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All ancient cultures felt the stream of life giving consciousness which flowed through them,
and indeed through all living things. They understood this to be our link to the Sun, and the
distant stars, even to the realms beyond mortal life. They also sought to strengthen and refine
this stream by raising great stones and buildings, which linked the forces of the Sky with those
of the Earth. In recent terms Human technology and chemically based farming practices have
blocked this flow, and in turn Earth’s response. Nature is now in many regions in disarray.
The three primary magnetic forces are Ferromagnetism, Diamagnetism
and Paramagnetism. These each have a different polarity state, which WHICH THIS
is another name for charge distribution pattern. Ferromagnetism is the
primary magnetic field of the Earth, which is the characteristic signature ONE WAS FIRST
of substances such as Iron and many rare earths. We are all familiar
with the concept of a North and South Pole. Diamagnetism is the
property of substances such as Copper and Nickel which exhibit no
Human beings have a
defined charge. These elements are perfect for electron accumulation
and are the key ingredient in all electric motors. Paramagnetism occurs choice – do we acknowledge
in materials such as aluminium, zinc and chromium, and forms the
basis for all electrical circuitry in living organisms. Without these that we are part of Nature
paramagnetic substances in our bodies our nervous systems would
and so must nurture it, or do
quickly short circuit. In paramagnetically charged substances, living
cells among them, very small charge variations occur across the we consider ourselves
material with very slight electrical and magnetic fields resulting.
superior to Nature and so
Given good insulation and an excellent polarity transfer medium such
as water, and communication between cells, and between the secrete ourselves away in
surrounding macro-energetic field becomes possible. It is this principle
an artificial world without any
which operates our whole sensory apparatus, and ensures the health
of our endocrine glands, the most important of which are the pineal sense of responsibility?
gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and the thymus gland.
There is a movement of
When the internal stability of this paramagnetic communication system
is interfered with physical disease always results, and when our ability change afoot!
to maintain a stable reference to the Universal life stream of
paramagnetism is impaired, mental illness results.

The rampant technologies now being developed by human beings

generate adverse effects in both of these areas. For this reason the
quality of life for all living organisms on planet Earth is rapidly
degrading. Everything is becoming more and more unstable – the
weather, ocean temperatures, seasonal cycles, the circadian rhythms
in all living creatures, the capacity of the Earth to deflect solar storms,
even the reliability of the technology itself.

We seem to be living in a society which believes that more and more

profits generated by more and more products, which take more and
more time to pay for, and which eat up more and more of our time, is
preferable to a relaxed, happy, and well-adjusted lifestyle. This must
stop, or the majority of people will cross the threshold of adaptability beyond which human life is no
longer possible. It is also apparent that the blind majority are unware that most living creatures on our
planet are now facing the same challenge. And what is more, so immersed in entertainment and
material want are they, that the common belief is that someone needs to fix things, but not us – not this

Most people in our world have lost their way, and more and more are suffering the effects of this
delusion. So what can be done?

Restoring the Schumann Field

When the Cosmic paramagnetic field – the Life Stream – passes into the Earth’s atmosphere it divides
into two components, one being a general distribution of high frequencies in the Gamma Ray part of the
spectrum, but at very low intensity, and the other being the creation of an electric current. There is an
electrical potential of just on 3 million volts between the ionosphere and the ground in southern
Australia, where the ionosphere is less than 10km thick. In Europe, above which the ionosphere is
50km thick, this potential is only 2 million volts. So, where we live, more of these forces are active than
almost anywhere else. My understanding is that the dry and relatively passive environment in Australia
needs more stimulation so that more rain can fall, more plants can grow, and people can become more
alert, and capable of adapting to change. This is mostly Nature’s response to an imbalance and only to
a small extent due to the human release of chemicals into the atmosphere.

So what has been the response of the people living in Australia? They have chosen to have Universal
communication available everywhere throughout our continent with the ultimate goal being no black
spots anywhere. Little do they realize that by doing so they are scrambling the stability of the
Paramagnetic field, part of which – in the frequency range 3 to 200hz – is known as the Schumann
Resonance Field.

The impact of this decision has yet to be fully felt, but one can make the prediction that mental
DYSFUNCTION will continue to escalate, particularly in the young, and that people’s internal health
will become more and more disturbed as the endocrine glands lose their fine tuning system.

Twenty years ago one could easily maintain good pineal gland health (serotonin and melatonin
production, circadian rhythm regulation) by spending 20-30 minutes outdoors every day. Now, to
achieve the same Schumann Field exposure, this has increased to 45-60 minutes every day. Most
people can’t average that because they spend most of their days inside using technology, both at work
and at home. So when they do go outside its often to excess which results in other physical risks.

The phase entrainment gland which gets the Schumann frequencies into the pineal gland is the
pituitary gland. It is this gland which can easily be overstimulated by the carrier wave frequencies
associated with wireless technologies. Overstimulation of the Pituitary cause excitation hormones such
as endorphins and ACTH to be generated to excess with the result being inability to relax and a
tendency to engage in activities matching this internal tension. Fatigue disorders, of which depression
is one example, are inevitably the result.

So it is essential that The Schumann Field be restored to its optimum functions. This can be done in the
following ways :
1. Do not install wireless devices in your home – cable the technology instead. It works better, and
faster, and you can enjoy its benefits with less strain.
2. Increase the number of plants around your home, and ensure that you represent a variety of
canopy types – tall upright, round and leafy, spreading, open canopy, and closed canopy. This
will ensure that you attract the optimum range of frequencies needed to keep your endocrine
system healthy. This can be done with pot plants as well as ground planted flora.
3. Compensate for the increasing range of artificially generated frequencies by attracting more of
the naturally produced ones. This can be done by installing a small paramagnetic tower or if you
are able a full sized one. It also helps to establish a sacred aspect in the home, and even
business, environment.
4. Tune your home or business. Spring clean regularly, open the windows often to clear radon and
other chemical substances from its interior. Observe the Coriolus effect characteristics
throughout the space. This can easily be done using a one litre or larger plastic bottle filled with
water. In any given location if you remove the cap and allow the water to flow out into a bucket,
if the flow is anticlockwise the location is energetically stable. If the flow is clockwise, the
location is unstable. You can also test this principle using your own body if you are sensitive
enough to detect rotational change. Periodically clear clutter and frequently burn aromatic oils
such as cedar wood, orange, or lavender.
5. If you use a cordless phone make sure that you have line of sight to the sub-station (cradle). Do
not use a mobile phone if the intensity level falls below 2. In a motor vehicle, when using any
wireless device keep two windows on either side of your car open and ensure that you have an
external aerial.
6. Ensure that your diet contains adequate quantities of zinc, selenium, chromium and
7. Eat as many deep rooted vegetables as possible – asparagus, endives, celery, beans, etc.
8. Spend on average 45 minutes outdoors daily – this can be under trees but must not be under
artificial structures.
9. Earth your body periodically – walk barefoot on grass, swim, or even introduce an earth source
inside your home.
10. Make sure that your household or business earth is sound. This must be in a moist position, and
free of corrosion. Doing so will also save about 20% on your electricity bills. Water your earth
peg at least twice per week.
11. If you have a satellite dish on your roof, ensure that this is independently earthed.
12. Wear natural fibre clothing as much as possible or at least ensure 50% of it is natural fibre.

Follow these guidelines and you will be actively contributing to the health of planet Earth, and to your
own ongoing good health.

Trees as Antennas

Every tree on Earth contains countless numbers of parenchymal cells, which are rich in zinc, aluminium
and chromium. These cells accumulate paramagnetic forces and transmit them, after modification,
through their root systems into the microbiota of the soil. In the sap of the tree are iron and tungsten,
which accumulate the Cosmic magnetism through which our planet is constantly moving, and once
again serve to transfer these ferromagnetic forces into the soil. In other words, trees build both
paramagnetism into the planetary life cycle, and ferromagnetism into the rocks, crystals, and the
oceans, which enables life as we know it. The huge ferromagnetic field created in this manner
generates a magnetic containment around the Earth, which deflects the greater portion of solar protons
and high energy Cosmic rays.

During the past 80 years, more than 90% of all the trees on Earth have been chopped down by human
beings. This has reduced the strength of the terrestrial magnetic field by 70% during that time, and has
decreased the available paramagnetism through our diets by an equivalent amount.

Trees also produce oxygen, which is the primary substance capable of attracting the Life force that
differentiates quick time from slow time. Rocks and minerals operate in the same way as do biological
organisms, but in time frames spanning millions of years, while human bodies span usually 100 years
or less. We may all think that we are a special case, but the Universe is a continuum, so the same laws
underpin everything. What human beings call the Vital Force is in fact a concentrated form of

So, to prevent further deterioration of the planetary ecology we must all set about planting trees and
their companion understory plants at an unprecedented level. At present it would only take one
moderate solar proton ejection event heading in Earth’s direction to explode all overhead powerline
transformers, and all phone transmission towers, and nearly all GPS and Media satellites. It would take
up to 10 years for the system to be repaired. In the interim civilization would revert to a pre-first world
war status.

In addition to these considerations trees absorb atmospheric pollution on a massive scale, they provide
habitat for one third of all living creatures on Earth, and they communicate the regional eco-system
health between each other, and encourage the secondary plants and microbiota to make the necessary
adjustments. Older trees are obviously better at this than younger ones. Why then do all forestry
companies consider a 10 year old tree to have the same intelligence as a 500 year old one?

Magnetic Dipoles

On several occasions during the past century here has been a notable increase in the appearance of
magnetic dipoles throughout our world. Before the first world war there were 2 recorded ones. Once the
world of radio was introduced in the 1920s a further 8 were discovered. With the advent of analogue
phone towers in the 1980s this had increased to 30. Now there are just over 1500. In each case the
diameter of the polarity reversed magnetic field is about 50 kilometers. The centre of the nearest one to
Adelaide is “Magnetic Hill” – situated on the main road between Spalding and Freeling”. In all there are
50 between there and Arnhem Land. In every case the North and South poles are 180 degrees
reversed. The Adelaide University Geophysics department has been detecting and plotting these
dipoles since the 1960s. Their conclusion at present is that the Earth is due for a repolarization event
sometime within the next 3 centuries. As this draws near one can expect an increased incidence of
earthquakes and volcanic activity.

This is not the first time such a pattern has occurred on a planet wide scale. Professor Peter Boyd from
Adelaide University conducted a global magnetic anomaly survey between 1972 and 1998, which
identified a cycle of around 17,000 years duration. The last one was a polar shift of 30 degrees, the one
prior to that 90 degrees, and the one prior to that 180 degrees. 68,000 years ago the Antarctic continent
was free of ice. 51,000 years ago, the Pacific ocean continental mass (MU) began to sink beneath the
waters. 34,000 years ago north and south America began to rise out of the Atlantic ocean, and 17,000
years ago the mid-Atlantic ridge began to break up into a series of large islands. What can this
civilization expect? One thing is certain, humanity cannot go on thinking that everything now being done
will have no effect on the future, and that the warning signs can continue to be ignored.

The author of this presentation has spent 37 years strengthening the terrestrial magnetic field in this
region so that it is more resilient and adaptable in the face of the suggested ongoing change. We can
all do our part to mitigate the potential effects by paying more attention to Nature and its viability.

It is interesting to note that the paramagnetic field forming a circle around these dipoles is 20 times
stronger than is the field within the dipole itself, and extends out 900 metres in every direction from the
dipole boundary.

Living Rocks

Illustrated at the front of this summary are three of a number of stone groupings at Avebury in the
United Kingdom. These stones were transported to its current location from a quarry some 300km away
in Wales – a place where the Earth’s magnetic forces were known to be particularly strong. Each stone
has been positioned on a different magnetic node, one being focused on healing – the central stone –
one on scrying (glimpsing the future) – the furthest away – and the third on attunement with the Cosmic
realm. The strength of the paramagnetic field generated by these three stone alone is just over 4 times
that of the background in which they are located. Add to that the compounding effect of the Avebury
stone circle and 6 additional lesser stone placements, and this landscape has a paramagnetic signature
10 times stronger than the surrounding countryside.

Such knowledge was well understood by the Druidic priests and priestesses of the time, having been
handed down over a period some 9,000 years by the survivors of Atlantis and their descendants. This
knowledge can be rekindled today, and in this region is already surpassing the ancient wisdom of

What the Atlanteans and their Druidic descendants did with stones, the Japanese and Chinese did with
Temples, with sacred forests, and with sacred waterways. What the ancient Greeks did with labyrinths
and consecrated patterns formed in stone the American Indians did with medicine wheels and
community teepees. What the Persians did with sacred fires the Australian native peoples did with
Song Lines and Sacred paintings.

In every one of these examples the culture concerned glimpsed part of a bigger picture. We, who are
the inheritors of this accumulated wisdom, can combine and refine them all. But whatever we do, it is
essential that we acknowledge that Nature is our constant companion and not some remote entity
which has lost its relevance. Nor must we forget that the memory of the ancient past lives still in rocks
and mountains surrounding us, is constantly rekindled by the trees, and is enabled to migrate into all
forms of life through the living waters which sustain us.

The Purified Waters

It is said that before the solidity of the material world was first manifest, the waters of life had already
appeared. It is known that the power of water, which has been seeded with paramagnetism and
constructive thoughts and emotions, to heal and transform is greater than that of any modern medicine.
But the difference between the reality of such effectiveness and its actual workings is the nature of
persons using it. People today have come to revere the chemicals and synthetic remedies employed by
the medicine of today to such an extent that they fail to understand that our thoughts and expectations
are the determinants of our life experiences. We are not controlled by outside forces as much as we are
by the imbalances we hold within. The more one expects an outside agency to cure one’s unbalanced
thinking, the more does the body reflect this imbalance. So rather than being seduced into passing
power and responsibility to others for one’s one well-being, it would be far better were one to purify and
refine water and take this into oneself to retune the system. The psyche within each human being is the
Template from which health and wellness springs, the soma or body needs to be re-tuned to match this
innate state of being. Contained in the paramagnetic field of the galaxy in which our Solar systems find
passage, is the stream of consciousness containing all of the memory components needed to
accomplish this task. The concept of Holy Water has existed as long as human beings have lived here
on this version of The World. Holy wells and springs have been revered for their curative properties.
Rites of purification using water are still practiced today. What is missing is a deeper understanding of
what these places and practices mean, both on the part of priestesses, priests, and practitioners, and
that of their recipients.

Such depth of understanding does not come from the water, but through it. The smallest particulate
substances which enter into the formation of matter – bosons – form bonds identical in character to that
of water in the larger atomic world. These are essentially patterns of memory which transcend material
reality, and it is this pre-formative realm which provides the basis for water’s curative and inspirational
properties. We are all imbued with these memories, and we are constantly immersed in them through
the paramagnetic streams of Universal origin, but we have become blocked by false expectation.

Water is a symbol more than it is a substance. It washes away the impurities to which our daily lives are
subject, but it also has the power to rekindle the immortal essence inside us so that we are no longer
separate from Nature’s voice. This does not mean that we become somehow resorbed into the Divine
consciousness when we commune with this primordial quality of water, but rather that we are able to
come into touch with our full potential. Pure thoughts need not be perfect thoughts, for should they
become so change would no longer be possible. There is one guaranteed constant in every aspect of
our Universal reality and that is change. How we adapt to such change is a true measure of our health.

Sound as a Tool for Stream of Life enhancement

Sound is the manifestation of feeling, and the finer the emotion the more beautiful the music which
stems from it. The timbre and pitch of the human voice can be sublimely beautiful when expressed with
sincerity and clarity, but it can also convey disruption, fear, and bitterness. Classical singers learn to
modulate the sounds they generate by putting aside their usual emotional states and replacing them
with finer and more rounded ones. Some untrained musical artists can evoke such depth without
training. But in every case, when the singer sings the melody from the depth of his or her being
something happens to the sounds expressed which cannot be described mathematically.

This is the type of vocal expression which can transform a space, and can lift an audience to such a
crescendo of harmony that it is as if the whole place has shifted into another dimension. When this
happens, and many persons have experienced it, the Stream of Life or Paramagnetic flow becomes so
strong that instruments can no longer measure it. To harness this energy is to potentially cross from
one side of the Universe to the other in just one breath, to heal another at great distance without
apparent connection, and to understand a new law or principle with great clarity.

For these reasons, chanting and other applications of sound have long been used to link one place in
time and space to the whole.


One person can accomplish wonders, two may accomplish more, but an assembly of people, all united
for one purpose, can direct paramagnetic forces in far more accomplished ways. Nor do those persons
all have to be assembled in the same place at the same time, for their common purpose can unite them
constantly, wherever and whenever they are.

Think of the region we live in as a focal point capable of attracting and sustaining paramagnetic forces
in inspiring and healing ways. Think of all the people who have ever lived in this region, and who are,
and have been, united in this purpose through the medium of Universal memory here together in this
place at this time. Over aeons of time this may amount to many millions of beings. Let us now spend a
few moments visualizing the State of South Australia, and all of its various places as a happy place in
which to live, as a location in which every person is able to experience deeper and more meaningful
connections with Nature, and as a place of inspiration for other communities and societies throughout
the world.

Complete this task by focusing on one place in the world away from this region which is in need of
these qualities right now.

It takes just one flame in a darkened room to dispel the darkness. We have just done so.

Prepared by Juergen Schmidt

March 11th, 2018 7

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