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Build order created by Jupe from AOEBuilds. For more build orders, visit .

video classes demonstrating the build orders, visit
Dificulty: Intermediate
Civ: Vikings
Map: Four Lakes, Two pools etc. any safe fishboom map
FC longboats with Vikings
Keeping track on the population late dark age might be tough because of the fishing ships
I recommend doing -1 on the population and looking at villager count (pop includes scout)

Pop inc. scout Additional notes

6 sheep 4-7 We are going to feudal 27 villagers
4 wood 7-11
1 boar 11
1 house+ dock 12 Another house after dock, then shore fishing
4 wood 13-17 Remember to keep an eye on 2nd Boar timing
5 boar/sheep 17-22 Build fishing ships at all times
3 wood 23-26 New lumbercamp at this point suggested to -1
on pop and look at villager count instead
After your 2 boars have been eaten send 6 villagers from boar to berries
2 gold 26-28 27 villagers click up. around 8 fishing ships
Click Feudal age
Send 2 more on gold (4 in total)
Now keep the rest of the villagers eating sheep untill they

If you need to do this build in a map where you are almost certain you will lose your fishing ships fast what
you want to do is make 3-4 fishing ships, and then at around 19-20 villagers start farming and get 4-6 farms.
You can also mill the deer then or push them.
If you are doing this on a map where you 100% know your fish might be safe, you can get 2nd dock instead
of mill and send those villagers to wood. Then you would make up to 13-15 fishing ships producing from 2
docks. You would then make mill with just 1-3 villagers after feudal age click as you need it to build your
castle age buildings.

2 on gold
Build market (2 villagers) and blacksmith (1 villager)

Build 2 extra docks (3 total) before reaching Castle age

After castle 2 options

1. University+ballistic

2. 2nd tc on wood, later university and ballistic

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