategy. Therefore, access to these labs
The is located within the famous is much more restricted and controlled in comparison
co-working space betahaus in Berlin-Kreuzberg. to the lab types discussed so far. Firm-driven innova-
This inner-city area has undergone substantial tion labs are in many cases consciously established
transformation in the past 15 years. During the in physical distance to the original irm. Berlin seems
division of Berlin, the area was close to the Ber- to be a favoured location for temporary forms of
lin Wall and therefore considered to be remote and irm-driven innovation labs, mostly due to the city’s
peripheral. Triggered by key investments and pro- reputation as being creative and unconventional.
jects (such as the creative and artist store Modu- With this approach, irms aim at fostering dynamic
lor or justmusic), the area around Moritzplatz has and lexible research and development outside the
become revitalised and attracts especially creative, company’s hierarchical structures.
artists and related professionals. The co-working
space betahaus was founded in 2009. The DMY Innovations generated in irm-driven innovation
maker lab, an annual international design festival, labs contribute to the implementation of the irm’s
initiated the idea to establish a place that enables innovation strategy. Thus, access to these labs is
artistic and design-related activities in immediate subject to a selection process by the hosting irms.
vicinity to betahaus in 2010. A place for creating Firm-driven innovation labs in Berlin are mainly
physical designs was meant to complement the working in information and communication tech-
desktop-based activities at betahaus. This was nologies, media, design, and consultancy services
accomplished through the Open Design City that [21]. Operators of irm-driven labs set up spaces
was opened the same year and accessible under for integrating external knowledge and talents, e.g.
the same conditions as betahaus. from small and medium sized irms, freelancers and
experts. They bring their knowledge from creative
Open Design City ofered workstations, 3D printing, industries, research and development institutions
CNC milling machines, hardware tools and profes- and universities into internal innovation processes
sional support for using the more advanced tech- in the irms. The labs’ operators thus ofer cost
nologies. Machines and support were available at intensive equipment to users who otherwise would
an hourly fee. Self-organised (DIY) initiatives as have no resources to set up comparable technol-
well as creative professionals have used the Open ogy intensive environments. In some cases, irms
Design City. Regarding their own mission statement, operating a lab integrate lab users in their partner
they want to ofer a collaboration space encourag- and customer networks, thus ofering an additional
ing the sharing of tools, knowledge, ideas and skills. incentive for individuals and organisations applying
Various self-organised groups have used the space to such labs. At the same time, operators can tem-
for regular meetings and exchange workshops. porarily internalise fresh knowledge not available in
their irms. Firm-driven innovation labs facilitate a
The concept of Open Design City has been trans- controlled, lexible and demand-orientated integra-
formed and the space has now been operating as the tion of competencies, specialised knowledge and since January 2015. Conrad Elec- talents into companies’ innovation processes [S7].
tronic, a German retailer of electronic products with
stores throughout Europe, became a business part- UFA Lab, Berlin
ner and provides test equipment, tools and machines. The UFA Lab is run by a group of companies, includ-
More explicitly than before, the lab addresses innova- ing FremantleMedia, RTL Group and UFA Film &
tive hardware start-ups and ‘technology freaks’ [18] TV Produktion GmbH. Additional partners are, for
and ofers up to 10 workstations. Jörn Werner, Con- instance, Google, YouTube and Apple who support
rad’s CEO, explains that Conrad aims at being closer lab users through workshops, lectures, coaching
to demand-driven innovations by supporting those and training. The lab is located in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
who generate them. Conrad thus ofers support in The lab’s activities are focused on new technologies
70 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

and media content to generate novel solution for participants — including industrial and other aca-
TV channels, production irms, digital special inter- demic entities, research centres, students, compa-
est channels and online portals. Therefore, the nies, start-up irms, entrepreneurs, end-users and
lab’s user community comprises the UFA company, consumers — in these facilities.
technology irms, research and development faci-
lities, media enterprises, students, graduates and Design Research Lab, UdK Berlin
freelancers involved in sectors such as new media, The Design Research Lab belongs to the Univer-
ilm, camera, ilm editing, scripts, graphic design, sity of the Arts in Berlin (UdK). The lab facilitates
programming, game design and data visualisation. inter-disciplinary design projects with the objective
of bridging the gap between people’s needs and
The lab uses three strategic columns: (1) Blue Sky demands, and technological innovations. The disci-
Innovations supports experience-orientated inno- plinary focus is on smart textiles, human computer
vation projects for three to six months. Successful interaction and communities in digital societies [23].
applicants can use the lab’s equipment and infra- The Technical University of Berlin and the Deutsche
structure as well as support ofered by six UFA Telekom Laboratories (T-Labs) founded the lab in
employees. (2) Innovation projects are inanced 2005. Since 2010, the lab has been running along-
either by industrial partners, public funds or UFA. side the endowed professorship for design research
These projects are usually of larger scale and at the UdK and is organised around research clusters
implemented by selected applicants, freelancers on civic infrastructures, social innovation, embodied
and UFA employees. (3) An agency ofers services interaction, and connected textiles.
in cooperation with freelancers. Through these ser-
vices, UFA is able to inance Blue Sky innovation Besides PhD projects, the lab also implements pro-
projects. These three activity bundles build up a jects funded by German federal ministries, Euro-
large community of partners and talents that UFA pean research and development funds and indus-
then can frequently activate for further projects trial partners. The projects lead to joint patents,
and services. subsequent projects, spin-ofs and consultancies
for enterprises (particularly for Deutsche Telekom).
Academic-driven innovation labs Although the lab is located in close vicinity to the
Like irm-driven innovation labs, academic-driven UdK campus in Berlin-Charlottenburg, some activi-
innovation labs are an instrument to open the ties such as living labs are implemented in other
organisational and institutional boundaries of city districts to reach and integrate citizens as
higher education and research institutions to more active experts in research and development.
complex and inter-disciplinary actor constella-
tions in innovation processes. Additionally, labs Investor-driven labs
can bridge market demand and academic basic Investor-driven labs are testing arenas for new
research. The labs identiied in Berlin are prima- business ideas and business models. Some com-
rily orientated towards technology-intensive indu- panies also exploit them to recruit new talents or
stries such as ICT, design, music, games, sotware to beneit from the competencies of the start-up
development, energy and automotives. Other disci- community. Most investor-driven labs operate in
plinary or sectoral specialisations are nevertheless the growth sectors of the digital economy. Entre-
also possible. Open Lab in Stockholm (opened in preneurs, start-ups and start-up teams are the
February 2015), for instance, aims at addressing main target groups of these labs. They are selected
societal challenges in the ields of medicine, engi- based on rigorous evaluation criteria such as fea-
neering, natural sciences, social sciences, humani- sibility, scalability, proit potential and potential
ties and the arts [22]. returns on investment. Usually venture capital pro-
viders or large companies that are clearly proit and
Academically driven labs are set up either for yield-orientated businesses manage investor-driven
implementing specific projects or for dedicated labs [S2]. In return for supporting lab users, inves-
programmes. Hence, the duration of such labs tors receive a share of the start-up’s turnover or,
depends on the duration of funding, but may range alternatively, the investing companies receive par-
from short to long term. Sometimes, strategic tial rights to the intellectual property of the benei-
partnerships are established (e.g. with multina- ciaries’ business ideas.
tional enterprises such as Deutsche Telekom AG or
Daimler Benz AG) to circumvent the temporal ixa- Investor-driven labs are organised in different
tion of academic-driven labs. Usually, such labs are models: Investors either provide an incubator, act
funded through partnerships. The hosting academic as business developers or accelerators or they orga-
institution is, however, the one operating and man- nise education programmes for entrepreneurship.
aging the lab. The strict project and programme Apart from capital — e.g. seed capital –, investors
ailiation limits the constellation of partners and provide in-house co-working spaces and additional
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 71

infrastructure and equipment, ofer coaching pro- diverse user groups. By setting the labs’ agenda, by
grammes with national and international indus- selecting available equipment and by ofering spe-
try experts, initiate networking events with (inter) ciic services, lab providers establish a frame for
national stakeholders and potential large industry a community of practice that they want to attract
partners for the start-up for a limited time span. to their labs. However, communities of practice can-
Large multinational enterprises such as Deutsche not simply be described by their organisational or
Telekom AG, Deutsche Post AG, Otto Group, Bertels- institutional backgrounds. Third, labs are learning
mann AG, Axel Springer AG, ProSiebenSat.1, Micro- platforms. The carefully arranged collision spaces in
sot and Google have heavily invested in these labs labs ofer a wide range of events, seminars, work-
in the past years. They create a win-win situation for shops, hackathons and pitches on topics that lab
their beneiciaries and the investing company. While users encounter while developing and implement-
investors secure property rights in potentially inno- ing their ideas. Usually, these learning platforms
vative products and irms at a comparably low inan- are based on peer learning that don’t just foster
cial risk, the beneiciary learns through competition interaction; they can lead to a continuation of that
in labs and beneits from the investor’s programmes, interaction through other forms of collaboration.
networks, distribution channels and markets. Learning also takes place in highly competitive
environments like in investor-driven innovation labs.
Found Fair Ventures Fourth, labs ofer creative freedom, because labs
Found Fair Ventures is an incubator and company are not designed to implement everyday routines.
builder founded by the investor Burckhardt Bonello Instead, labs ofer an environment for the user to
in 2010 in Berlin-Mitte. The lab comprises access experiment with ideas without an economic goal
to seed capital, mentoring, access to business net- ixation by the lexible access and detachment from
works and working stations with a focus on online sheer economic proit. Lab users ind a space that
business models. Found Fair Ventures supports provides tools and services for like-minded enthu-
start-ups and start-up teams through different siasts and experts who irst dedicate their energy
channels: Start-ups and teams with a product or to addressing a speciic need, demand or problem.
prototype can submit their business plan (concept, In some cases, this fosters demand-driven innova-
team and market analysis) for feedback. Interns tion that might lead to new businesses, but it can
and entrepreneurs in residence are pote ntial equally well result in social innovations, new forms
founders of new start-ups that are integrated in of policies or problem solutions. Finally, labs are
an existing start-up company of Found Fair for sev- organisations that provide tools, spaces, technical
eral months. As such they participate in an already infrastructure and know-how on a temporary basis.
ongoing founding process and thus learn by doing Though the lab itself is oten built with a longer
and interacting. Finally, venture partners are estab- time span in mind, its key assets (equipment, part-
lished companies that are either part of the expert nerships, user constellations, dedication, etc.) are
network or function as partners for one of the subject to continuous change. The time horizons
internal start-ups. Start-ups located in the in-house in labs are deined by the duration of projects and
co-working space beneit from the proximity to programmes rather than by long-term business
other start-up irms, either through collaboration strategies of irms and governments.
or by competition. Start-ups additionally receive
consultancy from Found Fair Venture’s mentors. Labs clearly have a two-fold efect. One the one
hand, they attract a speciic user community; on
Conclusion the other hand, they actively create communities
Despite their great variety, all lab types discussed of practice. The irst efect is the result of the labs’
in this article share ive key characteristics [24]. alignment that attracts a certain group of users,
First, labs can be considered as tools. Each lab independently of their organisational background.
ofers a physical environment equipped with desks, They are attracted to labs because labs enable
machines, computers, audio-equipment, materi- them to deal with and work on a topic that has
als and substances that can be lexibly arranged. a special value to them. This may include their
These tools have no pre-deined function, but can concern with certain societal challenges, such
be rather creatively employed based on user needs as socio-demographic developments; it might as
and ideas. The equipment set-up depends on the well be based on their vision of better-designed
community that a lab wants to address. Second, policies addressing citizen needs as in the case of
labs curate openness. Collaborative creativity and policy labs. This may include a community that is
innovation do not occur by themselves. Lab pro- concerned with inding alternative approaches to
viders do not provide an entirely open and unco- environmental issues (e.g. up-cycling) or that seeks
ordinated access to their facilities. Instead, they to explore the potential of digital devices, as in
carefully arrange and manage ‘collision spaces’ grassroots or co-working labs. Some will use the
[25] for unexpected, but creative encounters of spaces for fulilling own ideas, others for starting
72 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

a business or for rapid prototyping. Enterprises References

and academic institutions exploit labs to create (1) Current policy debates are heavily inluenced by
the concept of an ‘entrepreneurial state’ capable of
a community that supports their open innova-
steering research and innovation priorities that can
tion strategy while investors attract a commu- pave the way for cutting edge technologies and private
nity of start-up entrepreneurs. Each lab provides sector development, see Mazzucato, M. (2013), The
a setting that activates ‘knowing in practice’ [26] Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector
across knowledge domains and thus also creates Myths, Anthem: London.
new innovative communities. These communities (2) Stark, D. (2011), The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts
are characterised by generating pull-innovations, of Worth in Economic Life, Princeton: Princeton
because their members are enrolled in collabo- University Press.
ratively answering a speciic demand or solving a (3) Mayntz, R. (2010), ‘Global Structures: Markets,
problem. Additionally, these communities are char- Organizations, Networks — and Communities?’, Djelic,
acterised by a social constitution that comprises M.-L. and Quack, S. (eds.), Transnational Communities:
Shaping Global Economic Governance, Cambridge; New
diverse actors afected by a speciic topic: citizens,
York: Cambridge University Press.
users, bureaucrats, interest groups, experts, part-
ners, inanciers, economic and academic stake- (4) Wenger, E., McDermott, R. and Snyder, W. M. (2002),
Cultivating Communities of Practice, Boston: Harvard
holder and students etc. This diversity facilitates
Business School Press, p. 4
avoiding blind spots in innovation processes.
(5) Grabher, G. (2004), ‘Learning in Projects,
Remembering in Networks? Communality, Sociality and
On the government side, we only find very few
Connectivity in Project Ecologies’, European Urban and
examples that pay suicient attention to the inno- Regional Studies 11(2), pp. 103-123.
vation dynamics in labs. One challenge, of course,
(6) Asheim, B. T., Boschma, R. and Cooke, P. (2011),
is the role of communities of practice in innovation ‘Constructing Regional Advantage: Platform Policies
processes. In contrast to irms or academic organi- Based on Related Variety and Diferentiated Knowledge
sations, governments have no clear addressee for Bases’, Regional Studies 45(7), pp. 893-904.
policy support, since communities of practice are (7) Lawson, C. and Lorenz, E. (1999), ‘Collective
based on shared knowledge and concerns, rather Learning, Tacit Knowledge and Regional Innovative
than on organisational boundaries. The Danish Capacity’, Regional Studies 33(4), 312.
MindLab is a good example of how governments (8) Müller, F. C. and Ibert, O. (forthcoming), ‘(Re-)
can create communities that are actively involved in Sources of Innovation: Understanding and Comparing
designing innovative policy solutions. Labs outside Time-Spatial Innovation Dynamics through the Lens of
government have so far rarely been on the radar of Communities of Practice’, Geoforum.
governments. If governments succeed in integrat- (9) Schmidt, S., Brinks, V. and Brinkhof, S. (2014),
ing labs as complementary players in innovation ‘Innovation and Creativity Labs in Berlin — Organising
ecosystems, governments will be better equipped Temporary Spatial Conigurations for Innovations’,
Zeitschrit für Wirtschatsgeographie 58(4), pp. 232-247.
to construct regional advantages for their innova-
tion economies [27]. Labs are a tool and a meth- (10) Mulgan, G. (2014), The Radical’s Dilemma: An
odology to integrate users, interest groups and Overview of the Practice and Prospects of Social and
Public Labs, Version 1, Mimeo.
concerned protagonists in deining the topics to be
addressed and in inding user-centred solutions. (11) lvesson, M. and Sandberg, J. (2014), ‘Habitat and
This includes government, but it does not mean that Habitus: Boxed-in versus Box-Breaking Research’,
Organization Studies 37(7), pp. 967-987.
governments have to initiate policy-relevant labs
on their own. Governments have to grow slowly into (12) Grabher, G., Ibert, O. and Flohr, S. (2009), ‘The
this new role and they must pay attention to pull- Neglected King: The Customer in the New Knowledge
Ecology of Innovation’, Economic Geography 84(3),
innovation logics, as they become full partners in pp. 253-280.
private and social innovation processes.
(13) Builds on the study by Schmidt, S., Brinkhof, S.
and Brinks, V. (2013), Innovations und Kreativlabs in
Acknowledgments Berlin — eine Bestandsaufnahme. Räume und Events als
The authors would like to thank Kit Lykketot, Dep- Schnittstellen von Innovation und Kreativität (Innovation
uty Director of MindLab, for the time she took to and Creativity Labs in Berlin — Taking Stock: Spaces and
explain the origins and workings of MindLab. Many Events as Interfaces for Innovation and Creativity], Study
thanks go also to the ‘Projekt Zukunt’ of the Berlin Commissioned by the Berlin Senate Department for
Economics, Technology and Research.
Senate Department for Economy, Technology and
Research for their inancial and content-related (14) Puttick, R., Baeck, P. and Colligan, P. (2014), i-Teams:
The Teams and Funds Making Innovation Happen in
support for mapping innovation and creativity labs
Governments Around the World, NESTA and Bloomberg
in Berlin. Finally, the partnership of the INTERREG Philanthropies.
IVC initiative CROSSINNOVATION provided a fruit-
(15) Bason, C. et al. (2013), Powering European Public
ful platform for discussing the potential of labs in
Sector Innovation: Towards A New Architecture, Report
cross-innovation approaches.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 73

of the Expert Group on Public Sector Innovation. See also (22)
Daglio, M., Gerson D., Kitchen H. (forthcoming), ‘Building regional-innovation-monitor/organisation/stockholm/
Organisational Capacity for Public Sector Innovation’, openlab, accessed 12 February 2015.
Background Paper prepared for the OECD Conference
(23), accessed 12
Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact,
February 2015.
Paris: 12-13 November 2014.
(24) Schmidt, S., Brinks, V., Ibert, O. and Böhm, K. (2014),
(16) Lathrop, D. and Ruma, L., eds. (2010), Open
Labs als neue Treiber von Innovation: Dokumentation der
Government: Transparency, Participation and
Ted Tour Berlin ‘Labs as Interfaces for Innovation and
Collaboration in Practice, Sebastopol: O’Reilly.
Creativity’ und Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen,
(17) Carstensen, H. V. and Bason, C. (2012), ‘Powering Berlin: Senate Department for Economics, Technology
Collaborative Policy Innovation: Can Innovation Labs and Research.
Help?’, The Innovation Journal 17(1).
(25) Olma, S. (2014), Innovationsökonomien. Strategien
(18) zur Erneuerung unternehmerischer Praxis, Wuppertal.
co-lab-betahaus-conrad, accessed 12 February 2015
(26) Ibert, O. (2007), ‘Towards a Geography of Knowledge
(19) Creation: The ambivalence between “Knowledge as
raum-fuer-hardware-entwickler,3044225, accessed 12 an Object” and “Knowing in Practice”, Regional Studies
February 2015. 41(1), pp. 103-114.
(20) (27) Asheim, B., Moodysson, J. and Tödtling, F. (2011),
hardwarelab, accessed 12 February 2015. ‘Constructing regional Advantage: Towards State-of-
the-Art regional Innovation System Policies in Europe?’,
(21) Schmidt, S., Brinks, V. and Brinkhof, S. (2014),
European Planning Studies 19(7), pp. 1133-1139.
‘Innovation and Creativity Labs in Berlin: Organising
Temporary Spatial Conigurations for Innovations’,
Zeitschrit für Wirtschatsgeographie 58(4), pp. 232-247.


Alexander Kleibrink
Dr rer. pol., Policy Oicer
European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Suntje Schmidt
Dr, Deputy Head of Department
‘Dynamic of Economic Spaces’
Leibniz Institute for Regional
Development and Structural Planning
74 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Basaksehir Living Lab

Introduction pupil to connect to his/her classroom and keep up

A Living Lab is an environment where develop- with the classes, are performed both at home and
ments are tested, improved upon and imple- in the classroom. Feedback from both the pupil
mented in the surroundings designed to mimic and teacher provides the developer with the nec-
their natural environment, through interaction essary information to efectively and accurately
with real users. A Living Lab is organised in such amend it in accordance with market demands.
a way that its operation can be extended to any
speciic environment required by the development The irst Living Lab of Turkey opened its LEED Gold
in question, for example a whole city, a factory or certiied doors in 2014 in the Basaksehir Munici-
a house, a public service locale such as a school, a pality of Istanbul. The vision of the Basaksehir
hospital or a park, or even agricultural land. Living Lab is to create a modern face of Istanbul
situated in the developing Basaksehir Municipal-
A Living Lab is a reproducible research and inno- ity, which is fully integrated with Istanbul’s social,
vation model that is providing to add real value to cultural and economic life, and will attract people
the products and services that it handles. It allows thanks to its organised urban concept. In the rest
real users to test the innovations under real-life of this article, I will describe why the Basaksehir
conditions. In turn, the users actively help to create Municipality was a strategic choice to establish
and optimise the technology based on their needs. Istanbul’s irst Living Lab and outline the areas
For example, the trials of a technology developed of development that will initially be undertaken at
to assist a sick or overworked secondary school the Living Lab.

Location the better-established neighbouring municipalities.

Istanbul is a metropolis located on two continents; Below is a list of features that make Basaksehir a
it stretches over 50 km on both the European and strategic choice for a Living Lab: it is only 14 km
the Asian sides of the Bosphorus channel, which away from Ataturk International Airport, the hub for
connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. transfers between East-West, North-South.
Istanbul has been the most populous city in Europe
since 1980, with a current population of 14.2 mil- •  New International Airport (41 km away) is under
lion. Historically, Istanbul was the seat of the East- construction and will be operational by 2017.
ern Roman and the Ottoman Empires. The rela- The new airport will be one of the largest in
tively undeveloped but rapidly growing Basaksehir the world, with a passenger capacity of over
Municipality is starting to attract attention as a 100 million [1];
popular new district of Istanbul. Decision-makers in •  It is situated near many national and interna-
Basaksehir are working to mobilise its potential and tional companies, institutions, technical univer-
raise the living standards of the region while also sities, research centres and techno-parks;
increasing economic productivity to compete with
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 75

•  All major motorways pass near the city bounda- The area of Basaksehir region is 6.5 km by
ries (E5, the Trans-European Motorway, the 3rd 22.5 km = 146 km² [3];
motorway). High-speed railways will connect •  Basaksehir is nearly equidistant from the Black
the European and Asian railway systems to the Sea and the Marmara Sea. An artiicial canal
new airport. Eicient public transport systems running parallel to the Bosphorus (150 metres
are already in place (metro, light rail tram and wide and 25 metres deep) will be dug through
city bus systems); Basaksehir. The cost is projected to be around
•  Two major international exhibition centres are USD 40 billion. This canal will attract talent from
located within a 10 km radius; all over the world to the region during the next
•  The largest Organised Industrial District in the decade;
world is running on the border of Basaksehir. •  There are two technical secondary schools that
It has 30 000 small and medium-sized enter- are considered to be two of the best in their
prises (SMEs), which employ 300 000 workers ields in Turkey;
and have yearly exports of EUR 8.5 billion [2]; •  The largest public hospital complex in Turkey is
•  There are large stadiums, one of which was under construction and will cover an area of over
built to the capacity of the Olympic Games. 780 000 m² and include a sports hospital [4].

The cooperation between the The municipality welcomes the concept of pioneering
municipality and the Living Lab smart cities, and the Living Lab guarantees the pres-
The municipality aims to create a sustainable smart ence of qualiied human resources. This will channel
city based on ideas facilitating human life and citi- the dynamism of the companies based in Istanbul, as
zen satisfaction, in which all the inhabitants beneit well as attract foreign companies to the city.
equally from modern public services. The population
of Basaksehir is 400 000 and is expected to double What the municipality has done in the ield of ICT is
by 2020. In light of this rapid growth and the high an indication of what can be done elsewhere in the
budgetary allocation of the Turkish government to future. Some of the successful implementations are
research and development (R & D) and innovation, an operative Living Lab, 1 Gbit/s Internet Connection,
the Basaksehir municipality is eager to focus its Support Card, Call Centre, Establishment of a Police
eforts on the Living Lab. Mobese System, Municipality Management Informa-
tion System (YBS), Electronic Document Management
System (EDM), Digital Archiving and GIS [5].
76 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Basaksehir Living Lab — The Focus Areas

The focus of the Basaksehir Living Lab is to provide Basaksehir Living Lab Innovation
an environment for developing ICT products and and Technology Centre
services such as; The Basaksehir Living Lab Innovation and Technol-
ogy Centre building is constructed in Basaksehir and
•  Smart cities; has a 3 500 m² covered area and includes the fol-
•  Mobile applications; lowing areas and facilities:
•  Robotics;
•  Wireless communication technologies; Living Lab Incubator
•  Mobile health; The incubator is a workshop and oice environ-
•  E-Education; ment where any kind of equipment, sotware and
•  Sensor technologies; hardware that can enable individuals with creative
•  Renewable energy; ideas or small enterprises to make developments is
•  Wearable technologies; available. There is an electronics laboratory and a
•  3D printing technologies; ‘design factory’ with rapid prototyping capabilities,
•  Augmented reality and virtual reality; a conference hall, separate meeting rooms and a
•  Design and innovation, entrepreneurship schools. large uniied working area.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 77

Living Lab User Experience services are shared with users and business part-
Centre — Showroom ners and where feedback is received. It can be
The Living Lab User Experience Centre is the envi- used by entrepreneurs and established business
ronment where new technological products and partners.

In addition to the Showroom, the User Experience seminar hall is a lexible area and includes cutting-
Centre contains a seminar hall and design expe- edge, interactive smart education technology pro-
rience site where 3D printers are available. The vided by WALLRITE SCANDINAVIA.
78 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Living Lab Social Area

The Social Area is a green area located in the pent-
house of the building and is used for dining, relaxing
and social activities.

At the forefront of technology •  Free public access to information services; i.e.

and innovation Wi-i points, IP TV;
The Basaksehir Municipality is at the forefront of •  Providing all public services, especially secu-
ICT competency growth. Thanks to its present infra- rity, health, education and economic services
structure, it can efectively deliver IT services to the through web portals and applications;
public and carry out projects to launch future ser- •  Becoming a pilot area for new technologies such
vices. Some of these projects are listed below: as 4G and 5G, WiMAX, IPTV, Wi-i points and
Basaksehir mobile applications;
•  High-speed broadband infrastructure (1 Gbit/s •  Implementing safety surveillance with net-
symmetric connectivity to each new lat in the worked tracking systems.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 79

Contribution of Basaksehir Living Lab Furthermore, thanks to Basaksehir municipal-

to innovation and entrepreneurship ity joining the European Network of Living Labs
The incubation and experience centres at the Living (ENoLL), many Living Labs around the world can
Lab allow ideas to turn into products and services. be used as practical test environments, and the
The services that the Living Lab ofers are not limi- opportunity to present products on international
ted to the facilities within the physical building. platforms will arise.
Thanks to partnerships established between the
Living Lab and other organisations, additional ser- The Executive Board Committee of ENoLL has
vices, such as the following, are ofered: decided during Open ENoLL 2014 and General
Assembly in Amsterdam (3-6 September 2014)
•  Bringing together entrepreneurs and investors; that Open ENoLL 2015 and General Assembly will
•  Coaching of SMEs for the market; be organised at the Basaksehir Living Lab between
•  Supporting the development of business mod- 25-29 August 2015. Around 500 Living Lab manag-
els and bolstering relationships with the inance ers from ive continents (representing around 440
sector in order to obtain inancial resources; Living Labs) are expected to participate.
•  Helping with business presentations;
•  Legal support during company establishment. Since the Living Lab accelerates the R & D process
and market entry, smaller investments provide
faster responses, as other LivingLab examples have
However the most vital issue is that entrepreneurs shown. This will increase Turkey’s competitiveness
have environments to test their products and have in the global market.
the opportunity to adapt their highest-scoring prod-
ucts to the market through the feedback that they
receive from users.

Innovation Competition Main activities of Living

The Turkish Export Assembly (TIM) is organising Lab during 2015-16
an ‘Innovation Week’ every year at the beginning People Olympics
of December in Istanbul. This three-day event In 2015, 1 200 citizens and in 2016 10 000 citizens
attracts 45 000 participants. Basaksehir Living Lab will participate in what is called the People Olympics.
has organised an ‘Innovation Competition’ among The 2016 People Olympics will start concurrently
primary and secondary schools as well as univer- with the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games and will go
sity students with TIM and IOSB (Ikitelli Organised on for a whole year. The primary goal of the People
Industrial District) for the Innovation Week. 200 Olympics is to increase awareness of a healthy life-
innovative projects were submitted and the jury style and encourage people to make exercise a part
has chosen nine projects from each age group to of their daily personal and family routines. The Living
be rewarded [6]. Lab approach to this event will focus on the use of
80 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

immediate mobile feedback from various meas- •  Coder Dojo/Scratch;

urement devices and applications developed there. •  Robotics and rapid prototyping with Lego bricks;
An important aspect of health that the Basaksehir •  Simple and advanced circuit design (for example,
Living lab wants to consider is fasting, and people designing a digital clock, Arduino);
will be educated about diferent methods of efective •  3D modelling and 3D printing;
and healthy fasting [7]. •  Augmented-reality stepping stones;
•  Digital accessibility for the handicapped/
Education disabled;
The public education programmes for 2015 were •  Empathy training for disabled caretakers;
planned with all age groups in mind. The following •  Take Responsibility for Your Trash Foundation;
is a sample of the programmes being ofered: •  Smartphones and e-government .

Workshops on all levels, facilitating adaptation to the digitali-

The Living Lab will organise public workshops and sation of services, facilitating a healthier lifestyle
forums in 2015 in a plethora of ields that touch our and emphasising the connection between arts and
lives. Again, a sample list is presented below: innovation. In short, Living Labs are an indispensa-
ble part of becoming a sustainable smart city. In
•  Parks and recreational areas; this regard, the Living Lab is contributing to Basak-
•  Posture and ergonomics; sehir’s goal of becoming a brand, and is becoming
•  Changing spaces and enriching urban identities; a leader among the Living Labs that will be estab-
•  What makes a smart city?; lished in diferent urban centres across Turkey.
•  Storytelling in product design;
•  User interfaces; In closing, I quote from Dr Geert Hofstede:
•  Presentation techniques and mock-ups.
‘We need to remember that there is a supercom-
puter between the ears of every human on this
Conclusion planet. Train him/her well, and they become a key
On ive continents, hundreds of cities are competing part of the knowledge economy.’
to become recognisable brands, and the concept of
the municipality is being recreated. It is not a coinci- The Basaksehir Living Lab provides equal opportu-
dence that Living Labs started buttressing the idea nity to all who visit, in order to optimise the use of
of the smart city. Living Labs aim to improve the mental resources by rallying the resourcefulness of
living standards of citizens by improving education the whole region.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : L I V I N G L A B S 81

(1) Transport Ministry/Turkey. Contact:
(2) Ikitelli Organised Industrial District (IOSB).
Yilmaz Cakir
(3) Basaksehir Municipality PR Directorate.
Chairman of Executive Board
(4) Ministry of Health/Turkey. Basaksehir Living Lab/Istanbul-Turkey
(5) Basaksehir Municipality/ ICT Directorate.
(6) Turkish Export Assembly (TIM)’s magazine/January
(7) ENoLL and Basaksehir Newsletters.
82 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5


Open Innovation 2.0:

Smart Cities
Smart Lighting Solutions as a catalyst for Smart Cities:
Practical Challenges of Ambitious Innovation Partners

Abstract Introduction
Cities strive to improve quality of life for their citi- Cities strive to improve quality of life for their citi-
zens and see opportunities in new ICT-based tech- zens and see opportunities in new ICT-based tech-
nologies. Public lighting and public lighting infra- nologies. At the same time companies are looking
structure can play a signiicant role as a stepping for ways to create a sustainable business in the
stone to achieve the ambitions of cities to become smart city domain. Many companies approach cities
‘smart cities’. New technology enables cities to to ofer technology solutions, resulting in a large
ofer a wide range of intelligent and integrated ser- number of pilot projects for smart cities [1]. In many
vices to beneit both individual citizens and society cases these solutions are only a part of the desired
at large. The main challenge is how to create and integrated system, e.g. the role out of extensive
implement new technology solutions serving the sensor networks to collect all kinds of data. How-
needs of people. This requires a paradigm shift ever, for a truly smart city solution, just collecting
towards the continuous innovation of services for data is insuicient. Smart solutions should have a
people. Practical projects indicate four paradigm real impact on quality of life by providing answers
shits: (1) from products to service; (2) from tech- to real societal needs. Smart lighting projects have
nology to people and society; (3) from individual an advantage, since light adds an actuator to the
products to adaptive platforms; and (4) from one- system to influence quality of life. This means
of results to continuous innovation. that public lighting and public lighting infrastruc-
ture can play a signiicant role as a stepping stone
Ambitious cities and projects encounter practical towards achieving the ambitions of cities in becom-
implementation problems that can only be ing smart cities. As we described in the previous
overcome by radical new approaches and corres- yearbooks, the lighting domain is in a transition
ponding boundary conditions. Changing roles for from a hardware and product-driven industry to a
all partners — industry, municipalities, knowledge full solution and service-driven industry. The new,
organisations and citizens — can be identiied. The disruptive technology creates possibilities for ada-
technological development should aim to provide ptive lighting and smart services that have not been
a platform in which all partial solutions can be possible before. Technological developments include
integrated, and that is open to the development an upgrade of the public lighting infrastructure and
of applications. The starting point should be the system by connecting to ICT solutions. The resulting
people and other stakeholders who will benefit growth in the availability of data from sensors and
from the value created. A ‘designerly’ approach controls creates many new service opportunities.
facilitates citizens in participating as experts on This enables cities to ofer a wide range of intel-
their own quality of life. The main challenge is in the ligent and integrated services that will beneit both
co-creation process in the ecosystem: all partners individual citizens and society at large.
will participate in the path of innovation, embracing
the uncertainties in the outcome and jointly seeking The main challenge is how to create and implement
opportunities that deliver the best value for all new technology solutions serving the needs of peo-
partners. ple. How can we ensure that the technology contri-
butes to making the city an attractive place to live?
84 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

A change of paradigm and the TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute. Hoeken-

Moving beyond the functionality of products to rodeplein is located in ArenAPoort, and provides a
providing value for citizens and society with ser- unique environment with a diversity of entertain-
vice innovation not only needs technological ment, shops, sports, restaurants and bars. The Ajax
developments, but especially it needs a change of football stadium, several music stages and a large
mindset for all participants in the quadruple helix cinema are just a few examples of event locations
— a fundamental mind shit towards continuous in ArenAPoort. Residential and business areas are
innovation of services for people. This paradigm also included.
shit, also described by Curley and Salmelin [2],
involves changing perspectives of all partners In the redevelopment of Hoekenrodeplein, three
in the quadruple helix. However implementing ambitions were identiied for the area: increasing
such new working approaches is no easy task. In sustainability, safety and hospitality. The proposed
realising smart lighting projects as part of the lighting solution is an adaptive lighting system that
implementation of the vision and roadmap urban creates the right ambiance for any moment. The
lighting Eindhoven 2030 [3] the TU/e Intelligent lighting scene adapts to time, weather, number of
Lighting Institute, the city of Eindhoven and indus- people, the spread of people, and their needs at the
trial partners experienced new practical chal- moment and the desired atmosphere.
lenges. We will explain the change of paradigm
through four mind shits occurring in parallel, illus- The smart lighting system consists of a set of LED
trated by practical projects. spotlights that enable different light scenes by
adjusting the light levels for the individual light
A shit in focus: from products to service sources. The system uses cameras to count people
The dominant business model in the lighting and ICT on the square and monitor their locations. In this
industry has mainly been hardware-based: selling way the system can adapt the light scenes to the
products such as lighting posts, luminaires, sensor use of the square, for instance commuting during
and routers. The innovation question focused on the morning and evening rush hour or leisure activi-
how to create new technology and new functional ties at weekend evenings. It can adapt by dimming
products. But today a shit is needed towards smart, the light when there is nobody around or by lighting
ICT-based lighting as a value-adding service. up the areas in which people are present to create
a pleasant atmosphere. During events the system
This shit from products to services will be illus- provides an inviting light scene to attract people to
trated by the Amsterdam Smart Lighting project, come or to stay longer. When it is very busy the sys-
in which an adaptive lighting solution is designed tem can be geared up to a higher light level, ena-
and implemented for Hoekenrodeplein, a square in bling surveillance of the crowd for security reasons.
Amsterdam. This project is a collaboration between The adaptive lighting system provides the service to
the city of Amsterdam, Philips, Cisco, Alliander, KPN create the right ambiance for any moment

Figure 1: Adaptive lighting at Hoekenrodeplein creates the right

ambiance for any moment (designed by Philips)

The Amsterdam Smart Lighting project illustrates diferent levels. If the system can create any desired
the mind shift towards service-driven thinking. ambiance for any moment, then what ambiance
Technically, the adaptive lighting system consists should be provided at what time? How can we turn
of lighting posts, luminaires, cameras, sensors and ambiance creation into a meaningful application?
Wi-Fi connectivity. In functionality this enables any Who are the users and other stakeholders, what
possible lighting scene, creating new design oppor- are their needs and when do they experience them?
tunities that address the innovation questions at And what ambiance suits these needs best? In other
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 85

words how can we develop meaningful solutions a real-life environment. The TU/e Intelligent Light-
that add value to the (local) people? ing Institute facilitated the irst step in the project:
deining the desired societal impact for the intel-
For Hoekenrodeplein these challenges have been ligent lighting system and the common and speciic
solved by realising the adaptive lighting system needs for the diferent pilot areas of the ive cities.
irst, with a set of ambient lighting scenarios. Ater
the installation, independent research is being car- The challenge in deining the societal needs and
ried out to validate the scenarios. Using the out- the desired societal impact is twofold. First of all,
come of the research, the scenarios can then be all cities appointed a speciic pilot area in which
tuned to achieve the desired impact on the deined the results of the project will be implemented.
criteria of sustainability, safety and hospitality. The Each pilot area has its own dynamics, stakehold-
shit in focus from products to services makes it ers and context. In-depth understanding of the
possible to continuously innovate without further speciic needs of the stakeholders in the pilot area
investments in the hardware infrastructure. is needed, as well as good understanding of the
city’s policy with its strategic ambitions for the city
A shit in focus: from technology to people as a whole. Secondly, all ive pilot areas difer in
and societal needs functionality (a busy area near a railway station,
The changing focus to services requires a second a school area, a park in the city, a university cam-
mind shit to a focus on people and societal needs. pus and a historic city centre). For this project it is
There is a need to get a deeper understanding of important to identify a common ground for all cities
the diferent stakeholders’ needs in relation to good on which to deine the speciications and desired
quality of life to enable the deinition of meaningful societal impact, to be able to procure an innovative
solutions. solution that meets all needs simultaneously.

The shit towards a focus on people and societal To gain an understanding of the strategic ambitions
needs is illustrated through the ENIGMA project [4]. and societal needs in the pilot area, Deep Dive Work-
ENIGMA is a European-funded project that aims to shops were organised in each of the ive cities. These
implement a joint transnational pre-commercial consisted of four sessions, as shown in Figure 2.
procurement (PCP) procedure in the ield of public External stakeholders included residents, police oic-
lighting. The project is coordinated by the City of ers, employers, hotel owners, representatives of citi-
Eindhoven, and has ive partner municipalities (Ein- zens, scholars etc. All information and insights from
dhoven, Malmo, Stavanger, Espoo and Bassano del the four sessions were combined, and these led to a
Grappa) cooperating on procuring innovation and coherent overview of the desired stakeholder needs
testing innovative ICT-based lighting solutions in in relation to the cities’ strategic ambition.

Figure 2: The identiication of societal needs with all stakeholders in the ENIGMA project

With the coherent sets of needs for each city and vibrant and sustainable cities. On a deeper level
its pilot area, the second challenge was to reach there are also shared societal needs. For example,
common ground for the ive cities. At a strategic one common need is ‘guidance of citizens and visi-
level the cities share a common ambition: becoming tors’. This can be deined in more detail for each
86 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

pilot area, e.g. for the university campus area through the city gems as well as providing services
in Espoo this translates into ‘offering guidance to residents (such as driving directions highlighting
between the public traic lines (e.g. transition from restricted car areas, car parks, cycle paths, the
metro to bus station, which lines leave from where, presence of bike sharing, ongoing events, services,
lighting indications showing when the next bus/train commercial indications)’. Since the societal needs
will arrive etc.)’. For the railway area in Eindhoven were described in the same way for each area, the
it means ‘providing collective routing and guidance cities had a shared language to discuss the specif-
in case of special events and police request (crowd ics and commonalities. This catalysed the process
control)’. Or for the historic city centre ‘dynamic and of deining the right level of description for the
interactive lighting able to drive visitors and tourists common needs.

Figure 3: The step from societal needs to common societal needs and ambitions in the ENIGMA project

Traditionally cities would procure lighting systems A shit from individual products to adaptive
by specifying the functional aspects of lighting platforms
(light levels, light distribution, colour temperature, A market exploration of the current state-of-the-
light source technology, type of luminaire etc.). It is art in lighting and smart city solutions shows that
perceived as a great challenge to turn the process increasing numbers of products are available. How-
around and identify the societal needs. This leaves ever, from the perspective of societal needs, they all
more space for creative solutions by designers and ofer only partial solutions. To really address soci-
industry. The cities struggle with the process for dif- etal needs and improve the quality of life in the city,
ferent reasons: it is a new working approach, and it all the partial solutions such as lighting, sensors,
requires a diferent kind of thinking, but it also means cameras etc. need to be integrated in a platform.
that it is much less certain what solutions they will Only then can innovations emerge that were not
eventually get when creativity is allowed into the pro- possible before.
cess. The ENIGMA project illustrates the mind shit to
a focus on people and societal needs, to identify new What this means is illustrated by the Amsterdam
possible and desired solutions for intelligent lighting Smart Lighting project. The adaptive lighting system
systems, and not only taking technical (contempo- installed consists of luminaires, cameras and Wi-Fi.
rary) solutions as a starting point. In the process it But when looking at the societal need to improve the
is important to engage all stakeholders and listen to perceived hospitality in the square, more ideas could
their speciic needs. However it is equally important be generated based on the adaptive lighting system.
to redeine the identiied needs so they address the A creative session on solutions to increase this hospi-
societal needs for the city above the individual pref- tality level resulted in the idea of providing a virtual
erences of stakeholders. The public interest has to be stage for street performers. This ties in closely with
addressed at the right level. the context of the square in which large music events
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 87

are oten held in the Ziggo Dome, Heineken Music slots for performers on a real spot on the square,
Hall or Amsterdam ArenA. The presence of adaptive marked out by spotlights and at the same time being
lighting technology enables the creation of such a streamed online by the video cameras. This new ser-
street performance stage without extra investment vice is interesting for the performers, and also time
in the infrastructure. This virtual stage provides a attracts crowds and increases the attractiveness of
podium for local talent. Airtime can be booked on the area. It will therefore address the need of direct
an app or portal, and will ofer preselected time

Figure 4: The concept of a street performer’s music stage at Hoekenrodeplein (designed by Philips)

users as well as the overall ambitions for the entire music stage will be added. Such a system requires
redevelopment project of the square. open interfaces to allow other building blocks to be
The concept of the street performer’s music stage
of the Amsterdam Smart Lighting project illustrates At the same time the new services that can be
the mind shit to the development of an adaptive designed on top of the platform introduce new
platform for smart lighting and smart city solutions. business and new business models. The proposed
Such an adaptive platform integrates the current street performers’ music stage is of interest for per-
fragmented solutions into a ‘Lego-style’ platform formers, for the public, for entrepreneurs (such as
that enables the building of various systems, each café and restaurant owners) in the area, and for the
dedicated to the speciic context. The system is also municipality. The idea allows for a range of business
upgradable to meet future needs — for example in models: bar owners can rent it for their customers,
the Hoekenrodeplein case, in which irst the adap- visitors to the square can pay a fee to use it, or
tive lighting is implemented, and later the virtual organisers of larger music events can provide it as
88 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

a service to their customers. It is not clear (yet) who for potential solutions that may inluence well-being
would be the logical operator of the new service; and behaviour are still highly uncertain. In addition,
for example would this be one of the large compa- new hardware and sotware will become available
nies involved in the project, or does it require a local over time allowing new functionalities. To ensure
entrepreneur? Or — in the start-up phase — could it that the system has a suiciently long economic
be the municipality? It may well be that the munici- lifetime, it will need to be able to include new and
pality would have to operate it (temporarily) to faci- at present unknowable modules. Also the context
litate the market launch, and to demonstrate the of urban spaces will change over time. With aspired
impact and viability of such a solution to the stake- infrastructure life-cycles of well over a decade,
holders before the market takes it up. Such a role it is uncertain what the future context will be. To
to spark and promote the development and exploi- embrace the uncertainty in this innovation process,
tation of new and innovative services falls outside there is a need to shape the solution in a way that
their traditional responsibility (and comfort zone) it is lexible and adjustable, to enable continuous
of the municipality, but is important to achieve the innovation based on progressive insights, changing
goal of becoming a vibrant and sustainable city. contexts and new opportunities.

4. A shit from a one-of result to continuous An example of a project that aims for a continu-
innovation ous learning environment to ind ways to inluence
Smart lighting solutions are by their nature more mood and social behaviour is the Stratumseind
flexible: the integration of ICT in an LED-based area, a large inner-city entertainment area in the
lighting system allows for dynamic lighting scena- city of Eindhoven in which a living lab has been set
rios and interactivity through various sensors and up to explore the opportunities for innovative ligh-
controls. This is an important advantage, especially ting solutions that will improve the atmosphere and
since the innovation process still involves high lev- reduce the escalation of aggression. The project is
els of uncertainty. Although artiicial lighting has part of the portfolio of projects to achieve the smart
been available for over a century, it is only in the lighting ambition in Eindhoven [5]. In this living lab, a
last few decades that the digitisation of lighting scientiic research project called De-escalate aims to
has enabled variations in light levels and colour. provide fundamental insights into human behaviour,
There has still been little research into the efects but also to deliver lighting schemes that are appli-
of varying lighting scenarios on human well-being cable and efective in real-life conditions through
and behaviour. So innovation processes that look evidence-based lighting design.

Figure 5: Dynamic lighting scenarios to inluence people’s mood and behaviour in the Stratumseind area

For this purpose a living lab has been set up in from multinationals and SMEs, as well as from
which Philips provides intelligent lighting hard- small local start-ups. The resulting integrated
ware, Open Remote provides an open source sensor system allows for continuous monito-
sotware platform to integrate lighting and open ring and learning. And as it is built on the open
data from various sources is used together with source principle it also allows for the integration
data from large numbers of sensors from vari- of new sensors as they become available on the
ous suppliers. The platform integrates solutions market, for example solutions for mood sensing.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 89

Figure 6: Sensor system integrating solutions from diferent

suppliers to collect all kinds of data in the living lab

In the irst phase of the project the emphasis has business opportunities, there are also challenges in
been on the realisation of the hardware and sot- how to deal with privacy and ethics. Current regula-
ware infrastructure. In the second phase the system tions, such as those for the use of CCTV cameras,
is used to explore the impact of diferent dynamic are insuicient for a multi-sensor, open data, public
lighting scenarios on the mood and social behav- area living lab set-up. New ways of dealing with
iour of people, with the ultimate aim of increasing such challenges need to be developed along the
the atmosphere and perception of hospitality in the way.
street and to reduce the number of incidents of
aggression. Shorter experiments go hand-in-hand New organisational practices are needed
with longitudinal research to gain an under standing The described projects illustrate the paradigm shit
of the longer-term effects of different dynamic that the urban lighting domain is currently experi-
lighting scenarios. encing. Ambitious cities and projects are encounter-
ing practical implementation problems that can only
Furthermore, next to the scientiic research on the be overcome by radical new working approaches
efects of lighting on behaviour, the living lab is and corresponding boundary conditions. Moving
also used to develop new lighting applications. For towards continuous innovation of services for peo-
this purpose, ‘hackathons’ are organised in which ple, and for that purpose integrating a ‘mash-up’ of
visitors from the entertainment area are also products and services from diferent organisations,
invited to participate in the development of apps require changes in the ecosystem for innovation as
and lighting scenarios. The open set-up of the liv- well as in the roles of all partners within the ecosys-
ing lab enables easy exploration, using the ideas tem simultaneously.
developed in the hackathon in real-life settings.
This will speed the development of the best ideas A changing ecosystem
in business, either by small (student) start-ups, in Every player in the domain of urban lighting and
SMEs or even integrated in the platform by multi- smart city development is going through a change
nationals. Diferent business models can co-exist in process towards new roles and responsibilities far
such a platform, however since many of the part- beyond the traditional roles of the municipality
ners have invested time and money in the set-up as a customer and businesses as the suppliers of
of the living lab, they have been granted priority products. The ultimate aim is to ofer more value
in the exploitation process. Such arrangements to more stakeholders, thereby signiicantly improv-
to share investments and revenues are important ing the quality of life in cities through new inno-
in creating open ecosystems of this kind. Next to vations. Next to the aspect of putting the citizens
the challenges in inding sustainable and scalable at the core of the innovation process, as referred
90 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

to earlier, it also requires new thinking on invest- drives structural changes far beyond the scope of
ments and depreciation, maintenance contracts what any one person or organisation could achieve
and product life-cycles, as well as respecting each alone. Moreover, these may very well include the
other’s business models and shared value creation. development of an adaptive platform in which all
The key aspect in the new ecosystem is real co- partial solutions (from diferent organisations) are
creation. As referred to in the white paper by Curley integrated.
and Salmelin [2], this requires a shit away from
a focus on the performance of the organisation Although this is oten perceived as contra-intuitive,
towards optimising both the performance of the the development of such an open and adaptive
organisation and the social conditions. It involves platform is an enabler for companies in their busi-
the creation of shared value, sustainable prosperity ness development. As the example projects show,
and improvements in human well-being. For this the needs are very speciic in their local contexts. To
purpose, ecosystem-centric cross- organisational scale and develop a (world) market, there is a need
innovation has to take place. These ecosystems for common service and application platforms that
allow large and small businesses, govern mental can be adapted locally, but that will still be aford-
and public organisations, academia and private able because of the broad application area. It also
individuals to co-create novel products and ser- enables the integration of speciic products from
vices. The shifts described above also make it small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) into a
important to ensure that the business models more common and globally scalable platform. Inno-
support sustainable exploitation of the system by vative SMEs oten have dedicated high-tech solu-
integrating societal and economic interests. Such tions for speciic functions (such as the 3D sound
business models need to be developed and imple- sensors or social media analysis algorithms in the
mented through a transition from the existing to Stratumseind example). The integration of such
the desired business model. dedicated solutions enables new functionalities
that are beyond the scope of traditional lighting
This quadruple helix innovation approach is most system. An open, adaptive platform enables the
successful when there is a shared vision and shared rapid integration of new modules to provide new
value is created. The projects shown as examples services.
demonstrate that starting from a societal need is a
good way to create a common vision on the desired The shit from a focus on products to integrated
impact of an innovation. A joint aspiration enables services also creates the opportunity for recurring
the diferent partners to contribute from their own revenues in service development. Services typi-
strengths and perspective. However, for this new cally have shorter life-cycles than the supporting
ecosystem to develop and lourish, each partner is products and platforms. A combination of a lexible,
also going through a change process. adaptive platform with continuous service innova-
tion enables simultaneous exploration and exploita-
A changing role for industry tion of new services. A smart system enables con-
The industry, lighting as well as ICT, has tradition- tinuous monitoring and learning, dealing with the
ally focused on research into new technological impact of the services on the quality of life in cities.
solutions and the development of new products As stated earlier, to create a sustainable ecosystem
(e.g. light bulbs, luminaires, sensors, routers, sot- the business models should ensure the integration
ware). The results of this technological innovation of the societal and economic interests of the difer-
process were of-the-shelf products, fulilling the ent stakeholders.
regulations set by governmental and public organi-
sations. In the European tendering processes, cus- The system integrator has an important role
tomers (such as municipalities) would indicate the to play in the urban lighting ecosystem. As long
functional requirements and the industry would as current industrial partners ofer propositions
then respond with tenders based on their existing from a single business perspective, there will be
products. But in the new ecosystem the industry is no integrated solution for the societal need. In
involved in the quadruple helix co-creation process, the example projects there is a lack of a part-
which starts by identifying the end-user needs, ner to take the responsibility for integrating the
followed by the development of integrated solu- mash-up of products and services from diferent
tions made up of products and services. organisations into a total solution. In this situation,
the partners in the projects will hesitate to take
Starting from the end-user needs oten leads to full responsibility for each other’s products and
the co-creation of innovative solutions (products services. Ideally, the ecosystem should include a
and services) that exceed the boundaries of partner that is independent of the diferent partial
contemporary lighting solutions and lead to lighting solutions, partial needs and involved organisations,
as a value-added service. This co-creation process and instead focuses exclusively on the successful
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 91

implementation of the best-value solution for the A changing role for knowledge organisations
identiied societal need. Many relevant aspects in the relationship between
open innovation and academia can be found in the
An example of how collaboration in the quadruple context provided by the concept of 3rd Generation
helix also supports industry is the Green Deal. In Universities. The framework of 3rd Generation Uni-
the Green Deals, the Ministry of Economic Afairs in versities, as proposed by Wissema [6], describes
the Netherlands is taking concrete steps towards a the transition of Western (European) universities
sustainable economy. This will bring together more over the past millennium. He distinguished three
green energy with economic growth, and with pro- generations of universities that are markedly dif-
jects that pay for themselves. The Green Deal helps ferent with respect to their positioning in society
to overcome obstacles (such as confusion about and their working approach. The irst generation,
licences, lack of collaborative partners or ambigu- starting with the universities of Bologna and Paris
ous regulations) and achieve results quicker. in the Middle Ages, was aimed at providing a kind of
universal knowledge, defending the truth through
A changing role for municipalities education in Latin, provided by professionals in col-
In urban lighting, municipalities traditionally leges that used methods from scholastics and arts.
focused on guidelines and speciications to enable The second generation, starting at around 1700
them to choose the right products for their project. and oten referred to as Humboldtian universities,
Their new primary, future-proof role is to safeguard were aimed at exploring nature through research,
the public interest in the co-creation process that conducted by mono-disciplinary professionals
starts by identifying the societal needs in diferent who applied scientiic methods and were organ-
areas of the city. No other party in the urban light- ised in faculties. For the last thirty years we have
ing innovation process will safeguard the public now had the concept of third-generation universi-
interest. The city thereby acts as the representative ties, which aim to generate value from knowledge
of the citizens and society. There is a need for new by supporting multi-disciplinary academic entre-
citizen participation practices that acknowledge preneurs in turning knowledge into services and
citizens as experienced experts on their own needs, products that impact society.
and actively facilitates them in the design, and in
thinking of new possibilities and future services. The transition from one generation to the next can
be described in terms of how knowledge is handled.
Next, municipalities have an important role in cre- The irst generation transfers knowledge through
ating lasting prosperity. The right policy decisions education, the second generation in addition extends
at this stage will accelerate the creation of both and expands knowledge through research, and the
business and societal value through innovation. As third generation in addition transfers knowledge into
indicated by Curley and Salmelin [2], the task of the value. It is important to note that the subsequent
public sector is to create the environment for Open generations build on the assets obtained by their
Innovation 2.0, in which the mash-up of required predecessors. Third-generation universities combine
components can happen in a frictionless environ- education, research and value creation. However, the
ment, bringing in the fuel for the innovation pro- way they are organised and their positioning in soci-
cess, for example by procuring innovative products ety are markedly diferent. The irst generation was
and catalysing innovation and experimentation. open, but through the use of Latin only those who
The City of Eindhoven has a long tradition of open had mastered that language could participate. The
innovation and triple helix innovation in the Brain- second generation was limited to the scientiic elite
port region, and is actively opening living labs for in every speciic domain that could understand the
smart lighting solutions. These will make space for oten complex methods of investigation that were
innovation, enabling the desired paradigm shit [3]. used. And the third generation again is open in its
The city also aims to create (economic) hotspots for eforts to generate value for society. These univer-
smart lighting businesses. sities consequently need to build on the insights
gained from their target group, and in addition they
In this role the municipality transforms itself in need to understand how the academic knowledge
three ways: 1) from being a client, evaluating the can be efectively transferred to those who can cre-
bids in a tendering process for functional products; ate value from it. Many universities still operate at
2) to being a lead user, putting the city forward as the level of the second generation. A true third-gen-
a test bed for suppliers to pilot innovative products; eration university applies a diferent approach to the
and 3) to involvement in a full co-creation partner- working methods used by the previous generation.
ship. In the co-creation ecosystem, all partners are
expected to participate, to take part in the respon- Exploitation of knowledge should be a core busi-
sibility and to jointly take risks in the uncertain ness, and should become a third objective in
route of innovation. addition to education and scientific research.
92 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Univer sities should be eager to operate in an inter- cha llenges, the notion that the involvement of
national and competitive market. They should citizens is required is now translated into partici-
be willing to collaborate with many partners and pative processes, while sometimes solutions are
institutions at various levels, to use transdiscipli- even designed in co-creation processes. This is
nary research organised in institutes, and to run important because there are no blueprints for the
their business in a professional way, becoming desired solutions. It is also impossible to write
less dependent on direct state inancing and state clear speciications for the desired solution. So the
interference. only way to create a solution that fulils the (oten
unarticulated) needs of the stakeholders is to
As an example, Eindhoven University of Technology jointly embark on a co-creation process to explore
has expressed the wish to become a third-gener- possible solution spaces. In this iterative process
ation university. Its positioning in the Brainport the needs become clear, when all participants play
region, which has been widely recognised as one of their roles in inding a synergetic solution that its
the ‘Smartest Regions of the World’, and its strong in the speciic context. Each context is diferent, but
record in working together with industry provide as shown in the ENIGMA project, the solution (when
the university with the knowledge and experience adaptable and lexible) can be based on a common
to make the required transition. In addition, the platform.
university is exploring ways to get more deeply
involved in activities that take place at the level of One very important advantage of the lexible and
the municipality of Eindhoven. Many of the newly adaptive platforms referred to earlier is that they
deined projects relate to Smart Urban Life, and use also allow the on-site co-creation process with citi-
the city or parts of it as genuine Living Labs. Multi- zens ater the installation. As the example projects
stakeholder concepts are applied to maximise the also show, the systems are lexible and very dif-
impact generated by the transferred knowledge. ferent lighting scenarios can be designed without
New business models are explored, and it can be changes to the infrastructure. The co-creation of
safely stated that the municipality has moved from desired lighting scenarios can therefore take place
the role of facilitator to that of a participant in the in real settings, in which diferent scenarios can be
Brainport innovation ecosystem. The most intere- experienced once the systems are up and running.
sting asset resulting from this development is its
amazing impact on young, talented people. We can As referred to above, in the quadruple helix model
safely state that it attracts a new breed of profe- there is an important role for the citizens. They are
ssionals who want to dedicate their talents to ser- experts on their own needs, but require facilitation
ving society with meaningful solutions, and this is a in being involved in design, new possibilities and
great facilitator in achieving open innovation. future services. Co-creation of meaningful innova-
tions requires strong involvement by citizens, far
In the new generation, knowledge institutes, citizens beyond the frequently cited ‘one-directional parti-
and other stakeholders are intensively involved in cipation’ in which ideas are simply presented to
research and education with the aim of co-creating citizens. True involvement in dialogues to really
meaningful solutions. Although governmental understand the needs is a diferent process. New
policies such as the recently published vision on ICT solutions can enable further enrichment of
science of the Dutch Ministry of Education sup- the co-creation sessions, for example by ofering
port these ideas, the associated transition also virtual reality experiences of new dynamic lighting
poses challenges to scientists and educators. For scenarios to citizens during the co-creation process.
example, applying scientiic rigour in such collab- Technologies like this will enable citizens to expe-
orative research projects in ‘the outside world’ is rience solutions without large investments in tech-
more challenging than when it takes place in tradi- nology infrastructure.
tional laboratories, and it is also more diicult to
get multi-disciplinary scientiic research published The role of municipalities is to serve the co-creation
than mono-disciplinary. Knowledge institutes will process. This implies making it possible, but also
need to adapt that their working approach beneits ensuring that the public interest is guarded in the
from and contribute to the ecosystem. process. It also requires from citizens that they take
up their role and take responsibility for their envi-
A changing role for citizens ronment. It is not suicient to complain if some-
Traditionally the role of citizens has been passive: thing is not right: more and more citizens will need
the city, and with it their lives, was largely designed to be involved in actively developing alternative
for that role. But today there is a strong drive solutions that are in line with their needs.
towards participative citizenship at all levels
of society. Especially when it comes to societal
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 93

New regulatory frameworks are needed •  Interactivity; the platform needs to be interac-
The new paradigm also requires a radical revision tive in order to enable the people to control and
of the boundary conditions, including the techno- ‘play’ with the light.
logy frameworks. New regulatory frameworks are •  Modiiability; the platform needs to be modii-
needed that not only acknowledge co-creation, but able in order to upgrade or extend the system if
also facilitate it and help to address the inevitable needed to make it future-proof.
need to deal with uncertainty. •  Modularity; the platform needs to be modular
in order to it the design of the installation to
Contemporary tendering processes and regulations speciic needs and to facilitate the maintenance
are insuicient to support co-creation processes. of the system.
Tendering processes emphasise risk management, •  Openness; the platform needs to be open in
based on rational problem-solving, stating that order to connect it to other systems and to ena-
all information will be available in advance to ble other systems to connect with the lighting
support decision-making. In tendering processes, system.
decision-making is based on a reduction to clear
functional requirements. Even pre-commercial
procurement processes, such as those applied in These adaptive platforms also require new tech-
the ENIGMA project, are not really suitable for the nological concepts. There is a need for a city-wide
more complex situations, such as those regarding ‘plug and play’ platform with generic modules (e.g.
the procurement of innovative smart lighting and in the area of sensing, data storage and analysis,
smart city platforms and services that start from identiication etc.). This platform needs to be open,
the desired societal impact. with standardised interfaces to prohibit ‘vendor
lock-in’. Such a platform will allow all kinds of par-
Innovation inevitably introduces ambiguity based on ties (both proit and non-proit organisations, but
relective practice. The aspired societal impact may also citizens and students) to develop applications
be clear, but how to achieve the desired result is not. that can be plugged into the system. This will allow
Co-creation in the innovation ecosystem requires a wide range of solutions to use the system and
new regulatory frameworks that acknowledge the available open data: from professional lighting
inevitable high uncertainty level, allow risk-taking solutions to simple neighbourhood applications.
and open up the dialogue needed to deal with them.
The basis of the partnership must be trust and The last challenge in the new paradigm is dealing
respect for each other’s power to innovate. Award with open data. Providing open data is attractive
criteria on the outcome are diicult to set up, since to invite organisations, companies and design-
the co-creation aims for a joint explorative process ers to create innovative new services to join the
with an end-result that is not yet known. platform. But it will also inevitably raise questions
of privacy and security. Dealing with the owner-
Another topic to be reframed in a co-creation set- ship of the data is an important aspect, as well as
ting in which the partners innovate together is also concepts like ‘privacy by design’ and ‘usable
intellectual property (IP). Commercial partners privacy’.
oten fear open innovation processes, in which the
ownership of the IP may not be clear. Since current As stated earlier, the role of municipalities is to
business models are oten based on the ownership safeguard public interest. But this is no easy task.
of IP, this hampers cooperation. As stated earlier, What is in the interest of the public? How to be
the creation of an adaptive platform for intelligent objectively assessed? How can the efects of politi-
lighting and smart city solutions can create a plat- cal interests be avoided? Here too, a 2.0 view will
form which several businesses can use to scale need to be developed along the way.
their product or service. For such a platform to
succeed, the building blocks can still contain IP for Realising smart cities
diferent organisations, but the interfaces between Experience from implementation projects in pub-
the building blocks need to be open. In the ENIGMA lic lighting in practice reveal the challenges with
project the requirements for such a platform are the paradigm shit towards continuous innovation
identiied as: of services for people. This transition is currently
taking place, and opens up new opportunities for
•  Adaptability; the platform needs to be adapta- the co-creation of shared value through innovation.
ble in order to enable changing the lighting set- Public lighting and public lighting infrastructure can
tings according to the varying needs of diverse play a signiicant role as a stepping stone towards
users and contexts. It provides the right light at achieving the ambitions of cities in their transition
the right place at the right time. towards smart cities.
94 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

The core of the paradigm shit lies in co-creation within

the urban lighting ecosystem in identifying societal Contact:
needs and jointly enabling the development of mean- The projects referred to here have been carried
ingful solutions. The technological development should out in collaboration with various partners. For
aim for a platform in which all partial solutions can more information, please contact the authors
be integrated, and that is open to the development of through: or
the applications superimposed on it. The starting point
should be the people and other stakeholders who ben-
eit from its value. A ‘designerly’ approach facilitates Elke den Ouden
citizens in participating as experts on their own quality TU/e Fellow New Business Development
of life. The main challenge is in the co-creation process: in Public-Private Value Networks
all partners will participate in the path of innovation, Strategic Director LightHouse
embracing the uncertainties in the outcome and jointly Intelligent Lighting Institute @
seeking opportunities that ofer the best value for the Eindhoven University of Technology
most partners.

To achieve a successful transition to open innovation Rianne Valkenburg

2.0 in the realisation of smart cities, new organisation Value Producer LightHouse & Professor
practices are needed within all organisations, as well of Design Innovation at The Hague
as for the ecosystem itself. New regulatory frame- University of Applied Sciences
works that support innovation and co-creation are also Intelligent Lighting Institute @
needed. There is still a lot to learn about this process, Eindhoven University of Technology
and there are many more challenges to explore in prac-
tical projects. It is only in this way that a big step for-
ward can be taken in the realisation of smart cities that drs. Mary Ann Schreurs
will ofer a high quality of life for their citizens. Vice-mayor and alderman of innovation,
culture, design and sustainability
References City of Eindhoven
(2) Curley, M. and Salmelin, B. (2013), Open Innovation 2.0: A
New Paradigm. Whitepaper. prof.dr. Emile Aarts
( ) Den Ouden, E., and Valkenburg, R., Vision and roadmap
3 Scientiic director
urban lighting Eindhoven 2030 — Research results, Intelligent Lighting Institute @
Eindhoven University of Technology, ISBN 978-90-386- Eindhoven University of Technology
3225-4, July 2012.
(4) 2015 EU Yearbook
(6) Wissema, J.G., (2009), Towards the Third Generation
University, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Northampton, MA,
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 95

Creative Cities and the LERP-PEARL Transition Model

Abstract Transition management

This paper introduces three Unesco nominated crea- City rejuvenation is a long process; it needs the
tive cities to illustrate large scale city innovation. involvement of many players, supported by a
Since building a world-recognised creative city is variety of resources at diferent stages. Rotmans
a long process, transition management concepts (2005) [6] explained that:
were adopted. A two-stage transition model of
‘LERP to PEARL’ is then proposed. LERP — leader, ‘Transition management is designed to encou-
execution, resources and partners are required to rage and stimulate societal innovation towards a
test run the vision in the initial triggering stage to sustainable society. This is based on the realisation
increase awareness and attract the attention of that this cannot be done by force or in a top-down
the relevant parties. ‘PEARL’ — partners, execution, manner, but requires a subtle co-evolutionary
activation, resources and leadership of multiple approach, by means of a visionary process of
constituents are required at the second self-organ- agenda building, learning, instrumenting and
ising stage for making the creative city sustainable. experimenting.’
At the second stage, partners need to be enlarged,
which enhances execution power, helps activate It is an attempt to tackle persistent problems by
more participation and brings in a larger amount of steering them in a more sustainable direction,
resources than at the irst stage. With more stake- through clever, subtle changes and adjustments at
holder involvement, multiple leaders will be nur- several levels concurrently. At the core of transition
tured and, hopefully, a self-organising system will management is the challenge of orientating long-
be established to sustain the transformation. term changes in large socio-technical systems. Tran-
sitions are understood as processes of structural
Key words: creative cities, regional innovation sys- change in major societal sub-systems. They involve
tems, networks in innovation, societal innovation, a shit in the dominant rules of the game, a trans-
transition model formation of established technologies and societal
practices and a movement from one dynamic equi-
Introduction librium to another (Meadowcrot, 2009) [7].
The motivation for this study comes from the
increasing reports of successful city revitalisation Rotmans (2005) [6] also described how such new
projects that have transformed and integrated ways of thinking or change in perspective should
various systems for a sustainable society. The be further translated within various networks,
announcement of various rankings, such as crea- organisations and institutions. A transition towards
tive cities (Cabrita and Cabrita, 2010[1]; Hospers, a sustainable society requires a diferent type of
2003[2]), innovation cities (2thinknow, 2011)[3], steering. That is, it is necessary to create room for
smart cities (Rodrigues and Tomé, 2011)[4] and innovation processes and to facilitate the circum-
liveable cities (Donald, 2001)[5] helped to dissemi- stances and conditions in which these processes
nate the successful models of those awarded cities, can strengthen each other, especially for a scaling
leading to a wave of city rejuvenation worldwide. up efect to take place. To achieve this goal, all rel-
The United Nations Educational, Scientiic and Cul- evant parties — the government, knowledge insti-
tural Organisation (Unesco) launched a ‘Creative tutes, non-governmental organisations, companies
Cities Network’ in 2004, facilitating international and intermediaries — must combine their eforts
cooperation among cities for cultural diversity and to create the conditions that make the transition
sustainable urban development. to a sustainable society possible. In other words,
these actors have to take on new roles, acquire
By studying three Unesco nominated creative cities, new competencies, develop new practices and work
this paper presents a transition model that depicts together in a new way during the transition process.
the process and key success factors of their trans-
formation. In the following sections, we irst explain Above all, a transition towards a sustainable soci-
transition management; introduce the three cit- ety requires a new knowledge infrastructure. Oten,
ies; present our transition model supported by the the current knowledge infrastructure is inadequate
three-city revitalisation measures; and lastly, inal- in tackling the issues raised. Thus, a new interdis-
ise the paper with a conclusion. ciplinary and trans-disciplinary knowledge infra-
structure is required for effective development,
distribution and utilisation of the new knowledge to
successfully implement system innovations.
96 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Unesco Creative Cities Network We report three Unesco-nominated creative cities,

The rationale behind choosing ‘city’ as the level of namely Kanazawa in Japan, Lyon in France and
analysis is because the formation of free global econ- Östersund in Sweden for their outstanding displays
omy and the convenience of the Internet have blurred in crats and folk art, media arts and gastronomy
the boundary of national borders. As a result, cities respectively. From the application document of each
are the uprising competitive units, leading to intensi- city and relevant literature, the characteristics of each
ied competition at this particular level. In addition, city were analysed based on the conditions of transi-
half of the world population lives in cities (Rodrigues tion management introduced earlier. In addition, the
and Tomé, 2011[4]) and cities have been recognised author had the pleasure of personally interviewing
as centres for the production of knowledge, culture, the female entrepreneur who initiated and drove the
information and innovation (Navarro, Ruiz and Peña, city government to apply for the Unesco City of Gas-
2012[8]). City Mayors (an international think tank for tronomy in Östersund, Sweden.
urban afairs) believes that metropolitan areas, rather
than nation states, will shape the world’s social, cul- Background of the Three Creative Cities*
tural, technological and economic agendas in this Kanazawa (Japan), founded as a castle town in
century (Thite, 2011[9]). In such context, cities all over 1583, has had a peaceful existence ever since. Hav-
the world devote a large amount of work encourag- ing avoided serious natural disasters and war-time
ing and cultivating their collective knowledge to shape destruction, various kinds of crats have been devel-
future competitiveness (Cabrita and Cabrita, 2010[1]). oped and preserved along with the city’s distinctive
However, cities are also struggling with cooperation samurai culture and lifestyle. During the Edo Period
and competition for the ultimate goal of attracting (1603-1868), the Maeda Clan abandoned military
talent, knowledge, capital for wealth creation and confrontation with the Edo in favour of civil adminis-
quality of life. tration, promoting and popularising scholarship, crat-
work and the arts. Prominent scholars and crat art-
With the need for cultural recognition that airms ists were invited to the city to teach such skills. During
a city’s identity in the increasingly competitive glo- the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), the population of
balised world, Unesco launched the Creative Cities Kanazawa rapidly declined from 130 000 to 80 000
Network in October 2004. According to the Unesco and the city needed revitalisation. In the 1890s, the
website, its goal is to bring together public and pri- textile industry transformed the city; centred on silk
vate partners as well as civil societies to contribute exports, and the development of the textile machinery.
towards the development of creative industries and In June 1995, Kanazawa Mayor Tamotsu Yamade pro-
generate new forms of international cooperation. posed the Kanazawa World City Concept, which was
accepted as a long-term plan in 1996. Its basic theme
Creative industries are deined by Unesco as indus- was to strengthen Kanazawa’s pride through develop-
tries that combine the creation, production and com- ing its uniqueness cultivated over 400 years as a city
mercialisation of contents which are intangible and of peace and taking responsibility for its preservation
cultural in nature, such as creative, artistic and cul- of traditional Japanese crats and arts. Ater 13 years
tural goods. These activities are promising in terms of transformation, Kanazawa was awarded as a Une-
of growth and are vehicles for cultural identity and sco city of crats and folk art in 2009.
diversity. They also ofer the potential for increased
employment through the generation and use of In Lyon (France), the Lumière Brothers invented
intellectual property and represent around 2.6 % of cinematography and shot the irst ilm in the his-
the GDP of the European Union (The Greater Lyon, tory of the cinema in 1895. In the 19th century, Lyon
2014[10]). Each Unesco-nominated creative city must witnessed important architectural developments with
be unique in its cultural proile in a chosen theme out construction of the Opera House, the Court House,
of seven (1), and be able to cooperate with the crea- the stock exchange, the Tête d’Or Urban Park and
tive and economic institutions in the society. Also, it the Fourvière Basilica. It leverages its geo-strategic
must act as a model and partner with other cities position as the crossroads of Northern and Southern
and communities, both close by and around the world Europe and its faithful preservation of the old city. In
within and outside the Creative Cities Network -(Hart- the old city of ‘The Roman’, ‘The Renaissance’, ‘The
man, Gulliksson and Brannlund, 2010[11]). Silk’ and ‘The Architecture’ districts, nothing has been
destroyed (Trouxe, 2011[12]). As a result, Lyon was
listed on the Unesco world heritage of humanity list in
December 1998. In order not to be overshadowed by
Paris, the Greater Lyon Authority has a policy of eco-
The seven Creative Cities Network themes include literature, nomic development dedicated to the creative indus-
ilm, crats and folk art, design, media arts, gastronomy and tries. This policy aims to support and increase the
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 97

visibility of sectors that have a large creative com- resources. During the city transformation process,
ponent (design, fashion, the moving image). It accel- there were multiple players that passionately joined
erated the process of innovation through creativity the eforts for a large-scale system change. For
and cross fertilisation between the various sectors. example, to promote Östersund as a city of gastron-
Branding ‘ONLYLYON’ in January 2007 is another omy based on organic food with traditional culinary,
endeavour, attempting to position Lyon as a creative the entrepreneur ‘Fia’ used 80 % of organic food in
conurbation, networking all economic, academic and her own restaurant and persuaded the chefs and
artistic players. These measures illustrate the city’s owners of other restaurants to increase the per-
desire to assert its diference, its values, its identity, centage of their organic food, helping the organic
its personality and its exclusivity. In 2008, Lyon was farmers and artisan food producers become sus-
awarded as a Unesco city of media arts. tainable. To reduce the cost, Fia negotiated with
several distributors to pick up organic food from
Östersund (Sweden), founded as a trading cen- diferent farms free of charge, on their way back
tre in 1786, had a population of about 45 000 in sending necessities to those sparsely populated
2010 and is the only town in the region of Jämt- farms. During the transformation process, city gov-
land (about 126 000 inhabitants). Between 2000 ernment and politicians provided their support by
and 2004 the region went through a turbulent allocating required resources. Food academies and
structural change, several regiments were closed food training centres were placed to nurture a new
down in Östersund and the efect was a massive generation of Swedish food processors. Further-
loss of jobs. This seeming economic disaster turned more, gastronomes and cultural workers published
out to open opportunities for developments of new their experience with the ine food, which helped the
industries, the creation of new markets and the marketing and the scaling up of the food industry in
chance to build a new identity. The region’s clean the Östersund region.
air and fresh water provide unique conditions for
superb produce. In addition, the Östersund munici- In developing new competencies and new practices,
pality has an attractive rural area with very good artisans in Kanazawa were not only trained in tradi-
quality of life. Activities such as down-hill biking, tional Japanese crats and arts but were also sent to
running and cross country skiing are examples of other countries to learn advanced techniques aiming
other activities that attract tourists in every season. to combine the traditional with contemporary arts
Continuous sporting events and various types of in order to stimulate innovation. For new knowledge
festivals, combined with gastronomy have become infrastructure, Lyon created the ‘Imaginove’ cluster
a co-branding that attracts visitors. With the joint to nurture synergies between the diferent image
eforts of entrepreneurs, city governments and food sectors (video games, cinema, audiovisual, ani-
producers among others, this rural, sparsely popu- mation and multimedia) to increase their engage-
lated region in Sweden is now appreciated for its ment and facilitate the competitiveness of product
gastronomic culture, based on locally produced food design, production and distribution. These eforts
and traditional culinary. In 2010, Östersund region result in the advancement of various technologies
was named a Unesco city of gastronomy. and are the backbone of its well-known Festival of
Lights. For changing the structure of societal sub-
Transition management in Three Creative systems, the multiple constituents’ involvement in
Cities Östersund’s food industry explains the societal-level
For a large-scale city innovation to take efect, tran- structural change of farming, food producing and
sition management such as the one proposed by distribution sub-systems. Östersund also provides
Rotmans (2005) [6] needs to be implemented. From a good example of co-evolving, as its food, culture,
the literature, we have extracted seven important sports, festivals and tourism projects jointly created
elements for a successful societal innovation. They an arena for sustainable organic food production
are: clear vision, involving multiple players, develop- with a gastronomic proile for the region, as well
ing new competencies and new practices, installing as the growth of the above mentioned industries.
new knowledge infrastructure, changing structures For scaling up, the 2013 Festival of Lights in Lyon
of societal sub-systems, co-evolving and scaling up. has attracted around 4 million visitors, 80 light pro-
jects, 8 million small candles sold in Greater Lyon,
The evolution of each city has shown the above- 400 000 programmes broadcast and more than
stated seven elements. Due to space limitation, 250 newspaper articles. In addition, the city hotels
we explain each key element using one city as an were full during the 4-day festival, three times the
example. In general, each city pronounced its vision turnover for the city bars and restaurants compared
(such as the preservation of traditional crats in to normal periods, with 47 public and private part-
Kanazawa), followed with matching policies and ners (Fête des lumières, 2013[13]).
98 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Proposed transition model — Generally, it goes through at least two stages —

from LERP to PEARL the initial triggering stage and the self-organising
City transformation is a long process and is much stage. Without the self-organisation of inter-
more complicated than a private company’s organi- dependent sub-systems, the transformation would
sational change. It requires vision, good leadership, not be sustainable. Therefore, we propose a two-
multiple players’ commitment, tangible resources, stage ‘LERP to PEARL’ transition model as shown in
efective execution and a self-organising system. Figure 1 for a large-scale city transformation.

Figure 1:

LERP’ — leader, execution, resources, and partners at the same time harmonise with other sub-sys-
are the crucial elements in the initial triggering tems for building and maintaining a self-organising
stage. Literally, ‘lerp’ is a special kind of honey pro- holistic system. Table 1 briely presents the key
duced by a type of Australian insect. It is a nutri- elements of LERP and PEARL model. The concept
ent that facilitates growth, symbolising the fact is further illustrated by real events of the three
that nurturing environments are very important at creative cities in Table 2 for LERP and Table 3 for
the initial stage of city transformation. ‘PEARL’ — PEARL.
partners, execution, activation, resources and
leadership of multiple constituents is required at In what follows, we use Östersund to illustrate the
the second, self-organising, stage for making the key elements of LERP, Kanazawa the PEARL ele-
creative city sustainable. Literally, ‘pearl’ is pre- ments and Lyon the full model. In the initial trig-
cious and desirable jewellery that catches people’s gering LERP stage, Ms. Fia Gulliksson is the most
eyes. Applied to city transformation, once the ini- distinctive leader who drove for the transforma-
tial transformation is successful, it has to become tion of the city and the food industries in Öster-
desirable and attract relevant parties’ attention sund region (Jamtland). Her initial execution was to
to involve more partners. Thus, enlarged partners practice what she preached by using 80 % organic
enable efective execution at relevant sub-systems. food in her own restaurant and persuaded other
Then, proper activation for more participation can restaurants to increase the percentage of organic
solicit required resources and commitment. With and artisan food. The initial resources she acquired
active participation of enlarged partners, supported include the support of the Östersund municipality
by efective execution, proper activation and larger for a small budget that she used to interview unique
amount of resources, it is more likely that self-ini- food producers and shoot ilms for the ‘Gastronomy’
tiated leadership of relevant sub-systems can be magazine in preparing for the Unesco creative city
established for self-organising a sustainable sys- application. As a result, she has been able to solicit
tem. The inal goal is that each sub-system can ini- joint eforts from some partners, such as farmers,
tiate and manage its own sustainable eco-system, artisan food producers, chefs and cultural workers.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 99

As mentioned earlier, the self-organising (PEARL) cinematography invented by the Lumière Broth-
stage will be illustrated by the events in Kanazawa. ers’. Ater setting this clear vision, universities and
Various partners including businessmen, city gov- research institutes were provided with resources to
ernment, associations, artists, art colleges, universi- advance the relevant technologies (execution and
ties, training centres and philanthropists all became resources). This initial move has attracted image
active partners in Kanazawa city’s eforts in pre- artists, high-tech researchers and cultural workers
serving traditional Japanese crats and folk art. to the city (partners). Gradually, the clustering efect
Its multi-constituent execution resulted in the city took place. Therefore, it is not a totally top-down
artisans mastering in 22 kinds of traditional crats. system.
Because the city successfully pushed the roots of
traditional crats into the lives of Kanazawa citizens, As the second-largest University City in France,
they were activated and developed with high levels Lyon has suicient supply of talent in the creative
of culture appreciation. As a result, the local market industries. With the overall living quality improve-
has a good share of the arts Kanazawa produced, ment, more and more talent chooses to stay in the
without totally relying on exports. In addition, with city. In the second stage of the transformation,
such appreciation and the urge for passing tradi- event planners, fashion designers, video game play-
tional crats and folk arts to the younger genera- ers, festival project managers and so on contributed
tion, Kanazawa Children’s Arts and Crats School their expertise to the same goal (enlarged partners).
was opened in 2008. With the pride of preserv- Each profession as a sub-system initiates its own
ing traditional Japanese crats and art, more and activities, at the same time inter-connected with
more resources were made available in the city. For others such as Institut Lumiere with event planners
example, Kanazawa established the fund for tra- (efective execution). To help activate the creative
ditional techniques and arts training. A foundation industries, the Greater Lyon Authority did one more
for children’s arts and crats school was also set up. thing — creating the ‘Imaginove’ cluster to facilitate
In addition, the city supports study abroad for the synergies between the diferent image sectors, such
acquisition of knowledge and technology related as video games, cinema, audiovisual, animation
to craftwork. Philanthropic organisations also and multimedia (activation). With increasing part-
donated money for this endeavour. To sustain such ners and technology advancement, more and more
vision, initiation of diferent organisations has been resources were poured into Lyon. For example, the
observed in Kanazawa. For example, Kanazawa European ICT Network set up The World Digital Soli-
Drama Network was formed by the artists them- darity Agency in Lyon (European ICT, 2014[15]) to
selves in the Citizens’ Art Village to have a national capitalise on its technical support for raising aware-
tour of locally created dramas. New applications of ness and overcoming the lack of information con-
the crat technology have been implemented to new cerning the efective use of ICT for energy saving
products and new designs, thus new styles of silk (more resources). The above transformation process
dyeing, textiles and cratwork were invented lead- has strengthened relevant sub-systems in media
ing to the announcement of the Kanazawa Fash- arts. With their inter-dependence, multiple leaders
ion Industry City Declaration in June 2004 (Unesco, are also evident. For example, the well-known Fes-
2009[14]). Furthermore, new performances were tival of Lights needs support from image, fashion,
staged, including collaborations between con- design, animation and multimedia. Apparently, the
temporary music and the style of traditional Noh media arts industry in Lyon has become self-organ-
drama. This type of organic connection between ising in that businessmen and other stakeholders all
professions in the region not only provides a syn- join their eforts to sustain Lyon as a city of media
ergistic efect, but has also led to the emergence arts for everybody’s beneit.
of multiple leaders in new ield, a diversiication
of the industry structure, and even the stability of In other words, during the process, the starting
the region’s economy (Unesco, 2009[14]). In other leader needs to nurture multiple leaders, the exe-
words, citizens as well as the city government join cution power needs to be enhanced in the second
together in their eforts to make Kanazawa a better stage, the initial resources gathered by the start-
known creative city. Thus, an inter-dependent sub- ing leader needs to be expanded to multi-sources
systems change has forged a self-organising total or self-generation, and the vision needs to be acti-
system that adds value to the city. vated to involve more participation, so that a self-
initiated collective leadership can be achieved for
The LERP-PEARL two-stage model can be further constructing a self-organising system.
explained with the case of Lyon. The Greater Lyon
Authority took the lead in planning for its city devel- Three cities, each with a different profile. The
opment (leader). With the goal of attracting world- population of Östersund city is less than 50 000
wide attention, the city has a policy to ‘develop and the region is only 126 000. Therefore, it is eas-
its creative industries, taking the advantage of its ier for Ms. Fia Gulliksson to be a distinctive driver in
100 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

building a city of gastronomy. Kanazawa has about development needs to be more diversiied to meet
450 000 citizens, a proper size to instil with Japa- diferent people’s needs. Therefore, Lyon is also
nese spirit and call for the preservation of tradi- known for its biotechnologies, architecture, textile
tional crats and arts. The arousal of national pride and gastronomy in addition to media arts. However,
with the two stages development has successfully the two-stage transition model can still be observed
transformed the city. Lyon city has about half mil- during the process of its transformation to a Unesco
lion and the Greater Lyon area about 1.5 million city of media arts.
people and is more densely populated. That is, city

Table 1: Illustrations of the “LERP to PEARL” transition model

LERP - Triggering stage
Self-organizing stage

Leader Starting leadership is Partners The enlarged and moti-

required to get things vated partners become the
moving advocates for the vision
Execution Starting leader needs to Execution The partners are the major
have strong execution force for efective execu-
capability to step forward tion, either individually or
Resources Starting leader acquires ini- Activation Activation is required to
tial key resources to attract solicit more participation
partners and critical resources
Partners Partners commit to the Resources Mass amount of resources
vision and join the eforts are assembled from various
sources or the sub-systems
can self-generate required
Leadership Collective leadership is

Table 2: Sample events of triggering stage (LERP) in three creative cities

Kanazawa – crats
Triggering stage Lyon – media arts Ostersund - gastronomy
and folk art

Leader Mayor Yamade promoted the Greater Lyon Authority Ms. Fia Gulliksson (a chef
“World City” concept in 1995 committed to making and restaurant owner) saw
Lyon a place of innova- the beneits of developing
tion, wealth and job Ostersund as a city of
creation. gastronomy
Execution In 1996, the Kanazawa Insti- Supporting local SMEs, Fia’s restaurant used 80%
tute of Traditional Crats was universities and research organic food. She also per-
set up centers to achieve ields suaded other restaurants to
of excellence through increase the percentage of
ofering high-quality organic food to support those
business support services food producers.
Resources Kanazawa provided subsi- Lyon Program for an Fia asked the mayor for some
dies to artists in silk dyeing, Information Society resources to promote the
ceramics, and lacquerware to (PLSI) was created in “city of gastronomy” idea to
develop new products and to 2001 to help improve the farmers and artisan food
expand to new markets. public access to internet, producers and to prepare
electronic administration, for the UNESCO creative city
digital education and application.
economic development.
Partners (initial) Cratsmen, artisans, Kanazawa Technological research- The mayor assigned Mr. Dag
College of Art and Kanazawa ers, academia and Hartman as the UNESCO
Institute of Technology artists, and multimedia Project Coordinator and
content providers Mr. Tore Brannlund as the
Managing Director to provide
Fia with necessary support.
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 101

Table 3: Sample events of self-organizing stage (PEARL) in three creative cities

Self-organizing stage Kanazawa Lyon Ostersund

"Partners "Business men "City government "Entrepreneurs

(enlarged)" City government Event planners and entrepre- Chefs and restaurants
Associations neurs owners
Artists R&D centers Farmers
Art colleges Sotware developer Artisan food producers
Training centers Game designers Distributors
Philanthropies" Fashion designers Food academy
Image sector Politicians
Animation sector Event and tourism entre-
Audio-video sector" preneurs
Cultural workers"

Execution (efective and Kanazawa artisans To support image related Each partner applies “city
large scale) mastered 22 kinds of companies, the Imaginove of gastronomy” concept
traditional crats. They was set up in 2005. It aims in his/her realm of work.
also explored new ways of to provide technological R&D, For example, the tourist
preserving and developing sales, international expo- brochures introduce gas-
its traditional industries. sure and employment. With tronomy in the Ostersund
the synergy, the execution region.
capability of each player is

Activation Successfully pushed the The Imaginove develops cross Through involving in the
roots of traditional crats fertilization and synergies city transformation, the
into the lives of Kanazawa between the diferent image whole city has been acti-
citizens. Consequently, they sectors (video games, cinema, vated to join the eforts.
developed with high a level audio-visual, animation and For example, the politicians
of culture appreciation. multimedia) to increase the approved relevant budget.
In addition, Kanazawa’s competitiveness of prod- The music festivals, the
artisan spirit encourages uct design, production and sport events and the
continuous innovations not distribution. As a result, there tourism industry all work
only of traditional crats are around 17,000 people in together and help promote
but also of new industries, the creative industries in Lyon gastronomy.
creating high-value prod- Urban Area, second ater Paris.
ucts in various ields, such For deeper inluence, branding
as combining traditional “ONLYLYON” was launched
with contemporary arts. in 2007 to position Lyon as a
creative conurbation.

Resources Kanazawa City has estab- Host international competi- Resources from multiple
lished the Fund for Training tions for relevant companies sources (partners) were
in Traditional Techniques in Greater Lyon to reach their provided. For example, to
and Arts. Its Children's full potential in terms of reduce the cost of organic
Arts and Crats School innovation. Ofering a range food, the distributors
was opened in 2008 and of innovative, coherent and provide free transportation.
a Foundation was founded eicient services to Greater Eldrimner, the Swed-
to support this school. The Lyon residents to enhance ish National Centre for
City of Kanazawa also digital applications. In Small-scale Artisan Food
supports study abroad for addition, the Lyon urban area Processing, is situated at
the acquisition of advanced ofers world-class training and the outskirt of Ostersund.
knowledge and technol- research potential in a variety Close to the city center,
ogy related to cratwork. In of sectors. Such infrastructure Midsweden University has
addition, the City's budget has attracted World Digital over 7000 students doing
for cratwork continues to Solidarity Agency (DSA) to research in environmental
increase. base in Lyon. sciences, tourism, sports
and event technology.

"Leaders/Leadership "-Artists organized their Media arts have become part There are about
(multiple)" own Drama Network to of Lyon’s city life. As a result, 500 companies and
have a national tour of economic stakeholders, local 2300 employees within
locally created dramas authorities or public utilities, the creative industry in the
-Crats and folk art educa- artists and designers all con- Ostersund region. A couple
tion has been extended tribute to the development of of hundred of project
to children by various these tools and methods on a nomads and free cultural
institutes daily basis. Many public events workers also participate
-The City supports overseas that celebrate media arts in in diferent projects. The
shows and private exhibi- the city are becoming more younger generation is
tions to help young crats- and more famous. rediscovering the heritage
men and artisans of Swedish traditional
-Kanazawa Life and culinary in Ostersund.
Fashion Industry is The
new application from The
cratwork technology"
102 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Conclusion uncover the critical operations for cities that need

Developing into a creative city, innovation city or rejuvenation on a scale.
liveable city has attracted the attention of city
governments worldwide as cities are becoming the References
competitive unit rather than nations. Since build- (1) Cabrita, M.R. and Cabrita, C., 2010, The Role of
Creative Industries in Stimulating Intellectual Capital
ing a world-recognised creative city requires a long
in Cities and Regions, Proceedings of the European
process, benchmarking successful cities ensures Conference on Intellectual Capital, 171-179
an efective way to revitalise a city with unique or
(2) Hospers, G., 2003, Creative Cities in Europe:
hidden features. This article depicts three Unesco
Urban Competitiveness in the Knowledge Economy,
creative cities, namely Kanazawa in Japan, Lyon Intereconomics, 38(5), 260-269.
in France and Östersund in Sweden for the cate-
(3) 2thinknow Global innovation Agency, 2011, Innovation
gories of crats and folk art, media arts and gas-
cities top 100 Index 2011, City rankings. http://www.
tronomy. For successful city transformations, we Accessed 18 October 2011.
have observed a two-stage ‘LERP to PEARL’ transi-
(4) Rodrigues, K. and Tomé, E., 2011, Knowledge Cities:
tion model that requires visionary leaders, strong
A Portuguese Case, Proceedings of the European
execution power, critical resources and the involve- Conference on Intellectual Capital, 350-358.
ment of key partners in the irst triggering stage.
(5) Donald, B., 2001 Economic competitiveness and
In the second self-organising stage, enlarged and
quality of life in city regions: Compatible concepts?
committed partners enhance the execution power, Canadian Journal of Urban Research 10(2), 259–74.
which activates general public thus brings in mass
(6) Rotmans, J., 2005, Societal innovation: Between
amount of resources, and then multiple leaders dream and reality lies complexity. inaugural address
initiate their own eco-system and harmonise with delivered by Jan Rotmans on assuming oice as a
other sub-systems for a sustainable total system. professor of ‘Sustainable System Innovations and
Transitions’ at the Erasmus University Rotterdam on
In responding to Rotmans’ (2005) comment that, Friday, 3 June 2005. Web:
‘Sustainable development is an intrinsically nor- (7) Meadowcrot, J. 2009. What about politics?
mative, subjective and ambiguous concept and is Sustainable development, transition management, and
therefore diicult to operationalise’, the proposed long term energy transitions, Policy Science,
two-stage ‘LERP to PEARL’ transition model tries to
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 103

(8) Navarro, J.L., Ruiz, V.R. and Peña, D.N., 2012,

A Theoretical Intellectual Capital Model Applied to Cities,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Intellectual Contact:
Capital: 17-25.
(9) Thite, M.. 2011. Smart cities: implications of urban Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Professor
planning for human resource development, Human National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Resource Development International, 14(5), 623-631 New Club of Paris, board member
(10) The Greater Lyon Creative industries in Greater
Lyon: business and creativity in Lyon. The Greater Lyon
industries-lyon-france-europe.59.0.html?&L=1. Accessed
5 January 2014.
(11) Hartman, D., Gulliksson, F. and Brannlund, T.. 2010.
Application for Östersund city: In the region of Jamtland,
Sweden to the Unesco ‘Creative Cities Network’.
Jamtland County Council Institute of Rural Development.
(12) Trouxe, D.. 2011. Lyon, a journey through 2000 years
of history.
Culture-History/Unesco-Heritage-Sites. Accessed 28
December 2013.
(13) Fete de Lumieres. 2013, Story of a festival:
Lyon and light.
Story-of-a-festival_2013 on December 25. Accessed
25 December 2013.
(14) Unesco, 2009, Kanazawa Unesco city of
crats and folk art.
images/0018/001839/183943E.pdf. Accessed
29 December 2013.
(15) European ICT Network, 2014. World Digital Solidarity
Agency (FRANCE).
dsa/. Accessed 9 January 2014.
104 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Open Innovation 2.0 in Future Cities

Introduction a strong future vision. On the other hand, a Smart

Looking back to when the Smart City idea became City is about how citizens are shaping the city, and
popular, we see some commonalities and some dif- how citizens are empowered to contribute to urban
ferences in the interpretation and the understanding development. To this end, a Smart City is an urban
of what a Smart City is. We oten consider Smart innovation ecosystem, an accelerator and an agent
Cities based on rankings: the Smart City as a reality. of change. A Smart City uses digital technologies
However, a Smart City is not a reality, but an urban to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce
development strategy, partly technology driven costs and resource consumption, and to engage
and partly driven by community participation with more efectively and actively with its citizens.

Figure 1: A services and technology-driven future city [1]

Sometimes we refer to Smart Cities as Future Cities, ideas, results, intellectual creativity and co-creation
looking into the horizon and making our choices for among all involved in the ecosystem. The eicient
the future by efectively integrating the physical, interaction and collaboration among the open innova-
digital and human systems in order to build an envi- tion ecosystems participants should happen in order
ronment that will deliver a sustainable, prosperous to secure the maximum economic and social impact
and inclusive life for its ecosystem participants (citi- for all the stakeholders involved. Collaborative skills,
zens, businesses and government). shares ideas, values and processes, open data need
to be in place to make the collaboration eicient, and
The role of open innovation generate wealth for smart and future cities.
2.0 in future cities
The Future City is an urban ‘innovation ecosystem’. Smart city models
The role of each stakeholder engaged in this ecosys- Diferent models are ofered for understanding and
tem is crucial. Each participant in this ecosystem can planning Smart Cities. An interesting model, called
be a change agent. The Open Innovation paradigm, the Smart City Wheel, is ofered by an urban strate-
or as we call it Open Innovation 2.0 [2] in Future Cit- gist B. Cohen, which is co-created as a result of a
ies is about the extensive collaboration among the collaborative inspirational work among academia,
city government, research/academia, citizens and the research, business and citizens and it is illustrated
businesses (quadruple helix). It is also about sharing in the diagram below, published in CoExist [3].
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 105

Figure 2: Smart city wheel [3]

Most cities can agree that there is real value in Indeed, most cities agree on the collaboration
having a smart economy, smart environmental prac- of the ecosystem participants to make the city
tices, smart governance, smart living, smart mobil- smarter. However, how complex is it? The Smart City
ity and smart people. In the chart above, by walk- can also be interpreted as a system of a system
ing through the smart city wheel, one can notice of another system… (and of even more systems by
that a smart city strategy can be developed and just continuing the line of thinking). Looking into the
implemented in three main steps: develop a vision puzzle model below, Smart City Wheel model may
empowered by citizen engagement; set baselines and not always be easy to apply.
targets, indicators and go lean. Is it simple to apply
this model?

Figure 3: A smart city as a system of a system

This model is a selection of diferent available mod- Citizens engagement

els on the web and ofers a new model or a newly A smart city should be able to respond faster to
co-created model. The model is a compound, but it city and global challenges than a city with a simple
truly shows the dynamic nature and complexity of transactional relationship with its citizens.
Smart Cities.
In the recent past, considerable attention has been
drawn to Smart Cities and even to the Future Cities
topic and engaging citizens. A considerable num-
ber of studies ofer methods for smart cities and
106 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

collaboration among citizens with the aim to have G. Sargsyan, called the ‘Reverse Innovation Pyra-
societal impact. mid’ [4] where the users/citizens are part of the
shared proit, values and wellbeing.
An Open Innovation model was offered by the
OSI consortium led by the author of this paper,

Figure 4: Reversed innovation pyramid [4]

Will this model be the way towards an efective citi- strategies. It will also be very useful in terms of
zens’ engagement in the Open Innovation 2.0 pro- scaling up these experiments into a common truly
cess, by leveraging societal capital as a vital factor efective and valuable European smart cities eco-
for maximum impact? system. Sometimes small-scale experimentation
can be essential for designing functional open inno-
It is clear, indeed, that the ecosystem is becoming vation ecosystems for future smart cities.
more complex due to the evolution of diferent fac-
tors that have inluence on each participant in this Market role and value of smart cities
ecosystem. I see this model as a strong backbone In the context of Smart Cities, key ‘smart’ sectors
for the creation of a new, refreshed model consid- include transport, energy, healthcare, water and
ering the dynamic changes on diferent factors of waste. Interest in smart cities is motivated by major
future cities. Analysis of the new ecosystem and challenges, including climate change, economic
creation of new methods are needed. An important restructuring, the move to online retail and enter-
aspect will be the citizens’ engagement and how to tainment, ageing populations and pressures on pub-
make it eiciently empowered by societal values for lic inances [5]. The European Union (EU) has made
ICT-intensive user-driven services. constant eforts to come up with a strategy for
achieving ‘smart’ urban growth for its metropolitan
Experimentation of models city-regions[6][5]. Arup estimates that the global
in different cities market for smart urban services will be USD 400
In order to move from theory into practice and create billion per annum by 2020. Notably, ‘smart’ cities
a functional open innovation ecosystem in Future Cit- include Chicago, Boston, Barcelona and Stockholm.
ies, the ofered new methods should be experimented.
There are interesting smart models ofered in Open According to Frost & Sullivan, Smart Energy is the
Innovation for the efective collaboration and engage- fastest growing market segment in Smart Cities.
ment of citizens. One of those models is presented in The market for Smart Energy is expected to make
the ‘Citizens Engagement’ section of this paper. up 24 % of the total global smart city market in
2025, growing at a CAGR of 28.7 % from 2012 to
The experimentation of different types of cit- 2025. Globally, the smart-city market is expected
ies (size, geography, climate, culture, etc.) will be to reach USD 1.56 trillion by 2020. The growth is
valuable and it will allow a better understanding driven by a large-scale adoption of smart grids and
of the Future City challenges and implementation intelligent energy solutions. The research expects
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 107

that over 26 global cities will become smart cities Future thoughts
by 2025. Europe and North America will hold more Smart Cities are the backbone of Future Cities. The
than 50 % share of them [7]. role of OI2.0 can be essential in Future Cities. Ide-
ally OI2.0 brings all the participants of the innova-
What would be the role of OI2.0 in this fast growing tion ecosystem into balance; combining social and
market? The market is an essential part of the OI2.0 economic values using enablers, such as ICT. Tech-
ecosystem and if the collaboration is efective, all nology is an enabler among a series of other ena-
the other ecosystem participants will beneit too. blers and the ultimate objective of this process is
The model of OI2.0 can be a stimulator to help this that the shared values and shared economies will
happen in a more eicient way. result in full happiness for all parties involved. Get-
ting citizens involved in planning and implementing
Big data in future cities in Future Cities is crucial.
Another ‘hot topic’ nowadays is ‘big data’. How
can the use of big data create Future Cities? Cit- The future of smart cities lays in the efective open
ies are immersed in huge amounts of data, which innovation ecosystem and collaboration with citi-
come from everywhere: buildings, phones, utilities, zens will contribute to societal capital.
trains, etc. ICT allows us to collect and analyse all
this information in static or real time. Using busi- References
ness intelligence, information management and (1) Illustration of Future City, The Smart Day Group,
advanced analytics solutions, big data can allow
us to easily understand every level of city admin- (2) M. Curley and B. Salmelin. ‘Open Innovation 2.0: The
istration, users/citizen behaviour and market impli- big picture — Open Innovation 2.0: A New Milieu’, (2014).
cations. When cities give the right information to (3) B. Cohen, Smart City Wheel: What Exactly Is A Smart
the right people at the right time, they make better City?, CoExist, (Sept 2014).
decisions and they can measure the ongoing impact (4) G. Sargsyan and OSI consortium, ‘Socio-Economic
of their decisions. Impact of Open Service Innovation’, (July 2011),
Ideally a future city needs to use both top-down socioeconomic-impact-open-service-innovation-
and bottom-up approaches simultaneously. The
top-down approach means that governments or city (5) DeptBusiness (2013). ‘Smart cities — background
administrations create platforms to collect and ana- paper’. UK Government Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills.
lyse data, then make decisions. The city adminis-
tration also decides which data is available publicly (6) Komninos, N., (2009), ‘Intelligent cities: towards
and which is not. interactive and global innovation environments’,
International Journal of Innovation and Regional
Development, (Inderscience Publishers).
As for the bottom-up approach, it means that citi-
zens create and/or use apps to upload information (7) Greentech Lead, ‘Smart Energy to make up 24 % of
and make it public for others. However, the gov- the smart city market, Frost, (Nov 2014).
ernment cannot control data lows. Therefore, the
golden middle needs to be found. A solution can be
that the government creates open platforms where Contact:
the data is publicly available and citizens can con-
stantly update it. Getting citizens involved in the Dr Gohar Sargsyan, MBA
process of improving cities is crucial as eventually Partner, ICT Innovation Lead
without the citizens there is no city. EU, CGI Group Inc.
108 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

Innovation Dilemmas of the Future

Introduction life-prolonging wonder drug C60 that shook the

Every now and then we look back to understand medical world, but look at the innovation dilemmas
what the world thought of new innovations. We that are coming our way. There is great uncertainty
see some unexpected failures, which no one had mostly for OI2.0.
expected, including ourselves. Think of Google
Glass [1]. Where are the hordes of people walking A dilemma is more interesting than a prediction
around with this sophisticated pair of glasses on because it means that we are at a crossroads and it
their nose? They are nowhere to be found, as the is diicult to make a choice. The dilemmas covered
device found a strongly negative reaction from the are in the ield of innovation management, OI2.0
audience. From the point of view of Open Innova- inspirations, sharing values, economics and use of
tion new paradigms, or as we call it Open Innova- technology.
tion 2.0 (OI2.0) [2], this was not expected either.
Consumers fear that their privacy will be violated. Innovation by start-ups or corporations?
Is this a key issue to consider for OI2.0 implica- Startup Slack [3] has been in the news a lot lately.
tions? What does this mean for the year or even The company focuses on communication in teams
the decade ahead? Forget for a moment the cali- that combines implementation of archiving, chat
brated success stories of smart watches or the and instant documents.

Figure 1: Slack chat screenshot

Let’s say, Dropbox meets Google Apps, meets for a start-up launched just one year ago. This can
Yammer…;-) With an investment from Google be considered as grist for the mill of the gurus of
Ventures and the world’s famous venture capital- Silicon Valley who say that start-ups are the only
ist Kleiner Perkins, the valuation of the company answer for innovation in the world. Such a valua-
amounts to USD 1.12 billion. At that time there tion is a conirmation of their message.
were only 268 000 users. That is a lot of money
O P E N I N N O V A T I O N 2 . 0 : S M A R T C I T I E S 109

Figure 2: Slack daily active users, irst six months Figure 3: Slack growth in January 2015

*And as one can see, even faster growth in January


Start-ups also attract interest because they are all their own marketing and IT departments that have
the underdogs starting with a business model or been unable to realise digital innovation across
technology that is quite diferent from the existing companies. The common conclusion is that these
norm. Take for instance a subscription model, whilst departments are too much focused on legacy sys-
the whole industry is still on sale of individual units. tems and models, not commercial and too cumber-
some. Innovation must be fast and disruptive. Logi-
A good example is the publishing industry. There has cally, then follows the idea to cast of and move to
been no one in the industry to propose things to be Silicon Valley to invest in technology start-ups. So
done diferently and to make a business model for instead of investing in their own people and capaci-
this. Through initiatives such as the Correspondent, ties, attention is focused on initiatives outside of your
Medium and Blendle that sector has been awakened. own organisation. Go West! Step into the next Face-
Blendle ofers the opportunity to pay only for the book! Use the co-creation model! Invite other experts
article you want to read. Correspondent is an ad- from the sector to give you feedback on your innova-
free medium that delivers the so-called long reads. tive ideas!
People are joining the movement for quality journal-
ism. On Medium, a social network developed in North But then again, is it wise for a company to take on
America, one can ind long reads and open speech anything that comes from the start-up scene?
publications. You could say Medium is the opposite
of Facebook media stars like Buzzfeed [4]. All exam- Recently an interview was published with Ralph
ples are in conlict with the business model of a tra- Hamers, the CEO of ING [5]. Like many bank mana-
ditional publisher. gers, he puts the emphasis more and more on inves-
ting rather than self-innovating. In our belief system,
So, start-ups seem to work well. Ater such a wave this is too rosy a picture, mainly because of all the
of disruption, think how many other sectors can fol- great company valuations of few leaders. Currently,
low the example of start-ups in the publishing world. there are so many start-ups out there, that we start
Many executives in corporations have lost trust in feeling overwhelmed. Only in the inancial world,
110 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

there are more than 3 000 initiatives that have known by managers. If they provide space for their
reinvented the wheel. Crowdfunding, another good employees to carry out their dreams within the
example of co-creation and sharing, payment options organisation and start a dialogue that can stimu-
and money transfers back to your home country, in late the internal vision and business model, that
every part of the inancial value chain there are at produces an interesting mix.
least 50 new parties to substitute the banks. With
all these diferent disruptors, it has become more of A familiar example of a big business innovation
an art to assess a start-up on the basis of their pitch is the world famous Tinder, a freemium dating
and website. app that is ‘just’ a part of the media company IAC
that also owns the two largest paid dating web-
Here is an example to demonstrate the issues of sites in the world. Or take Watson, IBM [6], a truly
working with a start-up. Jaspar Roos (an author of breakthrough innovation of a large company that
this paper) was amazed by the customer growth rate was the irst to create a triple helix for diferent
of a competitive start-up. He called some of the cli- data techniques. In the pharmaceutical world, this
ents who worked with the organisation, to ask why means that a doctor using Watson to treat a symp-
they were working with this start-up. Guess what? tom of a patient will always get the latest insights
They had only agreed to participate in a free trial and can prescribe the best possible treatment.
pilot, but suddenly their logo was there as one of That is fundamentally diferent from searching
the trusted clients for the start-ups. We have seen on Google. These examples are relevant because
this happening a lot. In the battle for attention, many corporate innovation is not dead. It oten involves
start-ups take the poetic freedom to overstate their partnering with start-ups and other stakeholders,
customer base. The same as they do with techno- but not focusing on the innovation capacity from
logical superiority. And so messages of the potential outside alone. The model of OI2.0 can be a stim-
hazards emerge. Chances are that as a big corpora- ulator to make this happen. Who dares to follow
tion you may become blinded if you are focused on their example and join the internal discussion or
start-ups alone and you do not talk to your own IT as a manager to take the huge risk to not listen to
department. And the government sees this too; just Silicon Valley?
think of the City of Amsterdam, Berlin or Barcelona
who all want to be the new Silicon Valley of Europe. It Sharing economy or trusted economy?
sounds so easy. The moment you cannot solve your Last year, we read a lot about new business mod-
problems internally, ind the solutions outside. els. Parties like Airbnb [7] and Peerby[8] are new,
sexy and idealistic. This also its with the image of
An alternative route may be that large companies start-ups as sharing, peer-to-peer and collaborative
start investing again in solving internal problems. consumption. It’s all about the same thing: do well
Many good methods from the start-up scene like by turning to the unused capacity, that is, a bonus
‘scrum’ and ‘lean’ start-ups, which launch projects for you and good for the environment by avoiding
faster rather than testing in a laboratory are well all additional personal consumption.

Figure 4: Adopt the collaborative economy value chain, Collaborative Economy

(Altimeter Group, 2013) [9]
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So, we were excited about the transport app Uber to pursue that ideal of cooperation and have less
[10], a good example of Open Innovation, shared waste, old models such as cooperative and credit
values and money. I use past tense because ideo- unions are not as relevant. In the DNA of these
logically Uber is not such a good example any more. organisations sit real idealistic principles.
EUR 8 billion turnover in a year, 20 % of which lin-
gers as revenue in the company and not among the Will the coming years be more about sharing and
drivers. That is not a small portion, but the domi- thereby hip and happening or about dull but famil-
nant force in the market! The images we associate iar revival of cooperatives? Tech or no-tech? Let’s
with it as good for the environment or sharing is not try to add OI2.0 principles and see it can bridge the
such, because we do not share our Uber cab. They two. We believe that these principles can empower
are oten professional drivers, who are also strug- the sharing movement and create more products
gling to keep aloat due to the lack of employment and services that can empower all instead of a
by Uber. In the Netherlands, companies like TCA few.
and Connexxion had already tried similar initiatives.
Think Taxi Bavaria with one national phone number, The previous two dilemmas were dealing with tech-
bookings app TaxiID, TomTom Taxi or Cabster. These nology. Within that world there is a vanguard of
initiatives never really got of the ground. The com- supporters of singularity that has now become a
petition is therefore limited. Uber understands mar- movement for everyone who believes that technol-
keting much better, but is not radically diferent or ogy is the answer to the world’s problems. Isn’t it?
technologically more advanced. The shit to shared With the exponential growth of computing power
economy primarily means that the money goes to and developments in genetics, nanotechnology and
the few hundred men who are in a start-up. We artiicial intelligence, humanity will soon overcome
have nothing against money or deserving what is biological limitations. The singularity momentum
earned, but we do not see them as idealistic or cute will be in 2028 [11], when the intelligence of a robot
anymore. It is just hard business. If we still want will go beyond that of humans.

Figure 5: The cross-over point of human and artiicial intelligence, the

Technological Singularity. Image by Futurebuf [11]

This moment has implications for almost all the Technology will undoubtedly bring many beneits, but
important areas of our lives, such as the envi- our needs for involvement, commitment and atten-
ronment, education and health. This means an ini- tion will not change. In its early days, the Internet
nite decision speed and increased accumulation of was promoted as a time saver. We would have much
knowledge by applying technology. At least, that’s more time for the things we love and care about.
the technology church preaching to the choir. Reality bites unfortunately. Everywhere we go, we
see people ixated on their screens. We are hooked
On the other hand, you hear opposing views from, and singularity smacks into me more drugs to sus-
for example, by Elon Musk, founder of Tesla cars. tain my addiction. Hope for the best.
He warns us of a world where super computers and
robots decide what is good for humanity. Will we We believe that technology has ensured that we can
then end up in the world of 1984, are we robots do things easier or faster, but there is just so much
or part of the ‘Matrix’? How much technology is fuss and distraction that it might not be always for
enough? the best. Indeed, the truly priceless things in life are
112 O P E N I N N O V A T I O N Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 5

not on the technology side. For professionals on the get in contact and meet people without having to use
creation side of the production process the question technology. Here again, it is a great example of tech-
arises if adding even more technology or connectiv- nology as an enabler for social interaction.
ity will add value for customers? Even a tech guru
who wants to have time to read, talk and actually We expect a new wave of innovation in which human-
live, he/she is being disconnected from these tech- ity is paramount, in both large trusted companies
nologies. It seems like the time has arrived when and in a growing number of start-ups. This undoubt-
being disconnected will become a luxurious status edly means that new business models will emerge.
and will let people to actually live. Social aspects are Being human also means limited scalability. Technol-
so important to life that people start realising again ogy is scalable because of its zeros and ones, which
ater such a long attraction to technologies. We think can simultaneously have the same quality every-
that many opportunities lie in no-tech solutions, but where. Being human brings luctuations in the quality,
as an innovator can you sell something that the rest and also has localisation. If I’m with you I cannot be
do not even believe in? elsewhere. But this may not be bad. This is the same
with something important such as love. And there is
Does OI2.0 have a role to play here? Ideally OI2.0 a lot of money in this market. Call us romantic or
brings all the participants of the innovation eco- naive, but we expect that the future of innovation
system into balance; combining social and economic can be more human and also upscale as a techno-
values using enablers, such as ICT. We think that logical wonderland.
technology is only an enabler among a series of other
enablers and the ultimate objective of this process Have a lot of innovation fun in the coming decade!
is the shared values and shared economies resu-
lting full satisfaction/happiness for all the parties References
involved. (1) Google Glass,,

Our thoughts on the coming decade (2) M. Curley and B. Salmelin, ‘Open Innovation 2.0: The
The past ten years have been dominated by techno- big picture — Open Innovation 2.0: A New Milieu’, 2014.
logical connectedness. Many can no longer imagine (3) Start-up Slack, 2015.
a world without all this wonderful technology. And
(4) Buzzfeed,
we, the authors, use it every day and earn our money
with it. However, we do not think this necessarily will (5) H. P. van Stein Callenfels, Interview with C. Honée and
Ralf Hamers, CEO ING bank ‘Ik ben niet groter dan ING —
remain so. This is what the dilemmas are all about.
I am not bigger than ING’,
Looking ahead to the coming decade, we believe that magazine/artikel/786-ralph-hamers-ceo-ing-ik-ben-niet-
people’s desire to interact with more people with groter-dan-ing, March 2014.
emotional wisdom rather than technology wisdom. (6) IBM Watson,
Those are the people who inspire us. Social inter- en/ibmwatson/what-is-watson.html
action has been ignored due to the technological
(7) Airbnb,
(8) Peerby,
We see a new dichotomy: on one hand, there are (9) Collaborative Economy, Altimeter Group, 2013.
those who can aford to be cut of from the world
(10) Uber,
itself. Oline will be for the upper class. On the other
hand, there is the working underclass that is addicted (11) The technological singularity graph
or obliged to stick to their devices like a rat in a wheel
because of their bosses.
Technology becomes less relevant to us because it
has become a commodity. Take for example all those Jaspar Roos
programming classes at primary schools all over Chief Humour Oicer, Future Ideas
Europe. In fact, learning any language besides Eng-
lish is relevant for European harmonisation. However,
a world full of technology will make something non- Dr Gohar Sargsyan, MBA
techie like social studies and creative education truly Partner, ICT Innovation Lead
distinctive. It is impressive that the fathers of both EU, CGI Group Inc.
authors of this paper both are still using simple Nokia
mobile phones. It is quite curious that those phones
still work, but also impressive because they actually

ISBN 978-92-79-43962-9
doi 10.2759/92658

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