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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF – June 2022

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Editorial Title: Shiver and seizure: On the list of Congress Rajya Sabha candidates
(of a person, event, or behavior)
Lively; Active;
Noisy, energetic, and cheerful; Quiet; Restrained
Boisterous Exuberant
The boisterous student disrupted his class everyday.
Self-confidence or assurance,
especially when in a demanding Poise; Assurance Gaucheness
Aplomb situation.
She performed the task with great aplomb.
Tread on and crush. Tread; Stamp; Crush Aid; Cure; Uncompress
The workmen trampled on my flower bed.
Faithfulness to a person, cause,
Loyalty; Allegiance,
or belief, demonstrated by Infidelity
Fidelity continuing loyalty and support.
It hurt to think he questioned her fidelity , but at least he was willing to listen to
The fact or condition of being
considered for a particular -
Candidature position or status; candidacy.
He will likely formally announce his candidature for the presidential elections
within days.
A sum paid for killing or Reward; Prize;
Castoff; Castaway
Bounties capturing a person or animal. Recompense
Several states are offering bounties to encourage its cultivation at home.
Editorial Title: Born to win: On Gujarat Titans’ maiden win at IPL 2022
The state of being sober. -
Sobriety Abstinence
He was well adapted to his time by his good sense and sobriety of judgment.
Showing little enthusiasm. Enthusiastic; Passionate
Tepid Apathetic
She lifted her canteen and allowed herself a swallow of the tepid water.
Engage in a vigorous struggle or
Scuffle; Fight;
scuffle, typically in order to Agreement; Harmony
Tussle Struggle
obtain or achieve something.
I got a few good laughs, I also had a real tussle with the audience.
Skill; Subtlety;
Intricate and refined delicacy. -
Finesse Expertise
She handled the interview questions with finesse.
Monstrous; Vast;
Huge or monstrous. -
Behemoths Huge
The deal, if it goes through, would create a house building behemoth in Britain
Belonging naturally; essential. Inherent; Innate Extrinsic; Acquired
Intrinsic Cutting brings out the brilliancy of glass, which is one of its intrinsic qualities.

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Editorial Title: Caution first: On the Aadhaar advisory

Very strange or unusual,
especially so as to cause interest Strange; Peculiar; Odd Ordinary; Normal
Bizarre or amusement.
He was at ease with the bizarre discussion
A person who commits fraud, Conman; Scammer;
Fraudsters especially in business dealings. Blackmailer
Some people have lost their life savings to fraudsters.
A dishonest scheme; a fraud. Fraud; Swindle; Trick Frank; Honesty
She was the victim of an insurance scam.
Having mixed feelings or
Equivocal; Uncertain;
contradictory ideas about Unequivocal, Certain
Ambivalent Unsure
something or someone.
I felt very ambivalent about leaving home.
Great energy or enthusiasm in
Passion; adore;
pursuit of a cause or an Apathy; Indifference
Zeal Enthusiasm
Laura brought a missionary zeal to her work.
Think about (something)
carefully, especially before Think; Consider; Disregard; Neglect;
Ponder making a decision or reaching a Review; Contemplate Ignore
She pondered for a moment before replying.
Editorial Title: Women at the top: On 2021 Civil Services results
Suddenly change direction or
Zigzag Straight
Skewed position.
The car had skewed across the track
Firm or obstinate continuance in Perseverance;
a course of action in spite of Tenacity; Aversion; Disinclination
Persistence difficulty or opposition. Determination
He admired her dogged persistence in pursuing the job.
(of a task, problem, or situation)
Difficult; Awkward; Straightforward;
Requiring care and skill because
Trickier Problematic; Ticklish Uncomplicated
it is difficult or awkward.
Buying a beautiful Christmas tree is trickier than just choosing a green one.
Pioneer; Innovator;
A pioneer; an innovator. -
Trailblazers Groundbreaker
He was a trailblazer for many ideas that are now standard fare.
A place or position affording a
Standpoint; Stance; -
Vantage good view of something.
The past is continuously reinterpreted from the vantage point of the present
Editorial Title: Choppy waters: On India’s post-COVID recovery
Consider or regard in a specified Consider; Judge;
Indecision; Disagree
Reckoned way. Evaluate
They reckoned that they would reach their destination by noon.
Misery; Sorrow;
Woes Great sorrow or distress. Happiness; Joy

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Happy in the love of his own child, he had forgotten the woes of others.
Bring or recall to the conscious Summon; Invoke;
Calm; Ignore; Stop
Evoking mind. Elicit
Brown eyes can enchant while evoking mystery.
Surrounded by; in the middle of. Among; Between Surrounding
He managed to escape amid the confusion.
Remains; Scarps;
Waste or debris of any kind. -
The benthic foraminiferal assemblage identified indicates a low oxygen
environment with high organic detritus accumulation
Providing or relating to views of
Pretty; Pleasing;
impressive or beautiful natural Dreary; Unattractive
Scenic Attractive
Let's take the scenic route home.
Editorial Title: Safety first: On Nepal’s Tara Air crash
By means of aircraft Aeriform; Aery -
The survey was carried out aerially.
Guilty of or involving betrayal or Disloyal; Unfaithful;
Loyal; Faithful
Treacherous deception. Duplicitous
He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.
With rough, sharp points
Snaged; Spiked Smooth
Jagged protruding.
Many ships have been wrecked on the jagged reefs which fringe their base.
Changing frequently, especially
as regards one's loyalties or Constant; Stable
Fickle Changeable; Variable
The fickle weather soon had me changing from my shorts into my thick slacks.
Short form of Helicopter Rotorcraft -
The weather was bad and the copter was flying low.
Market or charge for (items or
services) separately rather than Divide; Sharing Assemble; Connect
Unbundles as part of a package
If you can't afford full legal representation, you may wish to hire a divorce lawyer
who will agree to unbundle his services.
Editorial Title: Grim turn: On targeted killings in Kashmir
An edge or border. Border; Margin; Side Centre; Middle
Our clans are still on the verge of war.
Causing moral revulsion. Good; Admirable
Abominable Obnoxious; Accursed
Wallis was often abominably rude.
The restoration of friendly Reuniting; Reunion; Alienation;
Reconciliation relations. Conciliation Incompatibility
They informed him that they wished for reconciliation.
Each of the parts into which Piece; DIvision;
Segment something is or may be divided. Portion
She cleaned a small segment of the painting.

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Allot; Distribute;
Distribute shares of something. Combine; Hold; Join
Doled Assign
The Universal is too great to be measured and doled in that way.
Put (a decision, plan, agreement, Perform; Enact;
Stripped; Unfurnished
Implemented etc.) into effect. Administer
It can be implemented face-to-face in the classroom or virtually.
Editorial Title: A critical juncture: On GST reforms
A strongbox or small chest for Casket; Deposit box;
Debts; Liabilities
Coffers holding valuables. Treasure chest
Despite being desperate to fill the state coffers, Sarkozy kept the fee the same.
Enlist (someone) for military Enlist; Mobilise;
Demobilise; Disband
Levies service. Conscript
The government will levy a fine on the company.
(Of a person) famous and Illustrious;
respected within a particular Distinguished; Unimportant; Unknown
Eminent sphere or profession. Renowned
He was in 929 an eminent degree a great master-builder.
Characterized by subtle shades Distinction;
Coarse; Rough; Strong
of meaning or expression. Gradation; Hint
Every gesture, every stroke, every movement should be accepted by the system,
with nuanced response.
Editorial Title: Control and delete: On government appellate panels for social media
(Especially of a court) concerned
Annihilate; Articulate;
with or dealing with applications Inactivity; Fail
Appellate Correlate
for decisions to be reversed.
The appellate court decision affects Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Feeling resentment at having Resentful; Affronted;
Aggrieved been unfairly treated. Indignant
The aggrieved party may cancel the contract.
A real or imagined wrong or
other cause for complaint or Wrong; Injustice;
Joy; Advantage; Assist
Grievance protest, especially unfair Offence
Several customers came to the front desk to air their grievances.
(Of a person or action) showing
a lack of experience, wisdom, or Ignorant; Innocent Aware; Experience
Naive judgement.
When she was young and naive , she had dreamed of such a job.
Editorial Title: Gradual engagement: On India-Taliban ties
The holding of extreme political Fanaticism;
or religious views; fanaticism. Radicalism; Zealotry
Clair Price as his wife, Agnes, provides the perfect counterfoil to the cold
extremism of the emotionally scarred Brand.
Ill feeling. Hostility; Enmity Kindness; Friendship
Bad blood
It breeds bad blood and tends to continue the fight.
Editorial Title: Message from voters: On Odisha, Uttarakhand bypoll results
Complete disorder and Disorganisation;
Chaos Order
confusion. Confusion; Mayhem

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When the police arrived, the street was in total chaos.

Following continuously. Succeeding; Following Separate
Consecutive They comprise a consecutive series of deposits from the bottom of the Lias up to
the Oxford Clay.
A general vote by the electorate
on a single political question Public Vote; Ballot;
Unilateral decision
which has been referred to them Poll
for a direct decision.
The voters decided to boycott the referendum , which needed a 50% turnout to be
Calibrate (something) again or Adjust; Modify;
Remain; Stay; Stagnate
Recalibrate differently. Reshape
We need to recalibrate our relationship to antimicrobials at a global level.
Make (something) necessary as a Entail; Involve;
Calculate; Delay
result or consequence. Require
Potassium loss due to excessive diuresis may necessitate a reduction in the dose
of diuretic.
Care for and encourage the
Support; Raise; Foster Neglect; Hinder
Nurturing growth or development of.
Even though the air is cool, the soil is still warm and nurturing for new plants.
Editorial Title: Boost for boosters: On Corbevax as booster dose
The simultaneous presence of
two or more diseases or medical Co-diagnosis -
Comorbidities conditions in a patient.
Patients who have severe comorbidity, particularly renal insufficiency, hepatic
failure, or disseminated malignancy have a poor prognosis.
Having a different relation,
relative position, or structure; Heterological Autologous
Heterologous not homologous.
Methylotrophic yeast has been increasingly used as a heterologous gene
expression system.
A harmless pill, medicine, or
procedure prescribed more for
Inactive Drug; Sugar
the psychological benefit to the -
Placebo Pill
patient than for any
physiological effect.
Update on unethical use of placebos in randomised trials.
Officially launch or introduce a
Rise; Soar Decline; Decrease
Roll out new product or service.
Roll out the icing into a large square.
Editorial Title: Delayed response: On govt.’s stern action against hate speech
The ability or willingness to
tolerate something, in particular
the existence of opinions or Intolerance
Tolerance Liberalism; Patience
behaviour that one does not
necessarily agree with.
He was himself the author of a treatise on tolerance.

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Brisk and cheerful readiness. Willingness; Apathy
Alacrity readiness
The minister had an alacrity of spirit that helped minimise the weight he carries.
Shut (a door, window, or lid) Pull something to; Close
Bang; Shut noisily
forcefully and loudly. gently
There was a loud bang as the front door slammed with Cynthia's violent
The examination or observation Brooding; Self-
of one's own mental and analysis; Soul- Thoughtless
Introspection emotional processes searching
Potential managers should also engage in constructive introspection.
In an open and unashamed
Distinctly; Plainly Silently; Soundlessly
Blatantly manner.
These are such blatantly unjust situations that we must react with anger.
Editorial Title: Joy after pain: On Nadal and Swiatek win at French Open
Cause severe and extensive
Ruin; Wreck; Damage Build; Construct; Create
Ravaged damage to.
His health was gradually ravaged by drink and drugs.
Having no parallel or equal;
Matchless; Ordinary; Unexceptional
Unparalleled exceptional.
Her knowledge of the subject is unparalleled.
Engaged in, involving, or Introspective;
reflecting deep or serious Thoughtful; Ignorant; Uncaring
Pensive thought Engrossed
She appeared pensive and shrugged.
Walk with difficulty, typically
because of a damaged or stiff leg Hobble; Falter; Shuffle Firm; Rigid; Active
Limp or foot.
Charles was limp in his grip.
Farewell; Goodbye;
Serving as a farewell. Welcome; Salutatory
Valedictory Leaving
At graduation he delivered the valedictory address for his class.
A feeling or state of intense Elation; Happiness;
Misery; Depression
Euphoria excitement and happiness. Joy
The drug produces intense feelings of euphoria.
A type of bat with a round or
oval frame strung with catgut,
Bat; Paddle -
Racquet nylon, etc., used especially in
tennis, badminton, and squash.
My racquet needs a new grip.
Assemble (troops), especially for
Assemble; Gather;
inspection or in preparation for Disperse
Muster Collect
It took all I could muster to hold it together.
Stimulating; Moving;
Rousing Exciting; stirring Dull; Half hearted

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A powerful build up throughout the song leads to a rousing climax.

Fail to fulfil or undertake (a Spurn; Reject;
Accept; Take on
Abdicated responsibility or duty). Renounce
The King decided to abdicate in favour of his son.
Editorial Title: The Chancellor conundrum: On West Bengal decision to make CM as
(Of a problem, opportunity, or
Appear; Emerge; Turn
situation) emerge; become Sit down; Lie down
Arisen apparent.
In 1647 the difficulties that had arisen at Utrecht were repeated on a smaller scale
at Leiden.
Required, permitted, or enacted Lawful; Legal;
Illegal; Illicit
Statutory by statute. Rightful
In case the crop failed the Code fixed a statutory return.
The resistance that one surface
Abrading; Chafing;
or object encounters when -
Friction moving over another.
When the English colonies of the Carolinas and Georgia were founded, there was
constant friction with Florida.
Being under obligation for a Beholden;
Rude; Thoughtless
Obliged favour or gift Indebtedness
They asked for food and he obliged with soup and sandwiches.
Planned for or about to happen
Approaching; Past; Current
Forthcoming in the near future.
She has been less than forthcoming about her involvement in the scandal.
Editorial Title: Weakened in victory: On Boris Johnson winning no-confidence vote
A person who is averse to
change and holds traditional Rightist; Diehard Radical
Conservatives values.
The first reform was the restoration of the gilds, to which the Conservatives
attached great importance.
Victory; Win;
A great victory or achievement. Defeat
Triumph Conquest
Quitting smoking was a personal triumph for her
Confirm or settle (a contract or Secure; Settle;
Delay; Let go
Clinched bargain). Conclude
The photos of the city have clinched it for me.
A period of temporary economic
decline during which trade and
industrial activity are reduced, Slow down; Trough Boom; Upturn
Recession generally identified by a fall in
GDP in two successive quarters
The world is only slowly emerging from recession.
The leading or most important
Front; Lead; Head Rear; Background
Forefront position or place.
The company has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
A person who conducts or
Pollsters Canvasser; Sampler Replier; Responder
analyzes opinion polls.

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Every single psephologist, political pundit and pollster must now resign, be
sacked, or better yet, commit suicide.
Editorial Title: Inflation’s long shadow: On RBI’s actions
Throw or fling roughly or
Fling; Hurl; Cast -
Pitching casually.
They are pitching for business at the moment.
At the same time. Concomitantly; Singly
Simultaneously Together
The cool night hit his skin simultaneously with the warning he least wanted to
A herculean task is an extremely
difficult task; an almost Difficulty Easy
Herculean task impossible undertaking.
The President informed the people that they had a Herculean task before them.
Make or become less clear or Obscure; Blacken;
transparent. Darken
She was quiet for a moment, grappling with emotions that kept clouding her
Appear as a shadowy form,
Emerge; Appear;
especially one that is large or Disappear
Looms Become visible
Mirrex carries several types of looms in addition to the traditional beading type.
Plant (seed) by scattering it on Scatter; Spread;
Sowing or in the earth. Broadcast
I was sowing wild oats at that age and not thinking clearly.
Editorial Title: Safe foods: On the need to develop lab infrastructure in States
The action or fact of complying Assent; Consent; Disobedience;
Compliance with a wish or command. Passivity Intractability
Compliance audits were held throughout the company.
Satisfactory or acceptable in Sufficient; Enough; Insufficient; Inadequate;
Adequate quality or quantity. Ample Unequal to
The tent should provide adequate protection from the elements.
Prevent or prohibit (someone)
Prohibit; Debar;
from doing something or from Admit; Accept
Barring going somewhere.
At least the offer was on the table, barring any anger he had at her slapping him
Last but one in a series of things;
Intermediate Eminent; Superior
Penultimate second last.
Tom pegged out Paul's peg ball and then ran penultimate with the wrong ball.
An amount of something left
over when requirements have
Excess; Surfeit;
been met; an excess of Dearth; Shortage; Lack
Surplus Overabundance
production or supply over
Wheat was in surplus that year.
Editorial Title: Messy battle: On the ongoing tug of war over Delhi’s status

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Force (someone) to leave

Remove; Eject; Expel -
Turf somewhere.
Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair.
Causing or tending to cause Troublesome; Unrul; Well behaved;
disruption. Undisciplined Manageable
Talking on a cell phone in the library is extremely disruptive to those trying to
study in peace.
Intense and eager enjoyment, Eagerness; Keenness;
interest, or approval. Vivacity
Loaded with pastry, he was soon headed off to the park with his typical youthful
Interfere in or busy oneself
Interfere; Intrude;
unduly with something that is Leave alone
Meddle Intervene
not one's concern.
Now maybe he would stop trying to meddle in her life.
A person who held a job or office
Precursor; Successor
Predecessors before the current holder.
The decision was made by my predecessor.
In violent dispute or Opposed; Quarrelling;
Loggerheads disagreement. Fighting
He was at loggerheads with other members of the committee.
Erode the base or foundation of Undercut; Wear away;
Shore up; Support
(a rock formation). Eat away
The president sat fuming that the Senate would consider undermining his
authority by voting no to the plan he wanted to put in place.
Go to law; be a party to a lawsuit. Prosecute; Litigant Agree
Litigated It has successfully litigated in a number of group action cases as well as achieving
substantial awards for individuals.
Reduce in extent or quantity;
Reduce; Cut; Decrease Increase; Lengthen
impose a restriction on.
Curtailing The king and the Estates were curtailing the judicial privileges and jurisdiction of
the clergy; and the anti-pope, Peter de Luna, quarrelled with the country on this
Substance that propels Stimulus; Incentive; Deterrent;
Propellant something. Incitement Discouragement
When the liquid flows through the nozzle, the propellant rapidly expands into gas.
Take property unlawfully from
Defraud; Fleece;
(a person or place) by force or Healthy; Preserved
Robbed Dispossess
threat of force.
He was robbed when coming home late at night.
Editorial Title: Ties reset: On India-Iran relations
Tower above and cast a shadow Obscure; Eclipse;
over. Shade
The memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told
Alex she was expecting.
Make (an unpleasant feeling) Relieve; Ease;
Assuaged less intense. Alleviate
Fears of the Chrono Trigger followers were assuaged when this title was released.

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A messenger or representative,
especially one on a diplomatic Non representative
Envoy Delegate; Deputy
A special peace envoy was sent to the area.
Practical; Ready;
Put into operation or use. Impossible; Unskilled
Disciplines are communication complexes that can, in a way, be operationalized
as scientific communities.
An increase according to a fixed Enlarge; Increase;
Diminish; Ruin
Scaling up ratio Rescale
An order this size means scaling up our production capacity.
In a way that is likely to have a Exceptionally;
Incomplete; Mildly
strong or far-reaching effect. Immensely
After the school lost its national accreditation, their enrollment drastically
(Especially of wind or waves)
strike repeatedly and violently; Batter; Pound; Beat Perfect; Pleased
Buffeted batter.
She has buffeted about from pillar to post for ten years.
Editorial Title: Known unknowns: On Presidential elections
Showing or characterised by
Committed, Positive,
complete sincerity and Half hearted, Partial
Wholehearted Emphatic
It deserves the wholehearted support of the entire House.
Predict (the future or a future Predict, Forecast,
Foretold event). Foresee
She foretold that the man would die soon.
Cause severe and disabling
Ruin,Destroy, Wipe
damage to; deprive of the ability Boost
Crippling out
to function normally.
The new cuts will be seen as a crippling blow for people on low incomes
Admit that something is true or
Admit, Acknowledge,
valid after first denying or Deny
Concede Accept
resisting it.
The President was obliged to concede power to the army.
Editorial Title: False equivalence: On Prophet remarks and Delhi Police FIRs
Used to convey that something is
claimed to be the case or have Impossibly; Improbably;
taken place, although there is no Incredibly
Allegedly Reputedly
The enforcers were allegedly taken on by a building firm to speed up a demolition
Related; Similar;
Not related or linked Unconnected;
Unrelated Relevant
Two of them died from apparently unrelated causes.
Done consciously and Intended; Planned;
Accidental; Unintentional
Deliberate intentionally. Meant
She spoke in a clear, deliberate manner.

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Encourage or stir up (violent or Ignite; Inflame;

Suppress;Dissuade; Deter
Inciting unlawful behaviour). Stimulate,
He used a perverted form of socialism to incite racial hatred.
Resist; Withstand;
Openly resist or refuse to obey. Surrender
Defies Take a stand against
Alex defies father now, but he will not win
Antagonism; Enmity;
Strong hostility. Goodwill; Friendship
Animosity Animus
If there is animosity between rival supporters they will be asked to leave.
Of something abstract but
perceptible) issue or spread out Emerge; Flow; Pour Hold; Keep; Conceal
Emanate from (a source).
She seems to emanate happiness.
An act that goes against a law,
rule, or code of conduct; an Offence; Crime; Sin Obedience
Transgressions offence.
God's order had been adversely affected by man's transgression of Yahweh's
Discord; Friction;
Lack of harmony or agreement Harmony
Disharmony Strife; Conflict
We will become evermore a nation of social disharmony.
Corresponding in size or amount Relative to,
to something else Proportional
I didn't know what was going to happen in my future, but the calmness seemed
proportionate to my understanding of the answers.
The institution and conducting
of legal proceedings against
Performance; Default; Failure; Neglect
someone in respect of a criminal
Prosecutions Perpetration
Before the expiration of the nine days allowed for the prosecution Verres was on
his way to Massilia.
Editorial Title: Threat to democracy: On the U.S. House panel probe into January 6 Capitol
A state formally cooperating
Combine; Merge;
with another for a military or Split
Allies Weld
other purpose
He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen
Before an action or event; in Previously; Already;
Belatedly; Late; Tardily
advance Sooner
The police need to be briefed beforehand on how to deal with this sort of
Move (troops or equipment) into
Position; Station; Post Concentrate
position for military action
Both campaigns are deploying volunteers to the cities to encourage people to
Never done or known before Unequalled; Normal; Common
Unprecedented Unmatched
An unprecedented number of students are taking the class.

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A person assisting the celebrant

Assistant; Helper; Contender; Critic;
in a religious service or
Attendant Detractor
Acolytes procession
Because the politician's acolyte is always there to assist him on the campaign trail,
you never see one without the other
Exclude or prohibit (someone) Disfellowship;
Admit; Allow
Debarred officially from doing something. Prevent; Prohibit
He was debarred from the club for unacceptable behaviour.
Editorial Title: Restoration: On Sri Lanka’s return to parliamentary democracy
Release from a leash or restraint. Release; Free Restrain
Unleashed He twisted it and unleashed a kick that knocked his opponent off his feet and sent
the sword flying
The action of repeating Untwist;
something, typically for DisconnectRestate; Inconstant; Infrequent
Reiteration emphasis or clarity Say again; Retell
Reiteration of a decade-old deception could not fail to foster an enhanced sense of
Interweave; Interlace;
Twist or twine together Untwist; Disconnect
Intertwined Inter Thread
In his mind, religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.
Make (an action or process) easy
Enable; Assist; Help Impede
or easier
The moderator's role is to facilitate the discussion by asking appropriate
Cause problems or difficulties
Troubled; In Friendly; Sociable
Beleaguered for
There is simply no evidence of beleaguered grant-maintained schools
The action or an act of abolishing Scrapping; Ending;
Retention; Creation
a system, practice, or institution Stopping
They preach the abolition of established systems but prose nothing to replace
Editorial Title: Beyond the numbers: On the Rajya Sabha elections
Deliberately destroy, damage, or
obstruct (something), especially Wreck; Vandalise; Conserve; Preserve;
Sabotage for political or military Obstruct Protect
The lawyer is trying to sabotage the case by creating confusion.
Holder; Bearer;
The holder of an office or post. -
The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took
A loud and confused noise,
especially that of people Din; Racker; Uproar Silence
Clamour shouting vehemently
There was a clamour of voices outside the office.
Manoeuvring Move skillfully or carefully. Steer; Guide; Drive -

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At a time when throughout the rest of Europe armies were manoeuvring against
one another with no more than a formal result, the English and Scots were fighting
decisive battles
Make a humble apology and
- -
accept humiliation.
Eat humble pie
They had to eat humble pie when the rumours they were spreading were proved
Shared by or involving three
- -
The tripartite arrangement has been the constitutional bedrock of policing for
many years.
Angry or dissatisfied. Discontented; Pleased; Contented
Disgruntled Aggrieved
She needed to get out more if she found their disgruntled exchange entertaining.
Editorial Title: Choosing sides: On intensifying rivalry between U.S. and China
Strengthen or support (an object
or substance), especially with Strengthen weaken
Reinforced additional material.
The helmet has been reinforced with a double layer of cork
Weapons regarded collectively. - -
He is in charge of some of the most sophisticated weaponry ever designed.
Relating to or using force or
- -
My older brother was very coercive when we were young, threatening to beat me
up sometimes.
Provide (a place) with defensive
Secure; Protect;
works as protection against Weaken
Fortify Surround
The enclave has been heavily fortified in recent years
Reduction of the intensity of a
Lessen; Lower;
conflict or potentially violent Escalation
De-escalation situation.
We are told constantly that we have to de-escalate the situation, which we did not
Stop oneself from doing Abstain; Desist;
Refrain something. Withhold
I was going to make a joke but I refrained.
Escalate; Boost;
Become or make it more intense. Lessen; Abate
Intensifying Increase
Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages.
Competition for the same
objective or for superiority in Agree; Goodwill
Contention; Conflict
Rivalry the same field.
The rivalry between the English and the French, which had already convulsed the
south, did not penetrate to Bengal.
Editorial Title: Cold comfort: On inflation and government intervention
Comfort or consolation in a time Comfort; Consolation; Annoy; Discourage;
of distress or sadness. Cheer Distress

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Many people get their greatest solace from gardening.

The action or process of
Mediation; Combine; Connect; Join
Interventions Intercession
His personal intervention also alleviated the condition of the Quakers, much
persecuted at this time.
The action of inflating something
Decrease; Deflation;
or the condition of being Increase; Rise; Boom
Inflation Shrinkage
Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.
Look keenly or with difficulty at
Scan; Observe; Peek -
Peers someone or something.
Braille readers vary in ability even more than their sighted peers.
Dependent on someone or
Dependent; Hopeful Distrustful; Doubtful
Reliant something.
Over recent years libraries have grown increasingly reliant on digital materials.
(Of a crowd or a natural force)
move suddenly and powerfully Stream; Flow; Burst Decline; Lessen
Surged forward or upward.
The crowd surged when they opened the door to the store.
Jump or dive quickly and Jump; Hurl; Throw
Rise; Increase; Ascent
Plunging energetically. oneself
Civil war and famine sent the nation plunging into anarchy.
A short period of rest or relief Interval;
from something difficult or Intermission; Continuation; Go
Respite unpleasant. Interlude
The land prospered rapidly during this respite from the horrors of war.
The process of becoming Worsening; Decline;
Deterioration progressively worse. Decay
We've seen a continuing deterioration in relations between the two countries.
(Of an animal) not dangerous or
frightened of people; Domesticated; Docile Wild; Fierce
Tame domesticated.
Athena was said to have invented the plough, and to have taught men to tame
horses and yoke oxen.
Editorial Title: End the war: On Russia-Ukraine conflict
Large-calibre guns used in Cannonry; Heavy
Artillery warfare on land. weapons
The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
Increase the level or amount of Boost; Elevate; Step
Decrease; Lose
something sharply. up
Ramp up
Research on the station will ramp up slower than expected because of smaller
crews and limited resources.
A threatened penalty for Penalty; Punishment;
Sanctions disobeying a law or rule. Deterrent
Their policy has legal sanction.
Fly or rise high in the air. Ascend; Climb; Rise Plummet
He touched his brother's face, his emotions soaring once again.

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Recover; Awake;
Restore to life or consciousness. Drained; Exhausted
Revive Wake up
The store's business is beginning to revive
Highly destructive or damaging. Catastrophic; Harmless; Innocent
Devastating Calamitous,
The devastating effects of these civil wars were most disastrous to the trade and
the prosperity of Kwei-chow.
Editorial Title: Bulldozer on the loose
Punishment inflicted on
Punishment; Penalty;
someone as vengeance for a Reward; Exonerate
Retribution Nemesis
wrong or criminal act.
Minos threatened war against Athens in retribution for his son's death
a person who takes part in a Conspirer; Plotter;
Conspirator conspiracy. Schemer
The conspirators had planned to seize the state
Enough or more than enough;
Adequate; Plenty Fewer
Amply plentifully.
The persistent reader is amply rewarded.
Intrusion on a person's territory,
- -
Encroachments rights, etc
The peninsula is much exposed to encroachment by the sea.
(especially of an argument,
story, or sentence) Extremely Simple; Straightforward
Convoluted Complex; Involved
complex and difficult to follow.
Its convoluted narrative encompasses all manner of digressions
Knowledge, awareness, or Awareness; Notice;
Cognisance notice. Knowledge
He was deputed to bring the affair to the cognisance of the board
Editorial Title: Windfall
Irrelevant or unrelated to the
Irrelevant; Immaterial Material
Extraneous subject being dealt with.
One is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material
Engage in a close fight or
struggle without weapons; Wrestle; Struggle -
Grappling wrestle.
Passersby grappled with the man after the knife attack
Strong; Vigorous;
Strong and healthy; vigorous Weak, Frail
Robust Sturdy
The Caplans are a robust, healthy lot
A solid foundation laid below
ground level to support or - -
Underpinnings strengthen a building
The evidence underpinning his case was sound.
Say something again or a
number of times, typically for Repeat; Restate -
Reiterates emphasis or clarity.
She reiterated that the administration would remain steadfast in its support

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A continuous deep, resonant

- -
Rumblings sound.
We heard the rumbling of wheels in the distance.
The capacity to recover quickly
Flexibility; Pliability Rigidity
Resilience from difficulties; toughness.
The often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions
A soft lustre on a surface Shine; Lustre; Gleam Dullness
He seemed to shine with that unmistakable showbiz sheen.
Editorial Title: Waiting for jobs: On Centre’s plan to recruit 10 lakh personnel in 18 months
Sufficiently great or important to
be worthy of attention; Notable; Momentous Insignificant; Minor
Significant noteworthy.
Monarchies with any real, significant power are just waiting out the clock.
Relating to the structure of
Analytical; Probability -
Demographic populations.
When people migrate to other areas, the demographic of those areas will change
Vital; Crucial;
Of vital importance; crucial. Unimportant; Optional
Imperative Essential
Water is imperative for survival.
Likely to have a strong or far-
Extreme; Serious;
reaching effect; radical and Mild; Moderate
Drastic Forceful
Talk to me before you do anything drastic.
At the same time; Consequent;
Accidental; Chance
simultaneously. Collateral; Adjuvant
Concomitantly Corruption is the frequent concomitant of privilege, and thus the town councils
often connived for a price at the presence in their midst of Jews whose admission
was illegal.
To make it better or more
Constructive; Unfavourable; Unfriendly
Ameliorative tolerable
Special ameliorative doctrines for defining plaintiffs, s negligence are abolished.
Editorial Title: Race for relevance: On the Fed’s interest rate hike
Forming an arch over something. - -
Overarching The overarching objective of the review is to complement the work of the current
investigation team by assessing progress to date.
Give an incentive or Encourage; Prompt;
Discourage; Dissuade
Spurred encouragement to (someone). Propel
Daniela said this was what spurred their fighting.
Not to be placated or appeased
Ceaseless; Endless Completed; Finished
Unrelentingly or moved by entreaty
From this point, he stated, doubts began to spring forth unrelentingly.
A written outline of a movie,
novel, or stage work giving Plot; Outline;
Scenario details of the plot and individual Storyline
That's the only scenario that makes sense.

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A mass departure of people, Evacuation; Leaving;

Exodus especially emigrants. Exit
There is always an exodus to the coast at holiday times.
Editorial Title: Playing with fire: On Agnipath
Mention (a number of things) Specify; Identify;
Neglect; Hide
one by one. Recapitulate
Next to aluminium, tin was found to be the most effective of the metals
enumerated above.
Interrupt (an event, activity, or
Disturb; Disorder;
process) by causing a -
Disrupts disturbance or problem.
The evolutionarily primitive aspect of emotion helps to explain its power to
disrupt thinking.
A small group of people specially
trained for a particular purpose Team; Corps; Core -
Cadre or profession.
It was a small but evil cadre.
Mutual trust and friendship Togetherness;
among people who spend a lot of Solidarity; Mutual
Camaraderie Ambiversion
time together. support
It is also the sense of camaraderie they project
Agreement; Deal;
Agreed in a contract. Disagree
Contractual Covenant
Some of them have a statutory basis, others are purely contractual.
Editorial Title: Designation failure: On China’s decision to block terror tag for Lashkar leader
A feeling of having already
Past life experience;
experienced the present -
Déjà vu Recall; Recognition
The rise in housing costs is déjà vu all over again
Institute legal proceedings
Litigate; Summon;
against (a person or Exonerate; Cease; Halt
Prosecuted Arraign
But should you deliberately underpay, the tax people can prosecute.
Hostility; Enmity;
Bitterness or ill feeling. Goodwill
Acrimony Antagonism
The latter was an issue that caused acrimony between Royalists and Puritans.
Relating to an established or
Legislative; Ignorance; Inaction
Procedural official way of doing something.
The business of the committee was delayed by procedural difficulties.
An ambiguity or inadequacy in Ambiguity; Omission; Stoppers; Barriers;
Loopholes the law or a set of rules. Inadequacy Blockage
There was, indeed, one possible loophole.
Cause (a train or trolley car) to
Crash; Thwart; Jump Assist; Forward
Derailed leave its tracks accidentally.
The train was derailed by heavy snow.
Editorial Title: Monsoon jitters: On rain deficit and droughts

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Physical strength and good Toughness; Weakness; Listlessness;

health. Ruggedness; Muscle Lethargy
She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her grand-
The amount by which Shortage;
something, especially a sum of Undersupply; Surplus; Profit
Deficit money, is too small. Slippage
She has a slight hearing deficit in her left ear
Envelop; Bind;
Wrap in several layers of fabric. Unwrap; Release; Free.
A well-made path cuts a broad swathe to the far side of the field where you turn
left on the Monarch 's Way.
Immerse; Drown;
Cause to be under water. Grow; Rise; Float
Submerging Overflow
She's a marvellous actress who submerges herself totally in her roles.
Start to lose strength or Floundering;
Agile; Youthful
Faltering momentum. Tottering; Trembling
Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering.
The arrival of a notable person, Arrival; Appearance; Departure;
Advent thing, or event. Emergence Disappearance
Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry.
Existing in something as a
Intrinsic; Innate;
permanent, essential, or Acquired; Alien
Inherent Immanent
characteristic attribute.
There are inherent flaws in the present system of county taxes.
Make it slightly wet. Moisten; Damp; Wet Dry; Drench
Dampening A rain fly or tarp is also necessary to prevent rain from dampening your gear and
Editorial Title: Bubble in the air: On regulating cryptocurrencies
Engaged in, expressing, or based Conjectural;
on conjecture rather than Suppositional; Proven
Speculative knowledge. Theoretical
The article was dismissed as highly speculative.
Destroy; Eradicate;
Eliminate something completely. Abstemious, Clean
Wiped out Obliterate
Last year's profits were virtually wiped out.
Attempt to sell (something), Approved;
Abnormal; Disapproved;
typically by a direct or persistent Authorised;
Touted approach. Customary
The main feature being touted by the computer giant is wireless connectivity,
which the iPod currently does n't have.
A fence or boundary formed by
Fence; Barrier;
closely growing bushes or Edge; Border
Hedge Boundary
She hacked at the hedge with the shears.
At intervals; Enclosed
Variant of amid. Away from; Outside
Amidst by
The cottage is situated on the Spey river amidst scenery surpassing loveliness.

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Belonging naturally; essential. Innate; Inborn; Inbred Extrinsic; Acquired

Cutting brings out the brilliancy of glass, which is one of its intrinsic qualities.
Extremely small; tiny. Vast; Huge
Minuscule Diminutive; Miniature
The chances of getting the disease are minuscule.
A wind blowing in the direction
of travel of a vehicle or aircraft; a Blast; Blow; Tornado -
Tailwind wind blowing from behind.
Enjoying the tailwind, the duo had a maximum gap of seventeen minutes.
Atively break the terms of (a Contravene; Violate;
Obey; Comply with
Infringe law, agreement, etc.). Transgress
The notebook Guardian does not infringe upon Kensington's patent.
A hidden or unsuspected danger
Hazard; Danger; Risk Security; Safety
Pitfalls or difficulty.
Fun is addictive to this sign, just as becoming a workaholic can become a pitfall.
Editorial Title: An unjust pursuit: On U.S.’ relentless pursuit of Julian Assange
Hand over (a person accused or
convicted of a crime) to the
Deport; Hand over;
jurisdiction of the foreign state Return; Hold
Extradite Expel
in which the crime was
The prisoner was extradited across state lines.
Declare (someone) to be guilty
of a criminal offence by the Declare; Sentence;
Acquit; Clear
verdict of a jury or the decision Guilty
of a judge in a court of law.
The penalty for false witness was usually that which would have been awarded to
the convicted criminal.
Amusingly; Jokingly;
In an ironic manner. -
Ironically Mockingly
Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.
The conditions under which land
Residence; Misconception;
or buildings are held or
Possession; Title Misunderstanding
Tenure occupied.
But he was warned by fellow Conservatives that his tenure in the job could be
Follow (someone or something)
Track; Trail; Chase Avoid; Flee
Pursue in order to catch or attack them.
She wants to pursue a legal career.
A minor change or addition
Revision; Alteration;
designed to improve a text, piece Damage; Harm; Hurt
Amendment of legislation, etc.
Under this provision an amendment cannot be adopted until nearly four years
after it is first proposed.
A system of government by the
whole population or all the
Autonomy; Republic;
Democracies eligible members of a state, Tyranny; Dictatorship
typically through elected

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It was the most extreme of all democracies.

A system of government by one Dictatorship;
Autocracies person with absolute power. Autarchy; Tyranny
She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy.
The process of editing text for Alteration;
publication. Modification
After the hearing, the judge ordered the court reporter to redact any of the
information that isn't considered public.
A defensive wall. Wall; Rampart; Fence Assault; Attack
He held fast by the Triple Alliance, for he saw in this the surest bulwark of peace.
A person who carries out a Enforcer; Criminal;
Police; Officer
harmful, illegal, or immoral act. Cutthroat
The police are there to pick up the pieces, to find the perpetrator and see that
justice prevents him from doing it again.
Having or showing tenacity and Resolved; Purposeful;
Hesitant; Half hearted
grim persistence. Persistent
Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her
Place (a revered or precious
object) in an appropriate Holy; Sacred; Divine Unsacred; Unholy
Enshrined receptacle.
A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.
Editorial Title: Cracks at the centre: On France’s elections
An alliance for combined action,
especially a temporary alliance Alliance; Union; Detachment;
Coalition of political parties forming a Partnership Disconnection
government or of states.
The group is working in coalition with other environmental groups.
An increase or revival after a
Renewal; Revival;
period of little activity, Abortion; Breakdown
Resurgence popularity, or occurrence.
The small town restaurant noticed a resurgence in business after the shopping
mall closed.
Sign (a check or bill of exchange)
on the back to make it payable to
Inscribe; Superscribe;
someone other than the stated Refusal; Rejection
Endorsed Witness
payee or to accept responsibility
for paying it.
The application was endorsed by the governors' board.
Become or make smaller in size Contract; Diminish;
Expand; Increase
Shrank or amount. Lessen
She shrank back into her chair.
Used to classify something, or
suggest that it can be classified,
Range; Sequence;
in terms of its position on a scale -
Spectrum between two extreme or
opposite points.
So these butterflies are making use of more than the visible portion of the
spectrum in order to make themselves conspicuous.

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A form or process of civil
Biopolitics; Disorganisation; Turmoil
government or constitution.
Polity Regionalism
This is a recipe for a resentful, suspicious, self-interested, and racially hostile
Agreement; Harmony; Disagreement; Minority
A general agreement.
Consensus Concord view
It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.
Having the power to make laws. Parliamentary; -
Legislative Congressional
Clear legislative reform is needed to overcome the inadequacies of the current
Oppressively constant; Persistent; Short-lived; Irresolute;
Relentless incessant. Continuing; Constant Intermittent
Rachel sighed and continued her relentless search for romance.
Characterized by or tending to Decrease; Reduction;
Expansion; Hike; Rise
Inflationary cause monetary inflation. Deflation
It could also lead to an inflationary rent spiral.
Editorial Title: Progress without limits: On clearing of decks for the first auction of radio
Decorate or adorn brightly or
Garnish; Cover; Hang Spoil; Mess
Frame is covered with dark brown dehaired seal skin sewn with sinew along the
flat deck.
A public sale in which goods or
property are sold to the highest Deal; Sale; Trade Buy; Hold; Conceal
Auction bidder.
He made several bids at the auction.
With little or no delay; Quickly; Swiftly;
Slowly; Late
Promptly immediately. Rapidly
She promptly asked if he wanted a furnished or unfurnished apartment.
Describe item by item; give the Present; Describe; Set
full particulars of. out
Usually, the dealership will have your car prepped for you by checking and
detailing it.
The ordering or requesting of Command; Order; Withdrawal; Denial;
Bidding someone to do something. Instruction Refusal
Two syndicates are bidding for the contract.
A group of people leading the
way in new developments or Back; Tail End
Vanguard Forerunners; Front
There was a capitalist vanguard and there were missionaries of capitalism
(Of an action, idea, or goal) Praiseworthy;
deserving praise and Commendable; Blameworthy; Shameful
Laudable commendation. Admirable
This has been done with the laudable aim of keeping the cost down

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The action or process of deciding

Disarray; Disorder; Mess
the relative importance or Organise; Range; Sort
Prioritisation up
urgency of a thing or things.
Effective time management and prioritisation skills.
Amazed; Stunned;
Astonish or deeply shocked. Dive in; Plunge in
Staggered Thunderstruck
She staggered at the sensation, taking in the crumbled world around her.
Apathy; Dullness;
InactivityHe has a
Ability to work successfully Feasibility;
Viability wonderful whimsical
sense of humour
Rising costs are threatening the viability of many businesses.
The exertion of force by means Impotency;
Force; Strength;
of a lever or an object used in the Powerlessness;
Leverage manner of a lever Weakness
The board of directors plans to leverage two failing branches of the company with
an influx of cash.
The state or period of babyhood Childhood;
Oldage; Maturity
or early childhood Immaturity
His two sons had died in infancy, and his successor was his only legitimate child,
Editorial Title: From colours to whites: On Indian cricket sporting a new look
"Often with negative or
pejorative connotations) a thing
that is added or attached to Addition; Attachment;
Depression; Trunk
Appendage something larger or more Adjunct
The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage
"Playfully quaint or fanciful,
especially in an appealing and Fanciful; Playful;
Serious; Sad
Whimsical amusing way Mischievous
He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humour
A situation in which further
action or progress by opposing Deadlock; Impasse;
Normal; Regular
Stalemate or competing parties seems Standstill
The new agreement could break the stalemate.
In or for the intervening period; Caretaker; Acting;
Interim provisional or temporary. Intervening
An electronic typewriter may be an appropriate interim provision for a period.
Show unnecessary or excessive Worry; Fret; Be
Get into perspective
Fuss concern about something agitated
I believe that the less fuss made about it the better.
Lead (an attack or movement). Lead; Head; Front End; Finish; Stop
The movement was spearheaded by the teachers' union

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Imposing restrictions or
Constrictive; Limiting;
limitations on someone's Exceeding
Restrictive activities or freedom
But you need to configure another machine with a slightly less restrictive
Editorial Title: High office: On the Opposition and presidential polls
Having a composed and self- Composed; Assured; Excited; Flustered;
Poised assured manner. Self-controlled, Inelegant
She held the pencil poised over the paper.
Members of tribal communities,
Ethnic; Racial Non-racial
Tribal especially in South Asia
African tribal societies were traditionally ruled by a council of elders
The action or fact of elevating or
Upgrading; Demotion
Elevation being elevated
Their tents were situated at an elevation of 3000 metres.
A formal written or spoken
statement, especially one given Opposition; Denial
Testimony Assertion; Affirmation
in a court of law.
His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case.
Nevertheless; in spite of this However; Still; Yet In that case
Notwithstanding Giant mosquitoes notwithstanding, on one level the film serves as a travelogue of
the north.
An officer in the British army
Junior; Of Lower
below the rank of captain, Senior; Superior; Chief
Subaltern Rank; Servile
especially a second lieutenant
He was put under arrest, and his subaltern brought the command out of town
Inhabiting or existing in a land
from the earliest times or from
First; Initial; Ancient Stranger; Immigrant
Aboriginal before the arrival of colonists;
They managed to wipe out the entire aboriginal population.
The fact or condition of being
considered for a particular
Electioneering; Tenure
Candidacy position or status, especially in
Political campaign
an election.
In 1976 Church sought the nomination for the democratic candidacy for president
In a way that is severe or harsh Forbidding; Grim;
Benignant; Gentle; Mild
in appearance or outline. Gruff
Ray's mastery turned a starkly conventional plot into a subtly nuanced story
which topped the Bengali box office for months.
The action or policy of excluding
a person or group from a place, Public; Incomplete
Exclusivist group, or privilege
That we are now at this point indicates the near-triumph of the exclusivist
Editorial Title: No cause for alarm: On the fresh surge in COVID-19 cases
Admission to hospital for Rehabilitation;
Hospitalisation -
treatment Therapy; Medication

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The cold-blooded murder of a hospitalisation case has aroused great public

Provide with a quality, ability, or Provide; Supply;
Reduce; Decrease; Deny
Endowed asset Furnish
He was endowed by nature with the most remarkable gifts both of mind and body
Appoint (someone) to a Appoint; Nominate; Unheralded; Unknown;
Designated specified position. Depute Unsung
This floor has been designated a no-smoking area
The quality of a disease or trait
being able to be passed on from Harmless;
one person or organism to Noncommunicable
Transmissibility Infective
The transmissibility of the sacred ensures the fusion of powers drawn from all
sources, however disparate
The provision of fresh air to a Airing; Respiration;
Ventilation room, building, etc. Oxygenating
Make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the room before using the paint
A subordinate part of a lineage Sub - ancestry -
He’s a Dutch nobleman of ancient sub-lineage
Editorial Title: Tiger by the tail: On the rebellion in the Shiv Sena
Undo (twisted, knitted, or woven
Disentangle; Entangle; Tangle
Unravelling threads).
Straighten out
Their plans unravelled when she lost her job.
Express (something) in the Formulate; Style;
Couched language of a specified style. Render
Many false claims are couched in scientific jargon.
A place where a boat or ship is Harbour; Port;
Moorings moored. Anchorage
The captain piloted the boat into a mooring.
Resolutely or dutifully firm and Devoted; Dedicated;
Disloyal; Irresolute
Steadfast unwavering. Dependable
At least there appears to be a more steadfast commitment this time.
(Of wind, water, or other natural
Corrode; Destroy;
agents) gradually wear away -
Eroding Abrade
(soil, rock, or land).
The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.
(Of a place) able to be reached or
Attainable; Inaccessible
Accessible entered
The mall is accessible from the highway.
A member of a small
independent group taking part Rebel; Radical;
Civilian; Noncombatant
Guerrillas in irregular fighting, typically Revolutionary
against larger regular forces.
American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war.
Take apart (a piece of machinery Investigate; Inspect;
Overhauling Hurt; Injure
or equipment) in order to Examine

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examine it and repair it if

A fast cruiser was immediately sent in pursuit, but only succeeded in overhauling
the rebel ship after she was at her destination.
An association of manufacturers
or suppliers with the purpose of
- -
Cartels maintaining prices at a high level
and restricting competition.
This is an illustration of the far-reaching ramifications of the new cartel law.
Reduce to fine particles. Grind; Crush; Pound -
Stewart completely pulverised the opposition
Editorial Title: Brick by brick: On the 14th BRICS Summit
Although; Despite;
Although Because; As; After all
Despite the fact.
He quits his job only to come back, albeit reluctantly, when a series of grisly
murders baffles the police force.
The process or state of
Junction; Intersection. -
The convergence of Roman roads at this point would make the place a
particularly convenient centre.
Express contempt for; ridicule Ridicule; Mock; Jeer at Respect; Praise
Critics derided the proposals as clumsy attempts to find a solution
Touchable; Palpable;
Perceptible by touch Intangible
Tangible Tactile
I put less hope in tangible things, but in thoughts and words.
A group of stars forming a
recognizable pattern that is
traditionally named after its Pleiades; Stars -
Constellation apparent form or identified with
a mythological figure.
The patient presented a constellation of symptoms.
Editorial Title: Keep up the pressure: On the conviction of a Mumbai attacks handler in
Military observation of a region Exploration;
to locate an enemy or ascertain Observation; -
Reconnaissance strategic features. Investigation
A final reconnaissance was made on the 5th.
A secret plan by a group to do Plot; Scheme; Faithfulness; Honesty;
Conspiracies something unlawful or harmful. Stratagem Loyalty
They were accused of conspiracy to commit murder.
Sacrilegious against God or Irreverent; Impious;
Blasphemous sacred things; profane. Ungodly
Many people found the film blasphemous.
Enlist (someone) in the armed Enlist; Engage; Take
forces on
Slaves were recruited by purchase abroad, from captives taken in war and by
freemen degraded for debt or crime.
Practically; Almost;
Virtually Nearly; almost. -

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That illness is virtually unknown in this area.

A preference or special liking for
Liking; Fondness;
something; a bias in favour of Dislike; Disinclination
Predilection Preference
The junkie had a predilection for the more illicit things in life.
Cancel or postpone the
punishment of (someone,
Pardon; Spare; Acquit Charge; Punish
Reprieve especially someone condemned
to death).
The railway line , due for closure, has been granted a six - month reprieve.
Editorial Title: Regressive, inhumane: On the U.S. Supreme Court removing right to abortion
Danger; Jeopardy;
Serious and immediate danger. Safety; Security
Peril Risk
They warned that his life was in imminent peril
Causing or affected by anxiety or Anxious; Worried;
stress Upset
My Council desire to represent that the methods now being adopted are fraught
with grave public danger.
A particular point in events or
Moment; Phase; Stage -
Juncture time.
It was at this juncture that Sir George Grey was sent to the Cape as governor.
Remove or take away
Remove; Extract;
(something) from a particular Insert
Withdrew Draw out
place or position.
Mother withdrew $100 from her account.
Execute; Pursue;
Carry on (a war or campaign). -
The warfare which followed was like that which Saul and David waged against the
Designate or treat (something)
as more important than other Hierarchize; Sequence Derange; Disarrange
Prioritised things.
The town council hopes to prioritise the bridge construction project at the next
Kept secret or done secretively,
Hidden; Private; Sly Open
Clandestine especially illicit.
He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years.
Poll; Election;
Poll; Election; Referendum -
Ballot Referendum
On the second ballot Lincoln received 181 votes to Seward's 1842.
Good at persuading someone to
do or believe something through Convincing; Effective;
Unconvincing; Weak
Persuasive reasoning or the use of Cogent
His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive.
Proletariat; Rank-
The most basic level of an
and-file; Working- Nobility; Elite
Grassroots activity or organisation.
Organisational change needs to come from the grassroots.

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Editorial Title: Two is one too many: On AIADMK leadership tussle

Agree to give or allow
Allow; Accord; Permit Refuse
Granted (something requested) to
He'd hoped to be granted the same level of power as his predecessor.
Too large or too small in
Unreasonable; Proportional
Disproportionate comparison with something else. Excessive
A disproportionate number of the students are poor.
A heavy blow with the hand or a
Smack; Slap; Thump -
Clout hard object
He'll clout me around the head if he finds out what I've done.
Based on the first impression; Apparently;
accepted as correct until proved Seemingly; At-first- -
Prima facie otherwise. sight
There is prima facie evidence that he was involved in the fraud.
Done without being planned,
Unprepared; Prepared; Rehearsed
organised, or rehearsed.
Impromptu Unscripted
Even Quinn seemed to have forgotten his desire to go public in the tension of our
impromptu act.
Preconceived opinion that is not
based on reason or actual Impartiality; Approval
Prejudice Prejudgment
We don't want to prejudice law enforcement against doing the right thing.
Lower- ranking;
Lower in rank or position. Superior; Senior
Subordinate Junior; Inferior
He was always friendly to his subordinate officers.
Editorial Title: Interim signals: On BJP posing insurmountable challenge to Opposition
Problem; Difficulty;
A reversal or check in progress. Breakthrough
Setback Issue
The December elections were a major setback for the party.
A projecting part of a
fortification built at an angle to
Rampart; Bulwark;
the line of a wall, so as to allow -
Bastion defensive fire in several
The soldiers hid behind the bastion, hoping to avoid any of the arrows coming
towards them.
A strong desire to do or to
achieve something, typically Aspiration; Intention;
Ambitions requiring determination and Goal
hard work.
His ambitions were boundless and his morals lax
(of a person) Move with a slow, Shuffle; Lumber;
Run; Sprint; Bound
Shambles shuffling, awkward gait. Totter
Because the economy shambles, millions of families are losing their homes.
A system of government in Administration;
Bureaucracy which most of the important Government; -
decisions are made by state Directorate

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officials rather than by elected

We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the company.
Passionate; Avid;
Enthusiastic or passionate. Half Hearted
But no words came from her mouth as she lay there, mesmerised by his ardent
Lead (an attack or movement). Lead; Head; Front -
She spearheaded the campaign for better schools.
The state of being abnormally Thinness; Boninsess;
thin or weak. Scrawniness
Livingstone reached the Portuguese settlement of Tete on the 2nd of March 1856,
in a very emaciated condition.
Editorial Title: Green as always: On Wimbledon 2022 shorning of ranking points
The power of something to
Power; Vigour;
influence or make an -
Potency impression.
The mystic potency of the sacred is no fixed quantity, but is big with possibilities
of all sorts.
Comfort or consolation in a time Comfort; Consolation;
Solace of distress or sadness. Cheer
He took solace from a world he could not control.
Belonging to a period other than
- -
that being portrayed.
Titus' benefits from the effective use of anachronistic elements like cars and
In its original condition; Unspoiled; Preserved;
Spoilt; Devastated
Pristine unspoiled. Intact
Her office is a mess but my office is always pristine.
Not revealing one's thoughts or
Withdrawn; Expansive; Garrulous
Reticent feelings readily.
She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs
Clothes, especially fine or formal Clothing; Garments;
Attire ones. Dress
I wasn't sure what would be appropriate attire for the restaurant.
A surprise attack by people lying
Trap; Snare; Pitfall -
Ambush in wait in a concealed position.
Seven members of a patrol were killed in an ambush.
Make an attack or assault in Respond; React;
return for a similar attack. Reciprocate
At Greenwich next day he emphasised the necessity of retaliating against foreign
A large fire that is dangerously
Hell Heaven
Inferno out of control; Hell
Within minutes the house had become a raging inferno.
fill (something) up again. Refill; Recharge Empty
He replenished Justin's glass with mineral water

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(of countryside) Green with

Green; Leafy; Grassy -
Verdant grass or other rich vegetation.
Much of the region's verdant countryside has been destroyed in the hurricane.
Ceremony and splendid display, Ceremony; Ritual;
Pomp especially at a public event. Display
St. Paul's was perfectly adapted to pomp and circumstance
Magnificent and splendid
Grandeur; Ordinariness; Modesty
appearance; grandeur.
Splendour Sumptuousness
He was so impressed by its splendour that he hurried back home and returned
with his wife and son to worship the image together.
Editorial Title: The essence of time: On courts and the anti-defection law
A movement or series of moves Operation; Exercise; Inaction; Ignorance;
requiring skill and care. Activity Stoppage
A talented snowboarder managed to manoeuvre around an incoming tree with a
last second swerve.
Make a reality of. Realise; Substantiate Fail; Cease
Mistakes are a necessary part of actualising your vision.
The action or process of Decision; Umpiring;
Hesitate; Ignore
adjudicating. Judgement
When that was enacted functions were divided between adjudication and
A person who opposes official
Dissenter; Objector;
policy, especially that of an Conformist
Dissidents Protester
authoritarian state.
That was the dissident movement in Poland.
Bypass; Sidestep; Accede to; Acquiesce to;
Find a way around (an obstacle).
Circumvent Dodge Assent to
He found a way to circumvent the law.
A person's face or facial Expression; Look;
Deter; Disapprove
Countenance expression. Appearance
One morning Roy entered the hut with a slow step and a sad countenance.
Lessen the effectiveness, power,
Subvert; Sabotage; Enhance; Improve;
or ability of, especially gradually
Threaten Strengthen
Undermine or insidiously.
The events of the past year have undermined people's confidence in the
Of no value or importance. Inconsequential; Noteworthy; Significant
Nugatory Valueless
I do not pretend it is, but it is not a nugatory procedure.
Threaten, especially in a Threaten; Be a danger
Friendly; Auspicious
Menace malignant or hostile manner. to; Put at risk
The menace in his voice made her want to leave even more.
Editorial Title: Glimmer of hope: On gun ownership reform in the U.S
Be or go beyond the range or
limits of (something abstract, Go beyond; Rise
Transcending Fail; Lose
typically a conceptual field or above; Cut across

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A big star in the country music scene, Paisley has cemented himself as a performer
capable of transcending genres and crowds.
Rapid increase in numbers. Gain; Increase; Raise Deduction; Subtraction
Britain has always been strongly opposed to nuclear proliferation.
Involving the agreement or
cooperation of two political Bipartite; Cross-party;
Bipartisan parties that usually oppose each Dual-party
other's policies.
There was a bipartisan agreement on the need for discussions.
A passage between rows of seats
in a building such as a church or -
Aisle Corridor; Gangway
theatre, an aeroplane, or a train.
By the end of the concert, the people in the theatre were dancing in the aisles.
Straight; Non-stop;
Not hindered or obstructed. Indirect; Incomplete
Unhindered Constant
He was able to pass unhindered through several military checkpoints.
Young; Teenage;
For or relating to young people. Adult
Juvenile Junior
He is an expert in juvenile delinquency.
Public support for or
Defence; Espousal;
recommendation of a particular Stop; Discouragement
Advocacy Approval
cause or policy.
She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights.
Recover; Awake;
Restore to life or consciousness. Destroy; Dishearten
Reviving Wake up
The Poles are busy reviving their great past.
Sufficient to cause death. Deadly; Fatal; Mortal Harmless; Healthy
The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans.

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