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How to handle SBCS?

Step 1 – Read the ISSUE of the entire SBCS. (20 seconds)

Step 2 - Read the Background Information and underline important

keywords and details. Check for context  when did the ISSUE of the
SBCS happen?

Step 3 – Study all the sources and write down the possible INTENTION /
PURPOSE of each source. (About 10 minutes)

Who created it? What does it say? What does it want to achieve? When
was it created?

What is an intention or purpose? If the source has a PURPOSE, there

must be an AUDIENCE and it must have a specific ACTION to take that
can create an IMPACT.
- Check the relationship between the source and the ISSUE of SBCS.
Is the source positive or negative or neutral about the ISSUE?

Positive – to encourage / praise / support …

Negative – to discourage/condemn/criticize/blame…
Neutral – to inform/ educate

Step 4 – Read the questions and identify the SKILL WORDS and ISSUE of the
question. (About 2 minutes)

If the question has no ISSUE, then by default, refer to the issue of the

Step 5 – Group all the sources based on the issue using a T table.
Answer the questions – Constantly refer to the message/ purpose that
you have written down next to the sources to guide you.

NOTE: SBQ skills are largely based on common sense. Ask yourself, how do you
check reliability in real life? How do you compare 2 objects in reality? These are the
skills in SBQ. They are NOT foreign. The steps are to help guide you or to be used as
a reference when common sense fails you. MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! Write what you
see from source. Do NOT be hampered by having to follow steps. If there is analogy
about SBQ skills, then liken it to one of taking a lift.
AIM for the highest possible level.
You can take the steps down and collect the marks along the way.

LORMS is rewarding your for your level of thinking, not rewarding you on how
well you climb every level.

SBQ Skills Possible skill words What you must do How an answer can look like
- What does the E.g. The source shows/ tells that …
source tell…
(inference). It wants to (verb) i.e.
- What does the
criticize, condemn, praise, show support,
source show... Para 1 – Inference 1
- What is the + Evidence for the…(message). I know this
Drawing message of the because, the source (evidence)
source… Para 2 – Inference 2
1. Inference
+ Evidence
(Message) - Does the author
agree... E.g. The author agrees/disagrees (ATQ)
- Does the author because …(message). I know this
support.. because the source (evidence)
- What is the
Eg. The source is written or drawn by a
(author). It is meant to (verb) i.e
- Why do you criticize, condemn, praise, show support,
think… Para 1 – Purpose +
Drawing for the…(message) It wants the
2. Inference
- What is the (AAMICE/AVAMIE (audience) to (impact) do something
purpose of the E)
about it because it was created during
(context) I know this because, the
source (evidence)
Para 1 – Content
- How different .. Identify BOC (Basis
Eg. Sources A and B are similar in
of comparison)
saying that (BOC) people suffered
- How similar..
under the rule of …. However sources A
It can be
and B are different (BOC) in showing
- In what ways
how the people suffered.
are the sources 1. Purpose
different 2. Tone/
Perspectives Possible Para 2
- In what ways 3. Content
Tone/Perspective (positive/ negative/
are the sources
neutral) + Explanation
similar Always check back
with main issue of Eg. Sources A and B differ in tone.
- How far does the SBCS to give Source A is positive (in what ways?)
3. Comparison Source A you an idea of BOC about …but Source B is neutral (in what
support Source for content. ways?)
In Source A … but in source B …
- Does Source A
agree with Possible Para 2
Source B..
Purpose + Explanation + Context.
- How far does Eg. Source A and B also differ in
Source A purpose. Source A wants (audience) to
disagree with do something (impact) and Source B
Source B… wants (audience) to do something else
(impact) during this point in time

SBQ Skills Possible skill words What you must do How an answer can look like

- How far / Does Check reliability of

Possible Para 1 – Source is reliable
this source source using the 4
prove.. questions. because it says “…..” (pick a sentence
that is true and can be supported by your
- Is this source 1. Who provided
reliable this source? contextual knowledge)

- How far / Can 2. What is said in

we trust this the source? Possible Para 2 – Source is not totally
source… □ is it 1-sided? reliable because some parts of source is
□ is it an
- How far / Can opinion? FACTUALLY INCORRECT of the 4
we believe this □ is it the only questions
Detecting source… source which
Reliability says this?
- Are you
If YES – then source can be reliable
surprised… 3. What is the
purpose of the If NO – then source is not very reliable
- Does Source B source?
prove that  does it want to
Source C is persuade you
wrong? to take its
- 4. What do other
sources say?
 Same or
A fully useful
source must fulfil 2 Para 1 – Useful + Evidence
Eg. The source is useful because “….”
1. The source (What does the source tell you about the
everything you
Para 2 – Not totally useful + evidence
2. The source is
reliable. (use from contextual knowledge / background
- How useful is
the 4 questions)
this source… information / another source
Usefulness Do note that if an Eg. The source is not totally useful
- Is this source
unreliable source is
useful… because it fails to show …
still useful.

Think. Is a criminal
reliable? Why is his
statement still
taken? It must be
because what he
says still can shed
light on the crime

SBQ Skills Possible skill words What you must do How an answer can look like
Identify the Para 1 – All the YES
- How far do hypothesis. Eg.
Eg. Source A shows that the elderly
these sources “…elderly are a
show …. liability to the are a liability. The evidence is “…..”
(hypothesis) society”
(pick from Source A)
Eg. How far do Take it back to the
these sources show sources. Check if
Para 2 – All the NO
that the elderly are a every source
liability to the agrees or Source B does not show that the
society? disagrees with
elderly are a liability. The evidence is
Evaluation / statement. Know
5. Making a - How far do why from source or “….” (pick from Source B)
judgement sources E and background.
F support the
idea of …
Identify the
Eg. How far do hypothesis
these 2 sources Eg. “the USA
support the idea that deliberately
‘USA deliberately encouraged
encouraged Saddam Saddam into
into Kuwait’? EYA Kuwait”

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