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1. Light is incident from air on oil at an angle of 30. After moving through oil-1, oil- air 300
2, and glass it enters water. If the refractive indices of glass and water are 1.5 Oil-1
and 1.3, respectively, find the angle which the ray makes with normal in water. Oil-2

2. A ray of light is incident on a transparent glass slab of refractive index 1.62. If the i r
reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular, what is the angle of incidence?

3. Path of a ray entering from air to a medium of variable

refractive index is shown in figure. Find the value of
refractive index of the medium at P.
3 1 30
(A) (B) P
2 2
(C) 2 (D) 2

4. A ray of light falls on the surface of spherical glass (having refractive index n)
making angle 30° with normal then find net angle of deviation between 30°
emergent and incident rays.

5. A layer of oil 3 cm thick is floating on a layer of coloured water 5 cm thick. Refractive index of coloured water
is 5/3 and the apparent depth of the two liquids appears to be 36/7 cm. Find the refractive index of oil.

6. A ray of light traveling in glass ( = 3/2) is incident on a horizontal Water O r
glass air surface at the critical angle C. If a thin layer of water ( =
4/3) is now poured on the glass air surface, the ray of light emerge into R 3
c R 
air at the water air surface at an angle of  / k radians find the value of 2

7. A cut diamond sparkles because of its

(A) Hardness (B) High refractive index
(C) Emission of light by the diamond (D) Absorption of light by the diamond

8. Critical angle of light passing from glass to air is minimum for

(A) Red (B) Green (C) Yellow (D) Violet

9. A fish is a little away below the surface of a lake. If the

critical angle is 49 , then the fish could see things above
the water surface within an angular range of  where
(A) q = 49°
(B) q = 90°
(C) q = 98°

(D) q = 24

10. Total internal reflection of light is possible when light enters from
(A) Air to glass (B) Vacuum to air (C) Air to water (D) Water to air

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
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11. A diver at a depth of 12 m in water ( m= 4 / 3 ) sees the sky in a cone of semi-vertical angle
(A) sin- 1(4 / 3) (B) tan- 1(4 / 3) (C) sin- 1(3 / 4) (D) 90

12. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium falls on a surface separating the medium from air at an angle
of incidence of 45. The ray undergoes total internal reflection. If n is the refractive index of the medium with
respect to air, select the possible value(s) of n from the following
(A) 1.3 (B) 1.4 (C) 1.5 (D) 1.6

13. A vessel of depth 2d cm is half filled with a liquid of refractive index m1 and the upper half with a liquid of
refractive index m2 . The apparent depth of the vessel seen perpendicularly is
æ mm ö æ1 1ö æ1 1ö æ 1 ö
(A) dç 1 2 ÷ (B) dç + ÷ (C) 2d ç + ÷ (D) 2d ç ÷
è m1 + m2 ø è m1 m2 ø è m1 m2 ø è mm
1 2 ø

14. Brilliance of diamond is due to

(A) Shape (B) Cutting (C) Reflection (D) Total internal reflection

15. A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive
index of water is and the fish is 12 cm below the surface, the radius of this circle in cm is
(A) 36 5 (B) 4 5 (C) 36 7 (D) 36 / 7

1. A bird is flying 3 m above the surface of water. If the bird is diving vertically down with speed = 6 m/s, find the
apparent velocity as seen by a stationary fish underwater

2. A parallel sided block of glass of refractive index 1.5 which is 36 mm thick rests on the floor of a
tank which is filled with water (refractive index = 4/3). Find the difference between apparent depth
of floor at A & B when seen from vertically above

3. A cylindrical vessel, whose diameter and height both are equal to 30 cm, is placed on a
horizontal surface and a small particle p is placed in it at a distance of 5.0 cm from the
centre. An eye is placed at a position such that the edge of the bottom is just visible in
the figure. The particle P is in the plane of drawing. Up to what minimum height should
water be poured in the vessel to make the particle P visible?

 
  y  2  1 0y5 
4. Refractive index of a medium is given by     , where [y] & |y| represents
 4 elsewhere 
greatest integer and modulus of y respectively.
A light ray coming from the side y < 0 in x-y plane is incident at y = 0 at 30 from y-axis . What will be the
angle made by light ray with y-axis at y = 6.

5. A parallel beam of light of intensity I is incident onto a perfectly reflecting plane mirror, at an angle of incidence
. Find the pressure on the mirror due to radiation.

6. The image of an object kept at a distance 30cm in front of a concave mirror is found to
coincide with itself. If a glass slab ( = 1.5) of thickness 3cm is
introduced between the mirror and the object, then
(i) identify, in which direction the mirror should be displaced so that the final image may
again coincide with the object itself.
(ii) Find the magnitude of displacement.

7. A bird in air is diving vertically over a tank with speed 6 cm/s. Base of the tank is
silvered. A fish in the tank is rising upward along the same line with speed 4 cm/s.
[Take: water = 4/3]
(a) Speed of the image of fish as seen by the bird directly
(b) Speed of image of bird relative to the fish looking upwards

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 3 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_GO–4-PH-VII
8. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at grazing angle (incident angle = 90°)
on a long rectangular slab of a transparent medium of thickness t = 1.0 (see
figure). The point of incidence is the origin A (O, O). The medium has a
variable index of refraction n(y) given by:
n (y) = [ky3/2 + 1]1/2, where k=1.0 m3/2. The refractive index of air is 1.0.

(i) Obtain a relation between the slope (dy/dx) of the trajectory of the ray at a point B (x , y) in the medium
and the incident angle (i) at that point.
(ii) Find the value of n sin i.
(iii) Obtain an equation for the trajectory y (x) of the ray in the medium.
(iv) Determine the coordinates (x1 , y1) of the point P, where the ray the ray intersects the upper surface of
the slab-air boundary .
(v) Indicate the path of the ray subsequently.
  
9. If a, b and c are the unit vectors along the incident ray, reflected ray and the ouward normal to the reflector.
      
(A) b ac (B) b  a  (a.c)c
      
(C) b  2a  c (D) b  a  2(a.c)c
10. A ray travelling through air is incident on a thin parallel slab (made of glass of refractive index = 1.5) at an
angle of 30 . The emerging ray on the other side
(A) is shifted towards the normal (B) is parallel to the incident ray
(C) is perpendicular to the incident ray (D) none of the above

11. A ray of light, travelling in medium A, is incident on the plane interface of two media sin r
A and B and gets refracted into medium B. The angle of incidence is i and that of
refraction is r. Graph between sin i and sin r is shown in the figure.
Which one of the following statement is correct
(A) The medium A is rarer w.r.t. the medium B.
(B) The total internal reflection cannot take place. 53º sin i
(C) The speed of light in medium A is three fourth of that in medium B.
(D) None of these

12. A ray of light is incident of an glass sheet of thickness t. Ray undergoes lateral shift x. If glass sheet is dipped
in liquid of refractive index less than that of sheet, the lateral shift for same angle of incident will
(A) increase (B) decrease
(C) no change (D) can’t say

13. A beam of light is converging towards a point I. A plane parallel plate of glass
of thickness t, refractive index  is introduced in the path of the beam. The
convergent point is shifted by (assume near normal incidence) :
 1  1
(A) t 1   away (B) t 1   away
     
 1  1
(C) t 1   nearer (D) t 1   nearer
     

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
Page 4 of 5 CPP - SANKALP_GO–4-PH-VII
1. As we know
 sin i = (constant)
 air sin i(air) = water sin r(water)
sin 30 = 1.3 sin r
1 1
sin r = = ; r = sin1  1 
2  1.3 2.6  2.6 
2. Let the angle of incidence, angle of reflection and angle of refraction be i, r and r, respectively.
Now, as per the question 90 – r + 90 – r = 90
 r = 90 – i (because i = r)
In case of reflection according to Snell’s law, 1 sin i =  sin r
Or sin i =  sin r
or sin i =  sin(90 – i)
 tan i = 
or i = tan1() = tan1(1.62) = 58.3
3. C
4. 60  2sin 1

sin 30  n sin r ; r  sin 1 n
2n 30°
1 
  30  r  30  sin 1 ;
2n 
1 30°
net  60  2sin 1
t1 t
5. Apparent depth (AI) =  2
1 2
36 5 3
  
7 5 / 3 2
3 36 15 7
Or  3  or 2 =  1.4
2 7 7 5
6. 2
1sin i = 2 sin r

7. (B) Due to high refractive index its critical angle is very small so that most of the light incident on the diamond
is total internally reflected repeatedly and diamond sparkles.
1 1
8. (D) a mg = Þ sinC =
sinC a mg
As  for violet colour is maximum, so sin C is minimum and hence critical angle C is minimum for violet colour.

9. (C) From figure given in qusetion q = 2C = 98°

10. (D) For total internal reflection light must travel from denser medium to rarer medium.

æ1 ö æ3 ö
11. (C) Semi vertical angle = C = sin- 1 ç ÷ = sin- 1 ç ÷
è mø è4ø
12. (C, D) For TIR i > C
Þ sin i > sinC Þ sin 45° > Þ n> 2 Þ n > 1.4
d1 d2 æ1 1ö
13. (B) h' = + = dç + ÷
m1 m2 è m1 m2 ø
14. (D)
3h 3 ´ 12 36
15. (D) r = = =
7 7 7

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942
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1. 8 m/s
2. 3 mm
3. 26.7 cm
4. light cannot come out of y = 6


light grazes at y = 1.
5.  2 I / c  cos 2 
6. (i) Since the apparent shift occurs in the direction of incident light, therefore, the
mirror should be displaced away from the objects
(ii) The magnitude of displacement is equal to the apparent shift, i.e.,
 1  1 
s = t 1   = 3 1   = 1 cm
   3/ 2 
7. (a) Velocity of fish in air = 4 × =3
Velocity of fish w.r.t bird = 3 + 6 = 9 
(b) Velocity of bird in water = 6 × =8
w.r.t fish = 8 + 4 = 12 

= cot i ; (ii) 1 ; (iii) y = k2 x 4  ; (iv) 4.0, 1; (v) It will become parallel to x-axis
8. (i) tan  =

9. D
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. A

FIITJEE Ltd., ICES House, Sarvapriya Vihar (Near Hauz Khas Bus Terminal), New Delhi - 16, Ph : 6515949 , 6865182, 6854102, Fax : 6513942

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