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TEACHER: ____________________ DATE SUBMITTED: ______________

RATER: ____________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: _______

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the

questions/prompts provided. Use any local or official language that you are
comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to 500
Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents

Context: Clara is often seen as restless or unfocused in class. She also has
trouble following instructions and skipping activities when left unsupervised.
Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them
that Clara was diagnosed with a learning disability.

How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom
activities? Write your reflections in this form. Mention in your reflections a specific
learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.

Being a teacher of a learner who was diagnosed with a learning disability is
a challenging one. As we all know, a pupil with a learning disability is harder to
handle than the normal pupils in our class. But as a teacher, we should not stop
helping them to learn and hope for the best that someday our sacrifices for them
will be paid off.
The first thing I will do is to conduct a root cause analysis. For me to be
able to know the reason why Clara is having some learning difficulty. Although as
a teacher I had already talked with the parent about the situation, but it doesn’t
stop me there. I should know the real reason behind it. Sometimes we should dig
into deeper to know the reason why they are behaving such thing. There are some
factors that affects their learning ability. These are the following: Family history
and genetics, prenatal and neonatal risks, psychological trauma, physical trauma
and environmental exposure.
After knowing the root cause, that is the time for me to do the next step.
What particular remediation I am going to give. Like for example if Clara has a
family history of learning disability, although learning disabilities are not
contagious, but they can be genetic and can be passed down through their
genes just like other traits that we get from our parents. So, from this, I will now
consider that Clara can no longer ask for help in terms of her study from their
own family. That is the time for me to ask their parents’ permission if they will
allow Clara to go home late after class so that I could extend more time and
effort on giving her a remediation. I will give her first easy lessons which I think
she can do it before giving her the difficult ones. One at a time, from easy to
difficult. I will also make a supplemental material suited for her needs like
learning activity sheets based from the difficulty she encountered in our lessons.
If possible, I will also advise the parents of Clara if they can afford to hire a tutor
for their child during weekend or even summer so that the Clara would not stop
Aside from that, I will not only focus on Clara’s weaknesses but also with
her strengths. It doesn’t mean that when she is poor in reading, writing and even
mathematics she is now poor in everything. As a teacher, I will also look for
something that she can do or capable of doing. I will also recognize her unique
talent and encourage her all the time that she can do it. From that, maybe she
could build more confidence in dealing with her difficulty.
Support from her family and of course from the teacher will help Clara a
lot to overcome her difficulty. Understanding her situation and giving her
guidance and love is also important to improve herself.

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