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English in Progress - Output Lesson - 16

 Step1: Speak Right!!

If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t have bought that expensive pair of shoes. They’ve cost an
arm and a leg.

If I were in your shoes, I would have bought that expensive pair of shoes. They’ve are trendy
and the best on the market.

a.  Burn the midnight oil for the upcoming test for sure, … grades… be horrible.

b. bring some food at least, now, someone… give you one of our sandwiches.

c. think of renovating the bathrooms this year…relatives…not come over for the holidays.

d. Try harder to improve your knowledge at that subject. Now you’re running outta time.

 Step2: Fluency in pairs.


A: If you don’t mind, can I give you a piece of advice?

B: You surely can. Go ahead!

1. Honey, can I tell you about our house renovation?

2. Jack, can I nap for a while on the couch?

3. Mr. White, could I keep downloading these files on this computer?

4. Sue, can I try your sneakers on?


A: I’m afraid I won’t be able to improve the quality of our meals.

B: Lemme know when you can improve the quality of our meals.

A: I’ll let you know as soon I can improve the quality of our meals.

1. Come over for X-mas this year.

2. Take care of your pet while you’re out of town.

3. Point out his mistakes over his speech.

4. Check out the bank balance this month.

5. Keep trying to learn how to do that job.

Step3: questions!!

a. What will you be giving your mom as a birthday gift on her next birthday?

b. What part of your house would you have renovated, if you had enough resources for it?

c. Are you going to keep trying to learn French? Or was is it just a fad?

d. Who’s a godsend to you and has taught you a lot?

e. Who was the first woman to hold the office as Prime Minister, in the British parliament?

f. When was the last time you felt exhausted? What had you done?

g. Is your house packed with decorative art of any sort? If so, What sort of items?

h. Do you curse if something unpleasant happens to you?

 Step4: complete.

a. It sounds like …

b. I guess they are coming over…

c. I’d like to point out some…

d. I need you to take care of my …while…

e. What I consider to be a true godsend is …’cause...

f. I must keep trying…

g. I won’t …if …

 Step5: dialogue.

 Audio:

Fred: Hey, I see you and Mike are finally getting along.

Jenny: Oh, yeah. It took some time, but I realized he's such a nice guy. 
Fred: I agree, he's great.
Jenny: And we just found out we're neighbors, so we've been carpooling to work.
Fred: That's awesome and it's also good for the environment.
Jenny: Totally. And we're saving some cash too.
Fred: Hey, I only live three blocks away from you. We could all carpool together.
Jenny: What a perfect idea!


 Getting along – to have a friendly, peaceful relationship

 Realized- noticed, perceived

 Found out – discovered

 Carpooling- to share a ride, car with other passengers to get to a destination

 Environment- the place that surrounds people

Flowing through! Questions. (Listen and answer)

 Step6: fun.

Funny facts from Margareth Thatcher

In order to build up the security for her she was offered 20 female experts in karate but she said
she would only accept if the female leaders were given 20 male experts in the karate too.

“In Politics, if you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a
woman”- said Thatcher, Margareth.

(The Iron Lady)

 Progress attitude:

"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to
pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction."

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