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Part No.

: GP2712-06367
Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report


30°/60° 12-Port Directional Panel Antenna

[617-896, 1695-2690, 3400-3800, and 5150-5925MHz]

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Part No. : GP2712-06367
Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report


CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 3

FIGURES AND TABLES .................................................................................................................... 5

1 REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................. 9

2 TEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 10

3 BOTTOM PLATE DETAIL AND ANTENNA ARCHITECTURE ...................................... 11

4 PASSIVE INTER-MODULATION (PIM) TEST RESULTS ............................................... 13

5 ISOLATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 15

6 RETURN LOSS RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 18

7 PATTERNS ................................................................................................................................ 21

7.1 Band600 .......................................................................................................................................... 21

7.1.1 P1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
7.1.2 P2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22

7.2 Band700 .......................................................................................................................................... 23

7.2.1 P1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
7.2.2 P2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

7.3 Band800 .......................................................................................................................................... 25

7.3.1 P1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
7.3.2 P2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 26

7.4 AWS/PCS ......................................................................................................................................... 27

7.4.1 P3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
7.4.2 P4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
7.4.3 P5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.4.4 P6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 30

7.5 WCS 2300-2400 .............................................................................................................................. 31

7.5.1 P3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
7.5.2 P4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
7.5.3 P5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
7.5.4 P6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 34

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.6 BRS ................................................................................................................................................... 35

7.6.1 P3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.6.2 P4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
7.6.3 P5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
7.6.4 P6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 38

7.7 CBRS 3400-3800 ............................................................................................................................. 39

7.7.1 P7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
7.7.2 P8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
7.7.3 P9 ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
7.7.4 P10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

7.8 UNII-1 .............................................................................................................................................. 43

7.8.1 P11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
7.8.2 P12 ...................................................................................................................................................... 44

7.9 UNII-3 .............................................................................................................................................. 45

7.9.1 P11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
7.9.2 P12 ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

8 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ................................................................................................... 47

8.1 Band600 .......................................................................................................................................... 47

8.2 Band700 .......................................................................................................................................... 51

8.3 Band800 .......................................................................................................................................... 55

8.4 AWS/PCS ......................................................................................................................................... 59

8.5 WCS 2300-2400 .............................................................................................................................. 63

8.6 BRS ................................................................................................................................................... 67

8.7 CBRS 3400-3800 ............................................................................................................................. 71

8.8 UNII-1 .............................................................................................................................................. 75

8.9 UNII-3 .............................................................................................................................................. 78

9 FCC UNII-1 UPPER SLL COMPLIANCE .............................................................................. 81

9.1 EIRP Range and Definition ................................................................................................................. 81

9.2 3D patterns ....................................................................................................................................... 82

9.2.1 P11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
9.2.2 P12 ...................................................................................................................................................... 84

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

9.3 EIRP Result and Summary ................................................................................................................. 87

Figures and Tables

Figure 1 Pattern Test Chamber ...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 Bottom Plate Connector Locations and Labels .................................................................................. 11
Figure 3 Antenna Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 PIM Test Results ............................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Isolation Results for P1 and P2 ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6 Isolation Results for P3 to P6 ............................................................................................................ 15
Figure 7 Isolation Results for P7 to P10 .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 Isolation Results for P11 and P12 ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9 Return Loss Results for P1 and P2..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 10 Return Loss Results for P3 to P6 ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 11 Return Loss Results for P7 to P10 ................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12 Return Loss Results for P11 and P12 ............................................................................................... 19
Figure 13 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 15 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 16 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 17 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 23
Figure 18 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 20 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 23 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 25 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 27 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 28
Figure 28 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 29 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 30 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 31 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 30
Figure 32 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 33 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 34 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 35 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 32
Figure 36 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 37 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 33
Figure 38 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 39 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 34
Figure 40 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 41 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 35

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 42 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 35

Figure 43 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 36
Figure 44 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 45 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 37
Figure 46 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 47 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 38
Figure 48 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 49 P7 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 39
Figure 50 P7 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 39
Figure 51 P8 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 40
Figure 52 P8 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 53 P9 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ........................................................................................................... 41
Figure 54 P9 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 55 P10 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax ......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 56 P10 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax........................................................................................................ 42
Figure 57 P11 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax .................................................................................................. 43
Figure 58 P11 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 59 P12 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax .................................................................................................. 44
Figure 60 P12 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax ...................................................................................................... 44
Figure 61 P11 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax .................................................................................................. 45
Figure 62 P11 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 63 P12 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax .................................................................................................. 46
Figure 64 P12 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax........................................................................................................ 46
Figure 65 Gain: Band600 Band ....................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 66 Elevation Beamwidth: Band600 Band ............................................................................................. 48
Figure 67 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band600 Band .............................................................................................. 49
Figure 68 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band600 Band ..................................................................................... 50
Figure 69 Gain: Band700 Band ....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 70 Elevation Beamwidth: Band700 Band ............................................................................................. 52
Figure 71 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band700 Band .............................................................................................. 53
Figure 72 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band700 Band ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 73 Gain: Band800 Band ....................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 74 Elevation Beamwidth: Band800 Band ............................................................................................. 56
Figure 75 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band800 Band .............................................................................................. 57
Figure 76 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band800 Band ..................................................................................... 58
Figure 77 Gain: AWS/PCS Band ...................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 78 Elevation Beamwidth: AWS/PCS Band............................................................................................ 60
Figure 79 Azimuth Beamwidth: AWS/PCS Band ............................................................................................. 61
Figure 80 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: AWS/PCS Band .................................................................................... 62
Figure 81 Gain: WCS 2300-2400 Band ............................................................................................................ 63
Figure 82 Elevation Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 Band .................................................................................. 64
Figure 83 Azimuth Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 Band ................................................................................... 65
Figure 84 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: WCS 2300-2400 Band .......................................................................... 66
Figure 85 Gain: BRS Band ............................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 86 Elevation Beamwidth: BRS Band .................................................................................................... 68
Figure 87 Azimuth Beamwidth: BRS Band ...................................................................................................... 69

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 88 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: BRS Band ............................................................................................. 70

Figure 89 Gain: CBRS 3400-3800 Band ........................................................................................................... 71
Figure 90 Elevation Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 Band ................................................................................. 72
Figure 91 Azimuth Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 Band................................................................................... 73
Figure 92 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: CBRS 3400-3800 Band ......................................................................... 74
Figure 93 Gain: UNII-1 Band ........................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 94 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-1 Band ................................................................................................ 76
Figure 95 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-1 Band .................................................................................................. 76
Figure 96 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-1 Band ....................................................................................... 77
Figure 97 Gain: UNII-3 Band ........................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 98 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-3 Band ................................................................................................ 79
Figure 99 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-3 Band .................................................................................................. 79
Figure 100 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-3 Band ..................................................................................... 80
Figure 101 Theta +/-60° Range Definition ...................................................................................................... 81
Figure 102 UNII-1 P11 5150MHz .................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 103 UNII-1 P11 5175MHz .................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 104 UNII-1 P11 5200MHz .................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 105 UNII-1 P11 5225MHz .................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 106 UNII-1 P11 5250MHz .................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 107 UNII-1 P12 5150MHz .................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 108 UNII-1 P12 5175MHz .................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 109 UNII-1 P12 5200MHz .................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 110 UNII-1 P11 5225MHz .................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 111 UNII-1 P11 5250MHz .................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 112 Peak EIRP over Azimuth in Theta+/-60° range ............................................................................. 87

Table 1 Test Equipment List ........................................................................................................................... 10

Table 2 Port Labels and Description ............................................................................................................... 11
Table 3 Test Report Frequency Band Definition ............................................................................................. 12
Table 4 Summary of PIM Test results ............................................................................................................. 14
Table 5 Summary of Isolation Test Results ..................................................................................................... 17
Table 6 Summary of Return Loss Test Results ................................................................................................ 20
Table 7 Gain: Band600 ................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 8 Elevation Beamwidth: Band600 ......................................................................................................... 48
Table 9 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band600 .......................................................................................................... 49
Table 10 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band600 ............................................................................................... 50
Table 11 Gain: Band700 ................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 12 Elevation Beamwidth: Band700 ....................................................................................................... 52
Table 13 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band700 ........................................................................................................ 53
Table 14 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band700 ............................................................................................... 54
Table 15 Gain: Band800 ................................................................................................................................. 55
Table 16 Elevation Beamwidth: Band800 ....................................................................................................... 56
Table 17 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band800 ........................................................................................................ 57
Table 18 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band800 ............................................................................................... 58
Table 19 Gain: AWS/PCS ................................................................................................................................ 60
Table 20 Elevation Beamwidth: AWS/PCS ...................................................................................................... 61

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Table 21 Azimuth Beamwidth: AWS/PCS ....................................................................................................... 62

Table 22 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: AWS/PCS .............................................................................................. 63
Table 23 Gain: WCS 2300-2400 ...................................................................................................................... 64
Table 24 Elevation Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 ............................................................................................ 65
Table 25 Azimuth Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 ............................................................................................. 65
Table 26 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: WCS 2300-2400 .................................................................................... 66
Table 27 Gain: BRS ......................................................................................................................................... 67
Table 28 Elevation Beamwidth: BRS .............................................................................................................. 68
Table 29 Azimuth Beamwidth: BRS ................................................................................................................ 69
Table 30 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: BRS ....................................................................................................... 70
Table 31 Gain: CBRS 3400-3800...................................................................................................................... 71
Table 32 Elevation Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 ........................................................................................... 72
Table 33 Azimuth Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 ............................................................................................. 73
Table 34 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: CBRS 3400-3800 ................................................................................... 74
Table 35 Gain: UNII-1 .................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 36 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-1 .......................................................................................................... 76
Table 37 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-1 ............................................................................................................ 77
Table 38 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-1 ................................................................................................. 77
Table 39 Gain: UNII-3 .................................................................................................................................... 78
Table 40 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-3 .......................................................................................................... 79
Table 41 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-3 ............................................................................................................ 80
Table 42 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-3 ................................................................................................. 80
Table 43 Summary of peak EIRP over azimuth 360° range ............................................................................ 87

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

1 Revision History

Revision Update Date

01 Initial Release 08-08-2018
02 Add FCC SLL compliance Information Section 11 09-10-2018
Updated Section 5 to include Antenna Architecture

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Report No. : A90-00027
Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

2 Test Equipment Description

The following test equipment has been used in the creation of this test report:

Device Manufacture Model SN Frequency Measurement

ENA Network Analyzer Agilent(keysight) E5071B MY42403617 300kHz ~8.5GHz Return Loss / Isolation

Network Analyzer Anritsu TOSLNF50A-8 1438012 DC to 8GHz Return Loss/Isolation

PIM Analyzer Kaelus IQA-0700LC TX2144500159 698MHz ~716MHz PIM test

PIM Analyzer Kaelus IQA - 850B TX2103500081 844MHz ~849MHz PIM test

PIM Analyzer Kaelus IQA - 1921B Tx2103200232 1850MHz ~1910 MHz PIM test

PIM Tester Rosenberger IM-25P 14335 2600MHz PIM test

OSLT - Calibration Kit Spinner 4.3 - 10 01 A189472 DC -12GHz, 50Ohm S Parameter Calibration

Wireless Test Lab Satimo SG - 64 N/A 600MHz – 6GHz Antenna Patterns

Table 1 Test Equipment List

Figure 1 Pattern Test Chamber

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Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

3 Bottom Plate Detail and Antenna Architecture

The connector location, labels and supported frequency bands are shown in the figure below.

Figure 2 Bottom Plate Connector Locations and Labels

For ease of reporting, port labels have been assigned to each port. The port labels, polarizations and
frequency bands supported by each port are summarized in the table below.

Port Name Polarization Band(s)

P1 +45 Band600, Band700, Band800
P2 -45 Band600, Band700, Band800
P7 +45 CBRS
P8 -45o CBRS
P9 +45 CBRS
P10 -45 CBRS
P11 +45 UNII-1, UNII-3
P12 -45 UNII-1, UNII-3
Table 2 Port Labels and Description

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Additionally, the frequency bands use labels corresponding to the following frequency ranges.

Band Frequency Range

Band600 617-698 MHz
Band700 698-806 MHz
Band800 806-896 MHz
AWSPCS 1695-2180 MHz
WCS 2300-2400 MHz
BRS 2496-2690 MHz
CBRS 3400-3800 MHz
UNII-1 5150-5250 MHz
UNII-3 5725-5925 MHz
Table 3 Test Report Frequency Band Definition

Unless specified, half-power beamwidth (HPBW) is used for beamwidth measurement results. The
Antenna is mounted horizontally during test.

Figure 3 Antenna Architecture

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

4 Passive Inter-Modulation (PIM) Test Results

Figure 4 PIM Test Results

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Revision No. : 02
Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Frequency (MHz) P1(dBc) P2(dBc) P3(dBc) P4(dBc) P5(dBc) P6(dBc)

700 -155.5 -158.9

850 -163.1 -161.9
1900 -155.7 -159.1 -157.3 -159.4
2600 -153.0 -163.6 -156.1 -158.5
Pass/Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Table 4 Summary of PIM Test results

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

5 Isolation Results

Figure 5 Isolation Results for P1 and P2

Figure 6 Isolation Results for P3 to P6

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 7 Isolation Results for P7 to P10

Figure 8 Isolation Results for P11 and P12

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Isolation (dB) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12

Spec 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Pass/Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Table 5 Summary of Isolation Test Results

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

6 Return Loss Results

Figure 9 Return Loss Results for P1 and P2

Figure 10 Return Loss Results for P3 to P6

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 11 Return Loss Results for P7 to P10

Figure 12 Return Loss Results for P11 and P12

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Return Loss (dB) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12

Spec 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Pass/Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Table 6 Summary of Return Loss Test Results

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7 Patterns
7.1 Band600
7.1.1 P1

Figure 13 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 14 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.1.2 P2

Figure 15 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 16 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.2 Band700
7.2.1 P1

Figure 17 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 18 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.2.2 P2

Figure 19 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 20 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.3 Band800
7.3.1 P1

Figure 21 P1 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 22 P1 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.3.2 P2

Figure 23 P2 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 24 P2 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.4.1 P3

Figure 25 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 26 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.4.2 P4

Figure 27 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 28 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.4.3 P5

Figure 29 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 30 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.4.4 P6

Figure 31 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 32 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

7.5 WCS 2300-2400

7.5.1 P3

Figure 33 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 34 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.5.2 P4

Figure 35 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 36 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.5.3 P5

Figure 37 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 38 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.5.4 P6

Figure 39 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 40 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.6 BRS
7.6.1 P3

Figure 41 P3 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 42 P3 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.6.2 P4

Figure 43 P4 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 44 P4 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.6.3 P5

Figure 45 P5 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 46 P5 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.6.4 P6

Figure 47 P6 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 48 P6 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.7 CBRS 3400-3800

7.7.1 P7

Figure 49 P7 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 50 P7 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.7.2 P8

Figure 51 P8 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 52 P8 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.7.3 P9

Figure 53 P9 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 54 P9 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.7.4 P10

Figure 55 P10 Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 56 P10 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.8 UNII-1
7.8.1 P11

Figure 57 P11 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 58 P11 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax1

Upper sidelobe level (30◦-90◦) compliant with 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR

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7.8.2 P12

Figure 59 P12 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 60 P12 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax2

Upper sidelobe level (30◦-90◦) compliant with 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR

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7.9 UNII-3
7.9.1 P11

Figure 61 P11 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 62 P11 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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7.9.2 P12

Figure 63 P12 EDT Azimuth Pattern@ Gmax

Figure 64 P12 Elevation Pattern@ Gmax

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8 Measurement Results
8.1 Band600

Figure 65 Gain: Band600 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dBi) P2(dBi)

617 9.6 9.7

625 10.2 10.0
630 10.1 10.0
640 9.8 10.0
650 9.6 9.9
660 9.7 10.1
670 9.9 10.1
680 10.1 10.3
690 10.0 10.2
698 10.1 10.1
Average 9.9 10.0
Table 7 Gain: Band600

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Figure 66 Elevation Beamwidth: Band600 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

617 66.1 66.4

625 60.9 67.0
630 60.4 68.8
640 64.4 68.2
650 67.7 67.0
660 69.2 68.4
670 65.6 65.8
680 65.5 65.8
690 65.8 66.8
698 65.0 66.2
Average 65.0 67.0
Table 8 Elevation Beamwidth: Band600

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Figure 67 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band600 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

617 42.2 39.9

625 41.9 37.8
630 41.6 38.6
640 43.6 41.4
650 43.9 43.7
660 44.7 42.0
670 43.7 42.2
680 42.4 41.1
690 41.5 41.1
698 40.5 41.4
Average 42.6 40.9
Table 9 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band600

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Figure 68 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band600 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dB) P2(dB)

617 38.0 31.5

625 59.7 39.9
630 45.4 33.1
640 36.4 28.7
650 28.4 29.7
660 31.2 39.3
670 26.9 33.6
680 26.8 32.1
690 27.2 35.0
698 30.7 39.6
Average 35.1 34.2
Table 10 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band600

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8.2 Band700

Figure 69 Gain: Band700 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dBi) P2(dBi)

698 10.1 10.1

704 10.0 10.2
710 9.9 10.4
716 10.0 10.6
722 10.1 10.8
728 10.0 10.8
734 9.7 10.8
740 9.2 10.6
746 9.3 10.7
750 9.7 10.9
758 8.8 10.9
763 9.6 11.0
770 9.7 11.0
776 9.4 11.1
788 9.8 11.2
793 10.2 11.3
798 10.4 11.3
806 10.6 11.4
Average 9.8 10.8
Table 11 Gain: Band700

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Figure 70 Elevation Beamwidth: Band700 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

698 65.0 66.2

704 66.6 65.5
710 66.6 63.5
716 66.3 62.5
722 66.5 61.9
728 67.2 62.8
734 68.9 62.9
740 73.7 63.5
746 68.8 62.0
750 66.8 61.8
758 70.5 61.5
763 57.1 61.5
770 57.3 62.5
776 65.0 62.4
788 68.5 60.4
793 65.8 60.1
798 64.3 59.6
806 62.1 58.8
Average 65.9 62.2
Table 12 Elevation Beamwidth: Band700

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Figure 71 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band700 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

698 40.5 41.4

704 40.1 41.0
710 41.1 38.2
716 42.2 37.4
722 43.0 36.7
728 43.6 36.1
734 44.1 35.7
740 45.0 35.8
746 41.7 35.3
750 40.3 34.8
758 41.0 35.1
763 39.7 34.6
770 38.0 34.4
776 37.3 34.0
788 35.9 33.5
793 35.8 33.4
798 35.4 33.3
806 35.3 33.0
Average 40.0 35.8
Table 13 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band700

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Figure 72 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band700 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dB) P2(dB)

698 30.7 39.6

704 34.8 41.8
710 38.6 30.8
716 38.7 31.9
722 38.7 33.7
728 36.9 37.6
734 33.9 36.1
740 27.2 33.7
746 23.4 35.8
750 24.6 39.1
758 22.3 35.2
763 21.8 36.4
770 22.8 41.0
776 24.2 43.3
788 33.1 42.1
793 38.3 40.5
798 36.2 41.0
806 30.4 40.0
Average 30.9 37.7
Table 14 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band700

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8.3 Band800

Figure 73 Gain: Band800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dBi) P2(dBi)

806 10.6 11.4

817 10.7 11.7
824 10.8 11.5
851 11.0 10.9
860 11.2 11.0
869 11.2 11.0
880 11.2 11.1
894 11.2 11.0
896 11.2 11.0
Average 11.0 11.2
Table 15 Gain: Band800

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Figure 74 Elevation Beamwidth: Band800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

806 62.1 58.8

817 60.3 55.2
824 60.0 54.4
851 57.3 53.4
860 56.4 53.2
869 56.4 53.0
880 56.2 53.0
894 55.2 54.6
896 55.3 54.5
Average 57.7 54.5
Table 16 Elevation Beamwidth: Band800

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Figure 75 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(deg) P2(deg)

806 35.3 33.0

817 34.5 31.4
824 33.6 31.9
851 32.4 33.0
860 32.0 32.6
869 31.5 32.0
880 29.7 30.7
894 28.7 29.8
896 28.7 29.8
Average 31.8 31.6
Table 17 Azimuth Beamwidth: Band800

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Figure 76 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P1(dB) P2(dB)

806 30.4 40.0

817 27.6 37.1
824 28.6 39.2
851 28.6 31.1
860 28.2 32.8
869 27.8 38.6
880 26.6 34.8
894 25.8 38.0
896 26.2 37.4
Average 27.7 36.6
Table 18 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: Band800

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Figure 77 Gain: AWS/PCS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(dBi) P4(dBi) P5(dBi) P6(dBi)

1695 11.3 10.6 10.6 11.0

1700 11.5 10.6 10.7 11.2
1710 11.7 10.7 10.9 11.3
1720 11.8 10.9 11.2 11.4
1730 11.6 10.9 11.1 11.5
1740 11.4 10.8 11.2 11.4
1755 11.2 10.8 10.8 11.1
1770 11.2 11.1 10.2 11.0
1785 11.5 11.0 10.3 10.8
1800 11.8 11.3 10.4 10.8
1805 11.8 11.3 10.6 11.0
1820 11.9 11.1 10.5 11.1
1850 11.6 11.1 11.1 11.3
1880 11.6 11.1 11.3 11.8
1910 11.5 11.5 11.6 12.0
1930 11.6 11.7 11.4 11.9
1950 11.2 11.3 11.3 11.9
1960 11.0 11.2 11.3 11.8
1970 11.3 11.5 11.4 11.9
1990 11.9 11.7 11.4 12.0
2100 11.8 11.2 10.9 11.5
2110 11.8 11.4 10.9 11.7
2120 11.7 11.6 11.1 11.7

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2140 11.8 11.8 11.5 11.9

2155 12.0 11.3 11.9 12.0
2170 12.1 11.3 12.1 11.9
2180 12.1 11.3 12.0 11.7
Average 11.6 11.2 11.1 11.5
Table 19 Gain: AWS/PCS

Figure 78 Elevation Beamwidth: AWS/PCS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

1695 59.9 65.1 71.0 63.1

1700 59.3 65.9 68.0 63.1
1710 56.4 66.6 63.4 59.0
1720 57.5 64.6 61.1 57.2
1730 61.5 62.0 61.9 55.9
1740 64.9 62.9 63.7 55.1
1755 67.9 64.9 69.8 62.9
1770 74.5 63.9 75.0 71.7
1785 68.1 67.7 72.3 75.3
1800 54.3 64.1 62.0 77.2
1805 53.5 63.6 60.0 76.0
1820 53.4 67.7 65.1 73.3
1850 60.3 74.0 64.4 67.0
1880 61.2 72.7 65.0 60.6
1910 60.4 57.2 59.4 55.5
1930 61.4 55.6 64.2 59.0
1950 66.4 58.9 68.4 61.4

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1960 67.2 57.7 69.1 62.6

1970 64.7 56.0 69.1 61.4
1990 61.6 55.5 70.2 57.8
2100 66.4 61.1 75.1 63.3
2110 66.6 59.7 71.7 57.8
2120 66.4 58.6 67.2 56.5
2140 65.5 57.5 63.1 54.1
2155 65.6 61.8 58.9 52.7
2170 65.5 60.6 56.7 55.4
2180 64.7 64.9 57.1 57.6
Average 62.8 62.6 65.7 61.9
Table 20 Elevation Beamwidth: AWS/PCS

Figure 79 Azimuth Beamwidth: AWS/PCS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

1695 34.3 35.4 30.6 35.3

1700 32.4 34.8 29.9 35.4
1710 28.9 34.0 29.6 34.2
1720 29.7 33.2 28.5 33.7
1730 31.0 33.5 28.8 32.7
1740 31.6 34.0 27.7 32.2
1755 34.7 32.6 30.5 31.1
1770 33.1 31.5 34.1 30.3
1785 32.0 31.4 34.4 32.6
1800 31.5 30.1 33.2 34.1
1805 31.3 30.0 31.5 33.3

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1820 30.6 30.9 30.9 32.6

1850 30.3 30.9 30.4 33.9
1880 31.1 31.1 31.3 31.3
1910 31.8 29.2 30.0 30.2
1930 29.5 29.7 32.2 29.2
1950 31.8 32.2 32.7 27.3
1960 31.1 33.2 31.9 26.9
1970 29.7 31.5 31.4 26.4
1990 28.4 30.1 31.6 26.9
2100 25.0 28.8 28.9 26.8
2110 24.5 27.2 29.3 27.0
2120 24.3 26.1 28.3 27.8
2140 24.5 25.1 26.9 27.0
2155 24.6 25.7 26.0 27.3
2170 24.3 25.8 25.0 27.7
2180 24.6 25.9 24.9 27.2
Average 29.5 30.5 30.0 30.4
Table 21 Azimuth Beamwidth: AWS/PCS

Figure 80 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: AWS/PCS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(dB) P4(dB) P5(dB) P6(dB)

1695 34.0 32.8 33.8 30.7

1700 31.4 32.0 39.1 45.6
1710 30.7 33.0 43.2 52.5
1720 31.4 40.4 32.3 53.0
1730 31.6 56.0 31.1 31.2

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1740 31.9 41.2 31.2 31.4

1755 28.4 27.4 31.8 35.1
1770 29.7 27.2 38.1 30.8
1785 28.8 27.1 24.1 44.8
1800 28.0 29.9 43.7 28.6
1805 27.3 36.7 36.5 30.4
1820 26.3 40.3 29.5 32.8
1850 26.2 33.5 33.3 32.8
1880 30.7 42.9 29.6 27.8
1910 30.0 31.1 32.2 30.3
1930 33.5 32.3 33.7 28.6
1950 35.5 34.9 36.0 35.8
1960 26.1 37.2 35.5 29.5
1970 29.7 31.8 34.8 28.5
1990 36.3 32.4 31.0 38.7
2100 28.1 50.5 29.3 37.5
2110 26.9 42.0 30.5 30.4
2120 26.2 38.7 28.7 31.0
2140 29.7 28.6 29.5 30.7
2155 28.4 27.0 29.0 38.2
2170 29.1 32.9 29.5 36.8
2180 28.6 35.0 30.4 35.1
Average 29.8 35.4 32.9 34.8
Table 22 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: AWS/PCS

8.5 WCS 2300-2400

Figure 81 Gain: WCS 2300-2400 Band

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Frequency (MHz) P3(dBi) P4(dBi) P5(dBi) P6(dBi)

2305 11.4 10.7 11.4 11.1

2310 11.4 10.8 11.4 11.1
2315 11.4 10.9 11.3 11.1
2320 11.3 11.1 11.3 11.1
2325 11.4 11.1 11.3 11.2
2335 11.4 11.1 11.1 11.2
2345 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.4
2350 11.1 11.2 11.1 11.2
2355 11.1 11.0 11.1 11.2
2360 11.3 10.9 11.1 11.1
2380 11.5 10.8 10.9 11.2
Average 11.3 11.0 11.2 11.2
Table 23 Gain: WCS 2300-2400

Figure 82 Elevation Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

2305 69.4 73.9 65.2 56.2

2310 69.8 74.2 65.5 56.9
2315 69.8 70.2 66.1 54.9
2320 71.2 68.2 67.5 54.1

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2325 70.5 66.5 68.9 55.6

2335 71.5 65.5 71.6 55.1
2345 71.9 63.2 72.8 54.5
2350 72.5 63.6 72.6 56.2
2355 71.7 65.8 71.1 57.1
2360 68.5 69.5 70.5 57.9
2380 64.0 73.6 70.6 53.9
Average 70.1 68.6 69.3 55.7
Table 24 Elevation Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400

Figure 83 Azimuth Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400 Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

2305 24.1 26.2 25.9 27.1

2310 23.7 25.9 25.9 27.3
2315 23.2 25.3 26.0 26.9
2320 23.2 24.9 25.9 27.3
2325 23.0 24.4 25.8 27.2
2335 23.3 24.0 26.0 26.8
2345 23.6 23.6 26.0 26.4
2350 24.3 23.6 26.0 26.8
2355 24.2 23.8 26.1 26.8
2360 24.0 23.8 26.2 26.8
2380 23.3 24.2 27.1 26.4
Average 23.6 24.5 26.1 26.9
Table 25 Azimuth Beamwidth: WCS 2300-2400

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 84 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: WCS 2300-2400 Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(dB) P4(dB) P5(dB) P6(dB)

2305 34.6 36.5 32.3 31.4

2310 36.0 37.0 31.8 30.9
2315 35.8 38.3 31.3 37.8
2320 31.3 38.0 31.2 35.2
2325 37.4 38.2 31.1 33.3
2335 37.8 34.7 32.9 35.3
2345 36.3 30.9 37.0 35.3
2350 34.5 30.6 39.6 34.2
2355 34.0 30.3 39.3 34.8
2360 35.9 30.0 40.3 36.4
2380 43.2 29.9 37.5 40.9
Average 36.1 34.0 34.9 35.0
Table 26 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: WCS 2300-2400

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8.6 BRS

Figure 85 Gain: BRS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(dBi) P4(dBi) P5(dBi) P6(dBi)

2496 11.2 11.4 10.6 10.5

2500 11.3 11.3 10.7 10.5
2506 11.6 11.4 10.7 10.6
2510 11.8 11.3 10.7 10.6
2513 11.8 11.1 10.7 10.6
2523 12.1 11.1 10.8 10.6
2535 11.8 11.5 11.0 10.8
2550 11.8 11.8 11.3 11.0
2570 12.2 11.8 11.0 10.9
2583 12.4 11.6 11.1 10.8
2599 12.2 11.6 11.0 10.8
2620 12.0 11.5 10.9 10.9
2655 12.3 11.2 11.1 11.3
2675 12.1 11.3 10.5 11.4
2678 12.2 11.5 10.4 11.4
2690 12.2 11.5 10.2 11.5
Average 11.9 11.4 10.8 10.9
Table 27 Gain: BRS

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Figure 86 Elevation Beamwidth: BRS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

2496 61.9 65.0 68.7 57.2

2500 59.2 65.4 68.4 57.1
2506 55.8 66.0 68.3 56.6
2510 53.4 67.6 67.8 55.8
2513 52.5 68.5 67.6 55.7
2523 49.8 66.4 67.3 56.0
2535 51.6 65.0 69.4 54.7
2550 53.5 63.2 69.7 56.0
2570 53.9 64.5 73.4 60.2
2583 51.3 67.6 72.0 62.5
2599 49.9 67.3 69.5 64.6
2620 51.3 63.4 67.6 64.9
2655 46.5 67.9 62.8 54.5
2675 46.9 65.9 67.7 50.9
2678 46.8 65.4 67.6 50.1
2690 47.2 65.3 68.2 45.6
Average 52.0 65.9 68.5 56.4
Table 28 Elevation Beamwidth: BRS

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Figure 87 Azimuth Beamwidth: BRS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(deg) P4(deg) P5(deg) P6(deg)

2496 21.5 20.4 25.6 28.0

2500 21.4 20.7 25.4 28.8
2506 20.7 20.8 26.3 29.5
2510 20.5 20.9 26.4 29.9
2513 20.6 21.1 26.8 30.5
2523 19.9 21.2 25.7 30.2
2535 20.0 19.8 23.1 29.2
2550 20.2 18.2 20.4 28.3
2570 19.8 17.3 20.2 28.2
2583 19.2 17.4 18.5 29.0
2599 19.3 17.7 19.6 28.8
2620 20.9 18.3 19.3 28.4
2655 22.0 19.7 20.0 25.6
2675 21.1 18.7 15.9 21.7
2678 20.3 17.8 16.0 21.5
2690 20.6 17.2 17.5 20.6
Average 20.5 19.2 21.7 27.4
Table 29 Azimuth Beamwidth: BRS

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 88 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: BRS Band

Frequency (MHz) P3(dB) P4(dB) P5(dB) P6(dB)

2496 39.7 36.4 39.8 48.6

2500 38.2 36.3 40.9 36.9
2506 37.9 35.2 45.4 36.7
2510 39.0 33.2 52.2 38.3
2513 35.5 33.3 52.4 41.1
2523 35.5 38.1 67.3 43.3
2535 34.3 36.9 43.0 41.5
2550 34.6 34.1 42.3 37.9
2570 35.1 36.1 39.5 36.9
2583 35.7 38.7 47.0 38.3
2599 39.8 35.0 48.0 34.8
2620 37.7 33.0 38.8 36.9
2655 30.9 38.6 34.2 36.7
2675 30.2 35.4 33.8 34.6
2678 30.2 34.7 34.1 33.5
2690 30.2 36.6 37.1 32.7
Average 35.3 35.7 43.5 38.0
Table 30 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: BRS

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

8.7 CBRS 3400-3800

Figure 89 Gain: CBRS 3400-3800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P7(dBi) P8(dBi) P9(dBi) P10(dBi)

3400 9.9 11.0 10.7 11.5

3450 10.9 11.2 11.7 11.3
3550 11.3 11.3 12.2 12.0
3600 11.5 11.6 12.3 11.7
3650 12.0 11.9 12.5 12.0
3690 12.3 11.9 12.7 12.5
3700 12.3 11.8 12.5 12.3
3750 12.6 11.7 12.4 12.0
3800 12.8 11.6 13.0 11.6
Average 11.8 11.5 12.2 11.9
Table 31 Gain: CBRS 3400-3800

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Figure 90 Elevation Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P7(deg) P8(deg) P9(deg) P10(deg)

3400 63.5 71.7 42.0 69.4

3450 62.4 74.0 47.0 58.7
3550 60.2 72.9 40.2 57.5
3600 61.0 73.5 41.1 58.2
3650 58.4 77.4 56.9 67.7
3690 47.1 63.5 59.5 57.9
3700 48.2 63.4 61.0 59.1
3750 44.8 64.9 62.1 68.1
3800 41.9 42.5 61.0 70.3
Average 54.2 67.1 52.3 63.0
Table 32 Elevation Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800

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Title: Engineering RF Qualification Report

Figure 91 Azimuth Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P7(deg) P8(deg) P9(deg) P10(deg)

3400 32.9 26.0 26.7 29.4

3450 31.7 27.2 27.5 31.4
3550 30.0 25.1 26.6 30.1
3600 27.3 25.2 26.8 27.4
3650 27.0 24.6 24.9 28.4
3690 25.9 25.1 24.9 27.4
3700 25.8 25.0 25.7 27.9
3750 24.0 24.7 24.9 26.3
3800 24.1 23.9 24.0 24.7
Average 27.6 25.2 25.8 28.1
Table 33 Azimuth Beamwidth: CBRS 3400-3800

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Figure 92 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: CBRS 3400-3800 Band

Frequency (MHz) P7(dB) P8(dB) P9(dB) P10(dB)

3400 33.5 35.4 43.1 37.9

3450 29.6 42.7 31.8 35.5
3550 31.4 37.3 40.0 40.2
3600 34.7 43.5 37.7 36.6
3650 33.1 64.2 47.4 34.8
3690 38.8 42.1 38.1 29.3
3700 36.5 41.3 38.8 32.1
3750 35.6 37.3 41.5 42.0
3800 36.9 34.3 35.4 39.8
Average 34.5 42.0 39.3 36.5
Table 34 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180: CBRS 3400-3800

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8.8 UNII-1

Figure 93 Gain: UNII-1 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(dBi) P12(dBi)

5150 4.9 4.9

5175 5.1 4.8
5200 5.1 4.9
5225 5.3 5.0
5250 5.2 4.9
Average 5.1 4.9
Table 35 Gain: UNII-13
Max gain compliant to 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE

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Figure 94 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-1 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(deg) P12(deg)

5150 22.2 23.2

5175 22.1 23.2
5200 21.9 23.1
5225 21.9 22.8
5250 22.1 22.8
Average 22.0 23.0
Table 36 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-1

Figure 95 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-1 Band

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Frequency (MHz) P11(deg) P12(deg)

5150 38.5 34.4

5175 37.3 35.1
5200 37.2 34.8
5225 36.6 34.6
5250 36.8 35.0
Average 37.3 34.7
Table 37 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-1

Figure 96 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-1 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(dB) P12(dB)

5150 40.8 42.1

5175 38.2 45.9
5200 36.6 44.1
5225 36.0 47.1
5250 36.9 44.1
Average 37.7 44.6
Table 38 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-1

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8.9 UNII-3

Figure 97 Gain: UNII-3 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(dBi) P12(dBi)

5725 5.5 5.0

5775 5.5 5.0
5825 5.4 4.9
5875 5.4 5.1
5925 5.4 5.4
Average 5.4 5.1
Table 39 Gain: UNII-34
Max gain compliant to 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE

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Figure 98 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-3 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(deg) P12(deg)

5725 22.3 22.3

5775 22.1 22.0
5825 21.7 22.3
5875 22.2 21.3
5925 22.0 20.4
Average 22.1 21.7
Table 40 Elevation Beamwidth: UNII-3

Figure 99 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-3 Band

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Frequency (MHz) P11(deg) P12(deg)

5725 32.6 36.3

5775 32.6 35.9
5825 32.4 37.3
5875 32.0 34.9
5925 32.4 33.7
Average 32.4 35.6
Table 41 Azimuth Beamwidth: UNII-3

Figure 100 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-3 Band

Frequency (MHz) P11(dB) P12(dB)

5725 40.0 33.0

5775 42.6 35.4
5825 35.1 34.0
5875 38.4 36.0
5925 40.0 31.0
Average 39.2 33.9
Table 42 Front-to-back Ratio @ 180°: UNII-3

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9 FCC UNII-1 Upper SLL Compliance

9.1 EIRP Range and Definition

In order to comply with FCC, EIRP is presented for each UNII-1 frequency point: 5150, 5175, 5200,
5225 and 5250MHz in the range of theta +/- 60degree over azimuth as displayed in the following

Figure 101 Theta +/-60° Range Definition

Even Though, each radio power is 0.5 W (27dBm), 1W (30 dBm) Power is applied to each port for
EIPR calculation. In fact, it is assumed that the two 0.5W (27dBm) radio signals are fully correlated.
EIRP is calculated using the following formula:

EIRPdBm = GaindBi + 30dBm

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9.2 3D patterns
9.2.1 P11

Figure 102 UNII-1 P11 5150MHz

Figure 103 UNII-1 P11 5175MHz

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Figure 104 UNII-1 P11 5200MHz

Figure 105 UNII-1 P11 5225MHz

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Figure 106 UNII-1 P11 5250MHz

9.2.2 P12

Figure 107 UNII-1 P12 5150MHz

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Figure 108 UNII-1 P12 5175MHz

Figure 109 UNII-1 P12 5200MHz

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Figure 110 UNII-1 P11 5225MHz

Figure 111 UNII-1 P11 5250MHz

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9.3 EIRP Result and Summary

Peak EIRP for each UNII-1 frequency point over azimuth is displayed in Figure 112. Peak EIRP
information is presented in Table 43 over azimuth 360 degree range. It should be noted that at every
elevation angle in the 120 degree cone referenced in Figure 101 , maximum EIRP over all azimuth
angles is searched and plotted.

Figure 112 Peak EIRP over Azimuth in Theta+/-60° range5

Upper sidelobe level (30◦-90◦) compliant with 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR

Frequency P11 Peak EIRP(dBm) P12 Peak EIRP(dBm)

(MHz) EIRP Theta (deg) Phi(deg) EIRP Theta (deg) Phi(deg)
5150 16.6 51 100 15.7 53 102
5175 16.4 51 110 15.6 52 101
5200 16.6 51 100 16.1 52 101
5225 16.2 52 100 15.7 52 101
5250 16.3 53 87 15.1 52 103
Table 43 Summary of peak EIRP over azimuth 360° range
Upper sidelobe level (30◦-90◦) compliant with 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r04: GUIDELINES FOR

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