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English in Progress

 Warm-up:
a. Are you always in a rush? Is your life always hectic?
b. Do you usually look beat after a hard day of work?
c. Is it tough to deal with life hard times nowadays?

Check out this dialogue:

 dialogue:

Bella: Hey, you. Long time no see! 

‍Monica: That’s true. Life’s ________ crazy lately…

‍Bella: Seriously? What’s going on with you?

‍Monica: Well, I _________ a new job, I took some classes at the university, I adopted
another dog, and I _________to another apartment last week. 

‍Bella: Girl, how’re you handling __________? 

‍Monica: You know… It's a ____________ row to hoe!

‍Bella: Aren’t you biting off _________ you can chew? Sorry, but you do look beat!

In context.
She took another job downtown. You’ve gotta handle this problem by yourself.
She´s taken that job seriously Handling this dilemma is not an easy task
We’ve adopted another child. Are you sure you can handle it on your won?
Did you adopt a distinct measure? She was bit by a rabid dog.
She’s moved out of her apartment. The baby is biting a rubber toy.
When are you moving in your new flat? She´s been sick for days.
Move over your car, sir! Move your books away, so I can clean up the table.

In the meaning:
A: She´s got three jobs now, I think she´s biting more than she can chew.
B: Yea?? seriously?? Handling 3 jobs is a tough row to hoe.
English in Progress
 Verbal forms:

to take, took, taken- pegar , levar, tomar to be, was, were, been- ser, estar
to adopt, adopted- adotar to look, looked- parecer
to move, moved- mudar-se, mover
to handle, handled- lidar com, manusear

 Key-words:

lately- ultimamente downtown- centro task- tarefa

seriously- sério(a) distinct- distinto rabid- raivoso(dog)
row- fila, fileira measure- medida rubber- borracha
hoe -inchado flat- apartamento crazy- louco
chew- mastigar dilemma- dilema adoption- adoção
beat- exausto, batida bite- mordida, picada move- mudança, movimento, jogada

 Useful expressions:

Long time no see! – Quanto tempo!

Wow, I can’t believe it! – Uau, nao dá pra acreditar.

What’s going on?- O que tá acontecendo?

It's a tough row to hoe! – E´um osso duro de roer

She’s biting off more than one can chew. - Ela tá dando passo maior que a perna!

 Structure: (have/ has been – tem sido, foi…)

The house has been painted. They have been removed.

The car has been fixed. We have been promoted.

The child hasn’t been adopted. She’s been robbed

That dog hasn’t been vaccinated. We’ve been betrayed.

Have you been promoted recently? Why has it been handled like that?
Has the trash been taken out? Why has the printer been used so much?

Progress attitude: “If there’s no struggle, there’s no progress”

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