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Country Risk Analysis


General Guidelines
Initial Steps
Your project title (which will specify the country
where you will be investing and the sector you
will be investing) is indicated in the Project
Group List
Your group first needs to identify a ‘Country of
Origin’ for the investment
Try to choose a country of origin which is likely
to have potential risks associated. For eg. US
firm in China, Chinese firm in India etc.
Each project has six parts
Group Projects – Six Parts
1. Political Risks (Based on the BERI Index
2. Economic Risks (Based on the ICRG
Index Variables uploaded on Courseweb)
3. Legal and Regulatory Risk
4. Mode of Investment
5. Three Alternate Scenarios
6. Risk mitigation strategies under the three
You will need to decide which member of
the group will do each of the six parts
Please meet me as per the schedule
The first three parts will have to be
completed before the next three parts can
begin. Therefore it is important that
groups set deadlines for completion
of first three parts and stick to the
Project Submission and

Each part should not be more than 6 pages long

(Max 1800 words per part)

A final project report to be submitted

Project reports need not be presented

For evaluation 10% weightage is for your individual

part of the report, 7% for the report overall, and 3%
is from peer evaluation (Total 20% for the Project
component of the course)

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