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Simple Accounting System

Creating a Workbook Template

1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. Double-click the worksheet named Sheet 1 and type SJ to rename it. Rename Sheet 2 to CRJ. Rename Sheet
3 to PJ.
3. Now, insert another worksheet by clicking Insert > Worksheet. Insert another six worksheets. You should
now have Sheet 10.
4. Click and drag the worksheet named PJ at the right side of the CRJ worksheet.
5. Double-click the worksheet named Sheet 10 and type CDJ to rename it. Rename Sheet 9 to GJ. Rename
Sheet 8 to GL. Rename Sheet 7 to TB. Rename Sheet 6 to BS. Rename Sheet 5 to IS and Sheet 4 to CF.
6. Now, you have all the worksheets that will be needed in creating a simple accounting information system for
Universal Computer Services. If you want you may change the color of each worksheet for color coding
purposes by right clicking a specific worksheet then choosing Tab color…. from the pop-up menu. The
workbook should have these worksheets:

7. Save your Work.

Computerized Sales Journal

1. In your created workbook click worksheet SJ. Click Cell A1 then simultaneously hold shift key and then click
cell G1. Click the Merge and Center button. Type Universal Computer Services. Click cell A2 then
simultaneously hold shift key then click cell G2. Highlight cell A2 to G2. Click the merge and center button.
2. Go to cell A4 then type AN for Account Number. Go to cell A5 then type Date. Highlight A4 to B4 then click
Merge and Center button. Highlight A5 to B5 then click Merge and Center button. Change the column width
of Column B to 2.43. while holding the left mouse button, drag it to the left to resize. Go to cell C4 then type
15, cell D4 then type 130, cell E4 then type 255, cell F4 then type 260, and cell G4 then type 265. Go to cell
C5 then type Dr, cell D5 then type Cr, cell E5 then type Cr, cell F5 then type Cr, and cell G5 then type Cr. (See
chart of Accounts for details). Click the merged cell A4 – B4 then simultaneously hold shift key then click cell
G5. Highlight cells A4 to G5. Click the center button to make these cells centered. Save your work.
3. Highlight merged cell A4-B4 to cell G5. Click the Borders button and choose Top and Bottom border.
Highlight merged cell A4-B4 then choose Bottom Border. Highlight merged cell A4-B4 then choose Bottom
Border. Highlight merged cell A4-B4 and merged cell A5-b5 then choose Right Border. Highlight cells C4 and
C5 then choose Right border. Do this until cells F4 and F5.
4. Type Jan to cell A6. Type 1 in cell B6. Highlight cells A6 and B6 then make these cells centered using the
Center button. Increment the number in cell B6 ( number 1 )by clicking it then dragging the Fill Handle when
the pointer turns into a cross from cell B6 to cell B36. If the result is only a series of 1’s ( meaning cell B6 to
B36 have a number 1 on each cell), an icon called Auto Fill option will appear. Choose from this the Fill Series
Option. Now, you have Jan to Jan 31.
5. Leave a row after Jan 31 for computation purposes. Type Feb to cell A38. Type 1 in cell B38. Highlight cells
A38 and B38 then make these cells centered using the Center button. Increment the number in cell B38
( number 1) by clicking it then dragging the Fill Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell B38 to
cell B65. If the result is only a series of 1’s ( meaning B38 to B65 have a number 1 on each cell), an icon
called Auto Fill option will appear. Choose from this the Fill Series option. Now, you have Feb 1 to Feb 28.
6. Continue the same procedure in step 5 until you have Dec 1 to 31. Leave a row after each month for
computation purposes. Note that March, May, July, August October and December have 31 days while April,
June, September, November have 30 days.
7. Highlight the whole row 6 by clicking its row heading. Then, click Windows>Freeze Pane. Freezing panes
allows you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
8. Go to cell C6. While holding down the Shift key, go to cell G383. On the highlighted area, right click then
choose Format Cells…. Click the Number tab. Choose Accounting from the Category option. Choose None
from the Symbol option. Click OK.
9. Go to cell C37 and type this formula: =SUM(C6:C36) then press enter. Note that C6 to C36 are the cells for
Jan 1 to Jan 31, respectively for the AN 15 account. Also, cell 37 has a dash character (-) because we are not
having any input from any cell of cells C6 to C36.
10. Click cell C37. Copy automatically the formula from cell C37 to cell G37 by clicking cell C37 then dragging the
Fill Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell C37 to G37. You should notice that cell D37 will
have a formula = SUM(D6:D36), cell E37 will have a formula =SUM(E6:E36), and so on until cell G37 which
have a formula = SUM(G6:G36). These are the totals of each column of accounts for the month of January.
11. Do steps 9 to 10 for all of the other months.
12. Go to cell C6 and type the formula: = SUM(D6:G6). Copy automatically the formula from cell C6 toC36 by
clicking cell C6 then dragging the Fill Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell c6 to cell c36.
These are the totals of each column of accounts ( AN 130, AN 255, AN 260 and AN 265) for each day of the
month of January.
13. Do steps 12 for all of the other months.
14. Go to cell D6 and type the formula: = SUM (E6:G6)*0.12. this is to compute for the 12% Expanded value tax (
E-Vat). Copy automatically the formula from cell D6 to cell D36 by clicking cell D6 then dragging the Fill
Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell D6 to cell D36. These are the totals of each column of
accounts for a 12% E-Vat for each day of the month of January.
15. Do steps 20 for all of the other months.
16. Go to cell C383 and type the formula:
=C37 + C66 + C98 + C129 + C161 + C1902 + C224 + C256 + C287 + C319 + C350 + 382
This is the Grand Total for 12 monthly totals d=for AN 15.
17. Copy automatically the formula from cell C383 to cell G383 by clicking cell C383 then dragging the Fill Handle
up to c3ll G383. These are the Grand Totals of each of column of accounts (* AN 130, AN 255, AN 260 and
AN 265) for the rest of the year.
18. Go to cell E6. While holding the Shift key, click cell G36, these cells will be the input fields for the month of
January. Right-click inside the highlighted area and choose Format cells… Click the Protection tab then
uncheck the Locked option. Click OK.
19. Do steps 18 for all the other months.
20. Protect the worksheet by inputting a password.
21. Save your work.
Sample Chart of Account

Assets ( 1-99) Revenue (250 – 299)

05 Petty cash 255 Consumer Repair income

10 Cash 260 Computer Repair Income

15 Accounts Receivable 265 Other Income

20 Repair Parts Inventory

25 Prepaid Expenses Expenses (300-399)

30 E-Vat Input Tax 305 salaries Expense

35 Repair Equipment 310 Utility Expense

40 Accum. Depr.- Repair Equipment 315 Repair Parts Expense

45 Furniture and Fixtures 320 Office Supplies Expense

50 Accum. Depr. Furnitures and Fixtures 325 Shop Supplies Expense

55 Office Equipment 330 Rent Expense

60 Accum. Depr. – Office equipment 335 Fringe Benefits Expense

65 Delivery Equipment 340 Taxes and Licenses Expense

70 Accum. Depr. -Delivery Equipment 345 Insurance Expense

350 Gas and Oil Expense

Liabilities (100-199) 355 Travel and Transportation Expense

105 Accounts Payable 360 Legal and Audit Expense

110 Salaries Payable 365 Depr. Expense – Repair Equipment

115 Rent Payable 370 Depr. Expense – Furniture and Fixtures Equipment

120 Income Tax Payable 375 Depr. Expense – Office Equipment

125 Withholding Taxes Payable 380 Depr. Expense – Delivery Equipment

130 E-VAT Output tax Payable 385 Miscellaneous Expense

135 Fringe Benefits Payable

140 Other Accrued Expenses Payable

Other Expenses (400 – 450)

Owner’s equity (200-249) 405 Interest Expenses

205 Capital

210 Drawings
Computerized Cash Receipts Journal

1. Unprotect first the created Sales Journal. Click the Tools, Protection, Unprotect Worksheet. Type your
password, if any. With the SJ worksheet still active, click the Select All button. All the cells on the worksheet
will now be selected and highlighted. Right-click on the highlighted area and then select Copy from the pop-
up menu.
2. Create a cash Receipt Journal (CRJ) worksheet. Then, click the Select All button. Right-click on the highlighted
area then select Paste from the pop-up menu. Go to SJ worksheet and protect it again.
3. Go to CRJ worksheet. Highlight columns D and E through their column headings. Then, right-click on the
highlighted area and choose Delete from the pop-up menu.
4. Change the headings and account numbers as shown below

1 Company Name
5. 2 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL Highlight the whole row 6 by clicking its row
3 heading. Then, click Window>Freeze Pane.
4 AN 10 15 295
Freezing panes allows you to select data that
5 Date Dr Cr Cr
remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
6 Jan 1 -
6. 7 2 - Click Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The
8 3 - Protect Sheet dialog box will now appear.
9 4 - Type your password in the field Password to
unprotect sheet: and make sure to check
ONLY the option Select unlocked cells. Press the Enter key. Reenter password to proceed. Press Enter. This
step is a simple internal control for this accounting system. Save your work.
7. The 12-month computerized Cash Receipts Journal is now complete.

Computerized Purchase Journal

1. Unprotect first the CRJ worksheet.

2. Create Purchase Journal (PJ) worksheet. Then, click the select all button. Right-click on the highlighted area then
select Paste from the pop-up menu. Go to CRJ worksheet and protect it again.
3. Go to PJ worksheet. Highlight columns D to H through their column headings. Then, right-click on the highlighted
area and choose Insert from the pop-up menu.
4. Change the headings and account numbers a shown below:

1 Company Name
4 AN 105 20 30 320 325 350 355 385
5 Date Cr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr
6 Jan 1 -
7 2 -
8 3 -
9 4 -

5. Go to cell C6 and type the formula =SUM(D6:J6). Copy automatically the formula from cell C6 to cell C36 by
clicking cell C6 then dragging the Fill Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell C6 to cell C36. These
are the totals of each column of accounts ( AN 20, AN 30, AN 320, AN 325, AN 350, AN 355 and AN 385) for each
day of the month of January.
6. Do step 5 for all of the other months. For instance, go to cell C38 for February. This cell C38 will have a formula:
=SUM(D38:J38). Then copy automatically the formula. Do this for the rest of the months.
7. Go to cell C37 and automatically copy this formula until cell J37 for the monthly total of January.
8. Do step 7 for all of the other months.
9. Copy automatically the formula from cell C383 to cell J383 by clicking cell C383 then dragging the Fill Handle
when the pointer turns into a cross from cell C383 to cell J383. These are the Grand Totals of each column of
accounts ( AN 20, AN 30, AN 320, AN 325, AN 350, AN 355, AN 385) for the rest of the year.
10. Go to cell D6. While holding the shift keys, click cell J36. These cells will be the input fields for the month of
January. Right-click inside the highlighted area and choose Format cells… Click the Protection tab then unche4ck
the Locked option. Make sure the check mark in the Locked option is totally unchecked. Click OK.
11. Do step 10 for all of the other months. Note that February should have a highlighted area from cell D38 to cell
J65. Do this carefully for all other months.
12. Highlight the whole row 6 by clicking its row heading. Then click Windows > freeze pane. Freezing panes allows
you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
13. Click Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The protect sheet dialog box will now appear. Type your password in the
field Password to unprotect sheet: and make sure to check ONLY the option select unlocked cells. Press the
Enter key. Reenter password to proceed. Press enter. This step is a simple internal control for this accounting
system. Save your work.
14. The 12-month computerized Purchases Journal is now complete.

Computerized Cash Disbursements Journal

1. Unprotect first the PJ worksheet..
2. Create Cash Disbursement Journal (CDJ). Then, click the Select All button. Right-click on the highlighted area
then selects Paste from the pop-up menu. Go to PJ worksheet and protect it again.
3. Go to CDJ worksheet. Highlight columns D to Q through their column headings. Then, right-click on the
highlighted area and choose Insert from the pop-up menu.
4. Change the headings and account numbers as shown below.

1 Company Name
4 AN 10 05 20 30 35 65 105 115 125 130 135 210 305
5 Date Cr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr
6 Jan 1 -
7 2 -

4 310 315 320 325 335 350 355 385
5 Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr
6 -
7 -

5. Go to cell C6 and type the formula: =sum(D6:X6). Copy automatically the formula from cell C6 to cell C36 by
clicking cell C6 then dragging the Fill Handle when the pointer turns into a cross from cell C6 to cell c36. These
are the totals of each of column of accounts ( AN 05, AN 20, ……….. and AN 385) for each day of the month of
6. Do step 5 for all of the other months. For instance, go to cll C38 for February. This cell C38 will have a formula:
=SUM(D38:X38). Then copy automatically the formula. Do this for the rest of the months.
7. Go to cell C37 and automatically copy this formula until X37 for the monthly total of January.
8. Do step 7 for all of the other months.
9. Copy automatically the formula from cell C383 to cell X383 by clicking C383 then dragging the Fill Handle when
the pointer turns into a cross from cell C383 to cell X383. These are the Grand Totals of each column of
10. Go to cell D6. While holding the Shift key, click cell X36. These cells will be the input fields for the month of
January. Right-click inside the highlighted area and choose Format cells…. Click the Protection tab then uncheck
the Locked option. Make sure the check mark in the Locked option is totally unchecked. Click OK.
11. Do step 10 for all of the other months. Note that February should have a highlighted area from cell D38 to cell
X65. Do this carefully for all other months.
12. Highlight the whole row 6 by clicking its row heading. Then click Windows > Freeze pane. Freezing panes allows
you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
13. Click Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The protect sheet dialog box will now appear. Type your password in the
field Password to unprotect sheet: and make sure to check ONLY the option select unlocked cells. Press the
Enter key. Reenter password to proceed. Press enter. This step is a simple internal control for this accounting
system. Save your work.
14. The 12-month computerized Cash Disbursements Journal is now complete

Computerized General Journal

1. Unprotect first the Cash Disbursement Journal (CDJ) worksheet.
2. Click General Journal (GJ worksheet). Then click the Select All button. Right-click on the highlighted area then
select Paste from the pop-menu. Go to CDJ and protect it by inputting a password.
3. Go to GJ worksheet. Highlight column C through its column heading. Then, right click on the highlighted area and
choose Insert from the pop-up menu. Change the column width of column C to 6.00 (47 pixels). Highlight column
D, then, right-click on the highlighted area and choose Delete from the pop up menu. Highlight columns E to AC
through their column headings. Then, right-click on the highlighted area and choose Insert from the pop-up
4. Change the headings and account numbers as below.

4 AN JV 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 105 115
5 Date No.j Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Cr Cr Cr
6 Jan 1
7 2

12 13 20 25 26 31 32 33
4 120 130 140 210 260 305 315 325 335
5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0
5 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr

34 35 36 37 38 TOTA
4 345 355 360 370 380 405 TOTAL
0 0 5 5 5 L
5 Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Cr

5. Click cell C6 to cell AX383. On the highlighted area, right click then choose Format cells. Click the Number tab.
Choose Accounting from the Category option. Choose None from the Symbol option. Click OK.
6. Go to cell D37 and type the formula: =SUM(D37:D36). Notice that the 6 th row is not included in the formula
because this row represents Beginning Balances which will be needed in creating Financial Accounting reports.
Copy automatically the formula from cell D37 to cell AX37. These are the totals of each column of accounts for
each day of the month of January except on January 1.
7. Go to cell D66 and type the formula: =SUM(D38:D65). Copy automatically the formula from cell D66 to cell
AX66. These are the totals of each column of accounts for each day of the month of February.
8. Do step 7 for all the other months. For instance, go to cell D98 for March. This cell D98 will have a formula:
=SUM(D67:D97). Then copy automatically the formula from cell D98 to cell AX98.
9. Go to cell AW6. Sum up all the debits by typing the following formula then press Enter afterwards:
10. Go to cell AW6 again then copy automatically the formula from cell AW6 to cell AW36.
11. Go to cell AX6. Sum up all the credits by typing the following formula:
12. Go to cell AX6 again then copy automatically the formula from cell AXC6 to cell AX36.
13. Do steps 9 to 12 for all of other months. For instance, to sum up all the debits for the month of February, type
the following formula on cell AW38:
After entering the formula on cell AW38, copy automatically this formula from cell AW38 to cell AW65.
And also, to sum up all the credits for the month of February, type the following formula on cell AX38.
14. Go to cell D383 then type this formula:
15. Copy automatically the formula from cell D383 to cell AX 383 by clicking cell D383 then dragging the Fill Handle
when the pointer turns into a cross from cell D383 to cell AX383. These are the Grand Totals of each column of
accounts for the rest of the year. You should notice that cell D6 is included in the formula because it was not
included in the monthly total for January. This is for the purpose in creating reports later.
16. Go to cell C6. While holding the Shift key, click cell AV36. These cells will be the input fields for the month of
January. Right-click inside the highlighted area and choose Format cells… click the Protection tab then uncheck
Locked option. Make sure the check mark in the Locked option is totally unchecked. Click OK.
17. Do step 16 for all the other months. Note that February should have a highlighted area from cell C38 to cell
AV65. Do this carefully for all other months.
18. To make sure that the Total Dr and Total Cr columns are also locked, go to cell AW14. While holding the Shift
key, click cell AX383. Right-click inside the highlighted area and choose Format cells… Click the Protection tab
then uncheck the Locked option. Make sure the check mark in the Locked option is totally unchecked. Click OK.
19. Highlight the whole row 6 by clicking its row heading. Then, click Windows>Freeze Pane.. freezing panes allows
you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
20. Click Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The Protect Sheet dialog box will now appear. Type your password in the
field Password to unprotect sheet: and make sure to check ONLY the option Select unlocked cells. Press the Enter
key. Reenter password to proceed. Press Enter. This step is a simple internal control for this accounting system.
Save your work.
21. The 12-month computerized General Journal is now complete.
Making Computerized General Ledger

1. Go to GL worksheet ( General Ledger). Click ell A1 then simultaneously hold Shift key then click cell E1. Highlight
cells A1 to E1. Click the Merge and Center button. Type your Company Name, click cell A2 then simultaneously
hold Shift key then click cell E2. Highlight cells A2 to E2. Click the Merge and Center button. Type GENERAL
2. Set the column widths of the following: column A = 11.43, column B = 25.00, column C = 15.00, column D =
15.00 and column E = 20.00
3. Go to cell A4 then type Account Title:. Go to cell D4 and type Account No.:. Make cell D4 right aligned by clicking
the Align Right button. Go to the following cells and type its respective contents: cell A5 – Date, Cell B5 –
Particulars, cell C5 – Dr, cell D5 – Cr and cell E5 – Balance. Make this row (row 5) to be centered using the Center
button. You should notice that the type of ledger account that we will be using is the Columnar Ledger Account
because of its flexibility which is suitable for computerized accounting rather than using T-ledger account in
accomplishing this task.
4. Go to cell B4 and make this left aligned by clicking the Align left button. Make also cell E4 left-aligned.
5. Go to cell C6. While holding down the Shift key, go to cell E18. On the highlighted area, right click then choose
Format Cells…. Click the Number Tab. Choose Accounting from the Category option. Choose None from the
Symbol option. Click OK.
6. Got to cell A6 and type Jan. 1. Type Jan. 31 to cell A7. Then type for the next cell (cell A8) Feb. 28 and so on until
Dec. 31. Steps 1 to 4 should bring you to the following computerized general ledger:

1 Doza Authorized Computer Service Center
4 Account Title: Account No.
5 Date Particulars Dr Cr Balance
6 Jan. 1
7 Jan. 31
8 Feb. 28
9 Mar. 31
10 Apr. 30
11 May 31
12 June 30
13 July 31
14 Aug. 31
15 Sep. 30
16 Oct. 31
17 Nov. 30
18 Dec. 31

7. Go to cell E7 then type the following formula: =E6 + C7 – D7. You should notice that this formula is used to
determine the cumulative balances of the debit accounts, that is, beginning balance + debit – credit. Copy
automatically this formula from cell E7 to cell E18. Note also that cell E6 which is the cell for Jan. 1 is used as a
Beginning Balance.
8. Go to cell A4. While holding down the Shift key, go to cell E18. On the highlighted area, right-click, then, choose
Copy from the pop-up menu.
9. Go to cell A21 then press Ctrl+V. This will let you create another general ledger. From the Chart of Accounts, for
example, we will be creating 45 ledgers. Make creating these ledgers easily by pasting the copied ledger two
rows below the preceding ledger just like pasting the copied ledger to cell A21. You should notice that this cell is
two rows below the preceding cell A18.
10. Go to cell A38 then press Ctrl+V. make this pasting of copied general ledger until cell A752 which will be the last
cell for the 45th general ledger. Make sure that you follow the “pasting two rows below the preceding ledger”
step. If you want to make this step to do more easily, after the 10th general ledger, copy the whole cells that
cover 1st to 10th ledgers. Then, start pasting until the 50 th ledger. Make sure that you follow the” pasting two
rows below the preceding ledger” step. Then, highlight the 46 th to 50th ledgers and press the delete key to make
a total of 45 general ledgers.
11. Go to cell B4 and type Petty Cash for Account Title. Go to cell E4 and type 05 for Account No. this would be the
label for Petty Cash account. Label the remaining 44 ledgers by referring in the Chart of Accounts above. Label
the Account Title and Account Number (AN) of these respective ledgers. For your convenience, below is the
table you may use for labeling:

Ledger AN Account Title Dr Cr

1 05 Petty cash ✔
2 10 Cash ✔
3 15 Accounts Receivable ✔
4 20 Repair Parts Inventory ✔
5 25 Prepaid Expenses ✔
6 30 E-VAT Input Tax ✔
7 35 Repair Equipment ✔
8 40 Accum. Depr. – Repair Equipment ✔
9 45 Furniture & Fixtures ✔
10 50 Accum. Depr. – Furniture& Fixtures ✔
11 55 Office Equipment ✔
12 60 Accum. Depr. – Office Equipment ✔
13 65 Delivery Equipment ✔
14 70 Accum. Depr. – Delivery Equipment ✔
15 105 Accounts Payable ✔
16 110 Salaries Payable ✔
17 115 Rent Payable ✔
18 120 Income Tax Payable ✔
19 125 Withholding Taxes Payable ✔
20 130 E-VAT Output Tax Payable ✔
21 135 Fringe Benefits Payable ✔
22 140 Other Accrued Expenses Payable ✔
23 205 Capital ✔
24 210 Drawings ✔
25 255 Consumer Electronics Repair Income ✔
26 260 Computer Repair Income ✔
27 265 Other Income ✔
28 305 Salaries Expenses ✔
29 310 Utility Expense ✔
30 315 Repair Parts Expense ✔
31 320 Office Supplies Expense ✔
32 325 Shop Supplies Expense ✔
33 330 Rent Expense ✔
34 335 Fringe Benefits Expense ✔
35 340 Taxes and License Expense ✔
36 345 Insurance Expense ✔
37 350 Gas and Oil Expense ✔
38 355 Travel and Transportation Expense ✔
39 360 Legal and Audit Expense ✔
40 365 Depr,. Expense – Repair Equipment ✔
41 370 Depr. Expense – Furniture and Fixtures ✔
42 375 Depr. Expense – Office Equipment ✔
43 380 Depr. Expense – Delivery Equipment ✔
44 385 Miscellaneous Expense ✔
45 405 Interest Expense ✔
For instance, for ledger 1, the Account Title is Petty Cash while the Account Number (AN) is 05. Petty Cash
should be entered in cell B4 while 05 should be entered in cell E4. Moreover, for Ledger 2, the Account Tile is
Cash while the Account Number (AN) is 10. Cash should be entered in cell B21 while 10 should be entered in cell
E21. Do this until you reached AN 405 (Interest Expenses). The checkmark indicates whether an account is a
debit or a credit account.
12. Go to cell E126 then type the following formula; =E125+D126–C126. You should notice that this formula is used
to determine the cumulative balances of the credit accounts, that is, beginning balance _ credit – debit. By
looking in the table for labeling above in step 11, ledger 8 is for Accum. Depr. – Repair Equipment account Title
and has an AN of 40. Moreover, this account is a credit account as a checkmark indicates. Copy automatically
this formula from cell E126 to cell E137.
13. Do step 12 for the rest of the credit accounts. See the table for labeling for some references what are the
Account Numbers and Account Titles of these credit accounts (with checkmark in Cr column).
14. Highlight the whole row 4 by clicking its row heading. Then, click Windows > freeze Pane. Freezing panes allows
you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet.
15. Click Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The Protect Sheet dialog box will now appear. Type your password in the
field Password to unprotect sheet: and make sure to check ONLY the option. Select unlocked cells. Press Enter
key. Reenter password to proceed. Press Enter. This step is a simple internal control for this accounting system.
16. Save your work. The 12 month computerized General Ledger is now complete.

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