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1. Read the following text and work on the activity below.

Can You Describe Your Life In Six Words?

By Amy Cobb

Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write his life’s memoir using six
words only. He accepted the challenge, and some say it is his greatest masterpiece.

Are you up for a challenge? Can you describe your life in six words? This is not as easy
as it sounds. It requires thought, creativity, cleverness, humor and honesty. The words
need to have some relevance to you. Here is one of mine:

“A child’s imagination lives in me.”

Source: Adapted from


Write a 6-word sentence about yourself and add it to an image,

using any technique you wish. It doesn´t have to be a picture of you,
it can be any other image you create, or find on the Web.
Here are some examples:

Share your work with your teacher via GoogleClassroom.

Remember NOT to post it on the main page but hand it in as an
Assignment (“Tarea”). Use a JPEG or PNG format.

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