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In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research methodology.

Research methodology consists of the type of research, place and time of research,

data sources, the instrument of research, data collection, data analysis techniques,

verification data and research procedures.

A. Research Method

In the research, the researcher uses a qualitative research method.

According to Flick (2009:4) Qualitative research builds researchers in many

social sciences, psychology, nursing, and the like. As experienced

researchers, researchers can use a variety of specialized methods, each

starting from a different place and pursuing different goals. Each method in

qualitative research is based on a specific understanding of the object. This

means that the data collected takes from a word or image, not a number.

Qualitative research is descriptive and uses an inductive approach to

generate subjective data. This is similar to Bogdan & Biklen (2007:5)

“Qualitative research is about descriptive. In qualitative research, the

researcher should clearly explain the person's behavior, perspectives,

experiences, and feelings.” It means that by using qualitative research help

the researcher to analyze the herringbone technique to teach reading.


B. Place and Time of Research

1. Place of Research

This research takes place in MTsN Kota Madiun, the school is

located in Retno Dumilah No.1, Kuncen, Taman, Madiun, Jawa Timur

63135. The researcher conducts the research in this school because of

some reasons. The first, The school is located in Madiun. Second,

MTsN Kota Madiun needs the various method of teaching language

especially in reading skill to improve students' achievement. Third, the

teachers and the students of MTsN Kota Madiun have good

personalities, skill, and behavior.

2. Time of Research

The researcher conducts the research in six months. It is started

from February until July 2018. It was done in the second semester

because the material recount text that would be used in the actions

included in the second-semester materials. This table below describes

the time in doing research :


Table 3.1 The Research Schedule

No Activities April Mei June July

1 Planning

a. Proposing the title

b. Proposal

c. Arranging the

permission letter

d. Getting permission

from the school

e. Arranging the


2 Application

a. Observing

b. Interviewing

c. Collecting the


d. Analyzing the data

3 Reporting

C. The Sources of Data


In this research, the sources of data consist of the participant,

document, and social situation.

a. Participant

Participant is as respondents in the source of data. Kothari,

2004:73) states, the respondent is the person that has less knowledge;

therefore he/she does not express his/ her feeling well. The participants

become a sample in the research.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the

participant is the person that has less knowledge in a few individuals or

a single class. In this research, the participants are the English teacher

and students (34 students) in class VIII A MTsN Kota Madiun. They

become a source of data in this research to help the researcher get the


b. Document

In the research, the data source can be inside of the document.

According to Bogdan & Biklen (2007:133) document is the thing to

support of the interview and participant observation. In this research,

the document is a journal, RPP, Syllabus, Photograph, Student's scores,

Checklist, and Interview Guideline.

c. Social Situation

The social situation is the situation when the researcher is doing

observation. According to Sugiyono (2013:298) qualitative does not use


the term population, but it uses the term of social situation which has

three elements such as place or population, actors and activity”. In this

research, the social situations of the research take place are the students

of eighth grade (VIII A) in MTsN Kota Madiun in the schooling year of

2017/2018, the English teacher as an actor and the Herringbone

Technique to teach reading recount text as an activity.

D. The Instrument of Research

Teaching reading recount text using Herringbone technique needs an

instrument of the interview, an instrument of observation, an instrument for

analyzing the document, which is explained below:

1. Teaching reading recount text using Herringbone technique by using

the instrument of the interview.

a. Interview Guidelines

Interview Guidelines is a list of the interview to helps the

research to know the application of Herringbone Technique in the

classroom by questions list. In the research, the researcher

conducted interview guidelines, because according to the main data

researcher in the study interview guide. The researcher is doing

interview guidelines to ask about how the activities are run out.

b. Tape recorder

In this research, tape recorders are used for interviews. It is

to record when there is an interview run out. The tape recorder can

be used for transcription of the section asking and answering the

question about the using of herringbone technique.

1. Teaching reading recount text using Herringbone technique by using

the instrument of observation

a. Camera

The camera is used by the researcher to capture the

activities in the class when the teaching-learning process occurs.

b. Checklist of Observation

Checklist of Observation is a list of activities during

teaching learning process includes teacher and student activity in

the classroom.

1. Teaching reading recount text using Herringbone technique by using

the instrument of document

a. Syllabus

The syllabus is an outline of the teaching-learning process

in the classroom. In syllabus consists of basic competence, subject

matter, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of

time, resources, and moral value.

b. RPP ( Lesson Plan)

RPP is the lesson plan in the teaching-learning process. RPP

consists of the step how the teacher teaches Herringbone technique

in teaching reading recount text. The teaching process should base

on a lesson plan that made by the teacher.


c. Students Score

Students score is a list of the score used by the researcher to

get information about students' achievement after the

implementation of herringbone technique.

d. Photograph

The photograph is a picture of activity during the teaching-

learning process which captured by the camera. This research

photograph is the document collection. It is to get relating

information about the Herringbone technique activity. It consists of

the activities in the teaching-learning process, such as pre-

activities, main-activities, and post-activities.

E. Technique of Collecting data

Data are important in research methodology. The researcher uses the

technique of collecting data. The use of the technique is needed to get

information relates to the problem research. There are some techniques to

use in the research. In this research, the researcher collects the data by using

observation, interview and documentation.

1. Observation

Observation is the main activity in the research. According to

Wahyuni (2012:21) observation is useful for the researcher will help the

researcher to get data to support complete the data when the other

method is not complete. It is the basic activity that done by the

researcher in the qualitative research. The researcher uses observation


to know the teaching-learning process by using the Herringbone

technique in the class.

2. Interview

The interview is the most important part of any survey. One

method of data is an interview, that is information from the respondent.

According to Yin (2011:133) interview involve an interaction between

a participant and an interviewer. It means that in the interview there is

an interaction between the interviewer and the person being

interviewed. The target of the interview is the English teacher and the

eighth grade (VIII A) students of MTsN Kota Madiun. The interview is

about the use of the Herringbone technique to teaching reading recount

text in the eighth grade of MTsN Kota Madiun, and the researcher can

know the participants' opinion about the technique.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a technique of collecting data which uses

some documents, such as photo, note, video, etc. This documentation is

used to support research. According to Bogdan & Biklen (2007:64)

document, as an auxiliary is the most common, increasingly, qualitative

research is turning to documents as their primary source of data. In this

research, documentation uses RPP, Syllabus, Photograph and Students'


F. Data Validity

Data validity is the most important idea to consider when preparing

or selecting an instrument for use. The valid research can be as the

collection or interpretation of data that show the result of the research is

accurate. According to Wahyuni (2012:36) validity addresses whether the

research explains or measures what the researcher said the researcher would

be measuring or explaining. It means that validity data is the tool to measure

the data to be valid or not.

G. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis techniques are the techniques to analyze the data that the

researcher gets. According to Miles at al, (2014:31-32) there are three data

analysis techniques, such as data condensation, displaying data, drawing and

verifying conclusion. They are explained as follow:

1. Data condensation

Data condensation is the data selection activity to be analyzed

by the researcher. Because, this study has a lot of data collected, and it

is impossible all of the data will be used. Therefore, the researcher

should select important data and useful data to be analyzed.

2. Displaying data

Displaying data is all of the information about the data that the

researcher need. Displaying data used for make conclusion and action

taking. Researcher applying the display data as follows:


a. The data from observation is the use of Herringbone Technique to

teach reading recount text for eighth-grade students of MTsN Kota


b. The data from the interview is interviewing with an English teacher

to use Herringbone Technique to teach reading recount text for

eighth-grade students of MTsN Kota Madiun.

c. The data from the documentation is activities in teaching learning

process to use Herringbone Technique to teach reading recount text

for eighth-grade students of MTsN Kota Madiun Madiun.

2. Drawing and Verifying Conclusion

After the researcher displaying data, the researcher uses drawing

and verifying conclusion. The last of data analysis techniques are

drawing and verifying conclusion after the applying of Herringbone

Technique. Verification is crosschecking data for the document,

interview, and observation, which is called data triangulation. In the

research uses this method to make the conclusion of the data.

H. Data Verification

In this research, the researcher uses triangulation to crosscheck the

data in the research. There are four types of triangulation; they are source

triangulation, method triangulation, analyst triangulation and

theory/perspective triangulation. In this research, researchers used source

triangulation and methods triangulation. Source triangulation is used to

compare the results of the interview from each source and to the checking

the actual information using source triangulation. Then, to check the results

of research with collecting data, such as observation, documentation,

interviews and data validity of research, the researchers using method


I. Research Procedure

In this research, the researcher determines some steps of the research

as follows:

1. Planning

After identifying some problems, the researcher developed a

plan of actions in order to bring about the improvements:

a. Getting permission letter from the rector of UNIPMA.

b. Getting permission from the school.

c. Doing the preliminary of study.

d. Making the research instrument in the form of observation,

interview and documentation.

2. Application

The researcher collects the data by using observation, interview

and documentation in order to know the use of the Herringbone

technique to teach reading recount text for the eighth-grade students of

MTsN Kota Madiun.

1. Analysis

The researchers analyzing the data based on the result of

observation, interview, and documentation. And the analysis will be

related to the theory and use data condensation, displaying data,

drawing and verifying conclusion.

2. Reporting

After the researchers finish analyzing the data, and then the

researchers make a conclusion and report about the result of in this

research teaching reading recount text by using the Herringbone

technique for junior high school.

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