Multitenat Data Entry WI

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Multitenat Data Entry WI

Create Tenant Organization:

1. Organization address details should be used from the lead

enrolment primary contact therefore, open lead primary
contact details in eMSL

2. Create new Tenant Organization, the new name should have format of Lead enr
name + Lead Enr number + Abbreviation' the rest of necessary details (address)
copy from Lead primary contact information you have opened step before
3. Create Tenant Organization Primary Contact participant:

Copy all details from lead organization primary contact

4. Create Tenant Organization Online Service Manager participant:

To create it use Name, Sure Name and email address form Multitenant form and the rest of details copy
form primary organization contact details

5 .Create Tenant Enrolment:

To create it select Agreement >>> New

>>>Agreement in MSL
6 .Create Tenant Enrolment:

Once you create new enrolment you will see blank enrolment

7 .Create Tenant Enrolment:

Use Tenant organization PCN and rest details from lead enrolment to create tenant enrolment
and click save then for new enrolment will be created unique number
8 .Create Tenant Enrolment: Add Participants

Add participants referring to lead enrolment. Channel Partner PCN will remain the
same and contacts should be used the same.

8 .Create Tenant Enrolment: Add Participants Online Service Manager

Online Service Manager contact should be set base on contact provided o

Amendment form
9 .Tenant Enrolment setup: Agreement Offerings, Special Pricing

Agreement Offerings: Delete Buy Out, apply others from Lead enrolment 
Special Pricing add it if is selected under the Lead enrolment

10 .Tenant Enrolment setup: Apply amendment under the Lead and Under the Tenant enrolment
11 .Tenant Enrolment setup: Once amendments are applied please activate enrolment s add
leave the note: Case number, Amendment name, MOPET ID and your Alias

12 . Add Tenant in to Magnum Form:

Go to the child Magnum form and add tenant enrolment number

13 . Add Tenant in to Magnum Form:

Go to the amendment tab and add tenant enrolment number

14 . Once tenant enrolment has been added complete Magnum form and send case for

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