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People always look for love. And greatly swayed by the sweet fleeting taste of it, our hearts have taken
up so much pain. But this Feb 13, let us go back seeking love once again. But this time, love that is
nothing of this world. Love that makes us wants to come back to it over and over again.

We seek for love that let us live life beyond our mundane, humdrum existence. Yet, we often fail
leading us to so much pain. But this love month are you willing to try seeking again? For that love that
satisfies and makes you want to come back over and over again.

Running after countless kinds of affections that will never satisfy, we have been brokenhearted. But
there is a Love that continuously seeks after us. Perfect love that casts out pain and can make us whole
again. Perfect love that has been waiting for us to come back to HIM.

This love month, know that it’s never too late to START RIGHT and LOVE RIGHT ka-WAPGen! Join us and
let us sing our hearts out to that One who claims, “YOU ARE MINE.” Invite your family, friends, and loved
ones, and together let us fall in love once more.

Trying to find LOVE that satisfies but have never settled to anything, maybe we are being misled by what
we see ahead that we forgot about who first loved us.

Are you trying to find love that satisfies

Love is patient,  love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-
seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth.

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