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1 Diocese of Legazpi

2 St. Vincent Ferrer Parish & Diocesan Shrine

3 Parish Pastoral Council
4 San Vicente, Tabaco City
7 07.03.2022
9 Below are the names present during the meeting:
11 1. Rev. Fr. Frederick A. Naga – Parish Priest
12 2. Ruben Boncocan, Jr – Lay Co- Chair
13 3. Ana B. Mitra – Asst. Lay Co- Chair; Pinagbobong BPC Hermana
14 4. Carmen D. Belga – Treasurer
15 5. Jonamae F. Toca – Secretary
16 6. Noel Bergonia – Asst. Secretary
17 7. Marcelina Rodriguez – Parish Commission on Worship Head
18 8. Rosalina Morada – Parish Commission on Education Head
19 9. Leonila Bornilla – Parish Commission on Social Concerns Head
20 10. Roland Garcia – Parish Commission on Temporalities Head
21 11. Salve Gamoso – Parish Commission on Ecclesial Communities Head
22 12. Gloria Ferrer – Parish Commission on Family and Life Head
23 13. Kristine Kate Baria – Parish Commission on Youth Head
24 14. Pastor Bertulfo, Jr. – Parish Commission on Clergy Head, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Coordinator
25 15. Luzviminda B. Bongon – Matagbac BPC Hermana
26 16. Gloria Olivar – Moran Estate Subdivision BPC Hermana
27 17. Maricel Mitra – San Vicente BPC Hermana
28 18. Corazon B. Conde – Lamesa ni San Vicente Coordinator; Mass Collector Coordinator
29 19. Adiel Jairus Cabadato –Altar Servers Coordinator
30 20. Teresita B. Bolante – Catechists Coordinator
31 21. Joemar Bragais – Sakristan Mayor
32 22. Edwin B. Cao – Commission on Worship Head of St. John the Baptist; Commission on Worship Head
33 in the Vicariate of St. John; Lay-co Chair of the Media and Publication Committee of Diocese
37 Mr. Ruben Boncocan, PPC Lay Co Chair and presider of the Parish Pastoral Council monthly meeting, called
38 the meeting to order at around 9:00 in the morning with an opening prayer led by Rev. Fr. Frederick A.
39 Naga.
43 Jonamae F. Toca, Parish Pastoral Council Secretary read aloud the minutes of the previous meeting. Then
44 Mr. Boncocan asked for the corrections, comments and other reactions on the minutes.
48 Mr. Boncocan clarified that the fiesta solicitation in the amount of Php 81 690, less the fiesta expenses,
49 was given to Rev. Fr. Marlon Antonio R. Madrid as payment for the expenses he shouldered in the
50 construction of the Patio agreed upon by the body.
52 Since there were no more comments and corrections on the previous minutes, Mr. Boncocan moved for its
53 approval. Rev. Fr. Frederick A. Naga seconded the motion.
56 Mr. Boncocan presented the agenda as follows:

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58 1. Presentation of Officers
59 2. Plans of Rev. Fr. Frederick A. Naga
60 3. July Activities
61 4. Situations of Officers in PPC and BPC and related organizations
63 Other matters:
64  Important concerns of different organizations
65  Assignment and obligations of Parish personnel’s and helpers
69  Mr. Boncocan explained that previously, only the Lay Co Chair, Assistant Lay Co Chair, Treasurer,
70 Secretary, and the WESTECFLYC Chairman attended the PPC monthly meeting, and that he later
71 suggested including the BPC Chairmen and coordinators so that they could receive firsthand
72 information as well.
73  All attendees, one by one, introduce themselves, along with their concerns and problems, as well as
74 the current state of their commission for Fr. Naga to get a sense of the PPC members.
75  Kristine Kate Baria, the Parish Commission on Youth Leader, asked for help in the formation of the
76 commission.
77  Mrs. Lina Rodriguez, the Parish Commission on Worship Head shared that the problem of the sub
78 commission under the Commission on Worship is that they lack formation.
79  Mrs. Cora Conde, the Lamesa ni San Vicente coordinator stated that due to the pandemic, the
80 Lamesa ni San Vicente activity, which provided recipients from the three barangays with a meal or
81 snack at the parish every third Sunday of the month, has been halted.
82  Mr. Roland Garcia, the Parish Commission on Temporalities Head hoped that the rectory plan would
83 be visualized during the term of Fr. Naga. Also, to improve the Parish facilities.
84  Before introducing Mr. Edwin Cao, Rev. Fr. Naga shared that he was used to having a personal
85 secretary in his years in seminary for the reason that he is slow in taking up things and doing and
86 organizing personal files. He knew no one that he could go ask for his personal errands.
88 Fr. Naga shared the following information about Mr. Edwin Cao.
90  Fr. Naga requested Mr. Cao's assistance in the formation of the Commission on Worship because he
91 and Rev. Fr. Atoy has already provided formation in the Parish.
92  Can also assist in the formation of the PCY because he was a former youth member of St. John The
93 Baptist.
94  The St. John The Baptist Commission on Worship Head.
95  A volunteer with no salary.
96  To assist the secretary.
98 Mr. Edwin Cao formally introduced himself.
99  The Commission on Worship Head of St. John the Baptist and the Commission on Worship Head in
100 the Vicariate of St. John the Baptist,
101  Lay-co Chair of the Media and Publication Committee of the Diocese,
102  Can always be seen in the Parish to help,
103  Offers himself in volunteering, no salary according to Fr. Naga,
104  He had already spoken with Fr. Naga and expressed his sentiments.
105  To assist the secretary in improving the minutes.
106  To participate in and attend PPC meetings from time to time.
108 Mr. Boncocan welcomed Mr. Edwin Cao on behalf of the PPC and other organizations.
110 Mr. Boncocan acknowledged Mrs. Gloria Ferrer's presence and expressed his gratitude to her for
111 accepting the position of Commission Head of Family and Life.

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115 Fr. Naga shared that he has no concrete plans at this time.
117 He shared about his life and introduced himself.
119  Came from Camalig
120  First time to be a Parish Priest
121  He had been in the ministry as a Priest for 14 years, almost eleven years spent in seminary: 5 years
122 in St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Tabaco City; 5 years in Mater Salutis College Seminary in Sipi,
123 Daraga, Albay, almost a year in Naga and pioneered the Formation House in Naga
124  Studied pre-college in St. Gregory the Great Seminary
125  Continuous formation
126  Assigned as formator in St. Gregory the Great Seminary before his ordination for 5 years
127  Serve as a deacon for 3 months and exercised it in St. John the Baptist Parish.
128  Ordained Deacon- January 12, 2008; Ordained Priest - April 26, 2008
129  Became Assistant Vocation Director
130  In the year 2012, he began his Diocesan Exorcist experience.
131  3 years in St. Michael the Archangel Parish Oas, Albay
132  Ask the Bishop not to appoint him as a Parish Priest
134  Rev. Fr. Joy Barja is said to be the new parish priest assigned to St. Vincent Ferrer, who initially
135 agreed but later changed his mind, while Fr. Naga will be assigned to Estancia.
136  Fr. Naga finds the “Banwaan nin Dios," of the Parish, is active and very alive, which gives him hope
137 and assurance.
138  Fr. Naga honestly didn't see any immediate concern from each commission after hearing their
139 sentiments, with the exception of the PCY, Worship, Temporalities, and the Lamesa ni San Vicente.
140 Also, the Parish Commission on Social Concerns, Family and Life and Clergy to be familiarized.
141  The rest of the problems raised by each commission head are to be discussed and addressed by the
142 commission and the BPC.
143  To find time for Pastors visit in ermita or barangay and there is a need to gather people and officers.
144  Three priorities of Fr. Naga: Evangelization, Worship and Temporalities
148  Youth and other commissions
149  SAKOP and TADA is under the Social Action
150  Fr. Naga inquired about the evangelization program in the parish.
151  Christian Education - Mrs. Rosalina Morada
152 o There is a one-year plan approved by the Parish Priest and Diocese.
153 o Christian Education includes Prex and Kursilyo
154 o Catechesis is visible in the Parish
155 o To be prioritized in evangelization, particularly the Catechism
156 o To schedule a meeting
158  To continue the programs and activities started by the former priests and by the PPC, those that are
159 no longer relevant should be reevaluated.
163  To be given priority consideration
164  A perspective of the rectory has already been submitted to the Diocese.
165  The entire plan has not yet been submitted.
166  Prioritize the:
167 (1) Wiring
168  To be relayed to Mr. Garcia, to conduct a separate meeting which will be discussed at the
169 PPC meeting
170 (2) Proposed Parish Rectory, which is the plan in the term of Fr. Jun Bobier and Fr. Ruben S.
171 Berango III

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172  Dr. Lynn Flores has already expressed her desire to donate a portion of her land to the
173 parish.
174  Construction on the proposed Parish Rectory has not yet begun unless the portion of land
175 donated by Mrs. Lynn is secured.
176  On Wednesday, July 6, 2022, Fr. Naga will attempt to talk to Dr. Lynn Flores.
177 (3) Enhancement and renovation of the Church
178  Talk to the Temporalities
181  The Finance council or committee has only one member.
182  It is assumed that it will have members.
183  To establish a Finance Council
184  Ms. Carmen Belga was tasked with presenting the names of potential members and discussing their
185 eligibility.
186  In charge of fund-raising
187  Mrs. Lina Rodriguez will be in charge of the finance of the Parish for the time being which will be
188 monitored by Fr. Naga
189  Two funds of the Parish: General Funds (Parish Collections and Donations) and Pastoral Funds or
190 the Parish Evangelization Fund (Special Funds, Fund Raising)
193  Ongoing discussion with Mrs. Rodriguez
194  Since member recruitment has already taken place, the formation of the Commission on Worship of
195 the old and especially the new members will continue.
196  Nurturing of commissions for more pleasurable worship and for the pilgrims
197  There were no abuses observed.
200  To schedule a meeting
203  The implementation will start on August.
204  The daily mass will begin at 7:00 am.
205  In the event that Fr. Naga will be unavailable, he will ask another Priest or Lay Minister to preside
206 over the mass.
208 1st Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
209  Triduum Mass
211 1st Wednesday
212  2 masses (morning and afternoon)- to give time for St. Joseph Association
213  7:00 am (Mass)
214  4:30 pm (Confession)
215  5:00 pm (Mass)
217 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wednesday
218  Afternoon mass only
220 Two proposed schedule for Sunday Masses
221 (1) First schedule:
222  7:00 am
223  9:00 am (PNB)
224  4:00 pm
226 (2) Second Schedule:
227  6:30 am
228  8:00 am (English Mass) Homily could be in Bicol language

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229  9:30 am (PNB)
230  4:00 pm
232  Mr. Roland Garcia suggested that the parishioners be asked or consulted about the proposed
233 schedule. Fr. Naga agreed and stated that there is still time to consult and survey since
234 implementation is scheduled for August.
236 First Friday
237  Pre pandemic first mass schedule- 5:30 am
238  Mr. Boncocan observed no difference in the number of churchgoers between the pre-pandemic
239 schedule and the current schedule. He also said that the early mass schedule would make
240 preparation difficult.
241  Mrs. Cora Conde suggested three morning and afternoon masses.
243  6:00 am
244  8:00 am
245  9:30 am (English Mass)
246  2:30 pm
247  4:00 pm
248  5:30 pm
250  The Pea Chapel to be open to the public.
252 Every Second Friday of the month
253  3:00 p.m - Divine Mercy Mass with Healing Mass
254  Nearby barangay and parish devotees were encouraged to attend.
256 Third Friday
257  3:00 p.m. - Healing Mass
259 Fourth Friday
260  No scheduled mass
262  Some Albayanos are unaware of the First Friday Masses, so we add masses to cater their spiritual
263 needs.
265  Mr. Boncocan proposed that the parish hold a Facebook live mass. Fr. Naga gave the responsibility
266 to the Youth and Secretary, Worship, and Mr. Garcia.
268  Mr. Edwin Cao suggested creating a Facebook page for the parish.
270  A cell phone, WiFi, and a tripod are needed for the Facebook live mass.
272  Fr. Naga had no objections to the Facebook live mass, but he did remind the Leccom to be
273 prepared.
275  Fr. Naga suggested that the lights and sounds of the Parish be repaired.
277  According to Fr. Naga, Fr. Joy stated that the parish speaker was similar to the one used in the
278 sayawan sa barrio.
280 First Saturday
281  Mrs. Ana Mitra Lola shared that only a few people joined the procession of Our Lady of Salvacion
282 from PNB to the Parish (to leave Pinagbobong at 6 a.m.) concurrent with the novena in the parish.
283 For the same reason that Mrs. Teresita Bolante shared that Ruben S. Berango III removed or
284 stopped this activity.

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286  Fr. Naga decided not to reintroduce the activity. He said that there is a need for reevaluation of the
287 activity.
289 Saturday: Anticipated Mass
290  Mr. Boncocan suggested changing the 5:30 pm mass in MES to 3:30 pm due to the large number of
291 elderly mass-goers in the area, while 5 pm in MTB.
293  Mrs. Gloria Olivar proposed that the MES mass begin at 6:00 p.m. because she believes no one will
294 attend the 3:30 p.m. mass.
296 Matagbac Chapel
297  4:00 pm
299  Incoming Fiesta:
300  4:00 pm - Novena
301  4:30 pm- Mass
303 Moran Estate Subdivision
304  5:30 pm
306  Fr. Naga suggested that Ms. Maricel Mitra, SVT BPC Hermana, conduct a spiritual needs assessment
307 of the new relocation site in San Vicente.
309 Commission on Family and Life
310  One of the concerns of Fr. Naga is the number of irregular unions or unmarried couples so he
311 proposed a free wedding if possible.
313  Mrs. Ferrer stated that the commission consists of only three couples, two of which are inactive.
314 Despite her willingness to give pre-cana, there were no couples willing to commit as members. She
315 went on to say that his husband had already embraced Islam.
317  Mrs. Ferrer was reassured by Fr. Naga that he would not be so strict as long as her apostolate is not
318 affected. Also, that the members of the Family and Life could not be a couple.
320  Fr. Naga stated that if Mrs. Ferrer finds a couple to replace her, there should be a guarantee that
321 the couple will be active, and if she does not find any, she is free to continue.
323  Mrs. Gloria Ferrer stated that whenever the Commission held a meeting, there were no attendees
324 other than the three couples.
326  Fr. Naga suggested tapping the Barangay Hermanas and BPC. He proposed to designate a day for
327 free weddings, especially for the indigent families. In terms of the requirements, the Parish will
328 learn the scope of their assistance.
330  Hermanas to look for unbaptized adults or candidates for adult baptism. To continue the practice of
331 adult baptism, preferably for free to the indigent.
333  BPC and other issues will be addressed next.
335  PCY will hold a meeting.
339  Mrs. Lina Rodriguez presented the mass schedule and activities during the liturgical feast of Our
340 Lady of Mount Carmel.

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342  The start of Novena is on July 7, 2022 at 4:00 pm and the mass will be at 4:30 pm. There will be a
343 procession after the mass.
345  9 am- Concelebrated Mass
346  11 am- Baptism
347  4 pm- MTB Chapel Mass (Other priest to preside over the mass)
348  5:30 MES Chapel Mass
352  Mr. Boncocan stated that other officers have already served their terms. He also stated that the list
353 of officers, particularly in barangays, has vacant positions and that, while there are listed officers,
354 some are inactive.
356  Fr. Naga proposed that the current officers be retained. After one or two years, a new set of
357 officers could be appointed and re-elected.
361  Important concern of different organizations
363  Mrs. Luzviminda Bongon suggested that the activities and meetings attended by the Commission
364 Heads be included in the discussion. Mr. Boncocan suggested sharing and discussing it at the next
365 meeting.
366  Mr. Pastor Bertulfo inquired about the stipend given to Brgy. Tanods in their service at First Friday
367 masses, as well as the Visitation of the Sick Ministry, whose goal is to bring the Sacrament of the
368 Holy Eucharist to all parishioners who are unable to attend Sunday Mass due to illness or being
369 home-bound once a week. He stated that he will post the schedule of Extraordinary Ministers of
370 Holy Communion for the month of July.
371  Mrs. Rodriguez stated that she had already brought up the topic with Fr. Naga, and that he believes
372 that the parish is not required to pay the Brgy. Tanods for their assistance because it is part of their
373 job.
374  Mr. Boncocan proposed temporarily ceasing payment to the Brgy. Tanods for their assistance
375 during First Friday masses. He also stated that Mr. Bertulfo will attend the San Vicente council
376 meeting and will continue to request assistance from the Brgy. Tanod at First Friday masses.
377  Mrs. Luzviminda Bongon proposed inviting the barangay captain of San Vicente to the PPC monthly
378 meeting. Mr. Boncocan replied it depends on the Barangay captain although since Mr. Bertulfo is
379 going to sit in the Brgy. council meeting, he will be our representative. In case he will not be
380 satisfied, the PPC will write a communication letter inviting him to be present at the PPC meeting.
381  Mrs. Luzviminda Bongon proposed inviting the San Vicente barangay captain to the PPC monthly
382 meeting. Mr. Boncocan responded that it is up to the Barangay captain, but since Mr. Bertulfo will
383 be sitting in the Brgy. council meeting, he will be our representative at the meeting. If the Brgy.
384 Captain will not be satisfied, the PPC will send him a communication letter inviting him to attend the
385 PPC meeting.
386  Mrs. Cora Conde suggested having police visibility at all First Friday masses. She also added that last
387 time, 3 church goers fainted.
388  According to Mr. Boncocan, the police are only a secondary assistance in those kinds of situations.
389 He also stated that the Parish had already sent communication letters to the police.
390  To tap Mrs. Joanah Octavo to assist during 1st Friday masses for medical attention. If she does not
391 agree, the parish will obtain contact information of the police station and the NDRRMO.
392  Mr. Bertulfo suggested that a standby ambulance be requested during the First Friday masses. For
393 this matter, Mr. Garcia suggested writing a letter to Mr. Hugo. Mr. Boncocan suggested obtaining
394 his full name and designation in order to write a letter to him.
395  Mrs. Conde mentioned a case in which a person fainted but refused to be taken to the hospital. She
396 also mentioned that not all churchgoers wore face masks. She suggested that the Parish sell masks.
397  Mr. Boncocan stated that while the Parish will profit from the sale of the face mask, there is no
398 guarantee that the face mask will be worn by churchgoers.

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399  Mr. Boncocan proposed reading the Oratio Imperata, mass intentions, and announcements ahead
400 of or before the start of the mass, or having them flashed on television.
401  Mr. Cao proposed that even the marriage ban be read before the start of the mass.
402  Mrs. Lina Rodriguez stated that there are donors who want their names and intentions to be voiced
403 out.
404  Mr. Garcia suggested explaining the system of reading the announcements before the start of the
405 mass to the donors and advising them to arrive early.
406  The other priests, according to Fr. Naga, appreciate the reminders about communion. It should be
407 read on First Friday masses, pilgrim masses and masses in barrios, not on ordinary days. It is
408 necessary to determine and evaluate whether or not it will be read during Sunday masses.
411  To sustain the laundress, Mrs. Rowena Bonete.
412  Sakristan Mayor for the meantime- Mr. Joemar Bragais
413  Cook- Mrs. Leonila Bornilla
414  Mr. Boncocan shared that there is a cleaning schedule every Saturday, but due to some difficulties
415 on the part of the cleaners, it was not able to be maintained.
416  Mr. Boncocan mentioned that the last time he saw two children sweeping in the parish, he
417 suggested that the two children do the sweeping in the parish and that they be given a tandan.
418  Fr. Naga responded that it is a good idea, but the children should not be forced to do so because
419 they are still minors.
420  He also stated that because of the issue of child abuse, youth should be prohibited from sleeping in
421 the cumbent.
422  To keep the Parish clean, both inside and outside.
423  It is Hermana's job or role to keep the parish clean.
424  It is customary in Malilipot and Sto. Domingo that the Hermana is in charge of keeping the parish
425 clean and its electricity bill.
426  Fr. Naga mentioned that another priest has proposed converting the Parish Hall into a refectory.
427  Fr. Naga stated that they will discuss the parish budget tomorrow, July 4th.
428  To call a meeting of the different commissions.
430 With no further discussions, the meeting was adjourned at 12:14 in the afternoon followed by the closing
431 prayer led by Rev. Fr. Naga.
434 Prepared by: Noted by:
438 PPC Secretary Parish Priest

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