Vocab (June)

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you
Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

1. Repercussion: नतीजों: an unintended 14. emerging :उभरते: becoming

consequence of an event or action, apparent or prominent.
especially an unwelcome one.
15. on the back of : it happens after
2. Succumb: fail to resist pressure, that other thing and in addition to
temptation, or some other negative it.
16. out of the tunnel of : The end of a
3. Contingent: आकस्मिक: a group of people difficult situation or task, the
sharing a common feature, forming part solution to a difficult problem.
of a larger group.
17. Evoke: bring or recall (a feeling,
4. Ponder:विचार करना: think about memory, or image) to the
(something) carefully, especially conscious mind.
before making a decision or
reaching a conclusion. 18. Trajectory: the path followed by a
projectile flying or an object
5. rise up: to try to defeat and moving under the action of given
change a government. forces.

6. Bureaucracy: a system of 19. Reluctant: unwilling and hesitant;

government in which most of the disinclined.
important decisions are taken by
state officials rather than by 20. silver lining: an advantage that
elected representatives. comes from a difficult or
unpleasant situation
7. Rung: convey a specified
impression or quality. 21. flare up: a sudden outburst of
something, especially violence or
8. Hard-fought: won, achieved, or hostility.
contested with vigorous effort.
22. Detritus: loose material (such as
9. Trailblazer: a person who is the rock fragments or organic
first to do something; an particles) that results directly
innovator. from disintegration.

10. Skew: a bias towards one 23. reprieve : दण्डविराम: cancel or

particular group or subject. postpone the punishment of
(someone, especially someone
11. Backdrop: lie behind or beyond; condemned to death).
serve as a background to.
24. Juncture: समय: a particular point
12. Spur: give an incentive or in events or time.
encouragement to (someone).
25. Accrue: वद्
ृ धि होना: (of a benefit or sum of
13. Reckon: consider or regard in a money) be received by someone in
specified way. regular or increasing amounts over time.

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
26. pump-prime : the activity of helping a treatment.
business, programme, economy, etc. to
develop by giving it money 42. Appellate: (especially of a court)
concerned with or dealing with
27. Fork out: pay money for something, applications for decisions to be
especially reluctantly. reversed.

28. Eminent: प्रख्यात: (of a person) famous 43. Aggrieved: पीड़ित: feeling
and respected within a particular sphere. resentment at having been
unfairly treated.
29. Apex: सर्वोच्च: the top or highest part of
something, especially one forming a 44. have an axe to grind: to have a
point. selfish reason or strong opinion
that influences your actions
30. Parleys: a conference between opposing
sides in a dispute, especially a 45. Hue: a colour or shade.
discussion of terms for an armistice.
46. Disseminate: spread (something,
31. Remit: छोड़ना: cancel or refrain from especially information) widely.
exacting or inflicting (a debt or
punishment). 47. Unsettling: बेचन
ै : causing anxiety
or uneasiness; disturbing.
32. Tangential: incidental, peripheral;
48. Leverage: फ़ायदा उठाना: use
33. Rejig: बदलाव: organize (something) (something) to maximum
differently; rearrange. advantage.

34. Nuanced: सक्ष्

ू म: characterized by subtle 49. Naive: अनाड़ी: (of a person or
shades of meaning or expression. action) showing a lack of
experience, wisdom, or
35. The elephant in the room: a major judgement.
problem or controversial issue which is
obviously present but is avoided as a 50. Immunogenicity: relating to or
subject for discussion. producing an immune response.

36. Curtail: घटाना: reduce in extent or 51. Placebo: a substance with no chemical
quantity; impose a restriction on. effects given to a patient instead of a
37. Hiatus: a pause or break in continuity in
a sequence or activity. 52. Heterologous: having a different
relation, relative position, or
38. Assort: छांटना: place in a group; classify. structure; not homologous.
39. Offing: likely to happen soon 53. Control arm: a research study
40. Barrel: drive or move in a way that is so conducted with human beings to
fast as to almost be out of control. see if a new medical device,
medication or other treatment is
41. Grievance: शिकायतें : a real or imagined effective and safe.
cause for complaint, especially unfair

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
54. Roll out: officially launch or remembered.
introduce a new product or
service. 67. Stellar: featuring or having the
quality of a star performer or
55. wreak havoc: to cause great performers.
68. Abdicate: त्याग: fail to fulfil or
56. Nod: to move the head down and undertake (a responsibility or
then up again quickly, esp. to duty).
show agreement, approval, or
greeting. 69. Muster: collect or assemble (a number
or amount).
57. Comorbidities: the simultaneous
presence of two or more 70. Rousing: exciting; stirring.
diseases or medical conditions in
71. Derail: obstruct (a process) by diverting
a patient.
it from its intended course.
58. Pace:गति: move or develop
72. Supersede: take the place of (a person
(something) at a particular rate or
or thing previously in authority or use).
73. Rejoice: आनन्द करे : feel or show great joy
59. Steady:नियमित: firmly fixed,
or delight.
supported, or balanced; not
shaking or moving. 74. Autonomy: स्वायत्तता: the right or
condition of self-government.
60. Lend: accommodate or adapt
oneself to. 75. Deliberate: सोचा-समझा: done consciously
and intentionally.
61. Immortal:अमर: living forever;
never dying or decaying. 76. Delegate: प्रतिनिधि: give part of your work
to someone else; choose someone to
62. Pessimistic: निराशावादी: tending to
represent you.
see the worst aspect of things or
believe that the worst will 77. Substantive:मल ू : having a firm basis in
happen. reality and so important, meaningful, or
63. Limp out: to walk with an uneven
step, esp. with a weak or injured 78. Pertaining: संबधि
ं त: be appropriate,
leg related, or applicable to.

64. Ravage: नाश: cause severe and 79. sacrosanct : पण्

ु यमय: (especially of a
extensive damage to. principle, place, or routine) regarded as
too important or valuable to be
65. Euphoria: उत्साह: a feeling or interfered with.
state of intense excitement and
happiness. 80. Treatise:निबंध: a written work dealing
formally and systematically with a
66. Epitaph: something by which a subject.
person, time, or event will be

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
81. Curtail: घटाना: reduce in extent or 95. Slew: turn or slide violently or
quantity; impose a restriction on. uncontrollably.

82. Persuasive: प्रेरक: good at persuading 96. Implication: the conclusion that can be
someone to do or believe something drawn from something although it is not
through reasoning or the use of explicitly stated.
97. Scale up: increase something in size,
83. Unanimously: सर्वसम्मति से: without number or extent, especially by a
opposition; with the agreement of all constant proportion across the board.
people involved.
98. Catch up: succeed in reaching a person
who is ahead of one.
84. Catapult: hurl or launch (something)
with 99. Buffeted: (of difficulties) afflict
(someone) over a long period.
85. Stringent: (of regulations, requirements,
or conditions) strict, precise, and 100. Assuage: शांत करना: make (an
exacting. unpleasant feeling) less intense.

86. Indigenous: originating or occurring 101. Prophet: a person who

naturally in a particular place; native. speaks for God or a deity, or by
divine inspiration.
87. Confer: have discussions; exchange
102. Envoy: दत ू : a messenger or
representative, especially one on
88. Rein in: नियंत्रण: to limit or control a diplomatic mission.
(someone or something)
103. Coalition: a temporary
89. Galloping: (of a process or event) alliance for combined action,
progressing in a rapid and seemingly especially of political parties
uncontrollable manner. forming a government.

90. Anchor: to fix or fasten 104. Adjudicate: निर्णय करना: make

a formal judgement on a disputed
91. Herculean: अत्यंत कठिन: requiring matter.
great strength or effort.
105. Consensus:आम सहमति: a general
92. Spur: प्रेरणा: give an incentive or agreement.
encouragement to (someone).
106. Portray: describe (someone
93. Augur: (of an event or or something) in a particular way.
circumstance) portend a good or
bad outcome. 107. Strictures: बाध्यताओं: a
restriction on a person or
94. stagflation : persistent high activity.
inflation combined with high
unemployment and stagnant 108. Intertwine: connect or link
demand in a country's economy. (two or more things) closely.

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
109. Coup: a sudden, violent, and trouble or violence.
illegal seizure of power from a
government. 122. Toothless: lacking genuine
force or effectiveness.
110. Precedence:पर्वू ता: the
condition of being considered 123. Cling on: to try very hard to
more important than someone or keep something
something else; priority in 124. Deploy: bring into effective
importance, order, or rank. action.
111. Abolition:समाप्ति: the action of 125. Defacement: the action or
abolishing a system, practice, or process of spoiling the surface
institution. or appearance of something.
112. Beleaguered:परे शान: in a very 126. Far-right: the extreme right
difficult situation. wing of a political party or group.
113. Dawn: सब
ु ह होना: (of a day) 127. Vicious:दष्ु ट: deliberately cruel
begin. or violent.
114. Unleash: cause (a strong or 128. Denigrate: criticize unfairly;
violent force) to be released or disparage.
become unrestrained.
129. Insurrection: विद्रोह: a violent
115. Reiteration:पन ु रावत्ति
ृ : the uprising against an authority or
action of repeating something, government.
typically for emphasis or clarity.
130. Impeachment: अभियोग: the
116. bring back : reintroduce action of calling into question the
something. integrity or validity of something.
117. Get on: perform or make 131. Debarring: exclude or prohibit
progress in a specified way. (someone) officially from doing
118. a long way to go: need to do something.
more before being successful. 132. Run off: a further competition,
119. Perceived:महसस ू किया: election, race, etc., after a tie or
become aware or conscious of inconclusive result.
(something); come to realize or 133. Resilience: the capacity to recover
understand. quickly from difficulties; toughness.
120. Ally: a state formally 134. Eye-opening:(of an event or
cooperating with another for a situation) unexpectedly
military or other purpose. enlightening.
121. Mob: भीड़: a large crowd of
135. Ally: a state formally
people, especially one that is
cooperating with another for a
disorderly and intent on causing

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
military or other purpose. invading a country or region with an
armed force.
136. Deploy: bring into effective
action. 150. Stratospheric: extremely high

137. Coercive: बलपर्व ू क: relating to 151. Prominence: शोहरत: the state

or using force or threats. of being important, famous, or
138. Refrain: रोकना: stop oneself
from doing something. 152. Prevailed: prove more
powerful or superior.
139. Alleged: कथित तौर पर: said,
without proof, to have taken 153. Shell out: pay a specified
place or to have a specified amount of money, especially an
illegal or undesirable quality. amount that is resented as being
140. Cling on: to try very hard to
keep something. 154. Flush with cash: having a lot
of money, usually for a short
141. Rivalry: विरोध: competition for time.
the same objective or for
superiority in the same field. 155. Hat-tip: used to show
gratitude to someone for
142. Fortify: मज़बतू : provide (a information.
place) with defensive works as
protection against attack. 156. Big bucks: a large sum of
143. Resilience: the capacity to recover
quickly from difficulties; toughness. 157. Rumblings: an early
indication or rumour of
144. Vicious:दष्ु ट: deliberately cruel dissatisfaction or incipient
or violent. change.

145. Restrain: नियंत्रित करना: 158. Have no bearing on: to be

prevent (someone or something) relevant​/​not relevant to
from doing something; keep something, or to have an
under control or within limits. influence​/​no influence on it.

146. Stagnant: आलसी: showing no 159. die down: to gradually

activity; dull and sluggish. become less strong

147. Exacerbate: ख़राब करना: make (a 160. Underpinnings: a set of ideas,

problem, bad situation, or negative motives, or devices which justify
feeling) worse. or form the basis for something.

148. Unified: एकीकृत: make or become 161. Grappling: engage in a close

united, uniform, or whole. fight or struggle without
weapons; wrestle.
149. Invasion: आक्रमण: an instance of

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
162. Elicit: प्रकाश में लाना/बता दे ना: evoke or 176. Speculative: काल्पनिक:
draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) engaged in, expressing, or based
from someone. on conjecture rather than
163. Slew: turn or slide violently or
uncontrollably. 177. Asset: संपत्ति: a useful or
valuable thing or person.
164. purview : क्षेत्र: the scope of the
influence or concerns of something. 178. Hedge: limit or qualify
(something) by conditions or
165. Nod: सिर हिलाकर सहमति दे ना: To lower exceptions.
and raise (the head) quickly in
agreement or acknowledgment. 179. Minuscule: छोटा: extremely
small; tiny.
166. Festering: (of a negative feeling or a
problem) becoming worse or more 180. Intrinsic: belonging naturally;
intense, especially through long-term essential.
neglect or indifference.
181. Tailwind: a certain situation
167. Imperative:अनिवार्य: of vital or condition that may lead to
importance; crucial. higher profits, revenue, or
168. Reap: to obtain or receive
something as a result of your 182. Hostile: विरोधी: showing or
own actions feeling opposition or dislike;
169. Chunk: a thick, solid piece of
something. 183. Pitfalls: नक
ु सान: a hidden or
unsuspected danger or difficulty.
170. Concomitantly: समन्वित रूप से:
at the same time; simultaneously. 184. put to rest: to make someone
stop thinking about or believing
171. ameliorative :उन्नति करनेवाला: (something) by showing it is not
to make better or more tolerable. true.
172. Squander: waste (something, 185. Vigour: ताक़त: physical
especially money or time) in a strength and good health.
reckless and foolish manner.
186. Jitter: घबराहट: feelings of
173. Plunging: a sudden movement or fall extreme nervousness.
forward, down, or into something.
187. swathe : a broad strip or area
174. Fiat: a formal authorization or of something.
proposition; a decree.
188. Advent: आगमन: the arrival of
175. Tout: attempt to sell (something), a notable person or thing.
typically by a direct or persistent
189. Surge: a sudden and great

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
190. Premise: आधार: base an occurrence.
argument, theory, or undertaking
on. 202. Renaissance: नवजागरण: a
new growth of activity or interest
191. Persistent: दृढ़: continuing in something, especially art,
firmly or obstinately in an literature, or music
opinion or course of action in
spite of difficulty or opposition. 203. Endorse: समर्थन :declare
one's public approval or support
192. Dampening: make less strong of.
or intense.
204. Ally: सहयोगी दलों: a state
193. Battling: struggle tenaciously formally cooperating with
to achieve or resist something. another for a military or other
205. Resentment: क्रोध: bitter
194. Dry up: stop being wet; stop
indignation at having been
being available
treated unfairly.
195. dwells on: to think or talk
206. Forged: जाली: copied
about (something) for a long
fraudulently; fake.
207. Mushrooming: rapidly
growing, expanding, or
196. On the face of it: without developing.
knowing all of the relevant facts;
208. read the tea leaves: Predict
197. over the horizon: Something
the future from small signs
that is going to happen in the
near future. 209. in quest of: seeking or
hunting something; trying to find
198. La Niña: "a cold event."
199. déjà vu: a feeling of having
210. status quo: the existing state
already experienced the present
of affairs, especially regarding
social or political issues.
200. Unbowed : not having 211. Addenda: something added;
submitted to pressure or an addition
201. Resurgence: पन ु रुत्थान: an
increase or revival after a period 212. kick in: come into effect or operation.
of little activity, popularity, or
213. spiral up: to increase rapidly.

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
214. put in: interrupt in a conversation or 228. no cause for alarm: no
discussion. reason to be worried or afraid.

215. clean up: restore order or morality to 229. at the forefront: in a leading position
230. Paradigm: a typical example
216. Concomitant: सहगामी: naturally or pattern of something; a
accompanying or associated. pattern or model.

217. Surge: a sudden and great 231. Sweeping: व्यापक: wide in

increase range or effect.

218. Endow: संपन्न: provide with a 232. Guerrilla: a member of a small

quality, ability, or asset. independent group taking part in
irregular fighting, typically
219. Indeed: used to emphasize a against larger regular forces.
statement or response confirming
something already suggested. 233. Overhauling: completely
renovate, making major changes
220. Holistic: वास्तव में : dealing with or in order to repair.
treating the whole of something or
someone and not just a part. 234. Psyche: आत्मा: the human
soul, mind, or spirit.
221. Prominence: शोहरत: the state of
being important, famous, or noticeable. 235. Inimical: विरोधी: tending to
obstruct or harm.
236. Bloc: a group of countries or
222. Laid down: to give up : surrender political parties with common
223. Strike down : abolish a law or interests who have formed an
regulation. alliance.

224. rope in: persuade someone to take 237. Brace: prepare (oneself) for
part in an activity despite their something difficult or
reluctance. unpleasant.

238. Pulverize: defeat utterly.


225. Ad hoc: "for this specific purpose." 239. Far and wide: over a large
226. De facto: in fact, whether by right or
not. 240. in line with: in alignment or
accordance with.
241. In the face of: when
227. in the way : forming an obstacle or confronted with.
hindrance to movement or action.
242. go all out: to do something

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

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with as much effort as possible estimate

243. In phase: being or happening 255. Persuasive: good at

in synchrony or harmony. persuading someone to do or
believe something through
244. to grow out: to develop or reasoning or the use of
come from (a source) temptation:
245. strike a chord: cause 256. ballot : (of an organization)
someone to feel sympathy, ask (members) to vote secretly
emotion, or enthusiasm. on an issue.


246. Ex post facto: having 257. On the wrong side of: become
retrospective effect or force. displeasing to one; to do
something that provokes one's
anger, contempt, or dismissal.

247. Lay down: put something


248. Juncture: a particular point in 258. Stack up: form a large

events or time. quantity.

249. Peril: serious and immediate 259. roll back: To accumulate;

danger. amass

250. Overtune: an approach or 260. Anachronistic: कालक्रमी:

proposal made to someone with belonging to a period other than
the aim of opening negotiations that being portrayed:
or establishing a relationship
261. Reticent: कम बोलने वाला:not
251. Imminent: about to happen. revealing one's thoughts or
feelings readily:
252. Filibuster: an action such as a
prolonged speech that obstructs 262. Ambush: घात: a surprise
progress in a legislative attack by people lying in wait in a
assembly while not technically concealed position.
contravening the required
263. Knack: an acquired or natural
skill at doing something:
253. Vow: solemnly promise to do
264. Replenish: fill (something) up
a specified thing.
254. Gauge: To evaluate or
265. Splendour: शान: magnificent

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
and splendid appearance; 278. Circumvent: find a way
grandeur: around (an obstacle)

266. Improbable: असम्भाव्य: not 279. Incurred: become subject to

likely to be true or to happen. (something unwelcome or
unpleasant) as a result of one's
267. Lush: produced or growing own behavior or actions
in extreme abundance
280. Countenance: चेहरा: a
268. Skiddy: tending to skid or person's face or facial
cause skidding expression
269. Reigning: राज: occupying the 281. Menace: धमकी: a person or
throne; ruling. thing that is likely to cause harm;
IDIOMS & PHRASES a threat or danger.

270. at one’s best: In one's prime, 282. Furtherance: सहायता: the

most positive, or most adept advancement of a plan or
condition or state. interest.

271. nothing short of: used to give 283. Nugatory: निरर्थक: of no value
emphasis to a description or importance.


272. sink in: (of words or facts) be 284. Vis-à-vis: in relation to; with
fully understood or realized: regard to.

273. brought down: to make

someone lose power or be PHRASAL VERB
defeated ; reduce rate, level, or
amount of something; 285. giving up : to quit; to
surrender; to sacrifice
FOREIGN WORD something.
274. Ab initio: From the beginning 286. throws up: to raise quickly.
275. Manoeuvres: a movement or IDIOMS & PHRASES
series of moves requiring skill
and care 287. Fall short of something: To
fail to meet or reach something,
276. Dissident: a person who usually a goal, standard, or
opposes official policy, requirement.
especially that of an authoritarian
state 288. on a par: equal to someone
or something.
277. Ploy: चाल: a cunning plan or
action designed to turn a 289. Holier -than-thou: Exhibiting
situation to one's own advantage an attitude of superior virtue;

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English with Nimisha Bansal //t.me/NimishaMam

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
self-righteously pious. 303. keep the pot boiling: To ensure that
something remains active or engaging.
290. of necessity: unavoidably.
304. in the dock: To be on trial in court
291. Din: a loud, unpleasant, and
prolonged noise 305. in the realm of: A community or
territory over which a sovereign rules; a
292. Unabated: अटूट: without any kingdom.
reduction in intensity or strength
306. dial down: To lessen something,
293. Convolute: (especially of an especially in intensity or frequency.
argument, story, or sentence) extremely
complex and difficult to follow. 307. On the qui vive: on the alert or
294. Statute: संविधि: a written law passed
by a legislative body:

295. Dissent: the expression or holding of FOREIGN WORD

opinions at variance with those
previously, commonly, or officially held 308. Bona fide: Made or carried out in
good faith; sincere
296. Rivalries: competition for the same
objective or for superiority in the same 309. Disparate: essentially
field different in kind; not able to be
297. Presumably: संभाव्यतः used to convey
that what is asserted is very likely 310. Albeit: though.
though not known for certain 311. deride : express contempt for;
298. Absurd: बेतक ु ा: wildly unreasonable, ridicule.
illogical, or inappropriate 312. Premise: आधार: base an
argument, theory, or undertaking
313. Laudable: प्रशंसनीय: (of an
299. Climb up: To make a gradual ascent action, idea, or aim) deserving
or increase. praise and commendation.

300. conjure up: to cause something to 314. Sovereignty: संप्रभत

ु ा: supreme
appear power or authority.

315. Condemning: निंदा : express

complete disapproval of;
301. on cue: at the correct moment. 316. Tangible: वास्तविक: perceptible
302. on the heels of : following closely by touch.

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

317. Brick by brick: a little bit at a


318. in spite of: without being affected by

the particular factor mentioned.


319. settle up: to pay all of an amount you


320. rein in : to limit or control (someone

or something)


321. a fortiori: more conclusively (literally

‘from a stronger

322. Alfresco: in the open air (literally ‘in

the fresh.

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Follow us on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRI8GekLC4QPbbJfcuxwlQ

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Follow us on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRI8GekLC4QPbbJfcuxwlQ

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